Results for 'Ariane Ludwig'

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  1.  12
    Achim von Arnim Und Sein Kreis.Steffen Dietzsch & Ariane Ludwig (eds.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Dieser Band fasst nach einem ersten Jahrzehnt neuer historisch-kritischer Editionsarbeiten an der Weimarer Arnim-Ausgabe die dabei erreichten philologischen, literarischen, philosophischen und komparatistischen Konstellationen zusammen. Es entsteht ein neues Bild von einem der 'originellsten Köpfe der romantischen Schule' und seines viel nachhaltigeren Einflusses auf Zeitgenossen wie Nachgeborene als bisher gedacht. Sowohl werkgeschichtliche neue Untersuchungen zu Arnim, als auch neue Einsichten in Verbindungen Arnims mit dem frühromantischen Denkkreis und wirkungsgeschichtliche Facetten frühromantischen Dichten und Denkensergeben ein überraschend neues Tableau romantischer Mentalität.
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  2. Semantics for opaque contexts.Kirk Ludwig & Greg Ray - 1998 - Philosophical Perspectives 12:141-66.
    In this paper, we outline an approach to giving extensional truth-theoretic semantics for what have traditionally been seen as opaque sentential contexts. We outline an approach to providing a compositional truth-theoretic semantics for opaque contexts which does not require quantifying over intensional entities of any kind, and meets standard objections to such accounts. The account we present aims to meet the following desiderata on a semantic theory T for opaque contexts: (D1) T can be formulated in a first-order extensional language; (...)
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  3. Vagueness And The Sorites Paradox.Kirk Ludwig & Greg Ray - 2002 - Noûs 36 (s16):419-461.
    A sorites argument is a symptom of the vagueness of the predicate with which it is constructed. A vague predicate admits of at least one dimension of variation (and typically more than one) in its intended range along which we are at a loss when to say the predicate ceases to apply, though we start out confident that it does. It is this feature of them that the sorites arguments exploit. Exactly how is part of the subject of this paper. (...)
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  4. Trying the Impossible: Reply to Adams.Kirk A. Ludwig - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Research 20:563-570.
    This paper defends the autonomy thesis, which holds that one can intend to do something even though one believes it to be impossible, against attacks by Fred Adams. Adams denies the autonomy thesis on the grounds that it cannot, but must, explain what makes a particular trying, a trying for the aim it has in view. If the autonomy thesis were true, it seems that I could try to fly across the Atlantic ocean merely by typing out this abstract, a (...)
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  5. The mind-body problem: An overview.Kirk Ludwig - 2003 - In Ted Warfield (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Mind. Blackwell. pp. 1-46.
    My primary aim in this chapter is to explain in what the traditional mind–body problem consists, what its possible solutions are, and what obstacles lie in the way of a resolution. The discussion will develop in two phases. The first phase, sections 1.2–1.4, will be concerned to get clearer about the import of our initial question as a precondition of developing an account of possible responses to it. The second phase, sections 1.5–1.6, explains how a problem arises in our attempts (...)
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    Notebooks.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1991 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein's surviving notebooks serve to show what problems were occupying him in connection with many of the paragraphs of the Tractatus which are found in them as a first draft. They serve as a testimony to the thought processes of the Austrian philosopher.
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    The Case Against Solicitation of Consent for Apnea Testing.Dhristie Bhagat & Ariane Lewis - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (6):20-22.
    Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 20-22.
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    Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: English Translation.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1975 - London: Routledge.
    Perhaps the most important work of philosophy written in the twentieth century, the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus first appeared in 1921 and was the only philosophical work that Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) published during his lifetime. Written in short, carefully numbered paragraphs of extreme compression and brilliance, it immediately convinced many of its readers and captivated the imagination of all. Its chief influence, at first, was on the Logical Positivists of the 1920s and 30s, but many other philosophers were stimulated by its (...)
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    Gender Biases in Bank Lending: Lessons from Microcredit in France.Anastasia Cozarenco & Ariane Szafarz - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (3):631-650.
    The evidence on gender discrimination in lending remains controversial. To capture gender biases in banks’ loan allocations, we observe the impact on the applicants of a microfinance institution and exploit the natural experiment of a regulatory change imposing a strict EUR 10,000 loan ceiling on microcredit. Descriptive statistics indicate that the presence of the ceiling is associated both with bank-MFI co-financing and with harsher treatment of female borrowers. To investigate causal links, we develop an econometric approach that addresses the concerns (...)
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  10. The life-world and the historicity of human existence.Ludwig Landgrebe, Deborah Chaffin & Donn Welton - 1981 - Research in Phenomenology 11 (1):111-140.
    The complex of problems suggested by the term life-world pervades contemporary thought, even though such a complex is rarely called by this name [...] Time does not allow us, however, to perform an extensive review of the secondary literature on the 'Crisis'. I will only suggest that a survey of this literature, especially the works of Brand, Merleau-Ponty and Habermas, presents us with a dilemma. It seems that there is a difficulty in Husserl's characterization of the life-world. On the one (...)
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    Person and Law in Kant and Hegel.Ludwig Siep - 1984 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 10 (1):63-88.
  12.  16
    From Naturalness to Materiality: Reimagining Philosophy of Scientific Classification Preprint.David Ludwig - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science (1):8.
    The notion of natural kinds has been widely criticized in philosophy of science but also appears indispensable for philosophical engagement with classificatory practices. Rather than addressing this tension through a new definition of “natural kind”, this article suggests materiality as a substitute for naturalness in philosophical debates about scientific classification. It is argued that a theory of material kinds provides an alternative and more inclusive entry point for analyzing classificatory practices, which is specified through an account of “restricted malleability” of (...)
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    The future of art and the theory of post-philosophical culture.Ludwig Grünberg - 1994 - Journal of Value Inquiry 28 (2):273-280.
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    Une défense hétérodoxe de la conception inférentialiste de l'introspection.Pascal Ludwig - 2005 - Dialogue 44 (1):123-144.
    The aim of this article is to defend the inferentialist conception ofqualiaintrospection against some apparently decisive objections. According to inferentialism, a self-attribution of a qualitative state is to be understood as the conclusion of an inference, rather than as issuing from an experience of a specific kind. It has been objected that formally correct inferences warranting introspective conclusions are simply not to be found. I concede this point, but maintain that inferentialism should not be abandoned. Some deductive inferences are correct (...)
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    Erlebnis‹, ›Gemeinschaft‹ and ›Overcoming the Enlightenment.Ludwig Stockinger - 2023 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 97 (3):679-705.
    Paul Kluckhohns Arbeiten zur Romantik orientieren sich an Wilhelm Diltheys Bestimmung des Verhältnisses von ›Erlebnis‹ und dessen Ausdruck in Dichtung. Mit diesem Konzept ist der Wunsch nach der Wiederkehr der Einheit des ›Lebens‹ in der Moderne verbunden. Kluckhohn deutet die Romantik im Rahmen dieser kulturkritischen Vorstellung, indem er für den Bereich intimer Beziehungen die romantische Auffassung von ›Liebe‹, für Staat und Gesellschaft das romantische Ideal von ›Gemeinschaft‹ als Orientierungsmodell für die Gegenwart anbietet. Die Romantik wird dabei als Gegensatz zur französischen (...)
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  16. Responsibility Magnets and Shelters in Institutional Action.Kirk Ludwig - 2024 - In Säde Hormio & Bill Wringe (eds.), Collective Responsibility: Perspectives on Political Philosophy from Social Ontology. Springer.
    This chapter investigates the Institutional Distribution Question for backwards-looking collective moral responsibility for institutional action, namely, the question how blame is to be distributed over members of an institution in virtue of its being collectively to blame for some harm. The distribution of blame over members of an institution for harms that the institution brings about must take into account the different institutional roles of its members. This is the primary difference between the question of distribution of responsibilities in unorganized (...)
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    Digital Technology: Reflections on the Difference between Instrumental Rationality and Practical Reason.Ludwig Nagl - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (1):60-88.
    Are computers on the way to acquiring “superintelligence”? Can human deliberation and decision-making be fully simulated by the mechanical execution of AI programmes? On close examination these expectations turn out not to be well-founded, since algorithms do, ultimately, have “heteronomous” characteristics. So-called AI-“autonomy” is a sensor-directed performance automatism, which — compared with the potential for ethical judgment in human “practical reason” — proves to be limited in significant ways. This is shown in some detail with reference to the idea of (...)
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    Praktische Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus.Ludwig Siep - 1992
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  19. Husserls Abschied vom Cartesianismus.Ludwig Landgrebe - 1961 - Philosophische Rundschau 9:133.
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    Tomb Inscriptions: the Case of the I versus Autobiography in Ancient Egypt.Ludwig D. Morenz - 2003 - Human Affairs 13 (2):179-196.
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  21. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: German and English.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1981 - Routledge.
    The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus first appeared in 1921 and was the only philosophical work that Ludwig Wittgenstein published during his lifetime. Written in short, carefully numbered paragraphs of extreme compression and brilliance, it immediately convinced many of its readers and captured the imagination of all. Its chief influence, at first, was on the Logical Positivists of the 1920s and 1930s, but many other philosophers were stimulated by its philosophy of language, finding attractive, even if ultimately unsatisfactory, its view that propositions (...)
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    Positive risk balance: a comprehensive framework to ensure vehicle safety.Florian Raisch, Ludwig Drees, Felix Fahrenkrog & Nina Kauffmann - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (1).
    The introduction of automated vehicles promises an increase in traffic safety. Prior to its launch proof of the anticipated reduction in the sense of a positive risk balance compared with human driving performance is required from various stakeholders such as the European Union Commission, the German Ethic Commission, and the ISO TR 4804. To meet this requirement and to generate acceptance by the public and the regulatory authorities, a qualitative Risk- Benefit framework has been defined. This framework is based on (...)
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  23.  11
    Indirect and Unconscious Deception Detection: Too Soon to Give Up?Siegfried Ludwig Sporer & Joanna Ulatowska - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Texte zur materialistischen Geschichtsauffassung von Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels.Helmut Reichelt, Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels (eds.) - 1975 - Wien: Ullstein.
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    Das Shigisan Engi Emaki. Ein japanisches Rollbild aus dem 12. Jahrhundert.Ludwig Bachhofer & Gisela Armbruster - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (4):458.
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    VI. Die Erkenntnistheorie d’Alemberts.Ludwig Kunz - 1907 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 20:96.
  27.  31
    Méditation sur le mot de Husserl : « L'histoire est le fait majeur de l'être absolu ».Ludwig Landgrebe - 2011 - Philosophie 110 (3):31-45.
    Selon une opinion largement répandue, Husserl n’aurait fait de l’histoire le thème de ses réflexions que dans la dernière période de sa vie. Et de fait il y a bien quelque chose de nouveau dans la fondation historico-philosophique de la phénoménologie menée à bien dans la Krisis. Cependant la maxime à laquelle sera consacrée la présente méditation provient d’un manuscrit rédigé en 1921. Il s’agit d’un...
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    Symposium zu Charles Taylor: A secular age.Ludwig Nagl - 2009 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 57 (2):288-292.
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    Widmung.Ludwig Stein - 1893 - In Friedrich Nietzsche's Weltanschauung Und Ihre Gefahren: Ein Kritisches Essay. De Gruyter.
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    Zur Genesis des Occasionalismus.Ludwig Stein - 1888 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 1:53.
  31. (2 other versions)Notebooks 1914-1918.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1961 - Oxford,: Blackwell. Edited by Ludwig Wittgenstein.
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    Philosophische Grammatik: Satz. Sinn des Satzes. Über Logik und Mathematik.Ludwig Wittgenstein & Rush Rhees - 1969 - Frankfurt a. M.,: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Rush Rhees.
    Wittgenstein wrote the Philosophical Grammar during the years 1931 to 1934 - the period just before he began to dictate the Blue Book. Although it is close to the Investigations in some points, and to the Phiosophische Bemerkungen at others, the Philosophical Grammar is an independent work which covers new ground. It is Wittgenstein's fullest treatment of logic and mathematics in their connection with his later understanding of 'proposition', 'sign', and 'system'. He also discusses inference and generality - critisizing views (...)
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  33.  15
    Mensch und erde: 11 Abhandlungen.Ludwig Klages - 1973 - Stuttgart: Kröner.
    Mensch und Erde.--Bewusstsein und Leben.--Über den Begriff der Persönlichkeit.--Bemerkungen über die Schranken des Goetheschen Menschen.--Wilhelm Jordan--Über Conrad Ferdinand Meyers Gedichte.--Warum bringt es Verderben, den Schleier des Isisbildes zu heben?--Über Sexus und Eros.--Vom Verhältnis der Erziehung zum Wesen des Menschen.--Vom Traumbewusstsein.--Brief über Ethik.--Schröder, H. E. Einführung in das Werk von Ludwig Klages.
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  34.  7
    (1 other version)Vorlesungen über das Wesen der Religion: nebst Zusätzen und Anmerkungen.Ludwig Feuerbach - 1967 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
    Excerpt from Vorlesungen Über das Wesen der Religion: Nebst Zusätzen und Anmerkungen Sch reihe fie meinen fammtliehen qberfen 016 ben achten sbanb an, weil ber 6chlu6 mit bem i'befen be6 @heiftenthume ein finniofer, bem b[an' bee 3bee, biz meiner (R)efammtaugahe 511 @mnbe liegt, burchauo miberfpmhenbee Ware. S>iefer gnfolge habe ich ba qbefen be6 (shtiftenthumo an meiner erften, b. H. Fruhften thrift gemacht, unb bahn abfiehttich bte @efammtauagabe mit ben (erlauterungen unb @rgangungen gum qbefen be6 @hriftenthumo begonnen. Sda nun aber bafl'elbe (...)
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  35.  21
    Wittgenstein's Tractatus.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1998 - Mountain View, CA, USA: McGraw-Hill Humanities, Social Sciences & World Languages.
    This text is a dynamic new translation of Wittgenstein' s most famous work -- one of the most influential philosophy works of the Twentieth Century. Kolak' s translation is the first to read like an original work written in English and is the first to restore the poetical and lyrical qualities of the original Tractatus as intended by the author.
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    The special status of mathematical probability: a historical sketch.Xavier De Scheemaekere & Ariane Szafarz - 2008 - Epistemologia 32 (1):91.
    The history of the mathematical probability includes two phases: 1) From Pascal and Fermat to Laplace, the theory gained in application fields; 2) In the first half of the 20th Century, two competing axiomatic systems were respectively proposed by von Mises in 1919 and Kolmogorov in 1933. This paper places this historical sketch in the context of the philosophical complexity of the probability concept and explains the resounding success of Kolmogorov’s theory through its ability to avoid direct interpretation. Indeed, unlike (...)
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    Wie Ovid sich die "Fama" Gedacht hat.Ludwig Braun - 1991 - Hermes 119 (1):116-119.
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  38. Über die methode der kunstgeschichte.Ludwig Coellen - 1924 - Traisa-Darmstadt,: Arkadenverlag.
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    Nero als gefesselter Hercules.Ludwig Deubner - 1941 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 94 (1-4):232-234.
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    Geschichtlicher Platz und soziales Wesen des Konservatismus der achtziger Jahre.Ludwig Elm - 1987 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 35 (2):97-105.
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    XX. Ciceroniana.Ludwig Gurlitt - 1898 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 57 (1):398-408.
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  42. Von der Wirklichkeit und Wirksamkeit des Dreieinen Gottes nach der appropriativen Trinitätstheologie des 12. Jahrhunderts.Ludwig Hödl - 1965 - München,: Hueber.
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    Modelle emanzipatorischer Erziehung: eine Zwischenbilanz: Voraussetzungen, Entwürfe, Kritik.Ludwig Kerstiens - 1975 - Bad Heilbrunn (Obb.): Klinkhardt.
  44. Im hochland der gedankenwelt.Ludwig Kuhlenbeck - 1903 - Leipzig,: E. Diederichs.
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    5 „… one who has put himself into a state of war with me” – Natur- und Kriegszustand im Second Treatise (Kap. 2 + 3).Bernd Ludwig - 2012 - In Michaela Rehm & Bernd Ludwig (eds.), John Locke, „Zwei Abhandlungen über die Regierung“. Akademie Verlag. pp. 65-77.
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    XIII. Zu Commodianus.Ernst Ludwig - 1877 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 36 (1-4):285-304.
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  47. „Bemerkungen zum Begriff der Natürlichkeit “.Ludwig Siep - 1999 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 4:266-272.
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    Tractatus logico-philosophicus ; Philosophische Untersuchungen.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1990 - Leipzig: Reclam Verlag. Edited by Peter Philipp & Ludwig Wittgenstein.
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    Die Friesschen lehren von den naturtrieben und den organismen..Ludwig Hennig - 1906 - [Berlin,: Druck von E. Ebering].
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  50. (1 other version)Eros and polis: desire and community in Greek political theory.Paul W. Ludwig - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
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