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  1.  11
    „Kritisches“ Denken und das Andere der Vernunft.Nenad Malović - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (2):279-295.
    Das Ziel dieses Textes ist, die Aufmerksamkeit auf einige Voraussetzungen, die als wichtig für besseres Verständnis des Denkens scheinen, das zusätzlich als „kritisches“ bezeichnet wird, zu richten. Zuerst wird einleitend konstatiert, dass die Rede vom „kritischen“ Denken im Kontext der Ausbildung aufgetreten ist, und es wird daran erinnert, dass „Kritisches“ ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Denkens überhaupt ist. Deshalb werden verschiedene Vernunfttypen vorgestellt, aus denen sich verschiedene Rationalitäts- und Denktypen entwickeln. Dabei wird an zeitgenössische Kritik an der Absolutierung der westlichen dihairetischen (...)
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  2. Uma teoria da justiça para um mundo globalizado A Theory of Justice for a Globalized World.Uma Teoria da Justiça Para Um - 2002 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 7 (18):57-68.
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    Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism.Uma Narayan - 1997 - Routledge.
    _Dislocating Cultures_ takes aim at the related notions of nation, identity, and tradition to show how Western and Third World scholars have misrepresented Third World cultures and feminist agendas. Drawing attention to the political forces that have spawned, shaped, and perpetuated these misrepresentations since colonial times, Uma Narayan inspects the underlying problems which "culture" poses for the respect of difference and cross-cultural understanding. Questioning the problematic roles assigned to Third World subjects within multiculturalism, Narayan examines ways in which the flow (...)
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  4. Working Together Across Difference: Some Considerations on Emotions and Political Practice.Uma Narayan - 1988 - Hypatia 3 (2):31-47.
    Uma Narayan attempts to clarify what the feminist notion of the 'epistemic privilege of the oppressed' does and does not imply. She argues that the fact that oppressed 'insiders' have epistemic privilege regarding their oppression creates problems in dialogue with and coalitionary politics involving 'outsiders' who do not share the oppression, since the latter fail to come to terms with the epistemic privilege of the insiders. She concretely analyzes different ways in which the emotions of insiders can be inadvertantly hurt (...)
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    Self-system in a model of cognition.Uma Ramamurthy, Stan Franklin & Pulin Agrawal - 2012 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 4 (2):325-333.
  6. Essence of Culture and a Sense of History: A Feminist Critique of Cultural Essentialism.Uma Narayan - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (2):86 - 106.
    Drawing parallels between gender essentialism and cultural essentialism, I point to some common features of essentialist pictures of culture. I argue that cultural essentialism is detrimental to feminist agendas and suggest strategies for its avoidance. Contending that some forms of cultural relativism buy into essentialist notions of culture, I argue that postcolonial feminists need to be cautious about essentialist contrasts between "Western" and "Third World" cultures.
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    Begging for Justice.Uma Narayan - 1993 - Social Philosophy Today 8:151-163.
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    Resilient architectures to facilitate both functional consciousness and phenomenal consciousness in machines.Uma Ramamurthy & Stan Franklin - 2009 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (2):243-253.
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    [Poems].Uma Narayan - 1988 - Hypatia 3 (2):101 - 106.
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    The growth of colloidal centres in irradiated alkali halides.Uma Jain & A. B. Lidiard - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (1):245-259.
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    Dishonoured by philosophers: Upamāna in Indian epistemology.Uma Chattopadhyay - 2009 - New Delhi: D. K. Printworld.
    pt. 1. Classical versions of Nyāya and Mīmāṁsā theories of Upamāna -- pt. 2. Critical development of the Mīmāṁsa theory of Upamāna -- pt. 3. Critical development of the Nyāya theory of Upmāna -- pt. 4. Some more objections from internal and external critics -- pt. 5. Positive views of two Naiyāyikas.
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    Epistemologi.Uma Narayan - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (3-4):162-176.
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  13. Kulturis arsi da istoriis sazrisi: kulturuli esencʻializmis pʻeministuri kritika.Uma Naraiani & Nargiza Arjevanis tʻargmani - 2018 - In Tʻamar Cʻxadaże, Etʻuna Noġaideli, Adrienne Rich, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Nadine Taub, Susan Moller Okin, Uma Narayan & Cynthia H. Enloe (eds.), Pʻeministuri sakitʻxavi: debatebi kulturis, kanonisa da sekʻsualobis šesaxeb = Feminist anthology: debates about culture, law, and sexuality. Tʻbilisi: Heinrich Böll Stiftung South Caucasus.
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  14. Colonialism and Its Others: Considerations On Rights and Care Discourses.Uma Narayan - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):133-140.
    I point to a colonial care discourse that enabled colonizers to define themselves in relationship to "inferior" colonized subjects. The colonized, however, had very different accounts of this relationship. While contemporary care discourse correctly insists on acknowledging human needs and relationships, it needs to worry about who defines these often contested terms. I conclude that improvements along dimensions of care and of justice often provide "enabling conditions" for each other.
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    The glimpses of Indological heritage.Uma Deshpande - 1989 - Baroda: Good Companions.
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  16. Vedic Concept of Life.Uma Marina Vesci - 2006 - In Baidyanath Saraswati (ed.), Voice of life: traditional thought and modern science. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld in association with N.K. Bose Memorial Foundation, Varanasi.
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  17. Decentering the Center: Philosophy for a Multicultural, Postcolonial, and Feminist World.Uma Narayan & Sandra Harding (eds.) - 2000 - Indiana University Press.
    The essays in this volume bring to their focuses on philosophical issues the new angles of vision created by the multicultural, global, and postcolonial feminisms that have been developing around us.
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    Copyright and educational policies: A stakeholder analysis.Suthersanen Uma - 2003 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 23 (4):585-609.
    Copyright is accepted as being the necessary and efficient response to the need of authors and publishers to appropriate the economic value of copyright works from users. Nevertheless, difficulties arise when such works are both produced and consumed within universities. The law recognizes that copyright cannot be an absolute right and in certain circumstances, the scope of copyright protection is limited by the statute. Where educational usage of works is concerned, the British copyright law has attempted to balance the rights (...)
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    What do rights have to do with it?: Reflections on what distinguishes "traditional nonwestern" frameworks from contemporary rights-based systems.Uma Narayan - 1993 - Journal of Social Philosophy 24 (2):186-199.
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    Research - rosary.Uma Vaidya - 2017 - Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation.
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  21. The project of feminist epistemology: Perspectives from a nonwestern feminist.Uma Narayan - 1989 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Susan Bordo (eds.), Gender/body/knowledge: feminist reconstructions of being and knowing. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press. pp. 256--69.
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    Analysis of Phase Velocity of Love Waves in Rigid and Soft Mountain Surfaces: Exponential Law Model.Uma Bharti, Pramod Kumar Vaishnav, S. M. Abo-Dahab, Jamel Bouslimi & K. H. Mahmoud - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    Irregularity may occur on the earth’s surface in the form of mountains due to the imperfection of the earth’s crust. To explore the influence of horizontally polarized shear waves on mountains, we considered the fluid-saturated porous medium over an orthotropic semi-infinite medium with rigid and soft mountain surfaces for wave propagation. The mountain surface is defined mathematically as a periodic function of the time domain. The physical interpretation of materials’ structure has been explained in rectangular Cartesian coordinate system originated at (...)
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  23. “Male-Order” Brides: Immigrant Women, Domestic Violence and Immigration Law.Uma Narayan - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (1):104 - 119.
    This essay analyzes why women whose immigration status is dependent on their marriage face higher risks of domestic violence than women who are citizens and explores the factors that collude to prevent acknowledgment of their greater susceptibility to battering. It criticizes elements of current U.S. immigration policy that are detrimental to the welfare of battered immigrant women, and argues for changes that would make immigration policy more sensitive to their plight.
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    Comment on the report of the international panel on social progress, chapter 3: Economic Inequality and Social Progress.Uma Rani - 2018 - Economics and Philosophy 34 (3):451-456.
    Chapter 3 discusses the causes, patterns and dynamics of inequalities in an exhaustive review of the literature on inequality of income, expenditure and wealth among individuals and households. It emphasizes how these inequalities reflect and affect inequality along various dimensions, including political freedom, economic opportunity, health, education and social outcomes. It gives three sets of policy recommendations for different populations: policies to improve the conditions among the poor, the vulnerable and the socially excluded; policies geared towards supporting the growth and (...)
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  25. Mokṣaśāstra, arthāt, Tatvārthasūtra: saṭīka. Umāsvāti - 1996 - Jayapura: Paṇḍita Ṭodaramala Smāraka Ṭrasṭa. Edited by Rāmajībhāī Māṇekacanda Dośī.
    Classical work on Jaina doctrines and philosophy; includes commentary and Hindi translation.
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    Praśamarati: mūḷa, artha, vivecana. Umāsvāti - 1985 - Mahesāṇā: Śrī Viśvakalyāṇa Prakāśana Ṭrasṭa. Edited by Bhadraguptvijay.
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    Praśamaratiprakaraṇa. Umāsvātī - 1950 - Bambaī: Śrīparamaśrutaprabhāvaka Maṇḍala. Edited by Haribhadrasūri & Sāhityācārya Rājakumāra.
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  28. Praśamarati: vistr̥ta Gujarātī vivecana sahita. Umāsvāti - 1986 - Mumbaī: Śrī Mahavīra Jaina Vidyālaya. Edited by Moticanda Giradharalāla Kāpaḍiyā.
    Exhaustive commentary, with text and Gujarati translation, of a verse work on Jaina ethics and Jaina philosophy.
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  29. Tatvārthasūtra (Mokṣaśāstra). Umāsvāti - 1997 - Dillī: Gajendra Pablikeśana. Edited by Pradyumna Kumāra.
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    Having and Raising Children: Unconventional Families, Hard Choices, and the Social Good.Uma Narayan & Julia J. Bartkowiak (eds.) - 1998 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    As the term "family values" achieves prominence in the rhetoric of political debate, the social issues at the heart of today's political controversies deserve to be studied in depth. This volume brings together a group of philosophers, political scientists, and legal scholars to explore a wide range of specific topics dealing with the legal, ethical, and political dimensions of familial relationships. Topics addressed include the rights of unwed fathers, the nature of children's autonomy, children's rights to divorce their parents, parental (...)
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    Three conceptions of provocation.Uma Narayan & Andrew von Hirsch - 1996 - Criminal Justice Ethics 15 (1):15-24.
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    Prācīna Bhārata meṃ Yoga-paramparā: aitihāsika evaṃ sāṃskr̥tika adhyayana (prārambha se Ī. san taka).Umākāntānanda Sarasvatī - 2021 - Dillī, Bhārata: Pratibhā Prakāśana.
    Historical and cultural study of Yoga tradition in India from the earliest time.
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  33. Contesting cultures:'Westernization,'respect for cultures, and third-world feminists.Uma Narayan - 1997 - In Linda J. Nicholson (ed.), The second wave: a reader in feminist theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 396--414.
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    Faultless to a fault: Gaṅgeśa on Upamāna in Indian epistemology.Uma Chattopadhyay - 2015 - New Delhi: DK Printworld.
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    On the philosophy of Buddhism: four essays.Uma Chakravarti - 2015 - Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study.
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  36. Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism. [REVIEW]Uma Narayan - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (2):102-106.
    Dislocating Cultures takes aim at the related notions of nation, identity, and tradition to show how Western and Third World scholars have misrepresented Third World cultures and feminist agendas.
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  37. Offensive Conduct: What is It and When May We Legally Regulate It?Uma Narayan - 1990 - Dissertation, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
    My first chapter criticizes the prevalent understanding of offensive conduct as conduct that causes others mental distress and develops a normative view of offensive conduct as conduct that treats others without due consideration or respect. My second chapter examines the relationship between 'harm' and 'offense'. I analyze harm as a setback to an 'interest-as-claim' that reduces a person's resources or capacities to function. I argue that offensive conduct is sometimes a harm and sometimes not. ;My third chapter criticizes a majoritarian (...)
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    Rewriting the bases of capitalism: Reflexive modernity and ecological sustainability as the foundations of a new normative framework. [REVIEW]Uma Balakrishnan, Tim Duvall & Patrick Primeaux - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 47 (4):299 - 314.
    The debate on sustainable globalized development rests on two clearly stated economic assumptions: that "development" proceeds, solely and inevitably, through industrialization and the proliferation of capital intensive high-technology, towards the creation of service sector economies; and that globalization, based on a neoliberal, capitalist, free market ideology, provides the only vehicle for such development. Sustainability, according to the proponents of globalized development, is merely a function of market forces, which will generate the solutions for all problems including the environmental dilemmas that (...)
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  39. Science and Other Cultures: Issues in Philosophies of Science and Technology.Sandra Harding & Uma Narayan (eds.) - 2000 - Indiana University Press.
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    Tattvārthasūtra pradīpikā: Ācārya Umāsvāmīkr̥ta 'Tattvārthasūtra' kī sarala-subodha vyākhyā.Vīrasāgara Jaina & Umāsvāti (eds.) - 2017 - Nayī Dillī: Bhāratīya Jñānapīṭha.
    Interpretation of Tattvārthasūtra, work on Jaina doctrines and philosophy by Umāsvāti, 2nd century author.
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    Online Labour Index 2020: New ways to measure the world’s remote freelancing market.Vili Lehdonvirta, Uma Rani, Otto Kässi & Fabian Stephany - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    The Online Labour Index was launched in 2016 to measure the global utilisation of online freelance work at scale. Five years after its creation, the OLI has become a point of reference for scholars and policy experts investigating the online gig economy. As the market for online freelancing work matures, a high volume of data and new analytical tools allow us to revisit half a decade of online freelance monitoring and extend the index's scope to more dimensions of the global (...)
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  42. How deliberate, spontaneous, and unwanted memories emerge in a computational model of consciousness.Bernard J. Baars, Uma Ramamurthy & Stan Franklin - 2007 - In John Mace (ed.), Involuntary Memory. New Perspectives in Cognitive Psychology. Blackwell. pp. 177-207.
  43. A questão do sentido na filosofia atual 3.Uma Teoria Integrada Sobre O. Carisma, Expansionismo Soviético E. Segurança Continental, E. TÉCNICA, A. Corte Interamericana Dos Direitos Humanos & Gilberto Freyre - 1980 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 23.
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    Certains aspects de la mise en question du mythe (et de la foi) Par le dialogue entre Les religions.Uma Marina Vesci - 1973 - Bijdragen 34 (4):398-410.
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    Colonialismo, género, sector laboral informal Y justicia social.Uma Narayan - 2005 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 39:337-362.
    Unlike women’s paid work in the formal sector and women’s unpaid domestic and care-giving labor, women’s informal sector work has received little explicit attention from philosophers, including feminist philosophers, though the vast majority of women in most Third World countries (roughly 80% overall) work in this sector.
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  46. Sun Tzu response to terroism.Umas Sharma - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri (eds.), In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 2--612.
  47. Consciousness and conceptual learning in a socially situated agent.Myles Bogner, Uma Ramamurthy & Stan Franklin - 2000 - In Kerstin Dauthenhahn (ed.), Human Cognition and Social Agent Technology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 113--135.
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    Vaidika sr̥shṭi vijñāna.Umā Āryā - 2021 - Naī Dillī, Bhārata: Satyam Pabliśiṅga Hāūsa.
    Study on creation in R̥gveda and Vedic literature and philosophy.
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    Book Review:The Morality of Pluralism. John Kekes. [REVIEW]Uma Narayan - 1995 - Ethics 105 (2):407-.
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    UTTAMA: An Intrusion Detection System Based on Feature Clustering and Feature Transformation.Arun Nagaraja, B. Uma & Rajesh Kumar Gunupudi - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (4):1049-1075.
    Detecting Intrusions and anomalies is becoming much more challenging with new attacks popping out over a period of time. Achieving better accuracies by applying benchmark classifier algorithms used for identifying intrusions and anomalies have several hidden data mining challenges. Although neglected by many research findings, one of the most important and biggest challenges is the similarity or membership computation. Another challenge that cannot be simply neglected is the number of features that attributes to dimensionality. This research aims to come up (...)
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