Results for 'Agro-ecology'

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  1.  42
    Local agro-ecological knowledge and its relationship to farmers' pest management decision making in rural Honduras.Kris A. G. Wyckhuys & Robert J. O’Neil - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (3):307-321.
    Integrated pest management (IPM) has been widely promoted in the developing world, but in many regions its adoption rates have been variable. Experience has shown that to ensure IPM adoption, the complexities of local agro-production systems and context-specific folk knowledge need to be appreciated. Our research explored the linkages between farmer knowledge, pest management decision making, and ecological attributes of subsistence maize agriculture. We report a case study from four rural communities in the highlands of southeast Honduras. Communities were (...)
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    Raising organic: An agro-ecological assessment of grower practices in California. [REVIEW]Julie Guthman - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (3):257-266.
    As the organic food sector has grownand changed to become more mainstream, large-scaleconventional growers have entered into organicproduction. While it is increasingly clear that notall organic farms are self-sufficient small scaleunits that practice poly-cultural agronomy and sell inlocal marketing venues, there still exists apresumption that there are clear lines between thesmall scale ``movement'' farmers who followagro-ecological agronomic ideals and the relativelylarger and partly conventional newcomers who do not.This paper addresses a specific empirical issue, whichis the extent to which California organic (...)
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  3. The Alliance Approach to Innovation: Agro-ecological Innovations, Alliance and Agency.Lori Keleher - 2017 - Ethics and Economics 14 (1):35-50.
    Agro-ecological innovations aim at promoting sustainable agricultural practices that have long term benefits. However, farmers rarely adopt beneficial innovations in agro-ecology despite expressing an understanding of the benefits and a desire to do so. It has been argued that the farmers lack sufficient knowledge to implement complex innovations. We believe that in many cases such knowledge is necessary, but is ultimately insufficient for complex innovation adoption. We argue that in addition to knowledge and a desire to adopt (...)
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  4.  47
    Organic and conventional agriculture: Materializing discourse and agro-ecological managerialism. [REVIEW]David Goodman - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (3):215-219.
    This introduction situates key themesfound in papers given at a recent workshop on thechanging material practices, meanings, and regulationof US organic food production. The context is theemergence of an international bio-politics ofagriculture and food and, more particularly in the US,the contradictions of sustainable agriculturemovements catalyzed by the rapid scaling up of organicagriculture from a niche activity to nascentindustry.
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  5.  19
    Remote Sensing Monitoring and Ecological Risk Assessment of Landscape Patterning in the Agro-Pastoral Ecotone of Northeast China.Min Guo & Shijun Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    The agro-pastoral ecotone, an ecological transition zone connecting adjacent areas of agricultural planting area and grassland animal husbandry, has three features: a complex natural condition, relatively pronounced population pressure, and a fragile ecological environment. In this study, we conducted an ecosystem risk assessment in the western part of Jilin Province, China, based on multiscale and multitemporal remote sensing images and land-use data. Furthermore, we focused on land-use change from 1995 to 2015 by applying the dynamic change information survey method (...)
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    Divergent Paradigms of European Agro-Food Innovation: The Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) as an R&D Agenda.Theo Papaioannou, Kean Birch & Les Levidow - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (1):94-125.
    The Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy has gained prominence as an agricultural R&D agenda of the European Union. Specific research policies are justified as necessary to create a KBBE for societal progress. Playing the role of a master narrative, the KBBE attracts rival visions; each favours a different diagnosis of unsustainable agriculture and its remedies in agro-food innovation. Each vision links a technoscientific paradigm with a quality paradigm: the dominant life sciences vision combines converging technologies with decomposability, while a marginal one combines (...)
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  7.  51
    The ecological basis of the indigenous Nahua agriculture in the sixteenth century.Alba González Jácome - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (2/3):221-231.
    The study of agriculture in ancient societies is of vital importance for the understanding of their ecological basis. This article discusses data gathered from Alonso de Molina's dictionary, published in Mexico City in 1571. Molina's information on soil, rain, plants, technology, and human labor applied to agricultural activities gives a picture of the complexity of the several native agricultural systems practiced at that time. Since the Sixteenth Century, native agriculture was impacted by the introduction of new plants, animals, agricultural equipment, (...)
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    The Ecology of the "Terroir" in advance.Frédéric Ducarme - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics.
    Industrial agriculture led to a worldwide homogenization of crops and modes of cultures, but also of landscapes and relationships to the land, threatening at the same time biodiversity and cultural diversity. Developing alternatives to the agro-industrial system inherited from the twentieth century is therefore one of the greatest challenges facing humankind today. This article advocates for the promotion of the French concept of “terroir” as a foundational framework for preserving biocultural diversity, illustrating an ethical way of relating to the (...)
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  9.  63
    Ethics, Narrative, and Agriculture: Transforming Agricultural Practice through Ecological Imagination. [REVIEW]A. Whitney Sanford - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (3):283-303.
    The environmental degradation caused by industrial agriculture, as well as the resulting social and health consequences, creates an urgency to rethink food production by expanding the moral imagination to include agricultural practices. Agricultural practices presume human use of the earth and acknowledge human dependence on the biotic community, and these relations mean that agriculture presents a separate set of considerations in the broader field of environmental ethics. Many scholars and activists have argued persuasively that we need new stories to rethink (...)
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  10.  6
    In-between Solidity and Fluidity: The Reclaimed Marshlands of Agro Pontino.Paolo Gruppuso - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (2):53-73.
    During the 1930s the fascist government launched a programme for the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes, one of the largest forested wetlands in Italy. In less than a few years the muddy and uneven ground of the forest was transformed into flat land to be cultivated and into solid surface where three new towns were built. Hegemonic narratives describe the fascist reclamation as a process that imposed a solid form upon the raw materials of nature, thereby establishing an unbridgeable divide (...)
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  11. Diverse Ecological, Economic and Socio-Cultural Values of a Traditional Common Natural Resource Management System in the Moroccan High Atlas: The Aït Ikiss Tagdalts.Pablo Dominguez, Alain Bourbouze, SÉBastien Demay, Didier Genin & Nicolas Kosoy - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (3):277-296.
    This study examines the multiple dimensions of the agdal system, a traditional Berber form of environmental management that regulates access to communal natural resources so as to allow the regeneration of natural resources. In fact, this ingenious system of agro-pastoral land rotation is ultimately beneficial for the conservation of the bio-physical environment, the performance of the present-day local economy and the maintenance of prevailing social cohesion and cultural coherence. Hence, agdals constitute a key element for the reinforcement of the (...)
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  12.  25
    The Potential of Bioeconomic Innovations to Contribute to a Social-Ecological Transformation: A Case Study in the Livestock System.Jana Zscheischler, Sandra Uthes, Ingrid Bunker & Jonathan Friedrich - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (4):1-26.
    Environmental crises, which are consequences of resource-intensive lifestyles and are characterized to a large extent by both a changing climate and a loss of biodiversity, stress the urgent need for a global social-ecological transformation of the agro-food system. In this regard, the bioeconomy and bioeconomic innovations have frequently been seen as instrumental in addressing these grand challenges and contributing to more sustainable land use. To date, the question of how much bioeconomic innovations contribute to sustainability objectives remains unanswered. Against (...)
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  13.  59
    Biomimicry in Agriculture: Is the Ecological System-Design Model the Future Agricultural Paradigm?Milutin Stojanovic - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (5):789-804.
    Comprising almost a third of greenhouse gas emissions and having an equally prominent role in pollution of soils, fresh water, coastal ecosystems, and food chains in general, agriculture is, alongside industry and electricity/heat production, one of the three biggest anthropogenic causes of breaching the planetary boundaries. Most of the problems in agriculture, like soil degradation and diminishing biodiversity, are caused by unfit uses of existing technologies and approaches mimicking the agriculturally-relevant functioning natural ecosystems seem necessary for appropriate organization of our (...)
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  14. Species Nova [To See Anew]: Art as Ecology.David Haley - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (1):143-150.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.1 (2003) 143-150 [Access article in PDF] Species Nova [To See Anew]Art as Ecology David Haley Looking Back From space, looking back at earth, we may see three key issues: the accelerating increase of the human species, the accelerating decrease of other species, and the accelerating effects of climate change. We might ask, how are we to cope with these changes creatively?That our societies (...)
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    Embarking on the second green revolution for sustainable agriculture in india: A judicious mix of traditional wisdom and modern knowledge in ecological farming. [REVIEW]Rajiv K. Sinha - 1997 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 10 (2):183-197.
    The Green Revolution in India which was heralded in the 1960‘s was a mixed blessing. Ambitious use of agro-chemicals boosted food production but also destroyed the agricultural ecosystem. Of late Indian farmers and agricultural scientists have realized this and are anxious to find alternatives – perhaps a non-chemical agriculture – and have even revived their age-old traditional techniques of natural farming. Scientists are working to find economically cheaper and ecologically safer alternatives to agro-chemicals. Blue-Green Algae Biofertilizers, Earthworm Vermicomposts, (...)
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  16.  64
    Concepts of Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Livestock Systems.Mette Vaarst & Hugo F. Alrøe - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (3):333-347.
    In 2005, The International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM) developed four new ethical principles of organic agriculture to guide its future development: the principles of health, ecology, care, and fairness. The key distinctive concept of animal welfare in organic agriculture combines naturalness and human care, and can be linked meaningfully with these principles. In practice, a number of challenges are connected with making organic livestock systems work. These challenges are particularly dominant in immature agro-ecological systems, for example (...)
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  17.  26
    Transhumance in Central Anatolia: A Resilient Interdependence Between Biological and Cultural Diversity.Sezen Ocak - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (3):439-453.
    Transhumance is a resource efficient means of livestock production by seasonally moving grazing animals to utilize pastures between varying ecological zones. This article investigated the interrelationship between the environmental services the transhumant provides whilst maintaining its cultural heritage and theorized what the cultural and environmental impacts would be if the practice of transhumance were to vanish. The authors interviewed 45 transhumant families during their 2015 seasonal migration through the Taurus Mountains and in their settled tent sites in Central Anatolia. The (...)
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  18. Integrity and Rights of Plants: Ethical Notions in Organic Plant Breeding and Propagation.Edith T. Lammerts Van Bueren & Paul C. Struik - 2005 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18 (5):479-493.
    In addition to obviating the use of synthetic agrochemicals and emphasizing farming in accordance with agro-ecological guidelines, organic farming acknowledges the integrity of plants as an essential element of its natural approaches to crop production. For cultivated plants, integrity refers to their inherent nature, wholeness, completeness, species-specific characteristics, and their being in balance with their (organically farmed) environment, while accomplishing their “natural aim.” We argue that this integrity of plants has ethical value, distinguishing integrity of life, plant-typic integrity, genotypic (...)
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  19.  20
    From evidence to value-based transition: the agroecological redesign of farming systems.Camille Lacombe, Nathalie Couix & Laurent Hazard - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):405-416.
    The agroecological transition of agriculture not only requires changes in practices but also in ways of thinking and in their underlying values. Agroecology proposes broad scientific principles that need to be adapted to the singularities of each farm. This contextualization leads to the identification of agroecological practices that work locally and could serve as evidence-based practices to be transferred to local practitioners. This strategy was tested in a 4-year experiment conducted with dairy-sheep farmers in the South of France. The aim (...)
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  20.  87
    Shopping for change? Neoliberalizing activism and the limits to eating non-GMO.Robin Jane Roff - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (4):511-522.
    While the cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMO) and the spread of genetically engineered (GE) foods has gone largely unnoticed by the majority of Americans, a growing number of vocal civil society groups are opposing the technology and with it the entire conventional system of food provision. As with other alternative food movements, non-GMO activists focus on changing individual consumption habits as the best means of altering the practices of food manufacturers and thereby what and how food is produced. In (...)
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  21.  22
    Changes in Ghanaian farming systems: stagnation or a quiet transformation?Nazaire Houssou, Michael Johnson, Shashidhara Kolavalli & Collins Asante-Addo - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):41-66.
    This research was designed to understand better the patterns of agricultural intensification and transformation occurring in Africa south of the Sahara using the Ghanaian case. The paper examines changes in farming systems and the role of various endogenous and exogenous factors in driving the conversion of arable lands to agricultural uses in four villages within two agro-ecologically distinct zones of Ghana: the Guinea Savannah and Transition zones. Using historical narratives and land-cover maps supplemented with quantitative data at regional levels, (...)
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  22.  16
    GMOs and Sustainable Agriculture.Sheldon Krimsky - 2023 - In Erick Valdés & Juan Alberto Lecaros (eds.), Handbook of Bioethical Decisions. Volume I: Decisions at the Bench. Springer Verlag. pp. 763-774.
    The introduction of genetically engineered crops in agriculture in the mid-1990s has been heralded as the advent of the Second Green Revolution. Among the expectations were high yields, fewer inputs like pesticides, and new nutritionally enhanced foods. Around the same period that traditional breeding was eclipsed by molecular breeding, the concept of sustainability was introduced into the working lexicon of many disciplines, practitioners, and corporations. This chapter discusses the principles of sustainability and their applications to agriculture, evaluates specific GMOs against (...)
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  23.  50
    Commercializing chemical warfare: citrus, cyanide, and an endless war.Adam M. Romero - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (1):3-26.
    Astonishing changes have occurred to agricultural production systems since WWII. As such, many people tend to date the origins of industrial chemical agricultural to the early 1940s. The origins of industrial chemical agriculture, however, both on and off the field, have a much longer history. Indeed, industrial agriculture’s much discussed chemical dependency—in particular its need for toxic chemicals—and the development of the industries that feed this fix, have a long and diverse past that extend well back into the nineteenth century. (...)
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  24.  11
    Saving, sharing and shaping landrace seeds in commons: unravelling seed commoning norms for furthering agrobiodiversity.Emil Sandström, Tove Ortman, Christine A. Watson, Jan Bengtsson, Clara Gustafsson & Göran Bergkvist - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1825-1840.
    One of the major challenges facing agricultural and food systems today is the loss of agrobiodiversity. Considering the current impasse of preventing the worldwide loss of crop diversity, this paper highlights the possibility for a radical reorientation of current legal seed frameworks that could provide more space for alternative seed systems to evolve which centre on norms that support on-farm agrobiodiversity. Understanding the underlying norms that shape seed commons are important, since norms both delimit and contribute to what ultimately will (...)
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  25.  22
    “Never at ease”: cellphones, multilocational households, and the metabolic rift in western Kenya.Joshua J. Ramisch - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (4):979-995.
    Western Kenya has been a labour-exporting region for over a century, with many households straddling both rural and urban contexts. While the spatial separation of migrants from their rural places of origin represented the first tangible metabolic rift within Kenyan agricultural production systems, that rift is being reshaped as rural families engage in new forms of interconnection with migrant members (“multilocationality”). These changes appear to be driven by the ongoing crisis of agrarian livelihoods and are supported by the advent of (...)
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  26.  21
    African Endogenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development: Evolving an African Agrarian Philosophy.Alloy S. Ihuah - 2023 - In Mbih Jerome Tosam & Erasmus Masitera (eds.), African Agrarian Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 287-310.
    In Africa, the human person is the supreme force, the most powerful and dominant among all created beings. While this decreed power makes the lower beings subservient to humanity, it is only intended to be a source of harmony in the advancement of the hospitality and the joy of the human species. Today, however, the traditional lifestyles of Africans are threatened with virtual extinction by insensitive development over which the indigenous peoples have no participation. Africa has not only acquiesced a (...)
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  27.  56
    Influence of socio-economic and cultural factors in rice varietal diversity management on-farm in Nepal.Ram Bahadur Rana, Chris Garforth, Bhuwon Sthapit & Devra Jarvis - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (4):461-472.
    A questionnaire survey of 408 households explored the role of socio-economic and cultural factors in rice (Oryza sativa L.) varietal diversity management on-farm in two contrasting eco-sites in Nepal. Multiple regression outputs suggest that number of parcels of land, livestock number, number of rice ecosystems, agro-ecology (altitude), and use of chemical fertilizer have a significant positive influence on landrace diversity on-farm, while membership in farmers’ groups linked to extension services has significant but negative influence on landrace diversity. Factors (...)
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  28.  46
    Reconstruction of the Ethical Debate on Naturalness in Discussions About Plant-Biotechnology.P. F. Haperen, B. Gremmen & J. Jacobs - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (6):797-812.
    This paper argues that in modern (agro)biotechnology, (un)naturalness as an argument contributed to a stalemate in public debate about innovative technologies. Naturalness in this is often placed opposite to human disruption. It also often serves as a label that shapes moral acceptance or rejection of agricultural innovative technologies. The cause of this lies in the use of nature as a closed, static reference to naturalness, while in fact “nature” is an open and dynamic concept with many different meanings. We (...)
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  29.  35
    Understanding the relationship between farmers and burrowing mammals on South African farms: are burrowers friends or foes?Izak B. Foster, Trevor McIntyre & Natalie S. Haussmann - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):719-731.
    Burrowing mammals are ubiquitous on farms in South Africa and can hinder agricultural practices. This study explored farmer perspectives of these species, and specifically the factors that influence these perspectives. Forty-four farmers responded to a questionnaire that assessed their ecological knowledge of, tolerance towards and lethal management of burrowing mammals that occur on their farms. The results from generalised linear models showed that neither farmer age, nor level of education are accurate predictors of ecological knowledge, overall tolerance towards burrowers, or (...)
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  30.  81
    Reconstruction of the Ethical Debate on Naturalness in Discussions About Plant-Biotechnology.P. F. Van Haperen, B. Gremmen & J. Jacobs - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (6):797-812.
    Abstract This paper argues that in modern (agro)biotechnology, (un)naturalness as an argument contributed to a stalemate in public debate about innovative technologies. Naturalness in this is often placed opposite to human disruption. It also often serves as a label that shapes moral acceptance or rejection of agricultural innovative technologies. The cause of this lies in the use of nature as a closed, static reference to naturalness, while in fact “nature” is an open and dynamic concept with many different meanings. (...)
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  31.  30
    The Ethics and Politics of Food Purchasing Choices in Italian Consumers’ Collective Action.Giovanna Sacchi - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (1):73-91.
    Currently, many consumers have expressed strong opinions about food production process, its distribution, and guaranteeing models. Consumers’ concerns about ecological and social sustainability issues can have significant impacts on both food demand and food policies. The choice of approach to an asset or service could determine the orientation of the markets; therefore, it is particularly important to pay attention to novel, collective, social movements which are practicing alternatives to the mainstream models of production, distribution, and consumption. Farmers markets, solidarity-based purchasing (...)
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  32.  28
    Re-localizing ‘legal’ food: a social psychology perspective on community resilience, individual empowerment and citizen adaptations in food consumption in Southern Italy.Laura Emma Milani Marin & Vincenzo Russo - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (1):179-190.
    This paper investigates how Food Security (FS) is enacted in a southern region of Italy, characterized by high rates of mafias-related activity, arguing for the inclusion in the research of socio-cultural features and power relationships to explain how Alternative Food Networks (AFNs) can facilitate individual empowerment and community resilience. In fact, while FS entails legality and social justice, AFNs are intended as ‘instrumental value’ to reach the ‘terminal value’ of FS within an urban community in Sicily, as well as the (...)
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  33.  19
    Rural Sanctuary: an Ecosemiotic Agency to Preserve Human Cultural Heritage and Biodiversity.Almo Farina - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (1):139-158.
    A Rural Sanctuary is defined as an area where farming activity creates habitats for a diverse assemblage of species that find a broad spectrum of resources along the season. A Rural Sanctuary is proposed as a new model of land management to protect nature inside a framework of cultural identity and agro-forestry sustainability. A Rural Sanctuary has a dual mission: to provide immaterial and material resources for people, and to guarantee living spaces to a large assemblage of species. A (...)
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  34.  81
    Place, Taste, or Face-to-Face? Understanding Producer–Consumer Networks in “Local” Food Systems in Washington State.Theresa Selfa & Joan Qazi - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (4):451-464.
    In an increasingly globalized food economy, local agri-food initiatives are promoted as more sustainable alternatives, both for small-scale producers and ecologically conscious consumers. However, revitalizing local agri-food communities in rural agro-industrial regions is particularly challenging. This case study examines Grant and Chelan Counties, two industrial farming regions in rural Central Washington State, distant from the urban fringe. Farmers in these counties have tried diversifying large-scale processing into organics and marketing niche and organic produce at popular farmers markets in Seattle (...)
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  35.  36
    Analysis of the Alternative Agriculture’s Seeds Market Sector: History and Development.Pietro Barbieri & Stefano Bocchi - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (4):789-801.
    Alternative agricultural systems, like organic and local agriculture, are becoming increasingly important in Europe to the detriment of conventional methods. As a matter of fact, sustainable agriculture, which started as a niche sector, has been able to conquer a significant share of the European agro-food market. Institutional promotion along with increasing consumer demand has allowed for the development of different agricultural models, from the farm to the fork, with an increasing focus on the ethical issues associated with the (...)-food production system. For instance, the organic agriculture agro-food chain is based on four principles, namely health, ecology, fairness and care with the goal of competing in the global agro-food market while respecting the environment, livestock, producers, and consumers. Within these themes, the seed market represents an extremely complex part of the whole picture. The present paper analyses the historical evolution of the seed sector by identifying the main issues related to sustainable agricultural systems and protection of biodiversity. It follows the identification of different seed markets based on different farm types. The two aspects are then discussed and matched in order to identify the main issues characterizing the sector. A review of possible solutions to those problems, taking into account their ethics, is also provided. (shrink)
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    Our Recent Rousseau.Lawrence Cahoone - 2006 - Environmental Philosophy 3 (1):13-26.
    Paul Shepard, a Rousseau armed with modern evolutionary ecology, presents our most rational primitivism. In his work, ecology recapitulates mythology. His critique of civilization compares to 20th century critics of “alienation,” except for Shepard the break with “authentic” existence is not Modern industrialism but Neolithic agrarianism. His argument remains largely impractical. Yet his late work suggests a reasonable meliorism. He recognized that his “Techno-Cynegeticism” may find room in a postmodern society that is hostile to agro-industrial, but not (...)
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    Re-embedding global agriculture: The international organic and fair trade movements. [REVIEW]Laura T. Raynolds - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (3):297-309.
    The international organic agricultureand fair trade movements represent importantchallenges to the ecologically and sociallydestructive relations that characterize the globalagro-food system. Both movements critique conventionalagricultural production and consumption patterns andseek to create a more sustainable world agro-foodsystem. The international organic movement focuses onre-embedding crop and livestock production in ``naturalprocesses,'' encouraging trade in agriculturalcommodities produced under certified organicconditions and processed goods derived from thesecommodities. For its part, the fair trade movementfosters the re-embedding of international commodityproduction and distribution in ``equitable socialrelations,'' developing (...)
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  38.  23
    Respire, Con-spire.Marielle Macé & Alexis Ann Stanley - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):177-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Respire, Con-spireMarielle Macé (bio)Translated by Alexis Ann StanleyA rather suffocating atmosphere is becoming our customary environment, ecologically, politically, and socially. It is time to affirm "a universal right to breathe"–what Achille Mbembe called the essential demand for justice that escalated during the age of the Anthropocene and is now crudely reemerging in the current pandemic's attack on the respiratory system.But the right to breathe is not "merely" the right (...)
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  39. Manufacturing bacteriological contamination outbreaks in industrialized meat production systems: The case of E. coli O157:H7. [REVIEW]Arunas Juska, Lourdes Gouveia, Jackie Gabriel & Kathleen P. Stanley - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (1):3-19.
    This article outlines aconceptual framework for examining recentoutbreaks of E. coli O157:H7 infectionassociated with the consumption of beef in theUnited States. We argue that beef produced inthis country is generally safer frombacteriological contamination than in the past.Paradoxically, increasing intensification andconcentration in the meat subsector since theearly 1980s has (a) altered agro-food ecology,including characteristics of foodborne bacteriaand human physiology; (b) created conditionsfavorable for the rapid amplification of lowconcentrations of pathogens; and (c) reducedthe beef industry's flexibility to introducechanges necessary to (...)
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    Farmers` agonistic conflict frames regarding river restoration disputes.Thomas Fickel - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-21.
    Missing cooperation between farmers and nature conservationists is an obstacle to conflictive social-ecological transformation processes of agro-systems in Germany. Conflict psychology research shows that agonistic conflict frames play a crucial role in the parties’ response to and perception of conflicts. However, the role of conflict frames regarding farmers’ response to conservation conflicts in Germany, which are a recurrent expression of social-ecological transformation, is yet unclear. To address this knowledge gap, we investigate whether farmers have different agonistic conflict frames and (...)
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    Glimpses of embodied utopias, why Moroccan and Swiss farmers engage in alternative agricultures.Andrea Mathez - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-14.
    Geographies of food are not only shaped by political economic forces but also by individuals who resist dominant ways of subjectivation. Based on ethnographic research on forty-seven agroecological farms in Switzerland and Morocco, this article proposes a philosophical reconsideration of the role of utopia, hope and enchantment in shaping people’s actions. It contributes to the understanding of the emotional, spiritual and embodied experiences that lead farmers to engage in alternative agricultures at the margins of state planning and agro-industry. The (...)
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    Cultivating Greater Well-being: The Benefits Thai Organic Farmers Experience from Adopting Buddhist Eco-spirituality.Alexander Harrow Kaufman & Jeremiah Mock - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (6):871-893.
    Organic farming is spreading throughout Asia, including in Thailand. Little is known about whether farmers’ values change as they make the shift from conventional farming to organic farming. The benefits farmers perceive from making the shift have also scarcely been studied. We investigated these factors in Northeastern Thailand by conducting observations, key informant interviews, semi-structured interviews and questionnaire interviews. We found that as Thai farmers adopted organic methods, they developed an eco-consciousness. In comparing members of a Buddhist temple-based organic farmer (...)
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  43. Ecological Laws.Ecological Laws - unknown
    The question of whether there are laws in ecology is important for a number of reasons. If, as some have suggested, there are no ecological laws, this would seem to distinguish ecology from other branches of science, such as physics. It could also make a difference to the methodology of ecology. If there are no laws to be discovered, ecologists would seem to be in the business of merely supplying a suite of useful models. These models would (...)
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  44. LIMES/LIMEN : das "dritte" Brasilien von Sergio Buarque de Holanda.Ettore Finazzi Agrò - 2014 - In Alexis Nuselovici, Sieglinde Borvitz & Mauro Ponzi (eds.), Schwellen: Ansätze für eine neue Theorie des Raums. Düsseldorf: dup, Düsseldorf University Press.
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    Qualità della vita e dignità della persona con dolore cronico persistente: il ruolo delle cure palliative.Felice E. Agrò - 2006 - Acta Philosophica: Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia 15 (2):195-230.
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  46. Community, and Lifestyle, 144 and 159. Also see Sessions,".Ecology Naess - 2000 - Eco Philosophy, Utopias, and Education," and Arne Naess and Rob Jankling," Deep Ecology and Education: A Conversation with Arne Naess," Canadian Journal of Environmental Education 5.
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  47. Culture/Power/History/Nature.Reimagining Political Ecology - 2006 - In Aletta Biersack & James B. Greenberg (eds.), Reimagining political ecology. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    The movement of the whole and the stationary earth: ecological and planetary thinking in Georges Bataille.Educational Philosophy Jon Auring Grimm General Education, His Research is Centred Around ‘General Ecology’ The Danish Poet Inger Christensen, Poetry He Considers His Current Work as A. Natural Extension of His Magart Thesis on Nietzsche Nature, Which Was Published After Completion He has Published Extensively in Danish on Topics Such as Eroticism Heraclitus, Ecology Nature, Wrote the Afterword To Poetry & Notably Story of the Eye by the Avantgarde Ensemble Logen Inhe is the Cofounder of Eksistensfilosofisk Akademi [the Academy of Existential Philosophy] Was Involved in the Translation of Colette ‘Laure’ Peignot’S. Le Sacré as Well as A. Collection of Bataille’S. Texts on General Economy He has Been A. Consultant on Numerus Theatre Productions - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-18.
    We have become estranged from the cosmic movements, according to Bataille. We are confined by the error linked to the representation of ‘the stationary earth’. We have negated the immersive immanence of the whole and made nature into a fixed world of tools and things. How then do we recognise ourselves as part of the ‘rapture of the heavens’? Bataille urges us to consider life as a solar phenomenon, the free play of solar energy on the earth. This paper argues (...)
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  49. 1. Ecology and ecosemiotics.Winfried Nöth - 1998 - Sign Systems Studies 26:332-343.
  50. (2 other versions)Political ecology: a critical introduction.Paul Robbins - 2004 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    The hatchet and the seed -- A tree with deep roots -- The critical tools -- A field crystallizes -- Destruction of nature -- Construction of nature -- Degradation and marginalization -- Conservation and control -- Environmental conflict -- Environmental identity and social movement -- Where to now?
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