Results for 'A. Moy'

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  1.  98
    Countering misinformation: A multidisciplinary approach.Krzysztof Suchecki, Julian Sienkiewicz, Wesley R. Moy, Janusz A. Hołyst & Kacper T. Gradoń - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    The article explores the concept of infodemics during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the propagation of false or inaccurate information proliferating worldwide throughout the SARS-CoV-2 health crisis. We provide an overview of disinformation, misinformation and malinformation and discuss the notion of “fake news”, and highlight the threats these phenomena bear for health policies and national and international security. We discuss the mis-/disinformation as a significant challenge to the public health, intelligence, and policymaking communities and highlight the necessity to design measures (...)
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  2.  36
    Guardianship Before and Following Hospitalization.Jennifer Moye, Andrew B. Cohen, Kelly Stolzmann, Elizabeth J. Auguste, Casey C. Catlin, Zachary S. Sager, Rachel E. Weiskittle, Cindy B. Woolverton, Heather L. Connors & Jennifer L. Sullivan - 2023 - HEC Forum 35 (3):271-292.
    When ethics committees are consulted about patients who have or need court-appointed guardians, they lack empirical evidence about several common issues, including the relationship between guardianship and prolonged, potentially medically unnecessary hospitalizations for patients. To provide information about this issue, we conducted quantitative and qualitative analyses using a retrospective cohort from Veterans Healthcare Administration. To examine the relationship between guardianship appointment and hospital length of stay, we first compared 116 persons hospitalized prior to guardianship appointment to a comparison group (n (...)
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  3. Thucydices'«Great War»: The Fiction in Scientific History.Rh Moye - 1990 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 19:161-180.
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    Literature: A Storehouse of Knowledge?Walter Moser & Craig Moyes - 1993 - Substance 22 (2/3):126.
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  5. De una didáctica tradicional a la mediación de los procesos de aprendizaje en los currículo de educación superior/From Traditional Training to the Mediation Learning Process in Higher Education Curriculum.Leyda Alviárez, Hau Fung Moy Kwan & Ali Carrillo - 2009 - Telos (Venezuela) 11 (2).
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    Chief financial officers' perceptions concerning the ima's standards of ethical conduct.Glen D. Moyes & Kyungjoo Park - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (2):189-194.
    Do chief financial officers (CFOs) of publicly held corporations agree with the Institute of Management Accountants' (IMA) Standards of Ethical Conduct and are they willing to adopt them? To address these issues, a survey was conducted concerning the Standards. The IMA issued the Pronouncement of Standards in June, 1982.In November, 1992, 790 survey questionnaires were mailed to chief financial officers (CFOs) of corporations listed in Forbes. These CFOs held the positions of vice president of finance and controller. Completed questionnaires were (...)
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  7.  12
    Institutional Pillars and Corruption at the Societal Level.Ji Li, Jane Moy, Kevin Lam & W. Chris Chu - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (2):327-339.
    This article studies the effects of social institutions on organizational corruption at the societal level by focusing on the possible interactions between the institutional pillars that have been identified in past research. Based on these three institutional aspects or pillars, this article tests the interactive effects of social institutions among societies throughout the world. The results suggest that the three institutional pillars have significant interactive effects on organizational corruption at the societal level. A discussion of the implications of the research (...)
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  8.  49
    Institutional Pillars and Corruption at the Societal Level.Ji Li, Jane Moy, Kevin Lam & W. L. Chris Chu - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (2):327-339.
    This article studies the effects of social institutions on organizational corruption at the societal level by focusing on the possible interactions between the institutional pillars that have been identified in past research. Based on these three institutional aspects or pillars, this article tests the interactive effects of social institutions among societies throughout the world. The results suggest that the three institutional pillars have significant interactive effects on organizational corruption at the societal level. A discussion of the implications of the research (...)
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  9.  33
    Memory scanning as a serial self-terminating process.John Theios, Peter G. Smith, Susan E. Haviland, Jane Traupmann & Melvyn C. Moy - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (3):323.
  10.  61
    De una didáctica tradicional a la mediación de los procesos de aprendizaje en los currículo de educación superior.Ali Carrillo, Hau Fung Moy Kwan & Leyda Alviárez - 2009 - Telos (Venezuela) 11 (2):194-210.
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    Comunidade Barroso (Camamu - BA) pós 2008: a certificação e a nova configuração de quilombo.Ana Angélica Leal Barbosa, Emily Alves Cruz Moy & Flavia Querino Da Silva - 2016 - Odeere 1 (1).
    Este trabalho é parte de um estudo etnográfico em andamento no mestrado em Relações Étnicas e Contemporaneidade, período entre 2015-2017 com crianças da Comunidade Quilombola Barroso, município de Camamu-Bahia. Para construção dos dados foram realizadas pesquisas de campo, análises documentais, leituras de periódicos, livros e pesquisas online. Durante as observações pretendeu-se investigar como se dá o processo de construção identitária das crianças, tendo como objetivos específicos conhecer como os estudantes expressam sua identidade na escola e analisar de que forma as (...)
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    Ethical Concerns and Procedural Pathways for Patients Who are Incapacitated and Alone: Implications from a Qualitative Study for Advancing Ethical Practice.Pamela B. Teaster, Erica Wood, Jennifer Kwak, Casey Catlin & Jennifer Moye - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (2):171-189.
    Adults who are incapacitated and alone, having no surrogates, may be known as “unbefriended.” Decision-making for these particularly vulnerable patients is a common and vexing concern for healthcare providers and hospital ethics committees. When all other avenues for resolving the need for surrogate decision-making fail, patients who are incapacitated and alone may be referred for “public guardianship” or guardianship of last resort. While an appropriate mechanism in theory, these programs are often under-staffed and under-funded, laying the consequences of inadequacies on (...)
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  13.  26
    Cash and the Hidden Economy: Experimental Evidence on Fighting Tax Evasion in Small Business Transactions.Ho Fai Chan, Uwe Dulleck, Jonas Fooken, Naomi Moy & Benno Torgler - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (1):89-114.
    Increasing the tax compliance of self-employed business owners—particularly of trade-specific service providers such as those involved in construction and repair work—remains an ongoing challenge for tax authorities. From a compliance point of view, cash transactions are particularly problematic when services are paid for on the spot, as these exchanges are difficult to audit. We present experimental evidence testing ten different policy strategies rooted in the enforcement, service, and trust/social paradigms, in a setting that allows payment either via a transaction that (...)
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  14.  25
    Reasoning in the Capacity to Make Medical Decisions: The Consideration of Values.Michele J. Karel, Ronald J. Gurrera, Bret Hicken & Jennifer Moye - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (1):58-71.
    PurposeTo examine the contribution of “values-based reasoning” in evaluating older adults’ capacity to make medical decisions.Design and MethodsOlder men with schizophrenia (n=20) or dementia (n=20), and a primary care comparison group (n=19), completed cognitive and psychiatric screening and an interview to determine their capacity to make medical decisions, which included a component on values. All of the participants were receiving treatment at Veterans Administration (VA) outpatient clinics.ResultsParticipants varied widely in the activities and relationships they most valued, the extent to which (...)
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  15.  22
    Timothy Moy. War Machines: Transforming Technologies in the U.S. Military, 1920–1940. xiv + 218 pp., illus., bibl., index. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2001. $39.95. [REVIEW]Barton Hacker - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):343-343.
    War Machines: Transforming Technologies in the U.S. Military, 1920–1940, is not as broad as its title might suggest. Timothy Moy does indeed propose a broad thesis, that institutional culture plays a large, though seldom acknowledged, role in technological innovation. But he addresses only two very particular case studies of military innovation between the world wars. The longer reviews the Army Air Force's development of the technology for precision bombing; the shorter examines the U.S. Marine Corps's development of the technology for (...)
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    Sylvie Mouysset, Jean-Pierre Bardet & François-Joseph Ruggiu (dir.), « Car c'est moy que je peins ». Écritures de soi, individu et liens sociaux (Europe, xve-xxe siècle).Anna Iuso - 2012 - Clio 35:272-274.
    Le but de ce volume, véritable prisme de questionnements et d’études de cas, est d’essayer de tracer, à travers les écritures de soi, les conditions d’émergence d’un moi, d’un ego, de la notion même d’individu. Nécessairement, ceux qui l’ont conçu ont dû ratisser large. Les différentes contributions analysent des cas dispersés sur plusieurs siècles, en tenant compte de plusieurs genres de récits de soi : livres de raison, journaux plus ou moins intimes, chroniques… Les présupposés sous-jacent...
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    Jean-Pierre Bardet, Elisabeth Arnoul & Jean-François Ruggiu (dir.), Les écrits du for privé en Europe du Moyen Âge à l'époque contemporaine. Enquêtes, analyses, publications.Nicole Lemaitre - 2012 - Clio 35:269-271.
    Ce volume fait le point sur plusieurs années de recherches méthodologiques et archivistiques et complète les publications récentes des membres du GDR sur le sujet, dont les dernières : Entre mémoire et histoire. Écriture ordinaire et émergence de l’individu, éd. S. Mouysset et N. Lemaitre, Paris, CTHS ; Car c’est moy que je peins. Écritures de soi, individu et liens sociaux (Europe, xve-xxe siècle), dir. S. Mouysset, Jean-Pierre Bardet et François-Joseph Ruggiu, Toulouse, Framespa, coll. « Mé...
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    Du bon usage de Montaigne.Jacques Schlanger - 2012 - Paris: Hermann.
    " Je veus qu'on m'y voie en ma façon simple, naturelle et ordinaire, sans contention et artifice : car c'est moy que je peins. Mes defauts s'y liront au vif, mes imperfections et ma forme naïfve (native, naturelle), autant que la reverence publique (la décence) me l'a permis. " Les Essais, on le sait, ne sont pas une autobiographie, mais un autoportrait emboîté dans un ensemble de digressions, de citations, d'anecdotes, de réflexions morales, présentés avec humour, ironie, parfois avec fausse (...)
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  19.  97
    Sur la calculabilité du nombre de toutes Les connaissances possibLes.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 2003 - The Leibniz Review 13:93-97.
    Le corps entier des sciences peut estre consideré comme l’ocean, qui est continué partout, et sans interruption ou partage, bien que les hommes y conçoivent des parties, et leur donnent des noms selon leur commodité. Et comme il y a des mers inconnues, ou qui n’ont esté navigeés que par quelques vaisseaux que le hazard y avoir jettés: on peut dire,[10] de même qu’il y a des sciences dont on a connu quelque chose par rencontre seulement et sans dessein. L’art (...)
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  20.  11
    Antoine Calvet. L’alchimie au Moyen Âge (XIIe-XVe siècles). Paris: Vrin, 2018.Jaume Mensa - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (2):160-162.
    El objetivo del libro no es otro, pues, que «retracer l’histoire de l’alchimie au Moye Âge». De acuerdo con esta perspectiva histórica, el libro esta estructurado en cuatro grandes capítulos. Primero: La réception de l’alchimie arabe au Moyen Âge ; segundo: Les principaux corpus alchimiques arabo-latins ; tercero: L’alchimie latine y, finalmente, el cuarto: L’alchimie à la fin du Moyen Âge: La transition vers la Renaissance. Una introducción, la conclusión, veinte páginas de bibliografia, el index nominum i el general completan (...)
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  21.  10
    Parcours: journal d'une vie intellectuelle.Marcel Conche - 2017 - Auxerre: HD.
    Après un livre plutôt austère sur Héraclite, l'auteur revient à la libre expression de soi ("C'est moy que je peins") où "expression de soi" ne signifie pas oubli des autres, qu'il s'agisse de ses proches, de ses amis (plusieurs fois présents par leurs lettres), de philosophes ("Rencontre de Pascal", "Hegel et le mal") ou d'hommes politiques ("Macron et la Crimée"). Reste que bien des chapitres ont un accent personnel, chapitres qu'une émotion inspire : nostalgie ("Au lycée d'Evreux"), fierté ("Mon sujet (...)
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  22. A. J. Ayer: Memorial Essays.A. Phillips Griffiths - 1993 - Philosophy 68 (263):107-108.
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  23.  53
    Psychiatry After Virtue: A Modern Practice in the Ruins.A. A. Michel - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (2):170-186.
    Contemporary psychiatry maintains the myth that it is value neutral by appeal to modern medical science for both its diagnostic categories and its therapeutic interventions, leaving the impression that it relies on reason—that is to say, reason divorced from tradition—to master human nature. Such a practice has a certain way of characterizing and defining humanity's lapses from acceptable human behavior—a lapse from human being. The modern practice of psychiatry applies a particular notion (largely influenced by Enlightenment ideals) of scientific instrumentation (...)
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  24. Kiev: A Portrait, 1800-1917. By Michael F. Hamm.A. Makolkin - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:140-141.
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  25. From a Treatise on Language = Aus Dem Traktat Über Die Sprache.A. B. Johnson & Andreas Thalmayr - 1966 - Suhrkamp.
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  26. Filosofii︠a︡ v nezavisimoĭ Indii: problemy, protivorechii︠a︡, diskussii.A. D. Litman - 1988 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka," Glav. red. vostochnoĭ lit-ry.
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  27. Réponse à M. Gardair.A. D. Sertillanges - 1907 - Revue de Philosophie 10:107.
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  28. as a Method of Social Engineering'.S. Kaspe‘To Construct A. Federation & Renovatio Imperii - 2000 - Polis 5:67.
  29. Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Applications), Volume VI.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This sixth volume of Collected Papers includes 74 papers comprising 974 pages on (theoretic and applied) neutrosophics, written between 2015-2021 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 121 co-authors from 19 countries: Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abdel Nasser H. Zaied, Abduallah Gamal, Amir Abdullah, Firoz Ahmad, Nadeem Ahmad, Ahmad Yusuf Adhami, Ahmed Aboelfetouh, Ahmed Mostafa Khalil, Shariful Alam, W. Alharbi, Ali Hassan, Mumtaz Ali, Amira S. Ashour, Asmaa Atef, Assia Bakali, Ayoub Bahnasse, A. A. Azzam, Willem K.M. Brauers, Bui (...)
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    A map of technopolitics: Deep convergence, platform ontologies, and cognitive efficiency.Michael A. Peters - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 158 (1):117-140.
    This paper, based on an invited Thesis Eleven presentation, provides a ‘map of technopolitics’ that springs from an investigation of the theoretical notion of technological convergence adopted by the US National Science Foundation, signaling a new paradigm of ‘nano-bio-info-cogno’ technologies. This integration at the nano-level is expected to drive the next wave of scientific research, technology and knowledge economy. The paper explores the concept of ‘technopolitics’ by investigating the links between Wittgenstein’s anti-scientism and Lyotard’s ‘technoscience’, reviewing the history of the (...)
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  31.  20
    A SCHELER-RENAISSANCE: A Centenary Reflection.A. Lichtigfeld - 1975 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 37 (4):711 - 715.
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  32. (1 other version)Teorii︠a︡ algorifmov.A. A. Markov - 1984 - Moskva: "Nauka," Glav. red. fiziko-matematicheskoĭ lit-ry. Edited by N. M. Nagornyĭ.
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  33. A. De Waelhens, "Schizophrenia".A. Medina - 1980 - Man and World 13 (3/4):447.
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  34.  35
    Punishment: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader.A. John Simmons, Marshall Cohen, Joshua Cohen & Charles R. Beitz (eds.) - 1994 - Princeton University Press.
    The problem of justifying legal punishment has been at the heart of legal and social philosophy from the very earliest recorded philosophical texts. However, despite several hundred years of debate, philosophers have not reached agreement about how legal punishment can be morally justified. That is the central issue addressed by the contributors to this volume. All of the essays collected here have been published in the highly respected journal Philosophy & Public Affairs. Taken together, they offer not only significant proposals (...)
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  35.  10
    Matematicheskai︠a︡ logika i algebra: sbornik stateĭ: k 100-letii︠u︡ sp dni︠a︡ rozhdenii︠a︡ akademika Petra Sergeevicha Novikova.S. I. Adi︠a︡n & P. S. Novikov (eds.) - 2003 - Moskva: Maik Nauka/Interperiodika.
  36. Sovremennai︠a︡ filosofskai︠a︡ i sot︠s︡iologicheskai︠a︡ myslʹ stran Vostoka.S. N. Grigori︠a︡n (ed.) - 1965 - Moskva: Nauka, Glav. red. vostochnoĭ lit-ry.
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    A Tanterv helye és szerepe Kiss Árpád neveléstudományi munkásságában: emlékkötet Kiss Árpád nyolcvanadik születésnapjára.Árpád Kiss, Nándor Horánszky & Zoltán Báthory (eds.) - 1988 - [Budapest]: Országos Pedagógiai Intézet.
  38. (1 other version)Istorii︠a︡ fiziki i tekhniki.P. S. Kudri︠a︡vt︠s︡ev - 1960 - Moskva,: Gos. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo Ministerstva prosveshchenii︠a︡ RSFSR. Edited by Ivan I︠A︡kovlevich Konfederatov.
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  39. (2 other versions)Istorii︠a︡ fiziki.P. S. Kudri︠a︡vt︠s︡ev - 1948 - Moskva,: Gos. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo.
    T. 1. Ot antichnoĭ fiziki do Mendeleeva.
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    Dravya-guṇa mīmāṃsā meṃ Vedānta aura vijñāna.Sudyumna Ācārya - 2016 - Naī Dillī: Dillī Saṃskr̥ta Akādamī. Edited by Jītarāma Bhaṭṭa & Pradyumnacandra.
    On fundamentals of Vedanta and science; a study.
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  41. (1 other version)A Short Commentary on Kant's `Critique of Pure Reason'.A. C. Ewing - 1939 - Mind 48 (191):373-377.
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  42.  18
    A Response to Our Theatre Critics.J. A. Hobson & K. J. Friston - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (3-4):245-254.
    We would like to thank Dolega and Dewhurst for a thought-provoking and informed deconstruction of our article, which we take as applause from valued members of our audience. In brief, we fully concur with the theatre-free formulation offered by Dolega and Dewhurst and take the opportunity to explain why we used the Cartesian theatre metaphor. We do this by drawing an analogy between consciousness and evolution. This analogy is used to emphasize the circular causality inherent in the free energy principle. (...)
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  43. Filosofii︠a︡ nauki v istoricheskom kontekste: Posvi︠a︡shchaetsi︠a︡ 85-letii︠u︡ so dni︠a︡ rozhdenii︠a︡ N.F. Ovchinnikova.A. A. Pechenkin (ed.) - 2003 - Sankt-Peterburg: ID Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
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    Taʻāruz̤ dar ḥikmat-i mutaʻālīyah.Mahdī Ṭāhiriyān - 2020 - Qum: Intishārāt-i Dalīl-i Mā.
  45. Constraints and resistance: Stating a case for negative realism.A. Baltas - 1997 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 55:74-96.
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    Exploring a hermeneutic perspective of nursing through revisiting nursing health history.Julie Frechette & Franco A. Carnevale - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (2):e12289.
    In this article, the nursing health history is revisited with a hermeneutic lens to uncover means by which this tool can better serve nursing practice. It is argued that further distanciation from the developmental and medical model is necessary to accurately uncover health and history in the nurse–client encounter. Based on the works of prominent hermeneutic philosophers, such as Heidegger, Gadamer, Merleau‐Ponty, Ricoeur, and Taylor, four orientations to health history and nursing are explored: orientation to caring, orientation to narrative, orientation (...)
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    Maʻārif-i k̲h̲ut̤bāt-i Iqbāl.Muḥammad Āṣif Aʻvān - 2009 - Lāhaur: Nasharīyāt.
    Critical study of of the addresses of Sir Muhammad Iqbal, 1877-1938 from philosophical and religious point of view.
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  48. Anglican Attitudes. A Study of Victorian Religious Controversies.A. O. J. Cockshut - 1959
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    On a Problem in Conditional Probability.A. I. Dale - 1974 - Philosophy of Science 41 (2):204-206.
    In an article “Countering a Counter-intuitive Probability” [4], Lynn E. Rose discusses a question in conditional probability, claiming that the following problem posed by Copi [1] is usually incorrectly solved:Remove all cards except aces and kings from a deck, so that only eight cards remain, of which four are aces and four are kings. From this abbreviated deck, deal two cards to a friend. If he looks at his cards and announces that his hand contains an ace, what is the (...)
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    A versatile system for computer-controlled assembly.A. P. Ambler, H. G. Barrow, C. M. Brown, R. M. Burstall & R. J. Popplestone - 1975 - Artificial Intelligence 6 (2):129-156.
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