Results for 'Manuel Aparicio'

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  1. Virtualidades y limitaciones de los enfoques neoaristotélicos de la justicia con las personas con diversidad funcional.Manuel Aparicio Payá - 2012 - Diálogo Filosófico 84:35-52.
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    Derechos humanos y justicia con las personas con diversidad funcional.Manuel Aparicio Payá - 2016 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 19:13-34.
    Uno de los problemas de justicia más importantes que existen en la actualidad es el que se refiere a los seres humanos con diversidad funcional. Desde hace algunas décadas el modelo social de la discapacidad ha insistido en que estos deben ser contemplados como sujetos activos de justicia y no como meros sujetos pasivos de beneficencia. La pretensión de este artículo es doble: por un lado, aplicando la teoría de la justicia como reconocimiento de A. Honneth, indagamos en qué consiste (...)
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  3. Virtualidades y limitaciones de los enfoques neoaristotélicos de la justicia con las personas con diversidad funcional.Manuel Aparicio Paya - 2012 - Diálogo Filosófico 84 (84):35-52.
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    Scientific-technological society, functional diversity and equal inclusion.Manuel Aparicio Payá - 2022 - Pensamiento 78 (298 S. Esp):555-572.
    El objetivo de este trabajo, encuadrado en la perspectiva filosófica del entrecruzamiento entre los estudios sobre discapacidad (Disability studies) y los estudios filosófico-sociales sobre la ciencia y la tecnología (CTS), es abordar la cuestión de la accesibilidad universal, relacionada con el diseño para todas las personas. Pretendo llevar a cabo una reflexión ético-política sobre esta temática, en el contexto de las posibilidades abiertas por el desarrollo científico-tecnológico emergente y sus repercusiones en relación a los colectivos de personas con diferentes tipos (...)
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    Homo gilipollensis.Manuel Aparicio Burgos - 2009 - Madrid: Huerga & Fierro.
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    Ética discursiva y diversidad funcional.Manuel Aparicio Payá - 2018 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 22:133-152.
    En este artículo hacemos un breve recorrido por algunas de las ideas fundamentales de la ética del diálogo (K.O. Apel, J. Habermas y A. Cortina) considerando que constituye un enfoque adecuado para afrontar las obligaciones de justicia con la totalidad de las personas con diversidad funcional. Nos basamos en que: a) la ética del diálogo mantiene el universalismo moral y político defendido por Kant, transformando su noción normativa de persona a partir de la idea de reconocimiento propuesta por Hegel, lo (...)
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    La concepción del cuerpo en Marx y el principio de necesidad.Manuel Aparicio Payá - 2021 - Endoxa 48:87-106.
    En la primera parte de este trabajo analizo los rasgos que definen el paradigma del cuerpo desarrollado por Marx. Señalo también algunas reflexiones contemporáneas sobre el cuerpo que pueden ser entendidas en relación con dicho paradigma. En una segunda parte, analizo su caracterización económica del cuerpo a partir de la idea de necesidad, argumentando que en Marx se da una concepción normativa del cuerpo y estableciendo una relación con el principio de necesidad. Finalmente, me centro en algunas aportaciones de teóricos (...)
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    Attitudes about Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) technology among Spanish rehabilitation professionals.Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza, David Rodriguez Arias-Vailhen, Txetxu Ausín, Mario Toboso, Manuel Aparicio & Daniel López - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):309-318.
    To assess—from a qualitative perspective—the perceptions and attitudes of Spanish rehabilitation professionals (e.g. rehabilitation doctors, speech therapists, physical therapists) about Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) technology. A qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study was carried out by means of interviews and analysis of textual content with mixed generation of categories and segmentation into frequency of topics. We present the results of three in-depth interviews that were conducted with Spanish speaking individuals who had previously completed a survey as part of a larger, 3-country/language, survey (...)
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  9. Debunking Corporate Moral Responsibility.Manuel Velasquez - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (4):531-562.
    I address three topics. First, I argue that the issue of corporate moral responsibility is an important one for business ethics.Second, I examine a core argument for the claim that the corporate organization is a separate moral agent and show it is based on anunnoticed but elementary mistake deriving from the fallacy of division. Third, I examine the assumptions collectivists make about whatit means to say that organizations act and that they act intentionally and show that these assumptions are mistaken (...)
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    Degrees which do not bound minimal degrees.Manuel Lerman - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 30 (3):249-276.
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    Admissible ordinals and priority arguments.Manuel Lerman - 1973 - In A. R. D. Mathias & Hartley Rogers, Cambridge Summer School in Mathematical Logic. New York,: Springer Verlag. pp. 311--344.
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    Los tratados silogísticos de Boecio y su interdependencia temática.Manuel Correia - 2009 - Teología y Vida 50 (4).
    En este artículo se discuten las más importantes hipótesis modernas que han intentado explicar la interrelation doctrinal que los tratados silogísticos escritos por Boecio tienen entre sí, el De sylhgismo categórico y la Introductio ad syllogismos categóricos. Se revisan las hipótesis que señalan una dependencia fuerte entre ambos tratados y también las que apuntan hacia una dependencia más débil y, luego de criticar estas posiciones, la discusión abre la posibilidad cierta de que los tratados tengan objetos temáticos diferentes y estén (...)
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    The interest of reason in a world in evolution.Manuel Curado - 2010 - Pensamiento 66 (249):511.
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    Medicine, market and communication: ethical considerations in regard to persuasive communication in direct-to-consumer genetic testing services.Manuel Schaper & Silke Schicktanz - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-11.
    Commercial genetic testing offered over the internet, known as direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC GT), currently is under ethical attack. A common critique aims at the limited validation of the tests as well as the risk of psycho-social stress or adaption of incorrect behavior by users triggered by misleading health information. Here, we examine in detail the specific role of advertising communication of DTC GT companies from a medical ethical perspective. Our argumentative analysis departs from the starting point that DTC GT (...)
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    Disagreeing with Experts.Manuel Almagro Holgado & Neftalí Villanueva Fernández - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (3):402-423.
    This paper addresses the question of who should be trusted as an expert and when, particularly in the context of public deliberation. Trust in experts is crucial in making decisions about public policies that involve complex information beyond the expertise of most people. However, fruitful deliberation also requires being able to resist misinformation campaigns, no matter how widespread these might be; being able, in general, to evaluate the evidence at our disposal and form our own opinions. The purpose of this (...)
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    Macht im digitalen Raum: Politische Bildung im digitalen Zeitalter.Manuel S. Hubacher - 2021 - In Dirk Lange & Lara Rebecca Möller, Augmented Democracy in der Politischen Bildung: Neue Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. pp. 31–49.
    Unser aller Alltag ist in der Zwischenzeit stark von den Dienstleistungen und Plattformen der Technologiekonzerne durchdrungen. In der politischen Kommunikation sind Twitter, Facebook, Instagram und Konsorten nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die veränderten Bedingungen, unter denen politische Kommunikation stattfindet, haben nicht zu einer Machtnivellierung, sondern vielmehr zu einer verschiebung geführt. Politische Kommunikation ist für uns unentbehrlich, um unsere politischen Meinungen zu bilden, unsere Positionen zu artikulieren und politische Fragen zu diskutieren. Daraus ergeben sich zwei zentrale Fragen für die Politische Bildung: Welche Fähigkeiten (...)
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    Shapes of philosophical history.Frank Edward Manuel - 1965 - Stanford, Calif.,: Stanford University Press.
    Though the geographic dimensions of philosophical history were always, in principle at least, the whole globe, for the last two thousand years the ...
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    (1 other version)Ideals of Generalized Finite Sets in Lattices of α‐Recursively Enumerable Sets.Manuel Lerman - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):347-352.
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    Natural Law and Business Ethics.Manuel Velasquez & F. Neil Brady - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (2):83-107.
    We describe the Catholic natural law tradition by examining its origins in the medieval penitentials, the papal decretals, the writings of Thomas Aquinas, and seventeenth century casuistry. Catholic natural law emerges as a flexible ethic that conceives of human nature as rational and as oriented to certain basic goods that ought to be pursued and whose pursuit is made possible by the virtues. We then identify four approaches to natural law that have evolved within the United States during the twentieth (...)
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    The world’s last best hope: El excepcionalismo americano y la política exterior de Estados Unidos en la era Obama.Manuel Iglesias Cavicchioli - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    Desde la llegada al poder de Barack Obama, el excepcionalismo americano se ha situado en el centro del debate político en estrecha conexión con el debate en torno al declive internacional de EE.UU. El presente artículo pretende ofrecer un estudio del excepcionalismo tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como desde su impacto más reciente en la política exterior de EE.UU. A tal efecto, procederemos a desentrañar sus principales aspectos conceptuales, analizando las distintas interpretaciones del mismo en el marco de (...)
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  21. Prensa gratuita y prensa de pago.Manuel Cirauqui - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 43:107-109.
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    What should conceptual engineering be all about?Manuel Gustavo Https://Orcidorg Isaac - 2021 - .
    Conceptual engineering is commonly characterized as the method for assessing and improving our representational devices. Little has been said, however, on how best to construe these representational devices—in other words, on what conceptual engineering should be all about. This paper tackles this problem with a basic strategy: First, by presenting a taxonomy of the different possible subject matters for conceptual engineering; then, by comparatively assessing them and selecting the most conducive one with a view to making conceptual engineering an actionable (...)
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    El mundo físico y el mundo. Otros fisicalismos también son posibles.Manuel Liz - 2007 - In David P. Chico & Moisés Barroso Ramos, Pluralidad de la filosofía analítica. México: Plaza y Valdés Editores. pp. 3--95.
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    Catholic Natural Law and Business Ethics.Manuel Velasquez - 2001 - Spiritual Goods 2001:107-140.
    This article describes Catholic natural law tradition by examining its origins in the medieval penitentials, the papal decretals, the writings of Thomas Aquinas, and seventeenth-century casuistry. Catholic natural law emerges as a flexible ethic that conceives of human nature as rational and as oriented to certain basic goods that ought to be pursued and whose pursuit is made possible by the virtues. Four approaches to natural law that have evolved within the United States during the twentieth century are then identified, (...)
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    Congruence relations, filters, ideals, and definability in lattices of α-recursively enumerable sets.Manuel Lerman - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (2):405-418.
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    Some nondistributive lattices as initial segments of the degrees of unsolvability.Manuel Lerman - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (1):85-98.
  27. Santayana's second thoughts and Ortega on society and politics.Manuel Garrido - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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    The ethical approach to AIDS: a bibliographical review.C. Manuel, P. Enel, J. Charrel, D. Reviron, M. P. Larher, X. Thirion & J. L. Sanmarco - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (1):14-27.
    This bibliographical study involved first the exploitation of four data-banks: Medline, CNRS, Bioethics and AIDS, with the following key words (in conjunction with AIDS): ethics, human rights, confidentiality, legislation, jurisprudence. A total of 412 references were listed between 1983 and the end of 1987. Examination of the quantitative increase of articles over these years shows that, while references to AIDS and/or HIV infection--referred to as 'AIDS' for brevity--increased by about one third per year, the number of papers treating ethical problems (...)
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    Computable choice functions for computable linear orderings.Manuel Lerman & Richard Watnick - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (5):485-510.
    A choice set for a computable linear ordering is a set which contains one element from each maximal block of the ordering. We obtain a partial characterization of the computable linear order-types for which each computable model has a computable choice set, and a full characterization in the relativized case; Every model of the linear order-type α of degree ≤ d has a choice set of degree ≤ d iff α can written as a finite sum of order-types, each of (...)
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  30. Some theorems on r-maximal sets and major subsets of recursively enumerable sets.Manuel Lerman - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):193-215.
  31. Dos cuentos sobre el lenguaje.Manuel Liz - 1997 - Laguna 4.
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  32. Intentional states: Individuation, explanation, and supervenience.Manuel Liz - 2002 - In María José Frápolli & Esther Romero, Meaning, Basic Self-Knowledge, and Mind: Essays on Tyler Burge. University of Chicago Press.
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    Principled leadership and business diplomacy: values-based strategies for management development.Manuel London - 1999 - Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books.
    London shows that principled leadership and business diplomacy not only provide direction for management, but they also enhance development of leadership in ...
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    Montesquieu: el legislador y el arte de legislar.Manuel Santaella López - 1995 - Madrid: Univ Pontifica Comillas.
  35. El procesionismo de Nikos Poulantzas.Manuel Angel Fernández Lorenzo - 1981 - El Basilisco 12:19-25.
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  36. La mano: de cómo su uso configura el cerebro, el lenguaje y la cultura humana, de Frank R. Wilson.Manuel Angel Fernández Lorenzo - 2005 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):110-113.
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    The Supporting Role of Mentees’ Peers in Online Mentoring: A Longitudinal Social Network Analysis of Peer Influence.Manuel D. S. Hopp, Heidrun Stoeger & Albert Ziegler - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A Virtuous Way of Doing Philosophy: The Moderation of Curiosity and Hume's Philosophical Method in A Treatise of Human Nature.Manuel Vásquez Villavicencio - 2024 - Hume Studies 49 (2):231-256.
    In _A Treatise of Human Nature_, Hume proposes a new philosophical method. This method results from integrating an empirically founded skepticism with an innovative study of the epistemic role of emotions. This combination of skepticism, empiricism, and moral psychology aims to establish a virtuous way of doing philosophy based on the regulation of our epistemic emotions. In this paper, I present the operating principles of this virtuous way of doing philosophy. The paper has three parts. I firstly claim that four (...)
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  39. Isaac Newton, Historian.Frank E. Manuel - 1965 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 15 (60):354-356.
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    “I would rather have it done by a doctor”—laypeople’s perceptions of direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC GT) and its ethical implications.Manuel Schaper, Sabine Wöhlke & Silke Schicktanz - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):31-40.
    Direct-to-consumer genetic testing has been available for several years now, with varying degrees of regulation across different countries. Despite a restrictive legal framework it is possible for consumers to order genetic tests from companies located in other countries. However, German laypeople’s awareness and perceptions of DTC GT services is still unexplored. We conducted seven focus groups with German laypeople to explore their perceptions of and attitudes towards commercial genetic testing and its ethical implications. Participants were critical towards DTC GT. Criticism (...)
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    Evolving a predator-prey ecosystem of mathematical expressions with grammatical evolution.Manuel Alfonseca & Francisco José Soler Gil - 2015 - Complexity 20 (3):66-83.
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    An Ethics Role-Playing Case.Tim Manuel - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 7:141-154.
    This paper discusses a role playing ethics case suitable for business students in which participants must balance shareholder and stakeholder concerns. Students take on the role of operations manager and are challenged to consider the effects of their choices on the local society as they balance the demands of stockholders, employees, and family when the concerns of the groups come into conflict. The exercise helps students understand the need to consider the ethicalcomponents of business decisions and the difficulties of handling (...)
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    La voluntad de poder como amor.Manuel Barrios & Manuel Barrios Casares - 1990 - Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal.
    Concebir la nietzscheana voluntad de poder como amor es a la vez un desafío y un reconocimiento. A las páginas de esta obra se asoman las "Madres" de Fausto y los tristes héroes de Milan Kundera. Al fondo, quedamente y llena de gracia, se vislumbra la huella de Friedrich Hölderlin.
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  44. Language Rights as Collective Rights: Some Conceptual Considerations on Language Rights.Manuel Toscano - 2012 - Res Publica. Murcia 27:109-118.
    Stephen May (2011) holds that language rights have been insufficiently recognized, or just rejected as problematic, in human rights theory and practice. Defending the “human rights approach to language rights”, he claims that language rights should be accorded the status of fundamental human rights, recognized as such by states and international organizations. This article argues that the notion of language rights is far from clear. According to May, one key reason for rejecting the claim that language rights should be considered (...)
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    Ramón Valdivia Giménez, Bartolomé de Las Casas, Fundación Enmanuel Mounier. Col. Sinergia, Madrid, 2012 (129 páginas).Manuel Leal Lobón - 2023 - Isidorianum 22 (43):297-300.
    En la conquista, colonización y evangelización de las Indias se dio una estrecha colaboración y alianza Iglesia-Estado, amalgama que reforzaba a ambas instituciones, aunque siempre bajo el control estatal, supervisada y coordinada por el Consejo de Indias. Las relaciones Iglesia-Estado en América pasaron por diversas modalidades: Patronato, Vicariato y Regalismo. En el siglo XVI rige el Patronato, basado en las concesiones Pontificias que ponía en manos de la Corona española el ‘cuidado’ sobre la Iglesia americana. Desde fines del XVI, religiosos (...)
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  46. Rules, principles, and Defeasibility.Manuel Atienza & Juan Ruiz Manero - 2012 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Giovanni Battista Ratti, The Logic of Legal Requirements: Essays on Defeasibility. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
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    The Enlightenment.Frank Edward Manuel - 1965 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
    This collection brings together the moral, social, and political ideas of the great eighteenth-century thinkers at the height of their influence. Included here are Voltaire's popularization of Newton's scientific worldview, Hume's anatomy of the origins of religion, Rousseau on education and the "natural man," Diderot in dialogue with literature's first "alienated man," Kant on universal peace, and Condorcet on the idea of progress.
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    Filosofía de la mente: historia, perspectivas, conceptos, personajes y algunos problemas.Manuel Liz - 1997 - Arbor 158 (621):65-102.
    En este trabajo se ofrece una introducción a esa área de investigación filosófica de la mente. Se abordarán, en primer lugar, algunos aspectos de su evolución histórica como disciplina diferenciada. En segundo lugar, se describirán las principales opciones existentes a la hora de conceptualizar las relaciones de lo mental con el mundo estudiado por las ciencias naturales. Se precisarán también algunos de los conceptos más recurrentes en la actual filosofía de la mente, proporcionándose a continuación una panorámica general de los (...)
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    (2 other versions)New Physical Properties.Manuel Liz - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 37:155-164.
    Discussions about physicalism, reduction, special sciences, the layered image of reality, multiple realizability, emergence, downward causation, etc., typically make the ontological presupposition that there is no room for new properties in the physical world. The domain of physical properties would thus have been established once and for all. It is my purpose in this paper to explore the alternative hypothesis that there can be, and that in fact there are, new physical properties. In the first section, I propose a brief (...)
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    Realismo y antirrealismo.Manuel Liz - 2014 - Análisis Filosófico 34 (1):5-34.
    Existen tres grandes estrategias para intentar combinar realismo y antirrealismo: una distinción de niveles, una distinción de aspectos y una distinción de partes. En el trabajo se analizan estas tres estrategias. La primera de ellas ha sido desarrollada por numerosos autores. Comentamos en detalle los planteamientos recientes de José Zalabardo a propósito de ciertas tesis de John McDowell, Crispin Wright y Wittgenstein. Esta estrategia plantea graves dificultades. La segunda estrategia parece poder escapar a ellas. Sin embargo, no puede ser adoptada (...)
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