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Alan Watts [44]Alan W. Watts [7]Alan G. Watts [1]Alan S. Watts [1]
  1. The Way of Zen.Alan W. Watts - 1957 - Philosophy East and West 7 (1):70-73.
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    The book; on the taboo against knowing who you are.Alan Watts - 1966 - New York,: Vintage Books.
    Drawing upon ancient Hindu philosophy, the author explores the human psyche and the importance of personal identity.
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    Psychotherapy, East and West.Alan Watts - 1961 - [New York]: Pantheon Books.
    Explicates the mutually fundamental commonalities between the methods and practices of Western psychotherapies, especially those whose bases are social, interpersonal, and communicational, and the disciplines of Buddhism, Vedanta, Yoga, and Taoism.
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    Tao: The Watercourse Way.Alan Watts & Al Chung-Liang Huang - 1977 - Pantheon.
    Drawing on ancient and modern sources, "a lucid discussion of Taoism and the Chinese language [that's] profound, reflective, and enlightening." —Boston Globe According to Deepak Chopra, "Watts was a spiritual polymatch, the first and possibly greatest." Watts treats the Chinese philosophy of Tao in much the same way as he did Zen Buddhism in his classic The Way of Zen. Critics agree that this last work stands as a perfect monument to the life and literature of Alan Watts. "Perhaps the (...)
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    Psychotherapy East and West.E. H. S. & Alan W. Watts - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (4):617.
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    The Wisdom of Insecurity.Alan Watts - 1974 - Vintage Books.
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    Nature, man, and woman.Alan Watts - 1958 - [New York]: Pantheon.
    Contrasting Christian and Taoist thought, the philosopher explores the roots of man's estrangement from nature and its relationship to modern social, psychological, and sexual anxieties That human beings stand separate from a nature that ...
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    The joyous cosmology: adventures in the chemistry of consciousness.Alan Watts - 1962 - Novato, California: New World Library.
    Philosopher Alan Watts describes his experiences with consciousness-changing drugs and the levels of insight that they can facilitate, illuminating questions about the nature of existence and the existence of the sacred. Originally published in 1962; new edition includes article on psychedelics written for the California Law Review"--Provided by publisher.
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    Psychotherapy East & West.Alan Watts - 2017 - New World Library.
    Before he became a counterculture hero, Alan Watts was known as an incisive scholar of Eastern and Western psychology and philosophy. In this 1961 classic, Watts demonstrates his deep understanding of both Western psychotherapy and the Eastern spiritual philosophies of Buddhism, Taoism, Vedanta, and Yoga. He examined the problem of humans in a seemingly hostile universe in ways that questioned the social norms and illusions that bind and constrict modern humans. Marking a groundbreaking synthesis, Watts asserted that the powerful insights (...)
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    Death.Alan Watts - 1975 - Millbrae, Calif.: Celestial Arts.
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    The Supreme Identity: An Essay on Oriental Metaphysic and the Christian Religion.Alan Watts - 1972 - Pantheon Books.
    Modern Civilization, Watts maintains, is in a state of chaos because its spiritual leadership has lost effective knowledge of man's true nature. Neither philosophy nor religion today gives us the consciousness that at the deepest center of our being exists an eternal reality, which in the West is called God. Yet only from this realization come the serenity and spiritual power necessary for a stable and creative society. One of the most influential of Alan Watts's early works, The Supreme Identity (...)
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    Erotic Spirituality, the Vision of Konarak.Joan Hertzog, Eliot Elisofon & Alan Watts - 1973 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (4):560.
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    The Spirit of Zen.J. K. Shryock & Alan W. Watts - 1937 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 57 (2):204.
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  14. Anatomy of motivation.Alan G. Watts & Larry W. Swanson - 2002 - In J. Wixted & H. Pashler, Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology. Wiley.
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    Alan Watts interviewed by Michael Murphy.Alan Watts - unknown - [n.p.]: Big Sur Recordings. Edited by Michael Murphy.
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    Alan Watts--in the academy: essays and lectures.Alan Watts (ed.) - 2017 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    Explores language and mysticism, Buddhism and Zen, Christianity, comparative religion, psychedelics, and psychology and psychotherapy. Gold Winner for Philosophy, 2017 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards To commemorate the 2015 centenary of the birth of Alan Watts (1915–1973), Peter J. Columbus and Donadrian L. Rice have assembled a much-needed collection of Watts’s scholarly essays and lectures. Compiled from professional journals, monographs, scholarly books, conferences, and symposia proceedings, the volume sheds valuable light on the developmental arc of Watts’s thinking about (...)
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    (2 other versions)Bookend.Alan Watts - 1987 - Business Ethics 1 (5):18-18.
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    (1 other version)Become what you are.Alan Watts - 1995 - Boston: Distributed in the U.S. by Random House. Edited by Mark Watts.
    In this collection of essays, Watts displays the playfulness of thought and simplicity of language that has made him one of the most popular lecturers and authors on the spiritual traditions of the East. Watts draws on a variety of religious traditions and explores the limits of language in the face of spiritual truth.
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  19. Dao, Calea ca o curgere de apă.Alan Watts - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Ego.Alan Watts - 1975 - Millbrae, Calif.: Celestial Arts.
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    God.Alan Watts - 1974 - Millbrae, Calif.: Celestial Arts.
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  22. (1 other version)In my own way.Alan Watts - 1972 - New York,: Vintage Books.
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  23. Le bouddhisme zen.Alan W. Watts & P. Berlot - 1970 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 160:371-372.
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  24. Les deux mains de Dieu. Les mythes de polarité.Alan Watts - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (4):738-739.
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  25. Man in Nature. Work as Play.Alan Watts, Henry Jacobs & David D. Grieve - 1993
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    Nothingness.Alan Watts - 1974 - Millbrae, Calif.: Celestial Arts.
  27. Nature, Man and Woman a New Approach to Sexual Experience.Alan Watts - 1958 - Thames & Hudson.
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    Out of your mind: tricksters, interdependence, and the cosmic game of hide-and-seek.Alan Watts - 2017 - Boulder, CO: Sounds True.
    In order to come to your senses, Alan Watts often said, you sometimes need to go out of your mind. Perhaps more than any other teacher in the West, this celebrated author, former Anglican priest, and self-described spiritual entertainer was responsible for igniting the passion of countless wisdom seekers to the spiritual and philosophical delights of India, China, and Japan. With Out of Your Mind, you are invited to immerse yourself in six of this legendary thinker's most engaging teachings on (...)
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    On philosophical synthesis.Alan W. Watts - 1953 - Philosophy East and West 3 (2):99-100.
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    Psychotherapy and liberation.Alan Watts - 1998 - In Anthony Molino, The couch and the tree: dialogues in psychoanalysis and Buddhism. New York: North Point Press. pp. 72--79.
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    Philosophical fantasies.Alan Watts - 1975 - Millbrae, Calif. ;: Celestial Arts.
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    Three.Alan Watts - 1961 - New York: Pantheon Books.
    The way of Zen.--Nature, man, and woman.--Psychotherapy East and West.
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    Time.Alan Watts - 1975 - Millbrae, Calif.: Celestial Arts.
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    The cosmic drama.Alan Watts - 1975 - Millbrae, Calif.: Celestial Arts.
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    The collected letters of Alan Watts.Alan Watts - 2017 - Novato, CA: New World Library.
    The correspondence of a one-of-a-kind spiritual maverick who continues to influence thinkers of all stripes.
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    The Culture of Counter-culture: The Edited Transcripts.Alan Watts - 1998 - Tuttle Publishing.
    A collection of lectures presented during the 1960s explores the roots of the American counter-cultural movement.
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    The Dickens Special Issue.Alan S. Watts - 1986 - The Chesterton Review 12 (3):421-422.
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    The essence of Alan Watts.Alan Watts - 1974 - Millbrae, Calif.,: Celestial Arts.
    book 1. God.--book 2. Meditation.--book 3. Nothingness.--book 4. Death.--book 5. The nature of man.--book 6. Time.--book 7. Philosophical fantasies.--book 8. Ego.--book 9. The cosmic drama.
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    The fish who found the sea.Alan Watts - 2020 - Boulder, Colorado: Sounds True. Edited by Khoa Le.
    This parable from the beloved philosopher Alan Watts tells the story of a confused fish who begins to chase his own tail in an effort to keep from falling to the bottom of the ocean. The poor fish becomes more and more anxious and exhausted, until the Great Sea speaks up to remind him of what was supporting him all along. This is a 32-page, fully illustrated picture book with illustrations from award-winning illustrator Khoa Le with a message every bit (...)
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  40. The legacy of Asia and western man.Alan Watts - 1937 - London,: J. Murray.
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    The legacy of Asia and western man.Alan Watts - 1937 - London,: J. Murray.
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    The nature of man.Alan Watts - 1975 - Millbrae, Calif.: Celestial Arts.
    This book explores the development of hybrid corn, the history of eugenics, human genetics, the nature-nurture debate, the origins of the Marxian concept of proletarian science, the shift in the meaning of "fitness" in evolutionary theory, the practice of normal science in Nazi Germany, and the making and selling of science textbooks. While the topics are diverse, a common theme unites them - each explores links between biological science, social power, and public policy.
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  43. The Path of the Saint.Alan W. Watts - 1947
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    The philosophies of Asia: the edited transcripts.Alan Watts - 1995 - Boston: C.E. Tuttle.
    This compilation offers a unique synthesis of the traditional branches of Eastern thought by drawing upon their historical connections and common foundations in mystical experience.
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  45. The Relationship Between Eastern Religion and Psychotherapy.Alan Watts - 1971 - Big Sur Recordings.
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    The Two Hands of God: An Exploration of the Underlying Unity of All Things.Alan Watts - 1963 - Vintage.
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    The Tao of philosophy: the edited transcripts.Alan Watts - 1995 - Boston: C.E. Tuttle.
    Featuring the edited transcripts of eight lectures delivered by Alan Watts from 1960 to 1973. The Tao of Philosophy offers a rich introduction to the wit and wisdom of one of the foremost philosophers of the twentieth century.
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    The way of liberation: essays and lectures on the transformation of the self.Alan Watts - 1983 - New York: Weatherhill. Edited by Mark Watts & Rebecca Shropshire.
    The way of liberation in Zen Buddhism -- Play and survival -- The relevance of Oriental philosophy -- Suspension of judgment -- Chuang-tzu, wisdom of the ridiculous -- The practice of meditation.
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