Results for 'Antonia Fritsch'

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  1.  17
    Prosthesis embodiment and attenuation of prosthetic touch in upper limb amputees – A proof-of-concept study.Antonia Fritsch, Bigna Lenggenhager & Robin Bekrater-Bodmann - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 88:103073.
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  2. How literature expands your imagination.Antonia Peacocke - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (2):298-319.
    Many great authors claim that reading literature can expand your phenomenal imagination and allow you to imagine experiences you have never had. How is this possible? Your phenomenal imagination is constrained by your phenomenal concepts, which are in turn constrained by the phenomenology of your own actual past experiences. Literature could expand your phenomenal imagination, then, by giving you new phenomenal concepts. This paper explains how this can happen. Literature can direct your attention to previously unnoticed phenomenal properties of your (...)
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  3. Mental action.Antonia Peacocke - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (6):e12741.
    Just as bodily actions are things you do with your body, mental actions are things you do with your mind. Both are different from things that merely happen to you. Where does the idea of mental action come from? What are mental actions? And why do they matter in philosophy? These are the three main questions answered in this paper. Section 1 introduces mental action through a brief history of the topic in philosophy. Section 2 explains what it is to (...)
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  4. Der intergenerationelle Turnus im irdischen Raum/The intergenerational turn and terrestrial space.Matthias Fritsch - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 11 (2):231-266.
    This article offers a response to massive environmental destabilization by linking the promising accounts of intergenerational justice as turn-taking with the proposals for a geokinetic view of earth and the idea of a second Copernican revolution. The argument will proceed in four steps. First, I suggest that recent proposals calling on us to respond to the Anthropocene by ‘being geologically human’, that is, by situating lived human time in geological time, should be supplemented by generational time, and thus, by the (...)
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    Teaching and Learning Logic in a Virtual Learning Environment.Antonia Huertas - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (4):321-331.
    Teaching and learning in a virtual learning environment poses some difficulties, but also challenges and opportunities to rethink the whole learning process, particularly in abstract subjects like logic or high level mathematics. On the other hand, resources and ways to work, now available in VLEs, might soon extend to all kinds of environments. In this paper, we will present experiences at the Open University of Catalonia , a particular VLE, concerning the whole process of teaching logic and mathematics. In addition, (...)
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    (1 other version)Comment saisir une relation d'impossi­bili­té? Deux solutions pour un même problème d'intuition (Wittgenstein et Husserl).Antonia Soulez - 2000 - Manuscrito 23 (2):155-173.
    Devant une relation d'incompatibilité entre couleurs, nous posons la question de savoir quelle solution le phénoménologue husserlien et le philosophe wittgensteinien de la grammaire apportent respectivement au problème que pose le vécu d'incompatibilité correspondant. Il est frappant de constater qu'à un même problème chacun répond par une conception différente du « grammatical ». A l'encontre d'une troisième voie - en réalité ineffectuable et purement métaphorique - impliquant une soi-disant pénétration de lois d'essence, l'issue wittgensteinienne est celle de la saisie d'un (...)
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    Musique, rationalité, langage: l'harmonie, du monde au matériau.Antonia Soulez, François Schmitz & Jan Sebestik - 1998 - Editions L'Harmattan.
    Les origines grecques de la conception d'harmonie (H. Dufourt) - Du monde au matériau : le devenir-musical du timbre (A. Soulez) - La musique est-elle un langage? (R. Casati et J. Dokic) - Le devenir du matériau musical au XXe siècle (M. Solomos) - Hauteur, timbre, harmonie, synthèse (J.C. Risset) et d'autres articles...
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  8. Let’s be Liberal: An Alternative to Aesthetic Hedonism.Antonia Peacocke - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2):163-183.
    Aesthetic value empiricism claims that the aesthetic value of an object is grounded in the value of a certain kind of experience of it. The most popular version of value empiricism, and a dominant view in contemporary philosophical aesthetics more generally, is aesthetic hedonism. Hedonism restricts the grounds of aesthetic value to the pleasure enjoyed in the right kind of experience. But hedonism does not enjoy any clear advantage over a more permissive alternative version of value empiricism. This alternative is (...)
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    Vignettes of early modern Epicureanism: Catherine Wilson: Epicureanism at the origins of modernity. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2008, x+304pp, $65.00 HB.Antonia LoLordo - 2011 - Metascience 21 (3):679-680.
    Vignettes of early modern Epicureanism Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-2 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9566-9 Authors Antonia LoLordo, Department of Philosophy, 122 Cocke Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Manhatta de Charles Sheeler et Paul Strand : du panorama au kaléidoscope.Antonia Rigaud - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans la revue E-rea [En ligne], 13.1 | 2015. Nous remercions Antonia Rigaud et la revue E-rea de nous avoir autorisé à en reproduire le début ici. Représentant une journée dans la vie d'une ville, Manhatta oscille entre un traitement narratif nous invitant à suivre le quotidien de la ville et un traitement beaucoup plus abstrait, cherchant à capter une atmosphère beaucoup plus qu'à produire un document exact. Tourné en 1921, le film est resté (...)
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    The Whistleblower's Dilemma in Young Children: When Loyalty Trumps Other Moral Concerns.Antonia Misch, Harriet Over & Malinda Carpenter - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Locke's moral man.Antonia LoLordo - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Antonia Lolordo presents an original interpretation of John Locke's metaphysics of moral agency, in which to be a moral agent is simply to be free, rational, and a person.
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  13. Wissenschaftlich-technische Revolution und Weltanschauung: 2. Internationale Arbeitstagung der Forschungsgruppe "Wissenschaftlich-Technische Revolution" der Universität "Kyrill und Methodius" Veliko Tirnovo/VR Bulgarien und der Forschungsgruppe "Forschung, Entwicklung, Produktion" der Sektion Marxismus-Leninismus der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena im April 1979 in Jena ; [wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung, Heinz Fritsch].Heinz Fritsch (ed.) - 1980 - Jena: Die Universität.
  14.  14
    Freire and education.Antonia Darder - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Paulo Friere is considered to be one of the most influential educational philosophers of the twentieth century. Within many progressive circles, he would be considered the most important radical educational philosopher of our times, given his contribution to a revolutionary understanding of education and his certainty and faith that education can function as one of the most significant empowering and democratizing forces in the lives of the disenfranchised. In this deeply personal introduction to the man,and his ideas and their contribution (...)
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    Pierre Gassendi and the Birth of Early Modern Philosophy.Antonia LoLordo - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a comprehensive treatment of the philosophical system of the seventeenth-century philosopher Pierre Gassendi. Gassendi's importance is widely recognized and is essential for understanding early modern philosophers and scientists such as Locke, Leibniz and Newton. Offering a systematic overview of his contributions, LoLordo situates Gassendi's views within the context of sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century natural philosophy as represented by a variety of intellectual traditions, including scholastic Aristotelianism, Renaissance Neo-Platonism, and the emerging mechanical philosophy. LoLordo's work will be essential (...)
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  16.  30
    Commentary.Fritsch - 1982 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (1):49-50.
  17. Demonstrations and problem‐solving exercises in school science: Their transformation within the Mexican elementary school classroom.Antonia Candela - 1997 - Science Education 81 (5):497-513.
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    Licenced to transplant: UK overkill on EU Organ Directive provides golden opportunity for research.Antonia J. Cronin, James Douglas & Steven Sacks - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (10):593-595.
    Progress in transplantation outcomes depends on continuing research into both donor and recipient factors that may enhance graft and patient survival. A system of licencing for transplantation research, introduced by the Human Tissue Act 2004, which separates it from the transplantation process (then exempt from licencing), has damaged this vital activity by a combination of inflexible interpretation of the 2004 Act and fear of criminal liability on the part of researchers. Now, following the European Union (EU) Directive (2010) on standards (...)
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    When Pragmatism and Instrumentalism Collide.Antonia Galdos - 2000 - Method 18 (2):123-144.
    This essay will consider the dispute between Charles Sanders Peirce and John Dewey on the nature and validity of the theory/practice distinction. Their dispute concerns whether a strong affirmation of this distinction enables scientific inquiry or disables it. Inherent in this issue are two related questions, namely whether tmth can be pursued for its own sake, and, as a subset of this question, whether there is an evidence proper to the consideration of pure possibilities. I will argue that there is (...)
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    Two systems for action comprehension in autism: Mirroring and mentalizing.Antonia Hamilton & Lauren Marsh - 2013 - In Simon Baron-Cohen, Michael Lombardo & Helen Tager-Flusberg, Understanding Other Minds: Perspectives From Developmental Social Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. pp. 380.
  21.  13
    Martyrium oder Askese?Antonia Jenik - 2016 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 160 (1):84-132.
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    That Tender Discipline: Spacing, Structured Nothingness & Kumbhaka.Antonia Pont - 2013 - In Lenart Škof, Breathing with Luce Irigaray. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 83.
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    Bergson e la psicofisica.Antonia Rea - 2006 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 19:281-304.
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    Introduzione a Hume.Antonia Santucci - 1971 - Bari,: Laterza.
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    Découper dans l'amorphe : mise en matériel sonore.Antonia Soulez - 2014 - Rue Descartes 80 (1):38-48.
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    Practice, theory, pleasure, and the problems of form and resistance: Shusterman's.Antonia Soulez - 2002 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 16 (1).
  27. Malebranche (review).Antonia LoLordo - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (1):124-125.
    Antonia LoLordo - Malebranche - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:1 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.1 124-125 Andrew Pyle. Malebranche. London: Routledge, 2003. Pp. xiii + 289. Cloth, $80.00. Despite Malebranche's widely recognized importance, no comprehensive overview of his system was available before Pyle's excellent and wide-ranging study. Pyle agrees with scholarly consensus that occasionalism and the vision in God are Malebranche's two most significant doctrines, but his scope extends well beyond those to matters of theology, (...)
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  28. Embedded mental action in self-attribution of belief.Antonia Peacocke - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (2):353-377.
    You can come to know that you believe that p partly by reflecting on whether p and then judging that p. Call this procedure “the transparency method for belief.” How exactly does the transparency method generate known self-attributions of belief? To answer that question, we cannot interpret the transparency method as involving a transition between the contents p and I believe that p. It is hard to see how some such transition could be warranted. Instead, in this context, one mental (...)
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    Single-trial multisensory memories affect later auditory and visual object discrimination.Antonia Thelen, Durk Talsma & Micah M. Murray - 2015 - Cognition 138 (C):148-160.
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  30. Phenomenal experience and the aesthetics of agency.Antonia Peacocke - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 48 (3):380-391.
    In his fascinating new book Games: Agency as Art, Nguyen endorses an experiential requirement on aesthetic judgment: apt aesthetic judgment requires phenomenal experience. His own aesthetics of agency captures three phenomenally manifest and aesthetically significant harmonies (and corresponding disharmonies). But his view can be significantly extended to capture much more of the rich texture of human agency. In this discussion, I argue that emotions of agency, patterns of attention, and affordances all can be phenomenally experienced as aspects of agency, and (...)
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  31. Methode und Beweisziel im ersten Buch der « Physikvorlesung » des Aristoteles.Johannes Fritsche - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (2):240-240.
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  32. "How to Think Several Thoughts at Once: Content Plurality in Mental Action".Antonia Peacocke - 2019 - In Michael Brent & Lisa Miracchi Titus, Mental Action and the Conscious Mind. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 31-60.
    Basic actions are those intentional actions performed not by doing any other kind of thing intentionally. Complex actions involve doing one kind of thing intentionally by doing another kind of thing intentionally. There are both basic and complex mental actions. Some complex mental actions have a striking feature that has not been previously discussed: they have several distinct contents at once. This chapter introduces and explains this feature, here called “content plurality.” This chapter also argues for the philosophical significance of (...)
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  33.  81
    A simpler model of judgment: on Sosa’s Epistemic Explanations.Antonia Peacocke - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies.
    In _Epistemic Explanations_, Sosa continues to defend a model of judgment he has long endorsed. On this complex model of judgment, judgment aims not only at correctness but also at aptness of a kind of alethic affirmation. He offers three arguments for the claim that we need this model of judgment instead of a simpler model, on which judgment aims only at correctness. The first argument cites the need to exclude knowledge-spoiling luck from apt judgment. The second argument uses the (...)
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    Visual perspective taking impairment in children with autistic spectrum disorder.Antonia F. De C. Hamilton, Rachel Brindley & Uta Frith - 2009 - Cognition 113 (1):37-44.
  35. Between Sharing and Antagonism: The Invention of Communism in the Early Marx.Antonia Birnbaum - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 166:21.
    Why talk about communism today?* A first point everybody will be agreed upon: the spectre of communism is not haunting Europe, nor for that matter any other region of the world. The only place where ‘communism’ is a positive name for anything is China, where it designates the ruling party of one of the most powerful capitalist nations of the world. In the immediate conjuncture, there are no real forces or conflicts that directly call for a reappraisal of communism. However, (...)
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    Ce fut un amour contingent et arbitraire: 2006-09.Antonia Birnbaum & Ana Scrivener Samardzija (eds.) - 2009 - Paris: Université Paris 8.
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    La machine à dessiner.Antonia Birnbaum & Olivier Nottellet - 2004 - Multitudes 1 (1):91-99.
  38. To exist is to exit the point.Antonia Birnbaum - 2008 - In Jean-Luc Nancy, Corpus. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    L'Insegnamento della filosofia nella secondaria superiore.Antonia Canova & Franco Alessio (eds.) - 1980 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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    Nationalist Exclusion and Ethnic Conflict: Shadows of Modernity.Antonia Dodds - 2003 - Contemporary Political Theory 2 (2):251-253.
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    Agamben on Aristotle, Hegel, Kant, and National Socialism.Johannes Fritsche - 2012 - Constellations 19 (3):435-459.
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    Europe’s Constitution for the Unborn.Matthias Fritsch - 2013 - In Agnes Czajka & Bora Isyar, Europe After Derrida: Crisis and Potentiality. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 80-94.
    This paper draws out what Derrida’s work—in particular as concerns law, democracy, and intergenerational justice in the context of the European heritage—can contribute to constitutionalism and the legal relation to future people, at the national level and the supranational one of the European Union. The first section outlines some of Derrida’s contributions to legal scholarship and European identity, and then, in the following two sections, argue for two main points. First, Derrida can help us understand the much-discussed double bind of (...)
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    On Brinks and Bridges in Heidegger.Johannes Fritsche - 1995 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 18 (1):111-186.
    One of the common denominators linking the many different strands and schools of philosophy in the second half of the twentieth century is an appreciation of, and reflection on, difference and translation. Each translation is a unique challenge. It is difficult to translate one theory into the conceptual framework of another, or to translate one performative game or text from one language into another. Heidegger provides a striking example of some of the problems associated with translation. His extensive use of (...)
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    Una logica per il tempo: crisi della fondazione logica, idea di storicità ed esperienza religiosa nel primo Heidegger.Antonia Pellegrino - 2012 - Roma: Aracne editrice.
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  45. Phenomenology of personality by Friedrich Nietzsche. Points on the history of philosophy (1933-1934).Antonia Pozzi - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 67 (3):580-619.
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    Medizinethischer Kommentar zum Fall: „Methadon zur Tumortherapie“.Antonia Sahm & Stephan Sahm - 2017 - Ethik in der Medizin 29 (4):326-329.
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    L'architecte et le philosophe.Antonia Soulez - 1993 - Editions Mardaga.
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    Présentation.Antonia Soulez - 2019 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 4:317.
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    Wittgenstein and Phenomenology or.Antonia Soulez - 1989 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 33 (1):157-183.
    There is a Wittgensteinian use of "phenomenology" which is the grammar of the apriori possibility of facts, in contradistinction to an hermeneutical conception of language in the spirit of German phenomenology. Not only does Wittgenstein refer, as early as 1929, to such a "language" as opposed to a Husserlian "doctrine" of intuiting the phenomenal apriori, but he keeps using the term in a positive manner which does not allow us to declare that from the Tractatus to the early thirties Wittgenstein (...)
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    Ethical principles and placebo-controlled trials – interpretation and implementation of the Declaration of Helsinki’s placebo paragraph in medical research.Antonia-Sophie Skierka & Karin B. Michels - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):24.
    In October 2013, the Declaration of Helsinki was revised a seventh time in its 50 year history. While it is the most widely accepted set of ethical principles for the protection of patients participating in medical research, the Declaration of Helsinki has also been subject of constant controversy. In particular, its paragraph on the use of placebo controls in clinical trials divides the research community into active-control and placebo orthodox proponents, both continuously demanding revisions of the Declaration of Helsinki in (...)
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