This study explores how different actors operating in a knowledge ecosystem catalyse sustainability-oriented innovation. Through collaborative practices among actors, knowledge ecosystems constitute a fertile ground for sustainability-oriented innovation to grow and flourish by creating value for businesses and society. The current literature on knowledge ecosystems is lacking in outlining governing mechanisms to foster collaborative practices aimed at advocating open innovation for sustainability transition. This study aims to close this literature gap. Through interview data collected in a knowledge ecosystem, we apply precepts of grounded theory to reveal four forms of metagovernance—network design, network framing, network management and network participation. This study proposes a conceptual framework of metagovernance forms as powering layers to foster sustainability-oriented innovation in a knowledge ecosystem. We further discuss potential weaknesses that may jeopardise the development of sustainability-oriented innovation in the knowledge ecosystem. This study contributes to the literature on sustainability-oriented innovation by acknowledging metagovernance as the appropriate governing mechanism that balances the activities and processes of sustainability-oriented innovations for becoming and being sustainable.