Results for 'Alberto Tonelli'

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  1.  21
    Metagovernance forms for enhancing sustainability‐oriented innovation in a knowledge ecosystem.Simona Fiandrino, Melchior Gromis di Trana, Alberto Tonelli & Fabio Rizzato - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (1):215-230.
    This study explores how different actors operating in a knowledge ecosystem catalyse sustainability-oriented innovation. Through collaborative practices among actors, knowledge ecosystems constitute a fertile ground for sustainability-oriented innovation to grow and flourish by creating value for businesses and society. The current literature on knowledge ecosystems is lacking in outlining governing mechanisms to foster collaborative practices aimed at advocating open innovation for sustainability transition. This study aims to close this literature gap. Through interview data collected in a knowledge ecosystem, we apply (...)
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    Early visual deprivation prompts the use of body-centered frames of reference for auditory localization.Tiziana Vercillo, Alessia Tonelli & Monica Gori - 2018 - Cognition 170 (C):263-269.
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    El universo está cerca.Alberto Hidalgo - 1945 - Buenos Aires,: Ediciones Feria.
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    Il concetto di ideologia.Alberto Izzo - 1978 - Milano: ISEDI.
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    Taking Chesterton at His Word.Alberto Manguel - 2004 - The Chesterton Review 30 (1/2):146-153.
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    Melchior Inchofer, Giordano Bruno, and the soul of the world.Alberto A. Martinez - 2019 - Annals of Science 76 (3-4):267-302.
    Following Galileo's trial of 1633, the Jesuit theologian Melchior Inchofer, author of the most negative reports used by the Roman Inquisition against Galileo, repudiated the Copernicans for the ‘heresy’ of the soul of the world (anima mundi), in an unpublished manuscript. I show that Inchofer's arguments applied far more to the beliefs of Giordano Bruno than to those of Galileo. Since antiquity, various Christian authorities had repudiated several beliefs about the anima mundi as ‘heretical’, hence I review their critiques against (...)
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    Investigating European culture from a psychological viewpoint.Alberto Munari - 1989 - World Futures 26 (1):53-56.
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    O Conceito de Consequência Lógica e os Problemas do Pluralismo e do Anti-Excepcionalismo.Alberto Leopoldo Batista Neto - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (1):125-139.
    ResumoApresentam-se alguns conceitos fundamentais e posições representativas referentes a três debates correntesna filosofia da lógica, a saber aquele acerca da natureza da relação de consequência, o que versasobre o problema do pluralismo lógico (e sua alternativa fundamental, o monismo) e o que gira em tornoda chamada proposta anti-excepcionalista, que nega o caráter excepcional da lógica e a põe numa relaçãode continuidade essencial com as demais ciências, de modo a evidenciar pontos de conexão entre as trêsdiscussões mencionadas. Levanta-se, por fim, a (...)
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  9. Fiction as a Base of Interpretation Contexts.Alberto Voltolini - 2006 - Synthese 153 (1):23-47.
    In this paper, I want to deal with the problem of how to find an adequate context of interpretation for indexical sentences that enables one to account for the intuitive truth-conditional content which some apparently puzzling indexical sentences like “I am not here now” as well as other such sentences contextually have. In this respect, I will pursue a fictionalist line. This line allows for shifts in interpretation contexts and urges that such shifts are governed by pretense, which has to (...)
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  10. A Lógica e a Narração da Contingência em Hegel.Alberto L. Siani - 2015 - Revista Opinião Filosófica 6 (2).
    Os principais objetivos do artigo podem ser formulados da seguinte forma: a) Hegel tem uma noção forte de contingência. Contingência não é, para ele, a ausência simples de necessidade, tampouco subdeterminidade simples. Contingencia é uma noção original, que tem o mesmo peso e a mesma dignidade lógica e metafísica que a noção de necessidade; b) essa noção forte de contingência é decisiva para a concepção de Hegel de subjetividade na medida em que pode ser remetida a sua filosofia do real. (...)
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    Filosofía y teatro, ida y vuelta. Una aproximación a Juan Mayorga.Alberto Sucasas - 2021 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 76 (291 Extra):1079-1100.
    Aunque el teatro no siempre se haya contado entre los principales objetos de atención de la filosofía, la relación entre filosofía y teatro es relevante. Por varios motivos: frecuente reflexión sobre el teatro a cargo de filósofos; filósofos que han escrito teatro; presencia de interrogantes filosóficos en las obras dramáticas; influencia recíproca de las dos formas de escritura. La obra de Juan Mayorga es un caso ejemplar. Su influencia principal, más aún que Walter Benjamin, es Franz Kafka. La herencia kafkiana (...)
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  12. The transition from philosophy to theology in the reflection on history in Wolfhart Pannenberg.Carlos Alberto Blanco - 2011 - Pensamiento 67 (254):869-885.
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    Oggetti fittizi: lo stato dell'arte.Alberto Voltolini - 2004 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 17 (1):177-188.
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  14. (1 other version)Possibilia, qualia e sensibilia.Alberto Voltolini - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (22):127-137.
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  15. Varietà nella supposta giungla.Alberto Voltolini - 2005 - Rivista di Estetica 30:71-85.
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  16. Dispositional Optimism and Context Sensitivity: Psychological Contributors to Frailty Status Among Elderly Outpatients.Alberto Sardella, Vittorio Lenzo, George A. Bonanno, Gabriella Martino, Giorgio Basile & Maria C. Quattropani - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The association of resilience-related factors with frailty is a recent research topic. Dispositional optimism and context sensitivity are two psychological factors that differently contribute to individual resilience. This study aimed at investigating whether dispositional optimism and context sensitivity might contribute to a multifactorial model of frailty, together with established relevant factors such as cognitive and physical factors. This cross-sectional study involved 141 elderly outpatients aged ≥65 years, who were referred to the Geriatrics and Multidimensional Evaluation Clinic of the University Hospital (...)
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  17. Is Ellie’s Revenge Ethically Justified?Alberto Oya - 2024 - In Charles Joshua Horn, The Last of Us and Philosophy: Look for the Light. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 37-44.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss the way the videogame The Last of Us: Part II (Naughty Dog, 2020) manages to entice players to question the ethical adequacy of their own gaming behaviour.
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    Essere e libertà: il problema fenomenologico dell'agire umano nel pensiero di Martin Heidegger.Alberto Anelli - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    The Constitution Under Social Justice.Alberto Mingardi (ed.) - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    Antonio Rosmini-Serbati was one of the first natural law scholars to bring natural law thinking into a conversation with the market economic order that was beginning to emerge in Europe in the 19th century. His reflections on matters such as the origin, nature, and limits of private property, the role of the state, and the nature of human reason show him to be a unique, innovative thinker who nonetheless was determined to work within the parameters of Catholic doctrine. Many of (...)
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    Who Are the Subjects of Justice in a Globalized World? From the ‘Unidimensional Identity’ to the ‘Diversity of Identities’.Alberto Ruiz Méndez - 2018 - In Johannes Rohbeck, Daniel Brauer & Concha Roldán, Philosophy of Globalization. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 153-166.
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  21. Modalities in Temporal Logic.Alberto Zanardo - 2009 - Humana Mente 3 (8).
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    What We Can Learn From Literary Authors.Alberto Voltolini - 2021 - Acta Analytica 36 (4):479-499.
    That we can learn something from literature, as cognitivists claim, seems to be a commonplace. However, when one considers matters more deeply, it turns out to be a problematic claim. In this paper, by focusing on general revelatory facts about the world and the human spirit, I hold that the cognitivist claim can be vindicated if one takes it as follows. We do not learn such facts from literature, if by “literature” one means the truth-conditional contents that one may ascribe (...)
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    (1 other version)Darwirrismo Y asuntos humanos.Alberto Gutiérrez - 1987 - Theoria 2 (2):602-604.
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  24. Entre el silencio y la mirada fugaz: acerca de una monografía sobre Ágnes Heller.Alberto Pérez Zamora - 1998 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 17:185-194.
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  25. A Revisionist Theory of Racism: Rejecting the Presumption of Conservatism.Alberto G. Urquidez - 2020 - Journal of Social Philosophy 51 (2):1-30.
    Many theories of racism presuppose that ordinary usage of the term “racism” should be preserved. Rarely is this presupposition—the presumption of conservatism—defended. This paper discusses the work of Lawrence Blum, Joshua Glasgow, Jorge Garcia, Tommie Shelby, and others, in order to develop a critique of the presumption of conservatism. Against this presumption, I defend the following desideratum: If ordinary usage of “racism” prompts significant practical difficulties that can be averted by revising ordinary usage, then this counts as a mark against (...)
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  26.  19
    A hermenêutica digital como hermenêutica do sujeito.Alberto Romele - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (spe):185-206.
    ABSTRACT: In this article, the author deals with the status of the self and personal identity in the digital milieu. In the first section, he presents his general approach to digital media and technologies, which he has called “digital hermeneutics.” He distinguishes between three perspectives in digital hermeneutics, namely the deconstructive, epistemological, and ontological approaches. In the second part, he focuses on digital hermeneutics as hermeneutics of the self. He compares Paul Ricoeur’s narrative identity to Pierre Bourdieu’s habitus. His first (...)
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    Toward a Digital Hermeneutics.Alberto Romele - 2016 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 20 (1):76-83.
  28. Metaphysics and ethics in Aristotle : about being and duty.Alberto Ross - 2013 - In Gabriela Rossi, Nature and the Best Life: Exploring the Natural Bases of Practical Normativity in Ancient Philosophy. Hildesheim - Zurich - New York: G. Olms.
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    Poesia y Pintura: Frank O'Hara y el expresinionismo abstracto.Alberto Santamaría - 2015 - Aisthesis 57:93-111.
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  30. " The most instructive victim of christianity" Nietzsche reader and interpreter of Pascal.Alberto Frigo - 2010 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 6 (2):275 - +.
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  31. Tempo, eternità e soggettività nel pensiero greco.Alberto Jori - 2004 - Studium 100 (4-5):555-578.
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    Amor propio: Joaquim Xirau.Alberto Oya - 2024 - Estudios Filosóficos 73 (204):317-321.
    El objetivo de esta nota es señalar una de las ideas centrales de la concepción de Joaquim Xirau de la experiencia amorosa, que es la de que el amor propio, el concebirse a uno mismo como persona –es decir: como un fin en sí mismo y con su propia dignidad y autonomía–, es condición necesaria para la entrega amorosa para con el prójimo.
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  33. ¿Está triunfando el capitalismo?: retórica vs. realidad.Alberto Benegas Lynch - 1999 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 33:61-76.
    Frecuentemente se piensa que el capitalismo, liberalismo o la sociedad abierta actualmente prevalecen. Este trabajo muestra que ése no es el caso. La relación gasto público-producto bruto nacional y nociones tales como la redistribución de ingresos, "los bienes públicos", los privilegios que se otorgan a los llamados "empresarios", las restricciones al comercio exterior, las políticas vinculadas a la ecología, el "socialismo de mercado", y la inexistencia de la división de poderes y una Justicia independiente son algunos de los temas que (...)
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    Oltre il disincanto: prospettive sul reincantamento del mondo.Alberto Martinengo (ed.) - 2015 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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  35. E. Grassi: La filosofía del Humanismo. Preeminencia de la palabra (Barcelona, 1993).Alberto M. Damiani - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:423-424.
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    Reglas discursivas y normas morales.Alberto Mario Damiani - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 41 (1):7-31.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es explicar la conexión entre reglas discursivas y normas morales en el marco de la ética del discurso. El trabajo comienza con un análisis de la diferencia entre acción y operación y con una reconstrucción del concepto de discurso. Luego es presentada la diferencia y la relación entre ley y obligación. La conclusión es que la conexión entre acción y discurso posible está implícita en la noción de responsabilidad moral.
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  37. Cdd: 146.42 Quinean views in argentine analytic philosophy.Alberto Moretti - 1999 - Manuscrito 22:61.
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    Separation and the politics of theory.Alberto Moreiras - 2001 - Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities 6 (1):5-20.
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    La justificación del victimario como estrategia identitaria para el veterano de guerra.Alberto Murcia - 2022 - Dilemata 39:61-78.
    En este artículo, que se encuadra dentro de la discusión entre filosofía y ciencia cognitiva sobre el yo-narrativo, se pone en estudio la relación entre la construcción de la identidad y las narraciones que los veteranos realizan sobre su paso por la guerra. La hipótesis que se plantea es que algunos veteranos utilizan una forma especial de narrativa, llamada la estrategia de la ucronía, para evitar la Experiencia del daño. En concreto, se infiere de sus narrativas que usan una forma (...)
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    A teoria das tradições de pesquisa de Alasdair Macintyre contra o universalismo iluminista, o relativismo e o perspectivismo.Alberto Leopoldo Batista Neto - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (2):e33574.
    A teoria das tradições de pesquisa de Alasdair MacIntyre é a sua resposta ao problema da radical discrepância entre perspectivas filosóficas incompatíveis e sua incomensurabilidade prima facie. MacIntyre vê no universalismo iluminista a raiz remota do problema, de modo que desenvolve uma crítica vigorosa de suas pretensões de constituir um campo neutro para o julgamento de teses rivais. Ao mesmo tempo, porém, MacIntyre propõe que uma marca das tradições racionais é a sua tendência a transcender os limites contingentes de sua (...)
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    How to Allow for Intentionalia in the Jungle.Alberto Voltolini - 2007 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 27 (1):86-105.
    In this paper I will first contend that semantically based arguments in favour of or against problematic entities—like those provided, respectively, in a realist Meinongian and in an antirealist Russellian camp—are ultimately inconclusive. Indeed, only genuinely ontological arguments, specifically addressed to prove (or to reject) the existence of entities of a definite kind, suit the purpose. Thus, I will sketch an argument intended to show that there really are entities of an apparently specific kind, i.e. _intentionalia_, broadly conceived as things (...)
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    Practical Reasoning in the Foundations of Quantum Theory.Alberto Cordero - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz & Dag Westerståhl, Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers From the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 439--452.
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    Being, Existence, and Having Instances.Alberto Voltolini - 2006 - In Venanzio Raspa, Meinongian issues in contemporary Italian philosophy. Lancaster, LA: Ontos. pp. 2--161.
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    Blumenberg Y Foucault: El análisis Del poder pastoral como un ensayo de metaforología política.Alberto Fragiü - 2013 - Universitas Philosophica 30 (60):83-98.
  45. La poesia di ispirazione cristiana in Italia nel secondo Novecento.Alberto Frattini - 2001 - Studium 97 (4):623-643.
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    Critica dell'epistemologia: per una concezione materialistica della scienza.Alberto Gianquinto - 1980 - Venezia: Marsilio.
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    Da Isocrate ad Antioco d'Ascalona.Alberto Grilli - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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    Dissertazione filosofica sulla morte.Alberto Radicati - 2003 - Pisa: ETS. Edited by T. Cavallo.
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    Sens, sens-limite et limites du sens.Alberto Romele - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    L’ouvrage de Johann Michel part du constat d’un schisme au XXe siècle, notamment en France, entre philosophie, histoire et sociologie. Le but du livre est alors avant tout de dresser de nouveaux ponts entre ces disciplines, d’autant plus que l’on trouve aujourd’hui « quelques signes de naissance de nouveaux dialogues », un double mouvement des sciences sociales et historiques vers la philosophie et vice-versa. Cela est le cas dans la socio-phénoménologie d’Alfred Schütz (déjà ancienne) et, pl...
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  50. Léger-Marie Deschamps: la metafisica al servizio dell'utopia politica.Alberto Andreatta - 1979 - Padova: CEDAM.
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