Results for 'Alejandre Sakharoff'

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    Reflexiones sobre la danza y la música.Alejandre Sakharoff - 1949 - Buenos Aires,: Emecé Editores.
    Reflexiones sobre la danza y la música.--Cuatro lecciones preliminares al arte de la danza.
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  2. Field environmental philosophy: a biocultural ethic approach to education and ecotourism for sustainability.Alejandr Tauro, Ojeda Jaime, Caviness Terrance, Moses Kelli, Rozzi Ricardo & Danqiong Zhu - 2021 - Sustainability 13 (8):4526.
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    Invariance properties of almost disjoint families.M. Arciga-Alejandre, M. Hrušák & C. Martinez-Ranero - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (3):989-999.
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    Aproximación jurídica al concepto de derecho de autor. Intento de calificación como libertad de producción artística y científica o como derecho de propiedad.Gemma Minero Alejandre - 2013 - Dilemata 12:215-245.
    This article discusses the nature of copyright as a fundamental right. After studying the two faces of copyright, both economic and moral, I analyze whether copyright should be seen as part of the freedom of artistic and scientific creation (article 20.1.b Spanish Constitution) or as part of the general property right (article 33). Finally, I explore the possibility of applying these conclusions to other intellectual property rights (related rights, patents, trademarks, etc.). This discussion is not trivial. The weight of copyright (...)
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  5. Réflexions sur la danse et la musique.A. Sakharoff - 1943 - [Buenos Aires]: Viau.
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  6. La comedia de Menandro, una comedia ética.Jorge Alejandr Flórez Restrepo - 2006 - Discusiones Filosóficas 7:199-214.
    Algunos datos biográficos de Menandrode Atenas lo vinculan, en su juventud, conEpicuro y, años después, con Teofrasto,segundo director del Liceo. El artículorastrea, por tanto, las posibles influenciasde estos filósofos en el comediógrafo.Varios aspectos de las comedias deMenandro demuestran cercanía con losplanteamientos éticos de la filosofíaperipatética y epicurea, lo cual permitellamar a su trabajo comedia éticaMenander’s biographical data link him, in his youth, to Epicurus, and years later, to Theophrastus, the second director ofthe Lyceum. This paper traces back thepossible influences of (...)
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    Biobanking and consenting to research: a qualitative thematic analysis of young people’s perspectives in the North East of England.Momodou Ndure, Isatou Sarr, Anna Roca, Kalifa Bojang, Effua Usuf, Fiona Cresswell, Elizabeth Fitchett, David Bath, Manuel Dewez, Shunmay Yeung, Sebastian Schroepf, Carola Schoen, Karl Reiter, Esther Maier, Eberhard Lurz, Matthias Kappler, Sabrina Juranek, Tobias Feuchtinger, Matthias Griese, Florian Hoffmann, Niklaus Haas, Katharina Danhauser, Irene Alba-Alejandre, Ioanna Mavridi, Patricia Schmied, Laura Kolberg, Ulrich von Both, Maike K. Tauchert, Elmar Wallner, Volker Strenger, Andrea Skrabl-Baumgartner, Siegfried Rödl, Klaus Pfurtscheller, Andreas Pfleger, Heidemarie Pilch, Tobias Niedrist, Sabine Löffler, Markus Keldorfer, Andreas Kapper, Christa Hude, Almuthe Hauer, Harald Haidl, Siegfried Gallistl, Ernst Eber, Astrid Ceolotto, Martin Benesch, Sebastian Bauchinger, Manfred G. Sagmeister, Martina Strempfl, Bianca Stoiser, Glorija Rajic, Alexandra Rusu, Lena Pölz, Manuel Leitner, Susanne Hösele, Christoph Zurl, Nina A. Schweintzger, Daniel S. Kohlfürst, Benno Kohlmaier & Ale Binder - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundBiobanking biospecimens and consent are common practice in paediatric research. We need to explore children and young people’s (CYP) knowledge and perspectives around the use of and consent to biobanking. This will ensure meaningful informed consent can be obtained and improve current consent procedures.MethodsWe designed a survey, in co-production with CYP, collecting demographic data, views on biobanking, and consent using three scenarios: 1) prospective consent, 2) deferred consent, and 3) reconsent and assent at age of capacity. The survey was disseminated (...)
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