Results for 'Aaron Bender'

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  1.  31
    Matthew S. Santirocco.Elizabeth Choy, Aaron Freeman, Michael Seguin, Harrison Sepulveda, Judith P. Hallett & Henry Bender - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (4):548-548.
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    Fairness in Practice: A Social Contract for a Global Economy.Aaron James - 2012 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    If the global economy seems unfair, how should we understand what a fair global economy would be? What ideas of fairness, if any, apply, and what significance do they have for policy and law? Working within the social contract tradition, this book argues that fairness is best seen as a kind of equity in practice.
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    Motives, mechanisms, and emotions.Aaron Sloman - 1987 - Cognition and Emotion 1 (3):217-233.
  4.  21
    Hindi Grammar and ReaderUrdu Grammar and Reader.Agehananda Bharati & Ernest Bender - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (3):571.
  5. Understanding Polarization: Meaning, Measures, and Model Evaluation.Aaron Bramson, Patrick Grim, Daniel J. Singer, William J. Berger, Graham Sack, Steven Fisher, Carissa Flocken & Bennett Holman - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (1):115-159.
    Polarization is a topic of intense interest among social scientists, but there is significant disagreement regarding the character of the phenomenon and little understanding of underlying mechanics. A first problem, we argue, is that polarization appears in the literature as not one concept but many. In the first part of the article, we distinguish nine phenomena that may be considered polarization, with suggestions of appropriate measures for each. In the second part of the article, we apply this analysis to evaluate (...)
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    Anti-reflexivity.Aaron M. McCright & Riley E. Dunlap - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (2-3):100-133.
    The American conservative movement is a force of anti-reflexivity insofar as it attacks two key elements of reflexive modernization: the environmental movement and environmental impact science. Learning from its mistakes in overtly attacking environmental regulations in the early 1980s, this counter-movement has subsequently exercised a more subtle form of power characterized by non-decision-making. We examine the conservative movement’s efforts to undermine climate science and policy in the USA over the last two decades by using this second dimension of power. The (...)
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  7. The feels good theory of pleasure.Aaron Smuts - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 155 (2):241-265.
    Most philosophers since Sidgwick have thought that the various forms of pleasure differ so radically that one cannot find a common, distinctive feeling among them. This is known as the heterogeneity problem. To get around this problem, the motivational theory of pleasure suggests that what makes an experience one of pleasure is our reaction to it, not something internal to the experience. I argue that the motivational theory is wrong, and not only wrong, but backwards. The heterogeneity problem is the (...)
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    ‘Species’ without species.Aaron Novick & W. Ford Doolittle - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 87 (C):72-80.
    Biological science uses multiple species concepts. Order can be brought to this diversity if we recognize two key features. First, any given species concept is likely to have a patchwork structure, generated by repeated application of the concept to new domains. We illustrate this by showing how two species concepts (biological and ecological) have been modified from their initial eukaryotic applications to apply to prokaryotes. Second, both within and between patches, distinct species concepts may interact and hybridize. We thus defend (...)
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    Reply to Spears’s ‘The Asymmetry of Population Ethics’.Jonas H. Aaron - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (3):507-513.
    Is the procreation asymmetry intuitively supported? According to a recent article in this journal, an experimental study suggests the opposite. Dean Spears (2020) claims that nearly three-quarters of participants report that there is a reason to create a person just because that person’s life would be happy. In reply, I argue that various confounding factors render the study internally invalid. More generally, I show how one might come to adopt the procreation asymmetry for the wrong reasons by misinterpreting one’s intuitions.
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  10. The Language of Reasons and 'Ought'.Aaron Bronfman & J. L. Dowell - 2018 - In Daniel Star, The Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    Here we focus on two questions: What is the proper semantics for deontic modal expressions in English? And what is the connection between true deontic modal statements and normative reasons? Our contribution towards thinking about the first, which makes up the bulk of our paper, considers a representative sample of recent challenges to a Kratzer-style formal semantics for modal expressions, as well as the rival views—Fabrizio Cariani’s contrastivism, John MacFarlane’s relativism, and Mark Schroeder’s ambiguity theory—those challenges are thought to motivate. (...)
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  11. Developing concepts of consciousness.Aaron Sloman - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):694-695.
  12.  90
    How to turn an information processor into an understander.Aaron Sloman & Monica Croucher - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):447-448.
  13. From Defining Art to Defining the Individual Arts: The Role of Theory in the Philosophies of Arts.Aaron Meskin - 2008 - In Kathleen Stock & Katherine Thomson-Jones, New waves in aesthetics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 125--149.
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    Seventeenth-Century Moral Philosophy: Self Help, Self-knowledge, and the Devil's Mountain.Aaron Garrett - 2013 - In Roger Crisp, The Oxford Handbook of the History of Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 229.
    This chapter focuses on the ethical theories of the early modern philosophers Thomas Hobbes, Justus Lipsius, Descartes, Spinoza, Benjamin Whichcote, Lord Shaftesbury, and Samuel Clarke. The discussions include aspects of Hobbes' moral philosophy that posed a challenge for many philosophers of the second half of the seventeenth century who were committed to philosophy as a form of self-help; Lipsius and Descartes' appropriation of ancient and Hellenistic moral philosophy in connection with changing ideas about control of the passions and the happiest (...)
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  15. Disambiguation of Social Polarization Concepts and Measures.Aaron Bramson, Patrick Grim, Daniel J. Singer, Steven Fisher, William Berger, Graham Sack & Carissa Flocken - 2016 - Journal of Mathematical Sociology 40:80-111.
    ABSTRACT This article distinguishes nine senses of polarization and provides formal measures for each one to refine the methodology used to describe polarization in distributions of attitudes. Each distinct concept is explained through a definition, formal measures, examples, and references. We then apply these measures to GSS data regarding political views, opinions on abortion, and religiosity—topics described as revealing social polarization. Previous breakdowns of polarization include domain-specific assumptions and focus on a subset of the distribution’s features. This has conflated multiple, (...)
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  16. Do Moral Flaws Enhance Amusement?Aaron Smuts - 2009 - American Philosophical Quarterly 46 (2):151-163.
    I argue that genuine moral flaws never enhance amusement, but they sometimes detract.I argue against comic immoralism--the position that moral flaws can make attempts at humor more amusing.Two common errors have made immoralism look attractive.First, immoralists have confused outrageous content with genuine moral flaws.Second, immoralists have failed to see that it is not sufficient to show that a morally flawed joke is amusing; they need to show that a joke can be more amusing because of the fact that it is (...)
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    How many separately evolved emotional beasties live within us.Aaron Sloman - 2001 - In Robert Trappl, Emotions in Humans and Artifacts. Bradford Book/MIT Press. pp. 35--114.
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    Compelled Speech at Work: Employer Mobilization as a Threat to Employee Speech Rights.Aaron Ancell - forthcoming - Philosophy of Management:1-17.
    Employers often encourage, incentivize, or even require their employees to engage in politics in a variety of ways. For example, employers often encourage employees to vote, press employees to support particular political candidates or policies, require employees to participate in political events, or ask employees to contact elected officials to advocate for the employer’s interests. Such practices are all forms of employer mobilization. This essay considers the threat that employer mobilization poses to employees’ speech rights, specifically employees’ right against compelled (...)
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    Stress, neurochemical substrates, and depression: Concomitants are not necessarily causes.Aaron T. Beck & Raymond P. Harrison - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):101-102.
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    Behavioral effects of neuroleptics: Performance deficits, reward deficits or both?Aaron Ettenberg - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):56-57.
  21. Authorship.Aaron Meskin - 2008 - In Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film. New York: Routledge.
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  22. A Theory of Fairness in Trade.Aaron James - 2014 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 1 (2):177-200.
    A theory of fairness in international trade should answer at least three questions. What, at the basic level, are we to assess as fair or unfair in the trade context? What sort of fairness issue does this basic subject of assessment raise? And, what moral principles must be fulfilled if trade is to be fair in the relevant sense? This discussion presents answers to these questions that derive from a “constructivist” methodology inspired by John Rawls and the social contract tradition.
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  23. What cognitive scientists need to know about virtual machines.Aaron Sloman - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1210--1215.
  24. Animals, predators, the right to life, and the duty to save lives.Aaron Simmons - 2009 - Ethics and the Environment 14 (1):pp. 15-27.
    One challenge to the idea that animals have a moral right to life claims that any such right would require us to intervene in the wild to prevent animals from being killed by predators. I argue that belief in an animal right to life does not commit us to supporting a program of predator-prey intervention. One common retort to the predator challenge contends that we are not required to save animals from predators because predators are not moral agents. I suggest (...)
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    Kon-Tiki Experiments.Aaron Novick, Adrian M. Currie, Eden W. McQueen & Nathan L. Brouwer - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (2):213-236.
    We identify a species of experiment—Kon-Tiki experiments—used to demonstrate the competence of a cause to produce a certain effect, and we examine their role in the historical sciences. We argue that Kon-Tiki experiments are used to test middle-range theory, to test assumptions within historical narratives, and to open new avenues of inquiry. We show how the results of Kon-Tiki experiments are involved in projective inferences, and we argue that reliance on projective inferences does not provide historical scientists with any special (...)
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    Bias, Safeguards, and the Limits of Individuals.Aaron Ancell - 2022 - Business Ethics Journal Review 10 (5):27-32.
    The Radical Behavioral Challenge (RBC) contends that due to normal human cognitive biases, many standard prescriptions of business ethics run afoul of the principle that ‘ought implies can.’ Von Kriegstein responds to this challenge by arguing that those prescriptions are wide-scope obligations that can be fulfilled by recusing oneself or by establishing appropriate safeguards. I argue that this solution falls short of fully resolving the RBC because individuals will often be incapable of recognizing when they are biased and incapable of (...)
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  27. Method and measurement*(1964).Aaron Cicourel - 2003 - In Gerard Delanty & Piet Strydom, Philosophies of social science: the classic and contemporary readings. Phildelphia: Open University. pp. 191.
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    Ill-gotten gains: on the use of results from unethical experiments in medicine.Aaron Ridley - 1995 - Public Affairs Quarterly 9 (3):253-266.
  29. Throwing Oneself Away: Kant on the Forfeiture of Respect.Aaron Bunch - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (1):71-91.
    Surprisingly often Kant asserts that it is possible to behave in such a degrading way that one ‘throws oneself away’ and turns oneself ‘into a thing’, as a result of which others may treat one ‘as they please’. Rather than dismiss these claims out of hand, I argue that they force us to reconsider what is meant and required by ‘respect for humanity’. I argue that to ‘throw away’ humanity is not to lose or extinguish it, but rather to refuse (...)
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    Iterated learning and the cultural ratchet.Aaron Beppu & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2089--2094.
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  31. Story Identity and Story Type.Aaron Smuts - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 67 (1):5-14.
    Although it seems plausible to say that the same story can be retold in different media, it is difficult to say exactly what this would entail. The primary difficulty is in coming up with an acceptable theory of story identity. In this article I present several theories of story identity and explore their weaknesses. I argue that in the end we are left with two unattractive options: a strict theory that implies that the same story can almost never be retold (...)
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    Symbolic value and the limits of good-for theory.Aaron Abma - 2024 - Noûs.
    Good-for theorists claim that to be valuable is to be good for someone, in the sense of being beneficial for them. Their opponents deny this, arguing that some things are good-simpliciter: good independently of being good for anyone. In this article I argue in favor of good-simpliciter. I appeal to the category of symbolically valuable acts, acts which seem valuable even when they do not benefit anyone and even when they are costly to the agent. I explore various strategies a (...)
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  33.  43
    Mind and matter.Aaron Garrett - 2013 - In James Anthony Harris, The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 171.
    This chapter explores several episodes in the eighteenth-century discussion of the metaphysics of mind. It begins with Locke’s suggestion that it would not be impossible for God to “superadd” the power of thought to matter. It then describes the debate about Locke’s suggestion between Samuel Clarke and Anthony Collins, and considers Hume’s discussion of the immateriality of the soul in relation to that debate. Next it presents Berkeley’s philosophy of immaterialism as a way of protecting the mental from reduction to (...)
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    What else can brains do?Aaron Sloman - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):230-231.
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    No Exceptionalism: Norms of Inquiry in the Science of Animal Consciousness.Charles Aaron Beasley - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (11):7-31.
    While the science of animal consciousness has seen a surge of new work, its most basic methodology remains highly disputed. In this paper I identify four candidate norms of inquiry that have been implicitly introduced in the recent literature. I call these (1) expansive theorizing, (2) indirect inquiry, (3) lowering epistemic standards, and (4) inflating epistemic standards. In each section, an instantiation of the norm of inquiry is discussed, and the broader lessons that can be taken from avoiding it are (...)
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    Introspection, Explanation, and Perceptual Experience: Resisting Metaphysical.Aaron Zimmerman - 2012 - In Declan Smithies & Daniel Stoljar, Introspection and Consciousness. , US: Oxford University Press. pp. 353.
  37. Must intelligent systems be scruffy.Aaron Sloman - 1990 - In J. E. Tiles, G. T. McKee & G. C. Dean, Evolving knowledge in natural science and artificial intelligence. London: Pitman. pp. 17.
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    Introduction to Jewish and Catholic bioethics: a comparative analysis.Aaron L. Mackler - 2003 - Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
    " This book has been carefully crafted in that spirit.
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    The Dialectic of Anthropocentrism.Aaron Bell - 2011 - In John Sanbonmatsu, Critical Theory and Animal Liberation. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 163--75.
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    Unattended exposure to components of speech sounds yields same benefits as explicit auditory training.Aaron R. Seitz, Athanassios Protopapas, Yoshiaki Tsushima, Eleni L. Vlahou, Simone Gori, Stephen Grossberg & Takeo Watanabe - 2010 - Cognition 115 (3):435-443.
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    Rethinking revolution in the Andes: Contrasting logics of social transformation in Bolivia.Aaron Augsburger - forthcoming - Thesis Eleven.
    Indigenous movements throughout the Andes have put forward the idea of plurinationalism as a theoretical concept of social transformation. Plurinationalism demands a complete overturning of the existing state structure and a rethinking of the idea of the national collective and social formation undergirding a given nation state. In essence, plurinationalism, through a variety of both ideological and material programs and processes, recognizes and incorporates the various distinct indigenous nationalities that comprise a social formation into a unified state apparatus while maintaining (...)
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    Political irrationality, utopianism, and democratic theory.Aaron Ancell - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (1):3-21.
    People tend to be biased and irrational about politics. Should this constrain what our normative theories of democracy can require? David Estlund argues that the answer is ‘no’. He contends that even if such facts show that the requirements of a normative theory are very unlikely to be met, this need not imply that the theory is unduly unrealistic. I argue that the application of Estlund’s argument to political irrationality depends on a false presupposition: mainly, that being rational about politics (...)
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  43. The Desire-Frustration Theory of Suspense.Aaron Smuts - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (3):281-291.
    What is suspense and how is it created? An answer to this question constitutes a theory of suspense. I propose that any theory of suspense needs to be able to account for three curious features: (1) Suspense is seldom felt in our daily lives, but frequently felt in response to works of fiction and other narrative artworks. [Narrative Imbalance] (2) It is widely thought that suspense requires uncertainty, but we often feel suspense in response to narratives when we have knowledge (...)
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  44. Political Constructivism.Aaron James - 2013 - In Jon Mandle & David A. Reidy, A Companion to Rawls. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 251–264.
    Political constructivism is associated with John Rawls more than any other contemporary philosopher. This chapter suggests that Rawls's political constructivism is better understood as a general method of justification which runs throughout his work as a whole, including his early work and A Theory of Justice. The chapter develops the general characterization of Rawls's political constructivism. Its main elements are taken in turn and developed with special attention to the two places where Rawls discusses the topic in depth – his (...)
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    Recognizing the Anti-Mysticism Polemic in Genesis Rabbah: A Bourdieusian Reading.David H. Aaron - 2023 - Hebrew Union College Annual 94:135-186.
    Midrash Genesis Rabbah takes aim at a variety of ideological adversaries, but the most subtle polemic is directed at sages who went beyond standard hermeneutical practices to embrace mystical approaches to Torah learning. This essay seeks to expose the use of satire and other literary forms of critique among passages treating cosmology and Torah study. Analytic tools developed by Pierre Bourdieu, especially as they pertain to exposing the use of the symbolic language intrinsic to the establishment of systems of social (...)
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    Recognizing the Anti-Mystical Polemic in Genesis Rabbah: A Bourdieusian Reading.David H. Aaron - 2023 - Hebrew Union College Annual 94:135-186.
    Midrash Genesis Rabbah takes aim at a variety of ideological adversaries, but the most subtle polemic is directed at sages who went beyond standard hermeneutical practices to embrace mystical approaches to Torah learning. This essay seeks to expose the use of satire and other literary forms of critique among passages treating cosmology and Torah study. Analytic tools developed by Pierre Bourdieu, especially as they pertain to exposing the use of the symbolic language intrinsic to the establishment of systems of social (...)
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  47. Wings of Desire: Reflections on the Tedium of Immortality.Aaron Smuts - 2008 - Film & Philosophy (Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts) 13 (1):137-151.
    The question Wings of Desire (Wim Wenders, 1987) forces us to answer is whether we too would be willing to renounce immortality? Or, to put it conversely, would we be wise to exchange our current mortal existence for immortality? If a state of senseless, inefficacious existence is undesirable, the question of the value of immortality becomes one of the conceivably of an alternative to the angels' form of existence. By contemplating the existence of the angels in Wings of Desire, we (...)
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  48. Liberalism.Aaron J. Ancell - 2021 - In William A. Galston & Tom G. Palmer, Truth and Governance. pp. 193-215.
    Liberalism has a complicated and sometimes uneasy relationship with truth. On one hand, liberalism requires that truth be widely valued and widely shared. It demands that governments be truthful and that citizens have ready access to numerous truths. Some liberals even take facilitating the discovery and dissemination of truth to be part of the raison d’être of liberal institutions. On the other hand, liberalism is averse to proclaiming or enforcing truth. It detaches truth from political legitimacy and deems certain truths (...)
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  49. Anthropology: The 'original'of human nature.Aaron Garrett - 2003 - In Alexander Broadie, The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 79--83.
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    On the social construction of distinctions: Risk, rape, public goods, and altruism.Aaron Wildavsky - 1993 - In R. Michod, L. Nadel & M. Hechter, The Origin of Values. Aldine de Gruyer. pp. 47--61.
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