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Alan Patten [40]Alan Warren Patten [1]
  1. Hegel's idea of freedom.Alan Patten - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers the first full-length treatment in English of Hegel's idea of freedom - his theory of what it is to be free and his account of the social and political contexts in which this freedom is developed, realized, and sustained. Freedom is the value that Hegel most greatly admired and the central organizing concept of his social philosophy.
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  2. Liberal Neutrality: A Reinterpretation and Defense.Alan Patten - 2011 - Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (3):249-272.
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  3. Should We Stop Thinking About Poverty in Terms of Helping the Poor?Alan Patten - 2005 - Ethics and International Affairs 19 (1):19-27.
    According to what Patten calls the "need-based" view, "we have a very strong and extensive set of duties to come to the assistance of the global poor: duties that are grounded in the neediness of the poor.".
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    Language Rights and Political Theory.Will Kymlicka & Alan Patten (eds.) - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume provides an up-to-date overview of the emerging debates over the role of language rights and linguistic diversity within political theory. Thirteen chapters, written by many of the leading theorists in the field, identify the challenges and opportunities that linguistic diversity raises for contemporary societies.
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    15 The Republican Critique of Liberalism.Alan Patten - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory: A Reader.
  6.  66
    Are The Economic Liberties Basic?Alan Patten - 2014 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 26 (3):362-374.
    According to John Tomasi's Free Market Fairness, there are serious constraints on what a liberal state may do to promote economic justice. Tomasi defends this claim by arguing that important economic liberties ought to be regarded as “basic” and given special priority over other liberal concerns, including those of economic justice. I argue that Tomasi's defense of this claim is unsuccessful. One problem takes the form of a dilemma: depending on how the claim is formulated more precisely, Tomasi's argument seems (...)
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    (1 other version)The Normative Logic of Religious Liberty.Alan Patten - 2016 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (4):129-154.
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    Political Theory and Language Policy.Alan Patten - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (5):691-715.
  9. Introduction: Language rights and political theory: Context, issues, and approaches.Alan Patten & Will Kymlicka - 2003 - In Will Kymlicka & Alan Patten, Language Rights and Political Theory. Oxford University Press. pp. 1--51.
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  10. Democratic secession from a multinational state.Alan Patten - 2002 - Ethics 112 (3):558-586.
  11.  39
    Equal citizenship, neutrality, and democracy: a reply to critics of Equal Recognition.Alan Patten - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (1):127-141.
  12. Survey article: The justification of minority language rights.Alan Patten - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 17 (1):102-128.
  13.  39
    Populist multiculturalism: Are there majority cultural rights?Alan Patten - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (5):539-552.
    Theories of multiculturalism explore whether minority cultural groups have rights and claims that limit the nation-building aims of the modern state and that protect a space in which minorities can...
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  14. Hegel.Alan Patten - 2003 - In David Boucher & Paul Joseph Kelly, Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present. 2nd. ed, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Liberal Neutrality and Language Policy.Alan Patten - 2003 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 31 (4):356-386.
  16.  63
    Religious Accommodation and Disproportionate Burden.Alan Patten - 2020 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 15 (1):61-74.
    The paper offers a critical engagement with Cécile Laborde’s book, Liberalism’s Religion. It elaborates several objections to Laborde’s account of religious accommodations, and sketches an alternative approach.
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    The rights of internal linguistic minorities.Alan Patten - 2005 - In Avigail Eisenberg & Jeff Spinner-Halev, minorities within minorities: equality, rights and diversity. cambridge university press. pp. 135--54.
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  18.  34
    Liberalism, Culture, and Recognition: A Reply to Critics.Alan Patten - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (1):131-141.
  19.  40
    Equal Recognition: A Reply to Four Critics.Alan Patten - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (2):177-191.
    Alan Patten | : Equal Recognition seeks to restate the case in favour of liberal multiculturalism in a manner that is responsive to major objections that have been advanced by critics in recent years. The book engages, among other questions, with two central unresolved problems. First, how should ideas of culture and cultural preservation be understood, given widespread suspicion that these ideas rely on an unavowed, but objectionable, form of essentialism? And, second, what exactly is the normative basis of cultural (...)
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    Liberal Egalitarianism and the Case for Supporting National Cultures.Alan Patten - 1999 - The Monist 82 (3):387-410.
    Liberal egalitarians agree that the state should protect and promote the freedom of the individual and strive to establish equality of opportunity and resources. They tend to disagree, however, about what these principles entail concerning the state's attitude to the success or failure of the different national cultures which co-exist in many modern political communities. To some it seems obvious that, given the profound importance of culture in shaping a person's identity and outlook, treating people in accordance with liberal egalitarian (...)
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  21. What kind of bilingualism?Alan Patten - 2003 - In Will Kymlicka & Alan Patten, Language Rights and Political Theory. Oxford University Press. pp. 296--321.
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  22.  28
    Hobbes, Locke, and Confusion's Masterpiece: An Examination of Seventeenth-Century Political Philosophy - By Ross Harrison.Alan Patten - 2006 - Philosophical Books 47 (4):352-355.
  23.  22
    A Civic Humanist Idea of Freedom.Alan Patten - 1999 - In Hegel's idea of freedom. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Explores and partially defends Hegel's claim that freedom is most fully realized through membership in the modern state. It contrasts Hegel's ‘civic humanist’ understanding of this claim with the social contract theory's view of the relationship between freedom and the state. The chapter also argues against those commentators who see something sinister in the Hegelian association of freedom with the state. In developing its interpretation, the chapter considers Hegel's distinction between state and civil society and it offers an overview of (...)
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    Conclusion.Alan Patten - 1999 - In Hegel's idea of freedom. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The final chapter recapitulates the main puzzles considered in the book and summarizes how the book proposes to solve them. It also raises several problems with Hegel's project.
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    Freedom as Rational Self‐Determination.Alan Patten - 1999 - In Hegel's idea of freedom. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Offers an interpretation of the core conception of freedom found in Hegel's social and political philosophy. It argues that to an extent that is sometimes underestimated in the secondary literature Hegel follows Kant in conceptualizing freedom as rational self‐determination. Through a study of Hegel's claim that there is an opposition between freedom and authority, the chapter explains why freedom is associated with rational self‐determination and it considers and responds to various standard objections against understanding freedom in this way.
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  26.  14
    Hegel and Social Contract Theory.Alan Patten - 1999 - In Hegel's idea of freedom. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Considers how Hegel could both accept the starting point of social contract theory and reject what contractarians take to be an obvious implication of that starting point. It also explores the alternative account of social and political legitimacy that Hegel draws from the principle of freedom. A major theme of the chapter is the importance that Hegel attaches to the ways in which the major institutions of the modern community work to develop and sustain individual free agency. Hegel's main objection (...)
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  27.  21
    Hegel’s Alternative to Nationalism.Alan Patten - 2021 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 33 (3-4):359-377.
    ABSTRACT All of the major German Idealists perceived a gap between ideals and social reality. Kant sought to bridge this gap through an institutional design that forced self-interest to track the public good. Fichte embraced cultural nationalism, according to which, to overcome the gap between ideals and reality, a nation must revive and strengthen its original culture. Hegel’s solution, in contrast, rests on the idea of ethical habituation. For Hegel, the institutions of a well-designed social order encourage the habits and (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Hegel's Justification of Private Property.Alan Patten - 1995 - History of Political Thought 16 (4):576-600.
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    Introduction: Perspectives on Hegel's Idea of Freedom.Alan Patten - 1999 - In Hegel's idea of freedom. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Introduces the problem of freedom and community in Hegel's thought. Hegel claims that a particular form of community membership is necessary for individual freedom, but this leads to several puzzles. The chapter contrasts and criticizes several standard interpretations of Hegel's theory of freedom and sketches the alternative interpretation to be advanced in the book. It discusses Hegel's views on the connections between freedom, conventionalism, history, and spirit, and it introduces the ‘civic humanist’ aspect of his thought.
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  30.  29
    Social Contract Theory and the Politics of Recognition in Hegel's Political Philosophy.Alan Patten - 2001 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 15:167-184.
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    The humanist roots of linguistic nationalism.Alan Patten - 2006 - History of Political Thought 27 (2):221-262.
    The paper argues that modern 'linguistic nationalism' has intellectual roots in Renaissance humanist thought. In their study of classical antiquity, the humanists found a powerful model of the relationship between language and politics, one which had eloquence as its central concept and theorized language as a source of social and political power and as a vehicle for glorifying the deeds of statesmen. This model was originally revived by the humanists in the context of their belief that the Latin language had (...)
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  32.  12
    The Idea of Israel as a Jewish State.Alan Patten - 2020 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 21 (2):531-559.
    Israel is often described as a Jewish state and as the locus of Jewish self-determination. How should these phrases be understood? How can they be squared with a commitment to equal citizenship for non-Jewish Israelis? This Article distinguishes between descriptive and normative answers to these questions. The descriptive answer interprets the phrases as referring to the fact that a majority of Israelis are Jewish. The normative answer reads into the phrases a special obligation to promote the common good of the (...)
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  33. 10. William A. Edmundson, ed., The Duty to Obey the Law: Selected Philosophical Readings William A. Edmundson, ed., The Duty to Obey the Law: Selected Philosophical Readings (pp. 614-616). [REVIEW]R. Jay Wallace, Gerald Dworkin, John Deigh, T. M. Scanlon, Peter Vallentyne & Alan Patten - 2002 - Ethics 112 (3).
  34.  38
    Paulo Barone, Eta della polvere: Giacometti, Heidegger, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer e 10 spazio estetico della caducita (Venice: Marsilio, 1999). Warren Breckman, Marx, the Young Hegelians, and the Origins of Radical Social Theory: Dethroning the Self (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999). Paul Diesing, Hegel's Dialectical Political Economy: A Contemporary Application (Boul. [REVIEW]Steven Hicks, Bernard Mabille, Alan Patten, Raymond Plant, Fabrizio Ravaglioli, Herbert Schnadelbach & Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron - 1999 - The Owl of Minerva 31 (1).
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    Michael O Hardimon, Hegel's Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp xiv + 278, Hb £35, Pbk £17.95. [REVIEW]Alan Patten - 1996 - Hegel Bulletin 17 (2):43-50.
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