Results for 'Benedikt Rediker'

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  1.  22
    Die Fragilität religiöser Hoffnung: zur Transformation praktischer Theodizee im Anschluss an Immanuel Kant.Benedikt Rediker - 2021 - Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet.
    Das praktische Theodizeeproblem wird gegenwärtig vor allem in Auseinandersetzung mit einem moralischen Protest-Atheismus (u. a. bei Büchner, Camus, Dostojewski) diskutiert. Dagegen findet ein melancholischer Agnostizismus, also die Erfahrung, glauben zu wollen, aber dies angesichts des Leids in der Welt nicht (mehr) zu können, nur wenig Berücksichtigung. Die Arbeit versucht, diese nochmals radikalere Infragestellung religiöser Hoffnung durch eine detaillierte Analyse der Religionsphilosophie Kants für das Projekt einer praktischen Glaubensverantwortung aufzuarbeiten. Dabei zeigt sich, dass der Glaube trotz der Herausforderung des melancholischen Agnostizismus (...)
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    Understanding climate phenomena with data-driven models.Benedikt Knüsel & Christoph Baumberger - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 84 (C):46-56.
    In climate science, climate models are one of the main tools for understanding phenomena. Here, we develop a framework to assess the fitness of a climate model for providing understanding. The framework is based on three dimensions: representational accuracy, representational depth, and graspability. We show that this framework does justice to the intuition that classical process-based climate models give understanding of phenomena. While simple climate models are characterized by a larger graspability, state-of-the-art models have a higher representational accuracy and representational (...)
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  3. Methodological Triangulation in Empirical Philosophy.Benedikt Löwe & Bart Van Kerkhove - 2019 - In Andrew Aberdein & Matthew Inglis, Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 15-37.
  4.  33
    Pour un populisme du motley crew.Marcus Rediker & Yves Citton - 2015 - Multitudes 61 (4):77-81.
    Dans cet entretien, Marcus Rediker décrit comment certains combats d’hier (l’anti-esclavagisme) ou d’aujourd’hui (la lutte contre la peine de mort et les biais du système juridique contre les populations afro-américaines) sont parvenus à mobiliser des forces très hétérogènes autour de revendications unificatrices. Il souligne le besoin de pratiquer un certain travail d’agitation, parfois nourri par de sentiments de colère et dynamisé par des slogans qui ne simplifient la réalité que pour l’orienter vers sa nécessaire transformation.
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    Transformationen der kritischen Anthropologie: für Michael Benedikt zum 80. Geburtstag.Cornelius Zehetner, Michael Benedikt, Hermann Rauchenschwandtner & Birgit Zehetmayer (eds.) - 2010 - Wien: Löcker.
  6. Set-theoretic absoluteness and the revision theory of truth.Benedikt Löwe & Philip D. Welch - 2001 - Studia Logica 68 (1):21-41.
    We describe the solution of the Limit Rule Problem of Revision Theory and discuss the philosophical consequences of the fact that the truth set of Revision Theory is a complete 1/2 set.
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  7. Der Ausgang von Ursprung und Zukunft aus der communio mei et tui originaria.M. Benedikt - 1998 - Synthesis Philosophica 13 (1):157-170.
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    Die Verkörperung der Theologie: Gottesrede als Metaphorologie.Benedikt Gilich - 2011 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Theologie spricht und denkt in Metaphern. Dies unterscheidet sie nicht von anderen wissenschaftlichen und lebensweltlichen Sprachspielen. Ihre Eigenheit gewinnt Theologie in der Notwendigkeit, die metaphorische Qualitat menschlichen Denkens und Sprechens in der Rede von Gott transparent zu halten. Theologie hat daher ein genuines Interesse an den Methoden der interdisziplinaren Metaphernforschung. Philosophische wie kognitionswissenschaftliche Metapherntheorien sind allerdings erkenntnistheoretisch voraussetzungsreich, wie Gilich an den Konzepten Ricoeurs, Derridas sowie Lakoffs und Johnsons zeigt. Im Dialog zwischen dem Embodied Realism Lakoffs und Johnsons und der (...)
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  9. Wille Und Handlung in der Philosophie der Kaiserzeit Und Spätantike.Strobel Benedikt - 2010 - De Gruyter.
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    Wahrheit, ewige Wiederkehr, Wille zur Macht: Grundthemen Nietzsches in der Auslegung von Karl Jaspers.Benedikt Maria Trappen - 2020 - München: Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil.
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  11.  26
    Why parthood might be a four-place relation, and how it behaves if it is.Benedikt Schick, Edmund Runggaldier & Ludger Honnefelder - 2009 - In Benedikt Schick, Edmund Runggaldier & Ludger Honnefelder, Unity and Time in Metaphysics. Walter de Gruyter.
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  12. Designobjekt Mensch.Benedikt Paul Göcke & Frank Meier-Hamidi (eds.) - 2018 - Herder.
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    Detection of Near-Threshold Sounds is Independent of EEG Phase in Common Frequency Bands.Benedikt Zoefel & Peter Heil - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    PhiMSAMP: philosophy of mathematics: sociological aspsects and mathematical practice.Benedikt Löwe & Thomas Müller (eds.) - 2010 - London: College Publications.
    Philosophy of mathematics is moving in a new direction: away from a foundationalism in terms of formal logic and traditional ontology, and towards a broader range of approaches that are united by a focus on mathematical practice. The scientific research network PhiMSAMP (Philosophy of Mathematics: Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice) consisted of researchers from a variety of backgrounds and fields, brought together by their common interest in the shift of philosophy of mathematics towards mathematical practice. Hosted by the Rheinische Friedrich- (...)
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    Kinesthetic and vestibular information modulate alpha activity during spatial navigation: a mobile EEG study.Benedikt V. Ehinger, Petra Fischer, Anna L. Gert, Lilli Kaufhold, Felix Weber, Gordon Pipa & Peter König - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  16.  64
    Applying big data beyond small problems in climate research.Benedikt Knüsel, Marius Zumwald, Christoph Baumberger, Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn, Erich M. Fischer, Reto Knutti & David M. Bresch - 2019 - Nature Climate Change 9 (March 2019):196-202.
    Commercial success of big data has led to speculation that big-data-like reasoning could partly replace theory-based approaches in science. Big data typically has been applied to ‘small problems’, which are well-structured cases characterized by repeated evaluation of predictions. Here, we show that in climate research, intermediate categories exist between classical domain science and big data, and that big-data elements have also been applied without the possibility of repeated evaluation. Big-data elements can be useful for climate research beyond small problems if (...)
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  17.  67
    Toby Ord, The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity, Bloomsbury, 2020.Benedikt Namdar & Thomas Pölzler - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (3):855-857.
  18.  27
    Appearance of Beauty.Benedikte Kudahl & Tone Roald - 2024 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 55 (1):36-61.
    This article describes what it is like to experience beauty in visual art. Our phenomenological analysis of interviews with visual art museum visitors shows that beauty appears as the relationship between two different experiential modes. Initially, the perceiver feels herself affectively and bodily immersed in the perceived while awareness of herself pulls back. Self-awareness eventually returns, allowing for a subtle yet distinct mode of reflection in which the viewer looks back at the initial moment of felt connection with the perceived. (...)
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    B-Systems and C-Systems Are Equivalent.Benedikt Ahrens, Jacopo Emmenegger, Paige Randall North & Egbert Rijke - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (4):1513-1521.
    C-systems were defined by Cartmell as models of generalized algebraic theories. B-systems were defined by Voevodsky in his quest to formulate and prove an initiality conjecture for type theories. They play a crucial role in Voevodsky’s construction of a syntactic C-system from a term monad. In this work, we construct an equivalence between the category of C-systems and the category of B-systems, thus proving a conjecture by Voevodsky.
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    Am I Divine?Benedikt Göcke - 2010 - New Blackfriars 91 (1034):386-400.
    On the one hand, arguably, I am neither this nor that. Arguably, neither is God this or that – so, am I God? Otherwise it seems that I must be this and God must be that. On the other hand, the being of the universe is not something of which I could plausibly be construed as the ultimate cause. That is God's creative act. Because I do not create the universe, I am not God. So I am God and I (...)
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  21. From Physicalism to Theological Idealism.Benedikt Paul Göcke - 2008 - In Martina Fürst, Wolfgang Leopold Gombocz & Christian Hiebaum, Gehirne und Personen. ontos.
    In the first part elements and entailments of an adequate thesis of physicalism are presented. In the second part an argument against these is elaborated. Based on this argument a thesis of theological idealism is sketched.
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    Intentions, Intentional Actions and Practical Knowledge.Benedikt Kahmen - 2013 - In Benedikt Kahmen & Markus S. Stepanians, Critical Essays on "Causation and Responsibility". De Gruyter. pp. 253-270.
  23.  6
    Gottesdienst als Feld theologischer Wissenschaft im 20. Jahrhundert: deutschsprachige Liturgiewissenschaft in Einzelporträts.Benedikt Kranemann & Klaus Raschzok (eds.) - 2011 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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  24. A Hidra de muitas cabeças : marinheiros, escravos e a classe trabalhadora atlântica no século XVIII.Peter Linebaugh E. Marcus Rediker - 2010 - In Bruno Pexe Dias & José Neves, A política dos muitos: povo, classes e multidão. Lisboa: Ediçoes Tinta-da-China.
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  25.  16
    Bibliophilia in Ottoman Aleppo: Muḥammad al-Taqawī and his Medical Library.Benedikt Reier - 2021 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 98 (2):473-515.
    Recent research has shown that book collecting by private individuals and institutions was a widespread phenomenon in Bilād al-Shām. At least from the Ayyubid period onwards, countless volumes were produced, changed hands in the book market, and lay around in libraries. To this day, Damascus occupies a central position in our knowledge about libraries and book culture in general, while other cities and regions lag behind. In this article, the inventory of an Aleppine book collector is used to take a (...)
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  26.  18
    Imaging new neurons in vivo: a pioneering tool to study the cellular biology of depression?Benedikt Römer, Alexander Sartorius, Dragos Inta, Barbara Vollmayr & Peter Gass - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (9):806-810.
    Hippocampal neurogenesis has been implicated in the pathogenesis of and recovery from depression. However, most of the underlying studies were endpoint investigations in experimental animals yielding conflicting results, and it has been under debate to which extent these results could be transferred to human patients. Now, researchers have developed a powerful new tool to address these questions by a non‐invasive method in humans and animals in vivo, using magnetic resonance spectroscopy to detect a biomarker for proliferating progenitor cells that give (...)
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    Identity across time: A defense of three-dimensionalism.Benedikt Schick, Edmund Runggaldier & Ludger Honnefelder - 2009 - In Benedikt Schick, Edmund Runggaldier & Ludger Honnefelder, Unity and Time in Metaphysics. Walter de Gruyter.
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    The non-physicalness of material objects.Benedikt Schick, Edmund Runggaldier & Ludger Honnefelder - 2009 - In Benedikt Schick, Edmund Runggaldier & Ludger Honnefelder, Unity and Time in Metaphysics. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Philosophia methodo scientiis propria explanata.Benedikt Stattler - 1769 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Christian Wolff.
    Pars 1. Logica -- pars 2. Ontologia -- pars 3. Cosmologia -- pars 4. Psychologia -- pars 5. Theologia naturalis -- pars 6. Physica generalis -- pars 7. Physica particularis corporum totalium huius mundi -- pars 8. Physica particularis corporum partialium telluris nostræ.
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  30. Stated from a subject and presented from a subject: to the semantics of general terms in the category writings of Aristotle.Benedikt Strobel - 2009 - Phronesis-a Journal for Ancient Philosophy 54 (1):40 - 75.
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    Geistliche Aspekte mittelalterlicher Naturlehre: Symposium 30. November-2. Dezember 1990.Benedikt Konrad Vollmann (ed.) - 1993 - Wiesbaden: Dr Ludwig Reichert.
    Wie lasst sich pagan-antike Naturphilosophie und Naturkunde mit dem christlichen Glauben vereinbaren? Diese Frage stellte fur das Mittelalter kein akademisch-theoretisches Problem dar, sondern ein Anliegen, das die Deutung der Welt, der menschlichen Existenz und der Ethik unmittelbar betraf. Die Antworten, die das Mittelalter auf diese Fragen zu geben versuchte, differieren je nach Zeit, Standort und Intention der Autoren. Das im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereichs Wurzburg-Eichstatt durchgefuhrte Symposium stellt in chronologischer Anordnung verschiedene Antwortmodelle vor und gibt einen Uberblick uber das geistliche Naturverstandnis (...)
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  32.  34
    The Role of High-Level Processes for Oscillatory Phase Entrainment to Speech Sound.Benedikt Zoefel & Rufin VanRullen - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  33.  66
    Generalized Algebra-Valued Models of Set Theory.Benedikt Löwe & Sourav Tarafder - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (1):192-205.
    We generalize the construction of lattice-valued models of set theory due to Takeuti, Titani, Kozawa and Ozawa to a wider class of algebras and show that this yields a model of a paraconsistent logic that validates all axioms of the negation-free fragment of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.
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  34. Panentheism and Classical Theism.Benedikt Paul Göcke - 2013 - Sophia 52 (1):61-75.
    Panentheism seems to be an attractive alternative to classical theism. It is not clear, though, what exactly panentheism asserts and how it relates to classical theism. By way of clarifying the thesis of panentheism, I argue that panentheism and classical theism differ only as regards the modal status of the world. According to panentheism, the world is an intrinsic property of God – necessarily there is a world – and according to classical theism the world is an extrinsic property of (...)
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  35.  22
    Unity and constitution of social entities.Benedikt Schick, Edmund Runggaldier & Ludger Honnefelder - 2009 - In Benedikt Schick, Edmund Runggaldier & Ludger Honnefelder, Unity and Time in Metaphysics. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Rezension: Ffytche, Matt, Sigmund Freud (Critical Lives).Benedikt Salfeld - 2024 - Psyche 78 (5):459-464.
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    Set Theory With and Without Urelements and Categories of Interpretations.Benedikt Löwe - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (1):83-91.
    We show that the theories ZF and ZFU are synonymous, answering a question of Visser.
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  38. Panentheism, Transhumanism, and the Problem of Evil - From Metaphysics to Ethics.Benedikt Paul Göcke - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (2):65-89.
    There is a close systematic relationship between panentheism, as a metaphysical theory about the relation between God and the world, and transhumanism, the ethical demand to use the means of the applied sciences to enhance both human nature and the environment. This relationship between panentheism and transhumanism provides a ‘cosmic’ solution to the problem of evil: on panentheistic premises, the history of the world is the one infinite life of God, and we are part of the one infinite divine being. (...)
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    Relektüre ohne Rückkehr.Benedikt Melters - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (5):646-671.
    In his last work, Relire le relié, Michel Serres develops a philosophy of religion that circumvents the conventional demarcations of reason and faith, knowledge of the world and knowledge of revelation, or agnosticism and apology. In a structuralistically-informed relecture, he exposes the basic traits of religion. With its narratives and theologoumena, it captures and describes being-in-the-world as an event of universal synthesis. It is – in Serres’ diction – about the basic relatio of energy and information, entropy and negentropy, chaos (...)
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    Attentional bias towards angry faces is moderated by the activation of a social processing mode in the general population.Benedikt Emanuel Wirth & Dirk Wentura - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (7):1317-1329.
    ABSTRACTDot-probe studies usually find an attentional bias towards threatening stimuli only in anxious participants, but not in non-anxious participants. In the present study, we conducted two experiments to investigate whether attentional bias towards angry faces in unselected samples is moderated by the extent to which the current task requires social processing. In Experiment 1, participants performed a dot-probe task involving classification of either socially meaningful targets or meaningless targets. Targets were preceded by two photographic face cues, one angry and one (...)
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  41. Mathematical knowledge is context dependent.Benedikt LÖWE & Thomas MÜLLER - 2008 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 76 (1):91-107.
    We argue that mathematical knowledge is context dependent. Our main argument is that on pain of distorting mathematical practice, one must analyse the notion of having available a proof, which supplies justification in mathematics, in a context dependent way.
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  42. Bd. 4. Anspruch un Echo.Michael Benedikt, Endre Kiss & Reinhold Knoll - 1992 - In Michael Benedikt, Reinhold Knoll & Endre Kiss, Verdrängter Humanismus, verzögerte Aufklärung. Wien: Turia & Kant.
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  43. Verdrängter Humanismus — Verzögerte Aufklärung. Bd. 4, Anspruch und Echo: Sezession und Aufbrüche in den Kronländern zum Fin-de-Siécle. Philosophie in Österreich (1880-1920).Michael Benedikt, Endre Kiss & Reinhold Knoll (eds.) - 1998 - Edituria Triade.
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    Wissen und Glauben: zur Analyse d. Ideologien in historisch-kritischer Sicht.Michael Benedikt - 1975 - Wien: Herder.
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  45. Volkskirche. Zur Geschichte eines evangelischen Grundbegriffs (1918–1960).Benedikt Brunner - 2020
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    Ernst Baltrusch, Herodes. König im Heiligen Land.Benedikt Eckhardt - 2014 - Klio 96 (2):732-737.
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    Die erkenntnislehre des Thomas von Strassburg.Benedikt Lindner - 1930 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff.
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  48.  18
    Ein Workshop zu Ehren Klaus Heinrichs am Berliner Psychoanalytischen Institut.Benedikt Salfeld - 2023 - Psyche 77 (1):78-90.
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    Rezension: Geisenhanslüke, Achim, Wolfsmänner. Zur Geschichte einer schwierigen Figur.Benedikt Salfeld - 2019 - Psyche 73 (12):1040-1042.
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    Der Trevi-Brunnen, Statius und Homer. Das Modell Nicola Salvis und die Bauten Clemens’ XII.Benedikt Simons - 2012 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 156 (2):328-345.
    Recent studies have shown that Nicola Salvi the architect of the Trevi Fountain intended to present the “potenza non limitata” of water as an existential element of nature, focusing the whole appearance of the fountain on the person in the center, Oceanus. But Salvi’s principal, pope Clement XII., claimed in his other projects such as the restoration of the arch of Constantine or like the new eastern fascade of S. Giovanni in Laterano, which refer especially to Constantine, like this emperor (...)
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