Results for 'Andrew Cannon Smith'

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  1. (1 other version)Theories of the nature and standard of taste in England, 1700-1790.Andrew Cannon Smith - 1934
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    Pragmatism's Shared Metaphysical Vision: A Symposium on Sandra B. Rosenthal's "Speculative Pragmatism".Andrew J. Reck, John E. Smith & Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1987 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 23 (3):341 - 380.
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    Augustine and Liberal Education.Felix B. Asiedu, Debra Romanick Baldwin, Phillip Cary, Mark J. Doorley, Daniel Doyle, Marylu Hill, John Immerwahr, Richard M. Jacobs, Thomas F. Martin, Andrew R. Murphy & Thomas W. Smith - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    This book applies Augustine's thought to current questions of teaching and learning. The essays are written in an accessible style and is not intended just for experts on Augustine or church history.
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    The Deliberative Impulse: Motivating Discourse in Divided Societies.Andrew F. Smith - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    Andrew F. Smith argues that citizens of divided societies have three powerful incentives to engage in public deliberation_in free, open, and reasoned dialogue aimed at contributing to the establishment of well-developed laws. When contesting for political influence, or pursuing the enshrinement of one's convictions in law, deliberating publicly is a necessary condition for taking oneself to be a responsible moral, epistemic, and religious agent.
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    The Legitimacy of the Middle Ages: On the Unwritten History of Theory.Andrew Cole & D. Vance Smith (eds.) - 2010 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    This collection of essays argues that any valid theory of the modern should—indeed must—reckon with the medieval. Offering a much-needed correction to theorists such as Hans Blumenberg, who in his _Legitimacy of the Modern Age_ describes the “modern age” as a complete departure from the Middle Ages, these essays forcefully show that thinkers from Adorno to Žižek have repeatedly drawn from medieval sources to theorize modernity. To forget the medieval, or to discount its continued effect on contemporary thought, is to (...)
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    Using modeling knowledge to guide design space search.Andrew Gelsey, Mark Schwabacher & Don Smith - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 101 (1-2):35-62.
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    How Does Buddhism Compare with International Humanitarian Law, and Can It Contribute to Humanising War?Andrew Bartles-Smith - 2021 - Contemporary Buddhism 22 (1-2):8-51.
    ABSTRACT This article examines Buddhist teachings relevant to the regulation of war and compares them with international humanitarian law (IHL) and the just war tradition by which it has been informed. It argues that Buddhist ethics broadly align with IHL rules to minimise harm inflicted during war, and that Buddhism’s psychological resources can help support IHL to improve compliance with common humanitarian norms. Indeed, Buddhist mindfulness techniques can support even non-Buddhist combatants by enhancing their psychological resilience and capacity to fight (...)
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    Preface.Andrew Bartles-Smith - 2021 - Contemporary Buddhism 22 (1-2):1-7.
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  9. (1 other version)Philosophy and Geography Iii Philosophies of Place.Andrew Light & Jonathan M. Smith (eds.) - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    A growing literature testifies to the persistence of place as an incorrigible aspect of human experience, identity, and morality. Place is a common ground for thought and action, a community of experienced particulars that avoids solipsism and universalism. It draws us into the philosophy of the ordinary, into familiarity as a form of knowledge, into the wisdom of proximity. Each of these essays offers a philosophy of place, and reminds us that such philosophies ultimately decide how we make, use, and (...)
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    The Aesthetics of Everyday Life.Andrew Light & Jonathan M. Smith (eds.) - 2005 - Columbia University Press.
    The aesthetics of everyday life, originally developed by Henri Lefebvre and other modernist theorists, is an extension of traditional aesthetics, usually confined to works of art. It is not limited to the study of humble objects but is rather concerned with all of the undeniably aesthetic experiences that arise when one contemplates objects or performs acts that are outside the traditional realm of aesthetics. It is concerned with the nature of the relationship between subject and object. One significant aspect of (...)
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  11. The Production of Public Space.Andrew Light & Jonathan M. Smith - 1998
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    Porphyry and Pagan Religious Practice.”.Andrew Smith - 1997 - In John J. Cleary, The perennial tradition of Neoplatonism. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.
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    Building the virtual city: Public participation through e-democracy.Andrew Hudson-Smith, Stephen Evans & Michael Batty - 2005 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 18 (1):62-85.
  14. Social Insects and the Individuality Thesis: Cohesion and the Colony as a Selectable Individual.Andrew Hamilton, Nathan Smith & Matthew Haber - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell, Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard.
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    Swedenborg: Buddha of the North.Barbara Darling-Smith, D. T. Suzuki & Andrew Bernstein - 1999 - Philosophy East and West 49 (2):231.
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    The Threefold Struggle: Pursuing Ecological, Social, and Personal Wellbeing in the Spirit of Daniel Quinn.Andrew Frederick Smith (ed.) - 2022 - SUNY Press.
    We members of settler colonial culture—the latest form of what novelist and cultural critic Daniel Quinn calls Taker culture—are constrained by myriad institutions that leave us with little choice but to engage in practices that are profoundly damaging to the planet, to others, and to ourselves. Our path to living otherwise, Andrew Frederick Smith argues, lies in the threefold struggle, which is inspired by Quinn's focus on the interweaving roots of ecological, social, and personal wellbeing. These three forms (...)
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  17. The non-commentary tradition.Andrew Smith - 2014 - In Svetla Slaveva-Griffin & Pauliina Remes, The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism. New York: Routledge.
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  18. Progressive Reckonings, Indigenous Feminist Praxis, and Resisting the Common Roots of Reproductive and Climate Injustice.Andrew Smith, Mercer Gary, Shelbi Nahwilet Meissner & Joel Michael Reynolds - forthcoming - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics.
    White progressives in the U.S. are currently experiencing two profound reckonings that typically are assumed to be unrelated. On the one hand, the Dobbs verdict overturned the assumption that the right to choose with respect to abortion is too socially entrenched, juridically settled, or politically sacred to be denied. On the other hand, climatological conditions of possibility for comfortable existence are increasingly under threat in locales in which residents have come to expect to enjoy secure lives and livelihoods. This essay (...)
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    Review. Psychotherapeutische Aspekte in der Philosophie Platons. J Thome.Andrew Smith - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (2):334-335.
  20.  47
    Caricaturing facial expressions.Andrew J. Calder, Duncan Rowland, Andrew W. Young, Ian Nimmo-Smith, Jill Keane & David I. Perrett - 2000 - Cognition 76 (2):105-146.
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    Philosophy and Geography I: Space, Place, and Environmental Ethics.Andrew Light, Jonathan M. Smith, Annie L. Booth, Robert Burch, John Clark, Anthony M. Clayton, Matthew Gandy, Eric Katz, Roger King, Roger Paden, Clive L. Spash, Eliza Steelwater, Zev Trachtenberg & James L. Wescoat (eds.) - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The inaugural collection in an exciting new exchange between philosophers and geographers, this volume provides interdisciplinary approaches to the environment as space, place, and idea. Never before have philosophers and geographers approached each other's subjects in such a strong spirit of mutual understanding. The result is a concrete exploration of the human-nature relationship that embraces strong normative approaches to environmental problems.
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    Commentary on Ben Berger’s Attention Deficit Democracy.Andrew F. Smith - 2013 - Social Philosophy Today 29:153-158.
    In this review I argue that while Berger makes out a good argument that the language of civic engagement covers too much (and hence too little) and that education plays a vital role in developing civic-minded sensibilities, I am less sanguine that the strategies for the reform of our “attention deficit democracy” will achieve the desired effect in a political society dominated by the corrupting influence of corporations who actively seek to undermine just such sensibilities as anathema to their objectives. (...)
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  23. Safety and Pluralism in Mathematics.James Andrew Smith - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-19.
    A belief one has is safe if either (i) it could not easily be false or (ii) in any nearby world in which it is false, it is not formed using the method one uses to form one’s actual belief. It seems our mathematical beliefs are safe if mathematical pluralism is true: if, loosely put, almost any consistent mathematical theory is true. It seems, after all, that in any nearby world where one’s mathematical beliefs differ from one’s actual beliefs, one (...)
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    Academic Freedom.Andrew C. Smith - 1941 - Modern Schoolman 18 (4):73-76.
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    An integrated approach to biases in referent-specific judgments.Andrew R. Smith, Paul D. Windschitl & Jason P. Rose - 2020 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (4):581-614.
    Judgments of direct comparisons, probabilities, proportions, and ranks can all be considered referent-specific judgments, for which a good estimate requires a target to be compared against...
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    Pseudopythagorica.Andrew Smith - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (02):315-.
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    Truth, Negation, and the Limit of Inquiry.Andrew F. Smith - 2009 - Southwest Philosophy Review 25 (2):79-94.
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  28. (1 other version)Philosophy and Geography Ii the Production of Public Space.Andrew Light & Jonathan M. Smith (eds.) - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Philosophers and geographers have converged on the topic of public space, fascinated and in many ways alarmed by fundamental changes in the way post-industrial societies produce space for public use, and in the way citizens of these same societies perceive and constitute themselves as a public. This volume advances this inquiry, making extensive use of political and social theory, while drawing intimate connections between political principles, social processes, and the commonplaces of our everyday environments.
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    On the Epistemic Incentives to Deliberate Publicly.Andrew Smith - 2010 - Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (4):454-469.
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    (1 other version)Adam Smith's Wealth of NationsAn Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.Essays on Adam Smith.Donald White, Adam Smith, Andrew S. Skinner & Thomas Wilson - 1776 - Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (4):715.
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    Reading Wealth in Nigeria: Occult Capitalism and Marx's Vampires.Andrew Smith - 2001 - Historical Materialism 9 (1):39-59.
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  32. Functions in Basic Formal Ontology.Andrew D. Spear, Werner Ceusters & Barry Smith - 2016 - Applied ontology 11 (2):103-128.
    The notion of function is indispensable to our understanding of distinctions such as that between being broken and being in working order (for artifacts) and between being diseased and being healthy (for organisms). A clear account of the ontology of functions and functioning is thus an important desideratum for any top-level ontology intended for application to domains such as engineering or medicine. The benefit of using top-level ontologies in applied ontology can only be realized when each of the categories identified (...)
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    Neoplatonism and Religious Experience.Andrew Smith - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (01):82-.
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    The brain plus the cultural transmission mechanism determine the nature of language.Kenny Smith, Simon Kirby & Andrew D. M. Smith - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):533-534.
    We agree that language adapts to the brain, but we note that language also has to adapt to brain-external constraints, such as those arising from properties of the cultural transmission medium. The hypothesis that Christiansen & Chater (C&C) raise in the target article not only has profound consequences for our understanding of language, but also for our understanding of the biological evolution of the language faculty.
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  35. Review of Philosophy and Geography I: Space, Place, and Environmental Ethics. [REVIEW]Andrew Light & Jonathan Smith - 2000 - Environmental Ethics 22:215-218.
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  36. Porphyry’s Place in the Neoplatonic Tradition. A Study in Post-Plotinian Neoplatonism.Andrew Smith - 1974 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 39 (1):158-159.
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  37. William James and the Politics of Moral Conflict.Andrew F. Smith - 2004 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 40 (1):135 - 151.
  38.  62
    A. Motte, J. Denooz : Aristotelica Secunda: Mélanges offerts à Christian Rutten. Pp. xii + 382. Liège: C.I.P.L., 1996. [REVIEW]Andrew Smith - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (1):278-278.
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    Political deliberation and the challenge of bounded rationality.Andrew F. Smith - 2014 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 13 (3):269-291.
    Many proponents of deliberative democracy expect reasonable citizens to engage in rational argumentation. However, this expectation runs up against findings by behavioral economists and social psychologists revealing the extent to which normal cognitive functions are influenced by bounded rationality. Individuals regularly utilize an array of biases in the process of making decisions, which inhibits our argumentative capacities by adversely affecting our ability and willingness to be self-critical and to give due consideration to others’ interests. Although these biases cannot be overcome, (...)
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    A Longitudinal Cohort Study Investigating Inadequate Preparation and Death and Dying in Nursing Students: Implications for the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic.John Galvin, Gareth Richards & Andrew Paul Smith - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Boarding and Day School Students: A Large-Scale Multilevel Investigation of Academic Outcomes Among Students and Classrooms.Andrew J. Martin, Emma C. Burns, Roger Kennett, Joel Pearson & Vera Munro-Smith - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:608949.
    Boarding school is a major educational option for many students (e.g., students living in remote areas, or whose parents are working interstate or overseas, etc.). This study explored the motivation, engagement, and achievement of boarding and day students who are educated in the same classrooms and receive the same syllabus and instruction from the same teachers (thus a powerful research design to enable unique comparisons). Among 2,803 students (boardingn= 481; dayn= 2,322) from 6 Australian high schools and controlling for background (...)
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  42. A Citation Based View of the Ontology Community in Philosophy.Andrew Higgins & Brittany Smith - 2013 - Proceedings of the ACM Web Science 2013.
    While many bibliometric techniques have been employed to represent the structure of academic research communities over the years, much of this work has been conducted on scientific fields as opposed to those in the humanities. Here we use graphing techniques to present two networks that allow us to explore the structure of a subset of the philosophy community by mapping the citations between philosophical texts on the topic of ontology (the study of what exists). We find a citation gap between (...)
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  43. Partnership with God: a partial solution to the problem of petitionary prayer.Nicholas D. Smith & Andrew C. Yip - 2010 - Religious Studies 46 (3):395-410.
    Why would God make us ask for some good He might supply, and why would it be right for God to withhold that good unless and until we asked for it? We explain why present defences of petitionary prayer are insufficient, but argue that a world in which God makes us ask for some goods and then supplies them in response to our petitions adds value to the world that would not be available in worlds in which God simply supplied (...)
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    Review. Der platoniker Tauros in der Darstellung des Aulus Gellius. M.-L Lakmann.Andrew Smith - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (1):83-84.
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    Plotinus on beauty (Enneads 1.6 and 5.8.1-2): the Greek text with notes.Andrew Smith - 2019 - Atlanta: SBL Press. Edited by Andrew Smith.
    Plotinus, the founding father of Neoplatonism, composed On Beauty (Ennead 1.6), the foundational work for Neoplatonism. This volume translates into English with notes Plotinus's strong and systematic argument with Platonic reminiscences, and engaging exhortation to foster the inner self. A translation of his complementary statements on intelligible beauty are also included (Ennead 5.8.1-2).
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  46. Iamblichus' views on the relationship of philosophy to religion in de mysteriis.Andrew Smith - 1993 - In H. J. Blumenthal & Gillian Clark, The divine Iamblichus: philosopher and man of gods. London: Bristol Classical Press.
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    Porphyry's Life of Plotinus.Andrew Smith - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):34-.
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    The Pagan Neoplatonists' Response to Christianity.Andrew Smith - 1989 - The Maynooth Review / Revieú Mhá Nuad 14:25 - 41.
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    (1 other version)Protolanguage reconstructed.Andrew Dm Smith - 2008 - Interaction Studies 9 (1):100-116.
    One important difference between existing accounts of protolanguage lies in their assumptions on the semantic complexity of protolinguistic utterances. I bring evidence about the nature of linguistic communication to bear on the plausibility of these assumptions, and show that communication is fundamentally inferential and characterised by semantic uncertainty. This not only allows individuals to maintain variation in linguistic representation, but also imposes a selection pressure that meanings be reconstructible from context. I argue that protolanguage utterances had varying degrees of semantic (...)
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  50. Outside modernity.Andrew Cole & D. Vance Smith - 2010 - In Andrew Cole & D. Vance Smith, The Legitimacy of the Middle Ages: On the Unwritten History of Theory. Durham: Duke University Press.
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