Results for ' theory of legal sources'

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  1.  71
    Fragments of a Theory of Legal Sources.Riccardo Guastini - 1996 - Ratio Juris 9 (4):364-386.
    The author discusses a number of issues in the theory of legal sources. The first topic is whether sources should be conceived of as acts or texts. The alternatives are connected with two competing theories of legal interpretation (viz., the cognitive theory and the sceptical theory), which entail different concepts of legal rules and law‐making. The second topic is whether a “formal” or a “material” criterion of recognition of sources should be (...)
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    On the Theory of Legal Sources. A Continental Point of View.Riccardo Guastini - 2007 - Ratio Juris 20 (2):302-309.
  3. Mishpat Ivri, Halakhah and Legal Philosophy: Agunah and the Theory of “Legal Sources".Bernard S. Jackson - 2001 - JSiJ.
    In this paper, I ask whether mishpat ivri (Jewish Law) is appropriately conceived as a “legal system”. I review Menachem Elon’s use of a “SourcesTheory of Law (based on Salmond) in his account of Mishpat Ivri; the status of religious law from the viewpoint of jurisprudence itself (Bentham, Austin and Kelsen); then the use of sources (and the approach to “dogmatic error”) by halakhic authorities in discussing the problems of the agunah (“chained wife”), which I (...)
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    A Theory or a Dogmatics of Legal Sources? Reply to Riccardo Guastini.Antonino Rotolo - 2007 - Ratio Juris 20 (2):325-334.
  5.  19
    (1 other version)Theory of Custom, Dogmatics of Custom, Policy of Custom: On the Threefold Approach of Polish‐Russian Legal Realism.Edoardo Fittipaldi & Elena Timoshina - 2016 - Ratio Juris 29 (4).
    Proceeding from the insights of Petrażycki, Polish-Russian legal realists distinguished legal theory, legal dogmatics, and legal policy. Legal theory describes legal phenomena in a value-free way and formulates causal laws concerning those phenomena. Legal dogmatics and legal policy are, by contrast, value-laden sciences involving the subject's—i.e., the scientist's—own attitudes toward existing or imagined phenomena: Dogmatics evaluates behaviors based on the subject's adoption of given normative sources as binding, while (...) policy evaluates the effects produced by given NSs based on causal laws and on the subject's goals. PRRs then conceptualize custom as a representation of people behaving in a certain way : We have a custom on the threefold condition that Rc is believed true by a given X, Rc causes the existence of a given normative psychical experience in X, and X expressly refers to—or would refer—to Rc in justifying an NPE. PRRs use the term customary law to refer to legal experiences caused and justified by an Rc. From a theoretical perspective, both the subject's adoption of custom as a binding NS and its truth are irrelevant. It is only the presence of a customary NPE in the X under study that matters. From a dogmatic perspective, by contrast, what matters is whether the dogmatician—qua subject—adopts custom as a binding NS, whether it is true that people behave in a given way bw, and whether bw resembles the behavior that is deontically qualified in the norm under dogmatic evaluation. Finally, from a legal-political viewpoint, PRRs hold that customary law in modern societies, owing to its conservative nature, should be eradicated for the goal of removing inequalities and fostering benevolence. (shrink)
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  6. 14. Toward a Theory of Legal Interpretation.Scott Soames - 2014 - In Analytic Philosophy in America: And Other Historical and Contemporary Essays. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. pp. 299-319.
    By “legal interpretation” I mean the legally authoritative resolution of questions about what the content of the law is in its application to particular cases. It is the interpretation of legal texts by legally authoritative actors. One aspect of it is epistemological and one is constitutive. The epistemological task is to ascertain the content of laws resulting from previous actions of other legally authoritative sources. The constitutive task is to render an authoritative judgment that itself plays a (...)
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  7. Lawyers, Context, and Legitimacy: A New Theory of Legal Ethics.Alexander Guerrero - 2012 - Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 25 (1):107-164.
    Even good lawyers get a bad rap. One explanation for this is that the professional rules governing lawyers permit and even require behavior that strikes many as immoral. The standard accounts of legal ethics that seek to defend these professional rules do little to dispel this air of immorality. The revisionary accounts of legal ethics that criticize the professional rules inject a hearty dose of morality, but at the cost of leaving lawyers unrecognizable as lawyers. This article suggests (...)
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  8.  45
    Formalism and the sources of international law: a theory of the ascertainment of legal rules.Jean D' Aspremont - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book revisits the theory of the sources of international law from the perspective of formalism.
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    Understanding the law: Improving legal knowledge dissemination by translating the contents of formal sources of law. [REVIEW]Laurens Mommers, Wim Voermans, Wouter Koelewijn & Hugo Kielman - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 17 (1):51-78.
    Considerable attention has been given to the accessibility of legal documents, such as legislation and case law, both in legal information retrieval (query formulation, search algorithms), in legal information dissemination practice (numerous examples of on-line access to formal sources of law), and in legal knowledge-based systems (by translating the contents of those documents to ready-to-use rule and case-based systems). However, within AI & law, it has hardly ever been tried to make the contents of (...) of law, and the relations among them, more accessible to those without a legal education. This article presents a theory about translating sources of law into information accessible to persons without a legal education. It illustrates the theory by providing two elaborated examples of such translation ventures. In the first example, formal sources of law in the domain of exchanging police information are translated into rules of thumb useful for policemen. In the second example, the goal of providing non-legal professionals with insight into legislative procedures is translated into a framework for making available sources of law through an integrated legislative calendar. Although the theory itself does not support automating the several stages described, in this article some hints are given as to what such automation would have to look like. (shrink)
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    Laboratory Specimens and Genetic Privacy: Evolution of Legal Theory.Michelle Huckaby Lewis - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (s1):65-68.
    Human biological tissue samples are an invaluable resource for biomedical research designed to find causes of diseases and their treatments. Controversy has arisen, however, when research has been conducted with laboratory specimens either without the consent of the source of the specimen or when the research conducted with the specimen has expanded beyond the scope of the original consent agreement. Moreover, disputes have arisen regarding which party, the researcher or the source of the specimen, has control over who may use (...)
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  11.  21
    A Theory of Universal Democracy: Beyond the End of History.L. Ali Khan - 2003 - Brill.
    A Theory of Universal Democracy empowers cultures and communities across the world to custom design democracy in consonance with their traditional values. For example, the book makes concrete proposals for Muslim countries to democratize their constitutions without accepting Western values and without violating the principles of Islamic law. More importantly, Universal Democracy further develops the idea of Free State, which the author first presented in his previous book, The Extinction of Nation-States (Kluwer, 1996). The proposed fusion of Universal Democracy (...)
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    Legal Scholarship as a Source of Law.Fábio P. Shecaira - 2013 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book is about the use of legal scholarship by judges. It discusses the possibility that legal scholarship may function as a genuine source of law in modern municipal legal systems. The book advances a number of claims, some conceptual, some empirical, some normative. The major conceptual claims are found in Chapters 2 and 3, where a general account of the notion of a source of law is provided. Roughly, sources of law are documents or practices (...)
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  13. Identification of Legal Content, Legal Nihilism and Propriety of Methods of Interpretation.Michał Wieczorkowski - manuscript
    How do we ensure agents formulating legal statements are not systematically in error? In this paper I assume that the success of legal statements follows from the fact that propositions expressed by legal statements adequately represent legal reality. I argue that the content of legal statements hinges implicetly on the sources of law and methods in which we attribute meaning to these sources. In this regard, I identify the primary obstacle to the success (...)
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  14.  51
    The Rise of Legal History in the Renaissance.Donald R. Kelley - 1970 - History and Theory 9 (2):174-194.
    While the study of legal history grew up largely within the confines of the legal profession, it was equally the offspring of Renaissance humanism. Legal humanism, a branch of philology developed by lawyers rather than historians, laid the foundation for the study of legal, institutional, and even some social history. These lawyers based their work on the humanist method of critical reading of original sources, but soon realized that a truly historical view of law also (...)
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  15.  8
    Signs In Law - A Source Book: The Semiotics of Law in Legal Education III.Jan M. Broekman & Larry Catá Backer (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume provides a critical roadmap through the major historical sources of legal semiotics as we know them today. The history of legal semiotics, now at least a century old, has never been written (a non-event itself pregnant with semiotic possibility). As a consequence, its sources are seldom clearly exposed and, as word, object and meaning change, are sometimes lost. They reach from an English translation of the 1916 inaugural lecture of the first Chair in (...) Significs at the Amsterdam University, via mid 20th century studies on "property" or "contract," to equally fascinating essays on contemporary semiotic problems produced by former students of the Roberta Kevelson Semiotics Roundtable Seminar at Penn State University 2012 and 2013. Together, the materials in this book weave the fabric of semiotics and significs, two names for the unfolding of semiotics in law and legal discourse at least until the second half of the 20th century, and both of which covered a lawyer's focus on sign and meaning in law. The latter is embedded within the cultural imperatives of the civilization that gave these terms meaning and made them an effective tool for the dissection of law, its reconstitution as an instrument to be used by the lawyer to advance the interests of her clients, and for judges as a means to restructure language as a narrative of law whose power could bend behavior to its strictures. Legal semiotics has become an indispensible part of the elite lawyer's toolkit and a fundamental approach to analysis of legal texts. Two previous volumes published in 2011 and 2012 explored the conceptual, methodological and epistemological progress in the field of legal semiotics, the modern forms of semiotics study, and the mechanics of meaning making processes by lawyers. Yet the great lessons of semiotics requires a focus on the origins of the concepts and frameworks that would become contemporary legal semiotics, its origins as an object of the consciousness of meaning making-one whose roots, as lessons for the oracular conversations of law, are expanded in this volume. (shrink)
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    A theory of international bioethics: The negotiable and the non-negotiable.Robert Baker - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (3):233-273.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Theory of International Bioethics: The Negotiable and the Non-NegotiableRobert Baker (bio)AbstractThe preceding article in this issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal presents the argument that “moral fundamentalism,” the position that international bioethics rests on “basic” or “fundamental” moral principles that are universally accepted in all eras and cultures, collapses under a variety of multicultural and postmodern critiques. The present article looks to the contractarian tradition (...)
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  17.  12
    Theory of international law.Robert Kolb - 2016 - Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
    History and characteristics of International law -- Foundation, sources and structural principles of International law -- The subjects of International law -- Questions of method and the structure of rules in International law -- The 'Lotus Rule' on residual state freedom -- The effectiveness of International law -- International society or International community? -- The relationship between International law and politics -- The relationship of International law with certain cardinal legal notions.
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  18.  24
    The Declamatory Tradition of Normative Inquiry: Towards an Aesthetic History of Legal and Political Thought.Maksymilian Del Mar - 2019 - Jus Cogens 1 (2):151-171.
    This paper offers an example of what may be called ‘an aesthetic history of legal and political thought’. Such a task engages in theorising historically the features of aesthetic traditions that enable and further normative inquiry, i.e. an exploration of the norms and values that might contribute to the good life and the common good. The three features offered in this paper as useful to identifying such aesthetic traditions are communality and interactivity, experimentalism, and exemplarity. The paper shows how (...)
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  19.  16
    Church Law in Modernity: Toward a Theory of Canon Law Between Nature and Culture.Judith Hahn - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    Natural law has long been considered the traditional source of Roman Catholic canon law. However, new scholarship is critical of this approach as it portrays the Catholic Church as static, ahistorical, and insensitive to cultural change. In its attempt to stem the massive loss of effectiveness being experienced by canon law, the church has to reconsider its theory of legal foundation, especially its natural law theory. Church Law in Modernity analyses the criticism levelled at the church and (...)
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  20.  33
    A Potential of Legal Terminology to be Translated: The Case of ‘Regulation’ Translated into Ukrainian.Nataliia Pavliuk - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (6):2429-2454.
    The study focuses on the translatability of EU terminology into Ukrainian, with a specific emphasis on the term ‘regulation’. It explores the challenges and considerations involved in translating legal terms, particularly within the context of EU legislative acts. The concept of translatability potential is substantiated in the article. It is seen as language pair-dependent, influenced by the availability of similar legal concepts in the target law system, equivalent terms in the target language, and other factors. The research delves (...)
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  21.  20
    A Typological Reading of Prevailing Legal Theories.Marko Novak - 2014 - Ratio Juris 27 (2):218-235.
    A classic debate in the history of philosophy is that between rationalists and empiricists concerning the “true” source of human knowledge. In legal philosophy this debate has been reflected in the classic opposition between natural law and legal positivist perspectives. Even the currently predominant inclusivist perspectives on the nature of law, such as inclusive legal positivism and inclusive legal non-positivism, are not immune to such a dichotomy. In this paper I attempt to present an understanding of (...)
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  22. Are Human Rights Based on Human Experience? An Evaluation of Alan Dershowitz's Theory of Human Rights.Kai-man Kwan - 2009 - Philosophy and Culture 36 (7):31-58.
    Human rights are often taken for granted, but "What is the basis of human rights?" This is no easy answer, De Xiao Weiqi, in his 2004 book of this difficult the problem. He considered the following four main theories: First, the external theory: the root cause of human rights outside the law, such as human rights divine theory; Second, the intrinsic theory: the root cause of human rights within the law - law positivism ; three, rationalist approaches: (...)
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  23.  49
    How do Roles Generate Reasons? A Method of Legal Ethics.Stephen Galoob - 2012 - Legal Ethics 15 (1):1-28.
    Philosophical discussions of legal ethics should be oriented around the generative problem , which asks two fundamental questions. First, how does the lawyer's role generate reasons? Second, what kinds of reasons can this role generate? Every extant theory of legal ethics is based on a solution to the generative problem. On the generative method , theories of legal ethics are evaluated based on the plausibility of these solutions. I apply this method to three prominent theories of (...)
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  24. “Constructing a Theory of Halakhah”.S. Jackson Bernnard - 2012 - Jewish Law Association Website (Resources Page).
    In this article, I explore some facets of the roles of legal philosophy on the one hand, theology on the other, in the construction of a theory of Jewish Law (halakhah). I commence with three issues arising primarily from the use of legal philosophy as a model for the construction of a theory of halakhah: (A) the authority system, viewed in terms of a theory of sources; (B) the relationship between law and morality; (C) (...)
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    How to Do “Ought” with “Is”? A Cognitive Linguistics Approach to the Normativity of Legal Language.Mateusz Zeifert - 2025 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 38 (1):73-98.
    The paper addresses the question how descriptive language is used to express legal norms. Sentences we find in legislative acts, i.e. statutes, constitutions and regulations, express legal norms. Linguistically speaking, there are various grammatical and lexical ways of expressing norms, such as imperative mood, modal verbs, deontic verbs, etc. However, norms may also be expressed by descriptive sentences, namely sentences in present or future tense and indicative (declarative) mood (i.e. _The minister determines the tax rate_). In many civil (...)
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  26.  36
    Mutual Expectations: A Conventionalist Theory of Law.Govert den Hartogh - 2002 - Kluwer Law International.
    The law persists because people have reasons to comply with its rules. What characterizes those reasons is their interdependence: each of us only has a reason to comply because he or she expects the others to comply for the same reasons. The rules may help us to solve coordination problems, but the interaction patterns regulated by them also include Prisoner's Dilemma games, Division problems and Assurance problems. In these "games" the rules can only persist if people can be expected to (...)
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  27.  66
    Sources, Recognition and the Unity of the Legal System.José de Sousa E. Brito - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (1):19-33.
    A critical analysis of Kelsen’s theory leads to a broad concept of custom, which covers diverse types of customary norms, where the always required conviction of legal bindingness depends on different types of factual and normative reasons. In it we should include a strict concept of custom or legal usage, derogating custom, custom of general international law, custom that establishes an unwritten constitution, custom that establishes a new written constitution, judicial custom which creates a rule of precedent (...)
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    Toward the Autonomy of Legal Norms.Robert N. Beck - 1977 - Idealistic Studies 7 (2):185-191.
    In at least two of his writings, F. S. C. Northrop some time ago suggested an interpretation of the spiritual foundations of Oriental and Occidental civilization which he used as a basis for understanding, among other things, their differing approaches to moral and legal order. Rooted primarily in Biblical and Greek sources, the West, he said, has concentrated on and developed the theoretic component of experience. This component is one wherein the nature of things is taken to be, (...)
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  29.  19
    A Theory of Standards for Intermediary Powers.Jan-Werner Müller - 2021 - Jus Cogens 3 (2):141-158.
    There is a widespread sense that intermediary institutions which made representative democracy function ever since the nineteenth century—political parties and free media—are presently undergoing profound structural transformations. We partly have trouble judging those transformations—will they destroy or strengthen democracy?—because we lack a set of clear normative standards for intermediary powers. The article suggests such standards: institutions should be accessible, accurate, autonomous, assessable, and accountable. A precondition for these attributes to be realized is financial transparency and the empowerment of citizens other (...)
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    Law, reason, and justice: a defence of the declaratory theory of judicial decision.T. R. S. Allan - forthcoming - Jurisprudence:1-25.
    Although the declaratory theory is arguably a central feature of common law adjudication, it is widely disparaged: either the law never changes, which is implausible, or it is changed retrospectively, which is unfair and contrary to the rule of law. These common objections are rooted in misconceptions about the nature of law. When we distinguish more clearly between the sources of law, whether in statute or precedent, and the corpus juris, shaped by general principles of justice, the declaratory (...)
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    Hans J. Morgenthau’s Critique of Legal Positivism: Politics, Justice, and Ethics in International Law.Carmen Chas - 2023 - Jus Cogens 5 (1):59-84.
    Modern jurisprudence has typically been presented as a debate between legal positivism and natural law. Though the demise of legal positivism has been touted despite its pre-eminence in past decades, it is clear that there remains a vigorous debate surrounding this theory. It is noteworthy that Hans J. Morgenthau’s legal thought and critique of legal positivism have remained unexplored in the context of this debate. Largely forgotten, his legal thought answers questions that lie at (...)
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  32.  14
    Critical Legal Theory.Costas Douzinas & Colin Perrin (eds.) - 2011 - Routledge.
    Critical Legal Theory has conventionally been traced to the social, political, and philosophical movements of the 1960s and, before that, to the early-twentieth-century ‘realist’ critique of modern jurisprudence. In truth, however, its origins go back to classical and pre-modern thought, and to their acknowledgement of the centrality of law in attempts to conceive of the good life, or the just polity—a centrality that is, moreover, also discernible in the recent gravitation of a number of contemporary philosophers and theorists (...)
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    Impact of the Legal Doctrine on Lawmaking and Judicial Practice in Russia.Aleksey Anisimov, Anatoliy Ryzhenkov & Liudmila Sokolskaya - 2019 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 105 (4):453-470.
    The article develops the modern significance of the legal doctrine in the post-Soviet legal system, describes its impact on lawmaking and on judicial practice. The authors argue in favor of the conclusion that the legal doctrine is an independent and important component of the Russian legal system, as it influences structuring and functioning of the legal system, and, being in demand in practice, is implemented in different components of the country’s legal system. In order (...)
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    For a truly realistic theory of law.Mauro Barberis - 2016 - Revus 29.
    A truly realistic theory of law – the possibility of which is examined in this work – should have the following characteristics. It should be more general than current theories, that is, be applicable to both common law and civil law; in consequence, it should invert the relationship, commonly instituted by positivist theories, between legislation and adjudication. Both in historiography and in legal comparison, of which legal theory is an extension to a higher level of abstraction, (...)
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  35. The normative conception of the sources of law.Zygmunt Ziembiński - 2020 - In Paweł Kwiatkowski & Marek Smolak, Poznań School of Legal Theory. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Rodopi.
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    International Investment Law and Legal Theory: Expropriation and the Fragmentation of Sources.Jr̲g Kammerhofer - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Expropriation is a hotly debated issue in international investment law. This is the first study to provide a detailed analysis of its norm-theoretical dimension, setting out the theoretical foundations underlying its understanding in contemporary legal scholarship and practice. Jörg Kammerhofer combines a doctrinal discussion with a theoretical analysis of the structure of the law in this area, undertaking a novel approach that critically re-evaluates existing case-law and writings. His approach critiques the arguments for a single expropriation norm based on (...)
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    Constraints on the criteria of legality.Jules L. Coleman - 2000 - Legal Theory 6 (2):171-183.
    No one denies that moral principles figure in legal argument and practice. However, the kind of role morality can or must play in law has been a topic of debate not only between positivists and their critics, but also within the positivist camp. The topic was brought into contemporary prominence by Ronald Dworkin, who in TheModelofRulesI made the provocative observation that the legality of norms appears to depend sometimes on their substantive (moral) merits, and not just on their pedigree (...)
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  38. Invisible Author of Legal Authority.William E. Conklin - 1996 - Law and Critique 7 (2):173-192.
    The thrust of this paper addresses how the notion of an author relates to the authority of a law. Drawing from the legal thought of Hobbes, Bentham, and John Austin, the Paper offers a sense of the author as a distinct institutional source of the state. The Paper then addresses the more difficult legal theories in this context: those of HLA Hart, Ronald Dworkin and Hans Kelsen. The clue to the latter as well as the earlier theorists is (...)
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    Die Theorie des gerechten Preises im Lichte von Codex Iustinianus 4.44.2 und 4.44.8 [The Theory of a Just Price in Light of Codex Iustinianus 4.44.2 and 4.44.8].Michael Oliva Córdoba - 2019 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 105 (4):553-575.
    The theory of the just price is commonly assumed to have three sources: Political philosophy of Greek antiquity, scholastic ethics of the High Middle Ages, and the Roman law of obligations of late antiquity. While closer inspection confirms this holds for the first two worlds of thought the latter assumption seems ultimately unfounded. The paper claims that the evidence notoriously presented on behalf of that assumption – two rescripts attributed to Roman emperor Diocletian, namely Codex Iustinianus 4.44.2 and (...)
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  40. The invisible author of legal authority.William E. Conklin - 1996 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer.
    The thrust of this paper addresses how the notion of an author relates to the authority of a law. Drawing from the legal thought of Hobbes, Bentham, and John Austin, the Paper offers a sense of the author as a distinct institutional source of the state. The Paper then addresses the more difficult legal theories in this context: those of HLA Hart, Ronald Dworkin and Hans Kelsen. The clue to the latter as well as the earlier theorists is (...)
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    (1 other version)Towards a Critical Theory of the Technosystem.Raphaël Wolff - 2019 - Jus Cogens 1 (2):173-185.
    Feenberg’s new book,Technosystem: the social life of reason, makes an important intervention in the study of technological systems by showing that instrumental reason requires value judgement at the moment of its realization in this world. It fosters hope that technological development can be redirected towards the fulfilment of human needs through public interventions of nonexperts. However, Feenberg does not sufficiently engage with the political dilemmas that inevitably accompany these interventions as a result of the formal capitalist bias of the technosystem. (...)
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    Theories of legal relations.Emmanuel Jeuland - 2023 - Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Theories of Legal Relations is an astute examination of existing legal systems that explores the notion of legal relationships and frameworks, using various analytical approaches to legal theory including subjectivist, objectivist, psychological and empirical. Emmanuel Jeuland defends the logical anteriority of relationships in law and their universality (e.g. in the new Chinese Civil Code), addressing new issues such as the possibility of legal relationships with natural and artificial entities. He delves into the consequences of (...)
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    The theory of legal duties and rights: an introduction to analytical jurisprudence.William Edward Hearn - 1883 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman.
    The contents include chapters covering: theory of command; theory of sovereignty; evidence of law; theory of legal duty theory of legal sanctions; theory of the legal object; theory of imputation; theory of legal rights; rights related to ownership; foreign rights; codification of the law; & others.
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  44. W poszukiwaniu ontologicznych podstaw prawa. Arthura Kaufmanna teoria sprawiedliwości [In Search for Ontological Foundations of Law: Arthur Kaufmann’s Theory of Justice].Marek Piechowiak - 1992 - Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN.
    Arthur Kaufmann is one of the most prominent figures among the contemporary philosophers of law in German speaking countries. For many years he was a director of the Institute of Philosophy of Law and Computer Sciences for Law at the University in Munich. Presently, he is a retired professor of this university. Rare in the contemporary legal thought, Arthur Kaufmann's philosophy of law is one with the highest ambitions — it aspires to pinpoint the ultimate foundations of law by (...)
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  45.  13
    Ethical and legal doctrines in Russian neo-Kantianism (P.I. Novgorodtsev and B.A. Kistyakovsky).Stanislav Kushner - 2021 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 2 (3).
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal theories of P.I. Novgorodtsev and B.A. Kistyakovsky, based on the moral philosophy of I. Kant in comparison with the psychological theory of law of L.I. Petrazhitsky. The unity of the positions of Novgorodtsev and Kistyakovsky in focusing on the ethical aspects of law, as well as highlighting morality as the highest principle, is revealed. Attention is paid to the disclosure of neo-Kantian motives in the philosophy of law and (...)
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    Criminals as Gamblers: A Modified Theory of Pure Restitution.Mane Hajdin - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (1):77.
    In this article I am going to propose a modification in the theory of pure restitution, in the hope that such modification will eliminate at least some sources of resistance to the theory, while preserving the theory's distinct place among the philosophical approaches to the institution of legal punishment.
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  47.  76
    Legal theory and empirical research.D. J. Galligan - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer, The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article aims at linking empirical research to legal theories, in a way that could enhance the benefits of this synergy. Jurisprudence, until recently the usual term for theoretical approaches to law, is now often replaced by the term legal theory. Difference between legal theory and empirical research is reflected in their consideration of subject matters, aims, and methods of research. However, there also exist commonalities between the two, i.e. both aim at comprehending law and (...)
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    Why Any Legal Positivist Idea of Legal Obligation Is Untenable: A Kantian-Gewirthian Synthesis.Deryck Beyleveld - 2024 - In Deryck Beyleveld & Stefano Bertea, Theories of Legal Obligation. Springer Verlag. pp. 61-97.
    On the premise that ‘morality’ refers to a system of rules governed by a material categorical imperative, I argue that the sources thesis of legal positivism (and, consequently, its separation thesis) is untenable. This is because it portrays legal obligations as hypothetical imperatives, which they cannot be if a material categorical imperative exists. Legal systems lay down obligation-asserting rules; but any rules are necessarily invalid if they require behaviour contrary to a material categorical imperative. Because the (...)
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    A Neo-Republican Theory of Just State Surveillance.Patrick Taylor Smith - 2020 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 7 (1):49-71.
    This paper develops a novel, neo-republican account of just state surveillance in the information age. The goal of state surveillance should be to avoid and prevent domination, both public and private. In light of that conception of justice, the paper makes three substantive points. First, it argues that modern state surveillance based upon information technology and predicated upon a close partnership with the tech sector gives the state significant power and represents a serious potential source of domination. Second, it argues (...)
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    Grounds of law and legal theory: A response: John Finnis.John Finnis - 2007 - Legal Theory 13 (3-4):315-344.
    Linking theses of Plato, Wittgenstein, and Weber, section I argues that identification of central cases and settling of focal meanings depend upon the theorist's purpose and, in the case of theory about human affairs—theory adequately attentive to the four irreducible orders in which human persons live and act—upon the purposes for which we intelligibly and intelligently act. Among these purposes, primacy is to be accorded to purposes which are, as best the theorist can judge, reasonable and fit to (...)
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