Results for 'Anna Kuzio'

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  1. The Polish School of Argumentation: A Manifesto.Katarzyna Budzynska, Michal Araszkiewicz, Barbara Bogołȩbska, Piotr Cap, Tadeusz Ciecierski, Kamila Debowska-Kozlowska, Barbara Dunin-Kȩplicz, Marcin Dziubiński, Michał Federowicz, Anna Gomolińska, Andrzej Grabowski, Teresa Hołówka, Łukasz Jochemczyk, Magdalena Kacprzak, Paweł Kawalec, Maciej Kielar, Andrzej Kisielewicz, Marcin Koszowy, Robert Kublikowski, Piotr Kulicki, Anna Kuzio, Piotr Lewiński, Jakub Z. Lichański, Jacek Malinowski, Witold Marciszewski, Edward Nieznański, Janina Pietrzak, Jerzy Pogonowski, Tomasz A. Puczyłowski, Jolanta Rytel, Anna Sawicka, Marcin Selinger, Andrzej Skowron, Joanna Skulska, Marek Smolak, Małgorzata Sokół, Agnieszka Sowińska, Piotr Stalmaszczyk, Tomasz Stawecki, Jarosław Stepaniuk, Alina Strachocka, Wojciech Suchoń, Krzysztof Szymanek, Justyna Tomczyk, Robert Trypuz, Kazimierz Trzȩsicki, Mariusz Urbański, Ewa Wasilewska-Kamińska, Krzysztof A. Wieczorek, Maciej Witek, Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska, Olena Yaskorska, Maria Załȩska, Konrad Zdanowski & Żure - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (3):267-282.
    Building on our diverse research traditions in the study of reasoning, language and communication, the Polish School of Argumentation integrates various disciplines and institutions across Poland in which scholars are dedicated to understanding the phenomenon of the force of argument. Our primary goal is to craft a methodological programme and establish organisational infrastructure: this is the first key step in facilitating and fostering our research movement, which joins people with a common research focus, complementary skills and an enthusiasm to work (...)
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  2. Connecting economic models to the real world: Game theory and the fcc spectrum auctions.Anna Alexandrova - 2006 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 36 (2):173-192.
    Can social phenomena be understood by analyzing their parts? Contemporary economic theory often assumes that they can. The methodology of constructing models which trace the behavior of perfectly rational agents in idealized environments rests on the premise that such models, while restricted, help us isolate tendencies, that is, the stable separate effects of economic causes that can be used to explain and predict economic phenomena. In this paper, I question both the claim that models in economics supply claims about tendencies (...)
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    ‘The Moment When it All Comes Together’: Embodied Experiences in Ballet.Anna Aalten - 2004 - European Journal of Women's Studies 11 (3):263-276.
    This article is both an elaborated critique on the one-sided analysis of the misogynist nature of ballet as a cultural practice, and a contribution to a more embodied feminist theory. Based on empirical material, that was brought together by observing the body practices in ballet and listening to the life stories of dancers, the author explores the contradictions that the body in ballet provokes. In describing the embodied experiences ofprofessional ballet dancers she shows that ballet offers women the possibility to (...)
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    What is in a child’s hand? Prosthesis in Bernard Stiegler: Some implications for a future philosophy of childhood.Anna Kouppanou - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (4):433-442.
    Prosthesis and the human hand have been terms used by various philosophers in order to describe the interaction that binds together the human being and the technical artefact – Martin Heide...
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    Affectivity and narrativity in depression: a phenomenological study.Anna Bortolan - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (1):77-88.
    In this study I explore from a phenomenological perspective the relationship between affectivity and narrative self-understanding in depression. Phenomenological accounts often conceive of the disorder as involving disturbances of the narrative self and suggest that these disturbances are related to the alterations of emotions and moods typical of the illness. In this paper I expand these accounts by advancing two sets of claims. In the first place, I suggest that, due to the loss of feeling characteristic of the illness, the (...)
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  6. Byt określa świadomość albo egzystencjalny realizm.Anna Żuk - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 288 (11).
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  7. O cnocie miłosierdzia.Anna Żuk - 2004 - Colloquia Communia 76 (1):155-160.
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    Affectivity and moral experience: an extended phenomenological account.Anna Bortolan - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (3):471-490.
    The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between affectivity and moral experience from a phenomenological perspective. I will start by showing how in a phenomenologically oriented account emotions can be conceived as intentional evaluative feelings which play a role in both moral epistemology and the motivation of moral behaviour. I will then move to discuss a particular kind of affect, "existential feelings" (Ratcliffe in Journal of Consciousness Studies 12(8–10), 43–60, 2005, 2008), which has not been considered so (...)
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  9. Evidence of evidence as higher-order evidence.Anna-Maria A. Eder & Peter Brössel - 2019 - In Mattias Skipper & Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen, Higher-Order Evidence: New Essays. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    A. COLINET, Les alchimistes grecs. Tome X. L'Anonyme de Zuretti ou L'art sacré et divin de la chrysopée par un anonyme.Anna Maria Ieraci Bio - 2002 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2):680-684.
    La Collection Les Alchimistes Grecs della CUF si arricchisce d'un altro volume con un'opera del tutto nuova rispetto ai due volumi già pubblicati, l'Anonyme de Zuretti: il testo, che prende il nome da C. O. Zuretti, il quale ne curò nel 1930 l'editio princeps nel VII volume del Catalogue des manuscrits alchimistes grecs, è «un traité pratique, complet et systematique, rédigé à l'époque médiévale par un Grec d'Italie du Sud. Celui-ci se base sur de nombreuses sources latines et arabo-latines, sans (...)
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    Teopompo E L'uso del Mito. A Proposito di FGrHist 115 F381.Anna Biraschi - 1996 - Hermes 124 (2):160-169.
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    Introduction: Classical Heritage & Medieval Innovation.Anna Boreczky - 2016 - Convivium 3 (1):15-19.
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    Is there an inverted-U relationship between creativity and psychopathology?Anna Abraham - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Józef M. Bocheński. Two Anniversaries.Anna Brożek, Edward Świderski & Kordula Świętorzecka - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (2):145-148.
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    Text, Body and Indeterminacy: The Doppelgänger Selves in Pater and Wilde.Anna Budziak - 2008 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The nature of the self is an important point at which philosophy and literature intersect. Text, Body and Indeterminacy acknowledges this connection by forging a link between the philosophical concept of the self and the category of the literary character. The philosophical horizon of Text, Body and Indeterminacy is delineated by the neo-pragmatist debate on selfhood. The book entwines the ideas of Richard Rorty and Richard Shusterman by stressing similarity in their aestheticizing of ethics and by showing the difference in (...)
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    The Autobiography.Anna Robeson Burr - 1910 - Philosophical Review 19 (3):344-348.
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  17. Підходи до оцінки соціально-економічного стану території (на рівні регіону).Anna Chechel & Sergei Konoplyov - 2013 - Схід 6 (126):180-185.
    This study focuses on the definition of regions in post-industrial areas (Old Industrial Cities) and the method of cluster analysis as the technique for estimating the degree of depression of a coal region. At times of global economic crisis, it makes sense to study the economic experience of depressed regions, dominated by mono product economies, in order to assess ways to overcome the consequences of the crisis.
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    Literary Education and Digital Learning: Methods and Technologies for Humanities Studies ed. by Willie van Peer, Sonia Zyngier, and Vander Viana (review).Anna Chesnokova - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (3):120-121.
    The times of restricting reading to just sitting with a book in a cozy armchair are gone. If you ask a modern teenager or university student how they would prefer to do it, the chances are fairly high that the answer you’ll get is a computer screen or an iPad. Digital technologies have become an ordinary tool for everybody dealing with literature, including common readers, students in the field, and professional scholars who have dedicated their lives to literary research. This (...)
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  19. al-Kaynūnah wa-al-ʻunf wa-ṣirāʻ al-baqāʼ: dirāsah fī uṣūl al-ʻunf al-basharī: nashʼatuhu wa-asbābuh.Hānī Bayyūs Ḥannā - 2023 - Bayrūt: al-Muʼassasah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr.
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    Competing knowledges =.Anna-Margaretha Horatschek (ed.) - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter Akademie Forschung.
    Whatever societies accept as "knowledge" is embedded in specific epistemological, political and economic power relations. How is knowledge produced and functionalized? What is the difference between knowledge and the sciences? Can there be science without universal truth claims? Questions like these, all of them highly relevant, are discussed in twelve essays from the perspective of Sociology, Law, Cultural Studies and the Humanities.
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  21. Kilka uwag o zagadnieniu prawdy w matematyce.Anna Lemanska - 2002 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 38 (2):117-126.
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  22. O przestrzeni.Anna Lemanska - 2004 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 40 (2):293-314.
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    Between Phenomenology and Semantics: Charles S. Peirce’s Conception of Categories Revisited.Anna Michalska - 2019 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 64:113-128.
  24. Weaving texts: A note on malevich's uses of language.Anna Muza - 2003 - In Kazimir Severinovich Malevich, The White Rectangle: Writings on Film. Potemkin Press.
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    Rola środków społecznego przekazu w budowaniu jedności Europy w refleksji Jana Pawła II.Anna Nawrot - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (1):45-49.
    John Paul II emphasized the role of culture in the process of integration in Europe. It is culture and values that allow to find and strengthen the common identity of Europe. John Paul II believed them to be more important than economics and institutional ways of integration. Mass media play the important part in today’s culture. The press, radio, television and other electronic media are sources of knowledge, places for exchanging ideas and sharing experiences. The most important collocations of media (...)
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    The utopian human right to science and culture: toward the philosophy of excendence in the postmodern society.Anna Maria Andersen Nawrot - 2014 - Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate.
    This book explores the question of whether the ideal right to science and culture exists. It proposes that the human right to science and culture is of a utopian character and argues for the necessity of the existence of such a right by developing a philosophical project situated in postmodernity, based on the assumption of ‘thinking in terms of excendence’. The book offers a new way of thinking about access to knowledge in the postanalogue, postmodern society, and is inspired by (...)
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    Arendt and Rhetoric.Anna Yeatman - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (2):471-492.
    Rhetoric concerns how in speech human beings open up a place for civil possibility, a place where, as a community of speakers and hearers, they engage with questions of how best to conceive and respond to challenges arising out of the world that they share. In rhetoric the community of speakers and hearers is not only called into being but so too the nature of the topos or place that is shared, a determination that is timely or historical. The recent (...)
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    Flags and Flagomania: The Visual Necromantic Pandemia of the Twentieth Century.Anna Makolkin - 2001 - American Journal of Semiotics 17 (3):133-156.
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    The genealogy of our present moral disarray: an essay in comparative philosophy.Anna Makolkin - 2000 - Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press.
    This monograph examines the origins of modern and modernist moral confusion and the deterioration of the Judeo-Christian values and contemporary boundaries between Right and Wrong. It traces the ethical shift to the ideas of Hobbes and Bentham, the peculiar universe of Schopenhauer and Dostoevsky, the new religion of Tolstoy and the destroyed God of Nietzsche, ending with the psychoanalytical commandments of Freud and the mire of sexual identity of Foucault and Paglia.
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    Cuban Philosophers and a Battle for Ideas.Anna Malavisi - 2016 - Radical Philosophy Review 19 (2):517-521.
    A review of Susan E. Babbit's book: Jose Marti, Ernesto "Che" Guevara and Global Development Ethics: The Battle for Ideas.
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    e-Transforming Democracy in the UK. Consideration of Developments and Suggestions for Empirical Research.Anna Malina - 2003 - Communications 28 (2):135-155.
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    Do All Roads Lead to Rome? How Three Process Pathways Contribute to Transformative Innovation in Cross-Sector Partnerships.Anna Margolis - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) offer much-needed collaborative spaces to address socio-ecological problems. Yet it is unclear if and how CSPs activities contribute to transformative innovation (TI) that addresses these problems and creates socio-ecological impact. Understanding how CSPs can contribute to TI is essential for CSP practitioners and researchers in order to address pressing socio-ecological problems. To better understand how CSPs can contribute to TI and socio-ecological impact, I conducted a multiple case-study of eight CSPs in the field of sustainable, circular packaging. (...)
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    Divine Powers in Late Antiquity.Anna Marmodoro & Irini-Fotini Viltanioti (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Is power the essence of divinity, or are divine powers distinct from divine essence? Are they divine hypostases or are they divine attributes? Are powers such as omnipotence, omniscience, etc. modes of divine activity? How do they manifest? In which way can we apprehend them? Is there a multiplicity of gods whose powers fill the cosmos or is there only one God from whom all power(s) derive(s) and whose power(s) permeate(s) everything? These are questions that become central to philosophical and (...)
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  34. In Being One Only One? The Argument for the Uniqueness of the Platonic Forms.Anna Marmodoro - 2008 - Apeiron (4):211-227.
    ‘Is being one only one? – The Argument for the Uniqueness of Platonic Forms’ Abstract: Each Form is unique in number; no two numerically distinct Forms can share the same nature. Plato argues for this claim in Republic X. I identify the metaphysical principles Plato presupposes in the premises of the argument, by examining the reasoning behind them, and offer a reconstruction of the argument showing the principles in use. I argue that the metaphysical significance of the argument’s conclusion is (...)
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  35. O relatywizmie językowym raz jeszcze.Anna Jedynak - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (3).
    The paper is a reply to M. Trybulec's polemics Incommensurability vs Linguistic Relativity against A. Jedynak's views on linguistic relativism. Some points of Trybulec's paper are very unclear, others mistaken, however still others express quite interesting intuitions, worthy of further investigation. The latter have actually been put forth by A. Jedynak in her earlier book and paper, and can be expressed as follows: there are different levels of meaning and of translations; linguistic relativism should take this into account; the differences (...)
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  36. Roger Teichmnn, Nature, Reason and the Good Life. Ethics for Human Beings.Anna Krajewska - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne:128-134.
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    From the Sacred to the Divine: A New Phenomenological Approach.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1994 - Springer.
    The contemporary revival of interest in the Sacred as a category of philosophico-religious reflection here finds a radical reversal of the traditional direction, taking the Sacred as the starting point of the itinerary toward the Divine. The wide variety of essays contained in this volume attempt to ground philosophy of the Sacred and the Divine in phenomenological evidence. Though employing different methodologies, the contributors register by and large the contribution of A-T. Tymieniecka's phenomenology of life in providing a significant 20th (...)
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    1. Moralische Anthropologie: Idee und Ausführung.Anna Wehofsits - 2016 - In Anthropologie Und Moral. Affekte, Leidenschaften Und Mitgefühl in Kants Ethik. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 10-26.
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  39. A paper on accuracy motives and rationalization (no exact title for the purpose of anonymous peer review).Anna Wehofsits - manuscript
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    Verwendete Siglen.Anna Wehofsits - 2016 - In Anthropologie Und Moral. Affekte, Leidenschaften Und Mitgefühl in Kants Ethik. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Wokół komparatystyki literackiej.Anna Wendorff - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 65 (2):9-18.
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    Contributions of Socially Distributed Cognition to Social Epistemology: The Case of Testimony.Anna Estany & David Casacuberta - 2012 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 16:40-68.
    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar y revisar las normas que filosóficamente asociamos al proceso de testimonio, inquiriendo hasta qué puntoson0 consistentes con los conocimientos empíricos de las ciencias cognitivas.Tradicionalmente, el problema del testimonio surgía cuando, desde una epistemología de corte individualista, se suponía, siguiendo el dictum ya marcado en la Modernidad tanto por racionalistas como por empiristas, de que el conocimiento debía ser testado personalmente. Sin embargo, disciplinas y enfoques recientes, como la Cognición Socialmente Distribuida y la Epistemología (...)
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  43. Electoral quotas and John Rawls's idea of justice and equality.Anna Kalisz & Magdalena Półtorak - 2012 - In Miodrag A. Jovanović & Bojan Spaić, Jurisprudence and political philosophy in the 21st century: reassessing legacies. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  44. Przyjemność i działanie w performansie, performatyce i sztukach performatywnych.Anna Kawalec - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 82 (2):349-362.
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    Design för lärande i musik.Anna-Lena Kempe - 2010 - Stockholm: Norstedts. Edited by Tore West.
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    Prozesse und Funktionen des Erkennens in ästhetischer Erfahrung.Anna Kreysing - 2016 - Münster: Mentis.
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    Ėsteticheskiĭ ideal i priroda obraza.Anna Akopova - 1994 - Erevan: Izd-vo "Gituti︠u︡n" NAN RA.
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    Storia di una «leggenda tenace»: le vicende della «doppia verità».Anna Arezzo - 2009 - Quaestio 9:417-422.
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    Gäste, Fremde, Feinde.Anna Aurast - 2009 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 43 (1):439-452.
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  50. The Passions of the Soul: A Dialogue Between Phenomenology and Islamic Philosophy.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.) - 2003 - Kluwer.
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