Results for ' reform, Innovation, administrative temporalities, political field'

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  1.  7
    Ça ira plus vite comme ça.Jean-Baptiste Devaux - 2022 - Temporalités 36.
    Les politiques technologiques visant à mettre en relation les acteurs scientifiques et économiques se sont profondément transformées entre 1962 et 1988. Aux politiques technologiques prenant la forme de « grands programmes technologiques » succèdent des politiques dites « de soutien à l’innovation » caractérisées notamment par des dispositifs de soutien à l’investissement destinés aux entreprises ou la mise en œuvre de réseaux visant à accroître les synergies entre les mondes scientifiques et industriels. Cette inflexion s’accompagne d’une reconfiguration des temporalités de (...)
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    Political Economy and Classical Antiquity.Neville Morley - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (1):95-114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Political Economy and Classical AntiquityNeville MorleyThe literature of the ancients, their legislation, their public treaties, and their administration of the conquered provinces, all proclaim their utter ignorance of the nature and origin of wealth, of the manner in which it is distributed, and of the effects of its consumption.... The steadily increasing progress of different branches of industry, the advancement of the sciences, whose influence upon wealth we (...)
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    From Psychology Management Innovation and Education Reform in the Digital Age: Role of Disruptive Technologies.Lin Bao & Tian Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the main body of colleges and universities, the effect of college teaching psychology management is an important standard to test the quality of college teaching psychology management and its effects on the development of college teaching psychology management. However, the psychology management system used by traditional colleges and universities is challenging to meet the needs of the innovation of the new talent training model of higher vocational education. The construction of the new micro-level teaching organization inevitably requires the psychology (...)
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    Innovation amidst post-socialist reform: Jonas Salk and the birth of the Sabin strains-derived inactivated polio vaccine in China.Tianyu Li & Chadwick Wang - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Science:1-17.
    As an industrial science, vaccinology is susceptible to changing social, economic and political frameworks. This article reconstructs the history of the birth of the Sabin strains-derived inactivated polio vaccine (sIPV) in China. The development of this nascent vaccine can be attributed first and foremost to the circulation of knowledge and technology in the global polio research network of the 1980s, before the privatization of vaccine manufacturing and the escalation of intellectual-property protections. Tracing correspondence between Jonas Salk and a Chinese (...)
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    Innovation in ideological and political education in higher education institutions for student development.Xiaohui Lin & Caiying Zhong - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):7.
    This study aims to explore the promoting effect of the combination of mental health education and ideological and political education for college students on improving their comprehensive psychological quality and ideological and political theoretical level. The research adopts a combination of system analysis methods, experimental methods and clustering algorithms, and conducts course experiments through experimental methods, providing basic data. In the process of the experiment, from the perspective of educational psychology theory, the systematic analysis method is used to (...)
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    Ottoman Educational Institutions During and After 18th Century.Osman Taşteki̇n - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1143-1166.
    The main purpose of this study is to become acquainted with the educational institutions in Ottoman Empire during and after the 18th century. In this respect, special attention is given to which initiatives were taken in terms of education and which educational institutions were established during the aforementioned period. The need to comply with the West in terms of science, culture, reasoning, and technological advancements has led to the questioning of the current madrasah system. Upon revising the educational system of (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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    The religious field and the path-dependent transformation of popular politics in the Anglo-American world, 1770–1840.Peter Stamatov - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (4):437-473.
    This article examines the formative influence of the organizational field of religion on emerging modern forms of popular political mobilization in Britain and the United States in the early nineteenth century when a transition towards enduring campaigns of extended geographical scale occurred. The temporal ordering of mobilization activities reveals the strong presence of religious constituencies and religious organizational models in the mobilizatory sequences that first instituted a mass-produced popular politics. Two related yet analytically distinct generative effects of the (...)
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    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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    In search of the citizen in the datafication of public administration.Lisa Reutter & Heather Broomfield - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    The administrative reform of the datafied public administration places great emphasis on the classification, control, and prediction of citizen behavior and therefore has the potential to significantly impact citizen–state relations. There is a growing body of literature on data-oriented activism which aims to resist and counteract existing harmful data practices. However, little is known about the processes, policies, and political-economic structures that make datafication possible. There is a distinct research gap on situated and context-specific empirical research, which critically (...)
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    Discretionary power as a political weapon against foreigners.Alexis Spire - 2020 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:89-106.
    The administrative practices of officials who process the admission of immigrants show severe variations in the ways in which migration policy is enforced on the ground. For the author, inequality of treatment lies in the very hierarchy of tasks and services of what he dubs, following Pierre Bourdieu, the immigration "field". According to the author, the governments’ securitizing priorities favour the sort of suspicion towards foreigners that the media then reproduces, thus authorizing so-called street-level bureaucrats to act with (...)
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  12. Emerging Metropolis: Politics of planning in Tehran during cold war.Asma Mehan - 2017 - In Emerging Metropolis: Politics of planning in Tehran during cold war. Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy:
    The Second World War and its associated political events of a national and global scale brought new circumstances, which was considerably influenced the development processes of Tehran. During World War II, Iran hoped that Washington would keep Britain and the Soviet Union from seizing control of the country’s oil fields. In 1951 and 1952 Truman worked with Iranian Prime Minister, though unsuccessfully, to regain some of those lost oil rights for Iran. By the late 1950s and President Kennedy’s presidency, (...)
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  13. A Positive Political Theory of the Reformation of Administrative Law.Daniel B. Rodriguez & Barry R. Weingast - forthcoming - Political Theory.
  14.  11
    Forces of Federalism, Safety Nets, and Waivers.Edward H. Stiglitz - 2017 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 18 (1):125-156.
    Inequality is the defining feature of our times. Many argue that it calls for a policy response, yet the most obvious policy responses require legislative action. And if inequality is the defining feature of our times, partisan acrimony and gridlock are the defining features of the legislature. That being so, it is worth considering what role administrative agencies, and administrative law, might play in ameliorating or exacerbating economic inequality. Here, I focus on American safety net programs, many of (...)
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    People, Professionalization, and Promises: Navigating the Politics of PhD Programs in Women's Studies.L. Ayu Saraswati - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (2):400.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:400 Feminist Studies 44, no. 2. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. L. Ayu Saraswati People, Professionalization, and Promises: Navigating the Politics of PhD Programs in Women’s Studies I have been housed at four different universities—all in women’s studies. My PhD is from the University of Maryland, College Park. I completed a postdoctoral program at Emory University. My first tenure track position was at the University of Kansas. I (...)
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    Political and legal transformations in the context of the development of technologies and intelligent systems: transhumanistic perspectives.Irina Baturina - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 1 (95):51-60.
    Introduction. Innovationism in various areas of society has changed both the natural and social environment. The change speed in the new infor- mation and communication field is the reason for many questions related to studying the problems of society and the machine, finding out the place of artificial intelligence in social relations. These pro- cesses stimulated the philosophical research, the subject of which was man, modern technologies, scenarios for the development of society, socio- cultural and political-legal forms of (...)
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    The influence of ideological and political culture construction on students’ psychological quality.Ming Zhang & Buzhou Guo - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):7.
    Ideological and political education in universities focuses on cultivating people’s good psychological qualities and regards positive psychology as an important entry point for the construction of ideological and political culture. This will provide new ideas for the reform and innovation of modern education. This study selected 300 students from six universities as the research subjects and analysed the impact of ideological and political cultural construction on students’ psychological quality from the perspective of positive psychology. The Psychological Scale (...)
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    From Duration to Self-Identification?: The Temporal Politics of the California Gender Recognition Act.Marie Draz - 2019 - Transgender Studies Quarterly.
    This article examines the temporal politics of the 2017 California Gender Recognition Act (CGRA). The author first offers a brief history of the dominant temporal requirements for “gender recognition” in prior legislation around sex/gender markers on identity documents in the United States and United Kingdom, focusing on how this legislation places temporal boundaries around legitimate gender identity. Then, turning directly to the CGRA, the author asks to what extent the act's emphasis on self-identification revises or intervenes in these prior conceptualizations (...)
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  19. The Importance of Implementing E-Government Procurement and the Innovations It Brings to E-Governance.Muraz Suleymanov & Elshad Mirbashir Oghlu - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (3):145-158.
    The article highlights the significance of conducting public procurements electronically and how the application and development of information and communication technologies (ICT) contribute to the efficient organization of public administration and economic development. Public procurement refers to the process of acquiring products or services for any government agency in the required quantity, quality, and at the most economical cost. The growing consumer market, reduced costs, and stimulation of the country's economy further underscore the relevance of procurement, while also encouraging the (...)
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    Tangled Up in School: Politics, Space, Bodies, and Signs in the Educational Process.Jan Nespor - 1997 - Routledge.
    Based on two years of ethnographic fieldwork in an urban elementary school, this volume is an examination of how school division politics, regional economic policies, parental concerns, urban development efforts, popular cultures, gender ideologies, racial politics, and university and corporate agendas come together to produce educational effects. Unlike conventional school ethnographies, the focus of this work is less on classrooms than on the webs of social relations that embed schools in neighborhoods, cities, states, and regions. Utilizing a variety of narratives (...)
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    Questioning “Homeland” through Yael Bartana's Wild Seeds.Helen A. Fielding - 2011 - In Christina Schües, Dorothea E. Olkowski & Helen A. Fielding, Time in Feminist Phenomenology. Indiana University Press. pp. 149.
    Helen Fielding, in examining Yael Bartana’s video art works, in particular, Wild Seeds (2005), argues that politics seem to privilege the temporal, and video art thus lends itself to this enactment. Drawing upon Hannah Arendt, she concludes that the in-between, while a space and not a territory, is more a spacing, a taking place between people “no matter where they happen to be” than a place as such. In Bartana’s works, the temporal aspect of video allows her to open up (...)
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    Old orders for new: ecology, animal rights, and the poverty of humanism.Cary Wolfe - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (2):21-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Old Orders for New Ecology, Animal Rights, and the Poverty of HumanismCary Wolfe (bio)Luc Ferry. The New Ecological Order. Trans. Carol Volk. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1995.1Early on in The New Ecological Order, the French philosopher Luc Ferry characterizes the allure and danger of ecology in the postmodern moment. What separates it from various other issues in the intellectual and political field, he writes, is thatit (...)
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    The Rise of Computing Research in East Africa: The Relationship Between Funding, Capacity and Research Community in a Nascent Field.Matthew Harsh, Ravtosh Bal, Jameson Wetmore, G. Pascal Zachary & Kerry Holden - 2018 - Minerva 56 (1):35-58.
    The emergence of vibrant research communities of computer scientists in Kenya and Uganda has occurred in the context of neoliberal privatization, commercialization, and transnational capital flows from donors and corporations. We explore how this funding environment configures research culture and research practices, which are conceptualized as two main components of a research community. Data come from a three-year longitudinal study utilizing interview, ethnographic and survey data collected in Nairobi and Kampala. We document how administrators shape research culture by building academic (...)
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    Future Emergencies: Temporal Politics in Law and Economy.Sven Opitz & Ute Tellmann - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (2):107-129.
    This article develops a notion of the ‘politics of time’ in order to analyse the effects that imaginations of future emergencies have in the fields of law and economy. Building on Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social time, it focuses on the multiplex temporalities in contemporary society, which are shown to interact differently with the ‘emergency imaginary’. We demonstrate that the apprehension of the future in terms of sudden, unpredictable and potentially catastrophic events reinforces current modes of producing financial futurity, while (...)
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    Literary Criticism: Reflections from a Damaged Field.William M. Chace - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (2):204-207.
    From mid-2020 until early 2023, the Chronicle of Higher Education published a series of essays that, when summed up, represents a valediction for English and American literary studies as practiced during the last half century. Some of the Chronicle authors, enjoying the privilege of tenure, speak for the profession as it was in healthier times. Others, representing a younger generation of scholars, hold on to unstable teaching positions. All are disconsolate.The essays, collected on the Chronicle website, look back to those (...)
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  26. Course Design to Connect Theory to Real-World Cases: Teaching Political Philosophy in Asia.Sandra Leonie Field - 2019 - Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 9 (2):199-211.
    Students often have difficulty connecting theoretical and text-based scholarship to the real world. When teaching in Asia, this disconnection is exacerbated by the European/American focus of many canonical texts, whereas students' own experiences are primarily Asian. However, in my discipline of political philosophy, this problem receives little recognition nor is it comprehensively addressed. In this paper, I propose that the problem must be taken seriously, and I share my own experiences with a novel pedagogical strategy which might offer a (...)
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    Self-Governance, Robust Political Economy, and the Reform of Public Administration.Vlad Tarko - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (1):170-197.
    This essay explains how to use the calculus of consent framework to think more rigorously about self-governance, and applies this framework to the issue of evaluating federal regulatory agencies. Robust political economy is the idea that institutions should be designed to work well even under weak assumptions about decision-makers’ knowledge and benevolence. I show how the calculus of consent can be used to analyze both incentives and knowledge problems. The calculus is simultaneously a theory of self-governance and a tool (...)
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    Fair Trials and Procedural Tradition in Europe.Stewart Field - 2009 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 29 (2):365-387.
    This review discusses the thesis advanced by Sarah Summers in her recent book. In particular it examines the three radical claims that structure her argument. First, that the commonly used analytical distinction between adversarial and inquisitorial traditions in criminal procedure should be abandoned. Secondly, that since the Continental reforms of the 19th century, criminal procedure can best be understood in terms of a single European procedural tradition. Thirdly, that the European Court of Human Rights has misconstrued the logic of that (...)
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    Impure temporalities in the history of political philosophy: the historiography of dēmokratia in late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain.Alexandra Lianeri - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (3):514-532.
    Building on Bernard Williams’ thesis about the intertwining of history and political philosophy, the essay explores how the problem of the history of dēmokratia after the late-eighteenth and over the nineteenth-century in Britain constituted a primary and critical field in which the philosophical meaning of democracy was debated. Configuring a new temporal perspective grounded in the relationship between ancient and modern democracy, historiographical works by John Gillies, William Mitford, and George Grote put forth an understanding of the concept (...)
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    Political philosophy, educational administration and educative leadership.R. J. S. Macpherson - 2013 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this book Reynold Macpherson initiates a politically-critical theory of educative leadership as a fresh line of inquiry in the practice, research and theory of educational administration and educational leadership. Divided into four parts, the book introduces the sub-discipline of political philosophy to the field of educational administration, management and leadership. It does this by clarifying the knowledge domain of each and identifying how four political ideologies, specifically pragmatism, communitarianism, communicative rationalism and egalitarian liberalism, have primarily informed (...)
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    The Politics of Institutional Reform: Katrina, Education, and the Second Face of Power.Terry M. Moe - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this ground-breaking analysis, Terry Moe treats Hurricane Katrina as a natural experiment that offers a rare opportunity to learn about the role of power in the politics of institutional reform. When Katrina hit, it physically destroyed New Orleans' school buildings, but it also destroyed the vested-interest power that had protected the city's abysmal education system from major reform. With the constraints of power lifted, decision makers who had been incremental problem-solvers turned into revolutionaries, creating the most innovative school system (...)
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    Beyond Leadership: A Relational Approach to Organizational Theory in Education.Scott Eacott - 2017 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    This book systematically elaborates Scott Eacott's "relational" approach to organizational theory in education. Contributing to the relational trend in the social sciences, it first surveys relational scholarship across disciplines before providing a nuanced articulation of the relational research program and key concepts such as organizing activity, auctors, and spatio-temporal conditions. It also includes critical commentaries on the program from key figures such as Tony Bush, Megan Crawford, Fenwick English, Helen Gunter, Izhar Oplatka, Augusto Riveros, and Dawn Wallin. As such, the (...)
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    National Regulatory Authorities in the Energy Sector of Ukraine: Problems of the Legal Status in the Context of the European Integration and the Administrative Reform.Yuliya Vashchenko - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):1231-1248.
    The article explores the problems of the legal status of the regulatory authorities in the energy sector of Ukraine in the context of the administrative reform currently taking place in the Ukraine and the fulfillment of the EU requirements in this sphere. Based on the analysis of the EU legislation, in particular Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC and Directive (...)
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    The data will not save us: Afropessimism and racial antimatter in the COVID-19 pandemic.Anthony Ryan Hatch - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    The Trump Administration's governance of COVID-19 racial health disparities data has become a key front in the viral war against the pandemic and racial health injustice. In this paper, I analyze how the COVID-19 pandemic joins an already ongoing racial spectacle and system of structural gaslighting organized around “racial health disparities” in the United States and globally. The field of racial health disparities has yet to question the domain assumptions that uphold its field of investigation; as a result, (...)
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  35. Political Control of Independent Administrative Agencies.Lucinda Vandervort - 1979 - Ottawa, ON, Canada: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 190 pages.
    This work examines the development and performance of federal independent regulatory bodies in Canada in the period up to 1979, with particular attention to the operation of legislative schemes that include executive review and appeal powers. The author assesses the impact of the exercise of these powers on the administrative law process, and proposes new models for the generation, interpretation, implementation, review, and enforcement of regulatory policy. The study includes a series of representative case studies based on documentation and (...)
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    The Other German Dictatorship: Totalitarianism and Modernization in the German Democratic Republic.Sigrid Meuschel - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 63 (1):53-62.
    In contrast to the home-made Nazi regime, the East German dictatorship was imposed by a foreign power and remained dependent on it. It did not cause a civilizational collapse comparable to Nazism, but it was more totalitarian in its efforts to subordinate all areas of social life to political control. This totalitarian logic resulted in a permanent dilemma: the party-state suppressed the innovative potential which at the same time it needed to achieve its modernizing aims. Various responses to this (...)
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    The Routledge handbook of collective intelligence for democracy and governance.Stephen Boucher, Carina Antonia Hallin & Lex Paulson (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence for Democracy and Governance explores the concepts, methodologies, and implications of collective intelligence for democratic governance, in the first comprehensive survey of this field. Illustrated by a collection of inspiring case studies and edited by three pioneers in collective intelligence, this handbook serves as a unique primer on the science of collective intelligence applied to public challenges and will inspire public actors, academics, students, and activists across the world to apply collective intelligence in (...)
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    Advocacy, therapy, and pedagogy.John E. MacKinnon - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):492-500.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Advocacy, Therapy, and PedagogyJohn E. MacKinnonBeyond Political Correctness: Toward the Inclusive University, edited by Stephen Richer and Lorna Weir; 272 pp. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995, $55.00 cloth, $19.95 paper.Anyone who would doubt the relevance of philosophy to public affairs ought to attend to the unhappy evolution of the Canadian university. On campuses across the country in recent years, speech codes have been introduced, the “re-education” of (...)
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    Концептуальна парадигма електронної україни в контексті формування інформаційного законодавства для інноваційного розвитку держави.Oleksandr Sosnin - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 77:69-86.
    The relevance of the research is in dynamism and information globalism in all life spheres of a modern post-industrial society, rises to the information one, necessitates multi-dimensional and multidimensional scientific discussions of information, high technologies and innovative breakthroughs in the plane of existing and necessary legal norms in conditions of formation technologies for introducing knowledge and rules for handling information as a resource for the development of modern man, societies and the state. This is actually began in the pre-election program (...)
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    Conceptual History and South Asian History.Max Stille - 2019 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 14 (2):91-112.
    This review article provides an overview of important, recent approaches to conceptual history from scholarship on South Asia. While conceptual history is not a consolidated field in South Asia, the colonial encounter has greatly stimulated interest in conceptual inquiries. Recent scholarship questions the uniformity even of well-researched concepts such as liberalism. It is methodologically innovative in thinking about the influence of economic structures for the development of concepts. Rethinking religious and secular languages, scholars have furthermore stressed the importance of (...)
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    Democratising change.Francesco Garibaldo - 2007 - AI and Society 21 (4):515-535.
    In the cases of deep-seated changes in the capitalistic economies, starting from the first Industrial Revolution, we can choose a pessimistic hypothesis such as that of Polanyi (The great transformation. Rinehart, NY, 1944). In other words, a systematic dismantling of the previous structures and the economic and social customs, with the serious social and human crisis, or the slightly more “optimistic” one of Perez (Technological revolutions and financial capital: the dynamic of bubbles and golden ages. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002), for (...)
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    Confucian Political Philosophy: Dialogues on the State of the Field.Robert A. Carleo & Yong Huang (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book debates the values and ideals of Confucian politics—harmony, virtue, freedom, justice, order—and what these ideals mean for Confucian political philosophy today. The authors deliberate these eminent topics in five debates centering on recent innovative and influential publications in the field. Challenging and building on those works, the dialogues consider the roles of benevolence, family determination, public reason, distributive justice, and social stability in Confucian political philosophy. In response, the authors defend their views and evaluate their (...)
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    An Assessment on Ḥüseyin Kāẓım Kadri’s Discourse Against the New Kalām of Science.Rabiye ÇETİN - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):807-831.
    The need for renewal felt in various fields with the Tanẓīmat, and the changes and modernization activities realized in accordance with it, and the nature and boundaries of these activities are important issues that determine the period's intellectual agenda. Some of the proposals for a solution to save the state are related to the renewal of religious thought. The bad situation in the Ottoman Empire stems from the way religion is understood, not from religion itself, and one of the names (...)
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  44. Towards an ontology of innovation : On the New, the Political-Economic Dimension and the Intrinsic Risks involved in Innovation Processes.V. Blok - 2020 - In Routledge Handbook of philosophy of Engineering. routledge.
    Because the techno-economic paradigm of contemporary conceptualizations of innovation is often taken for granted in the literature, this chapter opens up this self-evident notion. First, the chapter consults the work of Joseph Schumpeter, who can be seen as the founding father of the current conceptualization of innovation as technological and commercial. Second, we open up the concept by reflecting on two aspects of Schumpeter’s conceptualization of innovation, namely its destructive and its constructive aspect, based on findings in the history of (...)
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    De evolutie van het communautair gebeuren op economisch vlak : evaluatie en alternatief.Jozef Maton - 1984 - Res Publica 26 (3):323-330.
    The Belgian conflict can be compared with a game theoretical model with two groups and a negative sum-game. Within each of the groups there is hierarchisation, role playing and formation ofcoalitions. On the Flemish side the main actor is the CVP, on the Walloon side it is the PS.The main objectives of the communities in the economie field are: temporary boarding employment in depressed industries and, simultaneously, the creation of high tech industries. Policy instruments to attain those goals are (...)
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    École du parti et formation des élites dirigeantes en Chine.Émilie Tran - 2007 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 122 (1):123-144.
    Dans un régime comme celui de la République populaire de Chine, où prévaut la suprématie d’un Parti-État unique, la politique et le politique constituent, a fortiori plus qu’ailleurs, la chasse gardée de l’élite dirigeante du pays, à savoir les cadres du Parti communiste. Cet article tente de saisir qui sont les élites politiques aux commandes de la Chine d’aujourd’hui à travers l’analyse du modus operandi de l’École des cadres du Parti de Shanghai. L’étude de cette institution, qui participe à la (...)
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  47.  22
    Leibniz and the Consequences: An Essay on the Great European Universal Scholar.Jörg Zimmer - 2021 - J.B. Metzler.
    Leibniz was probably the last universal scholar in modern times who made original and innovative achievements in all the essential fields of knowledge of his time: as a reform-oriented lawyer, a multilateral thinking diplomat, as a mathematician of infinitesimal calculus, as the inventor of a calculating machine and in the mining of horizontal wind power, as an organizer of science and as one of the first historians who strived for source-critical methodical objectivity. However, this baroque diversity can only be understood (...)
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    Algunas consideraciones acerca del proyecto Tuning Educational Structures in Europe.Jorge Felipe García Fernández - 2006 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 39:269-284.
    El timbre general de los documentos implicados en el actual proceso de reforma educativa oscila entre la apología y el tecnocratismo, permaneciendo a la sombra de la discusión, por lo que al ámbito académico respecta, las más de las veces, el papel que la Universidad jugará como motor de la investigación y la innovación tecnológica en la dinámica competitiva de los grandes bloques capitalistas. Estos textos deben ser leídos en su contexto social, político y económico, así como confrontados a la (...)
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    Foucault, fields of governability, and the population–family–economy nexus in china.Malcolm Thompson - 2012 - History and Theory 51 (1):42-62.
    ABSTRACTIt was only in the early twentieth century that China discovered that it had a population, at least if a population is understood not as a simple number of people but instead in terms of such features as variable levels of health, birth and death rates, age, sex, dependency ratios, and so on—as an object with a distinct rationality and intrinsic dynamics that can be made the target of a specific kind of direct intervention. In 1900, such a developmentalist conception (...)
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  50. The Principle of Restraint: Public Reason and the Reform of Public Administration.Gabriele Badano - 2020 - Political Studies 68 (1):110-127.
    Normative political theorists have been growing more and more aware of the many difficult questions raised by the discretionary power inevitably left to public administrators. This article aims to advance a novel normative principle, called ‘principle of restraint’, regulating reform of established administrative agencies. I argue that the ability of public administrators to exercise their power in accordance with the requirements of public reason is protected by an attitude of restraint on the part of potential reformers. Specifically, they (...)
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