Results for 'Pierre Saby'

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  1.  20
    L'Amour, chemin de la liberté: Essai sur la Personnalisation. Par Gérard Bélanger. Paris, Éditions ouvrières, 1965. 192 pages. [REVIEW]Pierre Saby - 1966 - Dialogue 5 (1):118-120.
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    An Intellectual History of Liberalism.Pierre Manent - 2019 - Princeton University Press.
    Highlighting the social tensions that confront the liberal tradition, Pierre Manent draws a portrait of what we, citizens of modern liberal democracies, have become. For Manent, a discussion of liberalism encompasses the foundations of modern society, its secularism, its individualism, and its conception of rights. The frequent incapacity of the morally neutral, democratic state to further social causes, he argues, derives from the liberal stance that political life does not serve a higher purpose. Through quick-moving, highly synthetic essays, he (...)
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    Le problème de l'être chez Aristote: essai sur la problématique aristotélicienne.Pierre Aubenque - 2013 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    « La métaphysique d’Aristote n’est, au sens aristotélicien, dialectique et par là incapable de tout achèvement déductif, que parce qu’elle est une métaphysique du mouvement, c’est-à-dire de la scission. » Le propos de l’auteur est simple : sans vouloir rajouter et apporter du nouveau sur Aristote, il tente au contraire de désapprendre tout ce que la tradition a ajouté à l’aristotélisme primitif. Car l’aristotélisme que nous connaissons est surtout celui des commentateurs grecs. L’image ainsi révélée est celle d’un Aristote aporétique, (...)
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    Complex ecological models with simple dynamics: From individuals to populations.Pierre M. Auger & Robert Roussarie - 1994 - Acta Biotheoretica 42 (2-3):111-136.
    The aim of this work is to study complex ecological models exhibiting simple dynamics. We consider large scale systems which can be decomposed into weakly coupled subsystems. Perturbation Theory is used in order to get a reduced set of differential equations governing slow time varying global variables. As examples, we study the influence of the individual behaviour of animals in competition and predator-prey models. The animals are assumed to do many activities all day long such as searching for food of (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Le système du monde. Histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon a Copernic.Pierre Duhem - 1916 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 82:489-493.
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    Analytic and Continental Approaches to Biology and Philosophy: David Hull and Marjorie Grene on ‘What Philosophy of Biology Is Not’.Pierre-Olivier Méthot - 2023 - In Giuseppe Bianco, Charles T. Wolfe & Gertrudis Van de Vijver, Canguilhem and Continental Philosophy of Biology. Springer. pp. 13-38.
    Gaining momentum during the last third of the twentieth century, the philosophy of biology is now a distinct field with its own debates, journals, audiences, and professional societies. This professionalization came along with the forging of an intellectual identity based on the existence of disciplinary frontiers that demarcated philosophy of biology from neighboring disciplines such as philosophy of medicine, history of biology, or general philosophy of science. Here, I argue that the identity of this emerging philosophy of biology also excluded (...)
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    Research traditions and evolutionary explanations in medicine.Pierre-Olivier Méthot - 2011 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 32 (1):75-90.
    In this article, I argue that distinguishing ‘evolutionary’ from ‘Darwinian’ medicine will help us assess the variety of roles that evolutionary explanations can play in a number of medical contexts. Because the boundaries of evolutionary and Darwinian medicine overlap to some extent, however, they are best described as distinct ‘research traditions’ rather than as competing paradigms. But while evolu- tionary medicine does not stand out as a new scientific field of its own, Darwinian medicine is united by a number of (...)
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    On the problem-size effect in small additions: Can we really discard any counting-based account?Pierre Barrouillet & Catherine Thevenot - 2013 - Cognition 128 (1):35-44.
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  9. (1 other version)To save the Phenomena.Pierre Duhem, Edmund Doland & Chaninah Maschler - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (3):303-304.
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    Bacterial Transformation and the Origins of Epidemics in the Interwar Period: The Epidemiological Significance of Fred Griffith’s “Transforming Experiment”.Pierre-Olivier Méthot - 2016 - Journal of the History of Biology 49 (2):311-358.
    Frederick Griffith was an English bacteriologist at the Pathological Laboratory of the Ministry of Health in London who believed that progress in the epidemiology and control of infectious diseases would come only with more precise knowledge of the identity of the causative microorganisms. Over the years, Griffith developed and expanded a serological technique for identifying pathogenic microorganisms, which allowed the tracing of the sources of infectious disease outbreaks: slide agglutination. Yet Griffith is not remembered for his contributions to the biology (...)
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    Writing the history of virology in the twentieth century: Discovery, disciplines, and conceptual change.Pierre-Olivier Méthot - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 59:145-153.
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  12. Pragmatism in cognitive science: from the pragmatic turn to Deweyan adverbialism.Pierre Steiner - 2017 - Pragmatism Today 8 (1):9-27.
  13. Habits, Meaning, and Intentionality. A Deweyan Reading.Pierre Steiner - 2020 - In Fausto Caruana & Italo Testa, Habits: Pragmatist Approaches From Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and Social Theory. Cambridge University Press. pp. 223-244.
  14.  31
    ‘Birth, life, and death of infectious diseases’: Charles Nicolle (1866–1936) and the invention of medical ecology in France.Pierre-Olivier Méthot - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (1):2.
    In teasing out the diverse origins of our “modern, ecological understanding of epidemic disease” Greater than the parts: holism in biomedicine, 1920–1950, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998), historians have downplayed the importance of parasitology in the development of a natural history perspective on disease. The present article reassesses the significance of parasitology for the “invention” of medical ecology in post-war France. Focussing on the works of microbiologist Charles Nicolle and on that of physician and zoologist Hervé Harant, I argue that (...)
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    Cultural Blankets: Epistemological Pluralism in the Evolutionary Epistemology of Mechanisms.Pierre Poirier, Luc Faucher & Jean-Nicolas Bourdon - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (2):335-350.
    In a recently published paper, we argued that theories of cultural evolution can gain explanatory power by being more pluralistic. In his reply to it, Dennett agreed that more pluralism is needed. Our paper’s main point was to urge cultural evolutionists to get their hands dirty by describing the fine details of cultural products and by striving to offer detailed and, when explanatory, varied algorithms or mechanisms to account for them. While Dennett’s latest work on cultural evolution does marvelously well (...)
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    Probability in reasoning: A developmental test on conditionals.Pierre Barrouillet & Caroline Gauffroy - 2015 - Cognition 137 (C):22-39.
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    The Nature of Programmed Cell Death.Pierre M. Durand & Grant Ramsey - 2019 - Biological Theory 14 (1):30-41.
    In multicellular organisms, cells are frequently programmed to die. This makes good sense: cells that fail to, or are no longer playing important roles are eliminated. From the cell’s perspective, this also makes sense, since somatic cells in multicellular organisms require the cooperation of clonal relatives. In unicellular organisms, however, programmed cell death poses a difficult and unresolved evolutionary problem. The empirical evidence for PCD in diverse microbial taxa has spurred debates about what precisely PCD means in the case of (...)
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    Ontologie et sagesse.Pierre Trotignon - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (3):289 - 296.
  19.  27
    Vital Norms: Canguilhem’s The Normal and the Pathological in the Twenty-First Century.Pierre-Olivier Méthot & Jonathan Sholl (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: Hermann.
  20.  50
    Language Games and Philosophy.Pierre Hadot & Chris Fleming - 2022 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 3 (1):175-190.
    In this article, Pierre Hadot examines the late philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein and the so-called “linguistic turn” in philosophy and the social sciences. Although certain interpreters of Wittgenstein have thought that Philosophical Investigations shows philosophy to be predicated on a series of confusions based on the misuse of language, Hadot argues contrarily that an understanding of Wittgenstein’s idea of “language games”—far from ending philosophy—allows us to see it anew and to discern the source of some of its deepest perplexities. (...)
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  21. Boundless thought. The case of conceptual mental episodes.Pierre Steiner - 2012 - Manuscrito 35 (2):269-309.
    I present and defend here a thesis named vehicleless externalism for conceptual mental episodes. According to it, the constitutive relations there are between the production of conceptual mental episodes by an individual and the inclusion of this individual in social discursive practices make it non-necessary to equate, even partially, conceptual mental episodes with the occurrence of physical events inside of that individual. Conceptual mental episodes do not have subpersonal vehicles; they have owners: persons in interpretational practices. That thesis is grounded (...)
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    Emotions et rationalité morale.Pierre Livet - 2002 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Les émotions ont un rôle important dans nos interactions sociales. Sans émotions, nous avons du mal à faire des choix. Quand notre environnement déçoit nos attentes de manière répétée, nos émotions nous signalent qu'il serait rationnel de changer nos attentes, c'est-à-dire de procéder à des révisions. Le partage des émotions, qui est la clé de notre sentiment d'appartenance à une communauté, nous amène à révéler nos valeurs, parce qu'il permet de résister face à un monde décevant. Si même une fois (...)
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    Les origines de la doctrine de l'analogie de l'être: Sur l'histoire d'un contresens.Pierre Aubenque - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    Etudes sur le Sophiste de Platon.Pierre Aubenque & Michel Narcy - 1991
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    Délocaliser les phénomènes mentaux: la philosophie de l'esprit de Dewey.Pierre Steiner - 2008 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 245 (3):273-292.
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  26. Evolution et constantes de la pensée dialectique.Pierre Aubenque - 1970 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 3:289.
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    Content, Mental Representation and Intentionality.Pierre Steiner - 2019 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 19 (1):153-174.
    Criticisms and rejections of representationalism are increasingly popular in 4E cognitive science, and especially in radical enactivism. But by overfocusing our attention on the debate between radical enactivism and classical representationalism, we might miss the woods for the trees, in at least two respects: first, by neglecting the relevance of other theoretical alternatives about representationalism in cognitive science; and second by not seeing how much REC and classical representationalism are in agreement concerning basic and problematic issues dealing with mental content (...)
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  28. The bounds of representation: A non-representationalist use of the resources of the model of extended cognition.Pierre Steiner - 2010 - Pragmatics and Cognition 18 (2):235-272.
    Based on an endorsement of the hypothesis of extended cognition , this paper proposes a criticism of the representationalist assumptions that still pertain to these contemporary models of cognition. I first rehearse some basic problems akin to any representationalist model of cognition, before proposing some more specific arguments directed against the necessity, the plausibility, and the coherence of the marriage between extended cognition and contemporary representationalism . Extended and distributed models of cognition have the resources to get rid of representationalism, (...)
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    Trépieds de Delphes et du Péloponnèse.Pierre Amandry - 1987 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 111 (1):79-131.
    1. — Delphes : Les bases campaniformes des Deïnoménides ne portaient pas directement de trépied, comme les cavités du lit d'attente et les textes l'avaient fait croire, mais une colonne de bronze sur laquelle se dressaient le trépied et la statue. Publication d'autres bases campaniformes analogues, que leur profil amène à rapprocher des bases de colonnes des palais perses. Étude d'un type apparenté, trois bases campaniformes tronquées, qui portaient des colonnes. Réexamen du socle attribué au trépied de Platées. Si les (...)
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    Basic Reproduction Ratio for a Fishery Model in a Patchy Environment.Pierre Auger, Ali Moussaoui & Gauthier Sallet - 2012 - Acta Biotheoretica 60 (1-2):167-188.
    We present a dynamical model of a multi-site fishery. The fish stock is located on a discrete set of fish habitats where it is catched by the fishing fleet. We assume that fishes remain on fishing habitats while the fishing vessels can move at a fast time scale to visit the different fishing sites. We use the existence of two time scales to reduce the dimension of the model : we build an aggregated model considering the habitat fish densities and (...)
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  31. Aristote et la question du droit naturel.Pierre Destrée - 2000 - Phronesis 45 (3):220-239.
    La présente étude propose une interprétation de EN, V, 10, en défendant deux thèses: premièrement que la notion centrale de la variabilité du droit naturel signifie la diversité des interprétations que l'on peut donner d'un sentiment communément partagé du juste ou de l'injuste (cf. Rhét., I, 13); deuxièmement que, pour échapper au relativisme de type protagoréen, Aristote défend l'idée d'un régime parfait qui seul peut fournir la meilleure interprétation de ce sentiment.
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    Notes de topographie et d'architecture delphiques. IX. L'opisthodome du temple d'Apollon.Pierre Amandry - 1993 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 117 (1):263-283.
    Στον οπισθόδομο του ναού του Απόλλωνος στους Δελφούς, ένα μνημείο έχει αφήσει τα ίχνη του πάνω στην πλακόστρωση. Η ίδρυση του είναι σύγχρονη με την οικοδόμηση του ναού. Η παρουσία ενός μνημείου στο τμήμα αυτό ενός ναού είναι μοναδικό παράδειγμα * θα πρέπει να εξηγείται από κάποια τοπική ιδιομορφία. Αντιμετωπίζονται δύο υποθέσεις : πρόκειται είτε για ένα άγαλμα του Απόλλωνος αφιερωμένο από τους Αμφικτιονες ως αποζημίωση για την ιεροσυλία των Φωκαέων, είτε για τον ομφαλό. Η δεύτερη υπόθεση θα συμφωνούσε με (...)
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  33. Nietzsche, Polytheism and Parody.Pierre Klossowski - 2004 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 14 (2):82-119.
  34. Reading and understanding: on some differences between Wittgenstein and 4E cognitive science.Pierre Steiner - 2018 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio 12 (2).
  35. Situating Frege’s Look into Language.Pierre Adler - 2008 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 8 (1):157-224.
    A presentation and discussion of Gottlob Frege's understanding of language, both natural and artificial, with close attention to his texts.
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    Passport to Duke.Pierre Bourdieu - 1997 - Metaphilosophy 28 (4):449-455.
    Editor’s Introduction The following text was prepared by Pierre Bourdieu for delivery at a conference on his work held at Duke University, April 21–23, 1995. Entitled “Pierre Bourdieu: Fieldwork in Culture,” the conference was sponsored by the Duke Graduate Program in Literature and included such well‐known literary scholars as Barbara Herrnstein Smith, Jonathan Culler, and Fredric Jameson. Bourdieu, of course, was the invited guest of honor, but was uncertain as to whether he should make the effort of attending, (...)
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    Le corps vécu et l’expérience du handicap.Pierre Ancet - 2008 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 2 (2):95-108.
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    Pierrot Seban, Le temps et l’infini. Sur les paradoxes de Zénon.Pierre Adam - 2024 - Philosophie Antique 24 (24).
    Il s’agit en somme, dans cet ouvrage, de montrer qu’un vieux problème continue de résister à ceux qui prétendent l’avoir résolu. Ce vieux problème, c’est celui qui est sous-jacent aux paradoxes zénoniens de la Dichotomie et de l’Achille, rassemblés par l’auteur en une même « aporie du passage ». Ceux qui prétendent l’avoir résolu, ce sont principalement des philosophes d’obédience analytique qui s’appuient sur certains développements contemporains des mathématiques infinitaires et sur une cri...
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    Matériaux pour une réflexion renouvelée sur les sanctuaires de Doura-Europos.Pierre Leriche - 1997 - Topoi 7 (2):889-913.
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    Consécration d'armes galates à Delphes.Pierre Amandry - 1978 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 102 (2):571-586.
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    Convention religieuse conclue entre Delphes et Skiathos.Pierre Amandry - 1939 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 63 (1):183-219.
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    Le socle marathonien et le trésor des Athéniens.Pierre Amandry - 1998 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 122 (1):75-90.
    L'assise où se dressaient des statues devant le mur Sud du trésor des Athéniens est couramment appelée « socle marathonien » parce qu'elle porte une dédicace où figure le nom de Marathon. Pour les uns, cette dédicace est celle du trésor lui-même ; pour d'autres, le socle a été accolé à un monument bâti avant 490. La dédicace a été regravée, probablement au IIIe s. av. J.C. ; le texte regravé est en tout point identique à celui de la première (...)
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    Vases, bronzes et terres cuites de Delphes.Pierre Amandry - 1938 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 62 (1):305-331.
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    Aristoteles und das Problem der Metaphysik.Pierre Aubenque - 1961 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 15 (3):321 - 333.
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    Innover avec et par les imaginaires.Pierre Musso - 2014 - Paris: Éditions Manucius. Edited by Stéphanie Coiffier & Jean-François Lucas.
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    La philosophie sociale de P.-J. Proudhon.Pierre Haubtmann - 1980 - Grenoble: Presses universitaires de Grenoble.
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    Reconsidering the Subject.Pierre Kerszberg & Translated by Robin M. Muller - 2009 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 30 (1):87-110.
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    From Historical Epistemology to the Philosophy of Biology: A Look at Jean Gayon’s Intellectual Journey.Pierre-Olivier Méthot - 2023 - In Philosophy, History and Biology: Essays in Honour of Jean Gayon. Springer Verlag. pp. 13-37.
    The academic path of Jean Gayon (1949–2018) follows in the wake of the “French style” in epistemologyEpistemology, but he is also one of the first representatives of philosophy of biology in France. In the light of this double philosophical heritage, this chapter re-examines the relations between the works of Gayon, the tradition in which he first studied, and the one he later adopted, but not without reservations. Tracing his intellectual journey, this article explores why he naturally appears as a Canguilhemian, (...)
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    Introduction: Jean Gayon (1949–2018), Philosopher and Historian of the Life Sciences.Pierre-Olivier Méthot & Philippe Huneman - 2023 - In Philosophy, History and Biology: Essays in Honour of Jean Gayon. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-9.
    Professor of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Paris 1–Panthéon-Sorbonne since 2000, former director of the Institute of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST) of the CNRS, Jean Gayon (1949–2018) died on April 28th 2018 following a long illness that he faced with determination and courage.
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    Le phénomène Berlusconi : Ni populisme ni vidéocratie, mais néo-politique.Pierre Musso - 2005 - Hermes 42:172.
    Silvio Berlusconi constitue un phénomène original, et même un cas unique, puisqu'il est le seul chef d'entreprise du secteur des médias qui accède, à deux reprises, aux fonctions de Premier ministre dans une grande démocratie. L'arrivée au pouvoir du dirigeant de la grande entreprise de la communication répond à la crise de la représentation politique et inaugure dans l'Europe latine, une «néo-politique». Comme toute figure symbolique, l'image de Berlusconi est ambivalente et ne peut laisser indifférente. Si Berlusconi suscite tant de (...)
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