Results for ' robot therapy'

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  1.  69
    Social and physiological influences of robot therapy in a care house.Kazuyoshi Wada & Takanori Shibata - 2008 - Interaction Studies 9 (2):258-276.
    This article presents research on robot therapy for elderly residents in a care house. Experiments were conducted from June 2005, lasting more than 2 months. Two therapeutic baby seal robots were introduced to the residents, and activated for over 9 hours daily. To investigate the psychological and social effects of the robots, the residents’ activities in public areas were recorded using video cameras, during the daytime for over 2 months. In addition, urinalysis of the residents was performed for (...)
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    Towards interactive robots in autism therapy: background, motivation and challenges.Iain Werry & Kerstin Dautenhahn - 2004 - Pragmatics and Cognition 12 (1):1-36.
    This article discusses the potential of using interactive environments in autism therapy. We specifically address issues relevant to the Aurora project, which studies the possible role of autonomous, mobile robots as therapeutic tools for children with autism. Theories of mindreading, social cognition and imitation that informed the Aurora project are discussed and their relevance to the project is outlined. Our approach is put in the broader context of socially intelligent agents and interactive environments. We summarise results from trials with (...)
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  3. A Survey of Expectations About the Role of Robots in Robot-Assisted Therapy for Children with ASD: Ethical Acceptability, Trust, Sociability, Appearance, and Attachment.Mark Coeckelbergh, Cristina Pop, Ramona Simut, Andreea Peca, Sebastian Pintea, Daniel David & Bram Vanderborght - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (1):47-65.
    The use of robots in therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder raises issues concerning the ethical and social acceptability of this technology and, more generally, about human–robot interaction. However, usually philosophical papers on the ethics of human–robot-interaction do not take into account stakeholders’ views; yet it is important to involve stakeholders in order to render the research responsive to concerns within the autism and autism therapy community. To support responsible research and innovation in this field, (...)
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    Software agents and robots in mental therapy: psychological and sociological perspectives. [REVIEW]Tatsuya Nomura - 2009 - AI and Society 23 (4):471-484.
    This paper discusses the meaning that interactive software agents and robots have in the context of mental therapy. This theoretical discussion is undertaken from a psychological and sociological perspective. It investigates what happens when interactive agents are introduced into current social situations. Methods of mental therapy vary from therapeutic conversation between clients and human therapists to interaction between clients and therapeutic animals such as dogs. This paper focuses on applications of interactive software agents and robots that substitute as (...)
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    Robot-Assisted Training of the Kinesthetic Sense: Enhancing Proprioception after Stroke.Dalia De Santis, Jacopo Zenzeri, Maura Casadio, Lorenzo Masia, Assunta Riva, Pietro Morasso & Valentina Squeri - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:119835.
    Proprioception has a crucial role in promoting or hindering motor learning. In particular, an intact position sense strongly correlates with the chances of recovery after stroke. A great majority of neurological patients present both motor dysfunctions and impairments in kinesthesia, but traditional robot and virtual reality training techniques focus either in recovering motor functions or in assessing proprioceptive deficits. An open challenge is to implement effective and reliable tests and training protocols for proprioception that go beyond the mere position (...)
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    Upper Extremity Proprioception in Healthy Aging and Stroke Populations, and the Effects of Therapist- and Robot-Based Rehabilitation Therapies on Proprioceptive Function.Charmayne Mary Lee Hughes, Paolo Tommasino, Aamani Budhota & Domenico Campolo - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  7. Ethical Considerations Regarding the Use of Social Robots in the Fourth Age.Catrin Misselhorn, Ulrike Pompe & Mog Stapleton - 2013 - Geropsych 26 (2):121-133.
    The debate about the use of robots in the care of older adults has often been dominated by either overly optimistic visions (coming particularly from Japan), in which robots are seamlessly incorporated into society thereby enhancing quality of life for everyone; or by extremely pessimistic scenarios that paint such a future as horrifying. We reject this dichotomy and argue for a more differentiated ethical evaluation of the possibilities and risks involved with the use of social robots. In a critical discussion (...)
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  8. Affective and Engagement Issues in the Conception and Assessment of a Robot-Assisted Psychomotor Therapy for Persons with Dementia.Natacha Rouaix, Laure Retru-Chavastel, Anne-Sophie Rigaud, Clotilde Monnet, Hermine Lenoir & Maribel Pino - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    An empirical study on integrating a small humanoid robot to support the therapy of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability.Daniela Conti, Grazia Trubia, Serafino Buono, Santo Di Nuovo & Alessandro Di Nuovo - 2021 - Interaction Studies 22 (2):177-211.
    Recent research showed the potential benefits of robot-assisted therapy in treating children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. These children often have some form of Intellectual Disability too, but this has mainly been neglected by previous robotics research. This article presents an empirical evaluation of robot-assisted imitation training, where the child imitated the robot, integrated into the Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children program. The sample included six hospitalized children with different levels of ID, (...)
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    Robot-mediated joint attention in children with autism: A case study in robot-human interaction.Ben Robins, Paul Dickerson, Penny Stribling & Kerstin Dautenhahn - 2004 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 5 (2):161-198.
    Interactive robots are used increasingly not only in entertainment and service robotics, but also in rehabilitation, therapy and education. The work presented in this paper is part of the Aurora project, rooted in assistive technology and robot-human interaction research. Our primary aim is to study if robots can potentially be used as therapeutically or educationally useful ‘toys’. In this paper we outline the aims of the project that this study belongs to, as well as the specific qualitative contextual (...)
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  11.  41
    Intelligent service robots for elderly or disabled people and human dignity: legal point of view.Katarzyna Pfeifer-Chomiczewska - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):789-800.
    This article aims to present the problem of the impact of artificial intelligence on respect for human dignity in the sphere of care for people who, for various reasons, are described as particularly vulnerable, especially seniors and people with various disabilities. In recent years, various initiatives and works have been undertaken on the European scene to define the directions in which the development and use of artificial intelligence should go. According to the human-centric approach, artificial intelligence should be developed, used (...)
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  12.  21
    Chatbots, Robots, and the Ethics of Automating Psychotherapy.Eric B. Litwack - 2024 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):111-122.
    Recent developments in artificial intelligence—AI--have caused considerable discussion among both philosophers of technology and psychotherapists. In particular, the question of whether or not new forms of AI will complement or even replace traditional psychotherapists has emerged as a major contemporary debate. This debate is not entirely new, as it has its origins in the Turing Test of 1950, and an early psychotherapy chatbot named Eliza, developed in 1966 at MIT. However, recent developments in AI technology, coupled with long waiting lists (...)
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    The Use of Social Robots and the Uncanny Valley Phenomenon.Melinda A. Mende, Martin H. Fischer & Katharina Kühne - 2019 - In Yuefang Zhou & Martin H. Fischer (eds.), Ai Love You : Developments in Human-Robot Intimate Relationships. Springer Verlag.
    Social robots are increasingly used in different areas of society such as public health, elderly care, education, and commerce. They have also been successfully employed in autism spectrum disorders therapy with children. Humans strive to find in them not only assistants but also friends. Although forms and functionalities of such robots vary, there is a strong tendency to anthropomorphize artificial agents, making them look and behave as human as possible and imputing human attributes to them. The more human a (...)
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  14.  34
    Social Robotics, Education, and Religion in the Islamic World: An Iranian Perspective.Minoo Alemi, Alireza Taheri, Azadeh Shariati & Ali Meghdari - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2709-2734.
    The social impact of robotics applied to domains such as education, religion, nursing, and therapy across the world depends on the level of technology as well as the culture in which it is used. By studying how robots are used in Iran, a technologically-savvy country with a long history and a rich culture, we explore their possible impact on interrelated areas of religious and ethical features in education in an Islamic society. To accomplish this task, a preliminary exploratory study (...)
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  15.  36
    Kinect Controlled NAO Robot for Telerehabilitation.Erin McGonigle, Ying-Chih Wang, Mohammad Habibur Rahman, Md Rasedul Islam & Md Assad-Uz-Zaman - 2020 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):224-239.
    In this paper, we focus on the human upper limb rehabilitation scheme that utilizes the concept ofteleoperation. Teleoperation can help the therapist demonstrate different rehab exercises to a different group of people at the same time remotely. Different groups of people from a different place connected to the same network can get therapy from the same therapist at the same time using the telerehabilitation scheme. Here, we presented a humanoid robot NAO that can be operated remotely by a (...)
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  16.  16
    Reliable and Valid Robotic Assessments of Hand Active and Passive Position Sense in Children With Unilateral Cerebral Palsy.Monika Zbytniewska-Mégret, Lisa Decraene, Lisa Mailleux, Lize Kleeren, Christoph M. Kanzler, Roger Gassert, Els Ortibus, Hilde Feys, Olivier Lambercy & Katrijn Klingels - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Impaired hand proprioception can lead to difficulties in performing fine motor tasks, thereby affecting activities of daily living. The majority of children with unilateral cerebral palsy experience proprioceptive deficits, but accurately quantifying these deficits is challenging due to the lack of sensitive measurement methods. Robot-assisted assessments provide a promising alternative, however, there is a need for solutions that specifically target children and their needs. We propose two novel robotics-based assessments to sensitively evaluate active and passive position sense of the (...)
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  17.  22
    The Ethics of Supernumerary Robotic Limbs. An Enactivist Approach.Nicola Di Stefano, Nathanaël Jarrassé & Luca Valera - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (6):1-19.
    Supernumerary robotic limbs are innovative devices in the field of wearable robotics which can provide humans with unprecedented sensorimotor abilities. However, scholars have raised awareness of the ethical issues that would arise from the large adoption of technologies for human augmentation in society. Most negative attitudes towards such technologies seem to rely on an allegedly clear distinction between therapy and enhancement in the use of technological devices. Based on such distinction, people tend to accept technologies when used for therapeutic (...)
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  18.  25
    Living in the Age of the Automatic Sweetheart : A Brief Survey on the Ethics of Sexual Robotics.Richard Stone - unknown
    As technology continues to grow (and sex-robots gain a more prominent position in our society), so too does concern about the way they will impact our lives and our sexuality. While many ethicists have started to assess what this impact could be (and if it would be positive or negative), the challenges and opportunities presented by sex-robots span over a wide range of topics and cannot be assessed easily. Hence, in this paper, I will attempt to categorize the main questions (...)
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  19.  77
    (1 other version)Using the social robot probo as a social story telling agent for children with ASD.Bram Vanderborght, Ramona Simut, Jelle Saldien, Cristina Pop, Alina S. Rusu, Sebastian Pintea, Dirk Lefeber & Daniel O. David - 2012 - Interaction Studies 13 (3):348-372.
    This paper aims to study the role of the social robot Probo in providing assistance to a therapist for robot assisted therapy (RAT) with autistic children. Children with autism have difficulties with social interaction and several studies indicate that they show preference toward interaction with objects, such as computers and robots, rather than with humans. In 1991, Carol Gray developed Social Stories, an intervention tool aimed to increase children's social skills. Social stories are short scenarios written or (...)
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  20.  35
    Using the social robot probo as a social story telling agent for children with ASD.Bram Vanderborght, Ramona Simut, Jelle Saldien, Cristina A. Pop, Alina S. Rusu, Sebastian Pintea, Dirk Lefeber & Daniel O. David - 2012 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 13 (3):348-372.
    This paper aims to study the role of the social robot Probo in providing assistance to a therapist for robot assisted therapy with autistic children. Children with autism have difficulties with social interaction and several studies indicate that they show preference toward interaction with objects, such as computers and robots, rather than with humans. In 1991, Carol Gray developed Social Stories, an intervention tool aimed to increase children’s social skills. Social stories are short scenarios written or tailored (...)
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  21.  12
    The effects of robot-assisted gait training combined with non-invasive brain stimulation on lower limb function in patients with stroke and spinal cord injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Wataru Kuwahara, Shun Sasaki, Rieko Yamamoto, Michiyuki Kawakami & Fuminari Kaneko - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Objective:This study aimed to investigate the effect of robot-assisted gait training therapy combined with non-invasive brain stimulation on lower limb function in patients with stroke and spinal cord injury.Data sourcesPubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Ovid MEDLINE, and Web of Science were searched.Study selectionRandomized controlled trials published as of 3 March 2021. RCTs evaluating RAGT combined with NIBS, such as transcranial direct current stimulation and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, for lower limb function and activities in patients with (...)
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  22.  21
    The Use of Deep Learning-Based Gesture Interactive Robot in the Treatment of Autistic Children Under Music Perception Education.Yiyao Zhang, Chao Zhang, Lei Cheng & Mingwei Qi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study was to apply deep learning to music perception education. Music perception therapy for autistic children using gesture interactive robots based on the concept of educational psychology and deep learning technology is proposed. First, the experimental problems are defined and explained based on the relevant theories of pedagogy. Next, gesture interactive robots and music perception education classrooms are studied based on recurrent neural networks. Then, autistic children are treated by music perception, and an electroencephalogram is (...)
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  23.  22
    (2 other versions)A long-term study of children with autism playing with a robotic pet.Dorothée François, Stuart Powell & Kerstin Dautenhahn - 2009 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 10 (3):324-373.
    This paper presents a novel methodological approach of how to design, conduct and analyse robot-assisted play. This approach is inspired by nondirective play therapy. The experimenter participates in the experiments, but the child remains the main leader for play. Besides, beyond inspiration from non-directive play therapy, this approach enables the experimenter to regulate the interaction under specific conditions in order to guide the child or ask her questions about reasoning or affect related to the robot. This (...)
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  24. Dissociating Sensorimotor Recovery and Compensation During Exoskeleton Training Following Stroke.Nadir Nibras, Chang Liu, Denis Mottet, Chunji Wang, David Reinkensmeyer, Olivier Remy-Neris, Isabelle Laffont & Nicolas Schweighofer - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The quality of arm movements typically improves in the sub-acute phase of stroke affecting the upper extremity. Here, we used whole arm kinematic analysis during reaching movements to distinguish whether these improvements are due to true recovery or to compensation. Fifty-three participants with post-acute stroke performed ∼80 reaching movement tests during 4 weeks of training with the ArmeoSpring exoskeleton. All participants showed improvements in end-effector performance, as measured by movement smoothness. Four ArmeoSpring angles, shoulder horizontal rotation, shoulder elevation, elbow rotation, (...)
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  25. Neuroplastic changes in resting-state functional connectivity after stroke rehabilitation.Yang-Teng Fan, Ching-yi Wu, Ho-Ling Liu, Keh-Chung Lin, Yau-yau Wai & Yao-Liang Chen - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:148968.
    Most neuroimaging research in stroke rehabilitation mainly focuses on the neural mechanisms underlying the natural history of post-stroke recovery. However, connectivity mapping from resting-state fMRI is well suited for different neurological conditions and provides a promising method to explore plastic changes for treatment-induced recovery from stroke. We examined the changes in resting-state functional connectivity (RS-FC) of the ipsilesional primary motor cortex (M1) in 10 post-acute stroke patients before and immediately after 4 weeks of robot-assisted bilateral arm therapy (RBAT). (...)
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  26.  21
    Re-Creating Nature: Science, Technology, and Human Values in the Twenty-First Century.James T. Bradley - 2019 - University of Alabama Press.
    An exploration of the moral and ethical implications of new biotechnologies Many of the ethical issues raised by new technologies have not been widely examined, discussed, or indeed settled. For example, robotics technology challenges the notion of personhood. Should a robot, capable of making what humans would call ethical decisions, be held responsible for those decisions and the resultant actions? Should society reward and punish robots in the same way that it does humans? Likewise, issues of safety, environmental concerns, (...)
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    Human Enhancement.Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin & Daniel Moore - 2009 - In Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin & Daniel Moore (eds.), What is Nanotechnology and Why Does It Matter: From Science to Ethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 230–253.
    This chapter contains sections titled: What is Human Enhancement? Defining Human Enhancement The Therapy–Enhancement Distinction Human Enhancement Scenarios Untangling the Issues in Human Enhancement Restricting Human Enhancement Technologies?
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    Agir sur les gènes est- ce suffisant?Catherine Bourgain - 2017 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 59 (1):39-52.
    La génétique est une science qui s’est constituée pour l’action, et dont la légitimité s’est largement construite par l’action, dans des contextes appliqués. Chez l’Homme, l’utilité de ce savoir pour l’action fait pourtant de la résistance. Les projets de modification directe de l’ADN par thérapie génétique se révèlent complexes à maîtriser en dehors de quelques situations particulières. Si la quantification a priori de l’effet des gènes sur un caractère humain est impossible, une mesure – l’héritabilité – sème le trouble. Développée (...)
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  29.  19
    Boarding the Transhumanist Train: How Far Should the Christian Ride?Ted Peters - 2019 - In Newton Lee (ed.), The Transhumanism Handbook. Springer Verlag. pp. 795-804.
    The transhumanist train has pulled out of the station and is now racing toward its destination: technoutopia. Via GNR--Genetics, Nanotechnology, and Robotics--the H+ engineer is guiding us toward posthumanity where our descendents will enjoy superintelligence in digital, disembodied, and immortal form. How far will the Christian want to ride this train? I recommend that the Christian board the H+ train and ride the rails of technological progress as far as improved medical therapies, increased longevity, advanced robotics, and other enhancements in (...)
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  30. Electroencephalography as a Biomarker for Functional Recovery in Spinal Cord Injury Patients.Marcel Simis, Deniz Doruk Camsari, Marta Imamura, Thais Raquel Martins Filippo, Daniel Rubio De Souza, Linamara Rizzo Battistella & Felipe Fregni - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    BackgroundFunctional changes after spinal cord injury are related to changes in cortical plasticity. These changes can be measured with electroencephalography and has potential to be used as a clinical biomarker.MethodIn this longitudinal study participants underwent a total of 30 sessions of robotic-assisted gait training over a course of 6 weeks. The duration of each session was 30 min. Resting state EEG was recorded before and after 30-session rehabilitation therapy. To measure gait, we used the Walking Index for Spinal Cord (...)
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  31. Brain to computer communication: Ethical perspectives on interaction models. [REVIEW]Guglielmo Tamburrini - 2009 - Neuroethics 2 (3):137-149.
    Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) enable one to control peripheral ICT and robotic devices by processing brain activity on-line. The potential usefulness of BCI systems, initially demonstrated in rehabilitation medicine, is now being explored in education, entertainment, intensive workflow monitoring, security, and training. Ethical issues arising in connection with these investigations are triaged taking into account technological imminence and pervasiveness of BCI technologies. By focussing on imminent technological developments, ethical reflection is informatively grounded into realistic protocols of brain-to-computer communication. In particular, (...)
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  32. Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion. Collected Works, Volume 5.Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Edited by Smarandache Florentin, Dezert Jean & Tchamova Albena.
    This fifth volume on Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion collects theoretical and applied contributions of researchers working in different fields of applications and in mathematics, and is available in open-access. The collected contributions of this volume have either been published or presented after disseminating the fourth volume in 2015 in international conferences, seminars, workshops and journals, or they are new. The contributions of each part of this volume are chronologically ordered. First Part of this book presents some (...)
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  33.  7
    A vueltas con el Transhumanismo: cuestiones de futuro imperfecto | Dealing with Transhumanism: Issues about the Future Imperfect.Roger Campione - 2019 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 40:45-67.
    Resumen: El Transhumanismo es una perspectiva que aboga por la posibilidad de mejorar la condición humana física, emocional y cognitiva utilizando el progreso y la tecnología. Las cuestiones que plantea requieren asumir dos premisas, una normativa y otra empírica: la primera es que la formación para el uso de las tecnologías requiere una educación ética y jurídica, además de científica. La segunda implica que en un futuro próximo habrá robots muy sofisticados y dotados de inteligencia artificial avanzada que podrán tomar (...)
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  34.  40
    Attitudes about Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) technology among Spanish rehabilitation professionals.Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza, David Rodriguez Arias-Vailhen, Txetxu Ausín, Mario Toboso, Manuel Aparicio & Daniel López - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):309-318.
    To assess—from a qualitative perspective—the perceptions and attitudes of Spanish rehabilitation professionals (e.g. rehabilitation doctors, speech therapists, physical therapists) about Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) technology. A qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study was carried out by means of interviews and analysis of textual content with mixed generation of categories and segmentation into frequency of topics. We present the results of three in-depth interviews that were conducted with Spanish speaking individuals who had previously completed a survey as part of a larger, 3-country/language, survey (...)
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    Democratization and generative AI image creation: aesthetics, citizenship, and practices.Maja Bak Herrie, Nicolas René Maleve, Lotte Philipsen & Asker Bryld Staunæs - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    The article critically analyzes how contemporary image practices involving generative artificial intelligence are entangled with processes of democratization. We demonstrate and discuss how generative artificial intelligence images raise questions of democratization and citizenship in terms of access, skills, validation, truths, and diversity. First, the article establishes a theoretical framework, which includes theory on democratization and aesthetics and lays the foundations for the analytical concepts of ‘formative’ and ‘generative’ visual citizenship. Next, we argue for the use of explorative and collaborative methods (...)
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    Adaptability: Reflections. [REVIEW]Jacob L. Mey - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (2):180-185.
    The conclusion to be drawn from the preceding observations and theorizing should be that we must be very much aware of what has been called “technological functionalism” (Pieper, 1986:11). While functionalism as such is not bad, the moment it succumbs to mere structural technicality, the functions stop functioning: forced “adaptivity” takes the place of “adaptable” interaction.That this problem is not due to a primordial blame, to be attached to the computer, becomes clear when one compares the computerized environment to other (...)
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  37. robot is going to operate in is completely understood and the actions it is going to take in the environment to achieve its goals are also completely understood. The problem is that this kind of design does not allow for encountering unknown obstacles and doing something different to get around them.Adaptable Robots - 2002 - In James Moor & Terrell Ward Bynum (eds.), Cyberphilosophy: the intersection of philosophy and computing. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 78.
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  38. Semiosis and the Umwelt of a robot.Does A. Robot Have an Umwelt - 2001 - Semiotica 134 (1/4):695-699.
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  39. Chapter Nine Kantian Robotics: Building a Robot to Understand Kant's Transcendental Turn Lawrence M. Hinman.Kantian Robotics - 2007 - In Soraj Hongladarom (ed.), Computing and Philosophy in Asia. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 135.
  40. Consciousness in human and robot minds.Robot Minds - 2009 - In Susan Schneider (ed.), Science Fiction and Philosophy: From Time Travel to Superintelligence. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 186.
  41. Modular diploma in complementary medicine, the letchworth centre for homoeopathy and complementary medicine.Are Natural Therapies Safe - forthcoming - Mind.
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    Solving the Frame Problem: A Mathematical Investigation of the Common Sense Law of Inertia.Murray Shanahan & Professor of Cognitive Robotics Murray Shanahan - 1997 - MIT Press.
    In 1969, John McCarthy and Pat Hayes uncovered a problem that has haunted the field of artificial intelligence ever since--the frame problem. The problem arises when logic is used to describe the effects of actions and events. Put simply, it is the problem of representing what remains unchanged as a result of an action or event. Many researchers in artificial intelligence believe that its solution is vital to the realization of the field's goals. Solving the Frame Problem presents the various (...)
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  43. Down the Slippery Slope.Nils Holtug & Human Gene Therapy - forthcoming - Bioethics.
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    Blame-Laden Moral Rebukes and the Morally Competent Robot: A Confucian Ethical Perspective.Qin Zhu, Tom Williams, Blake Jackson & Ruchen Wen - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2511-2526.
    Empirical studies have suggested that language-capable robots have the persuasive power to shape the shared moral norms based on how they respond to human norm violations. This persuasive power presents cause for concern, but also the opportunity to persuade humans to cultivate their own moral development. We argue that a truly socially integrated and morally competent robot must be willing to communicate its objection to humans’ proposed violations of shared norms by using strategies such as blame-laden rebukes, even if (...)
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  45. Is it time for robot rights? Moral status in artificial entities.Vincent C. Müller - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):579–587.
    Some authors have recently suggested that it is time to consider rights for robots. These suggestions are based on the claim that the question of robot rights should not depend on a standard set of conditions for ‘moral status’; but instead, the question is to be framed in a new way, by rejecting the is/ought distinction, making a relational turn, or assuming a methodological behaviourism. We try to clarify these suggestions and to show their highly problematic consequences. While we (...)
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  46. The Robot's Dilemma: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence.Zenon W. Pylyshyn (ed.) - 1987 - Ablex.
    Each of the chapters in this volume devotes considerable attention to defining and elaborating the notion of the frame problem-one of the hard problems of artificial intelligence. Not only do the chapters clarify the problems at hand, they shed light on the different approaches taken by those in artificial intelligence and by certain philosophers who have been concerned with related problems in their field. The book should therefore not be read merely as a discussion of the frame problem narrowly conceived, (...)
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    When a Robot Is Your Teammate.Filipa Correia, Francisco S. Melo & Ana Paiva - 2024 - Topics in Cognitive Science 16 (3):527-553.
    Creating effective teamwork between humans and robots involves not only addressing their performance as a team but also sustaining the quality and sense of unity among teammates, also known as cohesion. This paper explores the research problem of: how can we endow robotic teammates with social capabilities to improve the cohesive alliance with humans? By defining the concept of a human–robot cohesive alliance in the light of the multidimensional construct of cohesion from the social sciences, we propose to address (...)
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  48. Can a robot lie?Markus Kneer - manuscript
    The potential capacity for robots to deceive has received considerable attention recently. Many papers focus on the technical possibility for a robot to engage in deception for beneficial purposes (e.g. in education or health). In this short experimental paper, I focus on a more paradigmatic case: Robot lying (lying being the textbook example of deception) for nonbeneficial purposes as judged from the human point of view. More precisely, I present an empirical experiment with 399 participants which explores the (...)
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  49. Attributing Agency to Automated Systems: Reflections on Human–Robot Collaborations and Responsibility-Loci.Sven Nyholm - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1201-1219.
    Many ethicists writing about automated systems attribute agency to these systems. Not only that; they seemingly attribute an autonomous or independent form of agency to these machines. This leads some ethicists to worry about responsibility-gaps and retribution-gaps in cases where automated systems harm or kill human beings. In this paper, I consider what sorts of agency it makes sense to attribute to most current forms of automated systems, in particular automated cars and military robots. I argue that whereas it indeed (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Mutual Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction: a Deflationary Account.Ingar Brinck & Christian Balkenius - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 1 (1):53-70.
    Mutually adaptive interaction involves the robot as a partner as opposed to a tool, and requires that the robot is susceptible to similar environmental cues and behavior patterns as humans are. Recognition, or the acknowledgement of the other as individual, is fundamental to mutually adaptive interaction between humans. We discuss what recognition involves and its behavioral manifestations, and describe the benefits of implementing it in HRI.
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