Results for 'Andrea Cocio'

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  1.  9
    Caracterización de las concepciones de lectura de estudiantes de pedagogía en inglés: ¿Cómo se relacionan con sus estrategias lectoras?Andrea Cocio Seguel, María Constanza Errázuriz Cruz & Omar Davison Toro - 2024 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 34 (1).
    Las estrategias de lectura que utilizan los estudiantes universitarios en el desarrollo de la lectura académica en inglés resultan ser fundamentales para el desarrollo del pensamiento y la construcción de significados. En Chile, se reporta que las estrategias de lectura en universitarios son poco variadas. Por tanto, el objetivo de la investigación fue caracterizar y analizar las concepciones de lectura de los y las estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de Pedagogía en inglés, y cómo estas pueden guiar el (...)
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    Variation on the phoneme /tf/ in a simple of boys and girls, native speakers of Chilean Spanish.Pilar Vivar V., Marisol Henríquez B. & Andrea Cocio S. - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 53:293-309.
    Resumen: En la actualidad existe amplia evidencia acerca de la variación alofónica del fonema /tʃ/ en el español de Chile asociada a factores socioculturales; sin embargo, estas investigaciones se han focalizado en la población adulta. Considerando lo anterior, la presente investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar la articulación del fonema /tʃ/ en una muestra de 161 niños/as desde los 2,0 a los 3,11 años de edad residentes de la ciudad de Temuco. La muestra fue dividida según edad y NSE. Entre los (...)
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    Variación del fonema /tʃ/ en una muestra de niños y niñas hablantes del español de Chile.Pilar Vivar V., Marisol Henríquez B., Andrea Cocio S. & Francisca Núñez O. - 2021 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 2 (53):293-309.
    En la actualidad existe amplia evidencia acerca de la variación alofónica del fonema /tʃ/ en el español de Chile asociada a factores socioculturales; sin embargo, estas investigaciones se han focalizado en la población adulta. Considerando lo anterior, la presente investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar la articulación del fonema /tʃ/ en una muestra de 161 niños/as desde los 2,0 a los 3,11 años de edad residentes de la ciudad de Temuco. La muestra fue dividida según edad y NSE. Entre los principales (...)
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    Mediación lectora de profesores destacados de distintas disciplinas: ¿Qué podemos aprender de ellos?María Constanza Errázuriz, Omar Davison & Andrea Cocio - 2022 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 32 (2):307-325.
    Las prácticas docentes de lectura en Chile son, según la evidencia disponible, predominantemente reproductivas y presentan un limitado desafío cognitivo. En este contexto, el objetivo de la investigación fue analizar las percepciones de docentes destacados de educación básica respecto de sus prácticas de mediación lectora en distintas disciplinas. Respecto de la metodología, el diseño fue un estudio de casos múltiples descriptivo y cualitativo y los participantes fueron 11 docentes de 6 escuelas públicas de La Araucanía, Chile, a quienes se aplicaron (...)
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    Moral Bioenhancement Through Memory-editing: A Risk for Identity and Authenticity?Andrea Lavazza - 2019 - Topoi 38 (1):15-27.
    Moral bioenhancement is the attempt to improve human behavioral dispositions, especially in relation to the great ethical challenges of our age. To this end, scientists have hypothesised new molecules or even permanent changes in the genetic makeup to achieve such moral bioenhancement. The philosophical debate has focused on the permissibility and desirability of that enhancement and the possibility of making it mandatory, given the positive result that would follow. However, there might be another way to enhance the overall moral behavior (...)
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    From Data Ethics to Data Justice in/as Pedagogy.Andrea Zeffiro - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 15 (3):450-457.
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  7. Information as a Probabilistic Difference Maker.Andrea Scarantino - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (3):419-443.
    By virtue of what do alarm calls and facial expressions carry natural information? The answer I defend in this paper is that they carry natural information by virtue of changing the probabilities of various states of affairs, relative to background data. The Probabilistic Difference Maker Theory of natural information that I introduce here is inspired by Dretske's [1981] seminal analysis of natural information, but parts ways with it by eschewing the requirements that information transmission must be nomically underwritten, mind-independent, and (...)
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  8. Rethinking Relational Autonomy.Andrea C. Westlund - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):26-49.
    John Christman has argued that constitutively relational accounts of autonomy, as defended by some feminist theorists, are problematically perfectionist about the human good. I argue that autonomy is constitutively relational, but not in a way that implies perfectionism: autonomy depends on a dialogical disposition to hold oneself answerable to external, critical perspectives on one's action-guiding commitments. This type of relationality carries no substantive value commitments, yet it does answer to core feminist concerns about autonomy.
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    The Rise of Citizen Science in Health and Biomedical Research.Andrea Wiggins & John Wilbanks - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (8):3-14.
    Citizen science models of public participation in scientific research represent a growing area of opportunity for health and biomedical research, as well as new impetus for more collaborative forms of engagement in large-scale research. However, this also surfaces a variety of ethical issues that both fall outside of and build upon the standard human subjects concerns in bioethics. This article provides background on citizen science, examples of current projects in the field, and discussion of established and emerging ethical issues for (...)
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    A Theological Framework for Understanding Hope in the Clinic.Andrea Thornton - 2024 - Christian Bioethics 30 (3):164-175.
    Appeals to the miraculous are common in healthcare, and arguments about end-of-life decision-making can quickly become theological. Assessments of hope have been recommended within the biopsychosocialspiritual model of medicine, but these assessments fail to account for the theological dimension of hope. Examples of failed assessments include recent efforts in palliative care and classic works, such as On Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. To adequately address the patient’s and family members’ hopes without patronizing or harming the patient, assessments must be (...)
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    Credentialing Character: A Virtue Ethics Approach to Professionalizing Healthcare Ethics Consultation Services.Andrea Thornton - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (3):317-339.
    In the process of professionalization, the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) has emphasized process and knowledge as core competencies for clinical ethics consultants; however, the credentialing program launched in 2018 fails to address both pillars. The inadequacy of this program recalls earlier critiques of the professionalization effort made by Giles R. Scofield and H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.. Both argue that ethics consultation is not a profession and the effort to professionalize is motivated by self-interest. One argument they offer (...)
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  12. Creatures of Habit: Self Reflexive Practices as an Ethical Pathway to Digital Literacy.Andrea L. Zellner & Leigh Graves Wolf - 2019 - In Kristen Hawley Turner (ed.), The ethics of digital literacy: developing knowledge and skills across grade levels. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Conversazione sull’oggi. Scienza, filosofia e politica per tempi difficili.Andrea Zhok & Mario Cosenza - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 25:187–203.
    This interview seeks to highlight some of the main characteristics of the new pandemic world, besides the main contradictions the philosophical thought runs into in this difficult time. Between a political world which is unable to react and the scientific world which is usually moved by political aims, this work tries to understand if there is any room for a role of a long range philosophical thought, which is able to defend its clarity prerogatives but it is also able to (...)
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    Identità della persona e senso dell'esistenza.Andrea Zhok - 2018 - Milano: Meltemi.
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    Rappresentazione e realtà: psicologia fenomenologica dell'immaginario e degli atti rappresentativi.Andrea Zhok - 2014 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    »Wir sind das Volk«. Emanzipatorische Politiken der Erinnerung im Theater der Gegenwart.Andrea Zimmermann - 2018 - Feministische Studien 36 (2):286-304.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 36 Heft: 2 Seiten: 286-304.
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    Epistemic and ethical responsibility during the pandemic.Andrea Klimková - 2021 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 11 (3-4):117-125.
    Intellectual knowledge is omnipresent in human lives and decisions. We are constantly trying to make good and correct decisions. However, responsible decision-making is characterised by rather difficult epistemic conditions. It applies all the more during the pandemic when decisions require not only specialised knowledge in a number of disciplines, scientific consensus, and participants from different fields, but also responsibility and respect for moral principles in order to ensure that the human rights of all groups are observed. Pandemic measures are created (...)
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    How Practices Matter.Andrea Sangiovanni - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (1):3-23.
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    ‘Economic imperialism’ in health care resource allocation – how can equity considerations be incorporated into economic evaluation?Andrea Klonschinski - 2014 - Journal of Economic Methodology 21 (2):158-174.
    That the maximization of quality-adjusted life years violates concerns for fairness is well known. One approach to face this issue is to elicit fairness preferences of the public empirically and to incorporate the corresponding equity weights into cost-utility analysis (CUA). It is thereby sought to encounter the objections by means of an axiological modification while leaving the value-maximizing framework of CUA intact. Based on the work of Lübbe (2005, 2009a, 2009b, 2010, forthcoming), this paper questions this strategy and scrutinizes the (...)
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    Chaplaincy as a “Living Human Web”.Andrea Thornton - forthcoming - Christian Bioethics.
    Engelhardt’s critiques of “generic chaplaincy” rely on the argument that chaplains are secular; however, professionally certified chaplains must maintain ordination with an ecclesial body. Engelhardt’s concerns are better directed at the academic subfield that supports and trains chaplains: pastoral theology. That field is somewhat guilty of forced ecumenism because it attempts a universal theology rooted in experience and the social sciences rather than the authority of creeds, ecclesial bodies, or traditions. Pastoral theology makes too many sacrifices to the authority of (...)
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    Framing the CAP reform 2013 in Austria’s agricultural media.Andrea Obweger, Hermine Mitter & Erwin Schmid - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1393-1415.
    The reform process of the CAP is increasingly open to actors that apply different frames. Recent research reveals the consistent use of five frames during CAP reform processes: the policy mechanism frame, the farmers’ economic frame, the societal concerns frame, the budgetary frame, and the foreign trade frame. Our qualitative content analysis of 1,155 newspaper articles from Austria’s largest agricultural newspaper published between 01/10/2010 and 31/01/2015 confirms that these five frames are also used in national CAP reporting and consist of (...)
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    Memory performance predicts interrogative suggestibility better than global cognition in older adults with subjective cognitive complaints.Andrea Zangrossi, Giuseppe Sartori, Massimo Prior, Daniela Bobbo, Marta Zuccon & Antonietta Curci - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 84:102985.
  23.  19
    Ontology development by domain experts (without using the “O” word).Andrea Westerinen & Rebecca Tauber - 2017 - Applied ontology 12 (3-4):299-311.
    Ontologies are created to describe and reason over the knowledge of a domain of interest. This requires deep understanding of the domain, and therefore, the input and collaboration of the domain’s...
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  24. Bodily ownership and self-location: Components of bodily self-consciousness.Andrea Serino, Adrian Alsmith, Marcello Costantini, Alisa Mandrigin, Ana Tajadura-Jimenez & Christophe Lopez - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1239-1252.
  25. White Supremacy, Mass Incarceration, and Clinical Medicine.Andrea Pitts - 2015 - Radical Philosophy Review 18 (2):267-285.
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  26. Is meaningful work available to all people?Andrea Veltman - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (7):725-747.
    In light of the impact of work on human flourishing, an intractable problem for political theorists concerns the distribution of meaningful work in a community of moral equals. This article reviews a number of partial solutions that a well-ordered society could draw upon to provide equality of opportunity for eudemonistically meaningful work and to minimize the impact of bad work upon those who perform it. Even in view of these solutions, however, it is not likely that opportunities for meaningful work (...)
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    Intermediate logics and factors of the Medvedev lattice.Andrea Sorbi & Sebastiaan A. Terwijn - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 155 (2):69-85.
    We investigate the initial segments of the Medvedev lattice as Brouwer algebras, and study the propositional logics connected to them.
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    Knowledge and Self-Knowledge in Plato's Theaetetus.Andrea Tschemplik - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Knowledge and Self-Knowledge in Plato's "Theaetetus" examines the dialogue in conversation with others, arriving at the conclusion that it is the absence of self-knowledge in the Theaetetus which leads to its closing impasse regarding knowledge. What Socrates accomplishes in the dialogue is to lead the mathematician Theaetetus to the recognition of his ignorance—the first step toward self-knowledge.
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  29. Voodoo dolls and angry lions: how emotions explain arational actions.Andrea Scarantino & Michael Nielsen - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (11):2975-2998.
    Hursthouse :57–68, 1991) argues that arational actions—e.g. kicking a door out of anger—cannot be explained by belief–desire pairs. The Humean Response to Hursthouse :25–38, 2000b) defends the Humean model from Hursthouse’s challenge. We argue that the Humean Response fails because belief–desire pairs are neither necessary nor sufficient for causing emotional actions. The Emotionist Response is to embrace Hursthouse’s conclusion that emotions provide an independent source of explanation for intentional actions. We consider Döring’s :214–230, 2003) feeling-based Emotionist account and argue that (...)
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    Truth and the Unity of Logical Validity.Andrea Strollo - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-25.
    According to a traditional view, logical validity consists in necessary truth preservation. Such an account has been argued to carry an apparent commitment to a unique property of truth to be preserved from premises to conclusion. Recent discussions, however, have concluded that if the metaphor of truth preservation is carefully unpacked, no need for a unique property is there. All is needed is that certain structural relations among instantiations of truth properties hold. Against this view, we argue that a unique (...)
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    Integrating GoodRelations in a domain-specific ontology.Andrea Westerinen & Rebecca Tauber - 2017 - Applied ontology 12 (3-4):323-340.
    GoodRelations has existed since 2008 to aid businesses in describing their products and services. It provides a variety of definitions and terminology useful for improving a company’s online retail...
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    Possibility and Consciousness in Husserl’s Thought.Andrea Zhok - 2016 - Husserl Studies 32 (3):213-235.
    Clarifying the nature of possibility is crucial for an evaluation of the phenomenological approach to ontology. From a phenomenological perspective, it is ontological possibility, and not spatiotemporal existence, that has pre-eminent ontological status. Since the sphere of phenomenological being and the sphere of experienceability turn out to be overlapping, this makes room for two perspectives. We can confer foundational priority to the acts of consciousness over possibilities, or to pre-set possibilities over the activity of consciousness. Husserl’s position on this issue (...)
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    Frontmatter.Andrea Kern - 2016 - In Sources of Knowledge: On the Concept of a Rational Capacity for Knowledge. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
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    The Neuroethics of Memory: From Total Recall to Oblivion, by Walter Glannon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.Andrea Lavazza - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (4):575-578.
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    Philosophie in der Pandemie? Einleitung: „Die Corona-Pandemie – Praktische Philosophie in Ausnahmesituationen“.Andrea Klonschinski - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 7 (2):245-252.
    Die Corona-Pandemie bestimmt seit fast einem Jahr nicht nur unseren Alltag, sondern ist in zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen zum Gegenstand der Auseinandersetzung avanciert. Während allerdings beispielsweise Medizin und Public Health offensichtlich eine wichtige Rolle für die Bekämpfung der Pandemie spielen, lässt sich durchaus die Frage stellen, welchen Beitrag die Philosophie in einer solchen, anhaltenden Ausnahmesituation spielen kann und spielen sollte. In der Einleitung zum Schwerpunkt zur Corona-Pandemie werden daher drei Interpretationen des Einwands, es sei illegitim, dass sich die Philosophie mitten in (...)
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  36. Solidarity as Joint Action.Andrea Sangiovanni - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (4):340-359.
    The demand for social justice, especially in the context of the welfare state, is often framed as a demand of solidarity. But it is not clear why: in what sense, if any, is social justice best understood as a demand of solidarity? This article explores that question. There are two reasons to do so. First, very little has been written on the concept of solidarity, and almost nothing on why and how solidarity can both give rise to and be the (...)
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    On Husserl’s Alleged Cartesianism and Conjunctivism: A Critical Reply to Claude Romano.Andrea Staiti - 2015 - Husserl Studies 31 (2):123-141.
    In this paper I criticize Claude Romano’s recent characterization of Husserl’s phenomenology as a form of Cartesianism. Contra Romano, Husserl is not committed to the view that since individual things in the world are dubitable, then the world as a whole is dubitable. On the contrary, for Husserl doubt is a merely transitional phenomenon which can only characterize a temporary span of experience. Similarly, illusion is not a mode of experience in its own right but a retrospective way of characterizing (...)
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    Solidarity in the European Union.Andrea Sangiovanni - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (2):213-241.
    Political theorists aiming to articulate normative standards for the EU have almost entirely focused on whether or not the EU suffers from a ‘democratic deficit'. Almost nothing has been written, by contrast, on one of the central values underpinning European integration since at least the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), namely solidarity. What kinds of principles, policies, and ideals should an affirmation of solidarity commit us to? Put another way: what norms of socioeconomic justice ought to apply to the (...)
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    The history of BCI: From a vision for the future to real support for personhood in people with locked-in syndrome.Andrea Kübler - 2019 - Neuroethics 13 (2):163-180.
    The history of brain-computer interfaces developed from a mere idea in the days of early digital technology to today’s highly sophisticated approaches for signal detection, recording, and analysis. In the 1960s, electroencephalography was tied to the laboratory due to equipment and recording requirements. Today, amplifiers exist that are built in the electrode cap and are so resistant to movement artefacts that data collection in the field is no longer a critical issue. Within 60 years, the field has moved from simple (...)
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    How Did Regius Become Regius? The Early Doctrinal Evolution of a Heterodox Cartesian.Andrea Strazzoni - 2018 - Early Science and Medicine 23 (4):362-412.
    This article offers an assessment of Henricus Regius’s (1598-1679) pre-Cartesian sources and their role in his appropriation of Descartes’s ideas, via two main questions: 1) Who was Regius, doctrinally speaking, before his exposure to Cartesianism? And 2) how did he use Descartes’s theories before his quarrel with Descartes himself in the mid-1640s? These questions are addressed by means of a textual analysis that concerns his theory of matter. In this article, I will show that 1) Regius started out with a (...)
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    A Cross Level Investigation on the Linkage Between Job Satisfaction and Voluntary Workplace Green Behavior.Andrea Kim, Youngsang Kim & Kyongji Han - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (4):1199-1214.
    Building on the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions and on social role theory, this research investigates the linkages among prior job satisfaction, voluntary workplace green behavior, and subsequent job satisfaction as dependent on work group gender composition. With a multi-source, multi-time dataset, our random coefficient modeling demonstrated that job satisfaction positively predicts VWGB and that this pattern is more salient in work groups with more females. In addition, while VWGB does not yield job satisfaction in a subsequent time period, this (...)
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    Consequentialism and the causal efficacy of the moral.Andrea Viggiano - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (10):2927-2944.
    Assume consequentialism and assume moral properties are causally efficacious. Then, I’ll argue, a puzzle arises. These assumptions lead to denying each of two plausible metaphysical principles: that a cause cannot cause anything occurring before its ground and that a cause cannot cause anything belonging to its ground. We therefore have to reject either consequentialism or the causal efficacy of moral properties or the plausible metaphysical principles. And, I’ll show, the puzzle arises again even if we replace moral properties with the (...)
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    Beyond Novelty and Growth: A Virtue Ethics Enquiry into Fashion Entrepreneurs’ Responsible and Harmonising Practices Towards Sustainability.Andrea Werner, Patrick Elf, Fergus Lyon & Ian Vickers - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-17.
    A growing number of small fashion entrepreneurs seek to offer an alternative to the mainstream fashion industry, which, in its obsession with novelty and growth, often ignores the costs to society and the environment. There is a need to develop a deeper understanding of how these fashion entrepreneurs may be agents for change in their industry. Using rich data from an in-depth study of 27 UK-based entrepreneurs, we offer such analysis, drawing on a novel framework that combines MacIntyre’s virtue ethics (...)
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    Is Our Self Related to Personality? A Neuropsychodynamic Model.Andrea Scalabrini, Clara Mucci & Georg Northoff - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    6. Bridging scientia and experience: the last evolution of Cartesian foundationalism.Andrea Strazzoni - 2018 - In Dutch Cartesianism and the Birth of Philosophy of Science: From Regius to ‘s Gravesande. Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 126-170.
    The sixth chapter focuses on the evolution of Cartesianism in the last quarter of the seventeenth century in Leiden and Amsterdam, against the background of the emergence of alternative views in natural philosophy capable of replacing it as a dominant paradigm, namely, the experimental philosophy of Robert Boyle and the mathematical-experimental approach of Huygens and Newton. The last evolution of Cartesianism is reconstructed in this chapter by considering the ‘Cartesian empiricism’ of Burchard de Volder, and the reflections on the language (...)
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    Medieval Saints and Martyrs as Communist Villains and Heroes: National Days in Czechoslovakia and Hungary during Communism.Andrea Talabér - 2014 - History of Communism in Europe 5:168-192.
    This paper examines the transformation of medieval figures from state “heroes” during the interwar years into “villains” of the Communist state in Czechoslovakia and Hungary through their national day commemorations. I argue that the negative treatment of these medieval heroes was not clear-cut and, especially in Hungary, they enjoyed a comeback of sorts during the second half of the Communist era. This article thus demonstrates, through official commemorative events, that the Communist regimes of Czechoslovakia and Hungary to some extent were (...)
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    Introduzione alla Filosofia della psicologia di L. Wittgenstein, 1946-1951.Andrea Zhok - 2000 - Milano: UNICOPLI.
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  48. Deciding Together.Andrea Westlund - 2009 - Philosophers' Imprint 9.
    In this paper I develop a conception of joint practical deliberation as a special type of shared cooperative activity, through which co-deliberators jointly accept reasons as applying to them as a pair or group. I argue, moreover, that the aspiration to deliberative “pairhood” is distinguished by a special concern for mutuality that guides each deliberator’s readiness to accept a given consideration as a reason-for-us. It matters to each of us, as joint deliberators, that each party’s (individual) reasons for accepting something (...)
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    Werewolves in the Immunitary Paradigm.Andrea Torrano - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (1):153-173.
    This article problematizes the political category of the monster in Hobbes’s thought from a biopolitical perspective. Even though political thought has been traditionally focused on Leviathan’s figure as a political monster, here we pay particular attention to the maxim homo homini lupus, which can be identified with the werewolf. This figure allows us on the one hand, to show how the wolf becomes man with the creation of the State, and on the other hand, to show how there is a (...)
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  50. Über die technische Selbstbestimmung des Menschen. Ein begrifflicher und phänomenologischer Beitrag zur Erklärung der Fragen nach Eugenik, Transhumanismus, und dgl.Andrea Altobrando - 2021 - Kriterion. Revista de Filosofia 62 (148).
    Especially after the disasters of WWII, the relationship between human nature and technology has mainly been discussed in “Promethean” terms. That is to say, it has been discussed as it concerns the capacity, and perhaps the necessity, of humans to think and act technically, i.e., by means of technical devices, as well as to technically transform the environment. Now, as a consequence of the more recent, impressive advancements and achievements in biotechnology, pharmaceutics, etc. the new questions in this field seem (...)
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