Results for 'Anandi Nagarajan'

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  1.  22
    “It's harder than we thought it would be”: A comparative case study of expert–novice experimentation strategies.Cindy E. Hmelo‐Silver, Anandi Nagarajan & Roger S. Day - 2002 - Science Education 86 (2):219-243.
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  2. Oughts and thoughts: rule-following and the normativity of content.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In Oughts and Thoughts, Anandi Hattiangadi provides an innovative response to the argument for meaning skepticism set out by Saul Kripke in Wittgenstein on ...
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  3. Moral supervenience.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (3-4):592-615.
    It is widely held, even among nonnaturalists, that the moral supervenes on the natural. This is to say that for any two metaphysically possible worlds w and w′, and for any entities x in w and y in w′, any isomorphism between x and y that preserves the natural properties preserves the moral properties. In this paper, I put forward a conceivability argument against moral supervenience, assuming non-naturalism. First, I argue that though utilitarianism may be true, and the trolley driver (...)
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  4. Logical Conventionalism and the Adoption Problem.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2023 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 97 (1):47-81.
    In this paper, I take issue with a core commitment of logical conventionalism: that we impose a logic on ourselves by adopting general linguistic conventions governing our use of logical terms, thereby determining the meanings of the logical constants and which of our inferences are valid. Drawing on Kripke’s ‘adoption problem’, I argue that general logical principles cannot be adopted, either explicitly or implicitly. I go on to argue that the meanings of our logical terms, and the validity of our (...)
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  5. Is meaning normative?Anandi Hattiangadi - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (2):220-240.
    Many people claim that semantic content is normative, and that therefore naturalistic theories of content face a potentially insuperable difficulty. The normativity of content allegedly undermines naturalism by introducing a gap between semantic 'ought's and the explanatory resources of naturalism. I argue here that this problem is not ultimately pressing for naturalists. The normativity thesis, I maintain, is ambiguous; it could mean either that the content of a term prescribes a pattern of use, or that it merely determines which pattern (...)
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  6. Quadders and zombies : a Kripkean argument against materialism.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2024 - In Claudine Verheggen, Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language at 40. New York,: Cambridge University Press.
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  7. Making it Implicit: Brandom on Rule Following.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (2):419-431.
    In Making it Explicit, Brandom aims to articulate an account of conceptual content that accommodates its normativity—a requirement on theories of content that Brandom traces to Wittgenstein's rule following considerations. It is widely held that the normativity requirement cannot be met, or at least not with ease, because theories of content face an intractable dilemma. Brandom proposes to evade the dilemma by adopting a middle road—one that uses normative vocabulary, but treats norms as implicit in practices. I argue that this (...)
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  8. Radical interpretation and decision theory.Anandi Hattiangadi & H. Orri Stefánsson - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6473-6494.
    This paper takes issue with an influential interpretationist argument for physicalism about intentionality based on the possibility of radical interpretation. The interpretationist defends the physicalist thesis that the intentional truths supervene on the physical truths by arguing that it is possible for a radical interpreter, who knows all of the physical truths, to work out the intentional truths about what an arbitrary agent believes, desires, and means without recourse to any further empirical information. One of the most compelling arguments for (...)
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  9. The love of truth.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (4):422-432.
    It is frequently said that belief aims at truth, in an explicitly normative sense—that is, that one ought to believe the proposition that p if, and only if, p is true. This truth norm is frequently invoked to explain why we should seek evidential justification in our beliefs, or why we should try to be rational in our belief formation—it is because we ought to believe the truth that we ought to follow the evidence in belief revision. In this paper, (...)
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  10. The normativity of meaning and the hard problem of intentionality.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2018 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 61 (7):742-754.
    This note addresses two of Gibbard's central contentions in Meaning and Normativity: first, that the concept of meaning is normative, and second, that an expressivist account of semantic concepts and statements can shed light on the hard problem of intentionality, the problem of explaining intentionality in naturalistic terms.
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  11. Expression and expressivism. What would an expressivist semantics be? / Mark Richard ; Hard cases for combining expressivism and deflationist truth : conditionals and epistemic modals / Mark Schroeder ; Expression : acts, products, and meaning / Dorit Bar-On ; Global expressivism and the truth in representation / Allan Gibbard ; The limits of expressivism.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2015 - In Steven Gross, Nicholas Tebben & Michael Williams, Meaning Without Representation: Expression, Truth, Normativity, and Naturalism. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Metasemantics out of Economics?Anandi Hattiangadi - unknown
    This chapter discusses the application of formal methods from social choice theory to the metasemantic question of whether radical interpretation is possible. Radical interpretation involves deducing semantic truths from non-semantic truths by appeal to certain a priori principles or criteria, such as the principle of charity. A familiar view is that the intended interpretation is the one that best meets a combination of constraints. It is suggested that this situation can be modelled as follows: each constraint determines a binary relation (...)
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  13.  28
    Impact of a community pharmacist‐directed clinic in improving screening and awareness of osteoporosis.Anandi V. Law & Karen Shapiro - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (3):247-255.
  14. Un̲n̲aiyē nī ar̲ivāy.Aiyavu Nagarajan - 1973
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    Vedanta Desika's Subhashithanivi. Veṅkaṭanātha & K. S. Nagarajan - 1972 - Madras: Vedanta Desika Research Society. Edited by K. S. Nagarajan.
  16.  28
    A study of Internet service provider industry stakeholder collaboration in Australia.Karthik Vilapakkam Nagarajan - 2014 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 12 (3):245-267.
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine institutional influences on the customer service and complaints handling practices of the Australian Internet industry. Design/methodology/approach – The study adopted a qualitative research methodology using semi-structured interview as a research method. The study was informed by constructivist/interpretive research paradigm approaches to knowledge. Eleven senior executives from key Internet industry stakeholder organizations were interviewed. Findings – Using the neo-institutional theory lens, this study found that the institutional forces played a pivotal role (...)
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  17. Some more thoughts on semantic oughts: A reply to Daniel Whiting.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):54-63.
    1. IntroductionA considerable number of philosophers maintain that meaning is intrinsically normative. In this journal, Daniel Whiting has defended the normativity of meaning against some of my recent objections . 1 This paper responds to Whiting's arguments.
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  18. Substantive Radical Interpretation and the Problem of Underdetermination.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2020 - Analysis 80 (4):822-833.
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  19. Radical Interpretation and The Aggregation Problem.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2019 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 101 (2):283-303.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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  20.  32
    The Normativity of Meaning.Anandi Hattiangadi - 1997 - In Bob Hale, Crispin Wright & Alexander Miller, A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 649–669.
    This chapter investigates the view that meaning is normative. Meaning is understood here in a broad sense to include such semantic properties as sense, reference, truth‐conditions, content, and the like. Normativity can either be viewed as a property of representations or as a feature of the world. The view that meaning involves rule‐following or a normative judgment of some kind is untenable, and in any case, has no bearing on the hard problem of intentionality. However, the view that meaning is (...)
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  21.  81
    No, one should not believe all truths.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (9-10):1091-1103.
    ABSTRACTIn a recent paper, Alexander Greenberg defends a truth norm of belief according to which if one has some doxastic attitude towards p, one ought to believe that p if and only if p is true. He responds, in particular, to the ‘blindspot’ objection to truth norms such as da: in the face of true blindspots, such as it is raining and nobody believes that it is raining, truth norms such as da are unsatisfiable; they entail that one ought to (...)
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  22. Is Logic Normative?Anandi Hattiangadi - 2023 - In Panu Raatikainen, _Essays in the Philosophy of Language._ Acta Philosophica Fennica Vol. 100. Helsinki: Societas Philosophica Fennica. pp. 277-299.
  23.  18
    Semantic normativity in context.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2009 - In Sarah Sawyer, New waves in philosophy of language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  24. Physicalism, Intentionality, and Normativity: The Explanatory Gap.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2024 - In Ali Hossein Khani, Gary Kemp, Hassan Amiriara & Hossein Sheykh Rezaee, Naturalism and its challenges. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Non-Reductive Realism, Primitivism, and the Reduction Argument: Commentary on Bart Streumer, Unbelievable Errors.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2019 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 16 (6):697-706.
    In Unbelievable Errors, Bart Streumer defends the error theory by rejecting all competitors to it. My aim here is to defend one brand of realism from Streumer’s objections: primitivim. The primitivist holds that there exist sui generis normative properties that do not supervene on any descriptive properties. It is argued that Streumer’s objections to primitivism can be met.
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  26. [email protected].Anandi Hattiangadi - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 31 (4):647-657.
  27. Does thought imply ought?Krister Bykvist & Anandi Hattiangadi - 2007 - Analysis 67 (4):277–285.
    N.B. Dr Bykvist is now based at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford. The full-text of this article is not currently available in ORA, but you may be able to access the article via the publisher copy link on this record page.
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    (1 other version)Intra‐firm transfer of best practices in moral reasoning: a conceptual framework.Subodh Kulkarni & Nagarajan Ramamoorthy - 2013 - Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (1):15-33.
    In this paper, we develop a conceptual framework of the intra-firm transfer of best practices in moral reasoning by integrating three streams of literature: internal knowledge transfer in strategic management, moral reasoning and epistemology in philosophy and business ethics, and leader–member exchange in human resource management. We propose that characteristics of moral reasoning (nature of moral knowledge, tacitness of moral reasoning and causal ambiguity), source characteristics (moral development of leaders), target characteristics (integrity capacity and moral development of subordinates), leader–member exchange (...)
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  29.  39
    The Limits of Expressivism.Anandi Hattiangadi - 2015 - In Steven Gross, Nicholas Tebben & Michael Williams, Meaning Without Representation: Expression, Truth, Normativity, and Naturalism. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 224-242.
    In his recent book, Meaning and Normativity, Allan Gibbard argues at length that meta-ethical expressivism can be profitably extended to semantic and intentional language: meta-linguistic discourse about meaning, reference, content, and the like. This chapter argues that the extension of expressivism to semantic discourse is unprofitable and—worse still—in a certain sense selfundermining. It is unprofitable because it sheds no light on the problem of intentionality; and it undermines itself because many of the sentences that make up the expressivist’s theory are (...)
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  30. The open future, bivalence and assertion.Corine Besson & Anandi Hattiangadi - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (2):251-271.
    It is highly now intuitive that the future is open and the past is closed now—whereas it is unsettled whether there will be a fourth world war, it is settled that there was a first. Recently, it has become increasingly popular to claim that the intuitive openness of the future implies that contingent statements about the future, such as ‘There will be a sea battle tomorrow,’ are non-bivalent (neither true nor false). In this paper, we argue that the non-bivalence of (...)
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  31. Neutrosophic speech recognition Algorithm for speech under stress by Machine learning.Florentin Smarandache, D. Nagarajan & Said Broumi - 2023 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 53.
    It is well known that the unpredictable speech production brought on by stress from the task at hand has a significant negative impact on the performance of speech processing algorithms. Speech therapy benefits from being able to detect stress in speech. Speech processing performance suffers noticeably when perceptually produced stress causes variations in speech production. Using the acoustic speech signal to objectively characterize speaker stress is one method for assessing production variances brought on by stress. Real-world complexity and ambiguity make (...)
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    Can truth relativism account for the indeterminacy of future contingents?Corine Besson & Anandi Hattiangadi - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-23.
    John MacFarlane has recently argued that his brand of truth relativism provides the best solution to the puzzle of future contingents: assertions about the future that express propositions that are metaphysically neither necessary nor impossible. In this paper, we show that even if we grant all of the metaphysical, semantic and pragmatic assumptions in terms of which MacFarlane sets and aims to solve the puzzle, his truth relativism is not apt to solve the problem of future contingents. We argue that (...)
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  33. In Defence of Narrow Content. [REVIEW]Anandi Hattiangadi - 2019 - Analysis 79 (3):539-550.
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  34. Assertion and the Future.Corine Besson & Anandi Hattiangadi - 2018 - In Sanford Goldberg, The Oxford Handbook of Assertion. Oxford University Press. pp. 481-504.
    It is disputed what norm, if any, governs assertion. We address this question by looking at assertions of future contingents: statements about the future that are neither metaphysically necessary nor metaphysically impossible. Many philosophers think that future contingents are not truth apt, which together with a Truth Norm or a Knowledge Norm of assertion implies that assertions of these future contingents are systematically infelicitous. In this article, we argue that our practice of asserting future contingents is incompatible with the view (...)
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  35. 50 Years of Naming and Necessity.Corine Besson, Anandi Hattiangadi, Romina Padro & Antonella Mallozzi (eds.) - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
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  36. Belief and Its Bedfellows.Tim Bayne & Anandi Hattiangadi - 2013 - In Nikolaj Nottelmann, New Essays on Belief: Constitution, Content and Structure. New York: Palgrave. pp. 124–144.
  37.  37
    Identifying health‐related quality of life (HRQL) domains for multiple chronic conditions (diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia): patient and provider perspectives.Mark Bounthavong & Anandi V. Law - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (6):1002-1011.
  38. Logical Disagreement.Frederik J. Andersen & Anandi Hattiangadi - forthcoming - In Filippo Ferrari, Elke Brendel, Massimiliano Carrara, Ole Hjortland, Gil Sagi, Gila Sher & Florian Steinberger, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Logic. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    In this chapter we explore the topic of logical disagreement. Though disagreement in general has attracted widespread philosophical interest, both in epistemology and philosophy of language, the general issues surrounding disagreement have only rarely been applied to logical disagreement in particular. Here, we develop some of the fascinating semantic and epistemological puzzles to which logical disagreement gives rise. In particular, after distinguishing between different types of logical disagreement, we explore some connections between logical disagreements and deep disagreements over fundamental epistemic (...)
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    (1 other version)The Rules of Thought By Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa and Benjamin W. Jarvis. [REVIEW]Anandi Hattiangadi - 2016 - Analysis 76 (3):393-397.
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    Time to Teach Age Old Values Yamas and Niyamas as Part of Value Education to School children.J. K. Swapna & Karuna Nagarajan - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (3):222-243.
    Value-based education aims to train students with appropriate attitude and values when they are interacting with their friends, family and outside the school. It helps in developing the child’s Personality, Character, Citizenship, and Spirituality. Stories are an effective tool and an ideal medium through which children can be taught essential life lessons. In ancient India, children were taught values and ethics through the oral story-telling tradition. Stories from Indian Folk tales such as Panchatantra, Hitopodesha, Epics like Ramayana and Bhagavad Gita (...)
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  41. Assessment Sensitivity about Future Contingents, Vindication and Self-Refutation.Corine Besson & Anandi Hattiangadi - manuscript
    John MacFarlane has recently argued that his brand of truth relativism – Assessment Sensitivity – provides the best solution to the puzzle of future contingents: statements about the future that are metaphysically neither necessary nor impossible. In this paper, we show that even if we grant all of the metaphysical, semantic and pragmatic assumptions in terms of which MacFarlane sets and solves the puzzle, Assessment Sensitivity is ultimately self-refuting.
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    The neural basis of event-time introspection.Adrian G. Guggisberg, Sarang S. Dalal, Armin Schnider & Srikantan S. Nagarajan - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1899-1915.
    We explored the neural mechanisms allowing humans to report the subjective onset times of conscious events. Magnetoencephalographic recordings of neural oscillations were obtained while human subjects introspected the timing of sensory, intentional, and motor events during a forced choice task. Brain activity was reconstructed with high spatio-temporal resolution. Event-time introspection was associated with specific neural activity at the time of subjective event onset which was spatially distinct from activity induced by the event itself. Different brain regions were selectively recruited for (...)
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    Magnetoencephalographic Imaging of Auditory and Somatosensory Cortical Responses in Children with Autism and Sensory Processing Dysfunction.Demopoulos Carly, Yu Nina, Tripp Jennifer, Mota Nayara, N. Brandes-Aitken Anne, S. Desai Shivani, S. Hill Susanna, D. Antovich Ashley, Harris Julia, Honma Susanne, Mizuiri Danielle, S. Nagarajan Srikantan & J. Marco Elysa - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  44. Functional and Structural Brain Plasticity in Adult Onset Single-Sided Deafness.Yingying Shang, Leighton B. Hinkley, Chang Cai, Karuna Subramaniam, Yi-Shin Chang, Julia P. Owen, Coleman Garrett, Danielle Mizuiri, Pratik Mukherjee, Srikantan S. Nagarajan & Steven W. Cheung - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:410138.
    Single-sided deafness (SSD) or profound unilateral hearing loss obligates the only serviceable ear to capture all acoustic information. This loss of binaural function taxes cognitive resources for accurate listening performance, especially under adverse environments or challenging tasks. We hypothesized that adults with SSD would manifest both functional and structural brain plasticity compared to controls with normal binaural hearing. We evaluated functional alterations using magnetoencephalographic imaging (MEGI) of brain activation during performance of a moderately difficult auditory syllable sequence reproduction task and (...)
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    Clinical Validation of the Champagne Algorithm for Epilepsy Spike Localization.Chang Cai, Jessie Chen, Anne M. Findlay, Danielle Mizuiri, Kensuke Sekihara, Heidi E. Kirsch & Srikantan S. Nagarajan - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Magnetoencephalography is increasingly used for presurgical planning in people with medically refractory focal epilepsy. Localization of interictal epileptiform activity, a surrogate for the seizure onset zone whose removal may prevent seizures, is challenging and depends on the use of multiple complementary techniques. Accurate and reliable localization of epileptiform activity from spontaneous MEG data has been an elusive goal. One approach toward this goal is to use a novel Bayesian inference algorithm—the Champagne algorithm with noise learning—which has shown tremendous success in (...)
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    Introspecting perceptual, motor, and decision events.Adrian G. Guggisberg, Sarang S. Dalal, Armin Schnider & Srikantan S. Nagarajan - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1918-1919.
  47.  26
    Auditory Verb Generation Performance Patterns Dissociate Variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia.Sladjana Lukic, Abigail E. Licata, Elizabeth Weis, Rian Bogley, Buddhika Ratnasiri, Ariane E. Welch, Leighton B. N. Hinkley, Z. Miller, Adolfo M. Garcia, John F. Houde, Srikantan S. Nagarajan, Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini & Valentina Borghesani - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Primary progressive aphasia is a clinical syndrome in which patients progressively lose speech and language abilities. Three variants are recognized: logopenic, associated with phonology and/or short-term verbal memory deficits accompanied by left temporo-parietal atrophy; semantic, associated with semantic deficits and anterior temporal lobe atrophy; non-fluent associated with grammar and/or speech-motor deficits and inferior frontal gyrus atrophy. Here, we set out to investigate whether the three variants of PPA can be dissociated based on error patterns in a single language task. We (...)
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    Teacher Guide to Analytical Thinking Skills.Mark Nowacki, Jared Poon, Nagarajan Selvanathan & Jeremy Wong - unknown
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    Saul Kripke (1940–2022).Sergei Artemov, John P. Burgess, Melvin Fitting & Anandi Hattiangadi - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (3):433-442.
    Saul Aaron Kripke, the most influential philosopher and logician of his generation, died on September 15, 2022, at the age of 81.
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    Establishing a Causal Role for Medial Prefrontal Cortex in Reality Monitoring.Karuna Subramaniam, Hardik Kothare, Leighton B. Hinkley, Phiroz Tarapore & Srikantan S. Nagarajan - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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