Results for 'Ariel Toledano'

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  1.  11
    La médecine de Maïmonide: quand l'esprit guérit le corps.Ariel Toledano - 2018 - Paris: Éditions In Press.
    Maïmonide (Cordoue 1138 - Fostat 1204) fait partie de ces rares penseurs du Moyen Age à avoir franchi les siècles en laissant une oeuvre encore très actuelle. Les écrits médicaux de ce philosophe, talmudiste et médecin, puisent dans les sagesses juives, grecques et arabes. Son sens de l'observation, son intérêt pour la clinique, son besoin permanent d'associer expérience pratique et savoir théorique, sa vision de la prévention font de ce grand médecin l'un des précurseurs de la médecine moderne. Il a (...)
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    Think Generic!: The Meaning and Use of Generic Sentences.Ariel Cohen - 1999 - Stanford: CSLI.
    Our knowledge about the world is often expressed by generic sentences, yet their meanings are far from clear. This book provides answers to central problems concerning generics: what do they mean? Which factors affect their interpretation? How can one reason with generics? Cohen proposes that the meanings of generics are probability judgments, and shows how this view accounts for many of their puzzling properties, including lawlikeness. Generics are evaluated with respect to alternatives. Cohen argues that alternatives are induced by the (...)
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  3. Instinctive and cognitive reasoning: A study of response times.Ariel Rubinstein - manuscript
    Lecture audiences and students were asked to respond to virtual decision and game situations at Several thousand observations were collected and the response time for each answer was recorded. There were significant differences in response time across responses. It is suggested that choices made instinctively, that is, on the basis of an emotional response, require less response time than choices that require the use of cognitive reasoning.
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    Evidence against continuous variables driving numerical discrimination in infancy.Ariel Starr & Elizabeth M. Brannon - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  5.  37
    Promoting Ethical Reflection in the Teaching of Social Entrepreneurship: A Proposal Using Religious Parables.Nuria Toledano - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (1):115-132.
    This paper proposes a teaching alternative that can encourage the ethical reflective sensibility among students of social entrepreneurship. It does so by exploring the possibility of using religious parables as narratives that can be analysed from Ricoeur’s hermeneutics to provoke and encourage ethical discussions in social entrepreneurship courses. To illustrate this argument, the paper makes use of a parable from the New Testament as an example of a religious narrative that can be used to prompt discussions about social entrepreneurs’ ethical (...)
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    Genetic drift as a directional factor: biasing effects and a priori predictions.Ariel Jonathan Roffé - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (4):535-558.
    The adequacy of Elliott Sober’s analogy between classical mechanics and evolutionary theory—according to which both theories explain via a zero-force law and a set of forces that alter the zero-force state—has been criticized from various points of view. I focus here on McShea and Brandon’s claim that drift shouldn’t be considered a force because it is not directional. I argue that there are a number of different theses that could be meant by this, and show that one of those theses—the (...)
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  7.  28
    Restoring the Garden of Eden: A Ricoeurian view of the ethics of environmental entrepreneurship.Nuria Toledano - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (4):1174-1184.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 4, Page 1174-1184, October 2022.
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    Ibn Barūn's Arabic Works on Hebrew Grammar and LexicographyIbn Barun's Arabic Works on Hebrew Grammar and Lexicography.Ariel A. Bloch & Pinchas Wechter - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (4):801.
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    Summa.Vicente Lombardo Toledano - 1964 - México,:
  10.  24
    Ethical Considerations in Shaping the Police Force.Sarah Jane Toledano - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (1):56-58.
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    Forgotten Botany: The Politics of Knowledge within the Royal Botanical Garden of New Spain.Anna Toledano - 2021 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 44 (2):228-244.
    Spanish naturalists established the Viceregal Botanical Garden of New Spain in Mexico City in 1788 to advance agriculture, manufacturing, and medicine. This colonial institution also served the ideological role of cultivating agents of empire. Rather than establish the garden in the already robust tradition of American botany, the Spanish appropriated this space, employing Creole students and servant workers to Europeanize local botanical knowledge through taxonomic colonialism. The different agendas at work in the botanical garden, which straddled the colonial and revolutionary (...)
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    La apropiación del dominio público y las posibilidades de acceso a los bienes culturales | The appropriation of the public domain and the possibilities of access to cultural goods.Joan Ramos Toledano - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 35:140-156.
    Resumen: Las normas de propiedad intelectual y copyright prevén un periodo de protección otorgando unos derechos económicos exclusivos y temporales. Pasado un plazo determinado, las obras protegidas entran en lo que se denomina dominio público. Éste suele ser considerado como el momento en el que los bienes culturales pasan a estar bajo el dominio y control de la sociedad en conjunto. El presente trabajo pretende argumentar que, dado nuestro actual sistema económico, en realidad el dominio público funciona más como una (...)
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    Las corrientes filosóficas en la vida de México.Vicente Lombardo Toledano - 1963 - México,:
  14.  12
    Les Relations entre juifs et musulmans en afrique du nord, xixe-xxe sièclesLes Relations entre juifs et musulmans en afrique du nord, xixe-xxe siecles.Henry Toledano - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (3):588.
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    Occupational Therapy, Self-Efficacy, Well-Being in Older Adults Living in Residential Care Facilities: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Abel Toledano-González, Teresa Labajos-Manzanares & Dulce María Romero-Ayuso - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Repensando los bienes comunes: análisis socio-técnico sobre la construcción y regulación de los bienes comunes.Ariel Vercelli & Hernán Thomas - 2008 - Scientiae Studia 6 (3):427-442.
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    The Goods of Design: Professional Ethics for Designers.Ariel Guersenzvaig - 2021 - London - New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    What ends should designers pursue? To what extent should they care about the societal and environmental impact of their work? And why should they care at all? Given the key influence design has on the way people live their lives, designing is fraught with ethical issues. Yet, unlike education or nursing, it lacks widespread professional principles for addressing these issues. -/- Rooted in a communitarian view of design practice, this lively and accessible book examines design through the lens of professions, (...)
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  18. Modeling Bounded Rationality.Ariel Rubinstein - 1998 - MIT Press.
    p. cm. — (Zeuthen lecture book series) Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. ISBN 0-262-18187-8 (hardcover : alk. paper). — ISBN 0-262-68100-5 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Decision-making. 2. Economic man. 3. Game theory. 4. Rational expectations (Economic theory) I. Title. II. Series.
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  19. Economics and Language: Five Essays.Ariel Rubinstein - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    Arising out of the author's lifetime fascination with the links between the formal language of mathematical models and natural language, this short book comprises five essays investigating both the economics of language and the language of economics. Ariel Rubinstein touches the structure imposed on binary relations in daily language, the evolutionary development of the meaning of words, game-theoretical considerations of pragmatics, the language of economic agents and the rhetoric of game theory. These short essays are full of challenging ideas (...)
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    K'ung-Ts'ung-Tzu: The K'ung Family Masters' Anthology.Yoav Ariel - 1989 - Princeton University Press.
    In analyzing evidence indicating that K'ung-ts'ung-tzu was a forgery, Yoav Ariel questions current views of the Confucian school in the time between the Sage's death in the fifth century B.C. and the emergence in the eleventh century of Neo-Confucianism. The text, traditionally ascribed to a descendant of Confucius, K'ung Fu, provides a setting for a series of philosophical debates between K'ung family members and representatives of such non-Confucian schools as Legalism, Mohism, and the School of Names. However, finding that (...)
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  21. The association of religiosity and political conservatism: The role of political engagement.Ariel Malka, Yphtach Lelkes, Sanjay Srivastava, Adam B. Cohen & Dale T. Miller - 2012 - Political Psychology 33 (2):275-299.
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  22. The nature of hope.Ariel Meirav - 2009 - Ratio 22 (2):216-233.
    Both traditional accounts of hope and some of their recent critics analyze hope exclusively in terms of attitudes that a hoper bears towards a hoped-for prospect, such as desire and probability assignment. I argue that all of these accounts misidentify cases of despair as cases of hope, and so misconstrue the nature of hope. I show that a more satisfactory view is arrived at by noticing that in addition to the aforementioned attitudes, hope involves a characteristic attitude towards an external (...)
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  23.  27
    Rethinking the theory of communities of practice in education: Critical reflection and ethical imagination.Ariel Sarid & Maya Levanon - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (10):1693-1704.
    One of the leading theories of social learning today is Wenger's theory of Communities of Practice'. CoP-theory reiterates basic tenets of social learning theory yet it us set apart from other theories of social learning and education not only by centering on identity-formation but by positing four key dualities as inherent structural features of the educational process. While concurring with Wenger's 'dilemmatic' understanding of education and his open-ended, practice-based conception of identity-formation, we argue that Wenger's theory overlooks central elements that (...)
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    Notas para la polémica sobre realismo.Ariel Bignami - 1969 - [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Galerna.
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    Insufficient Reason and Entropy in Quantum Theory.Ariel Caticha - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (2):227-251.
    The objective of the consistent-amplitude approach to quantum theory has been to justify the mathematical formalism on the basis of three main assumptions: the first defines the subject matter, the second introduces amplitudes as the tools for quantitative reasoning, and the third is an interpretative rule that provides the link to the prediction of experimental outcomes. In this work we introduce a natural and compelling fourth assumption: if there is no reason to prefer one region of the configuration space over (...)
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  26.  14
    Los límites impuestos a la desobediencia civil:una revisión.Ariel Colombo - 2005 - Polis 11.
    El artículo revisa -tomando como referencia el episodio de un bloqueo de vías en Argentina durante siete días con sus noches, por parte de los habitantes de las localidades de Cutralco y Plaza Huincul, Argentina, con motivo de la privatización de YPF- el debate sobre la desobediencia civil, que es usualmente entendida como una desobediencia por la fuerza al orden constitucional. El autor desarrolla los componentes que la desobediencia civil tiene de específico, a saber: es disruptiva, pacífica, autónoma y recursiva; (...)
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    The Normative Implications of “Knowing the Future” for Preventive War.Ariel Colonomos - 2016 - Journal of Military Ethics 15 (3):205-226.
    What if claims about the future informed us about the intentions and the capabilities of our opponents to wage war against ourselves? Would and should the existing norms that restrict the preventive use of force change in the wake of such transformation? This article highlights the potential normative consequences of this change and discriminates between several possible normative evolutions. Would and should the “knowability of the future” alter radically the traditional rule of self-defense? This rule could indeed be jeopardized but, (...)
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    Generic and Social Being in Marx’s Conceptualization: on the Ontological Foundation of Emancipation.Ariel Fazio - 2018 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 29:40-67.
    RESUMEN La concepción antropológica desplegada en los Manuscritos del '44 puede verse como una constante en toda la obra de Marx, siendo de especial importancia para trazar una lectura ética de nociones políticas fundamentales como las de emancipación social, tiempo libre o comunismo. En función de esto se desarrollan los conceptos de ser genérico y ser social con el objetivo de establecer los rasgos principales de la ontologia marxiana y, desde allí, identificar los principales elementos filosóficos que harían a la (...)
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  29. Nietzsche y Kraus, entre lo ficcional y lo útil.Ariel Fazio - 2005 - A Parte Rei 42:2.
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    Les séries, du super héros à l’homme au foyer.Ariel Kyrou - 2021 - Multitudes 3:166-171.
    Le super héros est un minable comme les autres, et ce sont les humains les plus ordinaires qui leur servent désormais de modèle. Des Watchmen à The Boys en passant par Le Maître du haut château et les derniers avatars de Star Trek, c’est grâce à leurs antihéros à la Philip K. Dick que bien des séries contemporaines interrogent nos valeurs, voire dynamitent avec un sourire parfois corrosif les dernières forteresses de la société bourgeoise et patriarcale.
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  31. Escritos filosóficos.Vicente Lombardo Toledano - 1937 - [México]: Publicaciones de la Universidad obrera de México.
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    La batalla de las ideas en nuestro tiempo.Vicente Lombardo Toledano - 1963 - México,:
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  33. A game theoretic approach to the pragmatics of debate: An expository note.Ariel Rubinstein - manuscript
    In this paper, the term ‘debate’ refers to a situation in which two parties disagree over some issue and each of them tries to persuade a third party, the listener, to adopt his position by raising arguments in his favor. We are interested in the logic behind the relative strength of the arguments and counterarguments; we therefore limit our discussion to debates in which one side is asked to argue first, with the other party having the right to respond before (...)
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  34. A simple model of equilibrium in search procedures.Ariel Rubinstein - manuscript
    The paper presents a simple game-theoretic model in which players decide on search procedures for a prize located in one of a set of labeled boxes. The prize is awarded to the player who finds it first. A player can decide on the number of (costly) search units he employs and on the order in which he conducts the search. It is shown that in equilibrium, the players employ an equal number of search units and conduct a completely random search. (...)
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  35. A generous reading.Ariel Suhamy - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond, Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Lo que se llevó el Ciclón del 16 en la Cuba ciberpunk Underguater de Erick J. Mota.Juan C. Toledano Redondo - 2019 - Co-herencia 16 (30):79-104.
    La novela Habana Underguater y los cuentos del universo Underguater, publicados por el autor cubano Erick J. Mota en la primera década del siglo xxi, reflejan una forma diferente de hacer ciencia ficción en Cuba, y proponen una reapropiación y modernización de los mitos y las culturas transculturadas locales y caribeñas, poniendo énfasis en las culturas y etnias de origen afrodescendiente. A través de un ciberpunk —con “i” latina—, el universo Underguater reflexiona sobre el pasado, el presente y el futuro (...)
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    Response.Sarah Jane Toledano & Leonardo D. de Castro - 2007 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 4 (3):241-242.
    Fast food companies like Siam Burger that participate in health awareness campaigns create a conflict of interest between the social responsibility of promoting health and the business interest of increasing sales through marketing strategies like advertising. Alternative options of raising health awareness without mitigating the involvement of fast food companies either by denying advertisements or having a third party foundation should be explored.
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    Response.Sarah Toledano & Leonardo Castro - 2007 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 4 (3):241-242.
    Fast food companies like Siam Burger that participate in health awareness campaigns create a conflict of interest between the social responsibility of promoting health and the business interest of increasing sales through marketing strategies like advertising. Alternative options of raising health awareness without mitigating the involvement of fast food companies either by denying advertisements or having a third party foundation should be explored.
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    The Politics of Households in Ottoman Egypt: The Rise of the QazdaǧlisThe Politics of Households in Ottoman Egypt: The Rise of the Qazdaglis.Ehud R. Toledano & Jane Hathaway - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (3):449.
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  40. Translating Metainferences Into Formulae: Satisfaction Operators and Sequent Calculi.Ariel Jonathan Roffé & Federico Pailos - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Logic 3.
    In this paper, we present a way to translate the metainferences of a mixed metainferential system into formulae of an extended-language system, called its associated σ-system. To do this, the σ-system will contain new operators (one for each standard), called the σ operators, which represent the notions of "belonging to a (given) standard". We first prove, in a model-theoretic way, that these translations preserve (in)validity. That is, that a metainference is valid in the base system if and only if its (...)
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    Éloge du pillage du sampling comme jeu ou acte artistique.Ariel Kyrou - 2002 - Multitudes 3 (3):91-100.
    Forget the technology, and ask instead about the sampler’s gesture. For a long time, like Mozart’s « Don Giovanni », all citation supposed an instrument, an orchestra. Then, with the first recording technology, came the possibility of using tape recorders or analog turntables. But ultimately, the gesture is the same: overtly drawing upon a work .for its creation. In itself, the act of pillaging is not condemnable. Better, the détournement of advertising and of those artists like Michael Jackson who flood (...)
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    Tragic conflict and greatness of character.Ariel Meirav - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):260-272.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 260-272 [Access article in PDF] Tragic Conflict and Greatness of Character Ariel Meira IT IS A SURPRISING FACT that some of our best literary examples of greatness of character are of persons acting in a way that involves them in a terrible burden of guilt. As spectators we perceive Oedipus, in Sophocles's Oedipus the King, 1 as one who upon discovering the identity (...)
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    The future is in front, to the right, or below: Development of spatial representations of time in three dimensions.Ariel Starr & Mahesh Srinivasan - 2021 - Cognition 210 (C):104603.
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  44. Comments On the Interpretation of Game Theory.Ariel Rubinstein - unknown
    The paper is a discussion of the interpretation of game theory. Game theory is viewed as an abstract inquiry into the concepts used in social reasoning when dealing with situations of conflict and not as an attempt to predict behavior. The first half of the paper..
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    Two Second‐Personal Conceptions of the Dignity of Persons.Ariel Zylberman - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):921-943.
    In spite of the burgeoning philosophical literature on human dignity, Stephen Darwall's second-personal account of the dignity of persons has not received the attention it deserves. This article investigates Darwall's account and argues that it faces a dilemma, for it succumbs either to a problem of antecedence or to the wrong kind of reasons problem. But this need not mean one should reject a second-personal account. Instead, I argue that an alternative second-personal conception, one I will call relational, promises to (...)
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  46. Cognitive Penetration, Perceptual Learning and Neural Plasticity.Ariel S. Cecchi - 2014 - Dialectica 68 (1):63-95.
    Cognitive penetration of perception, broadly understood, is the influence that the cognitive system has on a perceptual system. The paper shows a form of cognitive penetration in the visual system which I call ‘architectural’. Architectural cognitive penetration is the process whereby the behaviour or the structure of the perceptual system is influenced by the cognitive system, which consequently may have an impact on the content of the perceptual experience. I scrutinize a study in perceptual learning that provides empirical evidence that (...)
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    Human Dignity.Ariel Zylberman - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (4):201-210.
    This article focuses on human dignity as a moral idea and, in particular, on a single but fundamental question: what conception of human dignity, if any, can generate an egalitarian duty to respect all persons? After surveying two mainstream and two alternative conceptions, the article suggests that explaining how human dignity generates an egalitarian duty of respect may be more difficult than has been appreciated.
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    The Very Thought of (Wronging) You.Ariel Zylberman - 2014 - Philosophical Topics 42 (1):153-175.
    Claiming rights against one another is a perfectly familiar phenomenon. We express the elementary thought you cannot do that to me in a variety of ways. And yet, in spite of the perfect familiarity of this phenomenon, the two standard philosophical theories of rights face notorious difficulties in accounting for it. My aim in this paper is to introduce a distinctive, second-personal account of rights. I will call this the independence theory of rights, the view that rights are specifications of (...)
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    Le beau savoir: pour une esthétique des sciences humaines.Ariel Colonomos - 2023 - Paris: Albin Michel.
    'Et si les livres de sciences humaines avaient leur esthétique propre? Et si les idées des savants étaient tout simplement belles?' Établissant un pont entre art et savoir, performance artistique et performance intellectuelle, Ariel Colonomos trace les contours d'une esthétique de la connaissance qui renouvelle les critères distinctifs du beau. Il balaie ainsi deux idées fausses : l'esthétique relèverait de préoccupations futiles et la beauté compromettrait la qualité du savoir. Chaque auteur et chaque discipline ont une voix, une plume, (...)
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    Moral rights without balancing.Ariel Zylberman - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (2):549-569.
    How should we think about apparent conflicts of moral rights? I defend a non-balancing and holistic specification model: non-balancing because moral rights have absolute deontic stringency regardless of any balance of independent values; holistic because the content of moral rights is limited only by that of other moral rights. Holistic Specification, as I call the model, offers a principled, non-consequentialist explanation of exceptions to moral rights. Moreover, Holistic Specification explains why moral rights matter to practical thought while rendering remedial duties (...)
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