Results for 'André Berton'

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  1.  9
    L'autonomie de l'élève et l'intégration des règles en éducation physique.Jacques-André Méard & Stefano Bertone - 1998 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF. Edited by Stefano Bertone.
    Face aux attitudes passives et violentes de certains jeunes scolarisés, les enseignants expriment de façon permanente la volonté de " rendre les élèves autonomes ". Mais la démarche qui mène à cet objectif est parsemée de pièges. Loin de présupposés non-directifs, cet ouvrage cherche à recenser et à présenter de façon simple l'ensemble des modèles théoriques capables de faire comprendre les processus de modifications d'attitudes de l'élève dans la classe. D'abord vis-à-vis des contenus d'apprentissage, puis vis-à-vis des personnes (le professeur, (...)
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  2. (3 other versions)Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie.André Lalande - 1927 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 6:101-102.
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    Circularity, Definition and Truth.André Chapuis & Anil Gupta (eds.) - 2000 - New Delhi: Sole distributor, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
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    Reconstructing Complex Pro/Con Argumentation.André Juthe - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (3):413-454.
    Wellman identified three types of conductive arguments, the third of which contains both pro and counter-considerations in the same piece of reasoning. This paper provides a pragma-dialectical analysis of this type of argumentation, with special focus on argumentation reconstruction. It argues that the account of pro/con argumentation in the framework of argument-as-product has problems solvable by a pragma-dialectical approach. The paper asserts that pro/con argumentation should be analyzed as a dialectical strategy of a protagonist, where acknowledgement of counter-considerations shows that (...)
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    Direct Marketing Experiences Among Individuals With Current and Lifetime Gambling Disorder.André Syvertsen, Ståle Pallesen, Eilin Kristine Erevik & Rune Aune Mentzoni - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    André Comte-Sponville.François L'Yvonnet & André Comte-Sponville (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: Éditions de l'Herne.
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  7. Nagel, Williams, and moral luck.Judith Andre - 1983 - Analysis 43 (4):202-207.
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  8. Berkeley's master argument.Andre Gallois - 1974 - Philosophical Review 83 (1):55-69.
    In my article "berkeley's master argument" I attempt to show that an argument berkeley uses in the 'dialogues' and 'principles' to support his contention that whatever is perceivable is perceived can be seen as an illuminating attempt to relate conceptualizing, Imaging and perceiving. In consequence it cannot be dismissed as resting on an elementary fallacy, But reflects on the conditions for the self ascription of experience.
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  9. La logique Des topos.André Boileau & André Joyal - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (1):6-16.
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    The Idea of the Social Contract in the History of ‘Agreementism’.Andre Santos Campos - 2019 - The European Legacy 24 (6):579-596.
    ABSTRACTOne of the recurrent motifs in political thought is the idea of the social contract, according to which a society, a government, or moral principles depend for their existence on agreements...
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  11. Auguste Comte, prophète du XIXe siècle: sa vie, son œuvre et son actualité (Auguste Comte et nous).André Sernin - 1993 - Paris: Albatros.
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    Interpreting true arithmetic in the theory of the r.e. truth table degrees.André Nies & Richard A. Shore - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 75 (3):269-311.
    We show that the elementary theory of the recursively enumerable tt-degrees has the same computational complexity as true first-order arithmetic. As auxiliary results, we prove theorems about exact pairs and initial segments in the tt-degrees.
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    Body Parts: Property Rights and the Ownership of Human Biological Materials.Judith Andre & E. Richard Gold - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (2):42.
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  14. Structural properties and Σ20 enumeration degrees.André Nies & Andrea Sorbi - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (1):285-292.
    We prove that each Σ 0 2 set which is hypersimple relative to $\emptyset$ ' is noncuppable in the structure of the Σ 0 2 enumeration degrees. This gives a connection between properties of Σ 0 2 sets under inclusion and and the Σ 0 2 enumeration degrees. We also prove that some low non-computably enumerable enumeration degree contains no set which is simple relative to $\emptyset$ '.
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    Delboeufian Reflections on Agency, Consciousness, and Evolution.André R. LeBlanc - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (11):153-174.
    The work of Joseph Delb??uf (1831‐1896), a philosopher, psychologist, and mathematician, provides fresh insights on the relationship between agency, consciousness, and evolution. Without agency, Delb??uf argued, the distinction between the self and the external world would be impossible, the function of feelings such as pain and pleasure would be incomprehensible, and consciousness would not have evolved. Delb??uf also posited a psychological stage of evolution, preceding that of natural selection, whereby sentient organisms influence the selection of their own traits through the (...)
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    La tolérance du public au mensonge politique.Blais André - 1999 - Éthique Publique 1 (1).
    Ce texte synthétise les principaux résultats d’une enquête menée au Canada sur la tolérance des citoyens à l’égard du mensonge en politique. L’honnêteté est la valeur le plus importante pour les personnes interrogées, mais en même temps, beaucoup estiment acceptable de ne pas dire toute la vérité, surtout si les questions concernent la vie privée des politiciens. Par contre, lorsque les questions sont d’intérêt public, on est beaucoup moins tolérant.
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  17. Un exposé polémique de pratiques sectaires (4Q MMT).André Caquot - 1996 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 76 (3):257-276.
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  18. Golgotha and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.Andre Parrot - 1957
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  19. The Flood and Noah's Ark.André Parrot - 1955
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  20. Le récit et le lecteur.André Wénin - 2013 - Gregorianum 94 (3):503-523.
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    Ineffability and Philosophy.André Kukla - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    Presenting a fascinating analysis of the idea of what can't be said, this book ascertains whether the notion of there being a truth, or a state of affairs, or knowledge that can't be expressed linguistically is a coherent notion. The author distinguishes different senses in which it might be said that something can't be said. The first part looks at the question of whether ineffability is a coherent idea. Part two evaluates two families of arguments regarding whether ineffable states of (...)
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    Computably enumerable sets below random sets.André Nies - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (11):1596-1610.
    We use Demuth randomness to study strong lowness properties of computably enumerable sets, and sometimes of Δ20 sets. A set A⊆N is called a base for Demuth randomness if some set Y Turing above A is Demuth random relative to A. We show that there is an incomputable, computably enumerable base for Demuth randomness, and that each base for Demuth randomness is strongly jump-traceable. We obtain new proofs that each computably enumerable set below all superlow Martin-Löf random sets is strongly (...)
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    La structure du système hégélien.André Léonard - 1971 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 69 (4):495-524.
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  24. Secret et morphogenèse sociale.André Petitat - 1997 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 102:139-160.
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    Palavra imagem: filosofia, cinema, literatura.André Queiroz - 2011 - Rio de Janeiro: Multifoco Literatura.
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    Aux sources de l'esprit cartésien: l'axe La Ramée-Descartes : de la Dialectique des 1555 aux Regulae.André Robinet - 1996 - Paris: Vrin.
    Si les relations des Regulae avec leurs sources antiques ou médiévales ont été bien traitées, leur mise en place dans l'environnement immédiat laisse à désirer. Pourquoi n'a-t-on jamais mis ce premier ouvrage de Descartes en relation avec les "Dialectiques" qui font du xvie siècle un "siècle logique"? Une documentation surabondante prouve que ces logiques renaissantes sont tombées dans les oubliettes de l'histoire. De multiples courants rendent très vivant le développement de ces ouvrages consacrés à l'invention, au jugement et à la (...)
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    De l'histoire comme technique présupposée a toute activité créatrice en philosophie.André Robinet - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (3):405 - 409.
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  28. Malebranche et Leibniz à l'ordinateur: de PIM 71 à MONADO 72.André Robinet - 1973 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 27 (1=103):49.
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  29. (1 other version)Blocked exchanges: A taxonomy.Judith Andre - 1992 - Ethics 103 (1):29-47.
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    (1 other version)Pragmatisme et pragmaticisme.André Lalande - 1906 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 61:121 - 146.
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    Some remarks on ultrafilter and normality logics.André Fuhrmann - 2003 - Studia Logica 73 (2):197 - 207.
    The paper presents the main ideas of Ultrafilter Logic (UL), as introduced by Veloso and others. A new proposal, Normality Logic (NL), is outlined for expanding the expressive power of UL. The system NL appears to offer a simpler solution to the problem of expressive power than the sorting strategy of Carnielli and Veloso. Interpretations of NL are discussed and an important point of contact to Hansson's notion of non-prioritized belief revision is observed.
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  32. La nature de l'histoire.André Beaufre - 1974 - [Paris]: Plon.
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    Quelle éthique pour la finance?: portrait et analyse de la finance socialement responsable.André Lacroix - 2013 - Québec (Québec): Presses de l'Université du Québec. Edited by Allison Marchildon.
    L'espace économique s'est profondément modifié au cours des vingt dernières années en raison, bien sûr, de la mondialisation, niais aussi de la déréglementation de nombreuses économies parmi les plus influentes du monde. D'une économie empirique de travail, nous sommes ainsi passés à une économie virtuelle de spéculation avec, à la clé, un recul de l'éthique au profit de logiques financières. C'est pour contrer les effets néfastes de cette financiarisation de l'économie que le mouvement de la finance socialement responsable s'est développé, (...)
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    Aparecida: significados e perspectivas.André Rocha Cordeiro - 2019 - Horizonte 16 (51):1447.
    Resenha da obra Aparecida: significados e perspectivas, organizada pelo Professor Doutor Wagner Lopez Sanchez. Referência: SANCHEZ, Wagner Lopes. Aparecida: significados e perspectivas. Aparecida: Editora Santuário, 2018. 214 p.
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    Interpreting the theology of Barth in light of Nietzsche’s dictum “God is dead”.André J. Groenewald - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (4).
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    Retour sur texte.André Grossiord & Henri-Jacques Stiker - 2018 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 12 (2):119-124.
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    Willpower without risk?Andre Hofmeyr - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Ainslie does not formally incorporate risk and uncertainty in his framework for modelling impulses and willpower. To provide a complete account of the motivational bases of choice behaviour, Ainslie should extend his framework to incorporate risk attitudes and subjective beliefs.
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    Caçadores-coletores: Ciência e caça nas expedições científicas norte-americanas no Brasil.André Julião - 2021 - Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science 27:24.
    Em 1933, o Governo Provisório liderado por Getúlio Vargas criou o Conselho de Fiscalização das Expedições Artísticas e Científicas no Brasil, com o objetivo de coibir a saída do país de objetos de seu patrimônio natural e artístico e garantir uma parte do que fosse coletado no país para as instituições brasileiras. Num momento de aproximação do Brasil com os Estados Unidos, que competia com a Alemanha por influência no país mesmo antes da eclosão da Segunda Guerra, cientistas e outros (...)
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    Hume on pleasure and value and the Kantian challenge.André Klaudat - 2018 - Filosofia Unisinos 19 (2).
    In this paper I examine Hume’s claims about the nature of moral sentiments (mainly in T 3.1.2) using as a foil the Kantian challenge to all material practical principles: they are all of the same type, being based on self-love and making all choices, including moral ones, hedonically fungible. The paper explores Hume’s views on pleasure as constitutive of moral sentiment as an answer to that challenge arguing that for him only pleasure is essentially valuable for beings like us. It (...)
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    Pleidooi voor een wetenschappelijk ambtenaar.André Philippart - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (3extra):625-639.
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    Sur un Double Retour à Louis Althusser.André Tosel - 2011 - Revue de Synthèse 132 (4):587-596.
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    Large-Group One-Session Treatment: Feasibility in Highly Height Fearful Individuals and Predictors of Outcome.André Wannemueller, Piotr Gruszka, Sarah Chwalek, Sonja Fröhlich, Miriam Mulders, Svenja Schaumburg, Johanna Schöttes, Sonja Wiederhold & Jürgen Margraf - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Glosas abertas de filosofia do direito: um tronco comum para juristas e filósofos.Andre Santos Campos - 2013 - Lisboa: Quid Juris Sociedade Editora.
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  44. Les prodromes du déluge: Légendes araméennes de Qoumrân.André Caquot - 2003 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 83 (1):41-59.
    Traduction commentée de fragments araméens de Qoumrân contenant des restes de légendes sur les temps précédant le Déluge, insistant surtout sur les méfaits des Géants, nés des anges déchus et des filles de l’homme, et leur condamnation. Mis au nombre des écritures saintes du manichéisme, le « livre des Géants » a été traduit en des langues diverses et on en a retrouvé des vestiges à Tourfân. Ils sont rapprochés ici de leur original araméen. Translation and commentary on the Aramaic (...)
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    O lugar da teoria literária.André Cechinel (ed.) - 2016 - Florianópolis, SC: Editora UFSC.
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  46. Bergson, sa vie, son œuvre.André Cresson - 1941 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Henri Bergson.
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    Philosophy in France, 1909.André Lalande - 1910 - Philosophical Review 19 (4):373-394.
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    Philosophy in France, 1910.André Lalande - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20 (5):515-534.
  49. La substancia.AndrÉ Marc - 1952 - Sapientia 7 (23):55.
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  50. A. Einstein and humanism.André Mercier - 1980 - Epistemologia 3:227.
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