Results for 'August Hart'

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  1.  23
    La teoria vichiana sulla succesione dele forme di stato e le sue implicazioni politiche.August Hart - 1987 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 17:153-162.
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    August herbst/harald schwaetzer (hrsg.): Philosophie ist kritik. Zur methodologie Von physik und metaphysik. Festschrift für Ulrich hoyer. [REVIEW]Achim Harting - 2000 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31 (2):356-360.
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    Using Employee Opinion Surveys to Identify Control Mechanisms in Organizations1.Peter M. Hart & Alexander J. Wearing - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob, Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 480.
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  4. Peter M. Hart Alexander J. Wearing.Alexander J. Wearing - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob, Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 480.
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    Philosophy of Biology.August W. M. Martin - 2015 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 29 (4):441-444.
  6. XI.—The Ascription of Responsibility and Rights.H. L. A. Hart - 1949 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 49 (1):171-194.
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  7. The Engines of the Soul.William D. Hart - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This study is an unusual contribution to the philosophy of mind in that it argues for the sometimes unfashionable view of dualism: that mind and matter are distinct and separate entities as Descartes believed. The author takes as his point of departure the imaginative hypothesis of disembodiment, which establishes the possibility of the mind's being a quite non-material thing. There are clear casual correlations between what is physical and what is mental, and the most serious issue confronting dualism since Descartes (...)
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  8. Are There Really Social Causes?August Faller - 2023 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 53 (2):83-102.
    This article investigates the causal efficacy of social properties, which faces the following puzzle. First, for both intuitive and scientific reasons, it seems social properties have causal import. But, second, social properties are also characteristically extrinsic: to have some social property depends, in typical cases, on what one’s society is like around them. And, third, there is good reason to doubt that extrinsic properties make a genuine causal contribution. After elaborating on these three claims, I defend the following resolution to (...)
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  9. What is the Difference between Weakness of Will and Compulsion?August Gorman - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (1):37-52.
    Orthodoxy holds that the difference between weakness of will and compulsion is a matter of the resistibility of an agent's effective motivation, which makes control-based views of agency especially well equipped to distinguish blameworthy weak-willed acts from non-blameworthy compulsive acts. I defend an alternative view that the difference between weakness and compulsion instead lies in the fact that agents would upon reflection give some conative weight to acting on their weak-willed desires for some aim other than to extinguish them, but (...)
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    The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss.David Bentley Hart - 2013 - Yale University Press.
    _From one of the most revered scholars of religion, an incisive explanation of how the word “God” functions in the world’s great faiths_ Despite the recent ferocious public debate about belief, the concept most central to the discussion—God—frequently remains vaguely and obscurely described. Are those engaged in these arguments even talking about the same thing? In a wide-ranging response to this confusion, esteemed scholar David Bentley Hart pursues a clarification of how the word “God” functions in the world’s great (...)
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    The Concept of Logical Consequence.W. D. Hart - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (165):488-493.
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  12. How groups persist.August Faller - 2019 - Synthese 198 (8):1-15.
    How do groups of people persist through time? Groups can change their members, locations, and structure. In this paper, I present puzzles of persistence applied to social groups. I first argue that four-dimensional theories better explain the context sensitivity of how groups persist. I then exploit two unique features of the social to argue for the stage theory of group persistence in particular. First, fusion and fission cases actually happen to social groups, and so cannot be marginalized as “pathological.” Second, (...)
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  13. Demystifying the Deep Self View.August Gorman - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (4):390-414.
    Deep Self views of moral responsibility have been criticized for positing mysterious concepts, making nearly paradoxical claims about the ownership of one’s mental states, and promoting self-deceptive moral evasion. I defend Deep Self views from these pervasive forms of skepticism by arguing that some criticism is hasty and stems from epistemic injustice regarding testimonies of experiences of alienation, while other criticism targets contingent features of Deep Self views that ought to be abandoned. To aid in this project, I provide original (...)
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  14. The Minimal Approval View of Attributability.August Gorman - 2019 - In David Shoemaker, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility Volume 6. Oxford University Press.
    This paper advances a new agentially undemanding account of the conditions of attributability, the Minimal Approval account, and argues that it has a number of advantages over traditional Deep Self theories, including the way in which it handles agents with conditions like addiction, Tourette syndrome, and misophonia. It is argued that in order for an agent to be attributionally responsible, the mental process that leads to her action must dispose her to be such that she would, upon reflec-tion, approve to (...)
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    Jean-Luc Nancy (Wijsgerig Perspectief 62.2).Cris van der Hoek, Ype de Boer & Martijn Boven (eds.) - 2022 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    The French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy passed away last August at the age of 81. In the Netherlands, Nancy became widely known to a broader audience through his short essay The Intruder (2000). In it, he describes the process surrounding the heart transplant he underwent in 1990: the surgery, the trials, the medication to prevent rejection, the cancer that resulted from it, and the chemotherapy required to combat it. -/- Nancy describes how the heart of a stranger—the intruder—penetrated the very (...)
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  16. Depression’s Threat to Self-Governance.August Gorman - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (2):277-297.
    Much of the literature on impairment to self-governance focuses on cases in which a person either lacks the ability to protect herself from errant urges or cases in which a person lacks the capacity to initiate self-reflective agential processes. This has led to frameworks for thinking about self-governance designed with only the possibility of these sorts of impairments in mind. I challenge this orthodoxy using the case of melancholic depression to show that there is a third way that self-governance can (...)
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  17. Taking Stock of the Risks of Life Without Death.August Gorman - 2020 - In Michael Cholbi & Travis Timmerman, Exploring the Philosophy of Death and Dying: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this chapter I argue that choosing to live forever comes with the threat of an especially pernicious kind of boredom. However, it may be theoretically possible to circumvent it by finding ways to pursue an infinite number of projects consistent with one’s personality, taking on endlessly pursuable endlessly interesting projects, or by rekindling old projects once you’ve forgotten about them. However, each of these possibilities is contingent upon having certain traits that you are likely not currently in a good (...)
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    The Epistemology of Abstract Objects.David Bell & W. D. Hart - 1979 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 53 (1):135-166.
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    Die Grenzen der Musik und Poesie: e. Studie zur Ästhetik d. Tonkunst.August Wilhelm Ambros - 1855 - New York: G. Olms.
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    I confini della musica e della poesia: studio di estetica musicale.August Wilhelm Ambros & Federico Mompellio - 1978 - Cremona: Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi. Edited by Federico Mompellio.
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    Beyond Structuralism: The Cerisy Experience.Marilyn August & Ann Liddle - 1972 - Substance 2 (5/6):227.
  22. The Morality of the Criminal Law, Two Lectures.H. L. A. Hart - 1965
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    Development, Crisis, and Class Struggle in East Asia: A Reply.Paul Burkett & Martin Hart-Landsberg - 2003 - Historical Materialism 11 (1):129-145.
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    Ethical Dilemmas in Coding Domestic Violence.William Rudman, Susan Hart-Hester, C. Andrew Brown, Shannon Pittman, Esther Choo & Felicia Cohn - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (4):353-359.
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    Understanding democratic conflicts: The failures of agonistic theory.Vincent August - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (2):182-203.
    Western democracies experience profound conflicts that induce concerns about polarization and social cohesion. Yet although conflicts are a core feature of democracies, the forms, functions, and dynamics of democratic conflicts have rarely been subject of political theory. This paper aims at furthering our understanding of democratic conflicts. It analyzes the theory of conflict in Mouffe's agonistic pluralism, confronts it with sociological conflict theory, and presents concrete points of departure for a more comprehensive theory of democratic conflicts. The paper, thus, contributes (...)
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    On the Legitimacy of the Darwinian Theory.August Weismann - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (1):181-201.
    ForewordThe motivation for the publication of this lecture is my firm belief that any word that can even slightly clarify and advance the powerful and fruitful idea of the transmutation of species is of value.First, I wish to put an end to the futile discussions which go nowhere since they ignore accumulated knowledge and always start from scratch. I want to proclaim that at the core of the Darwinian theory, regardless of its merit as a whole, lies the transmutation hypothesis, (...)
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    Studies in the Theory of Descent.August Weismann - 1975
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  28. Living Your Best Life.August Gorman - 2021 - Analysis 81 (3):568-576.
    In Almost Over: Aging, Dying, Dead, Frances Kamm seeks to make sense of people’s widely variant choices about which lives they would choose to continue living. She does this by defending the Prudential Prerogative, which, in analogy to the Moral Prerogative, holds that in a fairly wide range of conditions we are under no intrapersonal rational obligation to choose either to die or to live on. I argue against Kamm's case for the Prudential Prerogative in favor of Life Holism, the (...)
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    Forged Consensus: Science, Technology, and Economic Policy in the United States, 1921-1953.David M. Hart - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    In this thought-provoking book, David Hart challenges the creation myth of post--World War II federal science and technology policy. According to this myth, the postwar policy sprang full-blown from the mind of Vannevar Bush in the form of Science, the Endless Frontier. Hart puts Bush's efforts in a larger historical and political context, demonstrating in the process that Bush was but one of many contributors to this complex policy and not necessarily the most successful one. Herbert Hoover, Karl (...)
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    Effects of extinction and US reinstatement of a blocking CS-US association.Karen K. Gustavson, Julie A. Hart, Jeffrey L. Calton & Todd R. Schachtman - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (3):247-250.
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    Kingdoms of God.Kevin Hart - 2014 - Indiana University Press.
    What did Jesus mean by the expression, the Kingdom of God? As an answer, Kevin Hart sketches a "phenomenology of the Christ" that explores the unique way Jesus performs phenomenology. According to Hart, philosophers and theologians continually reinterpret Jesus’s teaching of the Kingdom so that there are effectively many Kingdoms of God. Working in, while also displacing, a tradition inaugurated by Husserl and continued by philosophers such as Heidegger, Marion, and Lacoste, Hart puts forward a new phenomenology (...)
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    Tests of multiplicative models in psychology: A case study using the unified theory of implicit attitudes, stereotypes, self-esteem, and self-concept.Hart Blanton & James Jaccard - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (1):155-166.
  33. Benacerraf's Dilemma.W. D. Hart - 1991 - Critica 23 (68):87-103.
  34.  10
    Friedrich Nietzsche, his life and work.Maximilian August Mügge - 1908 - London,: T. F. Unwin.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    The Hundred Names.J. K. Shryock & Henry H. Hart - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (2):225.
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  36. (1 other version)Ojcze–Nasz.August Cieszkowski - 2009 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (9).
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    Counter-Experiences: Reading Jean-Luc Marion.Kevin Hart (ed.) - 2007 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Unarguably, Jean-Luc Marion is the leading figure in French phenomenology as well as one of the proponents of the so-called “theological turn” in European philosophy. In this volume, Kevin Hart has assembled a stellar group of philosophers and theologians from the United States, Britain, France, and Australia to examine Marion's work—especially his later work—from a variety of perspectives. The resulting volume is an indispensable resource for scholars working at the intersection of philosophy and theology. “This is a ground-breaking book (...)
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  38. Phenomenology of Values and Valuing.James G. Hart & Lester Embree - 1999 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 61 (4):833-833.
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    “Power in the service of love”: John Dewey's Logic and the Dream of a Common Language.Carroll Guen Hart - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (2):190-214.
    While contemporary feminist philosophical discussions focus on the oppressiveness of universality which obliterates “difference,” the complete demise of universality might hamper feminist philosophy in its political project of furthering the well-being of all women. Dewey's thoroughly functionalized, relativized, and fallibilized understanding of universality may help us cut universality down to size while also appreciating its limited contribution. Deweyan universality may signify the ongoing search for a genuinely common language in the midst of difference.
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    Inhalt.Christian August Brandis - 1862 - In Geschichte der Entwickelungen der Griechischen Philosophie Und Ihrer Nachwirkungen Im Römischen Reiche, 1. Hälfte, Geschichte der Entwickelungen der Griechischen Philosophie Und Ihrer Nachwirkungen Im Römischen Reiche. De Gruyter.
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    IV. Aristoteles’ erste Philosophie oder Metaphysik.Christian August Brandis - 1853 - In Theil 2, Abtheilung 2, Hälfte 1: Aristoteles, Seine Akademischen Zeitgenossen Und Nächsten Nachfolger. De Gruyter. pp. 435-581.
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    Gesamtausgabe.Samuel L. Hart - 1977 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 38 (1):142-144.
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  43. Kunstwissenschaft und Kulturphilosophie mit gemeinsamen Grundbegriffen.August Schmarsow - 1919 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 13:165-90.
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  44. ein paar Seiten Schopenhauer-Uberlegungen zu Rilkes Schopenhauer-Lektüre und deren Folgen.August Stahl - 1988 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 69:569-582.
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    Moses Mendelssohn, 1729-1786: das Lebenswerk eines jüdischen Denkers der deutschen Aufklärung.Michael Albrecht & Herzog August Bibliothek - 1986
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  46. Grounding and Properties.August Faller - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Metaphysical grounding is often presented as a relation of directed dependence analogous to causation. The relationship between causation, properties, and laws of nature is hotly debated. I ask: what is the relationship between grounding, properties, and laws of metaphysics? I begin by considering the grounding analogue of Humean quidditism. Finding it implausible, I turn to the primitive-laws account of grounding, recently defended by Jonathan Schaffer and others. I argue this view is also unsatisfactory. I then present several possible dispositionalist-like accounts (...)
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  47. Kelsen's Doctrine of the Unity of Law.H. L. A. Hart - 1998 - In Stanley L. Paulson, Normativity and Norms: Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Der Streit um die Existenz der Welt.Samuel L. Hart - 1964-1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 27 (1):144-145.
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    Über Theorien im erweiterten Sinne.August Pieczkowski - 1974 - Studia Logica 33 (4):317-331.
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  50. Holism, Particularity, and the Vividness of Life.August Gorman - 2022 - The Journal of Ethics (3):1-15.
    John Martin Fischer’s Death, Immortality, and Meaning in Life puts forth a view that individual experiences could provide us with sources of endless fascination, motivation, and value if only we could live forever to continue to enjoy them. In this article I advocate for more caution about embracing this picture by pointing to three points of tension in Fischer's book. First, I argue that taking meaningfulness in life to be holistic is not compatible with the view immortal lives would be (...)
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