Results for 'Alan Bell'

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  1.  15
    Butler on Whitehead: On the Occasion.Jeffrey A. Bell, Vikki Bell, Judith Butler, Daniel A. Dombrowski, Jeremy D. Fackenthal, Kirsten M. Gerdes, Sigridur Guðmarsdóttir, Catherine Keller, Matthew S. LoPresti, Astrid Lorange, Randy Ramal & Alan Van Wyk (eds.) - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    Considered together, Butler and Whitehead draw from a wide palette of disciplines to develop distinctive theories of becoming, of syntactical violence, and creative opportunities of limitation. The contributors of this volume offer a unique contribution to and for the humanities in the struggles of politics, economy, ecology, and the arts.
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Nora K. Bell, Samantha J. Brennan, William F. Bristow, Diana H. Coole, Justin DArms, Michael S. Davis, Daniel A. Dombrowski, John J. P. Donnelly, Anthony J. Ellis, Mark C. Fowler, Alan E. Fuchs, Chris Hackler, Garth L. Hallett, Rita C. Manning, Kevin E. Olson, Lansing R. Pollock, Marc Lee Raphael, Robert A. Sedler, Charlene Haddock Seigfried, Kristin S. Schrader‐Frechette, Anita Silvers, Doran Smolkin, Alan G. Soble, James P. Sterba, Stephen P. Turner & Eric Watkins - 2001 - Ethics 111 (2):446-459.
  3. Comment on "Resolution of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen and Bell Paradoxes".Alan Macdonald - 1982 - Physical Review Letters 49.
  4.  26
    A Realistic Theory of Quantum Measurement.Alan K. Harrison - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-32.
    We propose that the ontic understanding of quantum mechanics can be extended to a fully realistic theory that describes the evolution of the wavefunction at all times, including during a measurement. In such an approach the wave equation should reduce to the standard wave equation when there is no measurement, and describe state reduction when the system is measured. The general wave equation must be nonlinear and nonlocal, and we require it to be time-symmetric; consequently, this approach is not a (...)
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    Aeschylus (B.) Deforge Une vie avec Eschyle. (Vérité des Mythes 35.) Pp. 304. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2010. Paper, €35. ISBN: 978-2-251-32458-6. [REVIEW]Alan H. Sommerstein - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):380-381.
  6. Epr.Alan Hájek & Jeffrey Bub - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (3):313-332.
    We present an exegesis of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argument for the incompleteness of quantum mechanics, and defend it against the critique in Fine. (1) We contend,contra Fine, that it compares favorably with an argument reconstructed by him from a letter by Einstein to Schrödinger; and also with one given by Einstein in a letter to Popper. All three arguments turn on a dubious assumption of “separability,” which accords separate elements of reality to space-like separated systems. We discuss how this assumption figures (...)
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    Metaphysics as an Aristotelian science.Ian Bell - 2004 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
    The dissertation's primary task is to discern to what extent the investigations contained in Aristotle's Metaphysics conform to the model of science developed in the Posterior Analytics. It concludes that the Metaphysics substantially follows the model of the Analytics in studying the causes and attributes of a specific nature, although it makes significant departures especially in its conception of the principles of being and substance. ;Two introductory chapters discuss respectively Aristotle's conception of science in the Analytics and the problems one (...)
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    Etudes Platoniciennes. Vol. i, Annuaire européen d'études platoniciennes.Gerald Alan Press - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (4):483-484.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.4 (2005) 483-484 [Access article in PDF] Société d'études platoniciennes. Études Platoniciennes. Vol. 1, Annuaire européen d'études platoniciennes. Edited by Luc Brisson and Jean-François Pradeau. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2004. Pp. 348, e 35,00. This is the first volume in what is projected to be an annual series published under the auspices of the Société d'études platoniciennes, with sponsorship in France, italy, and (...)
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    Murray G. Bell. Spaces of ideals of partial functions. Set theory and its applications, Proceedings of a conference held at York University, Ontario, Canada, Aug. 10–21,1987, edited by J. Streprāns and S. Watson, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 1401, Springer-Verlag, Berlin etc. 1989, pp. 1–4. - Alan Dow. Compact spaces of countable tightness in the Cohen model. Set theory and its applications, Proceedings of a conference held at York University, Ontario, Canada, Aug. 10–21,1987, edited by J. Streprāns and S. Watson, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 1401, Springer-Verlag, Berlin etc. 1989, pp. 55–67. - Peter J. Nyikos. Classes of compact sequential spaces. Set theory and its applications, Proceedings of a conference held at York University, Ontario, Canada, Aug. 10–21,1987, edited by J. Streprāns and S. Watson, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 1401, Springer-Verlag, Berlin etc. 1989, pp. 135–159. - Franklin D. Tall. Topological problems for set-theorists. Set theory and its appl. [REVIEW]Judith Roitman - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (2):753-755.
    Reviewed Works:Murray G. Bell, J. Streprans, S. Watson, Spaces of Ideals of Partial Functions.Alan Dow, Compact Spaces of Countable Tightness in the Cohen Model.Peter J. Nyikos, Classes of Compact Sequential Spaces.Franklin D. Tall, Topological Problems for Set-Theorists.
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  10. Alan Turing: Mathematical Mechanist.Anthony F. Beavers - unknown
    I live just off of Bell Road outside of Newburgh, Indiana, a small town of 3,000 people. A mile down the street Bell Road intersects with Telephone Road not as a modern reminder of a technology belonging to bygone days, but as testimony that this technology, now more than a century and a quarter old, is still with us. In an age that prides itself on its digital devices and in which the computer now equals the telephone as (...)
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    Fizik, Felsefe ve Gerçekliğin Doğası.Maudlin Tim & Yıldız Murat - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi:null null.
    Bilim ve felsefe, gerçekliğin doğasını anlamlandırma araştırması olarak betimlenebilir. Hatta bazen bu iki alan karşı karşıya getirilerek, bilimin başarısının felsefenin geçerliliğini baltaladığını öne sürerler. Ancak aranılan türden bir anlayış veya açıklama ile ilgilenmek farklı bir tablo sunar: Uygulandığı şekliyle çağdaş fizik bazen dünyanın net bir fiziksel açıklamasını sağlamakta başarısız olur. Einstein, Schrödinger ve John Bell tarafından ifade edilen standart kuantum teorisine yönelik memnuniyetsizliğin temelinde bu yatmaktadır. Bir örnek olarak, Schrödinger’in ünlü kedi örneğinin yakından incelenmesi fizikçilerin genellikle onun asıl (...)
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  12. The nature of science and instructional practice: Making the unnatural natural.Fouad Abd-El-Khalick, Randy L. Bell & Norman G. Lederman - 1998 - Science Education 82 (4):417-436.
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  13. Interpreting Carnap: Critical Essays.Alan W. Richardson & Adam Tamas Tuboly (eds.) - 2024 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    A comprehensive, systematic, and historical collection of essays on Rudolf Carnap's philosophy and legacy, written by leading international experts. This volume provides a redressing of Carnap's place in the history of analytic philosophy, through his approach to metaphysics, values, politics, epistemology and philosophy of science.
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  14. Mathematics and Explanatory Generality.Alan Baker - 2017 - Philosophia Mathematica 25 (2):194-209.
    According to one popular nominalist picture, even when mathematics features indispensably in scientific explanations, this mathematics plays only a purely representational role: physical facts are represented, and these exclusively carry the explanatory load. I think that this view is mistaken, and that there are cases where mathematics itself plays an explanatory role. I distinguish two kinds of explanatory generality: scope generality and topic generality. Using the well-known periodical-cicada example, and also a new case study involving bicycle gears, I argue that (...)
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  15. 'The Fact of Science' and the Critique of Knowledge: Exact Science as Problem and Resource in Marburg Neo-Kantianism.Alan Richardson - 2006 - In Michael Friedman & Alfred Nordmann, The Kantian Legacy in Nineteenth-Century Science. MIT Press. pp. 211-226.
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    Reflections on philosophy and religion.Alan Donagan - 1999 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Anthony N. Perovich.
    This book contains the collected papers of Alan Donagan on topics in the philosophy of religion. Donagan was respected as a leading figure in American moral philosophy. His untimely death in 1991 prevented him from collecting his philosophical reflections on religion, particularly Christianity, and its relation to ethics and other concerns. This collection, therefore, constitutes the fullest expression of Donagan's thought on Christianity and ethics, in which it is possible to discern the outlines of a coherent, overarching theory. Editor (...)
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    Literature and the Cognitive Revolution.Alan Richardson & Francis F. Steen - 2002 - Duke University Press.
    Since the 1950s, the cognitive revolution has been transforming work in psychology, linguistics, and anthropology. Literary scholars, however, have only recently begun to grapple with the significance of cognitive understandings of language, mind, and behavior for literary and cultural studies. This unique issue of Poetics Today brings the concerns of literary history and cultural studies for the first time into a sustained and productive dialogue with cognitive methods, findings, and paradigms.The introduction situates the collection in relation to previous work, defines (...)
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    The concept of working memory: A view of its current state and probable future development.Alan Baddeley - 1981 - Cognition 10 (1-3):17-23.
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  19. Knowledge and ability in "theory of mind": A one-eyed overview of a debate.Alan M. Leslie & T. P. German - 1995 - In Paul L. Harris, Mental Simulation. Cambridge: Blackwell. pp. 123--151.
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  20. Canadian Research Ethics Boards and Multisite Research: Experiences from Two Minimal-Risk Studies.Eric Racine, Emily Bell & Constance Deslauriers - 2010 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 32 (3):12-18.
    Canada’s Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans mandates that all research involving human subjects be reviewed and approved by a research ethics board . We have little evidence on how researchers are dealing with this requirement in multisite studies, which involve more than one REB. We retrospectively examined 22 REB submissions for two minimal-risk, multisite studies in leading Canadian institutions. Most REBs granted expedited review to the studies, while one declared the application to be exempt from review. (...)
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  21.  80
    Hierarchy, causation and explanation: ubiquity, locality, and pluralism.Alan C. Love - 2012 - Interface Focus 2 (1):115–125..
    The ubiquity of top-down causal explanations within and across the sciences is prima facie evidence for the existence of top-down causation. Much debate has been focused on whether top-down causation is coherent or in conflict with reductionism. Less attention has been given to the question of whether these representations of hierarchical relations pick out a single, common hierarchy. A negative answer to this question undermines a commonplace view that the world is divided into stratified ‘levels’ of organization and suggests that (...)
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  22. Newton, active powers, and the mechanical philosophy.Alan Gabbey - 2002 - In I. Bernard Cohen & George E. Smith, The Cambridge Companion to Newton. Cambridge University Press. pp. 329--357.
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  23. (1 other version)God, Eternity and the Nature of Time.Alan Padgett - 1994 - Religious Studies 30 (2):247-249.
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    Psychotherapy, East and West.Alan Watts - 1961 - [New York]: Pantheon Books.
    Explicates the mutually fundamental commonalities between the methods and practices of Western psychotherapies, especially those whose bases are social, interpersonal, and communicational, and the disciplines of Buddhism, Vedanta, Yoga, and Taoism.
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  25. Nietzsche and moral fictionalism.Alan Thomas - 2012 - In Simon Robertson & Christopher Janaway, Nietzsche, Naturalism & Normativity. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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  26. The Philosophy of John Stuart Mill.Alan Ryan - 1975 - Mind 84 (334):313-314.
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  27.  55
    Hegel and the Spirit: Philosophy as Pneumatology.Alan M. Olson (ed.) - 1992 - Princeton University Press.
    Hegel and the Spirit explores the meaning of Hegel's grand philosophical category, the category of Geist, by way of what Alan Olson terms a pneumatological thesis. Hegel's philosophy of spirit, according to Olson, is a speculative pneumatology that completes what Adolf von Harnack once called the "orphan doctrine" in Christian theology--the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Olson argues that Hegel's development of philosophy as pneumatology originates out of a deep appreciation of Luther's dialectical understanding of Spirit and that Hegel's (...)
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  28. Mathematical Induction and Explanation.Alan Baker - 2010 - Analysis 70 (4):681-689.
  29.  46
    Frameworks and Deflation in “Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology” and Recent Metametaphysics.Alan Sidelle - 2016 - In Stephan Blatti & Sandra Lapointe, Ontology after Carnap. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 59-80.
    ABSTRACT: Rudolf Carnap’s “Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology” (ESO) has received a good deal of sympathetic interest over the years from philosophers who are not particularly sympathetic to verificationism, or suspicious of metaphysics in general. Recent work has favorably cited ESO in connection with doubts about the genuine content of debates in the metaphysics of material objects. But, when we look at how Carnap introduces his central notion of a ‘framework’, and the questions he wants to use it to deflate, there (...)
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  30.  10
    Socrates, the original and its images.Alan F. Blum - 1978 - Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    This book, first published in 1978, is a radical approach to the philosophical distinction between Being and beings, in which the life of Socrates is used as the metaphor for the theoretical life, in contrast to the continuous historical interest in that life as an object for biographical reconstruction and description. Professor Blum's main concern is to develop a story that coordinates stages of the theoretical life to practices which exemplify man's ideal relationship with language.
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  31.  88
    The impact of guanxi on the ethical decision-making process of auditors – an exploratory study on chinese CPAs in Hong Kong.Alan K. M. Au & Danny S. N. Wong - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 28 (1):87 - 93.
    Using professional accountants as respondents in Hong Kong, this study strives to develop a model to depict the effect of ethical reasoning on the relationships between guanxi and auditors; behaviour in an audit conflict situation. The results of the study found that (1) there is a significant relationship between an auditor's ethical judgement and one's moral cognitive development; (2) there is a relationship between an auditor's ethical judgement and the existence of guanxi; and (3) the impact of guanxi on an (...)
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  32.  41
    Philosophical Heuristics and Philosophical Methodology.Alan Hájek - 2016 - In Herman Cappelen, Tamar Gendler & John Hawthorne, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophy has a wealth of heuristics—philosophical heuristics—although they have not been well documented or studied. Sometimes they draw attention to a problem with a philosophical position—for example, it involves a problematic definite description, or it has to make a choice that seems arbitrary. Sometimes they provide solutions to a problem—for example, there are many techniques for handling arbitrariness. Sometimes they suggest ways of replacing hard problems with easier ones, with strategies for approaching the latter—for example, replacing intensional notions with extensional (...)
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    On an argument for irrationalism.Alan Weir - 1996 - Philosophical Papers 25 (2):95-114.
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    Performance, grouping and schenkerian alternative Readings in some passages from beethoven's'lebewohl' sonata.Alan Dodson - 2008 - Music Analysis 27 (1):107-134.
    It is proposed that one musically interesting way to characterise and compare different performances or recordings of the same piece is by correlating them with different Schenkerian interpretations through the medium of grouping. This approach is demonstrated through an examination of four 'either/or' passages from the first movement of Beethoven's Piano Sonata in E Major, Op. 81a, passages in which at least two Schenkerian interpretations are possible. Schenker's own published and unpublished sketches, among others, are considered alongside recordings by Vladimir (...)
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  35. Can Philosophers Learn from Historians?Alan Donagan - 1970 - In Howard Evans Kiefer & Milton Karl Munitz, Mind, science, and history. Albany,: State University of New York Press. pp. 244.
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  36. The visual aspect of artificial life.Alan Dorin - unknown
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  37. Is utilitarian morality necessarily too demanding.Alan Carter - 2009 - In Timothy Chappell, The Problem of Moral Demandingness: New Philosophical Essays. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
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  38. Beyond morphogenesis: enhancing synthetic trees through death, declay and the Weasel Test.Alan Dorin - unknown
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    Creativity refined: Bypassing the gatekeepers of appropriateness and value.Alan Dorin & Kevin Korb - unknown
  40. Metacreation : art and artificial life.Alan Dorin - unknown
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  41. Insolubilia in the Logica parva of Paul of Venice.Alan R. Perreiah - 1978 - Medioevo 4:145-171.
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  42.  7
    Weber, Irrationality, and Social Order.Alan Sica - 1988 - University of California Press.
    Despite immediate appearances, this book is not primarily a hermeneutical exercise in which the superiority of one interpretation of canonical texts is championed against others. Its origin lies elsewhere, near the overlap of history, psychoanalysis, aesthetics, and social theory of the usual kind. Weber, Pareto, Freud, W. I. Thomas, Max Scheler, Karl Mannheim, and many others of similar stature long ago wondered and wrote much about the interplay between societal rationalization and individual rationality, between collective furor and private psychopathology—in short, (...)
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    Church on ontological commitment.Alan Ross Anderson - 1959 - Journal of Philosophy 56 (10):448-452.
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  44. The Philosophy of Social Explanation.Alan Ryan - 1976 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 166 (1):54-55.
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  45.  22
    Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice.Maurianne Adams & Lee Anne Bell (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    For twenty years, _Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice_ has been the definitive sourcebook of theoretical foundations, pedagogical and design frameworks, and curricular models for social justice teaching practice. Thoroughly revised and updated, this third edition continues in the tradition of its predecessors to cover the most relevant issues and controversies in social justice education in a practical, hands-on format. Filled with ready-to-apply activities and discussion questions, this book provides teachers and facilitators with an accessible pedagogical approach to issues of (...)
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  46. How could scientific facts be socially constructed?: Introduction: The dispute between constructivists and rationalists.Alan Nelson - 1994 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (4):535-547.
  47.  52
    New Perspectives on Aristotle’s De Caelo.Alan C. Bowen & Christian Wildberg (eds.) - 2009 - Brill.
    New Perspectives on Aristotle'sDe caelo (Leiden) 139-161. Machamer, PK (1978) " Aristotle on Natural Place and Motion" Isis 69: 377-387. ...
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  48. Hegel.Alan Patten - 2003 - In David Boucher & Paul Joseph Kelly, Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present. 2nd. ed, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  49. The concept of episodic memory.Alan Baddeley - 2002 - In Alan Baddeley, John Aggleton & Martin Conway, Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research : Originating from a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society. Oxford University Press.
  50.  17
    The philosophy of social explanation.Alan Ryan (ed.) - 1973 - [London]: Oxford University Press.
    Friends since childhood, Anais Darnby and Lindsay Markham have long harbored a secret passion for one another. When they finally confess their love, their future together seems assured, sealed with their searing embrace. But when a debauched Lindsay is seduced by a scheming socialite, a devastated Anais seeks refuge in another man's bed while Lindsay retreats to the exotic East. There, he is seduced again--this time by the alluring red smoke and sinister beauty of opium. Back home, Lindsay's addiction is (...)
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