Results for 'Anna Muza'

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  1. Weaving texts: A note on malevich's uses of language.Anna Muza - 2003 - In Kazimir Severinovich Malevich (ed.), The White Rectangle: Writings on Film. Potemkin Press.
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    You can use my name; you don't have to steal my story – a critique of anonymity in indigenous studies.Anna-Lydia Svalastog & Stefan Eriksson - 2010 - Developing World Bioethics 10 (2):104-110.
    Our claim in this paper is that not being identified as the data source might cause harm to a person or group. Therefore, in some cases the default of anonymisation should be replaced by a careful deliberation, together with research subjects, of how to handle the issues of identification and confidentiality. Our prime example in this article is community participatory research and similar endeavours on indigenous groups. The theme, content and aim of the research, and the question of how to (...)
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    Group Intentions and Oppression.Anna Moltchanova - 2013 - Philosophy 88 (1):81-100.
    A reductive theory of collective intentionality would imply that the ‘official’ intentions of an oppressive political authority cannot be constructed from the intentions of individuals when they follow the authority's rules. This makes it difficult to explain the unraveling of official group plans through time in a seemingly consistent fashion, and the corresponding source of coercion. A non-reductive theory, on the other hand, cannot capture whether the actions of individuals in an oppressive society are free or coerced, so long as (...)
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    Aquinas on Sensible Forms and Semimaterialism.Gabriele De Anna - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (1):43 - 63.
    IN THE FIRST CHAPTER OF HIS BOOK Theories of Cognition in the Later Middle Ages, Robert Pasnau takes a position in a longstanding debate concerning the metaphysical status and the epistemological role of sensible forms in Aquinas’s theory of cognition. His main claim is that Aquinas was a materialist about sensation and developed “a theory of the sort that a modern materialist could love.”.
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  5. Is there an unqualified right to leave?Anna Stilz - 2016 - In Sarah Fine & Lea Ypi (eds.), Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership. Oxford University Press UK.
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    The range of toleration.Anna Elisabetta Galeotti - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (2):93-110.
    This article aims to provide a critical map of toleration as it is displayed in contemporary democracy. It does so by presenting three conceptions of toleration to which current practices of toleration can be traced, and, precisely, these are the standard notion, the political conception based on the neutrality principle, and toleration as recognition. The author argues that the latter is the appropriate conception to address the politically relevant issues of toleration arising in pluralistic democracy, while the first is adequate (...)
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  7. Accidental outcomes guide punishment in a “trembling hand” game.Anna Dreber - unknown
    How do people respond to others' accidental behaviors? Reward and punishment for accidents might be depend on the actor's intentions, or instead on the unintended outcomes she brings about. Yet, existing paradigms in experimental economics do not include the possibility of accidental monetary allocations. We explore the balance of outcomes and intentions in a two-player economic game where monetary allocations are made with a "trembling hand": that is, intentions and outcomes are sometimes mismatched. Player 1 allocates $10 between herself and (...)
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    Stable and variable affordances are both automatic and flexible.Anna M. Borghi & Lucia Riggio - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    From Tool Use to Social Interactions.Anna Strasser - 2022 - In Janina Loh & Wulf Loh (eds.), Social Robotics and the Good Life: The Normative Side of Forming Emotional Bonds with Robots. Transcript Verlag. pp. 77-102.
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    Creative thinking as orchestrated by semantic processing vs. cognitive control brain networks.Anna Abraham - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  11. (1 other version)Do Powers Need Powers to Make Them Powerful? From Pandispositionalism to Aristotle.Anna Marmodoro - 2009 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 26 (4):337-352.
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    Prior Residence and Immigrant Voting Rights.Anna Goppel - 2022 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 9 (2):323-343.
    Although the moral foundations of voting rights regulations have been the subject of widespread scrutiny, there is one aspect of the debate which has gone largely unquestioned and is currently accepted in every state’s actual voting rights regulations. This is the requirement of prior residence, which stipulates that immigrants are granted the right to vote only once they have lived in the host country for a certain period of time. It is this requirement I call into question in this paper. (...)
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    Konstituierende Sitzung der neu gegründeten Arbeitsgruppe „Advance Care Planning“: Online, 10. Januar 2022.Anna Wachter & Philipp Karschuck - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (2):269-273.
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    Basements and Intersections.Anna Carastathis - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (4):698-715.
    In this paper, I revisit Kimberlé Crenshaw's argument in “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex” (1989) to recover a companion metaphor that has been largely forgotten in the “mainstreaming” of intersectionality in (white-dominated) feminist theory. In addition to the now-famous intersection metaphor, Crenshaw offers the basement metaphor to show how—by privileging monistic, mutually exclusive, and analogically constituted categories of “race” and “sex” tethered, respectively, to masculinity and whiteness—antidiscrimination law functions to reproduce social hierarchy, rather than to remedy it, denying (...)
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    SD-squared: On the association between semantic dementia and surface dyslexia.Anna M. Woollams, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph, David C. Plaut & Karalyn Patterson - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (2):316-339.
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    Pragmatist Holism as an Expression of Another" Disenchantment of the World".Anna Palubicka - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 47:99-112.
  17. Language and cognition lab.Anna Papafragou - unknown
    What is the nature of the underlying representations and mechanisms which allow very young children to acquire the words and structures of their native language? Our research looks especially at children between the ages of 3-5 when language acquisition still proceeds rapidly and uses multiple methodologies, including act-out tasks, truth value judgment tasks, and elicited imitation and production tasks.
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  18. Praktyczny i teoretyczny aspekt pojmowania realności świata z perspektywy filozofii humanistyki.Anna Pałubicka - 2004 - Principia.
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  19. Errant wanderings amongst the voices on the margins.Anna Wilson - 2013 - In Mere Berryman, Suzanne SooHoo & Ann Nevin (eds.), Culturally responsive methodologies. North America: Emerald.
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    Attention and Time.Anna C. Nobre & Jennifer T. Coull (eds.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    Our ability to attend selectively to our surroundings - noticing things that matter, ignoring those that don't - is crucial if we are to negotiate the world around us. This is the first book in years to explore just how our attention can be influenced by time, and how our own perception of time can be influenced by what we attend to.
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    The Economics of Integrity: From Dairy Farmers to Toyota, How Wealth is Built on Trust and What That Means for Our Future.Anna Bernasek - 2010 - Harperstudio.
    In this "New Era of Responsibility," Bernasek's message is both essential and urgent. The Economics of Integrity is a book for our times.
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  22. Cognition in dyschiria: Edoardo bisiach's theory of spatial disorders and consciousness.Anna Berti - 2004 - Cortex 40 (2):275-80.
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    Dialectics of conversion: Las Casas and Maya colonial Congregación.Anna Blume - 2007 - In Timothy Fitzgerald (ed.), Religion and the secular: historical and colonial formations. Oakville, CT: Equinox. pp. 25.
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    Illness and disease: an empirical-ethical viewpoint.Anna-Henrikje Seidlein & Sabine Salloch - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):5.
    The concepts of disease, illness and sickness capture fundamentally different aspects of phenomena related to human ailments and healthcare. The philosophy and theory of medicine are making manifold efforts to capture the essence and normative implications of these concepts. In parallel, socio-empirical studies on patients’ understanding of their situation have yielded a comprehensive body of knowledge regarding subjective perspectives on health-related statuses. Although both scientific fields provide varied valuable insights, they have not been strongly linked to each other. Therefore, the (...)
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  25. The Metaphysics of the Incarnation.Anna Marmodoro & Jonathan Hill (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This book offers original essays by leading philosophers of religion representing these new approaches to theological problems such as incarnation.
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    Human Rights and New Horizons? Thoughts toward a New Juridical Ontology.Anna Grear - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (1):129-145.
    The much-lamented anthropocentrism of human rights is misleading. Human rights anthropocentrism is radically attenuated and reflects persistent patterns of intra- and interspecies injustice and binary subject–object relations inapt for twenty-first-century crises and posthuman complexities. This article explores the possibility of reimagining the “human” of human rights in the light of anti- and post-Cartesian analyses drawing—in particular—upon Merleau-Ponty and on new materialism. This article also seeks to reimagine human rights themselves as responsibilized, injustice-sensitive claim concepts emerging in the “midst of” lively (...)
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    Fatal Mutilations: Educationism and the British Background to the 1931 International Congress for the History of Science and Technology.Anna-K. Mayer - 2002 - History of Science 40 (4):445-472.
  28. (1 other version)Teachers' experiences of enjoyment of work as a subtle atmosphere: an empirical lifeworld phenomenological analysis.Anna-Carin Bredmar - 2013 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology: Lifeworld Approach for Empirical Research in Education-the Gothenburg Tradition: Special Edition 1 13:1-16.
  29. The extended mind in ontological entanglements.Anna Marmodoro - 2011 - In Anna Marmodoro & Jonathan Hill (eds.), The Metaphysics of the Incarnation. Oxford University Press USA.
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  30. Historia muzyki oczyma metodologa.Anna Brożek - 2014 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 50 (202).
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    Rola analogii w formułowaniu zagadnień matematycznych.Anna Izabella Buczek - 1978 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 26 (1):161-253.
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  32. The Theme: The History of American Phenomenology-in-Process.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1989 - Analecta Husserliana 26:ix.
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    (1 other version)Swinging on the Pendulum: Shifting Views of Justice in Human Subjects Research.Anna Mastroianni & Jeffrey Kahn - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (3):22-24.
    Federal policies on human subjects research have undergone a progressive transformation. In the early decades of the twentieth century, federal policies largely relied on the discretion of investigators to decide when and how to conduct research. This approach gradually gave way to policies that augmented investigator discretion with externally imposed protections. We may now be entering an era of even more stringent external protections. Whether the new policies effectively absolve investigators of personal responsibility for conducting ethical research, and whether it (...)
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    Faster Teaching via POMDP Planning.Anna N. Rafferty, Emma Brunskill, Thomas L. Griffiths & Patrick Shafto - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1290-1332.
    Human and automated tutors attempt to choose pedagogical activities that will maximize student learning, informed by their estimates of the student's current knowledge. There has been substantial research on tracking and modeling student learning, but significantly less attention on how to plan teaching actions and how the assumed student model impacts the resulting plans. We frame the problem of optimally selecting teaching actions using a decision-theoretic approach and show how to formulate teaching as a partially observable Markov decision process planning (...)
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    Our resolutions and their causes: Twardowski on free will in ethical and legal contexts.Anna Brożek - forthcoming - Theoria:e12577.
    The paper aimed to reconstruct Twardowski's approach to the problem of free will and his analyses of the consequences of various solutions to this problem in ethics and criminal law. According to Twardowski, if we understand ‘free will’ as the possibility of making resolutions other than actually made, then (most probably) nobody has free will. Our resolutions are determined by a set of mental dispositions (character) and incentives that activate these dispositions. However, the existence of freedom of will such understood (...)
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  36. Krytyka systemu Kanta i program nowokrytyczny Mariana Massoniusa.Anna Hochfeld - 1975 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 21.
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    Hermeneutika sportu.Anna Hogenovâa & Univerzita Karlova (eds.) - 1998 - Praha: Karolinum Press.
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  38. (1 other version)Spór o uniwersalia.Anna Jaroszewska - forthcoming - Filozofia.
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  39. Linguistic Relativism Once More.Anna Jedynak - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (3):121.
  40. O biblijnych sprzecznościach i metaforach [On Biblical Contradictions and Metaphors].Anna Jedynak - 2010 - Filozofia Nauki 18 (2):125.
    The article refers to Helena Eilstein’s views: her analysis of biblical contradictions and a limited moral relativism (similar observations made by Leszek Kołakowski are also evoked). It classifies the types of contradictions found in the Bible and suggests how to deal with them. At times the conceptual apparatus created in the philosophy of science is used and a connection to scientific cognition is made, for foundations of philosophy of science can influence the attitude towards biblical contradictions. It emphasizes the role (...)
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    What is Wrong with Methodological Nationalism? An Argument About Discrimination.Anna Milioni - forthcoming - Moral Philosophy and Politics.
    Methodological nationalism is a cognitive bias that construes states as the natural and necessary form of contemporary social organisation. This gives rise to a state-centred view which naturalises national communities, exaggerates the differences between citizens and migrants, and exceptionalises international migration. In this paper, I argue that methodological nationalism is not only empirically inaccurate, but also normatively problematic, because its assumptions prevent migration ethicists from properly theorising about discrimination. I begin by briefly presenting methodological nationalism and clarifying some misconceptions. I (...)
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    Turning tradition into an instrument of research: The editorship of William Nicholson.Anna Gielas - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (1):38-53.
    Mainly known for its links to the periodical market and radical politics, this article recontextualizes the editorship of William Nicholson (1753–1815) in terms of its roots in the metropolitan natural philosophical circles of the second half of the 18th century as well as its impact on experimenters and men of science after 1797. The article argues that Nicholson's editorship of the Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts was a means to expand his philosophical significance among natural philosophers at (...)
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    Ethics in Neonatal Pain Research.Anna Axelin & Sanna Salanterä - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (4):492-499.
    A literature review of 98 articles concerning clinical pain research in newborn infants was conducted to evaluate how researchers report the ethical issues related to their studies and how journals guide this reporting. The articles were published in 49 different scientific journals. The ethical issues most often mentioned were parental informed consent (94%) and ethical review approval (87%). In 75% of the studies the infants suffered pain during the research when placebo, no treatment or otherwise inadequate pain management was applied. (...)
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    Three Ways That Non-associative Knowledge May Affect Associative Learning Processes.Anna Thorwart & Evan J. Livesey - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Dividing Lines Between Positive Theories.Anna Dmitrieva, Francesco Gallinaro & Mark Kamsma - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-25.
    We generalise the properties$\mathsf {OP}$,$\mathsf {IP}$,k-$\mathsf {TP}$,$\mathsf {TP}_{1}$,k-$\mathsf {TP}_{2}$,$\mathsf {SOP}_{1}$,$\mathsf {SOP}_{2}$, and$\mathsf {SOP}_{3}$to positive logic, and prove various implications and equivalences between them. We also provide a characterisation of stability in positive logic in analogy with the one in full first-order logic, both on the level of formulas and on the level of theories. For simple theories there are the classically equivalent definitions of not having$\mathsf {TP}$and dividing having local character, which we prove to be equivalent in positive logic as (...)
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    Ambulance clinicians’ understanding of older patients’ self-determination: A vignette study.Anna Bennesved, Anders Bremer, Anders Svensson, Andreas Rantala & Mats Holmberg - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (2-3):342-354.
    Background Older patients are often vulnerable and highly dependent on healthcare professionals’ assessment in the event of acute illness. In the context of ambulance services, this poses challenges as the assessment is normally conducted with a focus on identifying life-threatening conditions. Such assessment is not fully satisfactory in a patient relationship that also aims to promote and protect patient autonomy. Aim To describe ambulance clinicians’ understanding of older patients’ self-determination when the patient’s decision-making ability is impaired. Research design A qualitative (...)
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  47. Critique as a Practice of Learning: Beyond Indifference with Meillassoux, towards Deleuze.Anna Cutler & Iain Mackenzie - 2011 - Pli (22):88-109.
  48. Enactivism and the ‘Explanatory Trap’. A Wittgensteinian Perspective.Anna Boncompagni - 2013 - Methode - Analytic Perspectives 2:27-49.
    This paper explores the enactive approach in cognitive science with an eye on the later Wittgenstein’s philosophy. The aim is not that of answering the question: was Wittgenstein an ante litteram enactivist? He was not, because he was not an ante litteram (cognitive) scientist of any kind. The aim, conversely, is that of answering the question: can enactivism be Wittgensteinian? In answering positively, it will be argued that a Wittgensteinian framework can help enactive cognitive scientists in dissolving certain old problems (...)
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  49. Svar på svar.Anna-Sofia Maurin - 2010 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 1.
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  50. Russells regress: en replik.Anna-Sofia Maurin - 2009 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 3.
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