Results for 'A. Schmied'

926 found
  1.  41
    Biobanking and consenting to research: a qualitative thematic analysis of young people’s perspectives in the North East of England.Momodou Ndure, Isatou Sarr, Anna Roca, Kalifa Bojang, Effua Usuf, Fiona Cresswell, Elizabeth Fitchett, David Bath, Manuel Dewez, Shunmay Yeung, Sebastian Schroepf, Carola Schoen, Karl Reiter, Esther Maier, Eberhard Lurz, Matthias Kappler, Sabrina Juranek, Tobias Feuchtinger, Matthias Griese, Florian Hoffmann, Niklaus Haas, Katharina Danhauser, Irene Alba-Alejandre, Ioanna Mavridi, Patricia Schmied, Laura Kolberg, Ulrich von Both, Maike K. Tauchert, Elmar Wallner, Volker Strenger, Andrea Skrabl-Baumgartner, Siegfried Rödl, Klaus Pfurtscheller, Andreas Pfleger, Heidemarie Pilch, Tobias Niedrist, Sabine Löffler, Markus Keldorfer, Andreas Kapper, Christa Hude, Almuthe Hauer, Harald Haidl, Siegfried Gallistl, Ernst Eber, Astrid Ceolotto, Martin Benesch, Sebastian Bauchinger, Manfred G. Sagmeister, Martina Strempfl, Bianca Stoiser, Glorija Rajic, Alexandra Rusu, Lena Pölz, Manuel Leitner, Susanne Hösele, Christoph Zurl, Nina A. Schweintzger, Daniel S. Kohlfürst, Benno Kohlmaier & Ale Binder - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundBiobanking biospecimens and consent are common practice in paediatric research. We need to explore children and young people’s (CYP) knowledge and perspectives around the use of and consent to biobanking. This will ensure meaningful informed consent can be obtained and improve current consent procedures.MethodsWe designed a survey, in co-production with CYP, collecting demographic data, views on biobanking, and consent using three scenarios: 1) prospective consent, 2) deferred consent, and 3) reconsent and assent at age of capacity. The survey was disseminated (...)
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    (2 other versions)Effect of previous stroking on reactions to a veterinary procedure.Claudia Schmied, Xavier Boivin, Sebastian Scala & Susanne Waiblinger - 2010 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 11 (3):467-481.
    This study investigated the effect of stroking vs. simple human presence on later reactions of dairy cows to routine veterinary handling. While in two groups of cows the experimenter stroked the ventral part of the neck or the withers for three consecutive weeks, the third group was exposed to close visual presence. After the treatment period the cows were subjected to rectal palpation. The three groups differed significantly in stepping during rectal palpation, which occurred less often in Neck- and Withers-animals (...)
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  3. A Referate uber deutschsprachige Neuerscheinungen-Interkulturalitat im Denken Max Horkheimers.Zvi Rosen & Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik - 2006 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 59 (3):259.
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  4.  56
    Karl Marx as a Philosopher of Human Emancipation.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik - 1998 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 60:365-378.
  5.  28
    Acceptability of Neuroscientific Interventions in Education.J. M. Dubinsky, S. Varma & A. Schmied - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-27.
    Researchers are increasingly applying neuroscience technologies that probe or manipulate the brain to improve educational outcomes. However, their use remains fraught with ethical controversies. Here, we investigate the acceptability of neuroscience applications to educational practice in two groups of young adults: those studying bioscience who will be driving future basic neuroscience research and technology transfer, and those studying education who will be choosing among neuroscience-derived applications for their students. Respondents rated the acceptability of six scenarios describing neuroscience applications to education (...)
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    A alma humana enquanto ponto central enigmático entre natureza e espírito.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (130):715-737.
    Tomando como ponto de partida o diálogo "Clara", escrito por Schelling, o autor faz da conexão da Natureza com o Espírito o fio condutor da trajetória do pensamento schellinguiano. É, antes de tudo, na disputa com as filosofias de Fichte e Hegel, que se revela a convergência entre a concepção transcendental do Espírito e a filosofia da Natureza, dando-se assim a entender a importância de um conceito especulativo da Natureza como acesso ao mundo real. Taking the dialogue "Clara", written by (...)
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  7.  18
    A nossa realidade social E a utopia da sobrevivência moral da humanidade.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik - 2000 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45 (4):633-646.
    O autor exrnina, neste trabalho, a idéia de socialismo, tentando mostrar que a derrocada do socialismo real de modo algum é sinônimo de fim da utopia socialista.
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  8. La critique pré-existentialiste de l'idéalisme des deux cousins Hans Ehrenberg et Franz Rosenzweig.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik - 1994 - In Arno Münster, La pensée de Franz Rosenzweig: actes du colloque parisien organisé à l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance du philosophe. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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  9.  15
    Cohen und Rosenzweig: zu Vemunft und Offenbarung.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik - 2006 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 62 (2/4):511 - 533.
    Franz Rosenzweig considerava-se a si mesmo como sendo o verdadeiro discípulo do Hermann Cohen maduro, o qual foi seu professor em Berlim entre 1913 e 1918. Daí a sua preocupação em interpretar o "último Cohen" como estando claramente fora dos parâmetros determinantes do seu neokantismo idealista inicial. Nessa medida, defende o autor do artigo, Rosenzweig coloca à luz. do dia um importante aspecto do pensamento de Cohen, mas ao mesmo tempo não deixa de o violentar. Isso é o que se (...)
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  10.  28
    The externality of the inside: body images of pregnancy.Virginia Schmied & Deborah Lupton - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (1):32-40.
    The externality of the inside: body images of pregnancyThis paper draws on literature, empirical data and a range of theoretical perspectives on the maternal body to examine understandings of the relationship between a pregnant woman and her foetus, with a particular focus on the body images used by women to represent this relationship. Psychoanalytic and nursing accounts of the relationship between mother and foetus have often described a symbiotic ‘oneness’ or unity during pregnancy. Such accounts, however, stress the temporary nature (...)
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  11.  34
    The Enduring Validity of the Critique of Political Economy Marxian Praxis-Philosophical Dialectics.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (2):21-31.
    Karl Marx is forgotten as a philosopher today not because he failed, but because the praxis-philosophical core of his Critique of Political Economy has not been rightly perceived. Marx’s Critique of Political Economy is a negative theory which takes it upon itself to uncover the negative aspects of capitalist values theory. It is not selfgrounded, and substantiated solely by Marx’s earlier writings. It cannot serve as the basis for any kind of common, ecological economy, its importance lies only in its (...)
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  12. Schmied-Kowarzik, W., Franz Rozenzweig. Existentielles Denken und gelebte Bewährung. [REVIEW]A. Lichtigfeld - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (2):332.
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  13. Człowiek a przyroda (W. Schmied-Kowarzik, \"Das dialektische Verhaltins des Menschen zur Natur\", Munchen 1984).Katarzyna Moliter - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 251 (10).
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  14.  78
    Schlusslogische Letztbegründung. Festschrift für Kurt Walter Zeidler zum 65. Geburtstag.Lois Marie Rendl & Robert König (eds.) - 2020 - Berlin, Deutschland: Peter Lang.
    Schlusslogische Letztbegründung is a collection of essays in honor of Kurt Walter Zeidler. Mr. Zeidler is a distinguished Kant- and Neo-Kantian-scholar who has reconstructed Kant's concept of transcendental logic in connection with the logic of the concept of Hegel and the logic of symbolization of Peirce. (cf. Zeidler: Grundriss der transzendentalen Logik, 3rd ed., Wien 2017) He has most notably inquired intensively into the relation of transcendental logic to philosophy of science (cf. Zeidler: Prolegomena zur Wissenschaftstheorie, Wien 2000) and to (...)
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  15.  55
    Jesus through Buddhist Eyes: 3rd Conference of European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies, Archabbey St. Ottilien, Germany, February 26-March 1, 1999. [REVIEW]John D'Arcy May - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):257-259.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 257-259 [Access article in PDF] Jesus through Buddhist Eyes: 3rd Conference of European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies, Archabbey St. Ottilien, Germany, February 26-March 1, 1999 John D'Arcy MayIrish School of Ecumenics, DublinThis ambitious conference, attended by well over 100 participants including a number of practitioners of Buddhist meditation from southern Germany and Austria, has put the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies firmly on its feet. (...)
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    (1 other version)Zur bewusstseinsanalytischen Philosophie von Walther Schmied-Kowarzik.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik - 2015 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 8 (2):155-173.
    Zur bewusstseinsanalytischen Philosophie von Walther Schmied-Kowarzik.
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  17.  7
    Objektivationen des Geistigen: Beiträge zur Kulturphilosophie in Gedenken an Walther Schmied-Kowarzik, 1885-1958.Walther Schmied-Kowarzik & Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik (eds.) - 1985 - Berlin: D. Reimer.
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  18.  78
    One true logic: a monist manifesto.A. C. Paseau & Owen Griffiths - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by A. C. Paseau.
    Logical monism is the claim that there is a single correct logic, the 'one true logic' of our title. The view has evident appeal, as it reflects assumptions made in ordinary reasoning as well as in mathematics, the sciences, and the law. In all these spheres, we tend to believe that there aredeterminate facts about the validity of arguments. Despite its evident appeal, however, logical monism must meet two challenges. The first is the challenge from logical pluralism, according to which (...)
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  19. A cautious welcome: An introduction and guide to the book.A. J. Marcel & E. Bisiach - 1988 - In Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach, Consciousness in Contemporary Science. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--15.
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  20.  7
    Kritik und Praxis: zur Problematik menschlicher Emanzipation : Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik zum 60. Geburtstag.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik, Heinz Eidam, Frank Hermenau & Dirk Stederoth (eds.) - 1998 - Lüneburg: Zu Klampen.
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  21.  53
    Biomedical conflicts of interest: a defence of the sequestration thesis--learning from the cases of Nancy Olivieri and David Healy.A. Schafer - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (1):8-24.
    No discussion of academic freedom, research integrity, and patient safety could begin with a more disquieting pair of case studies than those of Nancy Olivieri and David Healy. The cumulative impact of the Olivieri and Healy affairs has caused serious self examination within the biomedical research community. The first part of the essay analyses these recent academic scandals. The two case studies are then placed in their historical context—that context being the transformation of the norms of science through increasingly close (...)
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  22.  21
    Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik: Existenz denken. Schellings Philosophie von ihren Anfängen bis zum Spätwerk.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik & Friedrich Voßkühler - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (2):113-133.
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  23.  49
    A self-regulatory approach to understanding boredom proneness.A. A. Struk, A. A. Scholer & J. Danckert - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (8).
  24.  51
    A proto-code of ethics and conduct for European nurse directors.A. Stievano, M. G. D. Marinis, D. Kelly, J. Filkins, I. Meyenburg-Altwarg, M. Petrangeli & V. Tschudin - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (2):279-288.
    The proto-code of ethics and conduct for European nurse directors was developed as a strategic and dynamic document for nurse managers in Europe. It invites critical dialogue, reflective thinking about different situations, and the development of specific codes of ethics and conduct by nursing associations in different countries. The term proto-code is used for this document so that specifically country-orientated or organization-based and practical codes can be developed from it to guide professionals in more particular or situation-explicit reflection and values. (...)
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  25.  7
    Dialektik und Dialog: Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik zum 80. Geburtstag.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik, Helmut Schneider & Dirk Stederoth (eds.) - 2019 - Kassel: Kassel University Press.
    Das Thema „Dialektik“ bildet in verschiedensten Feldern einen Hauptschwerpunkt im Werk von Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik. Mit dem Stichwort „Dialog“ wird zugleich sein spezifischer Zugang zur Dialektik und den mit ihr verbundenen Problemhorizonten angedeutet. So verweist Dialog darauf, dass Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik Dialektik immer als eine der gesellschaftlichen Praxis versteht, in der die Menschen in ihrer Geschichte ihr gesellschaftliches Zusammenleben in dialogisch-praktischer Auseinandersetzung miteinander gestalten. Und so ist ihm der gelungene gesellschaftlich-geschichtlich vermittelte Dialog in wechselseitiger Anerkennung und Offenheit der Dialogpartner ein (...)
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  26.  13
    Schellings Denken der Freiheit: Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik zum 70. Geburtstag.Heinz Paetzold & Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik (eds.) - 2010 - Kassel: Kassel University Press.
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  27.  13
    Ethics of a Physiotherapist: Touch, Corporeality, Intimacy—Based on the Experience of Elderly Patients.A. Długołęcka, M. Jagodzińska, W. J. Bober & A. Przyłuska-Fiszer - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (3):461-474.
    This paper presents a qualitative study investigating the application of physiotherapists’ professional ethics in practice with respect to touch, intimacy, and corporeality during therapy, based on the experiences of elderly patients. As the relationship in a physiotherapy session is multidimensional, the study considered three levels: physical contact, verbal contact, and the conditions in which the therapy took place. The aim of this study was to find out what values are of importance to older people during a physiotherapy session, with emphasis (...)
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  28.  10
    On the area of a semi-circle.A. Seidenberg - 1972 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 9 (3):171-211.
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    Germ-Line Engineering: A Few European Voices.A. Mauron & J. -M. Thevoz - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (6):649-666.
    We have surveyed various recent European opinions on Germ-Line engineering. The majority express more or less severe reservations about any interventions on the human Germ-Line, including therapeutic ones. However, they are divided over the pragmatic, or categorical-ethical nature of the relevant arguments. This split reflects two competing views of technology. The ‘pessimistic’ one is deeply concerned by the slippery slope leading from bona fide therapeutic applications of genetic engineering to eugenic practices. It insists that, if anything can defend us against (...)
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  30.  49
    Clinical ethics committees: a worldwide development.A. Slowther - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (90001):1i-1.
  31.  36
    A House Of Notoriety: an episode in the campaign for the consulate in 64 b.c.1.A. M. Stone - 1998 - Classical Quarterly 48 (2):487-491.
    Near the beginning of In Toga Candida, Cicero informed his audience of a private meeting between his two most serious competitors for the consulate and the managers of their campaigning funds. This meeting took place at the house of a nobleman whom Cicero did not name but to whom he attributed a signal notoriety in the practice of electoral corruption. Asconius offers a solution without hesitation: it was at the house of either Caesar or Crassus. He explains his choice: these (...)
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  32. Faith, unbelief and evil: a fragment of a dialogue.A. N. Prior - 2012 - Synthese 188 (3):381-397.
    The man who is isolated over against God is as such rejected by God. But to be this man can only be the choice of the Godless man himself. The witness of the Community of God to every individual man points in this direction: that this choice of the Godless is null and void, that he belongs to Jesus Christ from eternity and thus is not rejected, but rather chosen by God in Jesus Christ, that the reprobation which he deserves (...)
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  33.  86
    The Electric Field Outside a Stationary Resistive Wire Carrying a Constant Current.A. K. T. Assis, W. A. Rodrigues Jr & A. J. Mania - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (5):729-753.
    We present the opinion of some authors who believe there is no force between a stationary charge and a stationary resistive wire carrying a constant current. We show that this force is different from zero and present its main components: the force due to the charges induced in the wire by the test charge and a force proportional to the current in the resistive wire. We also discuss briefly a component of the force proportional to the square of the current (...)
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  34.  51
    Buddha as a Revolutionary Force in Indian Culture.A. R. Wadia - 1948 - Philosophy 23 (85):116 - 139.
    Few people would care to deny, whether within India or without, that Buddha is the greatest Indian of all times. Whether from the standpoint of the purity of his life, the daring originality and novelty of his thought, or the extent of his influence in shaping the culture of the world, it would be hard to beat the record of Buddha. Even making every allowance for the common idea that no man is a prophet in his own land, it is (...)
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  35. A note on logical truth and non-sexist semantics.A. J. Stenner - 1981 - In Mary Vetterling-Braggin, Sexist language: a modern philosophical analysis. Totowa, N.J.: Littlefield, Adams. pp. 299--306.
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  36.  35
    Interaction of a moving { } twin boundary with perfect dislocations and loops in a hcp metal.A. Serra & D. J. Bacon - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (7-8):845-861.
  37. Striking a Balance: Openness in Research Through Design.A. T. Holroyd - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):36-37.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Developing a Dialogical Platform for Disseminating Research through Design” by Abigail C. Durrant, John Vines, Jayne Wallace & Joyce Yee. Upshot: The experimental conference format described by Durrant et al. is intended to create an open platform for dissemination and knowledge creation. The field of open design, in which designers create structures to support creative action by others, offers relevant insights and alternative approaches. For example: while it is logical to see openness as open (...)
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  38.  18
    Āraja Ālī Mātubbara, jībana o darśana.Āiẏuba Hosena - 2013 - Ḍhākā: Sūcīpatra.
    Articles on the life and works of Āraja Ālī Mātubbara, 1901-1986, Muslim philosopher and author from Bangladesh.
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    A Transposition in Propertivs.A. E. Housman - 1914 - Classical Quarterly 8 (03):151-.
    So far his weapons of defence are taken from a common armoury; but in the next verses he develops the argumentum ad hominem which was foreshadowed in ‘eques’ and ‘intra fortunam qui cupis esse tuam.’ Such promptings, says he, come strangely from Maecenas, whose own discreetness and self-repression will be famous in history, and whom he is resolved, so far as in him lies, to imitate.
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    Toward a General Theory of Persons.A. A. Howsepian - 2000 - Christian Bioethics 6 (1):15-35.
    The fundamental question I consider is the following: What is it that makes one thing a person and another thing not? I do not provide a complete answer; rather I begin to develop a framework for answering the question. In this essay I do the following: (1) distinguish between the powers possessed by persons and the constitutions of persons, and propose some metaphysical conjectures concerning the relationship between persons' powers and their constitutions; (2) propose for Christians, as well as for (...)
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  41.  54
    A solution to a paradox of promising.A. P. Martinich - 1985 - Philosophia 15 (1-2):117-122.
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  42.  43
    (1 other version)A note on universal sets.A. H. Lachlan - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (4):573-574.
    In this note is proved the following:Theorem.Iƒ A × B is universal and one oƒ A, B is r.e. then one of A, B is universal.Letα, τbe 1-argument recursive functions such thatxgoes to, τ) is a map of the natural numbers onto all ordered pairs of natural numbers. A set A of natural numbers is calleduniversalif every r.e. set is reducible to A; A × B is calleduniversalif the set.
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    A note on the schemes of replacement and collection.A. R. D. Mathias - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (1):43-50.
    We derive the schemes of from certain weak forms of the same.
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  44. I︠A︡zyk i dei︠a︡telʹnostʹ: kriticheskiĭ analiz vitgenshteĭnianstva.A. F. Gri︠a︡znov - 1991 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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  45. Sovremennai︠a︡ filosofskai︠a︡ i sot︠s︡iologicheskai︠a︡ myslʹ stran Vostoka.S. N. Grigori︠a︡n (ed.) - 1965 - Moskva: Nauka, Glav. red. vostochnoĭ lit-ry.
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    A Few Historical Data of the Modern Science of Language.A. H. Gunlogsen - 1907 - The Monist 17 (2):252-271.
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    A Democracy for Russia, A Russia for Democracy.A. A. Guseinov - 2009 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 47 (4):74-84.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ istorii Li︠a︡n Shumina.A. B. Starostina - 2009 - Moskva: Idv Ran.
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    Rostovskai︠a︡ filosofskai︠a︡ shkola: vchera, segodni︠a︡, zavtra: Nauchnoe izdanie.A. M. Starovstin (ed.) - 2013 - Rostov-na-Donu: Donizdat.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ buddizma: ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡.M. T. Stepani︠a︡nt︠s︡ (ed.) - 2011 - Moskva: Izdatelʹskai︠a︡ firma "Vostochnai︠a︡ literatura".
    Первое российское энциклопедическое издание, посвященное философии буддизма, является самым полным в отечественной литературе сводом знаний о буддийской философии. Его главная цель - описать философское кредо буддизма в контексте разнообразия школ.
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