Results for 'Audrey Sultan'

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  1.  49
    Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Hypermobility Type: Impact of Somatosensory Orthoses on Postural Control.Emma G. Dupuy, Pascale Leconte, Elodie Vlamynck, Audrey Sultan, Christophe Chesneau, Pierre Denise, Stéphane Besnard, Boris Bienvenu & Leslie M. Decker - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Sequential processing during noun phrase production.Audrey Bürki, Jasmin Sadat, Anne-Sophie Dubarry & F. -Xavier Alario - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):90-99.
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    Teaching Plato’s Cave through Your Students’ Past Experiences.Audrey L. Anton - 2016 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 2:143-166.
    Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is both a staple in the philosopher’s diet and the lesson that is often difficult to digest. In this paper, I describe one way to teach the Sun, Line, and Cave analogies in reference to students’ personal past experiences. After first learning about Plato’s metaphysics and epistemology through reading Republic VI-VII, students are asked to reflect upon a time in their lives when they emerged from a particular “cave of ignorance.” In reflecting on this experience, (...)
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    Luis Jiménez (dir.), Attention and Implicit Learning.Audrey Gerlain - 2010 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 18:347-354.
    « Everyone knows what attention is », déclarait William James dans ses Principles of Psychology. De même, on pourrait dire que chacun sait ce qu’est l’implicite, ce qu’est « apprendre ». Les choses se compliquent lorsqu’il s’agit d’étudier le lien entre « attention » et « implicit learning ». À première vue, définir l’implicit learning comme un processus relativement indépendant de la conscience et de l’attention, éluderait la question sur un tel lien ; or, toute la problématique se centre pr...
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    Mobbing Konusunda İlköğretim Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Görüşleri ve önerileri.Sultan Kurt - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 15):615-615.
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    Gurney tears.Audrey Shafer - 1995 - Journal of Medical Humanities 16 (4):279-280.
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    The thermal conductivity of germanium, silicon and indium arsenide from 40°C to 425°C.Audrey D. Stuckes - 1960 - Philosophical Magazine 5 (49):84-99.
  8.  20
    Causes of domestic violence against married women: A sociological study with reference to karachi city.Saba Sultan, Muhammad Yaseen & Shahzaman - 2017 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 56 (2):153-165.
    The aim and objective of this study is to analyse the causes of domestic violence against married women in Pakistan providing a complete picture of understanding on the phenomenon. This study was conducted in Safoora Goth, Karachi one of the oldest residential centre of Karachi where all local ethnic groups and class of people are inhabited. The factors included in the study were various reasons of domestic violence, nature of domestic violence, types of domestic violence, separation, and feeling of deprivation, (...)
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    Biomarkers as Surrogate Endpoints: Ongoing Opportunities for Validation.Audrey D. Zhang & Joseph S. Ross - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (3):393-395.
    Surrogate endpoints are a common application of biomarkers to estimate clinical benefit in clinical trials, despite questions about reliability. This article discusses ongoing opportunities for their validation, in the context of a regulatory environment in which they are increasingly championed.
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    A mid-level approach to modeling scientific communities.Audrey Harnagel - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 76:49-59.
    This paper provides an account of mid-level models, which calibrate highly theoretical agent-based models of scientific communities by incorporating empirical information from real-world systems. As a result, these models more closely correspond with real-world communities, and are better suited for informing policy decisions than extant how-possibly models. I provide an exemplar of a mid-level model of science funding allocation that incorporates bibliometric data from scientific publications and data generated from empirical studies of peer review into an epistemic landscape model. The (...)
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    Que peut la théorie greimassienne pour une sémiotique de la perception? Enquête et perspectives.Audrey Moutat - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):147-165.
    RésuméPartant de la considération inaugurale de.
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    Addressing the Ethical Challenges of First in-Human Trials.Audrey R. Chapman - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 2 (4).
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    Moral Responsibility and Desert of Praise and Blame.Audrey L. Anton - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Through critical examination of three main contemporary approaches to describing moral responsibility, this book illustrates why philosophers must take into account the relationship between retrospective moral responsibility and desert of praise or blame. The author advances the moral attitude account, whereby desert of praise and blame depends on the agent’s moral attitudes in response to moral reasons, and retrospective moral responsibility results from expressions of those attitudes in overt behavior.
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    When Going Beyond Gentle Nudges Is Legitimate.Audrey R. Chapman - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (5):68-69.
    Volume 19, Issue 5, May 2019, Page 68-69.
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  15. Conceptualizing consent: hermeneutical injustice and epistemic resources.Audrey Yap - 2019 - In Benjamin R. Sherman & Stacey Goguen, Overcoming Epistemic Injustice: Social and Psychological Perspectives. London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
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  16.  34
    Translation of an Imperial Ber't Issued by Sultan Selim III. A. H. 1215 Appointing the Monk Hohannes Patriarch of All the Armernians of TurkeyTranslation of an Imperial Berat Issued by Sultan Selim III. A. H. 1215 Appointing the Monk Hohannes Patriarch of All the Armernians of Turkey. [REVIEW]Sultân Selim Iii, H. G. O. Dwight & Sultan Selim Iii - 1849 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 1 (4):507.
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    Unprecedented Choices: Religious Ethics at the Frontiers of Genetic Science.Audrey R. Chapman (ed.) - 1999 - Fortress Press.
    With vast new scientific and technological powers, we face unprecedented choices for which traditional ethics provide little direct guidance. What role can the religious community play in addressing the ethical and theological issues that even science now acknowledges as urgent?Chapman's work forges a method for integrating ethical reasoning with scientific data, focusing on four issues -- cloning, genetic engineering, patenting of life, and environmental alteration. For each, she reviews the work of religious thinkers, assesses the roles of the religious community, (...)
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  18.  58
    The Social Determinants of Health: Why We Should Care.Audrey R. Chapman - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (3):46-47.
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    Legalization and Islamic Bioethical Perspectives on Prenatal Diagnosis and Advanced Uses of Pre implantation Genetic Diagnosis in Saudi Arabia.Hanan A. Sultan - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 4 (S1).
  20.  43
    Behavioral Neuromodulation : Hypnosis.Vanhaudenhuyse Audrey, Gosseries Olivia, Bruno Marie-Aurélie, Demertzi Athena, Laureys Steven & Faymonville Marie-Elisabeth - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  21.  18
    Tracking the effect of a new massage system integrated in automotive seat on relaxation feeling: an electrophysiological study.Audrey Breton, Vincenzo Ronca, Samuel Baudu, Emmanuelle Brunet, Romaric Servajean-Hilst, Thibaud Dumas & Yohan Attal - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  22. Why not write in the first person? Why use complex plots? Some thoughts on George Eliot's theory and practice.Audrey F. Cahill - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    Ethics and Human Genetics.Audrey R. Chapman - 1998 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 18:293-303.
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  24. Patenting human genes: ethical and policy issues.Audrey R. Chapman - forthcoming - Bioethics for Scientists:265--278.
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    The Bernard Becker Collection in Ophthalmology: An Annotated Catalog. Lilla Wechsler, Christopher Hoolihan, Mark F. Weimer.Audrey Davis - 1998 - Isis 89 (1):121-121.
  26.  26
    Evaluation by women of painters as a function of their sex and achievement and sex of the judges.Audrey Honig & Edward C. Carterette - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (6):356-358.
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    Can Cognitive Control and Attentional Biases Explain More of the Variance in Depressive Symptoms Than Behavioral Processes? A Path Analysis Approach.Audrey Krings, Jessica Simon, Arnaud Carré & Sylvie Blairy - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:809387.
    BackgroundThis study explored the proportion of variance in depressive symptoms explained by processes targeted by BA (activation, behavioral avoidance, anticipatory pleasure, and brooding), and processes targeted by cognitive control training (cognitive control, attentional biases, and brooding).MethodsFive hundred and twenty adults were recruited. They completed a spatial cueing task as a measure of attentional biases and a cognitive task as a measure of cognitive control and completed self-report measures of activation, behavioral avoidance, anticipatory pleasure, brooding, and depressive symptoms. With path analysis (...)
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  28.  13
    “A Different Sort of Map Altogether”: Reading Hugo Hamilton's Migrant Geographies in Hand in the Fire.Audrey Robitaillié - 2019 - Environment, Space, Place 11 (1):85-101.
    Abstract:This study analyses how the migrant experience is reflected in the geography of Hugo Hamilton's work of fiction entitled Hand in the Fire (2010). The novel is told from the point of view of Vid, a Serbian immigrant who is trying to settle in Ireland. The young carpenter endeavours to fit in Irish society through his friendship with a young Dublin lawyer, Kevin Concannon, who tells him that a true friend would put his “hand in the fire” for you. Through (...)
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    Erratum to: Stefan Goltzberg: L’argumentation Juridique: Dalloz, Paris, 2013, 118 pp, ISBN: 978-2-247-12552-4.Audrey Soussan - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (3):531-531.
    Erratum to: Int J Semiot Law DOI 10.1007/s11196-014-9376-7Dans la publication originale de cet article, l’auteur n’a pas cité le titre correct de la thèse de philosophie de Stefan Goltzberg.A la dernière phrase du premier paragraphe, il ne faut pas lire «il a écrit une thèse de philosophie intitulé Théorie et histoire de la philosophie du droit, philosophie du droit de Chaïm Perelman, de Theodor Viehweg, de Roscoe Pound» mais bien «il a écrit une thèse de philosophie intitulée Théorie bidimensionnelle de (...)
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    Stefan Goltzberg: L’argumentation Juridique: Dalloz, Paris, 2013, 118 pp, ISBN: 978-2-247-12552-4.Audrey Soussan - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (3):523-529.
    «Existe-t-il une argumentation juridique?», c’est la question à laquelle tente de répondre l’ouvrage de Stefan Goltzberg, intitulé explicitement L’argumentation juridique. Si l’auteur commence son ouvrage en posant directement la question, on en cherche aussitôt, par un réflexe de «juriste», la définition. Et il faut probablement lire l’intégralité de ce petit ouvrage pour voir se profiler une définition de l’argumentation juridique. Or, au cours de cette lecture Stefan Goltzberg nous montre en quoi chercher la définition, la poser, est déjà une marque (...)
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    How to link the specificity of cerebellar anatomy to motor learning?Fahad Sultan, Detlef Heck & Harold Bekkering - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):474.
  32.  17
    Selected Work, 2011–2015.Altoon Sultan - 2014 - Diacritics 42 (3):5-119.
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  33. Truth transformation fuzzy logic controllers: Outlines of the design of a new generation of fuzzy controllers.L. H. Sultan & T. H. Janabi - 1991 - Ai 1991 Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry Topical Meeting, Jackson Lake, Wy, Sept. 15-18, 1991 1.
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  34. L'ombra del simbolico. La retorica diabolica di lago nell'Othello di William Shakespeare.Audrey Taschini - 2018 - In Enrico Giannetto, Di stelle, atomi e poemi. Verso la physis. Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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  35. Critique of Between voice and silence: Women and girls, race and relationship.Audrey Thompson - 1996 - Educational Studies 27 (3):253-261.
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  36. Kant and Community.Audrey Thompson - 1986 - Philosophy of Education 42:299-303.
  37.  83
    Bridging the explanatory gaps: What can we learn from a biological agency perspective?Sonia E. Sultan, Armin P. Moczek & Denis Walsh - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (1):2100185.
    We begin this article by delineating the explanatory gaps left by prevailing gene‐focused approaches in our understanding of phenotype determination, inheritance, and the origin of novel traits. We aim not to diminish the value of these approaches but to highlight where their implementation, despite best efforts, has encountered persistent limitations. We then discuss how each of these explanatory gaps can be addressed by expanding research foci to take into accountbiological agency—the capacity of living systems at various levels to participate in (...)
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  38. Ad Hominem Fallacies, Bias, and Testimony.Audrey Yap - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (2):97-109.
    An ad hominem fallacy is committed when an individual employs an irrelevant personal attack against an opponent instead of addressing that opponent’s argument. Many discussions of such fallacies discuss judgments of relevance about such personal attacks, and consider how we might distinguish those that are relevant from those that are not. This paper will argue that the literature on bias and testimony can helpfully contribute to that analysis. This will highlight ways in which biases, particularly unconscious biases, can make ad (...)
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  39. Defensiveness and Identity.Audrey Yap & Jonathan Ichikawa - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (2):261-280.
    Criticism can sometimes provoke defensive reactions, particularly when it implicates identities people hold dear. For instance, feminists told they are upholding rape culture might become angry or upset, since the criticism conflicts with an identity that is important to them. These kinds of defensive reactions are a primary focus of this paper. What is it to be defensive in this way, and why do some kinds of criticism, or implied criticism, tend to provoke this kind of response? What are the (...)
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    Autonomy issues for young adults dealing with psychic disorders.Audrey Parron - 2014 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 8 (4):245-255.
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  41. Credibility Excess and the Social Imaginary in Cases of Sexual Assault.Audrey S. Yap - 2017 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 3 (4):1-24.
    Open Access: This paper will connect literature on epistemic injustice with literature on victims and perpetrators, to argue that in addition to considering the credibility deficit suffered by many victims, we should also consider the credibility excess accorded to many perpetrators. Epistemic injustice, as discussed by Miranda Fricker, considers ways in which someone might be wronged in their capacity as a knower. Testimonial injustice occurs when there is a credibility deficit as a result of identity-prejudicial stereotypes. However, criticisms of Fricker (...)
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    The Cynic Conception of Aytapkeia.Audrey N. M. Rich - 1956 - Mnemosyne 9 (1):23-29.
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    Body and soul in the philosophy of plotinus.Audrey Rich - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (1):1-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Body and Soul in the Philosophy of Plotinus AUDREY N. M. RICH BEFORE THE TIME Of Aristotle, there had been no serious philosophical enquiry into the relation existing between the body and the soul. Admittedly, in those Dialogues of Plato in which the problem of Motion begins to assume importance, something approaching a scientific interest in the question starts to emerge. In the Phaedrus, for instance, the soul (...)
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  44. Moral Overfitting.Audrey Powers - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies.
    This is a paper about model-building and overfitting in normative ethics. Overfitting is recognized as a methodological error in modeling in the philosophy of science and scientific practice, but this concern has not been brought to bear on the practice of normative ethics. I first argue that moral inquiry shares similarities with scientific inquiry in that both may productively rely on model-building, and, as such, overfitting worries should apply to both fields. I then offer a diagnosis of the problems of (...)
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    Brain Models in a Dish: Ethical Issues in Developing Brain Organoids.Audrey R. Chapman - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (3):113-115.
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    Deleuze's expressionism.Audrey Wasser - 2007 - Angelaki 12 (2):49 – 66.
  47.  22
    How to Cover Murder-Suicides: A Study of Irish Journalism Ethics.Audrey Galvin - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (1):49-60.
    Based on 12 in-depth, semi-structured interviews, this study explores the attitudes of news media professionals toward Codes of Practice and guidelines and how they may conflict in the coverage of murder-suicide incidents. There is a dearth of research in this area, even though four organizations in Ireland have issued guidelines on how journalists should report on cases of this nature. This study found that news media professionals have a largely positive attitude toward guidelines and codes; however, news media conventions and (...)
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  48. Logistic, Ethical, and political dimensions of stepped wedge trials: critical review and case studies.Audrey Prost, Ariella Binik, Abubakar Ibrahim, Anjana Roy, Manuela de Allegri, Christelle Mouchoux, Tobias Dreischulte, Helen Ayles, James J. Lewis & David Osrin - 2015 - Trials 1 (16):351.
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  49. Feminist Radical Empiricism, Values, and Evidence.Audrey Yap - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (1):58-73.
    Feminist epistemologies consider ways in which gender influences knowledge. In this article, I want to consider a particular kind of feminist empiricism that has been called feminist radical empiricism. I am particularly interested in this view's treatment of values as empirical, and consequently up for revision on the basis of empirical evidence. Proponents of this view cite the fact that it allows us to talk about certain things such as racial and gender equality as objective facts: not just whether we (...)
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  50.  18
    Le roi et la reine font compte à part : Marguerite de Provence et la séparation des comptes royaux de l’Hôtel (1261).Audrey Duchatel - 2022 - Clio 56:231-249.
    Le roi et la reine de France font compte à part : si la séparation du roi et de la reine comme mode habituel de vie de couple princier est bien actée à la fin du Moyen Âge, qu’en était-il au xiiie siècle, c’est-à-dire au moment de l’émergence de l’hôtel réginal? Si la question des institutions et de l’entourage royaux a fait l’objet d’une attention renouvelée ces dernières années elle n’a pas vraiment concerné l’hôtel de la reine. Pourtant la naissance (...)
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