Results for 'Angelsa Saby'

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  1.  7
    Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design. RSD12: Entangled in Emergence (Washington, DC, October 6–20, 2023).Cheryl May, Andrzej Klimczuk & Angelsa Saby (eds.) - 2023 - Oslo: Systemic Design Association.
    October 6–20, 2023. Georgetown University, Washington, DC, hosted RSD12—Emerging from Entanglement. In addition to an online programme of keynote speakers, panels, workshops, and a culminating in-person gathering in DC, RSD12 featured 12 in-person Hubs events, each lasting 1–3 days, and livestreamed sessions to the online platform. The 12 regional hubs and topical areas were: Bogota, Colombia: Design Research; Pittsburgh, United States: Transgenerational Collaboration; Kingston, United Kingdom: Cyber and Digital; Ahmedabad, India: Hopeful Futures; Monterrey, Mexico: Participatory Ecosystems; kihcihkaw askî: Indigenous Knowledge (...)
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    Min manhaj al-tarbiyah al-Islāmīyah.Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh Sabīl - 2015 - al-Riyāḍ: Dār al-Ṣumayʻī lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    L'Amour, chemin de la liberté: Essai sur la Personnalisation. Par Gérard Bélanger. Paris, Éditions ouvrières, 1965. 192 pages. [REVIEW]Pierre Saby - 1966 - Dialogue 5 (1):118-120.
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  4. Change and continuity among the Batombu since 1900.Emmanuel Oladipo Ojo & Sabi Joshua Bio - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (1):1-16.
    Like elsewhere in Nigeria and Africa, the imposition of colonial rule on Batombuland and the incursion of western ideas produced profound socio-cultural, economic and political changes in the Batombu society. However, unlike several Nigerian and African peoples whose histories have received extensive scholarly attention, the history of the Batombu has attracted very little scholarly attention. Thus virtually neglected, the Batombu occupies a mere footnote position in the extant historiography of Nigeria. This is the gap this article seeks to fill. It (...)
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    El pensamiento filosófico de Pedro Zulen: educación, hombre y filosofía.Lazarte Oyague & Saby Evelyn - 2014 - Lima, Perú: Universidad Ricardo Palma, Editorial Universitaria.
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    PPI, paradoxes and Plato: who's sailing the ship?: Table 1.Jonathan Ives, Sarah Damery & Sabi Redwod - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (3):181-185.
    Over the last decade, patient and public involvement (PPI) has become a requisite in applied health research. Some funding bodies demand explicit evidence of PPI, while others have made a commitment to developing PPI in the projects they fund. Despite being commonplace, there remains a dearth of engagement with the ethical and theoretical underpinnings of PPI processes and practices. More specifically, while there is a small (but growing) body of literature examining the effectiveness and impact of PPI, there has been (...)
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    Facial Expression Related vMMN: Disentangling Emotional from Neutral Change Detection.Klara Kovarski, Marianne Latinus, Judith Charpentier, Helen Cléry, Sylvie Roux, Emmanuelle Houy-Durand, Agathe Saby, Frédérique Bonnet-Brilhault, Magali Batty & Marie Gomot - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Fī suʼāl al-ʻAlmānīyah: al-ishkālīyāt al-tārīkhīyah wa-al-āfāq al-maʻrifīīr Rabbūḥ, Muḥammad Sabīlā & Muʻizz Madyūnī (eds.) - 2015 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Rawāfid al-Thaqāfīyah, Nāshirūn.
    Secularism; Arab countries; Islam and state.
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    Wabi Sabi: the wisdom in imperfection.Nobuo Suzuki - 2021 - Singapore: Tuttle Publishing.
    Wabi Sabi is the Japanese Zen philosophy that all things are imperfect, unfinished and impermanent. It is a fresh way of seeing and moving through the world when our lives, literally and figuratively, feel cluttered. This book shows us how to apply this concept in the context of daily life and offers ideas on how to see it, embrace it and incorporate it into everyday thoughts, objects and situations."--Publisher description.
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    Wabi sabi: the art of everyday life.Diane Durston - 2006 - North Adams, MA: Storey.
    With “slow living” as the newest incarnation of the simplicity movement, the search for fresh inspiration on ways to live a more authentic life is as pressing as ever. Turning to Eastern traditions, people are discovering the Japanese concept of wabi sabi. The perfect antidote to today’s frenzied, consumer-oriented culture, wabi sabi encourages slowing down, living modestly, and appreciating the natural and imperfect aspect of material culture. While defying definition, wabi sabi is best expressed in brief, evocative bites. In The (...)
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    Wabi-sabi: a virtue of imperfection.Dominic Wilkinson - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):937-938.
    > この道や行く人なしに秋の暮れ Matsuo Basho 16941 The surface is asymmetrical, the pigment flecked and uneven. Looking close, what seems at a distance to be smooth is actually covered in tiny gentle indentations and irregularities. On one edge, there are a series of fine lines—evidence of past damage, and repair. It is obviously old. But its age is part of its specialness. It is simple, one of a kind, beautiful. The above is a description of a Japanese stoneware tea bowl, like the (...)
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  12. Wabi-sabi for artists, designers, poets & philosophers.Leonard Koren - 1994 - Berkeley, Calif.: Stone Bridge Press.
    Originally published: Berkeley, Calif. : Stone Bridge Press, 1994.
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    The Aesthetics of Wabi-Sabi: Beautiful Imperfection.Leni Garcia - 2015 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 16 (1):1-18.
    This paper puts forward Wabi-Sabi aesthetics as one possible philosophical anchor for museum exhibits that focus less on beauty as perfection and more on beauty that reveals the imperfect nature of life and serves as a guide to joyful living. There is a growing trend in contemporary museums to feature not the usual paintings and sculptures, but crafts traditionally looked upon as objects for the hobbyist, not the artist. The mixed reactions from the art world show that this new practice (...)
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    Yūgen to sabi no bigaku: Nihon-teki biishikiron saikō.Kiyokazu Nishimura - 2021 - Tōkyō: Keiso Shobo.
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    Tell Sabi Abyad, the Late Neolithic Settlement: Report on the Excavations of the University of Amsterdam (1988) and the National Museum of Antiquities Leiden (1991-1993) in Syria. [REVIEW]Glenn M. Schwartz & Peter M. M. G. Akkermans - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (3):526.
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    Trīam sabīang wai līang tūa. Dangtrin - unknown - Krung Thēp: Samnakphim Nawaniyāi Bāngkok.
    Collection of questions and answers on everyday life according to Buddhist ethics.
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    Detsucher Geist und angelsächsische Geistesgeschichte.Klaus Dockhorn - 1954 - Göttingen,: "Musterschmidt" Wissenschaftlicher Verlag.
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    Nihonbi o tetsugakusuru: aware, yūgen, sabi, iki.Kyūbun Tanaka - 2013 - Tōkyō: Seidosha.
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  19. Bhāṣāpariccheda: Kārikāvalī o Siddhāntamuktāvalīra sabiśada Baṅgānubāda.Viśvanātha Nyāyapañcānana Bhaṭṭācārya - 1980 - Bardhamāna: Bardhamāna Biśvabidyālaẏa. Edited by Gopālacandra Mukhopādhyāya.
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    Čanbudizmo estetinių idealų atspindžiai japoniškoje wabi-sabi estetikoje.Lina Gotautė - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 94:200-211.
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    Wokół koncepcji dobra we współczesnym neoarystotelizmie anglosaskim: normatywność, działanie, praktyki = Framing the concept of the good in contemporary Neo-Aristotelianism: normativity, actions, practices = Die Idee des Guten dem gegenwärtigen angelsächsischen Neuaristotelismus zufolge: Normativität, Massnahmen, Praxis.Piotr Machura - 2019 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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  22. Jādhibīyat al-ḥadāthah wa-muqāwamat al-taqlīd: muṭāraḥāt fī al-fikr al-falsafī al-Maghribī al-muʻāṣir: ʻAbd Allāh al-ʻArawī, ʻAbd al-Kabīr al-Khaṭībī, Muḥammad ʻĀbid al-Jābirī, ʻAlī Ūmlīl, Ṭāhā ʻAbd al-Raḥmān, Muḥammad Sabīlā.Muḥammad Shaykh - 2005 - Baghdād: Markaz Dirāsāt Falsafat al-Dīn.
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    Heidegger on technology and Gelassenheit: wabi-sabi and the art of Verfallenheit.Babette Babich - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (2):157-166.
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    Two Great Scientists of the Nineteenth Century: Correspondence of Emil Du Bois-reymond and Carl LudwigPaul F. Cranefield Sabie Lichter Ayed.Timothy Lenoir - 1983 - Isis 74 (3):450-451.
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    ¿Interesa invertir en formación universitaria? Las cuentas de la educación superior privada.Patricia Granados-González, Sergio López-Moreno & Ana M. Moreno-Adalid - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (5):1-15.
    Las estadísticas muestran que la tasa neta de escolarización en los estudios de grado en España aumenta significativamente. En esta investigación se pretende explorar la evolución de la cuenta de resultados y balance de aquellas empresas españolas de educación universitaria privada. Empleando los datos publicados en la base de datos SABI se han analizado las empresas con mayor volumen de facturación y total de activos. Como hallazgos principales se ha observado un incremento de la cifra de negocios y del resultado, (...)
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    Heidegger on Verfallenheit.Babette Babich - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (2):261-264.
    The question of Heidegger’s reflections on technology is explored in terms of ‘living with’ technology and including the socio-theoretical notion of ‘entanglement’ towards a review of Heidegger’s understanding of technology and media, including the entertainment industry and modern digital life. I explore Heidegger’s reflections on Gelassenheit by way of the Japanese aesthetic conception of life and of art as wabi-sabi understood with respect to Heidegger’s Gelassenheit as the art of Verfallenheit.
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    The Aesthetics of Imperfection Reconceived: Improvisations, Compositions, and Mistakes.Andy Hamilton - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (3):289-302.
    ABSTRACT Ted Gioia associated the “aesthetics of imperfection” with improvised music. In an earlier article, I extended it to all musical performance. This article reconceives my discussion, offering more precise analyses: The aesthetics of imperfection is now argued to involve open, spontaneous response to contingencies of performance or production, reacting positively to idiosyncratic instruments; apparent failings in performance, and so on. Perfectionists, in contrast, prefer a planning model, not readily modified in face of contingencies. Imperfection is not toleration of errors (...)
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    Shibumi: acerbic beauty of the aged face.Wan Lin Teo - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    > The Japanese have a word which summarizes all the best in Japanese life, yet it has no explanation and cannot be translated. It is the word shibui, and the best approximation to its meaning is 'acerbic good taste'.—James A. Michener in Iberia The austere beauty of lacquerware, the wizened lines and thickened trunk of a 100-year-old bonsai, the veiled beauty of murky jade—what do all these have in common? These are the qualities of shibumi, a Japanese aesthetic defined by (...)
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    The Beauty in Perfect Imperfection.Stephen Buetow & Katharine Wallis - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (3):389-394.
    Modern technologies sanction a new plasticity of physical form. However, the increasing global popularity of aesthetic procedures produces normative beauty ideals in terms of perfection and symmetry. These conditions limit the semblance of freedom by people to control their own bodies. Cultural emancipation may come from principles in Eastern philosophy. These reveal beauty in authenticity, including imperfection. Wabi-sabi acclaims beauty in common irregularity, while kintsugi celebrates beauty in visible signs of repair, like scars. These principles resist pressure to medicalize dissatisfaction (...)
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  30.  19
    Zen Pathways: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Practice of Zen Buddhism (禅道の千路) by Bret W. Davis (review).Steve G. Lofts - 2023 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 9 (1):159-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Zen Pathways: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Practice of Zen Buddhism (禅道の千路) by Bret W. Davis (review)Steve G. LoftsBret W. Davis, Zen Pathways: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Practice of Zen Buddhism (禅道の千路)There is no shortage of books on Zen from almost every imaginable angle. And so, what makes Zen Pathways: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Practice of Zen Buddhism (禅道の千路) by Bret W. Davis unique (...)
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    Ageing, Aura, and Vanitas in Art: Greek Laughter and Death.Babette Babich - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 12 (2):56-86.
    Beginning with the representation of age in extremis in the nature morte or still life, a depiction of aged artifacts and representations of vanitas, artistic representations particularly in painting associate woman and death. Looking at artistic allegories for age and ageing, raising the question of aura for Walter Benjamin along with Ivan Illich and David Hume, this essay reflects on Heidegger on history together with reflections on the ‘death of art’ as well as Arakawa and Gins and Bazon Brock, both (...)
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  32. Rasāʼil al-Fārābī. Fārābī - 2006 - Dimashq: Dār al-Yanābiʻ. Edited by Muwaffaq Fawzī Jabr.
    al-Risālah 1. Risālah fī Ithbāt al-mufāraqāt -- al-risālah 2. Risālah fi Aghrāḍ mā baʻda al-ṭabīʻah -- al-risālah 3. Kitāb Taḥṣīl al-saʻādah -- al-risālah 4. Risālah fī al-Taʻlīqāt -- al-risālah 5. Kitāb al-Tanbīh ʻalá sabīl al-saʻādah -- al-risālah 6. al-Tajrīd ʻalá Risālat al-Daʻāwá al-qalbīyah -- al-risālah 7. Sharḥ Risālat Zaynūn al-Kabīr al-Yūnānī -- al-risālah 8. Kitāb al-Fuṣuṣ -- al-risālah 9. -- Risālah fī Faḍīlat al-ʻulūm wa-al-ṣināʻāt -- al-risālah 10. Rasāʼil fī masāʼil mutafarriqah.
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    Gott über uns - Gott unter uns - Gott in uns: philosophische, theologische und spirituelle Annäherungen an Gott.Johannes Herzgsell - 2018 - München: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Das Buch legt in geschichtlicher Reihenfolge dar, wie sich herausragende Denker des Abendlandes Gott geistig und geistlich angenähert haben und wer für sie Gott im Wesentlichen war. So war für die antiken Philosophen Platon und Plotin das Göttliche vor allem das Gute, Schöne oder Eine. Als christliche Denker suchten dann im Früh- und Hochmittelalter Augustinus, Richard von St. Viktor und Thomas von Aquin auf je eigene Weise die Dreieinheit Gottes zu erklären. Am Beginn der Neuzeit endete die lebenslange Suche des (...)
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    Aesthetic Virtues in the Context of Nirvanic Values.Robert Wilkinson - unknown
    Aesthetic virtue concepts are rooted in philosophical assumptions of great depth within their host cultures. This thesis is supported by means of an analysis of some of the central aesthetic virtue concepts in Japanese thought, e.g. sabi, wabi, myosho. These concepts presuppose and reflect the presence of nirvana as the goal of life in Japanese culture. Because there is no western equivalent to the concept of nirvana, these terms likewise have no western equivalents.
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    Étude comparative entre l'Orient et l'Occident sur le temps dans l’antiquité et l’esthétique du paysage.Caroline Pires Ting - 2024 - Anais de Filosofia Clássica 17 (33):116-129.
    L’article explore les liens entre l’impermanence, la pensée bouddhique et taoïste, et l’esthétique Wabi-Sabi, en soulignant le concept unificateur du mouvement et son rôle dans l’illustration de la fluidité et de la transformation de la vie. L’analyse porte sur la manière dont le mouvement fonctionne comme un principe unificateur, mettant en évidence la fluidité, la transformation et la croissance qui caractérisent l’existence. Cette perspective s’appuie sur les principes taoïstes et bouddhistes, qui insistent sur l’acceptation de la réalité dans sa forme (...)
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    Ibn al-Fahhād and the Great Conjunction of 1166 AD.S. Mohammad Mozaffari - 2019 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 73 (5):517-549.
    Farīd al-Dīn Abu al-Ḥasan ‘Alī b. al-Fahhād’s astronomical tradition as represented in the prolegomenon to his Alā’ī zīj (1172 AD) shows his experimental examination of the theories of his predecessors and testing the circumstances of the synodic phenomena as derived from the theories developed in the classical period of medieval Middle Eastern astronomy against his own observations. This work was highly influential in late Islamic astronomy and was translated into Greek in the 1290s. He evaluated al-Battānī’s Ṣābi’ zīj (d. 929 (...)
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    Maimonides and the Rise and Fall of the Sabians: Explaining Mosaic Laws and the Limits of Scholarship.Jonathan M. Elukin - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (4):619-637.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.4 (2002) 619-637 [Access article in PDF] Maimonides and the Rise and Fall of the Sabians:Explaining Mosaic Laws and the Limits of Scholarship Jonathan Elukin The Koran mentions the Sabi'un three times (II 6-2, V 69, XXII 17). "Believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabi'un—whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does what is right—shall be rewarded by their Lord; they have nothing (...)
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    After “Cool Japan”: A Study on Cultural Nationalism.Hiroshi Yoshioka - 2013 - Culture and Dialogue 3 (2):3-11.
    What is the meaning of “Japanese” culture? In earlier ages, it was about temples, Noh plays, Kabuki, Utamaro and Wabi-sabi. These traditional icons have, since the Meiji era (1868-1912), been identified as typically Japanese. Are they, however, still relevant today? Has there been any crucial mutation in the cultural identity of Japan? In the contemporary era, more and more people associate Japanese culture with Manga, animation and video games, in other words with cultural developments of the post-World War II era. (...)
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