Results for 'Beeckman Isaac'

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  1.  29
    61, 88n6.P. Agaesse, B. Alexander, Louis Althusser, Antoine Arnauld, Aubrey John, Bachelard Gaston, Bacon Francis & Beeckman Isaac - 1986 - In Marjorie Grene & Debra Nails, Spinoza And The Sciences. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 322.
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    Beeckman’s engagement of mechanics and philosophy: Klaas van Berkel: Isaac Beeckman on matter and motion: Mechanical philosophy in the making. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013, viii+265pp, $39.95 PB.Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis - 2014 - Metascience 24 (1):91-93.
    Isaac Beeckman was a master craftsman from the Zeeland town Middelburg who studied to become schoolmaster in the Holland towns of Rotterdam and Dordrecht. He was a strict Calvinist and a tireless observer and contemplator of natural phenomena. Foremost, he was the first mechanical philosopher in Europe who played a key role in the intellectual development of René Descartes and inspired pioneers of mechanistic thinking Marin Mersenne and Pierre Gassendi . We know this because Beeckman kept a (...)
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    Isaac Beeckman on matter and motion: mechanical philosophy in the making.Klaas van Berkel - 2013 - Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Historians of science and the philosophy of science find the substance and stance of Isaac Beeckman's thought highly interesting, for it represented an early attempt to develop a comprehensive picture of the world by means of mechanistic theory, that is, forces acting upon one another. Besides possibly influencing Descartes, this view broke away from medieval religious assumptions and belief in occult forces. Berkel teases out Beeckman's evolving approach to nature by means of his extensive journals, explaining the (...)
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    Journal. Isaac Beeckman.George Sarton - 1955 - Isis 46 (1):71-72.
  5. Isaac Beeckman a-t-il démontré la loi des cordes vibrantes selon laquelle la fréquence est inversement proportionnelle à la longueur?P. Bailhache - 1992 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 45 (2-3):337-344.
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    Journal tenu par Isaac Beeckman de 1604 à 1634, publié avec une introduction et des notes. Cornelis De Waard.George Sarton - 1948 - Isis 38 (3/4):249-250.
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    (1 other version)Isaac Beeckman on Matter and Motion: Mechanical Philosophy in the Making. [REVIEW]John Schuster - 2014 - Isis 105 (2):444-445.
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    El encuentro entre René Descartes e Isaac Beeckman : El tratado hidrostático : The Hydrostatic Treatise).Jorge Moreno - 2014 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (1):149.
    El tratado hidrostático fue uno de los primeros textos de Descartes, fruto de su decisivo encuentro con Isaac Beeckman. En este artículo, analizaremos cómo fue concebido y los motivos que llevaron a Descartes a cuestionar alguno de los aspectos fundamentales de la física matemática de Beeckman. Este episodio está íntimamente relacionado con la independencia de las disciplinas matemáticas y su aplicación a cuestiones propias de la filosofía natural.Descartes’ hydrostatic treatise was one of his first text, fruit of (...)
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    Bacon in Holland: some evidences from Isaac Beeckman’s Journal.Benedino Gemelli - 2014 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 3 (1):107-130.
    The so-called “Scientific Revolution” is the result of a complex interaction between the world of ideas and that of concrete human activity with the aim of discovering the mysteries of nature. Not only books but also notebooks mediate this dialectical relationship: in this way, the complex features of a theoretical system can coexist with the detailed observations of everyday natural phenomena (like water drops, or burning candles), in order to test the foundations of a whole philosophy of nature in the (...)
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    Benedino Gemelli. Isaac Beeckman: Atomista e lettore critico di Lucrezio. xiv+132 pp., indexes. Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2002. $16. [REVIEW]Luciano Boschiero - 2003 - Isis 94 (4):722-723.
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    Klaas van Berkel, Isaac Beeckman on Matter and Motion: Mechanical Philosophy in the Making. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. Pp. ix + 265. ISBN 978-142140936-8. £21.00. [REVIEW]Antonio Clericuzio - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Science 48 (2):359-360.
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    Exploring the Limits of Preclassical Mechanics: A Study of Conceptual Development in Early Modern Science: Free Fall and Compounded Motion in the Work of Descartes, Galileo and Beeckman.Peter Damerow, Gideon Freudenthal, Peter McLaughlin & Jürgen Renn - 2011 - Springer.
    The question of when and how the basic concepts that characterize modern science arose in Western Europe has long been central to the history of science. This book examines the transition from Renaissance engineering and philosophy of nature to classical mechanics oriented on the central concept of velocity. For this new edition, the authors include a new discussion of the doctrine of proportions, an analysis of the role of traditional statics in the construction of Descartes' impact rules, and go deeper (...)
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  13.  18
    Pitfalls and Opportunities of Contextual Explanation: The Case of Isaac Beeckman’s Invention of the Mechanical Philosophy.John A. Schuster - 2019 - Isis 110 (2):308-311.
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    Nouveau: le Catalogus [...] librorum d'Isaac Beeckman.H. H. Kubbinga - 1989 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 42 (1):173-174.
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    Beeckman's Discrete Moments and Descartes' Disdain.Richard T. W. Arthur - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (1):69-90.
    Descartes' allusions, in the Meditations and the Principles, to the individual moments of duration, has for some years stirred controversy over whether this commits him to a kind of time atomism. The origins of Descartes' way of treating moments as least intervals of duration can be traced back to his early collaboration with Isaac Beeckman. Where Beeckman (in 1618) conceived of moments as (mathematically divisible) physical indivisibles, corresponding to the durations of uniform motions between successive impacts on (...)
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  16. Beeckman, Descartes and the force of motion.Richard Arthur - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (1):1-28.
    In this reassessment of Descartes' debt to his mentor Isaac Beeckman, I argue that they share the same basic conception of motion: the force of a body's motion—understood as the force of persisting in that motion, shorn of any connotations of internal cause—is conserved through God's direct action, is proportional to the speed and magnitude of the body, and is gained or lost only through collisions. I contend that this constitutes a fully coherent ontology of motion, original with (...)
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  17.  33
    Klaas van Berkel. Isaac Beeckman on Matter and Motion. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. Pp. viii+265. $35.96. [REVIEW]Richard T. W. Arthur - 2014 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 4 (1):192-196.
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    Science de la nature et théorie musicale chez Isaac Beeckman.Frederic De Buzon - 1985 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 38 (2):97-120.
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    Le rôle des conceptions d'Isaac Beeckman dans la formation de Thomas Hobbes et dans l'élaboration de son Short Tract.Jean Bernhardt - 1987 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 40 (2):203-215.
  20.  55
    A dutch lucretian B. gemelli: Isaac beeckman, atomista E lettore critico di lucrezio . Pp. XIII + 132. Rome: Leo Olschki, 2002. Paper. Isbn: 88-222-5075-. [REVIEW]Yasmin Haskell - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (02):549-.
  21. Physico-mathematics and the search for causes in Descartes' optics—1619–1637.John A. Schuster - 2012 - Synthese 185 (3):467-499.
    One of the chief concerns of the young Descartes was with what he, and others, termed “physico-mathematics”. This signalled a questioning of the Scholastic Aristotelian view of the mixed mathematical sciences as subordinate to natural philosophy, non explanatory, and merely instrumental. Somehow, the mixed mathematical disciplines were now to become intimately related to natural philosophical issues of matter and cause. That is, they were to become more ’physicalised’, more closely intertwined with natural philosophising, regardless of which species of natural philosophy (...)
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    The hydrostatic paradox and the origins of Cartesian dynamics.Stephen Gaukroger & John Schuster - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (3):535-572.
    In the early decades of the seventeenth century, various attempts were made to develop a dynamical vocabulary on the basis of work in the practical mathematical disciplines, particularly statics and hydrostatics. The paper contrasts the Mechanica and Archimedean approaches, and within the latter compares conceptions of statics and hydrostatics and their possible extensions in the work of Stevin, Beeckman and Descartes. Descartes’ approach to hydrostatics, a discussion of which forms the core of the paper, is shown to be quite (...)
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  23. Medieval Representations of Change and Their Early Modern Application.Matthias Schemmel - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (1):11-34.
    The article investigates the role of symbolic means of knowledge representation in concept development using the historical example of medieval diagrams of change employed in early modern work on the motion of fall. The parallel cases of Galileo Galilei, Thomas Harriot, and René Descartes and Isaac Beeckman are discussed. It is argued that the similarities concerning the achievements as well as the shortcomings of their respective work on the motion of fall can to a large extent be attributed (...)
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  24. The young Descartes: nobility, rumor, and war.Harold John Cook - 2018 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Mysteries: remains of a hidden life -- Words on paper -- In search of a person behind the words -- A France of broken families -- Families -- Politiques -- Breaking with his father -- Aristocratic Paris -- Libertine Paris -- A political education -- Gearing up for war: mathematical inspirations -- Breda -- Military engineering -- Meeting Isaac Beeckman -- The Holy Roman empire -- Anxious dreams -- Curious meetings -- War and diplomacy in Europe -- Into (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Rene´ Descartes.J. Sutton - 2001 - In [no title]. pp. 383-386.
    Descartes was born in La Haye (now Descartes) in Touraine and educated at the Jesuit college of La Fleche` in Anjou. Descartes’modern reputation as a rationalistic armchair philosopher, whose mind–body dualism is the source of damaging divisions between psychology and the life sciences, is almost entirely undeserved. Some 90% of his surviving correspondence is on mathematics and scientific matters, from acoustics and hydrostatics to chemistry and the practical problems of constructing scientific instruments. Descartes was just as interested in the motions (...)
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  26. Hobbes, Galileo, and the Physics of Simple Circular Motions.John Henry - 2016 - Hobbes Studies 29 (1):9-38.
    _ Source: _Volume 29, Issue 1, pp 9 - 38 Hobbes tried to develop a strict version of the mechanical philosophy, in which all physical phenomena were explained only in terms of bodies in motion, and the only forces allowed were forces of collision or impact. This ambition puts Hobbes into a select group of original thinkers, alongside Galileo, Isaac Beeckman, and Descartes. No other early modern thinkers developed a strict version of the mechanical philosophy. Natural philosophies relying (...)
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  27. Reading Descartes. Consciousness, Body, and Reasoning.Andrea Strazzoni & Marco Sgarbi (eds.) - 2023 - Florence: Firenze University Press.
    This volume takes cue from the idea that the thought of no philosopher can be understood without considering it as the result of a constant, lively dialogue with other thinkers, both in its internal evolution as well as in its reception, re-use, and assumption as a starting point in addressing past and present philosophical problems. In doing so, it focuses on a feature that is crucially emerging in the historiography of early modern philosophy and science, namely the complexity in the (...)
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  28. How the world became mathematical.Dennis des Chene - unknown
    My title, of course, is an exaggeration. The world no more became mathematical in the seventeenth century than it became ironic in the nineteenth. Either it was mathematical all along, and seventeenth-century philosophers discovered it was, or, if it wasn’t, it could not have been made so by a few books. What became mathematical was physics, and whether that has any bearing on the furniture of the universe is one topic of this paper. Garber says, and I agree, that for (...)
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  29.  9
    The Olympian Dreams and Youthful Rebellion of Rent Descartes.John Richard Cole - 1992 - University of Illinois Press.
    Rene Descartes's motto challenges his would-be historians: "He lives well who hides well." He hid even in the Discourse on Method, where he professed to recount the story of his "entire life, " but said almost nothing about his childhood and youth. He mentioned neither family nor friends, and he boasted a total freedom from irrational passions. In the Discourse, which presented a new way of achieving certain truth through mathematical reason, Descartes stressed just one event, a day of thinking (...)
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  30.  18
    The Harvest of Optics: Descartes, Mydorge, and their paths to a theory of refraction.Robert Goulding - 2022 - Annals of Science 79 (2):164-214.
    In 1626, René Descartes and Claude Mydorge worked closely together on the problem of refraction, apparently discovering what is now known as the sine law of refraction. They constructed a plano-hyperbolic lens in order to test out the truth of this mathematical relationship. In 1637, Descartes finally published the sine method of determining refractions in his Dioptrique, which also demonstrated, on the basis of this relationship, that the hyperbola and ellipse were anaclastic lines (that is, that a lens with their (...)
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    Cogito Ergo Sum: The Life of Rene Descartes (review).Patrick Gerard Henry - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):465-468.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 465-468 [Access article in PDF] Cogito Ergo Sum: The Life of René Descartes, by Richard Watson; vii & 375 pp. Boston: David R. Godine, 2002, $35.00. Scholarly in what it delivers, but delightful in how it delivers what it delivers, Cogito Ergo Sum is highly informative and fun to read. Touching on all the key places, players and events in the philosopher's life, Watson (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Conceptual Engineering: A Road Map to Practice.Manuel Gustavo Isaac, Steffen Koch & Ryan Nefdt - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (10):1-15.
    This paper discusses the logical space of alternative conceptual engineering projects, with a specific focus on (1) the processes, (2) the targets and goals, and (3) the methods of such projects. We present an overview of how these three aspects interact in the contemporary literature and discuss those alternative projects that have yet to be explored based on our suggested typology. We show how choices about each element in a conceptual engineering project constrain the possibilities for the others, thereby giving (...)
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    Cogito, Ergo Sum: The Life of Rene Descartes (review).Dennis Des Chene - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (1):113-115.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cogito, Ergo Sum: The Life of René DescartesDennis Des CheneRichard Watson. Cogito, Ergo Sum: The Life of René Descartes. Boston: David R. Godine, 2002. pp. viii + 375. Cloth, $35.00.Somewhere between hagiography and debunking lies truth. Or so we may think: the biographer's sources are almost always tipped one way or the other, and it is his or her job to establish, or divine, the way of authentic (...)
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    Descartes und die Neuzeitliche Naturwissenschaft (review). [REVIEW]Peter Fuss - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):261-262.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 261 de Descartes," he writes, "n'est pas une th~se sur la philosophie de Descartes." Alqui6 here (and only here) excludes not only all purely mathematical texts but also those on mechanics, optics, acoustics, hydraulics, automata, etc., and even epistemologically significant items like "hi omni questione debet dari aliquod medium," "Si funis," and the full text of the ars memoriae passage. The only exception is Descartes' answer to (...)
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  35. (2 other versions)Broad-Spectrum Conceptual Engineering.Manuel Gustavo Https://Orcidorg Isaac - 2021 - Ratio: An International Journal for Analytic Philosophy 34 (4):286-302.
    Conceptual engineering is the method for assessing and improving our representational devices. On its ‘broad-spectrum’ version, it is expected to be appropriately applicable to any of our representation-involving cognitive activities, with major consequences for our whole cognitive life. This paper is about the theoretical foundations of conceptual engineering thus characterised. With a view to ensuring the actionability of conceptual engineering as a broad-spectrum method, it addresses the issue of how best to construe the subject matter of conceptual engineering and successively (...)
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    Quantum Computation and Quantum Information.Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    First-ever comprehensive introduction to the major new subject of quantum computing and quantum information.
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  37.  71
    Epistemic Loops and Measurement Realism.Alistair M. C. Isaac - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):930-941.
    Recent philosophy of measurement has emphasized the existence of both diachronic and synchronic “loops,” or feedback processes, in the epistemic achievements of measurement. A widespread response has been to conclude that measurement outcomes do not convey interest-independent facts about the world, and that only a coherentist epistemology of measurement is viable. In contrast, I argue that a form of measurement realism is consistent with these results. The insight is that antecedent structure in measuring spaces constrains our empirical procedures such that (...)
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  38. Justified Belief in a Digital Age: On the Epistemic Implications of Secret Internet Technologies.Boaz Miller & Isaac Record - 2013 - Episteme 10 (2):117 - 134.
    People increasingly form beliefs based on information gained from automatically filtered Internet ‎sources such as search engines. However, the workings of such sources are often opaque, preventing ‎subjects from knowing whether the information provided is biased or incomplete. Users’ reliance on ‎Internet technologies whose modes of operation are concealed from them raises serious concerns about ‎the justificatory status of the beliefs they end up forming. Yet it is unclear how to address these concerns ‎within standard theories of knowledge and justification. (...)
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    Theorist at Work: Talcott Parsons and the Carnegie Project on Theory, 1949–1951.Joel Isaac - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (2):287-311.
    In this article, I pursue two related goals. First, I aim to put theory back into our picture of the development of the American human sciences during the Cold War. While historians have rightly highlighted the empiricist methodologies employed by postwar human scientists, I show how an influential group of social scientists, led by the sociologist Talcott Parsons, attempted to establish theorizing as the primary means of interdisciplinary inquiry. My second goal is to show that the “abstract” theory envisioned by (...)
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    Escape from Zanzibar: The Epistemic Value of Precision in Measurement.Alistair M. C. Isaac - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):1243-1254.
    A “Zanzibar” is an island of measurement values that internally cohere, but are detached from independent contact with reality. One manifestation of Zanzibars is through “bandwagon effects,” the tendency of contemporaneous measurements to agree. Bandwagons illustrate how the otherwise virtuous drive towards coherence can have negative epistemic consequences. I argue that precision is an epistemic virtue that mitigates against bandwagon effects and illustrate this claim with a case study from the history of measurements of c. This precision-first reasoning motivates the (...)
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  41. What Should Conceptual Engineering Be All About?Isaac Manuel Gustavo - 2021 - Philosophia: A Global Journal of Philosophy 49 (5):2041-2051.
    Conceptual engineering is commonly characterized as the method for assessing and improving our representational devices. Little has been said, however, on how best to construe these representational devices—in other words, on what conceptual engineering should be all about. This paper tackles this problem with a basic strategy: First, by presenting a taxonomy of the different possible subject matters for conceptual engineering; then, by comparatively assessing them and selecting the most conducive one with a view to making conceptual engineering an actionable (...)
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  42.  55
    EBM: evidence to practice and practice to evidence.Carol A. Isaac & Amy Franceschi - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):656-659.
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    Evo‐devo beyond development: Generalizing evo‐devo to all levels of the phenotypic evolution.Isaac Salazar-Ciudad & Hugo Cano-Fernández - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (3):2200205.
    A foundational idea of evo‐devo is that morphological variation is not isotropic, that is, it does not occur in all directions. Instead, some directions of morphological variation are more likely than others from DNA‐level variation and these largely depend on development. We argue that this evo‐devo perspective should apply not only to morphology but to evolution at all phenotypic levels. At other phenotypic levels there is no development, but there are processes that can be seen, in analogy to development, as (...)
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  44. Evaluating Ectogenesis via the Metaphysics of Pregnancy.Suki Finn & Sasha Isaac - 2021 - In Robbie Davis-Floyd, Birthing Techno-Sapiens: Human-Technology Co-Evolution and the Future of Reproduction. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. Chapter 8.
    Ectogenesis, or “artificial womb technology,” has been heralded by some, such as prominent feminist Shulamith Firestone, as a way to liberate women. In this chapter, we challenge this view by offering an alternative analysis of the technology as relying upon and perpetuating a problematic model of pregnancy which, rather than liberating women, serves to devalue them. We look to metaphysics as the abstract study of reality to elucidate how the entities in a pregnancy are related to one another. We consider (...)
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    The cult of uncertainty.Isaac Leon Kandel - 1943 - New York,: Arno Press.
  46. Responsible Epistemic Technologies: A Social-Epistemological Analysis of Autocompleted Web Search.Boaz Miller & Isaac Record - 2017 - New Media and Society 19 (12):1945-1963.
    Information providing and gathering increasingly involve technologies like search ‎engines, which actively shape their epistemic surroundings. Yet, a satisfying account ‎of the epistemic responsibilities associated with them does not exist. We analyze ‎automatically generated search suggestions from the perspective of social ‎epistemology to illustrate how epistemic responsibilities associated with a ‎technology can be derived and assigned. Drawing on our previously developed ‎theoretical framework that connects responsible epistemic behavior to ‎practicability, we address two questions: first, given the different technological ‎possibilities available (...)
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  47. Does Schopenhauer accept any positive pleasures?Joshua Isaac Fox - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):902-913.
    Schopenhauer repeatedly claims that all pleasure is negative, and this view seems to play key roles throughout his work. Nonetheless, many scholars have argued that Schopenhauer actually acknowledges certain positive pleasures. Two major arguments have been offered for this reading, one focused on the link between Schopenhauer's view of pleasure and Plato's, and one focused on Schopenhauer's distinction between two components of aesthetic pleasure. I argue that neither way of motivating the positive pleasure reading succeeds. Both overlook a key aspect (...)
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  48. Schopenhauer on boredom.Joshua Isaac Fox - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (3):477-495.
    On the dominant interpretation, Schopenhauer possesses a will to will view of boredom: boredom consists in the dissatisfaction of a second-order desire to pursue objects of first-order desire. I ch...
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    Basho et individu chez Nishida.Sylvain Isaac - 2003 - Philosophie 79 (4):43-61.
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    Newton on Rotating Bodies.J. Herivel & Isaac Newton - 1962 - Isis 53 (2):212-218.
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