Results for 'Alberto Canseco'

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  1.  32
    Matrices y marcos: dos figuras del funcionamiento de las normas en la obra de Judith Butler.Alberto Canseco - 2018 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 30 (1):125-146.
    “Matrixes and Frames: Two Figures of Norm Functioning in the Work of Judith Butler”. The concepts of “intelligibility matrix” and “frame”, each corresponding to different periods in the thought of the feminist philosopher Judith Butler, seem to converge in so many aspects that one is tempted to hold that they may be used indistinctly. Nevertheless, the problem this paper deals with is the possible uniqueness the usage of the latter concept involves, thus pointing to the differences between both concepts. I (...)
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    Politizando la escena ética. La lectura butleriana de la propuesta levinasiana.Alberto Edmundo Canseco - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 44:253-263.
    Resumen Este artículo ofrece una lectura de la pintura renacentista según los principios establecidos por Leon Battista Alberti, uno de los primeros teóricos de la perspectiva en cuyo Tratado de pintura se refiere al cuadro como “una ventana abierta a la historia”. El concepto de historia empleado por Alberti, que se presta a numerosas interpretaciones, es abordado a partir de las reflexiones de Erwin Panofsky en torno a la perspectiva como “forma simbólica”, avanzando hacia una hipótesis en torno al carácter (...)
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    If we are all cultural Darwinians what’s the fuss about? Clarifying recent disagreements in the field of cultural evolution.Alberto Acerbi & Alex Mesoudi - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (4):481-503.
    Cultural evolution studies are characterized by the notion that culture evolves accordingly to broadly Darwinian principles. Yet how far the analogy between cultural and genetic evolution should be pushed is open to debate. Here, we examine a recent disagreement that concerns the extent to which cultural transmission should be considered a preservative mechanism allowing selection among different variants, or a transformative process in which individuals recreate variants each time they are transmitted. The latter is associated with the notion of “cultural (...)
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    From Storytelling to Facebook.Alberto Acerbi - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (2):132-144.
    Cultural evolution researchers use transmission chain experiments to investigate which content is more likely to survive when transmitted from one individual to another. These experiments resemble oral storytelling, wherein individuals need to understand, memorize, and reproduce the content. However, prominent contemporary forms of cultural transmission—think an online sharing—only involve the willingness to transmit the content. Here I present two fully preregistered online experiments that explicitly investigated the differences between these two modalities of transmission. The first experiment (_N_ = 1,080 participants) (...)
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    Joseph Henrich: The Weirdest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous.Alberto Acerbi - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (1):91-96.
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    Tim Lewens, Cultural Evolution: Conceptual Challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press , 192 pp., $45.00. [REVIEW]Alberto Acerbi - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (1):181-184.
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  7. Gilles Deleuze y el psicoanálisis.Eduardo Alberto León León - 2011 - A Parte Rei 75:7.
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  8. Should individuals choose their definition of death?Alberto Molina, David Rodriguez-Arias & Stuart J. Youngner - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):688-689.
    Alireza Bagheri supports a policy on organ procurement where individuals could choose their own definition of death between two or more socially accepted alternatives. First, we claim that such a policy, without any criterion to distinguish accepted from acceptable definitions, easily leads to the slippery slope that Bagheri tries to avoid. Second, we suggest that a public discussion about the circumstances under which the dead donor rule could be violated is more productive of social trust than constantly moving the line (...)
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    Reentrada en figura de ocho en epicardio ventricular sujeto a Isquemia regional: estudio de simulación.G. Henao, Oscar Alberto, José M. Ferrero, V. Ramírez & R. Saiz - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  10. Estética.Alberto Pulido Silva - 1965 - México,: Editorial Porrúa.
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    Overcoming the motivational gap: A preliminary path to rethinking intergenerational justice.Alberto Pirni - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (3):286-296.
    The paper frames the issue of intergenerational justice by addressing an historical source and a theoretical difficulty. In relation to the historical point of view, the paper offers a preliminary re-reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights aimed at revealing the intergenerational commitment that lies behind it (§1). In addressing the second point, it presents the issue of intergenerational justice from a phenomenological perspective (§2). In developing such a perspective, the paper articulates a comprehensive ethical question that is constitutively (...)
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  12.  44
    Did Einstein Really Say that? Testing Content Versus Context in the Cultural Selection of Quotations.Alberto Acerbi & Jamshid J. Tehrani - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (3-4):293-311.
    We experimentally investigated the influence of context-based biases, such as prestige and popularity, on the preferences for quotations. Participants were presented with random quotes associated to famous or unknown authors, or with random quotes presented as popular, i.e. chosen by many previous participants, or unpopular. To exclude effects related to the content of the quotations, all participants were subsequently presented with the same quotations, again associated to famous and unknown authors, or presented as popular or unpopular. Overall, our results showed (...)
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  13.  37
    Effects of Mindfulness Training on Sleep Problems in Patients With Fibromyalgia.Alberto Amutio, Clemente Franco, Laura C. Sánchez-Sánchez, María del C. Pérez-Fuentes, José J. Gázquez-Linares, William Van Gordon & María del M. Molero-Jurado - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  14. La teoría cuántica de átomos en moléculas y su rol en la reducción de la química a la física.Jesús Alberto Jaimes Arriaga & Sebastian Fortin - 2019 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 9:33--43.
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    Il transumanesimo: una sfida antropologica alla scienza e alla fede.Claudio Bonito & Alberto Carrara (eds.) - 2024 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  16. La ontología cosmológica en la obra temprana de Hans Blumenberg: las Beiträge y Die ontologische Distanz.Alberto Fragio - 2010 - Res Publica. Murcia 23:93-122.
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  17. Introduction: Philosophers Look at Quantum Mechanics.Alberto Cordero - 2019 - In Philosophers Look at Quantum Mechanics. Springer Verlag.
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  18. Nuevos retos para la sociedad de la Información:¿ Pueden las TIC ayudar a solucionar los problemas del planeta?Alberto Andreu Pinillos - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 75:132-139.
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  19. El tiempo biológico y el hombre.José Alberto Mainetti - 1980 - Escritos de Filosofía 3 (5):157-179.
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  20.  21
    Dopo il keynesismo: teorie economiche per una politica economica.Alberto Russo - 2017 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 29 (57).
    This paper presents a brief discussion on the evolution of macroeconomics and economic policy after Keynes. Particularly, we describe the emergence of a new standard of economic research, after the «stagflation» of the 1970s, which resurrects the confidence in the self-correcting properties of the market economy. It also considers economic policy as a potential obstacle for the economic system in reaching the «natural» equilibrium. Finally, some perspectives for macroeconomics in the aftermath of the Great Recession are discussed.
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    Reading Italian Psychoanalysis.Franco Borgogno, Alberto Luchetti & Luisa Marino Coe (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Psychoanalysis in Italy is a particularly diverse and vibrant profession, embracing a number of influences and schools of thought, connecting together new thinking, and producing theorists and clinicians of global renown. _Reading Italian Psychoanalysis_ provides a comprehensive guide to the most important Italian psychoanalytic thinking of recent years, including work by major names such as Weiss, E.Gaddini, Matte Blanco, Nissim Momigliano, Canestri, Amati Mehler, and Ferro. It covers the most important theoretical developments and clinical advances, with special emphasis on contemporary (...)
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    Edmond Jabès: Entre el erotismo y el panerotismo en las márgenes de los archipiélagos.David Alberto Fuks - 2001 - A Parte Rei 15:7.
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  23. El vértigo.José Alberto Concha González - 1999 - A Parte Rei 5:4.
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  24. El significado de la historia en la filosofía de la Integralidad.José Alberto Soto - 1967 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 20:75-94.
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  25. Hacia un concepto de persona.B. Soto & José Alberto - 1969 - Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio.
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  26. Spinoza y Schelling: sobre el problema metafísico.José Alberto Soto - 1977 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 42:371-378.
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    A Cultural Evolution Approach to Digital Media.Alberto Acerbi - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  28.  7
    Después de Newton: ciencia y sociedad durante la Primera Revolución Industrial.Alberto Elena, Javier Ordóñez & Mariano Colubi (eds.) - 1998 - Anthropos.
    Tratar cuál es el carácter de la relación entre ciencia y tecnología en el complejo mundo de la Ilustración, es lo que plantea este libro. Los historiadores de la ciencia y de la tecnología han venido suponiendo en las últimas décadas que dicha relación se había producido en un único sentido. La presente obra desafía esta visión por simplificadora y replantea la cuestión para ofrecer un análisi más completo de la interacción entre ciencia e industria en este período.
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    On the characterizability of the frames for the "unpreventability of the present and the past".Alberto Zanardo - 1986 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27 (4):556-564.
  30.  15
    Tutela da religião sobre o prazer do sustento.Alberto A. Abreu - 2017 - Cultura:373-387.
    A alimentação é uma necessidade de todo o ser vivo, que só pode lutar contra a morte e crescer integrando no seu corpo elementos seleccionados do mundo exterior a que se chama alimentos. Como tantas outras necessidades vitais, a alimentação não pôde eximir-se à interferência religiosa, sob a forma de tabus e outros tipos de restrições, quer para evitar a infracção destas normas sob a forma de pecado, quer para tributar à divindade uma homenagem de latria sob a forma de (...)
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    La representación del Estado en el discurso de la Asociación Madres de la Plaza de Mayo en Argentina.Alberto Javier Mayorga Rojel & Carlos del Valle Rojas - 2010 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 26.
    En el presente trabajo se presentan algunos resultados obtenidos del estudio acerca de la configuración del Estado en el discurso político de las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo durante el 2001 - 2002. Para cumplir con lo enunciado, se realiza un análisis crítico del discurso con el objeto de identificar cómo el dispositivo utilizado por este movimiento social durante el periodo mencionado ocupa un conjunto de elementos discursivos que delimitan y/o fortalecen el sentido de la noción de Estado en (...)
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    Humanismo mexicano del siglo XX.Alberto Saladino García (ed.) - 2004 - Toluca: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
  33. A History of Ancient Israel: From the Beginnings to the Bar Kochba Revolt a.d. 135.J. Alberto Soggin - 1985
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  34. Judges: A Commentary.J. Alberto Soggin - 1981
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  35. Natural right and property in Jean Bodin.Alberto Ribeiro G. De Barros - 2006 - Trans/Form/Ação 29 (1):31-43.
    This article aims to discuss the concepts of natural right and property in Bodin's Iuri distributio universi and the political consequences of these ideas in Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem and Les Six Livres de la République .Este artigo pretende discutir os conceitos de direito natural e propriedade no Iuri universi distributio e as suas conseqüências políticas no Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem e no Les Six Livres de la République , de Jean Bodin.
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    Do silêncio e do seu imaginário. A Book of Silence , de Sara Maitland, sob interrogação.Alberto Filipe Ribeiro de Abreu Araújo & Ángel García del Dujo - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (49):257-298.
    The present study is based on the work by Sara Maitland entitled A Book of Silence and seeks to reflect on this theme in the line of high spirituality by crossing it with the figures of the imaginary that form the silence itself. To this end, we seek in the first part, devoted to silence, to understand the nature of silence in its manifestations, types and images, as it was thought and studied by Sara Maitland in her A Book of (...)
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    Folk-economic beliefs as “evidential fiction”: Putting the economic public discourse back on track.Alberto Acerbi & Pier Luigi Sacco - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41:e159.
    Folk-economic beliefs may be regarded as “evidential fictions” that exploit the natural tendency of human cognition to organize itself in narrative form. Narrative counter-arguments are likely more effective than logical debunking. The challenge is to convey sound economic reasoning in narratively conspicuous forms – an opportunity for economics to rethink its role and agency in public discourse, in the spirit of its old classics.
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    Finanzas y moneda internacionales al servicio del ser humano. Una propuesta desde la utopía.Alberto Acosta - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    El artículo provee una interpretación de la actual crisis financiera como parte de una crisis económica que tiene una serie de facetas sincronizadas, -amén de lo financiero, en lo ambiental, lo energético, lo alimentario- eventuales antesalas de una profunda y prolongada crisis civilizatoria. Plantea la necesidad de no reducir la atención sólo a los temas coyunturales y de diseñar una estrategia que permita sentar las bases estructurales para el cambio, aprovechando las actuales dificultades coyunturales y las debilidades relativas de los (...)
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    Zizek, qué fácil lo tienes: panfleto contra el intelectual del hoy.Alberto Adsuara - 2020 - Madrid: Sequitur.
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    Frederick August von Hayek e a teoria dos fenômenos completos: uma análise marxista.Carlos Alberto Lucena - 2011 - Educação E Filosofia 25 (49):173-200.
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    (1 other version)Propositional logic in Juan de Santo Tomás.Alberto Moreno - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (2):113-134.
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    Quindici problemi.Alberto Magno - 2018 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS. Edited by Albertus & Anna Rodolfi.
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  43. Teología oriental : belleza y mística.Z. Alberto Ramírez - 2015 - In Castrillón López, Luis Alberto & Carlos Arboleda Mora (eds.), Belleza y mística. Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Pontificia Bolivariana.
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    Verso un nuovo umanesimo: il pensiero di Gioacchino Ventura.Alberto Alessi - 1990 - Palermo: Novecento.
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    Novas fronteiras da moral no Brasil: obra de homenagem a Frei Bernardino Leers.Alberto Antoniazzi, J. B. Libânio, José de Souza Fernandes & Bernardino Leers (eds.) - 1992 - Aparecida, SP: Alfonsianum Instituto de Teologia Moral.
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  46. Storia e narrazione in Paul Ricoeur.Alberto Appoloni - 1987 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 16 (3):265-290.
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  47. El uso de la imagen política en TikTok y el impacto en la participación ciudadana en Cuenca, Ecuador.Alberto Darío Ordóñez Aray & Fabián Vladimir Argudo Palomeque - 2025 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 6 (11):e250185.
    TikTok ha emergido como una plataforma dominante para la creación y difusión de contenido en redes sociales, cautivando a millones de usuarios, especialmente jóvenes. En este contexto, los políticos han empezado a utilizar TikTok para construir y proyectar su imagen pública, buscando acercarse a la ciudadanía de manera más directa y moderna, identificando las dinámicas, percepciones y efectos que esta plataforma genera en el comportamiento cívico y en la interacción de los ciudadanos con los líderes políticos locales. La presente investigación (...)
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  48.  21
    Etnobotánica, modernidad y pedagogía crítica del lugar.Alberto Arenas & Carlos Del Cairo - 2009 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 14 (44):69-83.
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    L'esperienza come sistema: Leibniz, Kant e l'architettonica della ragione.Alberto Artosi - 2010 - Bologna: Archetipolibri.
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  50.  31
    Popper on necessity and natural laws.Alberto Artosi & Guido Governatori - 2006 - In Mario Alai & Gino Tarozzi (eds.), Karl Popper philosopher of science : proceedings of the conference. Soveria Mannelli, Italy: Rubbettino. pp. 107-118.
    During his philosophical career Karl Popper sought to characterize natural laws alternately as strictly universal and as 'naturally' or 'physically' necessary statements. In this paper we argue that neither characterization does what Popper claimed and sketch a reconstruction of his views that avoids some of their major drawbacks.
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