Results for 'Nicolas Kosoy'

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  1. Diverse Ecological, Economic and Socio-Cultural Values of a Traditional Common Natural Resource Management System in the Moroccan High Atlas: The Aït Ikiss.Pablo Dominguez, Alain Bourbouze, SÉBastien Demay, Didier Genin & Nicolas Kosoy - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (3):277-296.
    This study examines the multiple dimensions of the agdal system, a traditional Berber form of environmental management that regulates access to communal natural resources so as to allow the regeneration of natural resources. In fact, this ingenious system of agro-pastoral land rotation is ultimately beneficial for the conservation of the bio-physical environment, the performance of the present-day local economy and the maintenance of prevailing social cohesion and cultural coherence. Hence, agdals constitute a key element for the reinforcement of the sustainability (...)
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    Dreaming of AI: environmental sustainability and the promise of participation.Nicolas Zehner & André Ullrich - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    There is widespread consensus among policymakers that climate change and digitalisation constitute the most pressing global transformations shaping human life in the 21st century. Seeking to address the challenges arising at this juncture, governments, technologists and scientists alike increasingly herald artificial intelligence (AI) as a vehicle to propel climate change mitigation and adaptation. In this paper, we explore the intersection of digitalisation and climate change by examining the deployment of AI in government-led climate action. Building on participant observations conducted in (...)
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    Neoracionalismo y Metaética.Nicolás Zavadivker - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 35:85-98.
    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar, desde una perspectiva metaética,la tesis neo-racionalista según la cual los juicios morales manifiestanpretensiones de validez. Esta posición considera que es esencial a los juiciosmorales el pretender ser racionalmente aceptables, y que estos aspiran auna validez intersubjetiva que cualquiera, en condiciones ideales, deberíareconocer. En el presente artículo se cuestionará el alcance de esta tesis,rechazándose la idea según la cual al pronunciar un juicio de valor estamossiempre invocando nuestra disposición a que este sea juzgado por (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Of Learned Ignorance.Nicolas Cusanus & Germain Heron - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (115):365-367.
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  5. Collective nouns and the distribution problem.David Nicolas & Jonathan D. Payton - forthcoming - Synthese.
    Intuitively, collective nouns are pseudo-singular: a collection of things (a pair of people, a flock of birds, etc.) just is the things that make ‘it’ up. But certain facts about natural language seem to count against this view. In short, distributive predicates and numerals interact with collective nouns in ways that they seemingly shouldn’t if those nouns are pseudo-singular. We call this set of issues ‘the distribution problem’. To solve it, we propose a modification to cover-based semantics. On this semantics, (...)
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    René Dubos, the Autochthonous Flora, and the Discovery of the Microbiome.Nicolas Rasmussen - 2022 - Journal of the History of Biology 55 (3):537-558.
    Now characterised by high-throughput sequencing methods that enable the study of microbes without lab culture, the human “microbiome” (the microbial flora of the body) is said to have revolutionary implications for biology and medicine. According to many experts, we must now understand ourselves as “holobionts” like lichen or coral, multispecies superorganisms that consist of animal and symbiotic microbes in combination, because normal physiological function depends on them. Here I explore the 1960s research of biologist René Dubos, a forerunner figure mentioned (...)
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    Un postcolonialisme à la française?Nicolas Bancel & Pascal Blanchard - 2017 - Cités 72 (4):53.
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  8. Indeterminism in Physics, Classical Chaos and Bohmian Mechanics: Are Real Numbers Really Real?Nicolas Gisin - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (6):1469-1481.
    It is usual to identify initial conditions of classical dynamical systems with mathematical real numbers. However, almost all real numbers contain an infinite amount of information. I argue that a finite volume of space can’t contain more than a finite amount of information, hence that the mathematical real numbers are not physically relevant. Moreover, a better terminology for the so-called real numbers is “random numbers”, as their series of bits are truly random. I propose an alternative classical mechanics, which is (...)
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  9. Indeterminism in physics and intuitionistic mathematics.Nicolas Gisin - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):13345-13371.
    Most physics theories are deterministic, with the notable exception of quantum mechanics which, however, comes plagued by the so-called measurement problem. This state of affairs might well be due to the inability of standard mathematics to “speak” of indeterminism, its inability to present us a worldview in which new information is created as time passes. In such a case, scientific determinism would only be an illusion due to the timeless mathematical language scientists use. To investigate this possibility it is necessary (...)
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    On the Practical Use of Immersive Virtual Reality for Rehabilitation of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators in Prison.Nicolas Barnes, Maria V. Sanchez-Vives & Tania Johnston - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Virtual reality allows the user to be immersed in environments in which they can experience situations and social interactions from different perspectives by means of virtual embodiment. In the context of rehabilitation of violent behaviors, a participant could experience a virtual violent confrontation from different perspectives, including that of the victim and bystanders. This approach and other virtual scenes can be used as a useful tool for the rehabilitation of intimate partner violence perpetrators, through improvement of their empathic skills or (...)
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    Superplurals analyzed away.David Nicolas & Jonathan D. Payton - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Many natural languages include plural terms, i.e., terms which denote many individuals at once. Are there also superplural terms, i.e., terms which denote many pluralities of individuals at once? Some philosophers say ‘Yes’, citing a range of sentence-types which apparently can’t be analyzed in a first-order plural logic, but which can be analyzed in a superplural one. We argue that all the data presented in favor of the superplural can, in fact, be analyzed using only first-order resources. The key is (...)
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  12. Letting Animals Off the Hook.Nicolas Delon - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 28 (1).
    A growing literature argues that animals can act for moral reasons without being responsible. I argue that the literature often fails to maintain a clear distinction between moral behavior and moral agency, and I formulate a dilemma: either animals are less moral or they are more responsible than the literature suggests. If animals can respond to moral reasons, they are responsible according to an influential view of moral responsibility—Quality of Will. But if they are responsible, as some argue, costly implications (...)
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    The Sunlit Bar of Soap.Nicolas J. Bellord - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (3/4):849-849.
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  14. La palabra política en el Bicentenario: rememorar y decir.Nicolás Bermúdez - 2011 - Anclajes 15 (1):1 - 14.
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  15. Lucretius' symmetry argument.Nicolas Bommarito - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Nouvelles expéditions itinéraires, migrations, excursions.Nicolás Rosa - 2001 - Diogène 193 (1):15-34.
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    Juan Carlos Pita Castro, Devenir artiste, une enquête biographique. Paris, L’Harmattan, coll. Logiques sociales, 308 p.Nicolas Roux - 2014 - Temporalités 20.
    Les travaux sociologiques ne manquent pas pour souligner la précarité de l’emploi des artistes et de leur carrière. Un questionnement émerge de ce constat : pourquoi des individus souhaitent-ils s’engager dans un secteur d’activité marqué du sceau de l’incertitude? Pourquoi et comment certains persistent-ils malgré les épreuves? En relatant les récits d’artistes en devenir, l’ouvrage de J-C. Pita Castro apporte un éclairage complémentaire au travail de L. Sibaud, qui analysait conjointement..
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    Sintaxis Dinámica: un modelo de procesamiento sintáctico-semántico.Nicolás Saavedra - 2015 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 25 (1):87-97.
    Se presentan los aspectos básicos de un modelo de procesamiento sintáctico-semántico denominado Sintaxis Dinámica. Para cumplir con este objetivo, presentamos definiciones e ilustraciones de los componentes esenciales del metalenguaje, y ejemplificamos este modelamiento dinámico presentando el proceso sintáctico completo de composición del significado de una oración simple. Finalmente, se señalan sucintamente algunas características prominentes del modelo.
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  19. Hidden Durkheim and hidden Mauss : an empirical rereading of the hidden analogical work made necessary by the creation of a new science.Nicolas Sembel - 2022 - In Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger, The social origins of thought: Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project. New York: Berghahn.
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  20. There Is No Such Thing as Expected Moral Choice-Worthiness.Nicolas Côté - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 53 (1):1-20.
    This paper presents some impossibility results for certain views about what you should do when you are uncertain about which moral theory is true. I show that under reasonable and extremely minimal ways of defining what a moral theory is, it follows that the concept of expected moral choiceworthiness is undefined, and more generally that any theory of decision-making under moral uncertainty must generate pathological results.
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    New Approaches to Classical Liberalism.Nicolas Maloberti - 2012 - Rationality, Markets and Morals 3:22-50.
    This article focuses on the following three novel and original philosophical approaches to classical liberalism: Den Uyl and Rasmussen’s perfectionist argument from meta-norms, Gaus’s justificatory model, and Kukathas’s conscience-based theory of authority. None of these three approaches are utilitarian or consequentialist in character. Neither do they appeal to the notion of a rational bargain as it is typical within contractarianism. Furthermore, each of these theory rejects the idea that classical liberalism should be grounded on considerations of interpersonal justice such as (...)
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    Œuvres.Nicolas Malebranche - 1979 - [Paris]: Gallimard. Edited by Geneviève Rodis-Lewis & Germain Malbreil.
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  23. Norberto Bobbio: un socialista liberal. Homenaje a un maestro.Nicolás María López Calera - 2004 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 38:237-242.
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  24. Mixtures and Mass Terms.David Nicolas - 2021 - Dialectica 75 (1).
    In this article, I show that the semantics one adopts for mass terms constrains the metaphysical claims one can make about mixtures. I first expose why mixtures challenge a singularist approach based on mereological sums. After discussing an alternative, non-singularist approach, I take chemistry into account and explain how it changes our perspective on these issues.
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    The Origins of Fairness: How Evolution Explains Our Moral Nature.Nicolas Baumard - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    In order to describe the logic of morality, "contractualist" philosophers have studied how individuals behave when they choose to follow their moral intuitions. These individuals, contractualists note, often act as if they have bargained and thus reached an agreement with others about how to distribute the benefits and burdens of mutual cooperation. Using this observation, such philosophers argue that the purpose of morality is to maximize the benefits of human interaction. The resulting "contract" analogy is both insightful and puzzling. On (...)
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  26. Distributed Truth-Telling: A Model for Moral Revolution and Epistemic Justice in Australia.Nicolas J. Bullot & Stephen W. Enciso - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    This article provides a philosophical response to the need for truth-telling about colonial history, focussing on the Australian context. The response consists in inviting philosophers and the public to engage in social-justice practices specified by a model called Distributed Truth-Telling (DTT), which integrates the historiography of injustices affecting Indigenous peoples with insights from social philosophy and cultural evolution theory. By contrast to official and large-scale truth commissions, distributed truth-telling is a set of non-elitist practices that weave three components: first, multisite, (...)
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    Discworld and philosophy: reality is not what it seems.Nicolas Michaud (ed.) - 2016 - Chicago: Open Court.
    Pour yourself glass of Three Wizard's Chardonnay, Winkle's Old Peculiar, or Soggy Mountain Dew, pull up a three-legged chair, and for Om's sake, stay out of the bathtub! Keep and eye open for the octarine flashes that would indicate magic is trying to escape from the pages and be ready to grab something made of copper in order to ground uncontrolled magic without harmful incident (Some would Consider the Copper Safeguard Unnecessary) You are now ready to dive into Discworld and (...)
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  28. Vers une société politique mondiale? Une communauté à la mesure de l'homme.Nicolas Michel - 2010 - Nova et Vetera 85 (4):393-409.
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    Gaston Gerger, lecteur de Husserl.Nicolas Monseu - 2002 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 62 (3):293.
    Gaston Berger, le fondateur des Études philosophiques , a joué un rôle décisif dans l’introduction intellectuelle, mais aussi matérielle et institutionnelle, de la phénoménologie de Husserl en France. À partir de documents inédits et d’une lecture, dès lors renouvelée, de la thèse sur Le cogito dans la philosophie de Husserl, cette étude montre l’originalité de l’interprétation que donne Berger de la phénoménologie husserlienne, ainsi que les réserves qu’il formule à l’égard de certains thèmes : le moi absolu, la tension entre (...)
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    Acerca del Espíritu Santo y la relación con la persona humana en Juan Escoto Eriúgena.Nicolás Ernesto Moreira - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (2):65-77.
    Juan Escoto Eriúgena, en su obra principal, el Periphyseon, reflexiona acerca de la importancia de la relación integradora entre el Creador y la Creación por la mediación del Espíritu que “corre”. Desde una lectura cristiana neoplatonizante por influencia de Dionisio, analiza en su diálogo el valor fundamental del alma humana y su conocimiento intelectivo en para el retorno de lo múltiple a la Unidad. El hombre como persona contiene los diversos rasgos esenciales de lo creado, y resuelve el retorno universal (...)
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  31. Criticar a la autoridad. Acerca de la fundamentación schmittiana del individuo y de la reserva de conciencia.Nicolás Fraile - 2020 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 24 (1):268-290.
    El objetivo de este artículo es indagar en la fundamentación schmittiana del individuo y de la reserva de conciencia. En la actualidad, buena parte de la recepción contemporánea considera al jurista renano como un antiliberal y, por lo tanto, como un antiindividualista. Sin embargo, nuestra hipótesis es que es posible encontrar en su obra no solo una crítica a la noción liberal de individuo, sino también una concepción propositiva a través de sus reflexiones sobre la crítica frente a la autoridad (...)
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    ¿Es compatible el progreso de la razón con el de la poesía? Denis Diderot frente a un dilema del pensamiento ilustrado.Nicolás Olszevicki - 2020 - Tópicos 40:97-131.
    ¿Es posible que el arte progrese al mismo ritmo que la filosofía racional? ¿No existe algún tipo de incompatibilidad constitutiva entre ambos modos de interpretar la realidad, de manera tal que, siempre, la mayor precisión de la última implica una menor intensidad del primero? Tales preguntas constituyeron un vital eje de preocupación para los pensadores de la Ilustración francesa. En este artículo, nos concentramos en la respuesta que Denis Diderot intenta dar al dilema. Mostramos, en primer lugar, cómo el editor (...)
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    The Nietzschean Practice of Autobiography.Nicolas Quérini - 2023 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 53:97-116.
    Même si l’on connaît surtout Ecce homo, l’une de ses dernières œuvres, dans laquelle Nietzsche nous livre une véritable autobiographie intellectuelle, le philosophe allemand s’est en réalité très tôt plu à la pratique de l’autobiographie. L’autoréflexion qu’il présente de son devenir fut ensuite une constante, notamment dans les Préfaces qu’il ajouta par la suite à ses plus fameux ouvrages. Mais cette constante est d’autant plus étonnante chez un auteur qui dit d’une part ne s’être jamais que médiocrement réfléchi, et d’autre (...)
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    Contemplación, virtud y felicidad: La búsqueda del alma según Plotino.Nicolás Torres Ressa - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 79.
    Si quisiéramos agrupar en torno a preguntas algunos de los principales núcleos de la filosofía de Plotino, esas preguntas podrían ser las siguientes: “¿quiénes somos?”, “¿de dónde venimos?” y “¿hacia dónde vamos?”. A lo largo de las _Enéadas_ el Licopolitano se vale de metáforas locativas y temporales para dar cuenta de la unidad subyacente a todas las almas y de la búsqueda que el alma humana debe emprender para regresar a esa unidad. Nuestro filósofo puntualiza que la unidad no se (...)
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    Husserl and the Promise of Time: Subjectivity in Transcendental Phenomenology.Nicolas de Warren - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is the first extensive treatment of Husserl's phenomenology of time-consciousness. Nicolas de Warren uses detailed analysis of texts by Husserl, some only recently published in German, to examine Husserl's treatment of time-consciousness and its significance for his conception of subjectivity. He traces the development of Husserl's thinking on the problem of time from Franz Brentano's descriptive psychology, and situates it in the framework of his transcendental project as a whole. Particular discussions include the significance of time-consciousness for (...)
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    (1 other version)La trampa universalista de la teoría de la justicia rawlsiana: aportes desde los feminismos para el reconocimiento de sujetos estructuralmente desaventajados.Nicolás Salvi & Agostina Nucci - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-20.
    A partir de una breve reconstrucción de la teoría de la justicia como imparcialidad desarrollada por John Rawls, elaboramos un recorrido por algunas de las más importantes críticas a la teoría rawlsiana desde la óptica del feminismo, reconociendo y destacando sus distintos matices y soluciones propuestas para hacer frente a las deficiencias del universalismo moral. Luego, nos proponemos analizar si las críticas que se disparan desde distintos posicionamientos teóricos dentro del feminismo pueden tener efectos extensibles hacia otros sujetos desaventajados estructuralmente, (...)
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    Gilles Deleuze y la imagen teatral del pensamiento.Nicolás Perrone - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 116:31-73.
    La relación entre filosofía y teatro ocupa un lugar interesante y no siempre explorado en la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze. En el presente artículo exponemos la noción de teatro tal como aparece en la obra del autor vinculada al problema de una nueva imagen del pensamiento. Consideramos que el uso metodológico del teatro se encuentra diseminado a lo largo de todo su itinerario filosófico. Lo teatral funciona como una matriz de análisis que permite distinguir las fuerzas que dramatizan un concepto, (...)
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    Profession philosophe, vocation écrivain: imaginer et créer.Nicolas Poirier - 2022 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau.
    Les vocations sont des chemins que la mémoire trace après-coup pour donner sens au parcours singulier qui nous mène de l'enfance à l'âge adulte. Aux lisières de l'adolescence, je me voyais chauffeur de train ou de taxi, même si je rêvais surtout de devenir journaliste. Je voulais écrire pour raconter ce que je voyais, pour rendre compte d'événements dont j'étais le témoin. L'essentiel était de prendre la route, d'explorer quelque chose qui n'avait été qu'entrevu ou d'en parler d'une manière originale. (...)
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    Lives of a Blockbuster Drug.Nicolas Rasmussen - 2006 - Minerva 44 (2):229-234.
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    Juger, est-ce interpréter?Nicolas Regis - 2016 - Cahiers Philosophiques 147 (4):26-47.
    Penser l’acte de décider en droit comme une opération mentale d’interprétation conduit bien souvent à en faire un objet métaphysique donné à la connaissance du droit et non construit par elle. Cette réification implique également de recourir à un modèle causal de la décision judiciaire, lequel recèle de nombreuses difficultés au regard du caractère proprement juridique d’une telle enquête. En appréhendant cette problématique de la décision par les outils de la philosophie analytique de l’esprit et de l’action, cet article entend (...)
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    Jefferson’s unknown informant on Necker in 1789: an episode of diplomatic history involving Condorcet.Nicolas Rieucau & Gabriel Sabbagh - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (6):764-777.
    ABSTRACT The American envoy in Paris, Jefferson, sent on 17 June 1789 to Jay, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, an assessment of Necker, then at the apex of his political fortune, provided by an informant whose name was not disclosed by Jefferson. This paper intends to show that the author of this report was the philosopher, mathematician and economist Condorcet – certainly the French friend who had with Jefferson the most intense intellectual intercourse – and sketches a history of the (...)
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    La correspondance scientifique de Condorcet : un aperçu.Nicolas Rieucau - 2018 - In Maria Teresa Borgato, Erwin Neuenschwander & Irène Passeron, Mathematical Correspondences and Critical Editions. Springer Verlag. pp. 97-110.
    Cette brève étude consacrée à la correspondance scientifique de Condorcet, qui demeure dans sa majeure partie inédite, s’articule autour de trois aspects. Il s’agit dans un premier temps de circonscrire cette correspondance en tentant de la définir et d’en examiner la nature. L’identité des principaux correspondants scientifiques de Condorcet est ensuite évoquée. Enfin, les problèmes d’identification, de prospection et de datation de la correspondance scientifique de Condorcet sont considérés, en comparaison de ceux qui interviennent pour le reste de son corpus (...)
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    Beneficial Effects of Motor Imagery and Self-Talk on Service Performance in Skilled Tennis Players.Nicolas Robin, Laurent Dominique, Emma Guillet-Descas & Olivier Hue - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This research aim to investigate the effects of motor imagery, focused on the trajectory of the ball and the target area, and self-talk before the actual strike on the performance of the service in skilled tennis players. Thirty-three participants, competing in regional to national competitions, were randomly divided into three groups: Control, MI, and MI + self-talk. They performed a pre-test, 20 acquisition sessions, and a post-test similar to the pre-test, in match situations. The percentage of the first service, their (...)
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    Hegel on the Normativity of Animal Life.Nicolás García Mills - 2020 - Hegel Bulletin 41 (3):446-464.
    My aim in this paper is to show that and how animal organisms are appropriate subjects of normative evaluation, on Hegel's view. I contrast my reading with the interpretive positions of Sebastian Rand and Mark Alznauer. I disagree with Rand and agree with Alznauer that animal organisms are normatively evaluable for Hegel. I substantiate my disagreement with Rand, and supplement Alznauer's interpretation, by spelling out the role that the ‘generic process’ or ‘genus process [Gattungsprozess]’ plays within Hegel's account of animal (...)
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    Immanent Reasoning or Equality in Action: A Plaidoyer for the Play Level.Nicolas Clerbout, Ansten Klev, Zoe McConaughey & Shahid Rahman - 2018 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This monograph proposes a new way of implementing interaction in logic. It also provides an elementary introduction to Constructive Type Theory. The authors equally emphasize basic ideas and finer technical details. In addition, many worked out exercises and examples will help readers to better understand the concepts under discussion. One of the chief ideas animating this study is that the dialogical understanding of definitional equality and its execution provide both a simple and a direct way of implementing the CTT approach (...)
  46. Belief: Dumb, Cold, & Cynical.Nicolas Porot & Eric Mandelbaum - forthcoming - In Eric Schwitzgebel & Jonathan Jong, What is Belief? Oxford University Press.
    We aim to do two things in this article. On the positive end, our goal is to explain how some seemingly incompatible aspects of belief live together, by presenting distinct mechanistic explanations of each of them: in particular we want to show how belief can be discerning, credulous, rational, and irrational. After clarifying our positive view, we take aim at some competitor views in the second half of the paper, particularly offering critiques of epistemic vigilance and social marketplace accounts of (...)
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  47. L'être et la composition des mixtes dans le "Philèbe" de Platon.Nicolas Isidore Boussoulas - 1952 - Paris,: Presses Universitaires de France.
  48. Sounding objects.Nicolas J. Bullot, Roberto Casati, Jérôme Dokic & Maurizio Giri - unknown
    Taxonomy of philosophical theories of Sound: proximal theories; medial theories; distal theories. A distal theory: The Located Event Theory (LET) of sound. Understanding sound and the cognition of sounding objects; ontology of sound according to the LET; epistemology of the perception of sound and sounding objects; auditory images according to the LET; conceptual revisions entailed by distal theories and the LET; replies to objections.
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    The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits (Habitus) in Medieval Philosophy.Nicolas Faucher & Magali Roques (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer.
    This book features 20 essays that explore how Latin medieval philosophers and theologians from Anselm to Buridan conceived of habitus, as well as detailed studies of the use of the concept by Augustine and of the reception of the medieval doctrines of habitus in Suàrez and Descartes. Habitus are defined as stable dispositions to act or think in a certain way. This definition was passed down to the medieval thinkers from Aristotle and, to a lesser extent, Augustine, and played a (...)
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    Drug Courts and the ‘Responsibility without Blame’ Approach.Nicolas Nayfeld - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (3):488-504.
    This article starts from a paradox and aims to solve it. On the one hand, although Drug Courts (DCs) are one of the most interesting penal innovations in recent years, running counter to the dominant retributive approach and the rival approach based on deterrence, they have surprisingly not attracted the attention of philosophers and therefore lack a solid philosophical foundation. On the other hand, although Pickard's ‘responsibility without blame’ approach looks very convincing on paper, its practical applications remain unclear outside (...)
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