Results for 'Esther Choo'

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  1. Addressing two recent challenges to the factive account of knowledge.Esther Goh & Frederick Choo - 2022 - Synthese 200 (435):1-14.
    It is widely thought that knowledge is factive – only truths can be known. However, this view has been recently challenged. One challenge appeals to approximate truths. Wesley Buckwalter and John Turri argue that false-but-approximately-true propositions can be known. They provide experimental findings to show that their view enjoys intuitive support. In addition, they argue that we should reject the factive account of knowledge to avoid widespread skepticism. A second challenge, advanced by Nenad Popovic, appeals to multidimensional geometry to build (...)
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  2. The Free Will Defense Revisited: The Instrumental Value of Significant Free Will.Frederick Choo & Esther Goh - 2019 - International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science 4:32-45.
    Alvin Plantinga has famously responded to the logical problem of evil by appealing to the intrinsic value of significant free will. A problem, however, arises because traditional theists believe that both God and the redeemed who go to heaven cannot do wrong acts. This entails that both God and the redeemed in heaven lack significant freedom. If significant freedom is indeed valuable, then God and the redeemed in heaven would lack something intrinsically valuable. However, if significant freedom is not intrinsically (...)
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  3.  40
    Ethical Dilemmas in Coding Domestic Violence.William Rudman, Susan Hart-Hester, C. Andrew Brown, Shannon Pittman, Esther Choo & Felicia Cohn - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (4):353-359.
  4. The dynamics of embodiment: A field theory of infant perseverative reaching.Esther Thelen, Gregor Schöner, Christian Scheier & Linda B. Smith - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):1-34.
    The overall goal of this target article is to demonstrate a mechanism for an embodied cognition. The particular vehicle is a much-studied, but still widely debated phenomenon seen in 7–12 month-old-infants. In Piaget's classic “A-not-B error,” infants who have successfully uncovered a toy at location “A” continue to reach to that location even after they watch the toy hidden in a nearby location “B.” Here, we question the traditional explanations of the error as an indicator of infants' concepts of objects (...)
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    An Asian looks at Martin Heidegger.Choo Lak Yeow - 1977 - [Singapore: [S.N.].
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  6. Indian dialectics: methods of philosophical discussion.Esther Abraham Solomon - 1976 - Ahmedabad: B.J. Institute of Learning and Research.
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    From bias to sound intuiting: Boosting correct intuitive reasoning.Esther Boissin, Serge Caparos, Matthieu Raoelison & Wim De Neys - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104645.
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    The Politics of Sources Meets the Practices of the Librarian: An Interview with Esther Chen.Esther Chen, Lara Keuck & Kärin Nickelsen - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (3):508-516.
    Abstract[I] want to single out one phenomenon that could be called the ‘politics of sources’. It points to the extent to which the histories that both scientists and historians can write are artifacts of the available sources. The Rockefeller Foundation not only opened its archives very early on for historical work but also invested a lot in making the archives readily available for historical exploration. During the 1980s, many young historians took advantage of this opportunity. Thus, in a relatively early (...)
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    Increasing reproducibility and interpretability of microbiota-gut-brain studies on human neurocognition and intermediary microbial metabolites.Esther Aarts & Sahar El Aidy - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    In this commentary, we point to guidelines for performing human neuroimaging studies and their reporting in microbiota-gut-brain articles. Moreover, we provide a view on interpretational issues in MGB studies, with a specific focus on gut microbiota–derived metabolites. Thus, extending the target article, we provide recommendations to the field to increase reproducibility and relevance of this type of MGB study.
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  10. History curriculum with multiple narratives.Esther Yogev - 2010 - In Candice C. Carter & Ravindra Kumar, Peace Philosophy in Action. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 113--147.
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    Chinese Just War Ethics: Origin, Development, and Dissent, edited by Ping-Cheung Lo and Sumner B. Twiss.John Choo & George R. Wilkes - 2016 - Journal of Military Ethics 15 (1):65-68.
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    To God be the glory!: doctrines on God and Creation.Choo Lak Yeow - 1981 - Singapore, Republic of Singapore: Trinity Theological College.
  13. The Epistemic Significance of Religious Disagreements: Cases of Unconfirmed Superiority Disagreements.Frederick Choo - 2021 - Topoi 40 (5):1139-1147.
    Religious disagreements are widespread. Some philosophers have argued that religious disagreements call for religious skepticism, or a revision of one’s religious beliefs. In order to figure out the epistemic significance of religious disagreements, two questions need to be answered. First, what kind of disagreements are religious disagreements? Second, how should one respond to such disagreements? In this paper, I argue that many religious disagreements are cases of unconfirmed superiority disagreements, where parties have good reason to think they are not epistemic (...)
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  14. Scorekeeping in Debates between Non-Naturalism and Its Opponents: On Parfit's Last Statement in Metaethics.Dong-Ryul Choo - 2020 - 철학적 분석 (Philosophical Analysis) 44:1-29.
    [English abstract] In his last metaethical statement, Parfit revisits his earlier arguments for non-metaphysical normative non-naturalism , and points to the possibility of convergence between his view and Railton's non-analytical normative naturalism. I examine the basis of this convergence claim and find it unpersuasive, mainly because if their views converge on the same position, Parfit's non-natural norms exist only as predicates. In order to avoid this consequence, he needs to present a reason for believing in the existence of normative properties (...)
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  15.  37
    Mother Camp: Female Impersonators in America.Esther Newton - 1979 - University of Chicago Press.
    Interviews with female impersonators reveal the social, cultural, and economic aspects of their occupation and the subculture of the homosexual transvestite.
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  16. Sex and Gender.Esther Rosario - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven, The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter surveys essentialist and anti-essentialist theories of sex and gender. It does so by engaging three approaches to sex and gender: externalism, internalism, and contextualism. The chapter also draws attention to two key debates about sex and gender in the feminist literature: the debate about the sex/gender distinction (the distinction debate) and the debate about whether sex and gender have essences (the essentialism/anti-essentialism debate). In addition, it describes three problems that theories of sex and gender tend to face: the (...)
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    (1 other version)Making sense of corporate social responsibility in international business: Experiences from shell.Esther M. J. Schouten & Joop Remmé - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (4):365–379.
    International business organizations are regularly addressed on their corporate social responsibility (CSR). As illustrated in this paper, it is not yet clear exactly what CSR means to organizations and how to deal with it. In this paper, the authors explore how a sensemaking approach helps to understand the business challenges of CSR within an organizational context. The theories of Karl Weick are applied to the experiences of CSR in Royal Dutch Shell. The authors argue that the key to CSR in (...)
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  18.  14
    The Gendered Process of Remembering War Experiences: Memories about the Second World War in the Dutch East Indies.Esther Captain - 1997 - European Journal of Women's Studies 4 (3):389-395.
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  19. Practicing Intersectionality in Sociological Research: A Critical Analysis of Inclusions, Interactions, and Institutions in the Study of Inequalities.Hae Yeon Choo & Myra Marx Ferree - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (2):129 - 149.
    In this article we ask what it means for sociologists to practice intersectionality as a theoretical and methodological approach to inequality. What are the implications for choices of subject matter and style of work? We distinguish three styles of understanding intersectionality in practice: group-centered, process-centered, and system-centered. The first, emphasizes placing multiply-marginalized groups and their perspectives at the center of the research. The second, intersectionality as a process, highlights power as relational, seeing the interactions among variables as multiplying oppressions at (...)
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  20.  14
    Trust on the line: a philosophical exploration of trust in the networked era.Esther Keymolen - 2016 - Oisterwijk, Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers.
    Governments, companies, and citizens all think trust is important. Especially today, in the networked era, where we make use of all sorts of e-services and increasingly interact and buy online, trust has become a necessary condition for society to thrive. But what do we mean when we talk about trust and how does the rise of the Internet transform the functioning of trust? This books starts off with a thorough conceptual analysis of trust, drawing on insights from - amongst others (...)
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    Bodies of Philosophy.Esther Wolfe & Elizabeth Grosz - 2014 - Stance 7 (1):115-126.
    Article published in Stance by Wolfe and Grosz.
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    The Continuity of Metaphor: Evidence From Temporal Gestures.Esther Walker & Kensy Cooperrider - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (2):481-495.
    Reasoning about bedrock abstract concepts such as time, number, and valence relies on spatial metaphor and often on multiple spatial metaphors for a single concept. Previous research has documented, for instance, both future-in-front and future-to-right metaphors for time in English speakers. It is often assumed that these metaphors, which appear to have distinct experiential bases, remain distinct in online temporal reasoning. In two studies we demonstrate that, contra this assumption, people systematically combine these metaphors. Evidence for this combination was found (...)
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    Sent Simulating Simon Simulating Scientists.Esther-Mirjam Sent - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 32 (3):479-500.
    The paper consists of a reflexive exercise in which Herbert Simon's views concerning science are applied to his own research. It argues that what connected his ventures into so many different disciplinary domains was a search for complex, hierarchical systems. In the process, the paper establishes a close connection between Simon's insights and his focus on simulation. Instead of simulating Simon on a computer, though, it simulates Simon on paper. This exercise is then contrasted with Simon's own attempts to simulate (...)
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    Whistle-Blowing Systems and Legitimacy Theory: A Study of the Motivation to Implement Whistle-Blowing Systems in German Organizations.Esther Pittroff - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (3):399-412.
    Until now, there has been no theoretical foundation that explains why organizations implement whistle-blowing systems. By understanding whistle-blowing systems as an instrument that is desired by society, the legitimacy theory could be transferred to the whistle-blowing concept. A survey of German managers shows that legitimacy theory may be supported. Further insights into legitimacy theory are given by the motivation for the design of the implemented systems. The survey shows that, in particular, the implementation of external whistle-blowing systems is seemingly not (...)
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  25. Can a Worship-worthy Agent Command Others to Worship It?Frederick Choo - 2022 - Religious Studies 58 (1):79-95.
    This article examines two arguments that a worship-worthy agent cannot command worship. The first argument is based on the idea that any agent who commands worship is egotistical, and hence not worship-worthy. The second argument is based on Campbell Brown and Yujin Nagasawa's (2005) idea that people cannot comply with the command to worship because if people are offering genuine worship, they cannot be motivated by a command to do so. One might then argue that a worship-worthy agent would have (...)
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    Introducing Practical Wisdom in Business Schools.Esther Roca - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):607-620.
    This article echoes those voices that demand new approaches and ‹senses’ for management education and business programs. Much of the article is focused on showing that the polemic about the educative model of business schools has moral and epistemological foundations and opens up the debate over the type of knowledge that practitioners need to possess in order to manage organizations, and how this knowledge can be taught in management programs. The article attempts to highlight the moral dimension of management through (...)
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  27. An autonomy-based approach to assisted suicide: a way to avoid the expressivist objection against assisted dying laws.Esther Braun - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):497-501.
    In several jurisdictions, irremediable suffering from a medical condition is a legal requirement for access to assisted dying. According to the expressivist objection, allowing assisted dying for a specific group of persons, such as those with irremediable medical conditions, expresses the judgment that their lives are not worth living. While the expressivist objection has often been used to argue that assisted dying should not be legalised, I show that there is an alternative solution available to its proponents. An autonomy-based approach (...)
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    Remembering the Holocaust: generations, witnessing and place.Esther Jilovsky - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    This book traces the evolution of Holocaust memory through the prism of place as it passes from survivors to their children and grandchildren.
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  29. Making Sense of Questions in Logic and Mathematics: Mill vs. Carnap.Esther Ramharter - 2006 - Prolegomena 5 (2):209-218.
    Whether mathematical truths are syntactical (as Rudolf Carnap claimed) or empirical (as Mill actually never claimed, though Carnap claimed that he did) might seem merely an academic topic. However, it becomes a practical concern as soon as we consider the role of questions. For if we inquire as to the truth of a mathematical statement, this question must be (in a certain respect) meaningless for Carnap, as its truth or falsity is certain in advance due to its purely syntactical (or (...)
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  30. Symbolic reasoning in spiking neurons: A model of the cortex/basal ganglia/thalamus loop.Terrence C. Stewart, Xuan Choo & Chris Eliasmith - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1100--1105.
  31.  34
    The development of feminist consciousness among asian american women.Esther Ngan-Ling Chow - 1987 - Gender and Society 1 (3):284-299.
    This article examines the social circumstances, both current and past, that have affected the development and transformation of feminist consciousness among Asian American women. Gender, race, class, and culture all influenced the relative lack of participation of Asian American women in the mainstream feminist movement in the United States. It concludes that Asian American women have to come to terms with their multiple identities and define feminist issues from multiple dimensions. By incorporating race, class, and cultural issues along with gender (...)
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    Social Motives, Emotional Feelings, and Smiling.Esther Jakobs, Antony S. R. Manstead & Agneta H. Fischer - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (4):321-345.
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    Tales of Ancient India.Esther Handler & J. A. B. van Buitenen - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):163.
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  34. Comunidade israelita em Portugal, presença e memória.Esther Mucznik - 1999 - História 15:32-41.
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    Conversational Implicatures Cannot Save Divine Command Theory from the Counterpossible Terrible Commands Objection.Frederick Choo - 2023 - Religious Studies 59 (4):852-858.
    Critics of Divine Command Theory (DCT) have advanced the counterpossible terrible commands objection. They argue that DCT implies the counterpossible ‘If a necessarily morally perfect God commanded us to perform a terrible act, then the terrible act would be morally obligatory.’ However, this counterpossible is false. Hence, DCT is false. Philipp Kremers has proposed that the intuition that the counterpossible above is false is due to conversational implicatures. By providing a pragmatic explanation for the intuition, he thinks that DCT proponents (...)
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  36. Thomas Reid: Theory of Action.Esther Engels Kroeker - 2016 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Thomas Reid: Theory of Action Thomas Reid made important contributions to the fields of epistemology and philosophy of mind, and is often regarded as the founder of the common sense school of philosophy. However, he also offered key arguments and observations concerning human agency and morality. Reid carefully criticized the views of his contemporaries, and defended … Continue reading Reid: Theory of Action →.
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    Woman to woman: practical advice and classic stories on life's goals and aspirations.Esther Greenberg - 1996 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mesorah Publications. Edited by Aviva Rappaport.
    Rebbetzin Esther Greenberg was famous throughout Israel as a mentor to countless women, including some of the best-known teachers and counselors.
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    Ethical Issues related to End of Life Treatment in Patients with Advanced Dementia – The Case of Artificial Nutrition and Hydration.Esther-Lee Marcus, Ofra Golan & David Goodman - 2016 - Diametros 50:118-137.
    Patients with advanced dementia suffer from severe cognitive and functional impairment, including eating disorders. The focus of our research is on the issue of life-sustaining treatment, specifically on the social and ethical implications of tube feeding. The treatment decision, based on values of life and dignity, involves sustaining lives that many people consider not worth living. We explore the moral approach to caring for these patients and review the history of the debate on artificial nutrition and hydration showing the impact (...)
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  39. Telling Others to Do What You Believe Is Morally Wrong: The Case of Confucius and Zai Wo.Frederick Choo - 2019 - Asian Philosophy 29 (2):106-115.
    Can it ever be morally justifiable to tell others to do what we ourselves believe is morally wrong to do? The common sense answer is no. It seems that we should never tell others to do something if we think it is morally wrong to do that act. My first goal is to argue that in Analects 17.21, Confucius tells his disciple not to observe a ritual even though Confucius himself believes that it is morally wrong that one does not (...)
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    Empowerment of Cancer Patients: from a Chinese perspective.Esther Mok - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (1):69-76.
    The philosophy of empowerment, which is based on the premises that clients must be active, equal and collaborative participants, who are aware and commited to change, has guided research in empowerment interventions. This article reports on a small part of a research study that sought to understand Chinese cancer patients’ conceptualization of empowerment. Qualitative delineation of the concept of empowerment by means of in-depth interviews was carried out with 12 Chinese patients with cancer. The findings showed that empowerment is a (...)
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    A Hypothesis: Metabolic Contributions to 16p11.2 Deletion Syndrome.Brandon Kar Meng Choo, Sarah Barnes & Hazel Sive - forthcoming - Bioessays:e202400177.
    ABSTRACT16p11.2 deletion syndrome is a severe genetic disorder associated with the deletion of 27 genes from a Copy Number Variant region on human chromosome 16. Symptoms associated include cognitive impairment, language and motor delay, epilepsy or seizures, psychiatric disorders, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), changes in head size and body weight, and dysmorphic features, with a crucial need to define genes and mechanisms responsible for symptomatology. In this review, we analyze the clinical associations and biological pathways of 16p11.2 locus genes and (...)
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    Profiling teachers' sense of professional identity.Esther T. Canrinus, Michelle Helms‐Lorenz, Douwe Beijaard, Jaap Buitink & Adriaan Hofman - 2011 - Educational Studies 37 (5):593-608.
    This study shows that professional identity should not be viewed as a composed variable with a uniform structure. Based on the literature and previous research, we view teachers? job satisfaction, self?efficacy, occupational commitment and change in the level of motivation as indicators of teachers? professional identity. Using two?step cluster analysis, three distinct professional identity profiles have empirically been identified, based on data of 1214 teachers working in secondary education in the Netherlands. These profiles differed significantly regarding the indicators of teachers? (...)
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    Autobiographical disorders.Esther Fujiwara & Hans J. Markowitsch - 2005 - In Todd E. Feinberg & Julian Paul Keenan, The Lost Self:Pathologies of the Brain and Identity: Pathologies of the Brain and Identity. Oxford University Press.
  44. La función de la mujer en la familia. Principales enfoques teóricos.Esther Casares García - 2008 - Aposta 36:3.
    This article contains an outline of the most important theoretical approaches that have addressed the role of women within the family. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, in which women training Liberal created partnerships to claim their rights, to radical questioning paradigms all social relationships to eliminate gender inequalities. An evolution of the social and political theory with feminism as a hub, affecting every aspect of life women: motherhood, work and, of course, family.
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    Teoría del Humanismo.Esther Zarzo - 2013 - Dianoia 58 (70):226-230.
    En Self-Constitution. Agency, Identity, and Integrity (2009), Christine Korsgaard defiende la conclusión de que el imperativo categórico rige la acción humana porque es el único principio que permite alcanzar la unidad psíquica plena, la cual, según Korsgaard, es un prerrequisito esencial para la acción efectiva. Para los agentes humanos, alcanzar esa unidad -que consiste en hacer coherentes distintos impulsos hacia la acción- es una actividad constante, denominada "autoconstitución". De acuerdo con Korsgaard, ésta es la fuente originaria de la normatividad y (...)
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    The phallocentric paradox and semantics of Eve’s myth in Zimbabwe’s contemporary national politics: An ecofeminist reading of Bulawayo’s novel, Glory.Esther Mavengano - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):9.
    NoViolet Bulawayo’s recently published novel titled, Glory, fictionalises the tragic fall of Robert Mugabe from the helm of power. The removal of Mugabe from power through the 2017 “military coup” engendered a problematic narrative that depicted the former first lady, Grace Mugabe as the biblical Eve’s doppelganger. The purported resemblance of Eve, a character from sacrosanct text, and Grace of contemporary Zimbabwe is often based on mythical and misogynist (mis)interpretations of the former as an epitome of sin and the latter (...)
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    Harming by Deceit: Epistemic Malevolence and Organizational Wrongdoing.Marco Meyer & Chun Wei Choo - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (3):439-452.
    Research on organizational epistemic vice alleges that some organizations are epistemically malevolent, i.e. they habitually harm others by deceiving them. Yet, there is a lack of empirical research on epistemic malevolence. We connect the discussion of epistemic malevolence to the empirical literature on organizational deception. The existing empirical literature does not pay sufficient attention to the impact of an organization’s ability to control compromising information on its deception strategy. We address this gap by studying eighty high-penalty corporate misconduct cases between (...)
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    Determinants of Prosocial Behavior in Included Versus Excluded Contexts.Esther Cuadrado, Carmen Tabernero & Wolfgang Steinel - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Kants Begriff der Vernunft.Esther Marx - 2019 - Kant Studien 110 (1):1-48.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 110 Heft: 1 Seiten: 1-48.
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  50. The commentaries of the Sāṁkhya kārikā: a study.Esther Abraham Solomon - 1974 - Ahmedabad: Gujarat University.
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