Results for 'Benoît Mille'

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  1. L'art du métal au royaume de Bénin: à propos de trois oeuvres récemment acquises.Benoît Mille, Elisabeth Ravaud & Hélène Joubert - 2000 - Techne: La Science au Service de l'Histoire de l'Art Et des Civilisations 11:88-97.
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  2. Le bronze doré: structure et altérations de quelques dorures à l'amalgame de mercure.Marc Aucouturier, Benoît Mille & Odile Leconte - 2002 - Techne: La Science au Service de l'Histoire de l'Art Et des Civilisations 16:11-19.
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  3. John Stuart Mill et la question de la cruauté de la peine de mort.Benoît Basse - 2013 - Revue d'Études Benthamiennes.
    It is clear enough that utilitarianism contributed to the softening of many penal systems in the world by arguing that very cruel punishments should be excluded every time a less cruel one would be just as effective. But does utilitarianism as such oppose the death penalty ? It is well known that Beccaria and Bentham criticized capital punishment on utilitarian grounds. But the fact that John Stuart Mill held a speech in favour of the death penalty at the House of (...)
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    The Subjection of Women : la révolution épistémologique de Mill.Audrey Benoit - 2020 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 145 (3):353-368.
    Dans The Subjection of Women (1869), Mill fait bien plus que prôner l’égalité civique des hommes et des femmes : il entreprend une véritable révolution épistémologique pour déconstruire les représentations naturalisantes du caractère féminin. S’il compare d’abord la condition des femmes à celle des esclaves, c’est pour ensuite l’en distinguer, car la persistance de l’inégalité des sexes est en contradiction avec les principes juridiques des sociétés modernes. Il est donc attentif à la situation singulière du problème de l’assujettissement des femmes (...)
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    John Stuart Mill, Pour le droit de vote des femmes : Discours de John Stuart Mill, trad. et intro. Benoît Basse.Anne Brunon-Ernst - 2019 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 15.
    John Stuart Mill est passé à la postérité pour deux de ses écrits emblématiques : De la liberté et De l’assujettissement des femmes. Moins connus sont ses discours au Parlement britannique et devant des associations féministes, mais non moins importants. En effet, on oublie bien souvent que JS Mill était non seulement un fonctionnaire de l’administration coloniale, mais aussi un philosophe, un homme politique et un militant. Les textes présentés par Benoît Basse permettent de mettre en lumièr...
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  6. Digesting in the long eighteenth century.Ian Mille - 2018 - In Rebecca Anne Barr, Sylvie Kleiman-Lafon & Sophie Vasset, Bellies, bowels and entrails in the eighteenth century. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
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    The perfect mirror is invisible.Richard Mille - 1976 - Zygon 11 (1):25-33.
  8. Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust: Fear of reprisals and generic diplomacy.Kilian Mcdonnell - 2002 - Gregorianum 83 (2):313-334.
    Deux assomptions ont été faites au sujet du refus du Pape Pie XII à aller au-delà de condamnations génériques de l'Holocauste Nazi. 1. La politique était dictée par peur de représailles contre les Catholiques et les Juifs. 2. La peur de représailles contre les Juifs était essentiellement une excuse pour ne rien faire ou rester au niveau de condamnations génériques. Mais les organisations juives elles-mêmes ont souvent cité la peur de représailles contre les Juifs comme la raison d'une restrainte dans (...)
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    Das Wort der Kirchen zu internationalen Fragen.Jan Mille Lochman - 1968 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 12 (1):1-8.
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    Patients’ and public views and attitudes towards the sharing of health data for research: a narrative review of the empirical evidence.Shona Kalkman, Johannes van Delden, Amitava Banerjee, Benoît Tyl, Menno Mostert & Ghislaine van Thiel - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (1):3-13.
    IntroductionInternational sharing of health data opens the door to the study of the so-called ‘Big Data’, which holds great promise for improving patient-centred care. Failure of recent data sharing initiatives indicates an urgent need to invest in societal trust in researchers and institutions. Key to an informed understanding of such a ‘social license’ is identifying the views patients and the public may hold with regard to data sharing for health research.MethodsWe performed a narrative review of the empirical evidence addressing patients’ (...)
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    Differing Perceptions Concerning Research Integrity Between Universities and Industry: A Qualitative Study.Simon Godecharle, Benoit Nemery & Kris Dierickx - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (5):1421-1436.
    Despite the ever increasing collaboration between industry and universities, the previous empirical studies on research integrity and misconduct excluded participants of biomedical industry. Hence, there is a lack of empirical data on how research managers and biomedical researchers active in industry perceive the issues of research integrity and misconduct, and whether or not their perspectives differ from those of researchers and research managers active in universities. If various standards concerning research integrity and misconduct are upheld between industry and universities, this (...)
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  12. The paradox of tragedy, or why (almost) all emotions can be enjoyed.Mathilde Cappelli & Benoit Gaultier - forthcoming - American Philosophical Quarterly.
    We regularly intentionally expose ourselves to fictions we take to be likely to elicit in us emotions we generally find unpleasant when prompted by actual states of affairs. This is the so-called “paradox of tragedy”. We contribute to solving the paradox of tragedy by denying that, when fiction-directed, most of these emotions are in themselves unpleasant. We first provide strong evidence that these emotions, such as fear, sadness, or pity, are often enjoyed when fiction-directed. We then advance an explanation of (...)
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  13. Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there.Ioan Fazey, Niko Schäpke, Guido Caniglia, Anthony Hodgson, Ian Kendrick, Christopher Lyon, Glenn Page, James Patterson, Chris Riedy, Tim Strasser, Stephan Verveen, David Adams, Bruce Goldstein, Matthias Klaes, Graham Leicester, Alison Linyard, Adrienne McCurdy, Paul Ryan, Bill Sharpe, Giorgia Silvestri, Ali Yansyah Abdurrahim, David Abson, Olufemi Samson Adetunji, Paulina Aldunce, Carlos Alvarez-Pereira, Jennifer Marie Amparo, Helene Amundsen, Lakin Anderson, Lotta Andersson, Michael Asquith, Karoline Augenstein, Jack Barrie, David Bent, Julia Bentz, Arvid Bergsten, Carol Berzonsky, Olivia Bina, Kirsty Blackstock, Joanna Boehnert, Hilary Bradbury, Christine Brand, Jessica Böhme, Marianne Mille Bøjer, Esther Carmen, Lakshmi Charli-Joseph, Sarah Choudhury, Supot Chunhachoti-Ananta, Jessica Cockburn, John Colvin, Irena L. C. Connon & Rosalind Cornforth - 2020 - Energy Research and Social Science 70.
    Formalised knowledge systems, including universities and research institutes, are important for contemporary societies. They are, however, also arguably failing humanity when their impact is measured against the level of progress being made in stimulating the societal changes needed to address challenges like climate change. In this research we used a novel futures-oriented and participatory approach that asked what future envisioned knowledge systems might need to look like and how we might get there. Findings suggest that envisioned future systems will need (...)
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    Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there.Ioan Fazey, Niko Schäpke, Guido Caniglia, Anthony Hodgson, Ian Kendrick, Christopher Lyon, Glenn Page, James Patterson, Chris Riedy, Tim Strasser, Stephan Verveen, David Adams, Bruce Goldstein, Matthias Klaes, Graham Leicester, Alison Linyard, Adrienne McCurdy, Paul Ryan, Bill Sharpe, Giorgia Silvestri, Ali Yansyah Abdurrahim, David Abson, Olufemi Samson Adetunji, Paulina Aldunce, Carlos Alvarez-Pereira, Jennifer Marie Amparo, Helene Amundsen, Lakin Anderson, Lotta Andersson, Michael Asquith, Karoline Augenstein, Jack Barrie, David Bent, Julia Bentz, Arvid Bergsten, Carol Berzonsky, Olivia Bina, Kirsty Blackstock, Joanna Boehnert, Hilary Bradbury, Christine Brand, Jessica Böhme Sangmeister), Marianne Mille Bøjer, Esther Carmen, Lakshmi Charli-Joseph, Sarah Choudhury, Supot Chunhachoti-Ananta, Jessica Cockburn, John Colvin, Irena L. C. Connon, Rosalind Cornforth, Robin S. Cox, Nicholas Cradock-Henry, Laura Cramer, Almendra Cremaschi, Halvor Dannevig, Catherine T. Day & Cathel Hutchison - unknown
    Formalised knowledge systems, including universities and research institutes, are important for contemporary societies. They are, however, also arguably failing humanity when their impact is measured against the level of progress being made in stimulating the societal changes needed to address challenges like climate change. In this research we used a novel futures-oriented and participatory approach that asked what future envisioned knowledge systems might need to look like and how we might get there. Findings suggest that envisioned future systems will need (...)
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    Hardening mechanisms in olivine single crystal deformed at 1090 °C: an electron tomography study.Alexandre Mussi, Patrick Cordier, Sylvie Demouchy & Benoit Hue - 2017 - Philosophical Magazine 97 (33):3172-3185.
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    Musicians Show Better Auditory and Tactile Identification of Emotions in Music.Andréanne Sharp, Marie-Soleil Houde, Benoit-Antoine Bacon & François Champoux - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Reframing cancer: challenging the discourse on cancer and cancer drugs—a Norwegian perspective: Reframing Cancer.Roger Strand, Caroline Engen & Mille Sofie Stenmarck - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundAs the range of therapeutic options in the field of oncology increases, so too does the strain on health care budgets. The imbalance between what is medically possible and financially feasible is frequently rendered as an issue of tragic choices, giving rise to public controversies around health care rationing.Main bodyWe analyse the Norwegian media discourse on expensive cancer drugs and identify four underlying premises: (1) Cancer drugs are de facto expensive, and one does not and should not question why. (2) (...)
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    Pour penser la condition de moi: Maine de Biran.Nathalie Frogneux & Benoît Thirion - 2005 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 103 (1):1-5.
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  19. Actes du colloque Influences étrangères.Luca Gili, Benoît Castelnérac & Laetitia Monteils-Laeng (eds.) - 2024
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    Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Eric Crégheur, Jeffery Aubin, Alice Fanguet, Gavin McDowell, Louis Painchaud, Paul-Hubert Poirier, Simon St-Arnault-Chiasson, Philippe Therrien, Benoît Tissot & Yann Vadnais - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (1):117-184.
    Eric Crégheur, Jeffery Aubin, Alice Fanguet, Gavin McDowell, Louis Painchaud, Paul-Hubert Poirier, Simon St-Arnault-Chiasson, Philippe Therrien, Benoît Tissot et Yann Vadnais.
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  21. Is Non-genetic Inheritance Just a Proximate Mechanism? A Corroboration of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis.Alex Mesoudi, Simon Blanchet, Anne Charmantier, Étienne Danchin, Laurel Fogarty, Eva Jablonka, Kevin N. Laland, Thomas J. H. Morgan, Gerd B. Müller, F. John Odling-Smee & Benoît Pujol - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (3):189-195.
    What role does non-genetic inheritance play in evolution? In recent work we have independently and collectively argued that the existence and scope of non-genetic inheritance systems, including epigenetic inheritance, niche construction/ecological inheritance, and cultural inheritance—alongside certain other theory revisions—necessitates an extension to the neo-Darwinian Modern Synthesis (MS) in the form of an Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (EES). However, this argument has been challenged on the grounds that non-genetic inheritance systems are exclusively proximate mechanisms that serve the ultimate function of calibrating organisms (...)
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  22. On Modal Logics of Group Belief.Emiliano Lorini, Dominique Longin, Andreas Herzig & Benoit Gaudou - 2015 - In Emiliano Lorini & Andreas Herzig, The Cognitive Foundations of Group Attitudes and Social Interaction. Cham: Springer.
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    Microsatellite Polymorphisms Adjacent to the Oxytocin Receptor Gene in Domestic Cats: Association with Personality?Minori Arahori, Hitomi Chijiiwa, Saho Takagi, Benoit Bucher, Hideaki Abe, Miho Inoue-Murayama & Kazuo Fujita - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Source unreliability decreases but does not cancel the impact of social information on metacognitive evaluations.Amélie Jacquot, Terry Eskenazi, Edith Sales-Wuillemin, Benoît Montalan, Joëlle Proust, Julie Grèzes & Laurence Conty - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Retrospective on “The organization of expert systems, a tutorial”.Mark Stefik, Jan S. Aikins, Robert Balzer, John Benoit, Lawrence Birnbaum, Frederick Hayes-Roth & Earl D. Sacerdoti - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 59 (1-2):221-224.
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    État et sciences sociales.Johan Heilbron, Frédéric Viguier, Martina Avanza, Benoît de L'Estoile, Tomke Lask, Michel Naepels & Marie Gaille-Nikodimov - 2000 - Revue de Synthèse 121 (3-4):479-503.
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    L’évolution des inégalités relationnelles après 60 ans.Renáta Hosnedlová, Michel Grossetti & Benoît Tudoux - 2018 - Temporalités 27.
    Les réseaux personnels sont des ensembles de relations interpersonnelles dans lesquelles les personnes sont engagées. Toutes les études sur ces réseaux montrent l’existence de variations dans leur taille et leur composition selon les indicateurs de hiérarchie sociale, le niveau d’études, la profession ou le revenu. Ces variations peuvent être interprétées comme des « inégalités relationnelles » dans la mesure où les relations sont des ressources essentielles pour de nombreux aspects de la vie sociale. Ces ressources jouent un rôle particulièrement important (...)
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    Dichotic summation of loudness with small frequency separations.Lawrence E. Marks, Daniel Algom & Jean-Pierre Benoit - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (1):62-64.
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    Inventing Luxembourg: Representations of the Past, Space and Language From the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century.Pit Péporté, Sonja Kmec, Benoît Majerus & Michel Margue - 2010 - Brill.
    The grand duchy of Luxembourg is a showcase example for the constructed nature of national identities. This book explores this construction process from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century, focusing on representations of the past, space and language.
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    Positive emotions foster spontaneous synchronisation in a group movement improvisation task.Andrii Smykovskyi, Marta M. N. Bieńkiewicz, Simon Pla, Stefan Janaqi & Benoît G. Bardy - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Emotions are a natural vector for acting together with others and are witnessed in human behaviour, perception and body functions. For this reason, studies of human-to-human interaction, such as multi-person motor synchronisation, are a perfect setting to disentangle the linkage of emotion with socio-motor interaction. And yet, the majority of joint action studies aiming at understanding the impact of emotions on multi-person performance resort to enacted emotions, the ones that are emulated based on the previous experience of such emotions, and (...)
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    The organization of expert systems, a tutorial.Mark Stefik, Jan Aikins, Robert Balzer, John Benoit, Lawrence Birnbaum, Frederick Hayes-Roth & Earl Sacerdoti - 1982 - Artificial Intelligence 18 (2):135-173.
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    BeatWalk: Personalized Music-Based Gait Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease.Valérie Cochen De Cock, Dobromir Dotov, Loic Damm, Sandy Lacombe, Petra Ihalainen, Marie Christine Picot, Florence Galtier, Cindy Lebrun, Aurélie Giordano, Valérie Driss, Christian Geny, Ainara Garzo, Erik Hernandez, Edith Van Dyck, Marc Leman, Rudi Villing, Benoit G. Bardy & Simone Dalla Bella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Taking regular walks when living with Parkinson’s disease has beneficial effects on movement and quality of life. Yet, patients usually show reduced physical activity compared to healthy older adults. Using auditory stimulation such as music can facilitate walking but patients vary significantly in their response. An individualized approach adapting musical tempo to patients’ gait cadence, and capitalizing on these individual differences, is likely to provide a rewarding experience, increasing motivation for walk-in PD. We aim to evaluate the observance, safety, tolerance, (...)
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    Continuous higher randomness.Laurent Bienvenu, Noam Greenberg & Benoit Monin - 2017 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 17 (1):1750004.
    We investigate the role of continuous reductions and continuous relativization in the context of higher randomness. We define a higher analogue of Turing reducibility and show that it interacts well with higher randomness, for example with respect to van Lambalgen’s theorem and the Miller–Yu/Levin theorem. We study lowness for continuous relativization of randomness, and show the equivalence of the higher analogues of the different characterizations of lowness for Martin-Löf randomness. We also characterize computing higher [Formula: see text]-trivial sets by higher (...)
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    Après la pluie, une éclaircie? L’enfant orphelin confronté à la recomposition familiale en littérature jeunesse.Marie-Claude Mietkiewicz, Lise Lemoine & Benoît Schneider - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2 (2):123-136.
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    Simulation-based learning influences real-life attitudes.Philipp C. Paulus, Aroma Dabas, Annalena Felber & Roland G. Benoit - 2022 - Cognition 227 (C):105202.
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  36. Legal requirements on explainability in machine learning.Adrien Bibal, Michael Lognoul, Alexandre de Streel & Benoît Frénay - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (2):149-169.
    Deep learning and other black-box models are becoming more and more popular today. Despite their high performance, they may not be accepted ethically or legally because of their lack of explainability. This paper presents the increasing number of legal requirements on machine learning model interpretability and explainability in the context of private and public decision making. It then explains how those legal requirements can be implemented into machine-learning models and concludes with a call for more inter-disciplinary research on explainability.
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    The stationary state of epithelia.Nicolas Rivier, Gudrun Schliecker & Benoît Dubertret - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (4):403-423.
    A tissue is a geometrical, space-filling, random cellular network; it remains in this steady state while individual cells divide. Cell division is a local, elementary topological transformation which establishes statistical equilibrium of the structure. We describe the physical conditions to maintain stationary the epidermis (of mammals or of the cucumber), in spite of the fact that cells constantly divide and die. Specifically, we study the statistical equilibrium of the basal layer, a corrugated surface filled with cells, constituting a two-dimensional topological (...)
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    Dual-Task Interference on Early and Late Stages of Facial Emotion Detection Is Revealed by Human Electrophysiology.Amélie Roberge, Justin Duncan, Daniel Fiset & Benoit Brisson - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Perceptions of ethical decision-making climate among clinicians working in European and US ICUs: differences between religious and non-religious healthcare professionals.Hanne Irene Jensen, Hans-Henrik Bülow, Lucas Dierickx, Stijn Vansteelandt, Rosanna Vaschetto, Gábor Élö, Ruth Piers & Dominique D. Benoit - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-8.
    Background Making appropriate end-of-life decisions in the intensive care unit (ICU) requires shared interprofessional decision-making. Thus, a decision-making climate that values the contributions of all team members, addresses diverse opinions and seeks consensus among team members is necessary. Little is known about religion’s influence on ethical decision-making climates. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the association between religious belief and ethical decision-making climates. Methods The study was a cross-sectional analytical observation study as a part of the prospective observational DISPROPRICUS study. (...)
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    Likability’s Effect on Interpersonal Motor Coordination: Exploring Natural Gaze Direction.Zhong Zhao, Robin N. Salesse, Ludovic Marin, Mathieu Gueugnon & Benoît G. Bardy - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Potamia-Agios Sozomenos (Chypre). La constitution des paysages dans l'Orient médiéval.Nolwenn Lécuyer, Ludovic Decock, Benoît Devillers, Véronique François, Gilles Grivaud, Demetrios Michaelides, Andréas Nicolaïdès, Jean-Michel Saulnier, Bernard Simon, Robert Thernot, Lucy Vallauri & Catherine Vanderheyde - 2001 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 125 (2):655-678.
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    Analyses et comptes rendus.Johan Heilbron, Giovanni Minozzi, Roselyne Dégremont, Patrick Cerutti, Stanislas Deprez, Jean-Marc Durand-Gasselin, Jacques Hospied, Jean-Pierre Richard, Vincent Houillon, Jean-Hugues Barthélémy, Henri Dilberman, Stéphane Finetti, Frédéric Cossutta, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod, Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron, Benoît Donnet, Sylvain Camilleri, Paul Slama, Jacques Bergues, Jean-François Aenishanslin, Éric Blondel, Georges Chapouthier, Michel Kail & Francis Guibal - 2024 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 149 (3):395-450.
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    Epigenesis and dynamic similarity in two regulatory networks in pseudomonas aeruginosa.Janine F. Guespin-Michel, Gilles Bernot, Jean Paul Comet, Annabelle Mérieau, Adrien Richard, Christian Hulen & Benoit Polack - 2004 - Acta Biotheoretica 52 (4):379-390.
    Mucoidy and cytotoxicity arise from two independent modifications of the phenotype of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa that contribute to the mortality and morbidity of cystic fibrosis. We show that, even though the transcriptional regulatory networks controlling both processes are quite different from a molecular or mechanistic point of view, they may be identical from a dynamic point of view: epigenesis may in both cases be the cause of the acquisition of these new phenotypes. This was highlighted by the identity of (...)
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    Two Processes in Early Bimanual Motor Skill Learning.Maral Yeganeh Doost, Jean-Jacques Orban de Xivry, Benoît Bihin & Yves Vandermeeren - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Delegation, subdivision, and modularity: How rich is conceptual structure?Damián Justo, Julien Dutant, Benoît Hardy-Vallée, David Nicolas & Benjamin Q. Sylvand - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):683-684.
    Contra Jackendoff, we argue that within the parallel architecture framework, the generality of language does not require a rich conceptual structure. To show this, we put forward a delegation model of specialization. We find Jackendoff's alternative, the subdivision model, insufficiently supported. In particular, the computational consequences of his representational notion of modularity need to be clarified.
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    Memory and consciousness: Trace distinctiveness in memory retrievals.Lionel Brunel, Ali Oker, Benoit Riou & Rémy Versace - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):926-937.
    The aim of this article was to provide experimental evidence that classical dissociation between levels of consciousness associated with memory retrieval can be explained in terms of task dependency and distinctiveness of traces. In our study phase, we manipulated the level of isolation of the memory trace by means of an isolation paradigm . We then tested these two types of isolation in a series of tasks of increasing complexity: a lexical decision task, a recognition task, and a free recall (...)
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    Recommendations for the Use of Serious Games in Neurodegenerative Disorders: 2016 Delphi Panel.Manera Valeria, Ben-Sadoun Grégory, Aalbers Teun, Agopyan Hovannes, Askenazy Florence, Benoit Michel, Bensamoun David, Bourgeois Jérémy, Bredin Jonathan, Bremond Francois, Crispim-Junior Carlos, David Renaud, De Schutter Bob, Ettore Eric, Fairchild Jennifer, Foulon Pierre, Gazzaley Adam, Gros Auriane, Hun Stéphanie, Knoefel Frank, Olde Rikkert Marcel, K. Phan Tran Minh, Politis Antonios, S. Rigaud Anne, Sacco Guillaume, Serret Sylvie, Thümmler Susanne, L. Welter Marie & Robert Philippe - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Sonido Ritual, Campo de Fuerza y Espacialidad Existencial: Una Estética no Musicológica de los Bailes Chinos.Gabriel Castillo Fadic, Patricio de la Cuadra, Benoít Fabre & François Blanc - 2010 - Aisthesis 48:157-175.
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    Potamia-Agios Sozomenos (Chypre). La constitution des paysages dans l'Orient médiéval.Nolwenn Lécuyer, Gilles Grivaud, Demetrios Michaelides, Andréas Nicolaïdès, Henri Amouric, Ludovic Decock, Benoît Devillers, Véronique François, Fryni Hadjichristofi, Marina Loiseau, Bernard Simon & Lucy Vallauri - 2002 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 126 (2):598-614.
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    Sexual Abuse Exposure Alters Early Processing of Emotional Words: Evidence from Event-Related Potentials.Laurent Grégoire, Serge Caparos, Carole-Anne Leblanc, Benoit Brisson & Isabelle Blanchette - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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