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  1. Rough Neutrosophic Sets.Said Broumi, Florentin Smarandache & Mamoni Dhar - 2014 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 3:60-65.
    Both neutrosophic sets theory and rough sets theory are emerging as powerful tool for managing uncertainty, indeterminate, incomplete and imprecise information .In this paper we develop an hybrid structure called “ rough neutrosophic sets” and studied their properties.
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  2. Several Similarity Measures of Neutrosophic Sets.Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2013 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 1:54-62.
    Smarandache (1995) defined the notion of neutrosophic sets, which is a generalization of Zadeh's fuzzy set and Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy set. In this paper, we first develop some similarity measures of neutrosophic sets. We will present a method to calculate the distance between neutrosophic sets (NS) on the basis of the Hausdorff distance. Then we will use this distance to generate a new similarity measure to calculate the degree of similarity between NS. Finally we will prove some properties of the (...)
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  3. Cosine Similarity Measure of Interval Valued Neutrosophic Sets.Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2014 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 5:15-20.
    In this paper, we define a new cosine similarity between two interval valued neutrosophic sets based on Bhattacharya’s distance [19]. The notions of interval valued neutrosophic sets (IVNS, for short) will be used as vector representations in 3D-vector space. Based on the comparative analysis of the existing similarity measures for IVNS, we find that our proposed similarity measure is better and more robust. An illustrative example of the pattern recognition shows that the proposed method is simple and effective.
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  4. Isolated Single Valued Neutrosophic Graphs.Said Broumi, Assia Bakali, Mohamed Talea & Florentin Smarandache - 2015 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 11:74-78.
    Many results have been obtained on isolated graphs and complete graphs. In this paper, a necessary and sufficient condition will be proved for a single valued neutrosophic graph to be an isolated single valued neutrosophic graph.
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  5. Interval Neutrosophic Rough Sets.Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2015 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 7:23-31.
    This Paper combines interval- valued neutrouphic sets and rough sets. It studies roughness in interval- valued neutrosophic sets and some of its properties. Finally we propose a Hamming distance between lower and upper approximations of interval valued neutrosophic sets.
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  6. Neutrosophic Refined Similarity Measure Based on Cosine Function.Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2014 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 6:42-48.
    In this paper, the cosine similarity measure of neutrosophic refined (multi-) sets is proposed and its properties are studied. The concept of this cosine similarity measure of neutrosophic refined sets is the extension of improved cosine similarity measure of single valued neutrosophic. Finally, using this cosine similarity measure of neutrosophic refined set, the application of medical diagnosis is presented.
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  7. An Extended TOPSIS Method for the Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problems Based on Interval Neutrosophic Uncertain Linguistics Variables.Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2015 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 8:22-31.
    The interval neutrosophic uncertain linguistic variables can easily express the indeterminate and inconsistent information in real world, and TOPSIS is a very effective decision making method more and more extensive applications. In this paper, we will extend the TOPSIS method to deal with the interval neutrosophic uncertain linguistic information, and propose an extended TOPSIS method to solve the multiple attribute decision making problems in which the attribute value takes the form of the interval neutrosophic uncertain linguistic variables and attribute weight (...)
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  8. A Note on Square Neutrosophic Fuzzy Matrices.Mamouni Dhar, Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2014 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 3:37-41.
    In this article, we shall define the addition and multiplication of two neutrosophic fuzzy matrices. Thereafter, some properties of addition and multiplication of these matrices are also put forward.
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  9. On Neutrosophic Implications.Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2014 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 2:9-17.
    In this paper, we firstly review the neutrosophic set, and then construct two new concepts called neutrosophic implication of type 1 and of type 2 for neutrosophic sets. Furthermore, some of their basic properties and some results associated with the two neutrosophic implications are proven.
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  10. Neutrosophic speech recognition Algorithm for speech under stress by Machine learning.Florentin Smarandache, D. Nagarajan & Said Broumi - 2023 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 53.
    It is well known that the unpredictable speech production brought on by stress from the task at hand has a significant negative impact on the performance of speech processing algorithms. Speech therapy benefits from being able to detect stress in speech. Speech processing performance suffers noticeably when perceptually produced stress causes variations in speech production. Using the acoustic speech signal to objectively characterize speaker stress is one method for assessing production variances brought on by stress. Real-world complexity and ambiguity make (...)
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  11. Special types of bipolar single valued neutrosophic graphs.Ali Hassan, Muhammad Aslam Malik, Said Broumi, Assia Bakali, Mohamed Talea & Florentin Smarandache - 2017 - Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics 14 (1).
    Neutrosophic theory has many applications in graph theory, bipolar single valued neutrosophic graphs (BSVNGs) is the generalization of fuzzy graphs and intuitionistic fuzzy graphs, SVNGs. In this paper we introduce some types of BSVNGs, such as subdivision BSVNGs, middle BSVNGs, total BSVNGs and bipolar single valued neutrosophic line graphs (BSVNLGs), also investigate the isomorphism, co weak isomorphism and weak isomorphism properties of subdivision BSVNGs, middle BSVNGs, total BSVNGs and BSVNLGs.
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  12. A Bipolar Single Valued Neutrosophic Isolated Graphs: Revisited.Said Broumi, Assia Bakali, Mohamed Talea, Florentin Smarandache & Mohsin Khan - 2017 - International Journal of New Computer Architectures and Their Applications 7 (3):89-94.
    In this research paper, the graph of the bipolar single-valued neutrosophic set model (BSVNS) is proposed. The graphs of single valued neutrosophic set models is generalized by this graph. For the BSVNS model, several results have been proved on complete and isolated graphs. Adding, an important and suitable condition for the graphs of the BSVNS model to become an isolated graph of the BSVNS model has been demonstrated.
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  13. Regular Single Valued Neutrosophic Hypergraphs.Muhammad Aslam Malik, Ali Hassan, Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2016 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 13:18-23.
    In this paper, we define the regular and totally regular single valued neutrosophic hypergraphs, and discuss the order and size along with properties of regular and totally regular single valued neutrosophic hypergraphs. We also extend work on completeness of single valued neutrosophic hypergraphs.
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  14. Soft Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Rough Sets.Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2015 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 7:69-80.
    In this paper, we first defined soft intervalvalued neutrosophic rough sets(SIVN- rough sets for short) which combines interval valued neutrosophic soft set and rough sets and studied some of its basic properties. This concept is an extension of soft interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets( SIVIF- rough sets). Finally an illustartive example is given to verfy the developped algorithm and to demonstrate its practicality and effectiveness.
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  15. Regular Bipolar Single Valued Neutrosophic Hypergraphs.Muhammad Aslam Malik, Ali Hassan, Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2016 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 13:84-89.
    In this paper, we define the regular and totally regular bipolar single valued neutrosophic hypergraphs, and discuss the order and size along with properties of regular and totally regular bipolar single valued neutrosophic hypergraphs. We extend work on completeness of bipolar single valued neutrosophic hypergraphs.
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  16. A New Approach to Multi-Spaces Through the Application of Soft Sets.Mumtaz Ali, Florentin Smarandache, Said Broumi & Muhammad Shabir - 2015 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 7:34-39.
    Multi-space is the notion combining different fields in to a unifying field, which is more applicable in our daily life. In this paper, we introduced the notion of multi-soft space which is the approximated collection of the multi-subspaces of a multi-space . Further, we defined some basic operations such as union, intersection, AND, OR etc. We also investigated some properties of multi-soft spaces.
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    Irregular Neutrosophic Graphs.Nasir Shah & Said Broumi - 2016 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 13:47-55.
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  18. Computer application of neutrosophic set operations.S. Saranya, M. Vigneshwaran & Said Broumi - 2020 - In Florentin Smarandache & Said Broumi, Neutrosophic Theories in Communication, Management and Information Technology. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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  19. Alpha, beta and gamma product of neutrosophic graphs.Nasir Shah, Said Broumi, Abdul Raheem & Tahir Imran - 2020 - In Florentin Smarandache & Said Broumi, Neutrosophic Theories in Communication, Management and Information Technology. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    Neutrosophic Theories in Communication, Management and Information Technology.Florentin Smarandache & Said Broumi (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    Contributing to the fast growing new field of neutrosophy, this book provides a significant collection of unedited articles covering the latest ongoing research area. Neutrosopy is above all a new view on modelling, tailored to effectively address the uncertainties inherent of the real world. In short, Neutrosophy supersedes in logics the binary approach of true or false by introducing a third state: neutral, which can be also interpreted as indeterminate, uncertain, inconsistent.
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  21. Proceedings of the International Conference on Neutrosophy and Plithogeny: Fundamentals and Applications, Lima, Peru, 8-9 July 2024.Florentin Smarandache, Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vazquez & Said Broumi (eds.) - 2024
    A special issue of the International Journal in Information Science and Engineering “Neutrosophic Sets and Systems” (vol. 69/2024) is dedicated to the Neutrosophic approaches in research, on the occasion of the international and multidisciplinary conference held at the Universidad César Vallejo in Lima, Peru, on July 8 and 9. This event marks a significant milestone, as it is the first time that the Andean region and Latin America host scholars and researchers dedicated to studying various theoretical and applicative issues in (...)
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  22. Proceedings of the International Conference “NeutroGeometry, NeutroAlgebra, and Their Applications,” Havana, Cuba, 12-14 August 2024.Florentin Smarandache, Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vázquez & Said Broumi (eds.) - 2024
    A special issue of the International Journal in Information Science and Engineering “Neutrosophic Sets and Systems” (vol. 71/2024) is dedicated to the Conference on NeutroGeometry, NeutroAlgebra, and Their Applications, organized by the Latin American Association of Neutrosophic Sciences. This event, which took place on August 12-14, 2024, in Havana, Cuba, was made possible by the valuable collaboration of the University of Havana, the University of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences "Manuel Fajardo," the José Antonio Echeverría University of Technology, University of (...)
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