Results for 'Árpád Kiss'

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  1.  25
    Early-Life Stressors, Personality Development, and Fast Life Strategies: An Evolutionary Perspective on Malevolent Personality Features.Árpád Csathó & Béla Birkás - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Georg Lukács: Life, Thought, and Politics.Arpad Kadarkay - 1991 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Traces the life of the influential Marxist philosopher, and discusses the formation of his political beliefs.
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    Permanent Liminality and Modernity: Analysing the Sacrificial Carnival Through Novels.Árpád Szakolczai - 2016 - Routledge.
    This book offers a comprehensive sociological study of the nature and dynamics of the modern world, through the use of a series of anthropological concepts, including the trickster, schismogenesis, imitation and liminality. Developing the view that with the theatre playing a central role, the modern world is conditioned as much by cultural processes as it is by economic, technological or scientific ones, the author contends the world is, to a considerable extent, theatrical - a phenomenon experienced as inauthenticity or a (...)
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    Anonysmi teutonici commentum in theodoli eclogam E codice utrecht, U. B. 292 editum (4).Árpád P. Orbán - 1976 - Vivarium 14 (1):50-61.
  5.  17
    Thomas Rohkrämer: Martin Heidegger. Eine politische Biographie.Árpád-Andreas Sölter - 2021 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 74 (1):19-34.
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    Namenverzeichnis.Arpad Szabo - 1973 - In Anfänge der griechischen Mathematik. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 489-492.
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    The global monastery.Arpad Szakolczai - 1998 - World Futures 53 (1):1-17.
    This paper argues that the phenomenon of globalisation can be best understood as the secularisation and widespread extension of a particular type of life?conduct that originated in Western monasticism. This concerns not substantive content but modality and form, like the self?sustaining methodical regularisation of the everyday conduct of life in closed and partitioned space aiming at rationalisation and perfection. This type of inner?worldly asceticism was a successful response to the challenge of chaotic ?liminal periods of transition, following a wholesale dissolution (...)
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    Norbert Elias and Franz Borkenau.Arpád Szakolczai - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (2):45-69.
    This article argues that the life-works of Norbert Elias and Franz Borkenau can best be understood together, as they were developed in close interaction during the 1930s. Deriving inspiration from Freud, they took up the project formulated by Weber at the end of his `Anticritical Last Word'. However, in two significant respects they went beyond the Weberian problematics. First, overcoming the centrality attributed to economic concerns, they rooted the Western civilizing process in the long-term attempt to harness the violence that (...)
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    Reflexive Historical Sociology.Arpád Szakolczai - 1998 - European Journal of Social Theory 1 (2):209-227.
    This paper attempts to reassess the standard sociological canon and sketch the outlines of a new approach by bringing together a series of thinkers whose works so far have remained disconnected. Introducing a distinction between classics and background figures who were crucial sources of inspiration, it shifts emphasis to the late, reflexive works of Durkheim and Weber. These are sources for two types of reflexive sociology: historical and anthropological. The main background figures of reflexive historical sociology are Marx, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche (...)
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    Christian Philosophy and Foucault: a Conversation with Philippe Chevallier, Part I.Arpad Szakolczai - unknown
    Arpad Szakolczai: Thank you very much, Philippe, for granting me this conversation. The 2018 publication, and now the 2021 English translation of the fourth volume of the History of Sexuality is an opportunity to rethink a bit this important question, which is the following: what was the dynamics of Foucault’s work in the last ten years of his life, before it was cut short? There are a number of reasons why this question is so interesting and important. On the one (...)
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    A Tanterv helye és szerepe Kiss Árpád neveléstudományi munkásságában: emlékkötet Kiss Árpád nyolcvanadik születésnapjára.Árpád Kiss, Nándor Horánszky & Zoltán Báthory (eds.) - 1988 - [Budapest]: Országos Pedagógiai Intézet.
  12.  25
    Das vulgärlatein im hinblick auf Das klassische latein, Das mittellatein und die romanischen sprachen.Árpád Peter Orbán - 1978 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 122 (1):312-319.
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    (1 other version)Vienna and Budapest-Complementary Figures at the Turn of the Century.Arpad Ajtony - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (68):137-150.
    In an aticle written in 1917 for the Hungarian journal Nyugat (Occident), Freud speaks of three deep humiliations that scientific investigation had to inflict on the selflove of humanity. The first is cosmological, which is associated with the work of Copernicus, who proved that the habitat of man, the earth, is not at the center of the universe. The second is biological, and it is indebted to the work of Darwin, who destroyed man's belief in his divine descent, thus making (...)
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  14. A Szocializmus Vélt Vagy Valóságos Tudatalattija.Kiss Endre - 2003 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 3.
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  15. » Breaking the Vicious Circle «.Arpad Göncz - 1993 - Common Knowledge 2 (1):1-5.
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    An Encounter and Its Impact: The Visit of John R. Mott in Cluj-Napoca/kolozsvár and His Impression Upon László Ravasz.Árpád Kulcsár - 2021 - Perichoresis 19 (1):75-89.
    In this paper I examine one of the effects of László Ravasz’s (1882-1975) theological thinking, former professor of Practical Theology at Protestant Theological Institute, Kolzosvár-Cluj-Napoca, namely the development of his spiritual life and its impact on his theological scientific position. Due to the limitations of the scope of this paper, I could present the less well-known views of Ravasz’s work on the mission. John R. Mott’s lecture in Kolozsvár-Cluj-Napoca provides, among others, the certainty that in the modern theoretical approach of (...)
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    Anonymi teutonici commentum in theodoli eclogam E codice utrecht, U.b. 292 editum (1).Árpád P. Orbán - 1973 - Vivarium 11 (1):1-42.
  18.  76
    Anonymi teutonici commentum in theodoli eclogam E codice utrecht, U.b. 292 editum (2).Arpad P. Orban - 1974 - Vivarium 12 (2):133-145.
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    Marion Heinz, Tobias Bender (Hg.): ›Sein und Zeit‹ neu verhandelt. Untersuchungen zu Heideggers Hauptwerk.Arpad-Andreas Sölter - 2020 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 73 (1):22-38.
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    A Mirror For Scholars Of The Baroque.Arpad Steiner - 1940 - Journal of the History of Ideas 1 (3):320.
  21. Franz Borkenau on the Mechanical Weltbild.Arpad Szakolczai - 2011 - Humana Mente 4 (18).
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    Thinking Beyond the East-West Divide: Foucault, Patocka, and the Care of the Self.Arpad Szakolczai - 1994 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 61:297-324.
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  23. Az értelmezés és a magyarázat közötti különbség, avagy a negatív pozitivizmus.Kiss Endre - 2004 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 4.
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    Versbe írt szavak.Árpád Kovács - 2011 - Budapest: Argumentum.
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    A game characterizing baire class 1 functions.Viktor Kiss - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):456-466.
    Duparc introduced a two-player game for a function f between zero-dimensional Polish spaces in which Player II has a winning strategy iff f is of Baire class 1. We generalize this result by defining a game for an arbitrary function f : X → Y between arbitrary Polish spaces such that Player II has a winning strategy in this game iff f is of Baire class 1. Using the strategy of Player II, we reprove a result concerning first return recoverable (...)
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    Erōs en kairō — un bas-relief à Budapest.Árpád M. Nagy - 2022 - Kernos 35:135-162.
    Cet article entend examiner l’iconographie d’un bas-relief qui se trouve à Budapest et provient probablement de Naples. Il a été sculpté en lychnites de Paros vers la fin de l’époque hellénistique ou aux tout débuts de l’époque impériale. Il représente une scène unique : Éros se posant sur une roue en train de tourner. Cette scène n’est pas le cliché instantané d’un quelconque jeu d’équilibre, et il n’existe pas non plus de mythe auquel l’associer. Il faut donc l’interpréter de manière (...)
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  27. A Posztmodern Elemei A Misszionálás Szemszögébol.Kiss Endre - 1999 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 6.
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  28. Igazságosság, reprimitivizáció, visszavágás.Kiss Endre - 2000 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 4.
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  29. Stendhal hallgatja a Carment: A művészet szisztematikus helye Friedrich Nietzsche érett filozófiájában.Kiss Endre - 2002 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 1.
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    Zum Porträt Ludwig Steins.Kiss Endre - 1988 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 70 (3):237-244.
  31.  13
    Moving Beyond the Sophists: Intellectuals in East Central Europe and the Return of Transcendence.Arpad Szakolczai - 2005 - European Journal of Social Theory 8 (4):417-433.
    This article argues that the dominant role played by intellectuals in East Central Europe was motivated by a deeply felt Enlightenment missionary belief. This establishes affinities between them and the ancient Sophists, and the ambivalence of such a position is illustrated through the case of Georg Lukács. As examples of philosophers in the classical sense of the term, the article provides four short portraits: the Czech Jan Patoc ka, who argued that Europe as a culture is rooted in the care (...)
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  32.  35
    Experiential Sociology.Arpad Szakolczai - 2004 - Theoria 51 (103):59-87.
  33.  10
    Anfänge der Griechischen Mathematik.Árpád Szabó - 1969 - De Gruyter.
    Gerade heute, wo sich die Aufmerksamkeit der führenden Philosophen, Logiker und Mathematiker erneut auf die Grundlagen der systematisch-deduktiven Mathematik richtet, ist dieses Buch von zeitnaher und tiefer Bedeutung.
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    Az eltünt lelkiismert nyomában: filozófiai-ökológiai írások.Lajos András Kiss - 2001 - Budapest: Liget Műhely Alapítvány.
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  35. Conserving the university as a place for liberal learning.Erika A. Kiss - 2015 - In Terry Nardin & Edmund Neill (eds.), Michael Oakeshott's Cold War liberalism. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Justice.Elizabeth Kiss - 1998 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Iris Marion Young (eds.), A companion to feminist philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 485–499.
    Feminist theory in all its diversity begins from the conviction that the social, political, and cultural arrangements that shape women's lives are unjust. Biological sex is a major determinant of people's status, power, and opportunities in all known societies, with women systematically subordinated to men. Feminists aim to understand and end these patterns of subordination. Yet, while the Romans portrayed Justice as a woman, theories of justice have tended either to justify women's subordinate status or to render it invisible. Many (...)
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    Philosophical Aspects of Literary Objectiveness.Endre Kiss - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 1:77-84.
    Gadamer’s hermeneutic philosophy avoids the problem of literary objectiveness altogether. His approach witnesses the general fact that an indifference towards literary objectiveness in particular, leads to a peculiar neglect of par excellence literariness as such. It seems obvious, however, that the constitutive aspects of the crisis of literary objectiveness cannot be shown to contain the underlying intention of bringing about this situation. At this point, one can identify what could probably be the most important element in a definition of literary (...)
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  38.  82
    Anonymi teutonici commentum in theodoli eclogam E codice utrecht, U.b. 292 editum (3).Árpád P. Orbán - 1975 - Vivarium 13 (1):77-88.
  39.  63
    Anonymi teutonici commentum in theodoli eclogam E codice utrecht, U. B. 292 editum (5).Árpád P. Orbán - 1977 - Vivarium 15 (2):143-158.
  40.  80
    Anonymi teutonici commentum in theodoli eclogam E codice utrecht, U.b. 292 editum (6).Árpád P. Orban - 1979 - Vivarium 17 (2):116-133.
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    Anonymi teutonici commentum in theodoli eclogam E codice utrecht, U.b. 292 editum (7).Árpád P. Orbán - 1981 - Vivarium 19 (1):56-69.
  42.  8
    Wie zitiert Petrus venerabilis in seiner korrespondenz die klassisch-lateinischen autoren?Ärpad P. Orbän - 1993 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 137 (2).
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    Nature-driven economy through sustainable communities.Tibor Kiss - 2005 - World Futures 61 (8):591 – 599.
    Sustainable development will shortly become the core issue of our everyday life. This article argues that only a nature-driven economy and society could give a final answer to sustainability questions.
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  44.  23
    Debating Moral Education: Rethinking the Role of the Modern University.Elizabeth Kiss & J. Peter Euben (eds.) - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    After decades of marginalization in the secularized twentieth-century academy, moral education has enjoyed a recent resurgence in American higher education, with the establishment of more than 100 ethics centers and programs on campuses across the country. Yet the idea that the university has a civic responsibility to teach its undergraduate students ethics and morality has been met with skepticism, suspicion, and even outright rejection from both inside and outside the academy. In this collection, renowned scholars of philosophy, politics, and religion (...)
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  45.  21
    Max Weber and Michel Foucault: Parallel Life-Works.Árpád Szakolczai - 1998 - Routledge.
    Max Weber and Michael Foucault are among the most controversial and fascinating thinkers of our century. This book is the first to jointly analyse them in detail, and to make effective links between their lives and work; it coincides with a substantial resurgence of interest in their writings. The author's exciting interpretative approach reveals a new dimension in reading the work of Foucault and Weber; it will be invaluable to students and those researching in sociology and philosophy.
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  46. Aristoteles - Werk Und Wirkung, Bd I, Aristoteles Und Seine Schule.Àrpád Szabó - 1985 - De Gruyter.
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  47. Book reviews-die entfaltung der griechischen mathematik.Arpad Szabo & Harald Schwaetzer - 1998 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 29 (2):141-146.
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  48. Contemporary East Central European social theory.Arpad Szakolczai & Harald Wydra - 2006 - In Gerard Delanty (ed.), The handbook of contemporary European social theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 138.
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    Chronologische Tabelle.Arpad Szabo - 1973 - In Anfänge der griechischen Mathematik. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 9-10.
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    Einleitung.Arpad Szabo - 1973 - In Anfänge der griechischen Mathematik. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 11-37.
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