Results for 'Alysia Garrison'

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  1.  6
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.Alysia Garrison - 2017 - In Adam Kotsko & Carlo Salzani (eds.), Agamben's Philosophical Lineage. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 138-145.
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    The spectrum of end of life care: an argument for access to medical assistance in dying for vulnerable populations.Alysia C. Wright & Jessica C. Shaw - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (2):211-219.
    Medical assistance in dying was legalized by the Supreme Court of Canada in June 2016 and became a legal, viable end of life care option for Canadians with irremediable illness and suffering. Much attention has been paid to the balance between physicians’ willingness to provide MAiD and patients’ legal right to request medically assisted death in certain circumstances. In contrast, very little attention has been paid to the challenge of making MAiD accessible to vulnerable populations. The purpose of this paper (...)
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    Foucault, Dewey, and Self‐creation.Jim Garrison - 1998 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 30 (2):111–134.
  4. Dewey, Derrida, and 'the double bind'.Jim Garrison - 2003 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 35 (3):349–362.
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    John Dewey, Jacques Derrida, and the Metaphysics of Presence.Jim Garrison - 1999 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 35 (2):346 - 372.
  6.  8
    Faces of Inequality: Reflections on Exceptional Developments.Alysia Blackham - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (1):85-94.
    RésuméDans Faces of Inequality, Sophia Moreau propose une théorie pluraliste de la manière dont la discrimination cause du tort aux individus. J'approche les idées de Moreau non pas en tant que philosophe ou théoricienne du droit, mais plutôt comme sociologue du droit à l’égalité et spécialiste empirique. Mon commentaire aborde cinq provocations ressortant du travail de Moreau, qui ont trait aux accommodements raisonnables, au rôle de la comparaison dans le traitement juridique de l’égalité, à la distinction public/privé, à la justification (...)
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  7. A Protestant Manisfesto.Winfred Ernest Garrison - 1952
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    Invitation to philosophy.Winfred Ernest Garrison - 1970 - Houston, Tex.: University of Houston.
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    First annual meeting of the EpiGeneSys Network of Excellence: Moving epigenetics towards systems biology.Alysia vandenBerg & Leonie Ringrose - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (7):620-625.
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    Dewey on Metaphysics, Meaning Making, and Maps.James W. Garrison - 2005 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 41 (4):818-844.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dewey on Metaphysics, Meaning Making, and Maps James W. Garrison Blueprints and maps are propositions and they exemplify what it is to be propositional.1 [E]very characteristic trait is a quality.... produced and destroyed by existential conditions.2 John Dewey's claim that there are metaphysical generic traits of existence the theory of which provides "a ground-map" for cultural criticism remains controversial. I will work along two intertwining lines to try (...)
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  11.  37
    Dewey, Derrida, and the genetic derivation of différance.Jim Garrison - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (10):984-994.
    My article is a rejoinder to Gert Biesta’s, ‘“This is My Truth, Tell Me Yours”. Deconstructive pragmatism as a philosophy of education.’ Biesta attempts to place Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction in ‘the very heart’ of John Dewey’s pragmatism. My article strives to impress Deweyan pragmatism in the heart of Derridian deconstruction. It does so by offering Dewey’s denotative, naturalistic, empirical perspectivalism as an alternative to Derrida’s anti-empirical quasi-transcendentalism for understanding otherness and difference. The first section of my article shows Biesta offers (...)
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  12.  23
    Transcendentalism, Pragmatism, and Skepticism: A Response to Saito.Jim Garrison - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (1):100-103.
    walt whitman writes: “The Americans of all nations at any time upon the earth have probably the fullest poetical nature”. Naoko Saito is an American philosopher and something of a Whitmanesque philosophical poet. Saito’s book is “the product of many years spent reading and studying American philosophy”. She further indicates: “Mostly I have done this from a remote part of the world—far from America across the Pacific Ocean—and, like so many others, in a language that is not my own”. Saito (...)
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    John Dewey's theory of practical reasoning.Jim Garrison - 1999 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 31 (3):291–312.
  14. Dewey's philosophy and the experience of working: Labor, tools and language.Jim Garrison - 1995 - Synthese 105 (1):87 - 114.
    Although Richard Rorty has done much to renew interest in the philosophy of John Dewey, he nonetheless rejects two of the most important components of Dewey's philosophy, that is, his metaphysics and epistemology. Following George Santayana, Rorty accuses Dewey of trying to serve Locke and Hegel, an impossibility as Rorty rightly sees it. Rorty (1982) says that Dewey should have been Hegelian all the way (p. 85). By reconstructing a bit of Hegel's early philosophy of work, and comparing it to (...)
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    Pragmatism and Education.Jim Garrison & Alven Neiman - 2002 - In Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard D. Smith & Paul Standish (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 19–37.
    This chapter contains sections titled: I II.
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    Reconsidering the life of power: ritual, body, and art in critical theory and Chinese philosophy.James Garrison - 2021 - Albany: Suny Press.
    Offers a compelling intercultural perspective on body, art, self, and society.
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    Science education, conceptual change and breaking with everyday experience.James W. Garrison & Michael L. Bentley - 1990 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 10 (1):19-35.
    Science educators and those who investigate science learning have tended, for good reason, to focus their attention on students' conceptual development, Such a focus is, however, too narrow to provide full and proper understanding of the complexities of original science learning. Recently developmental cognitive psychologists have called on the work of postpositivistic philosophers of science, especially Thomas Kuhn, to bolster their research into conceptual development in science acquisition. What these psychologists have not recognized is that Kuhn's position is actually a (...)
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  18.  74
    Real-time fMRI links subjective experience with brain activity during focused attention.Kathleen Garrison, Scheinost A., Worhunsky Dustin, D. Patrick, Hani Elwafi, Thornhill M., A. Thomas, Evan Thompson, Clifford Saron, Gaëlle Desbordes, Hedy Kober, Michelle Hampson, Jeremy Gray, Constable R., Papademetris R. Todd & Brewer Xenophon - 2013 - NeuroImage 81:110--118.
  19.  19
    (2 other versions)Philosophy as (Vocational) Education.James W. Garrison - 1990 - Educational Theory 40 (3):391-406.
  20. The New Scholarship on Dewey.Jim Garrison - 1996 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 32 (3):469-477.
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    Walt Whitman, John Dewey, and Primordial Artistic Communication.Jim Garrison - 2011 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 47 (3):301-318.
    In the end, works of art are the only media of complete and unhindered communication between man and man that can occur in a world full of gulfs and walls that limit community of experience. Occasionally, thoughtful people familiar with both Walt Whitman and philosophical pragmatism will remark on their affinity.1 Some have even argued, correctly, that Whitman influenced American pragmatism, especially the writings of William James and to a lesser extent John Dewey.2 For instance, Raphael C. Allison (2002) insightfully (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Afterword.James Garrison - 2021 - In Bianca Boteva-Richter & Sarhan Dhouib (eds.), Political Philosophy From an Intercultural Perspective: Power Relations in a Global World. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Entwined Processes: Rescripting Consent and Strengthening Governance in Genomics Research with Indigenous Communities.Nanibaa’ A. Garrison, Stephanie Russo Carroll & Maui Hudson - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):218-220.
  24.  25
    Quantum Statistics of Identical Particles.J. C. Garrison - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (4):1-18.
    The empirical rule that systems of identical particles always obey either Bose or Fermi statistics is customarily imposed on the theory by adding it to the axioms of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, with the result that other statistical behaviors are excluded a priori. A more general approach is to ask what other many-particle statistics are consistent with the indistinguishability of identical particles. This strategy offers a way to discuss possible violations of the Pauli Exclusion Principle, and it leads to some interesting (...)
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  25. What should the world look like? : Li Zehou, Confucius, Kant, and the world observer.James Garrison - 2018 - In Roger T. Ames & Jinhua Jia (eds.), Li Zehou and Confucian philosophy. Honolulu: East-West Center.
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    On the Limits of “Trans Enough”: Authenticating Trans Identity Narratives.Spencer Garrison - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (5):613-637.
    Existing understandings of gender affirm some types of gendered accounts as “authentic,” while others are discredited or obscured. As a consequence, many transgender people express anxiety about whether their experience of gender can be distilled into a narrative that is intelligible to others and appears consistent over time. In this article, I assess the identity narratives produced by two cohorts of trans respondents—binary-identified respondents, and non-binary respondents—as a means of understanding the narrative strategies that respondents employ to establish themselves as (...)
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  27. John Dewey's philosophy as education.Jim Garrison - 1998 - In Larry A. Hickman (ed.), Reading Dewey: Interpretations for a Postmodern Generation. Indiana University Press. pp. 63--81.
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  28. The paradox of indoctrination: A solution.James W. Garrison - 1986 - Synthese 68 (2):261 - 273.
  29. Toward a feminist poetic of critical thinking.James W. Garrison & A. Phelan - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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    A Pragmatist Approach to Emotional Expression and the Construction of Gender Identity.Jim Garrison - 2008 - In Reconstructing Democracy, Recontextualizing Dewey: Pragmatism and Interactive Constructivism in the Twenty-First Century. State University of New York Press. pp. 157-184.
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    Nature and Freedom, Purity and Impurity in Reconsidering the Life of Power.James Garrison - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (4):833-848.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Nature and Freedom, Purity and Impurity in Reconsidering the Life of PowerJames Garrison (bio)My book Reconsidering the Life of Power: Ritual, Body, and Art in Critical Theory and Chinese Philosophy is not so much about providing a systematic account of what it means to be a self-monitoring, self-regulating subject, the branches of which might resolve down to some single root, despite its clear debt to Judith Butler's 1997 (...)
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    Living as learning: John Dewey in the 21st century.James W. Garrison - 2014 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Dialogue Path Press. Edited by Larry A. Hickman & Daisaku Ikeda.
    Three experts collaborate in this passionate and rewarding dialogue on the legacy of the great American philosopher and educator John Dewey (1859 1952). Focused on growth and the creation of value within the context of real life, Dewey s pragmatic philosophy shares much with humanistic Buddhism. These similarities, which arise throughout the book, add richness to a dialogue already overflowing with faith in our capacity to find common ground and expand human well being in our rapidly globalizing world. For Dewey, (...)
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    An alternative to Von Glasersfeld's subjectivism in science education: Deweyan social constructivism.Jim Garrison - 1997 - Science & Education 6 (6):543-554.
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    Dewey and Eros: Wisdom and Desire in the Art of Teaching.Jim Garrison - 2010 - IAP.
    "We become what we love," states Jim Garrison in Dewey and Eros: Wisdom and Desire in the Art of Teaching. This provocative book represents a major new interpretation of Dewey's education philosophy. It is also an examination of what motivates us to teach and to learn, and begins with the idea of education of eros (i.e., passionate desire)-"the supreme aim of education" as the author puts it-and how that desire results in a practical philosophy that guides us in recognizing (...)
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    Reconstructing Democracy and Recontextualizing Deweyan Pragmatism.Jim Garrison - 2008 - In Reconstructing Democracy, Recontextualizing Dewey: Pragmatism and Interactive Constructivism in the Twenty-First Century. State University of New York Press. pp. 1-17.
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    Capital, Interest, and Professor Kirzner.Roger W. Garrison - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (2).
    Israel Kirzner is to be credited for clarifying and developing the theory of capital and interest set out by Ludwig von Mises and for articulating and defending the pure time preference theory of interest. A revisiting of Mises and his critics suggests that the pure time preference theory is best formulated in terms of economic actions and then applied to the anticipated consequences of those actions. Differences between the Misesian and Knightian reckonings of time preference are to be understood in (...)
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    Dewey’s Spiritual Response to the Crisis of Late Modernity and Early Postmodernity.Jim Garrison - 2010 - Philosophy of Education 66:289-296.
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    Education as Destiny.Jim Garrison - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:20-25.
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  39. Experience, thinking, and education : Dewey's long logic.Jim Garrison - 2020 - In Meike Kricke & Stefan Neubert (eds.), New Studies in Deweyan Education: Democracy and Education Revisted. New York, NY: Routledge.
  40. Innovation for transportation.William L. Garrison - 1981 - In Torsten Hägerstrand & Allan Pred (eds.), Space and time in geography: essays dedicated to Torsten Hägerstrand. Lund: CWK Gleerup.
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    Recovery, Reconstruction, and Self-Renewal.Jim Garrison - 2002 - Philosophy of Education 58:282-284.
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    The Instrumental Role of Hospital Ethics Committees in Policy Work.Nanibaa’ A. Garrison & David Magnus - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (11):1-2.
  43.  14
    Tantra: the yoga of sex.Omar V. Garrison - 1972 - London,: Academy Editions.
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  44. Hintikka, Laudan and Newton: An interrogative model of scientific inquiry.James W. Garrison - 1988 - Synthese 74 (2):145 - 171.
  45.  39
    Exploring "The Vital Depths of Experience": A Reader's Response to Henning.Jim Garrison - 2024 - The Pluralist 19 (1):90-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Exploring "The Vital Depths of Experience":A Reader's Response to HenningJim Garrisonbethany henning's dewey and the aesthetic unconscious is a much-needed and marvelous book. It explores the pragmatic unconscious as it reveals itself in the qualitative unity of artistic expression integrated with aesthetic appreciation and response. By illuminating the role of often unconscious impulses, feelings, desires, memories, imaginaries, habits, meanings, and more, that goes into creating or appreciating a work (...)
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    Potentiality and Actuality in Peirce and Dewey.Jim Garrison - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (2).
    This paper fills a gap in the literature concerning the importance of the categories of potentiality and actuality in the philosophies of Charles Sanders Peirce and John Dewey. Peirce and Dewey derived their positions by revising Aristotle. Their revisions are surprisingly similar in many aspects and different in at least one significant feature – haecceity. Peirce and Dewey’s pragmatic reconstruction of actuality and potentiality is perhaps the most important advance since the Scholastics. The goal is to recover the categories of (...)
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    The Kaleidic world of Ludwig Lachmann.Roger W. Garrison - 1987 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 1 (3):77-89.
    THE MARKET AS AN ECONOMIC PROCESS by Ludwig M. Lachmann New York: Basil Blackwell, 1986. 173 pp., $29?95.
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    From symbols to neurons: Are we there yet?Garrison W. Cottrell - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (3):454-454.
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    US feminism-grrrl style! Youth (sub) cultures and the technologics of the third wave.Ednie Kaeh Garrison - 2000 - Feminist Studies 26 (1):141-170.
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    Considerations for Returning Research Results to Culturally Diverse Participants and Families of Decedents.Nanibaa' A. Garrison - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):569-575.
    There has been considerable debate on which genomic research results to return to participants and when those results should be returned, but little attention to how those results should be returned, especially to minority and culturally diverse participants. This paper explores the cultural and ethical considerations around returning research results to participants and families of culturally diverse backgrounds, with a special focus on considerations when the research participant is deceased, and raises points for further discussion.
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