Results for 'Andrea Viecelli Giannotti'

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  1.  14
    Notification of Unexpected, Violent and Traumatic Death: A Systematic Review.Diego De Leo, Josephine Zammarrelli, Andrea Viecelli Giannotti, Stefania Donna, Simone Bertini, Anna Santini & Cristina Anile - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:542332.
    Background: The way the death of a dear person is communicated can have a profound impact on the entire bereavement process. The words and expressions that are used to give the tragic news, the characteristics of who communicates it, the physical setting in which the notification is given, the means used (e.g., in person, via phone call, etc.) are just some of the factors that can influence the way survivors face one of the most difficult moments in their lives. Aim: (...)
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    Mulroy Aeschylus: Agamemnon. Pp. xliv + 81. Madison, WI and London: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2016. Paper, US$12.95. ISBN: 978-0-299-30634-2. [REVIEW]Andrea Giannotti - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (1):305-305.
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    An interpretation of a satyr play - (c.A.) Shaw euripides: Cyclops. A satyr play. Pp. XIV + 158, ills. London and new York: Bloomsbury academic, 2018. Cased, £85. Isbn: 978-1-4742-4579-1. [REVIEW]Andrea Giannotti - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (2):383-385.
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    Human-AI coevolution.Dino Pedreschi, Luca Pappalardo, Emanuele Ferragina, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Albert-László Barabási, Frank Dignum, Virginia Dignum, Tina Eliassi-Rad, Fosca Giannotti, János Kertész, Alistair Knott, Yannis Ioannidis, Paul Lukowicz, Andrea Passarella, Alex Sandy Pentland, John Shawe-Taylor & Alessandro Vespignani - 2025 - Artificial Intelligence 339 (C):104244.
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  5. Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment.Mirco Nanni, Gennady Andrienko, Albert-László Barabási, Chiara Boldrini, Francesco Bonchi, Ciro Cattuto, Francesca Chiaromonte, Giovanni Comandé, Marco Conti, Mark Coté, Frank Dignum, Virginia Dignum, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Paolo Ferragina, Fosca Giannotti, Riccardo Guidotti, Dirk Helbing, Kimmo Kaski, Janos Kertesz, Sune Lehmann, Bruno Lepri, Paul Lukowicz, Stan Matwin, David Megías Jiménez, Anna Monreale, Katharina Morik, Nuria Oliver, Andrea Passarella, Andrea Passerini, Dino Pedreschi, Alex Pentland, Fabio Pianesi, Francesca Pratesi, Salvatore Rinzivillo, Salvatore Ruggieri, Arno Siebes, Vicenc Torra, Roberto Trasarti, Jeroen van den Hoven & Alessandro Vespignani - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (S1):1-6.
    The rapid dynamics of COVID-19 calls for quick and effective tracking of virus transmission chains and early detection of outbreaks, especially in the “phase 2” of the pandemic, when lockdown and other restriction measures are progressively withdrawn, in order to avoid or minimize contagion resurgence. For this purpose, contact-tracing apps are being proposed for large scale adoption by many countries. A centralized approach, where data sensed by the app are all sent to a nation-wide server, raises concerns about citizens’ privacy (...)
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    The Rise of Citizen Science in Health and Biomedical Research.Andrea Wiggins & John Wilbanks - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (8):3-14.
    Citizen science models of public participation in scientific research represent a growing area of opportunity for health and biomedical research, as well as new impetus for more collaborative forms of engagement in large-scale research. However, this also surfaces a variety of ethical issues that both fall outside of and build upon the standard human subjects concerns in bioethics. This article provides background on citizen science, examples of current projects in the field, and discussion of established and emerging ethical issues for (...)
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    Handbuch Literatur & Philosophie.Andrea Allerkamp & Sarah Schmidt (eds.) - 2021 - De Gruyter.
    Der Band bietet einen systematischen Überblick über das Verhältnis von Literatur und Philosophie. Philosophische, literarische und literaturwissenschaftliche Ansätze kommen gleichberechtigt zu Wort. Die Beiträge loten die Bedeutung von Literatur aus und präsentieren gattungstheoretische Überlegungen zu literarischen Formen der Philosophie. Studien über philosophierende Literatur und philosophische Reflexionen über Literatur beschließen den Band.
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  8. (1 other version)Justice and the priority of politics to morality.Andrea Sangiovanni - 2007 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (2):137–164.
  9.  59
    Human Extinction and AI: What We Can Learn from the Ultimate Threat.Andrea Lavazza & Murilo Vilaça - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-21.
    Human extinction is something generally deemed as undesirable, although some scholars view it as a potential solution to the problems of the Earth since it would reduce the moral evil and the suffering that are brought about by humans. We contend that humans collectively have absolute intrinsic value as sentient, conscious and rational entities, and we should preserve them from extinction. However, severe threats, such as climate change and incurable viruses, might push humanity to the brink of extinction. Should that (...)
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    ‘Who's to Say?’: Responsibility, Entitlement, and Educating for Autonomy.Andrea C. Westlund - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (4):597-615.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Pride, Manners, and Morals: Bernard Mandeville's Anatomy of Honour.Andrea Branchi - 2021 - BRILL.
    A reading of the Anglo-Dutch physician and thinker’s philosophical project from the hitherto neglected perspective of his lifelong interest in the theme of honour.
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    The wonder of being: Varieties of rationalism and its critique.Andrea Kern - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):937-948.
    In his book The Culmination, Pippin leaves no doubt that he still thinks that German Idealism has achieved a level of understanding and radicality that makes its proponents the best conversational partners to develop an understanding of what philosophy is about. It is the question of the very possibility of understanding that comes to be at the center of their writings and informs every page. Yet this radicality is now seen in a different light. It is now conceived as a (...)
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  13.  36
    Why There Are Still Moral Reasons to Prefer Extended over Embedded: a (Short) Reply to Cassinadri.Andrea Lavazza & Mirko Farina - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-7.
    In a recent paper, Cassinadri raised substantial criticism about the possibility of using moral reasons to endorse the hypothesis of extended cognition over its most popular alternative, the embedded view. In particular, Cassinadri criticized 4 of the arguments we formulated to defend EXT and argued that our claim that EXT might be preferable to EMB does not stand close scrutiny. In this short reply, we point out—contra Cassinadri—why we still believe that there are moral reasons to prefer EXT over EMB, (...)
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  14.  60
    Minimalism, Trivialism, Aristotelianism.Andrea Sereni & Luca Zanetti - 2023 - Theoria 89 (3):280-297.
    Minimalism and Trivialism are two recent forms of lightweight Platonism in the philosophy of mathematics: Minimalism is the view that mathematical objects arethinin the sense that “very little is required for their existence”, whereas Trivialism is the view that mathematical statements have trivial truth‐conditions, that is, that “nothing is required of the world in order for those conditions to be satisfied”. In order to clarify the relation between the mathematical and the non‐mathematical domain that these views envisage, it has recently (...)
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  15.  24
    (1 other version)Some Quotient Lattices of the Medvedev Lattice.Andrea Sorbi - 1991 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 37 (9‐12):167-182.
  16. Four core concepts in psychiatric diagnosis.Andrea Altobrando & Leonardo Zaninotto - 2021 - Psychopathology 55 (2):73-81.
    In the present article, we aimed at describing the diagnostic process in Psychiatry through a phenomenological perspective. We have identified 4 core concepts which may represent the joints of a phenomenologically oriented diagnosis. The "tightrope walking" attitude refers to the psychiatrist's ability to swing between 2 different and sometimes contrasting tendencies (e.g., engagement and disengagement). The "holistic experience" includes all those intuitive, nonverbal, and pre-thematic elements that emerge in the early stages of the clinical encounter as an emanation of the (...)
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  17. La variazione husserliana del concetto di monade.Andrea Altobrando - 2013 - Discipline Filosofiche 23 (2):153-174.
  18. Sul bisogno di individualità.Andrea Altobrando - 2015 - In Francesca Menegoni & Nicola De Carlo (eds.), Etica e mondo del lavoro. Milano, Italy: Franco Angeli.
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    La apariencia Y la simulación como verdad social en dos textos machadianos.Luciana Andrea Mellado - 2007 - Alpha (Osorno) 25.
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    Enactivism and the Hegelian Stance on Intrinsic Purposiveness.Andrea Gambarotto & Matteo Mossio - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (1):155-177.
    We characterize Hegel’s stance on biological purposiveness as consisting in a twofold move, which conceives organisms as intrinsically purposive natural systems and focuses on their behavioral and cognitive abilities. We submit that a Hegelian stance is at play in enactivism, the branch of the contemporary theory of biological autonomy devoted to the study of cognition and the mind. What is at stake in the Hegelian stance is the elaboration of a naturalized, although non-reductive, understanding of natural purposiveness.
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    Simone Weil and the Theo‐Poetics of Compassion.Andrea Hollingsworth - 2013 - Modern Theology 29 (3):203-229.
    Simone Weil's writings suggest that human compassion is divinely revelatory to the extent that interpersonal union and estrangement intensify identically and simultaneously. The relational space of compassionate communion is aporetic; the more attuned one becomes to an afflicted other, the more unreachable this other is seen to be. In her uniquely poetic style of writing, Weil locates perhaps the most intense experience of God directly in the center of this aporia. Compassion between two people—a sufferer and an empathizer—becomes a locus (...)
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  22. Why doxastic responsibility is not based on direct doxastic control.Andrea Kruse - 2017 - Synthese 194 (8):2811-2842.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that doxastic responsibility, i.e., responsibility for holding a certain doxastic attitude, is not based on direct doxastic control. There are two different kinds of direct doxastic control to be found in the literature, intentional doxastic control and evaluative doxastic control. Although many epistemologists agree that we do not have intentional doxastic control over our doxastic attitudes, it has been argued that we have evaluative doxastic control over the majority of our doxastic attitudes. (...)
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  23.  84
    The Ethics of Online Controlled Experiments (A/B Testing).Andrea Polonioli, Riccardo Ghioni, Ciro Greco, Prathm Juneja, Jacopo Tagliabue, David Watson & Luciano Floridi - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (4):667-693.
    Online controlled experiments, also known as A/B tests, have become ubiquitous. While many practical challenges in running experiments at scale have been thoroughly discussed, the ethical dimension of A/B testing has been neglected. This article fills this gap in the literature by introducing a new, soft ethics and governance framework that explicitly recognizes how the rise of an experimentation culture in industry settings brings not only unprecedented opportunities to businesses but also significant responsibilities. More precisely, the article (a) introduces a (...)
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  24.  46
    On the influence of causal beliefs on the feeling of agency.Andrea Desantis, Cédric Roussel & Florian Waszak - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1211-1220.
    The sense of agency is the experience of being the origin of a sensory consequence. This study investigates whether contextual beliefs modulate low-level sensorimotor processes which contribute to the emergence of the sense of agency. We looked at the influence of causal beliefs on ‘intentional binding’, a phenomenon which accompanies self-agency. Participants judged the onset-time of either an action or a sound which followed the action. They were induced to believe that the tone was either triggered by themselves or by (...)
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  25.  21
    Zur Phänomenologie der Aufforderungscharaktere.Andrea Borsato - 2021 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 98 (2):243-267.
    The author will try to develop the notion of ‘valence’, first introduced in psychology by the work of K. Lewin, from a phenomenological point of view. In a first approximation, an object has valence insofar as it prompts us to action. Valence is an important – although in contemporary philosophy of mind quite neglected – feature of our practical experience. Here we will concentrate on the consciousness of valence and its descriptive features. After distinguishing, on the one hand, ‘valence’ from (...)
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  26.  65
    Defective food concepts.Andrea Borghini, Nicola Piras & Beatrice Serini - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12225-12249.
    Our aim in this paper is to employ conceptual negotiation to inform a method of rethinking defective food concepts, that is concepts that fail to suitably represent a certain food-related domain or that offer representations that run counter to the interests of their users. We begin by sorting out four dimensions of a food concept: the data upon which it rests and the methodology by which those data are gathered; the ontology that sustains it; the social acts that serve to (...)
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  27.  38
    Implementation of Medical Assistance in Dying as Organizational Ethics Challenge: A Method of Engagement for Building Trust, Keeping Peace and Transforming Practice.Andrea Frolic & Paul Miller - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (4):371-390.
    This paper focuses on the _ethics of how_ to approach the introduction of MAiD as an organizational ethics challenge, a focus that diverges from the traditional focus in healthcare ethics on the _ethics of why_ MAiD is right or wrong. It describes a method co-designed and implemented by ethics and medical leadership at a tertiary hospital to develop a values-based, grassroots response to the decriminalization of assisted dying in Canada. This organizational ethics engagement method embodied core tenants that drew inspiration (...)
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  28. From Obesity to Energy Metabolism: Ontological Perspectives on the Metrics of Human Bodies.Davide Serpico & Andrea Borghini - 2020 - Topoi 40 (3):577-586.
    In this paper, we aim at rethinking the concept of obesity in a way that better captures the connection between underlying medical aspects, on the one hand, and an individual’s developmental history, on the other. Our proposal rests on the idea that obesity is not to be understood as a phenotypic trait or character; rather, obesity represents one of the many possible states of a more complex phenotypic trait that we call ‘energy metabolism.’ We argue that this apparently simple conceptual (...)
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    10. Self-Consciousness and the Idea of Bildung: Hegel’s Radicalization of Kant.Andrea Kern - 2022 - In Matthew Boyle & Evgenia Mylonaki (eds.), Reason in Nature: New Essays on Themes From John Mcdowell. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp. 285-308.
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    Transcranial alternating current stimulation.Andrea Antal & Walter Paulus - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  31. The motivational theory of emotions.Andrea Scarantino - 2014 - In Justin D'Arms Daniel Jacobson (ed.), Moral Psychology and Human Agency: Essays on the New Science of Ethics. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    How Not to Be a Naïve Realist: On Knowledge and Perception.Andrea Kern - 2020 - In Dominik Finkelde & Paul M. Livingston (eds.), Idealism, Relativism, and Realism: New Essays on Objectivity Beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 57-80.
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    Algebraic Art: Mathematical Formalism and Victorian Culture.Andrea K. Henderson - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    Algebraic Art explores the invention of a peculiarly Victorian account of the nature and value of aesthetic form, and it traces that account to a surprising source: mathematics. Drawing on literature, art, and photography, it explores how the Victorian mathematical conception of form still resonates today.
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  34. Natural Properties and Atomicity in Modal Realism.Andrea Borghini & Giorgio Lando - 2015 - Metaphysica 16 (1):103-122.
    The paper pinpoints certain unrecognized difficulties that surface for recombination and duplication in modal realism when we ask whether the following inter-world fixity claims hold true: 1) A property is perfectly natural in a world iff it is perfectly natural in every world where it is instantiated; 2) Something is mereologically atomic in a world iff all of its duplicates in every world are atomic. In connection to 1), the hypothesis of idlers prompts four variants of Lewis’s doctrine of perfectly (...)
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  35.  15
    Discontinuity in Learning: Dewey, Herbart and Education as transformation.Andrea R. English - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this groundbreaking book, Andrea R. English challenges common assumptions by arguing that discontinuous experiences, such as uncertainty and struggle, are essential to the learning process. To make this argument, Dr. English draws from the works of two seminal thinkers in philosophy of education - nineteenth-century German philosopher J. F. Herbart and American Pragmatist John Dewey. English's analysis considers Herbart's influence on Dewey, inverting the accepted interpretation of Dewey's thought as a dramatic break from modern European understandings of education.
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    Infosphere, Datafication, and Decision-Making Processes in the AI Era.Andrea Lavazza & Mirko Farina - 2023 - Topoi 42 (3):843-856.
    A recent interpretation of artificial intelligence (AI) (Floridi 2013, 2022) suggests that the implementation of AI demands the investigation of the binding conditions that make it possible to build and integrate artifacts into our lived world. Such artifacts can successfully interact with the world because our environment has been designed to be compatible with intelligent machines (such as robots). As the use of AI becomes ubiquitous in society, possibly leading to the formation of increasingly intelligent bio-technological unions, there will likely (...)
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  37. Pre-Modern and Modern Power: Foucault and the Case of Domestic Violence.Andrea Westlund - 1999 - Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 4 (24).
  38. Nota a las cartas: Canetti e Ishaghpour entre Oriente y Occidente.Andrea Borsari - 2006 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 38:25-30.
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    Frege, Indispensability, and the Compatibilist Heresy.Andrea Sereni - 2015 - Philosophia Mathematica 23 (1):11-30.
    In Grundgesetze, Vol. II, §91, Frege argues that ‘it is applicability alone which elevates arithmetic from a game to the rank of a science’. Many view this as an in nuce statement of the indispensability argument later championed by Quine. Garavaso has questioned this attribution. I argue that even though Frege's applicability argument is not a version of ia, it facilitates acceptance of suitable formulations of ia. The prospects for making the empiricist ia compatible with a rationalist Fregean framework appear (...)
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  40.  28
    Little room for exceptions: on misunderstanding Carl Schmitt.Andrea Salvatore & Mariano Croce - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (7):1169-1183.
    ABSTRACT Carl Schmitt is generally considered as the father of exceptionalism – the theory that the heart of politics lies in the sovereign power to issue emergency measures that suspend everyday normality. This is why his name comes up anytime state governments, whether liberal or not, impose limits on constitutional rights and freedoms to cope with emergencies. This article problematises such a received understanding. It argues that Schmitt held an exceptionalist view for a limited period of time and that even (...)
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    Aristotle, Heereboord, and the Polemical Target of Spinoza’s Critique of Final Causes.Andrea Sangiacomo - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (3):395-420.
    Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning—So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. in the appendix to the first part of the Ethics, Spinoza famously claims that “all final causes are nothing but human fictions”. From the very beginning of its reception until the (...)
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  42.  21
    The Relational Dissolution of the Quantum Measurement Problems.Andrea Oldofredi - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-24.
    The Quantum Measurement Problem is arguably one of the most debated issues in the philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, since it represents not only a technical difficulty for the standard formulation of the theory, but also a source of interpretational disputes concerning the meaning of the quantum postulates. Another conundrum intimately connected with the QMP is the Wigner friend paradox, a thought experiment underlining the incoherence between the two dynamical laws governing the behavior of quantum systems, i.e the Schrödinger equation and (...)
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  43.  43
    Kant’s Spontaneity Thesis.Andrea Kern - 2006 - Philosophical Topics 34 (1-2):189-220.
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  44. What is an aesthetic concept?Andrea Sauchelli - 2022 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):1-17.
    Aesthetic concepts and conceptions are structured mental representations partly composed of phenomenal concepts. I defend this claim by appealing to contemporary accounts of concepts and to the current literature on phenomenal concepts. In addition, I discuss the relationship between aesthetic concepts and aesthetic understanding — an epistemic state at the centre of much work in contemporary epistemology.
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    MAiD to Last: Creating a Care Ecology for Sustainable Medical Assistance in Dying Services.Andrea Frolic, Paul Miller, Will Harper & Allyson Oliphant - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (4):409-428.
    This paper depicts a case study of an organizational strategy for the promotion of ethical practice when introducing a new, high-risk, ethically-charged medical practice like Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). We describe the development of an interprofessional program that enables the delivery of high-quality, whole-person MAiD care that is values-based and sustainable. A “care ecology” strategy recognizes the interconnected web of relationships and structures necessary to support a quality experience of MAiD for patients, families, and clinicians. This program exemplifies a (...)
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    Teleology, Life, and Cognition: Reconsidering Jonas’ Legacy for a Theory of the Organism.Andrea Gambarotto - 2020 - In Andrea Altobrando & Pierfrancesco Biasetti (eds.), Natural Born Monads: On the Metaphysics of Organisms and Human Individuals. De Gruyter. pp. 243-264.
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  47. Having-at-a-Time a Property.Andrea Bottani - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (22):159-169.
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    Ästhetisches Selbstbewusstsein und Urteilsvermögen in Kants Analytik des Schönen.Andrea Kern - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 64 (1):41-61.
    Gemäß der üblichen Auslegung besteht Kants maßgeblicher Beitrag zur Philosophie darin, eine Position entwickelt zu haben, die das Dilemma zwischen zwei gleichermaßen unbefriedigenden Konzeptionen unseres Urteilsvermögens überwindet: der empiristischen Konzeption, der zufolge der letzte Grund des Urteilens in Akten der Empfindung zu finden ist, und der rationalistischen Konzeption, der zufolge der letzte Grund in Erkenntnissen besteht. In meinem Text konzentriere ich mich auf Kants Analyse der Schönheitsurteile und argumentiere, dass Kant in seiner Analytik des Schönen nicht einfach ein anderes Verständnis (...)
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    The self and its internal thought: In search for a psychological baseline.Andrea Scalabrini, Adriano Schimmenti, Michelangelo De Amicis, Piero Porcelli, Francesco Benedetti, Clara Mucci & Georg Northoff - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 97 (C):103244.
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    Derrida's Quasi-Transcendental Thinking.Andrea Hurst - 2004 - South African Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):244-266.
    Instead of paralysing readers with a technical account of its nature and genealogy, I aim to accumulate a sense of Derrida's quasi-transcendental thinking over a series of expositions. I begin with a critical account of the most prevalent misreading of Derrida's work, generated by attempts, such as Rorty's, to place it on one side of a clear duality that sets old-fashioned “philosophical” foundationalism against contemporary anti-foundationalist “textuality.” In contrast, through an analogy between what occurs in the giving of a gift (...)
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