Results for 'Arjun Byju'

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  1.  27
    Making up Monsters, Redirecting Blame: An Examination of Excited Delirium.Arjun Byju & Phoebe Friesen - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (4):333-351.
    This paper examines the controversial diagnosis of excited delirium, which is often employed after individuals die during an encounter with the police. Rather than asking the important, and widely explored, question of whether the diagnosis is real or not, here, we consider how it operates in the world and why it seems to stick around, despite growing controversy and resistance to its use. First, we consider the question of what kinds of people are made up through the diagnosis of excited (...)
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    Excited Delirium: Falsifiability, Causality, and the Importance of Advocacy.Arjun Byju & Phoebe Friesen - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (4):361-365.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Excited DeliriumFalsifiability, Causality, and the Importance of AdvocacyArjun Byju, MD (bio) and Phoebe Friesen, PhD (bio)We want to begin by thanking both Kathryn Petrozzo and Paul B. Lieberman for taking the time to read and respond to our article, “Making Up Monsters, Redirecting Blame: An Examination of Excited Delirium,” so thoughtfully. They each offered us an opportunity to consider dimensions of excited delirium that we had not encountered (...)
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    Medical error in the care of the unrepresented: disclosure and apology for a vulnerable patient population.Arjun S. Byju & Kajsa Mayo - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12):821-823.
    Defined as patients who ‘lack decision-making capacity and a surrogate decision-maker’, the unrepresented (sometimes referred to as the ‘unbefriended’, ‘isolated patients’ and/or ‘patients without surrogates’) present a major quandary to clinicians and ethicists, especially in handling errors made in their care. A novel concern presented in the care of the unrepresented is how to address an error when there is seemingly no one to whom it can be disclosed. Given that the number of unrepresented Americans is expected to rise in (...)
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    Physician unionisation in the USA: ethical and empirical considerations and the free-rider problem.Arjun S. Byju & Kajsa Mayo - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):697-700.
    While American physicians have traditionally practised as non-unionised professionals, there has been increasing debate in recent years over whether physicians in training (known also as interns, residents or house staff) are justified in unionising and using collective action. This paper examines specific ethical criteria that would permit union action, including a desire to ameliorate patient care as well as the goal of improving the conditions of working physicians. We posit that traditional rebuttals to physician unionisation often lean on an infinite (...)
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    Excited Delirium: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Police Brutality.Kathryn Petrozzo - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (4):357-359.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Excited DeliriumThe Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Police BrutalityKathryn Petrozzo (bio)In their timely and pressing piece, Arjun Byju and Phoebe Friesen explore the contentious diagnosis of excited delirium; a syndrome characterized by erratic, aggressive, and “delusional” behavior (2023). Overwhelmingly, this term is used when individuals come in contact with police and/or first responders. Although much attention has been given to debating whether or not this is a “real” diagnosis, (...)
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  6. Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy.Arjun Appadurai - 1990 - Theory, Culture and Society 7 (2-3):295-310.
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  7. Poverty Eradication and Human Rights.Arjun Sengupta - 2007 - In Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, Freedom From Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor? Co-Published with Unesco. Oxford University Press.
  8.  55
    Medical nihilism: The limits of a decontextualised critique of medicine.Arjun Devanesan - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 79:101189.
    In a new and interesting book entitled Medical Nihilism (2018), Jacob Stegenga attempts to convince us that modern medical therapies are less effective than we think. Given the heterogeneity of hypotheses in medicine and the evidence for or against them, I argue that such a decontextualised critique cannot be made unless substantially weakened. Instead, I put forward an alternative, more nuanced and defensible epistemic view of medicine. According to this view, evaluating medical evidence requires analysis of both the methods of (...)
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    Gratitude as a social mode in South India.Arjun Appadurai - 1985 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 13 (3):236-245.
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    Visual cortical γ−aminobutyric acid and perceptual suppression in amblyopia.Arjun Mukerji, Kelly N. Byrne, Eunice Yang, Dennis M. Levi & Michael A. Silver - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:949395.
    In amblyopia, abnormal visual experience during development leads to an enduring loss of visual acuity in adulthood. Physiological studies in animal models suggest that intracortical GABAergic inhibition may mediate visual deficits in amblyopia. To better understand the relationship between visual cortical γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and perceptual suppression in persons with amblyopia (PWA), we employed magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to quantify GABA levels in both PWA and normally-sighted persons (NSP). In the same individuals, we obtained psychophysical measures of perceptual suppression for (...)
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  11. The production of locality.Arjun Appadurai - 1995 - In Richard Fardon, Counterworks: managing the diversity of knowledge. New York: Routledge. pp. 204--225.
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  12. Tactical Humanism.Arjun Appadurai - 1998 - Polis 6 (2).
  13.  46
    Burnout Among Primary Government School Teachers: The Mediating Role of Work– Family Conflict.Arjun Chakravorty & Pankaj Singh - 2021 - Journal of Human Values 27 (2):126-140.
    Although the impact of job demands and work–family conflict (WFC) on burnout has been extensively discussed and analysed in the past literature, the role of WFC as a generative mechanism has been neglected. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effects of WFC between job demands and burnout. The studied sample consisted of 713 Indian primary school government teachers who completed a self-report questionnaire assessing job demands, WFC and burnout. The results confirmed that WFC partially mediates (...)
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  14.  44
    Letters against Cultures.Arjun Poudel - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 7 (18):53-65.
    This essay draws a parallel between Macaulay’s stint as the “lawgiver” of India under the East India Company and the Anglicists-Orientalists debate that he brought to a decisive end on the one hand and on the other the culture/canon wars of the 1980s, and the neoconservative ascendancy that followed it and remained influential during the second Iraq War. Although neo-conservativism’s fierce resistance to a more inclusive liberal arts curriculum in the 1980s and its towering role during the militarization of the (...)
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  15. Elements of a Theory of the Right to Development.Arjun Sengupta - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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  16. Elements of a Theory of the Right to Development.Arjun Sengupta - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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    Pregnancy, a test case for immunology.Arjun Devanesan - 2024 - Synthese 203 (1):1-19.
    The traditional conception of immune function is that of a system which differentiates the organism’s own tissues (the self) from any foreign invaders (nonself), preserving the former by rejecting the latter. In a mammalian pregnancy, however, the immunologically foreign foetus is accepted by the gestator’s immune system. This presents a serious challenge to the self–nonself theory which has sometimes been called the immunological paradox of pregnancy. In this paper I shall defend the self–nonself theory against the critique posed by Thomas (...)
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    Bonded Dichotomy.Arjun Rajpal - 2023 - Questions 23:25-25.
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    EPR and uDCDD: A Response to Commentaries.Arjun Prabhu, Lisa S. Parker & Michael A. DeVita - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (7):1-3.
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    The Reference Class Problem and Probabilities in the Individual Case: A Response to Fuller.Arjun Devanesan - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (4):1001-1009.
    In a recent article on the interpretation of probability in evidence-based medical practice, Jonathan Fuller argues that we should interpret probabilities as credences in individual cases because this avoids some important problems. In this article, I argue that Fuller misidentifies the real issue and so fails to offer a meaningful solution to it. The real problem with making probability judgments in individual cases is deciding which objective considerations ought to constrain our formation of credences. This leads us to the reference (...)
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  21. Dimensões culturais da globalização. A modernidade sem peias, trad. Telma Costa com revisão científica de Conceição Moreira, Lisboa: Ed.Arjun Appadurai - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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  22. Locating the subject.Arjun Appadurai - 1995 - In Richard Fardon, Counterworks: managing the diversity of knowledge. New York: Routledge. pp. 192.
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  23.  31
    Worship and Conflict under Colonial Rule: A South Indian Case.Pauline Kolenda & Arjun Appadurai - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (3):666.
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  24.  41
    European Avant-garde Studies and the Future of Europe. [REVIEW]Arjun Poudel - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 8 (19):53-55.
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    Self-Development and Social Transformations?: The Vision and Practice of the Self-Study Mobilization of Swadhyaya.Ananta Kumar Giri & Arjun Appadurai - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Self-development of individuals and societies is an epochal challenge now but surprisingly very little has been written about this in the vast field of development studies and social sciences. The present book is one of the first efforts in this field and explores in detail the dynamics of pursuits of self-development and the accompanying contradictions in the self-study mobilization called Swadhyaya. Giri is one of the pioneers in bringing self-development to the core of theory and ethnographic multiverse of humanities and (...)
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    What is Curiosity Studies?Perry Zurn & Arjun Shankar - 2020 - In Curiosity Studies: A New Ecology of Knowledge. Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press.
    In what follows, we intervene in the long history of the study of curiosity to propose curiosity studies proper. Such a field, we argue, traverses the many disciplinary and experiential contexts in which curiosity appears, in order to generate theories, analytics, and practices of curiosity that are as complex and ubiquitous as the phenomenon of curiosity itself. Assuming an ecology of knowledge framework, which expressly resists academic silos and intellectual monocultures, we envision curiosity studies as an unbounded inquiry built on (...)
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  27.  12
    Aquinas, St. Thomas. Introduction to St. Thomas Aquinas. Ed. Anton C. Pegis. New York: Modem Library. 1945 Arac, Jonathan. Critical Genealogies: Historical Situations for Postmodern Literary Studies-New York: Columbia UP, 1987 Arendt, Hannah The Origins of Totalitarianism. Cleveland: World Publishing. [REVIEW]Arjun Appadurai & Carol A. Breckenridge - 1995 - In Jeffrey Williams, PC wars: politics and theory in the academy. New York: Routledge. pp. 2--313.
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    On Teaching Curiosity.Perry Zurn & Arjun Shankar - 2020 - In Curiosity Studies: A New Ecology of Knowledge. Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 269-290.
    In this essay, we offer a preliminary account of why and how to consciously cultivate curiosity in contemporary learning environments. First, we begin by discussing some of the educational theory upon which curiosity-centric classrooms might be built: experiential learning pedagogy, feminist pedagogy, critical pedagogy, and abolitionist pedagogy. Second, recognizing that our social, cultural, political, and economic processes all shape who can be curious, about what, and when, we then formulate what we call a critically curious pedagogy. Critically curious pedagogy aims (...)
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  29.  25
    Ethics of Care and Employees: The Impact of Female Board Representation and Top Management Leadership on Human Capital Development Policies.Conor Callahan, Arjun Mitra & Steve Sauerwald - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (3):615-629.
    While scholarly research on the relationship between female board representation and strategic decision-making has gained momentum, employee policy outcomes have remained relatively understudied. Integrating theory from the ethics of care perspective with research on the glass ceiling and workplace voice, we seek to understand the circumstances under which female directors influence policy changes for firm employees. We argue that firms with increasing female board representation are more likely to enact human capital development policies benefiting firm employees. However, this positive relationship (...)
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    Counterfactual explanations for misclassified images: How human and machine explanations differ.Eoin Delaney, Arjun Pakrashi, Derek Greene & Mark T. Keane - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 324 (C):103995.
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    Caring for Patients or Organs: New Therapies Raise New Dilemmas in the Emergency Department.Michael A. DeVita, Lisa S. Parker & Arjun Prabhu - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (5):6-16.
    Two potentially lifesaving protocols, emergency preservation and resuscitation and uncontrolled donation after circulatory determination of death, currently implemented in some U.S. emergency departments, have similar eligibility criteria and initial technical procedures, but critically different goals. Both follow unsuccessful cardiopulmonary resuscitation and induce hypothermia to “buy time”: one in trauma patients suffering cardiac arrest, to enable surgical repair, and the other in patients who unexpectedly die in the ED, to enable organ donation. This article argues that to fulfill patient-focused fiduciary obligations (...)
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  32.  34
    Paediatric deep brain stimulation: ethical considerations in malignant Tourette syndrome.Rosemary T. Behmer Hansen, Arjun Dubey, Cynthia Smith, Patrick J. Henry & Antonios Mammis - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (10):668-673.
    Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (TS) is a childhood neuropsychiatric disorder characterised by the presence of motor and vocal tics. Patients with malignant TS experience severe disease sequelae; risking morbidity and mortality due to tics, self-harm, psychiatric comorbidities and suicide. By definition, those cases termed ‘malignant’ are refractory to all conventional psychiatric and pharmacological regimens. In these instances, deep brain stimulation (DBS) may be efficacious. Current 2015 guidelines recommend a 6-month period absent of suicidal ideation before DBS is offered to (...)
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    Revitalizing primary health care and family medicine/primary care in India – disruptive innovation?Rakesh Biswas, Ankur Joshi, Rajeev Joshi, Terry Kaufman, Chris Peterson, Joachim P. Sturmberg, Arjun Maitra & Carmel M. Martin - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (5):873-880.
  34.  21
    Failure: by Arjun Appadurai and Neta Alexander, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2019, viii + 145 pp., $49.95/£40 (cloth), $14.95/£12.99.Jonathan Warner - 2022 - The European Legacy 27 (6):650-652.
    I came to this book expecting not to like it, but with the hope that I would learn something of value about the nature of failure. In fact, it starts very well, with the introductory chapter laying...
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  35.  14
    Orientalist Sociology and the Creation of Colonial Sexualities.Philippa Levine - 2000 - Feminist Review 65 (1):5-21.
    In what Arjun Appadurai has dubbed the ‘colonial imaginary’ issues of femininity, and who possessed it, were of prime importance. An orientalizing sociology sought to distinguish, and indeed to fix, differences between metropolitan and indigenous women as a rhetoric of hierarchy which secured proper and western femininity to white women. One critical route which colonial commentators and authorities took to produce that knowledge was to measure women's proximity to the practice of prostitution, a means which permitted discussion and judgement (...)
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    When singing strengthens the capacity to aspire: girls’ reflexivity in rural Bangladesh.Maria Jordet, Siri Erika Gullestad & Hanne Haavind - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (1):7-26.
    In the present paper, we explore the impact of singing for girls in rural Bangladesh. Previous findings in this field-based interview study (with 18 girls) have demonstrated that singing can act as a driving force in young girls’ psychological individuation processes, implying increased agency and autonomy. A critical question, however, is to what extent the village girls will manage to maintain a feeling of agency as they pass through puberty. How do they navigate between their own wish to continue singing (...)
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  37.  51
    Cosmopolitanism.Carol Appadurai Breckenridge (ed.) - 2002 - Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press.
    As the final installment of Public Culture’s Millennial Quartet, Cosmopolitanism assesses the pasts and possible futures of cosmopolitanism—or ways of thinking, feeling, and acting beyond one’s particular society. With contributions from distinguished scholars in disciplines such as literary studies, art history, South Asian studies, and anthropology, this volume recenters the history and theory of translocal political aspirations and cultural ideas from the usual Western vantage point to areas outside Europe, such as South Asia, China, and Africa. By examining new archives, (...)
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  38. Globalization: key thinkers.Andrew Jones - 2010 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Introduction: thinking about globalization -- Systemic thinking: Immanuel Wallerstein -- Conceptual thinking: Anthony Giddens -- Sociological thinking: Manuel Castells -- Transformational thinking: David Held and Anthony McGrew -- Sceptical thinking: Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson -- Spatial thinking: Peter Dicken and Saskia Sassen -- Positive thinking: Thomas Friedman and Martin Wolf -- Reformist thinking: Joseph Stiglitz -- Radical thinking: Naomi Klein, George Monbiot and Subcommandante Marcos -- Revolutinary thinking: Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri -- Cultural thinking: Arjun Appadurai -- (...)
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    Olivier Masset-Depasse’s Illégal: How to Narrate Silence and Horror.Mireille Rosello - 2014 - Substance 43 (1):13-25.
    I am told that you raised your hand against yourselfAnticipating the butcher.[…]So the future lies in darkness and the forces of rightAre weak. All this was plain to youWhen you destroyed a torturable body.-- Bertold Brecht“On the Suicide of the Refugee W.B.”Like many influential contemporary thinkers, Arjun Appadurai and Giorgio Agamben suggest that globalization invites us to rethink our relationship with the nation or “postnation” (Appadurai; Agamben). One emblematic figure crystallizes the urgency of such a challenge: the refugee (Nyers; (...)
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    Be-longing and Bi-lingual States.Doris Sommer - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (4):84-115.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 29.4 (1999) 84-115 [Access article in PDF] Be-longing and Bi-lingual States Doris Sommer "How sad that people don't keep commitments any more. Even marriages last only about five years.""Yes, but long-distance marriages can stretch those five years out over weekends and vacations to make relationships last a lifetime."Benedict Anderson's provocative new book, The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia and the World, raises questions about political relationships over (...)
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  41.  20
    Narratives of Debt.Peter Szendy (ed.) - 2020 - Duke University Press.
    As the problem of debt grows more and more urgent in light of the central role it plays in neoliberal capitalism, scholars have analyzed debt using numerous approaches: historical analysis, legal arguments, psychoanalytic readings, claims for reparations in postcolonial debates, and more. Contributors to this special issue of _difference_s argue that these diverse approaches presuppose a fundamental connection between indebtedness and narrative. They see debt as a promise that refers to the future—deferred repayment that purports to make good on a (...)
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    Educating for Futures in Marginalized Regions: A sociological framework for rethinking and researching aspirations.Lew Zipin, Sam Sellar, Marie Brennan & Trevor Gale - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (3):227-246.
    Abstract‘Raising aspirations’ for education among young people in low socioeconomic regions has become a widespread policy prescription for increasing human capital investment and economic competitiveness in so-called ‘knowledge economies’. However, policy tends not to address difficult social, cultural, economic and political conditions for aspiring, based in structural changes associated with globalization. Drawing conceptually on the works of Pierre Bourdieu, Raymond Williams, Arjun Appadurai and authors in the Funds of Knowledge tradition, this article theorizes two logics for aspiring that are (...)
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    (1 other version)Excited Delirium: What’s Psychiatry Got to do With It?Paul B. Lieberman - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (4):353-356.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Excited DeliriumWhat’s Psychiatry Got to do With It?Paul B. Lieberman, MDIf in life we are surrounded by death, so too in the health of our intellect by madness.—WittgensteinDelirium is a medical syndrome defined as “a relatively acute decline in cognition that fluctuates over hours or days” whose primary manifestation is a deficit of attention. It is common, estimated to occur in 10% to more than 50% of hospitalized patients, (...)
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    Religious Pluralism as an Imaginative Practice.Hans A. Alma - 2015 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 37 (2):117-140.
    To understand the complex religious dynamics in a globalizing world, Arjun Appadurai's view on imagination as a social practice, Charles Taylor's view on social imaginaries, and John Dewey's view on moral imagination are discussed. Their views enable us to understand religious dynamics as a “space of contestation” in which secular and religious images and voices interact, argue, and clash. Imagination can be used in violent ways in service of extremist world images that spread over the world by the intensive (...)
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    Coloniality and its Future.Achia Anzi - 2021 - Kronos 47 (1):1-10.
    Decoloniality emerged in the last two decades as a new mode of critique against colonialism and coloniality. While its insights are inspired by dependency and postcolonial theories, decoloniality challenges them both, particularly their inability to depart with modern Western epistemology. Written in response to Arjun Appadurai's recent critique of On Decoloniality by Catherine E. Walsh and Walter D. Mignolo, this article attempts to articulate decoloniality's approach to epistemology and discourse analysis. Whereas Appadurai describes Walsh and Mignolo's position as an (...)
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    Citizen participation, agency and voice.Lavinia Bifulco - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (2):174-187.
    Citizen participation, by now one of the main topics on the institutional agenda in many European countries, involves different fields of public action, mostly on a local level – social inclusion, urban renewal, development, the environment, health/social services, etc. It still remains, however, vague as a concept with a great variety of actors, procedures and powers involved in its practices. In this scenario, the present article asks two questions: what powers and what freedoms are involved in participation? How are they (...)
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    The Lives of Objects in the Early Modern Globalization.Vizureanu Viorel - 2017 - Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 66 (1).
    The Global Lives of Things: The Material Culture of Connections in the Early Modern World, edited by Anne Gerritsen and Giorgio Riello, Routledge: London and New York, 2016, xiv + 266 p. The collective research concentrated in this volume is claimed both from theoretical sources, mainly positioned in the last two decades of the past century – such as the innovative contribution made by the volume edited by Arjun Appadurai in 1986 or by the volume of author signed by (...)
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  48. Intercultural Philosophy.Edward Demenchonok - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 7:27-31.
    This paper focuses on the philosophical analysis of interculturality. Globalization involves the problem of the universal and its relation to the particular in cultures. In some interpretations, universality is sharply opposed to particularity (Arjun Appadurai's theory of "break" in culture). In contrast to this, there are authors who allow for both particular and universal, focusing on their interrelation. Roland Robertson shows that diversity and multiculturality do not exclude forms of cultural unity. The analysis involves the current debate regarding the (...)
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    Historical Memory, Global Movements and Violence.Vikki Bell - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (2):21-40.
    This interview with Paul Gilroy and Arjun Appaddurai was conducted in the belief that these two thinkers, who stem from different disciplines but whose work meets at certain crucial junctures, would be able to present a discussion to a wider audience about the themes and issues that were currently motivating them in their work. Paul Gilroy's work is well known as a central reference point within the contemporary analysis of `race' and racism. At its most broad, he has a (...)
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