Results for 'Ben Kwashi'

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    Conflict, Suffering and Peace in Nigeria.Ben Kwashi - 2004 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 21 (1):60-69.
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  2. Presentism and Truthmaking.Ben Caplan & David Sanson - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (3):196-208.
    Three plausible views—Presentism, Truthmaking, and Independence—form an inconsistent triad. By Presentism, all being is present being. By Truthmaking, all truth supervenes on, and is explained in terms of, being. By Independence, some past truths do not supervene on, or are not explained in terms of, present being. We survey and assess some responses to this.
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    Pufendorfs theory of facultative sovereignty: On the configuration of the soul of the state.Ben Holland - 2012 - History of Political Thought 33 (3):427-454.
    This article reassesses Samuel Pufendorf's understanding of sovereignty and of the Holy Roman Empire. I argue that the form of the polity theorized by him should be comprehended in light of his adoption of the faculty psychology of Francisco Suárez. Suárez's was a conception of the life of the mind which, Pufendorfmaintained, also operated at the level of the 'composite moral person' of the state. It is true that the sovereign's is the only will in the state that counts politically; (...)
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  4. Defending musical perdurantism.Ben Caplan & Carl Matheson - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (1):59-69.
    If musical works are abstract objects, which cannot enter into causal relations, then how can we refer to musical works or know anything about them? Worse, how can any of our musical experiences be experiences of musical works? It would be nice to be able to sidestep these questions altogether. One way to do that would be to take musical works to be concrete objects. In this paper, we defend a theory according to which musical works are concrete objects. In (...)
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    The Subtlety of Emotions.Aharon Ben-Zeʼev - 2000 - Bradford.
    Aaron Ben-Ze'ev carries out what he calls "a careful search for general patterns in the primeval jungle of emotions.".
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  6. Unjust enrichment, rights and value.Ben McFarlane - 2011 - In Donal Nolan & Andrew Robertson, Rights and private law. Portland, Oregon: Hart.
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  7. Putting things in contexts.Ben Caplan - 2003 - Philosophical Review 112 (2):191-214.
    Thanks to David Kaplan (1989a, 1989b), we all know how to handle indexicals like ‘I’. ‘I’ doesn’t refer to an object simpliciter; rather, it refers to an object only relative to a context. In particular, relative to a context C, ‘I’ refers to the agent of C. Since different contexts can have different agents, ‘I’ can refer to different objects relative to different contexts. For example, relative to a context cwhose agent is Gottlob Frege, ‘I’ refers to Frege; relative to (...)
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    Genomic Inheritances: Disclosing Individual Research Results From Whole-Exome Sequencing to Deceased Participants' Relatives.Ben Chan, Flavia M. Facio, Haley Eidem, Sara Chandros Hull, Leslie G. Biesecker & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (10):1-8.
    Whole-genome analysis and whole-exome analysis generate many more clinically actionable findings than traditional targeted genetic analysis. These findings may be relevant to research participants themselves as well as for members of their families. Though researchers performing genomic analyses are likely to find medically significant genetic variations for nearly every research participant, what they will find for any given participant is unpredictable. The ubiquity and diversity of these findings complicate questions about disclosing individual genetic test results. We outline an approach for (...)
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  9. The Worst Time to Die.Ben Bradley - 2008 - Ethics 118 (2):291-314.
    At what stage of life is death worst for its victim? I hold that, typically, death is worse the earlier it occurs. Others, including Jeff McMahan and Christopher Belshaw, have argued that it is worst to die in early adulthood. In this paper I show that McMahan and Belshaw are wrong; I show that views that entail that Student’s death is worse face fatal objections. I focus in particular on McMahan’s time-relative interest account (TRIA) of the badness of death. Manuscript (...)
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  10. Climate Change and the Ethics of Individual Emissions: A Response to Sinnott-Armstrong.Ben Almassi - 2012 - Perspectives: International Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):4-21.
    Walter Sinnott-Armstrong argues, on the relationship between individual emissions and climate change, that “we cannot claim to know that it is morally wrong to drive a gas guzzler just for fun” or engage in other inessential emissions-producing individual activities. His concern is not uncertainty about the phenomenon of climate change, nor about human contribution to it. Rather, on Sinnott-Armstrong’s analysis the claim of individual moral responsibility for emissions must be grounded in a defensible moral principle, yet no principle withstands scrutiny. (...)
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  11. Defending 'Defending Musical Perdurantism'.Ben Caplan & Carl Matheson - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 48 (1):80-85.
    British Journal of Aesthetics (forthcoming Jan. 2008).
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    How radical is radical realism?Ben Cross - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):1110-1124.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 3, Page 1110-1124, September 2022.
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  13. A New Defence of the Modal Existence Requirement.Ben Caplan - 2007 - Synthese 154 (2):335-343.
    In this paper, I defend the claim that an object can have a property only if it exists from two arguments, both of which turn on how to understand Plantinga’s notion of the α-transform of a property.
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  14. The Concept of Nature in Classical Judaism.I. A. Ben Yosef - 1988 - Theoria 71:47-59.
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  15. De mens als 'causa sui' en de vraag naar zin.Ben Vedder - 1992 - de Uil Van Minerva 9.
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  16. Empty names.Ben Caplan - 2002 - Dissertation, Ucla
    In my dissertation (UCLA 2002), I argue that, by appropriating Fregean resources, Millians can solve the problems that empty names pose. As a result, the debate between Millians and Fregeans should be understood, not as a debate about whether there are senses, but rather as a debate about where there are senses.
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    The semantics of the transitive causative construction: Evidence from a forced-choice pointing study with adults and children.Ben Ambridge, Claire H. Noble & Elena V. M. Lieven - 2014 - Cognitive Linguistics 25 (2):293-311.
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  18. Remediation technologies and respect for others.Ben Hale - 2017 - In David M. Kaplan, Philosophy, technology, and the environment. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
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    Is Passive Syntax Semantically Constrained? Evidence From Adult Grammaticality Judgment and Comprehension Studies.Ben Ambridge, Amy Bidgood, Julian M. Pine, Caroline F. Rowland & Daniel Freudenthal - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1435-1459.
    To explain the phenomenon that certain English verbs resist passivization, Pinker proposed a semantic constraint on the passive in the adult grammar: The greater the extent to which a verb denotes an action where a patient is affected or acted upon, the greater the extent to which it is compatible with the passive. However, a number of comprehension and production priming studies have cast doubt upon this claim, finding no difference between highly affecting agent-patient/theme-experiencer passives and non-actional experiencer theme passives. (...)
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    Is Structure Dependence an Innate Constraint? New Experimental Evidence From Children's Complex‐Question Production.Ben Ambridge, Caroline F. Rowland & Julian M. Pine - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (1):222-255.
    According to, when forming complex yes/no questions, children do not make errors such as Is the boy who smoking is crazy? because they have innate knowledge of structure dependence and so will not move the auxiliary from the relative clause. However, simple recurrent networks are also able to avoid such errors, on the basis of surface distributional properties of the input (; ). Two new elicited production studies revealed that (a) children occasionally produce structure‐dependence errors and (b) the pattern of (...)
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  21. Migbalot Ha- Sekhel Al Mahashavah, Mada Ve-Emubah : Yesha Ayahu Libovits Ve-Yosef Agasi Me Sohahim.Chemi Ben-Noon, Yeshayahu Leibowitz & Joseph Agassi - 1997
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    Fraud and misconduct in research: detection, investigation, and organizational response.Nachman Ben-Yehuda - 2017 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Edited by Amalya Lumerman Oliver.
    Introduction -- Fraud in research : frequency patterns -- An organizational approach to research fraud -- Fraud, lies, deceptions, fabrications, and falsifications -- Deviance in scientific research : norms, hot spots, control -- Concluding discussion.
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    Filosofyah shel ha-hinukh: madrikh lemidah = Philosophy of education.Dvora Ben-Shir - 2012 - Raʻananah: ha-Universiṭah ha-Petuḥah. Edited by Sarah Guri-Rozenblit.
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    ʻImanuʼel Leṿinas, ha-amanah ha-ḥinukhit: aḥarayut, tiḳṿah u-verit = Emmanuel Levinas, educational contract: responsibility, hope and alliance.Hanokh Ben-Pazi - 2016 - [Tel Aviv]: Mekhon Mofet.
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    La nouvelle theorie du vivant.Ezzedine Ben Miled - 2007 - Tunis: [Publisher Not Identified].
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    Mentoring Away the Glass Ceiling in Academia: A Cultured Critique.Lillie Ben, Isaac Abeku Blankson, Venessa A. Brown, Ayse Evrensel, Krystal A. Foxx, Julie Haddock-Millar, Jennifer Michelle Johnson, Tamara Bertrand Jones, Cindy Larson-Casselton, Dian D. McCallum, Allison E. McWilliams, La’Tara Osborne-Lampkin, Jean Ostrom-Blonigen, Emma Previato, Chandana Sanyal, Jeanette Snider, Virginia Cook Tickles, JeffriAnne Wilder & Brenda Marina (eds.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    Mentoring Away the Glass Ceiling in Academia: A Cultured Critique describes how women of diverse backgrounds perceive their mentoring experiences or the lack of mentoring experiences in the academy. This book provides a space for envisioning strategies and practices to improve mentoring practices and the collegiate environment.
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    Mifʻalo shel manhig: ʻiyunim be-mishnato ha-hagutit ṿeha-parshanit shel Rasag.Haggai Ben-Shammai - 2015 - Yerushalayim: Mosad Byaliḳ.
  28.  19
    Philosophy of Emotion.Aaron Ben Ze'ev & Angelika Krebs (eds.) - 2017 - Routledge.
    Emotions punctuate almost all significant events in our lives, but their nature, causes, and consequences are among the least well understood aspects of human experience. It is easier to express emotions than to describe them and even harder to analyse and explain them. Despite their apparent familiarity, emotions are an extremely subtle and complex topic. Unfortunately, the topic was neglected by philosophers and scientists in the past. In recent decades, however, interest in the emotions has grown considerably among scholars and (...)
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  29. Rudolf Shṭainer: ḥayaṿ u-foʻolo shel moreh ruḥani.Benjamin Ben-Zadok - 2020 - Tel-Aviv: Humani.
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  30. Science, Education, and the Common Good.Michael Ben-Chaim & Barry Kosmin - 2007 - Free Inquiry 27:22-23.
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  31. The Relational Nature of Cognition.Aaron Ben-Zeev - 1989 - International Studies in Philosophy 21 (1):1-12.
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    Visages, identités & cultures: actes du colloque organisé par le PHILAB, les 20 et 21 juin 2013.Tahar Ben Guiza (ed.) - 2016 - Tunis: Université de Tunis, Faculté des sciences humaines et sociales de Tunis.
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    Zwiesprache mit Martin Buber: Erinnerungen an e. grossen Zeitgenossen.Schalom Ben-Chorin - 1978 - Gerlingen: Bleicher.
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  34. On sense and direct reference.Ben Caplan - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (2):171-185.
    Millianism and Fregeanism agree that a sentence that contains a name expresses a structured proposition but disagree about whether that proposition contains the object that the name refers to (Millianism) or rather a mode of presentation of that object (Fregeanism). Various problems – about simple sentences, propositional‐attitude ascriptions, and sentences that contain empty names – beset each view. To solve these problems, Millianism can appeal to modes of presentation, and Fregeanism can appeal to objects. But this raises a further problem: (...)
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  35. The Extraordinary Impossibility of Sherlock Holmes.Ben Caplan - 2016 - Res Philosophica 93 (2):335-355.
    In an addendum to Naming and Necessity, Saul Kripke argues against his earlier view that Sherlock Holmes is a possible person. In this paper, I suggest a nonstandard interpretation of the addendum. A key feature of this non-standard interpretation is that it attempts to make sense of why Kripke would be rejecting the view that Sherlock Holmes is a possible person without asserting that it is not the case that Sherlock Holmes is a possible person.
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  36. Doresh ṭov le-ʻamo: osef sipurim ṿe-ʻuvdot mi-gedole ha-dorot ha-aḥaronim.Ben-Tsiyon Mutsafi - 2008 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L.].
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  37. Trust in expert testimony: Eddington's 1919 eclipse expedition and the British response to general relativity.Ben Almassi - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 40 (1):57-67.
  38. The Risky Socioecological Learner.Jemma Peisker, Ben Ryan, Billy Ryan & Ziah Peisker - 2022 - In Alexandra J. Cutcher & Amy Cutter-Mackenzie, Arts-based thought experiments for a posthuman Earth: a Touchstones companion. Boston: Brill.
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    Can narratives about sovereign debt be generally ideologically suspicious? An exercise in broadening the scope of ideology critique.Ben Cross & Janosch Prinz - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Island constraints and overgeneralization in language acquisition.Ben Ambridge - 2015 - Cognitive Linguistics 26 (2):361-370.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 26 Heft: 2 Seiten: 361-370.
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    Deutsch-israelische Annäherungen in Geisteswissenschaften und Kulturpolitik.Irene Aue-Ben-David, Michael Brenner & Kärin Nickelsen - 2017 - Naharaim 11 (1-2):5-11.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Naharaim Jahrgang: 11 Heft: 1-2 Seiten: 5-11.
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  42. Wherein lies the debate? Concerning whether God is a person.Ben Page - 2019 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 85 (3):297-317.
    Within contemporary philosophy of religion there are three main ways in which God is conceptualised in relation to personhood:God is a person and so personal. God is non-personal, and so is not a person. God is a personal non-person. The first two of these options will be familiar to many, with held by most contemporary monotheist philosophers of religion and mainly by those who are pantheists., however, is a view some may not have come across, despite its proponents claiming it (...)
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  43. The Prospects for ‘Prospect Utilitarianism’.Ben Davies - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (3):335-343.
    Hun Chung argues for a theory of distributive justice – ‘prospect utilitarianism’ – that overcomes two central problems purportedly faced by sufficientarianism: giving implausible answers in ‘lifeboat cases’, where we can save the lives of some but not all of a group, and failing to respect the axiom of continuity. Chung claims that prospect utilitarianism overcomes these problems, and receives empirical support from work in economics on prospect theory. This article responds to Chung's criticisms of sufficientarianism, showing that they are (...)
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    Non-Aristotelian Political Animals.Ben Bryan - 2015 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 32 (4):293-311.
    Aristotle claims that human beings are by nature political animals. We might think there is a way for non-Aristotelians to affirm something like this—that human beings are political, though not by nature in the Aristotelian sense. It is not clear, however, precisely what this amounts to. In this paper, I try to explain what the claim that human beings are political animals might mean. I also consider what it would it look like to defend this claim, which I call the (...)
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  45. If anyone is in Christ – new creation!Ben Page - 2020 - Religious Studies 4 (56):525-541.
    This article investigates the metaphysical transformation that occurs when a believer becomes a new creation, something which hasn't yet been explored in the literature. I start by setting out what this ontological transformation involves, and then provide two models as to how it might go. The first is a type of substratism, based on a theory of mixing, while the second thinks about this transformation in terms of replacementism. Throughout the article I seek to resolve difficulties that both of these (...)
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  46. Libertarian Freedom in an Eternalist World?Ben Page - 2022 - In Anna Marmodoro, Christopher Austin & Andrea Roselli, Powers, Time and Free Will. Springer. pp. 83-94.
    My students sometimes worry that if eternalism is true then they can’t have libertarian freedom. They aren’t alone, as this sentiment is also expressed, albeit typically briefly, by various philosophers. However, somewhat surprisingly, those working within the free will literature have largely had nothing to say about libertarianism’s relationship to time, with this also being similar in the case of those working in the philosophy of time, apart from some work which has mainly focused on nonlibertarian views of freedom. In (...)
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  47. Conflicting expert testimony and the search for gravitational waves.Ben Almassi - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):570-584.
    How can we make informed decisions about whom to trust given expert disagreement? Can experts on both sides be reasonable in holding conflicting views? Epistemologists have engaged the issue of reasonable expert disagreement generally; here I consider a particular expert dispute in physics, given conflicting accounts from Harry Collins and Allan Franklin, over Joseph Weber’s alleged detection of gravitational waves. Finding common ground between Collins and Franklin, I offer a characterization of the gravity wave dispute as both social and evidential. (...)
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    Ang Diskurso ni Feorillo Petronilo Demeterio sa Pilosopiyang Pilipino: Isang Pagsusuri.Ben Carlo N. Atim - 2017 - Kritike 11 (2):28-53.
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    What We Owe Owls: Nonideal Relationality among Fellow Creatures in the Old Growth Forest.Ben Almassi - 2023 - Relations Beyond Anthropocentrism 10 (2).
    Though many of us have constructed our lives (or have had them constructed for us) such that it is easy to ignore or forget, human lives are entangled with other animals in many ways. Some interspecies relations would arguably exist in some form or another even under an ideal model of animal ethics. Others have an inescapably non-ideal character – these relationships exist as they do because things have gone wrong. In such circumstances we have reparative duties to animals we (...)
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    Robot-mediated joint attention in children with autism: A case study in robot-human interaction.Ben Robins, Paul Dickerson, Penny Stribling & Kerstin Dautenhahn - 2004 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 5 (2):161-198.
    Interactive robots are used increasingly not only in entertainment and service robotics, but also in rehabilitation, therapy and education. The work presented in this paper is part of the Aurora project, rooted in assistive technology and robot-human interaction research. Our primary aim is to study if robots can potentially be used as therapeutically or educationally useful ‘toys’. In this paper we outline the aims of the project that this study belongs to, as well as the specific qualitative contextual perspective that (...)
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