Results for ' disappointment'

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  1. Condemnatory Disappointment.Daniel Telech & Leora Dahan Katz - 2022 - Ethics 132 (4):851-880.
    When blame is understood to be emotion-based or affective, its emotional tone is standardly identified as one of anger. We argue that this conception of affective blame is overly restrictive. By attending to cases of blame that emerge against a background of a particular kind of hope invested in others, we identify a blaming response characterized not by anger but by sadness: reactive disappointment. We develop an account of reactive disappointment as affective blame, maintaining that while angry blame (...)
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    Political Disappointment, Hope and the Anarchic Ethical Subject.Anna Strhan - 2012 - In Levinas, Subjectivity, Education: Towards an Ethics of Radical Responsibility. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 175–198.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Philosophy and Political Disappointment Education, Disappointment, Hope An‐Archism, Levinas and Ethical Protest Levinas and Badiou: Towards a Present Hope Notes.
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    Disappointment: Or the Light of Common Day.Bruce Edward Fleming - 2005 - Upa.
    In his new work, Disappointment, Bruce Fleming starts from the realization that even objective views of the world are so only under specific circumstances. Subjects range from war and the nature of explanation systems such as science and astrology to a concept Fleming calls "coloring." When we identify coloring, it seems to us that a single quality of something larger has eclipsed all its other qualities—for example, skin color or sexual orientation coming to stand for the whole much more (...)
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    The disappointment of Rosa Luxemburg: Rethinking revolutionary commitment in the face of failure.Maša Mrovlje - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Despite the recent revival of revolutionary commitment in response to left melancholia, I suggest that the contemporary academic left has not adequately addressed the difficulty of responding to failure as an inevitable aspect of revolutionary politics. The dominant tendency has been to try to offset the risk of failure by managing revolutionary action in line with a pre-given model of revolutionary change – only to limit the range of possibilities for revolutionary engagement. To address this problem, I draw on Rosa (...)
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    Expectations, Disappointment, and Rank-Dependent Probability Weighting.Philippe Delquié & Alessandra Cillo - 2006 - Theory and Decision 60 (2-3):193-206.
    We develop a model of Disappointment in which disappointment and elation arise from comparing the outcome received, not with an expected value as in previous models, but rather with the other individual outcomes of the lottery. This approach may better reflect the way individuals are liable to experience disappointment. The model obtained accounts for classic behavioral deviations from the normative theory, offers a richer structure than previous disappointment models, and leads to a Rank-Dependent Utility formulation in (...)
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    The Political Value of Disappointment among Ex-resistance Fighters: Confronting the Grey Zone of Founding.Maša Mrovlje - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (3):303-329.
    This essay examines how the disappointment of ex-resistance fighters can illuminate the grey zone of founding—the ambiguity of beginning anew against the background of systemic violence that eludes the predominant linear visions of transition. For a theoretical framework, I draw on Hannah Arendt’s insights into the ambiguity of beginning anew as a practice of attunement that takes oppressive practices as points of departure for democratizing political action. I explore how the ex-resisters’ stories of disappointment can invigorate this practice, (...)
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    Constructive Disappointment and Disbelief: Building a Career in Neuroethics.Joseph J. Fins - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (4):544-553.
    Sometimes one’s greatest academic disappointments can have unexpected outcomes. This is especially true when one is trying to change career trajectories or do something that others did not take seriously. My path into neuroethics was an unexpected journey catalyzed in part by constructive disappointment and the disbelief of colleagues who thought that the work I was pursuing nearly two decades prior was a fool’s errand. After all, could anyone—in his or her right mind—ever conceive of waking up a person (...)
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  8. Blame it on Disappointment: A Problem for Skepticism about Angry Blame.Leonhard Menges - 2020 - Public Affairs Quarterly 34 (2):169-184.
    Blame skeptics argue that we have strong reason to revise our blame practices because humans do not fulfill all the conditions for it being appropriate to blame them. This paper presents a new challenge for this view. Many have objected that blame plays valuable roles such that we have strong reason to hold on to our blame practices. Skeptics typically reply that non-blaming responses to objectionable conduct, like forms of disappointment, can serve the positive functions of blame. The new (...)
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    Is ‘gender disappointment’ a unique mental illness?Tereza Hendl & Tamara Kayali Browne - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (2):281-294.
    ‘Gender disappointment’ is the feeling of sadness when a parent’s strong desire for a child of a certain sex is not realised. It is frequently mentioned as a reason behind parents’ pursuit of sex selection for social reasons. It also tends to be framed as a mental disorder on a range of platforms including the media, sex selection forums and among parents who have been interviewed about sex selection. Our aim in this paper is to investigate whether ‘gender (...)’ represents a unique diagnosis. We argue that ‘gender disappointment’ does not account for a unique, distinct category of mental illness, with distinct symptoms or therapy. That said, we recognise that parents’ distress is real and requires psychological treatment. We observe that this distress is rooted in gender essentialism, which can be addressed at both the individual and societal level. (shrink)
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    Disappointment expression evokes collective guilt and collective action in intergroup conflict: the moderating role of legitimacy perceptions.Nevin Solak, Michal Reifen Tagar, Smadar Cohen-Chen, Tamar Saguy & Eran Halperin - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (6):1112-1126.
    Research on intergroup emotions has largely focused on the experience of emotions and surprisingly little attention has been given to the expression of emotions. Drawing on the social-functional approach to emotions, we argue that in the context of intergroup conflicts, outgroup members’ expression of disappointment with one’s ingroup induces the complementary emotion of collective guilt and correspondingly a collective action protesting ingroup actions against the outgroup. In Study 1 conducted immediately after the 2014 Gaza war, Jewish-Israeli participants received information (...)
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  11. Disappointment Aversion in internet Bidding-Decisions.Doron Sonsino - 2008 - Theory and Decision 64 (2-3):363-393.
    The article presents an Internet experiment where subjects sequentially bid for basic gifts and binary-lotteries on these gifts in incentive compatible Vickrey auctions. Subjects exhibit uniformly pessimistic prize-weighting in spite of precautions to reduce suspicion and prohibit collusion. The bids for lotteries are close to the minimal payable value, even when the probability of obtaining a better prize is larger than 50%. Prize-weighting becomes even more conservative as the distance in value of payable prizes increases. The twofold aversive affect appears (...)
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    Self-Realization and Disappointment in the ‘Society of Singularities’.Austin Harrington - 2022 - Analyse & Kritik 44 (2):305-322.
    This contribution focuses on Andreas Reckwitz’s considerations on phenomena of ‘exhausted self-realization’ and ‘disappointment’ in The Society of Singularities, as well as in his follow-up volume, The End of Illusions. Under discussion is the range of analytical distinctions that tend to come into play in this area between what one might call a generally primordial concept of self-realization and more derivative articulations of the concept that exhibit various aspects of instrumentalization—variously termed ‘self-maximization’ or ‘self-optimization’. The paper argues that while (...)
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  13. Disappointed Yet Unbetrayed: A New Three-Place Analysis of Trust.Edward Hinchman - 2021 - In Kevin Vallier & Michael Weber (eds.), Social Trust: Foundational and Philosophical Issues. Routledge. pp. 73-101.
    This paper engages two debates about trust, deriving from two distinct questions about the nature of trust. The first asks how to define trust. Does trusting B to φ involve anything more than relying on B to φ? The second asks about the normative structure of trust. Does trust most fundamentally embody a two-place or a three-place relation? I’ll defend a new position in the second debate that yields an equally new position in the first. The standard three-place model highlights (...)
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  14. Disappointment, sadness, and death.Kai Draper - 1999 - Philosophical Review 108 (3):387-414.
    Many find the prospect of death distressing at least partly because they believe that death deprives its subject of life’s benefits. Properly qualified, the belief is surely true. But should its truth lead us to conclude that there is something dreadful or awful about death, something that merits distress?
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  15. Children as Commodity and Changeling: Gender Disappointments and Gender Disappointment.Matthew J. Cull - manuscript
    ‘Gender disappointment’ is regularly reported by those whose child’s sex does not match the sex that they, the parent, desired. With symptoms ranging from mere fleeting sadness to documented cases of serious depression, alienation from one’s child, and emotional suffering, it is clear that so-called ‘gender disappointment’ is a serious issue, that has, as yet, seen little philosophical attention (though see Hendl and Browne 2020). In this chapter I explore gender disappointment, not from the perspective of a (...)
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    A disappointing vote by the Stellenbosch University Senate on Gaza, Palestine: A lost opportunity to show ethical and moral leadership in support of social justice.H. Mahomed & L. Hendricks - forthcoming - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law:e2231.
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    Disappointment with God: three questions no one asks aloud.Philip Yancey - 1988 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
    Philip Yancey has a gift for articulating the knotty issues of faith. In this 25th Anniversary edition of Disappointment with God, Yancey poses three questions that Christians wonder but seldom ask aloud: Is God unfair? Is he silent? Is he hidden? This insightful and deeply personal book points to the odd disparity between our concept of God and the realities of life. Why, if God is so hungry for relationship with us, does he seem so distant? Why, if he (...)
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    A Disappointed Slavophile.S. N. Trubetskoi - 2008 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 46 (4):45-75.
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    Critique and Disappointment.Max Pensky - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon (ed.), A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 503–517.
    Why did Theodor W. Adorno write Negative Dialectics? In an age where, as Adorno argued in that book, philosophy appears to have become obsolete, answering this question requires reconstructing Adorno's complex views on the role, status, and possibility of philosophical thinking after its “appointment” with its historical hour was missed. This chapter explores this concept of lateness by reconstructing the ways in which Negative Dialectics, indeed all of Adorno's philosophical work, is an exercise in “disappointment.”.
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    The Disappointment of the Biosimilar.Jeremy A. Greene - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (3):791-793.
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    Philosophical Disappointment. Introduction.Steve Light - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (4):101-104.
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  22. II—Michael Brady: Disappointment.Michael Brady - 2010 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 84 (1):179-198.
    Miranda Fricker appeals to the idea of moral-epistemic disappointment in order to show how our practices of moral appraisal can be sensitive to cultural and historical contingency. In particular, she thinks that moral-epistemic disappointment allows us to avoid the extremes of crude moralism and a relativism of distance. In my response I want to investigate what disappointment is, and whether it can constitute a form of focused moral appraisal in the way that Fricker imagines. I will argue (...)
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    Side Stepping The Issues: Disappointment With An Ethics Consult For A Medically High Risk Patient.Brent R. Carr - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (1):13-16.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Side Stepping The Issues: Disappointment With An Ethics Consult For A Medically High Risk PatientBrent R. CarrMonths of severe symptoms were a blur—hour after hour of suffering. Sleep is her only respite. Her 5-word diagnosis, “treatment-refractory depression with anxious distress,” seemed too orderly, like a flattened 2-dimensional strip of ribbon that simply ironed out all the chaos and confused distress roiling within her. Anyone entering the psychiatric unit (...)
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    Rosa Luxemburg on disappointment and the politics of commitment.Loralea Michaelis - 2011 - European Journal of Political Theory 10 (2):202-224.
    This article explores the conceptual commitments underlying Luxemburg’s repudiation of the discourse of disappointment which had overtaken the European socialist movement during the First World War. My analysis brushes against the grain of the traditional interpretation of Luxemburg’s admonitions ‘to be cheerful despite everything and anything’ as arising from her allegiance to a Marxist philosophy of history which decrees that socialism must inevitably prevail and so refuses to give way to disappointment or despair. The philosophy of history which (...)
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    "Disappointing but Fair": The Connector's Challenge.James Sabin - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (5):26-28.
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    A second-generation disappointment aversion theory of decision making under risk.Pavlo Blavatskyy - 2018 - Theory and Decision 84 (1):29-60.
    This paper presents a new decision theory for modelling choice under risk. The new theory is a two-parameter generalization of expected utility theory. The proposed theory assumes that a decision maker: behaves as if maximizing expected utility; but may experience disappointment when the utility of a lottery’s outcome falls short of the expected utility of the lottery; and may have a preference for gambling. The proposed theory can rationalize the fourfold pattern of risk attitudes; the common ratio effect and (...)
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    Ethical Motivations and the Phenomenon of Disappointment in Two Types of Environmental Movements: Neo-Environmentalism and the Dark Mountain Project.Hana Librová & Vojtěch Pelikán - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (2):167-193.
    This study takes up the phenomenon of disappointment in today's environmental movements. It analyses two distinct streams of environmental movements – neo-environmentalism and the Dark Mountain Project. On the basis of their published written statements, it describes these movements, analyses the opinions of their members regarding possible future developments and examines their ethical motivations. It examines the members’ motivations in terms of three categories – teleological, deontological and virtue ethics – and asserts that each of these contains various expectations, (...)
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    Who Disappoints Whom?Stanley Cavell - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (3):606-610.
    Can one conceive something to say about Allan Bloom’s view of America and the American university that he hasn’t already heard? Setting aside the perhaps undiscussable differences in what we each saw in our students of the 1960s, I find two regions in which Bloom’s experience and mine differ systematically that are specific and clear enough to be stated briefly, perhaps usefully: first, our experience of the position of philosophy in the intellectual economy we were presented with in the two (...)
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    After Disbelief: On Disenchantment, Disappointment, Eternity, and Joy.Anthony T. Kronman - 2022 - Yale University Press.
    _An intimate, philosophic quest for eternity, amidst the disenchantments and disappointments of our time “Anyone who, in our age of disbelief, longs to believe in God will find Mr. Kronman worth reading.”—Andrew Stark, _Wall Street Journal___ “Aims to persuade America’s ‘relentlessly rational’ elites to acknowledge the existence of ‘divinity.’... Kronman’s ambition is to repair ‘the schism between those for whom religion continues to matter and those who view it with amusement or contempt.’”—Tunku Varadarajan, _Wall Street Journal__ Many people of faith (...)
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  30. The disappointing apocalypse : climate collapse and visual art since 1960.Andrew Patrizio - 2022 - In Jakub Kowalewski (ed.), The Environmental Apocalypse: Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Climate Crisis. Routledge.
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  31. Time and Disappointement: Remembrances of Michael Landmann.Norbert Hinske - 1990 - Filosofia Oggi 13 (1):65-74.
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    Must Politics Disappoint?Meg Russell (ed.) - 2005 - Fabian Society.
  33. Is surprise necessarily disappointing?Claudia Serban - 2019 - In Natalie Depraz & Agnès Celle (eds.), Surprise at the intersection of phenomenology and linguistics. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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    The Daring and Disappointing Dreams of Transhumanism's Secular Eschatology.L. C. Michael Baggot - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):841-878.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Daring and Disappointing Dreams of Transhumanism's Secular EschatologyMichael Baggot L.C.IntroductionAlthough it is a largely secular movement, contemporary transhumanism borrows heavily from both Christian orthodoxy and heresies to construct a vision for human happiness. This article traces the roots of transhumanism's soteriology and eschatology and then examines the underlying anthropological problems that drive the hoped-for salvation through digital immortality. Unfortunately, the admirable desire to extend life sacrifices an appreciation (...)
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    Disappointed expectations and false hopes: The message of Ezekiel 13:1-16 in a time of change.H. F. Van Rooy - 2002 - HTS Theological Studies 58 (4).
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    Resentment, Disappointment and the Ceaseless Vitality of Teachers and Pedagogy - an Essay.Moira von Wright - 2018 - Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics 6 (1):145-158.
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    Behavioural consequences of regret and disappointment in social bargaining games.Luis Mf Martinez, Marcel Zeelenberg & John B. Rijsman - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (2):351-359.
    Previous research on the role of negative emotions in social bargaining games has focused primarily on social emotions such as anger and guilt. In this article, we provide a test for behavioural differences between two prototypical decision-related negative emotions—regret and disappointment—in one-shot social dilemma games. Three experiments with two different emotion-induction procedures (autobiographical recall and imagined scenarios) and two different games (the ultimatum game and the 10-coin give-some game) revealed that regret increased prosocial behaviour, whereas disappointment decreased prosocial (...)
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    Civility and Disappointment.Amy Olberding - 2019 - The Philosophers' Magazine 87:61-68.
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    “Astonishing Successes” and “Bitter Disappointment”: The Specific Heat of Hydrogen in Quantum Theory.Clayton A. Gearhart - 2010 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 64 (2):113-202.
    The specific heat of hydrogen gas at low temperatures was first measured in 1912 by Arnold Eucken in Walther Nernst’s laboratory in Berlin, and provided one of the earliest experimental supports for the new quantum theory. Even earlier, Nernst had developed a quantum theory of rotating diatomic gas molecules that figured in the discussions at the first Solvay conference in late 1911. Between 1913 and 1925, Albert Einstein, Paul Ehrenfest, Max Planck, Fritz Reiche, and Erwin Schrödinger, among many others, attempted (...)
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    Disappointment for others.Patrick J. Carroll, James A. Shepperd, Kate Sweeny, Erika Carlson & Joann P. Benigno - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (7):1565-1576.
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    The Nietzsche Disappointment: Reckoning with Nietzsche's Unkept Promises on Origins and Outcomes.Nickolas Pappas - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The Nietzsche Disappointment confronts Nietzsche's recurrent, symptomatic struggles with causal accounts. His explanations of past and future raise high hopes; when they fail they are responsible for profound disappointment.
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    The Disappointment of the Democratic Expectation or Democracy as Pure Form.Iredell Jenkins - 1971 - The Monist 55 (1):134-159.
    I. There was once a happy time—and it was not so very long ago—when it was widely assumed that democracy was the inevitable climax of man's political development, the form of government to which every people aspired and which every society would adopt when it reached the requisite stage of cultural maturity. It was thought that all that had to be done to secure this consummation was to “make the world safe for democracy” by extirpating its natural enemies, such as (...)
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    Disappointment.Anthony LaBranche - 1974 - Journal of Value Inquiry 8 (2):131-136.
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    On bad decisions and disconfirmed expectancies: The psychology of regret and disappointment.Marcel Zeelenberg, Wilco W. van Dijk, Antony S. R. Manstead & Joop Vanr de Pligt - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (4):521-541.
    Decision outcomes sometimes result in negative emotions. This can occur when a decision appears to be wrong in retrospect, and/or when the obtained decision outcome does not live up to expectations. Regret and disappointment are the two emotions that are of central interest in the present article. Although these emotions have a lot in common, they also differ in ways that are relevant to decision making. In this article we review theories and empirical findings concerning regret and disappointment. (...)
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    Saturation and disappointment.Ruud Welten - 2004 - Bijdragen 65 (1):79-96.
    The article focuses on Jean-Luc Marion’s ‘saturated phenomenon’ by reading it within the context of Husserl’s Logical Investigations. It is argued that Marion’s revision of Husserl must not be understood as a refutation of Husserl but rather as an extension of Husserlian phenomenology. In other words, since Marion needs Husserl and the thesis of intentionality to develop his ideas, the saturated phenomenon affirms the structure of classical phenomenology. This implies corrections of Marion’s description of the saturated phenomenon: the article investigates (...)
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    Hopes and Disappointments in Hilbert’s Axiomatic “Foundations of Physics”.Tilman Sauer - 2002 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 9:225-237.
    Sixteen years after his “Foundations of Geometry,” Hilbert published a communication that bears a similar and, by use of the definite article, even less mistakable title: “The Foundations of Physics.” In the opening paragraph of this article, Hilbert announced his intention self-confidently:In the following, I should like to set up — following the axiomatic method — a new system of fundamental equations of physics, constructed essentially from two simple axioms; equations that are of ideal beauty and in which, as I (...)
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    Response—Forty-Seven Years Later: Further Studies in Disappointment?Michael Loughlin - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (1):31-36.
    This paper provides a commentary on “Vascular amputees: A study in disappointment” and its significance in the development of the disability rights movement, as well as the movements for values-based medicine and person-centred health and social care.
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    A Dash of Pessimism? Ernst Bloch, Radical Disappointment and the Militant Excavation of Hope.Joe Davidson - 2021 - Critical Horizons 22 (4):420-437.
    ABSTRACT Ernst Bloch is a philosopher of hope, of this there can be no doubt. It is the fidelity to the proposition that a better world is possible that undergirds Bloch’s work. Yet, the hopeful tenor of Bloch’s philosophy, as I argue here, is accompanied by a second, more subterranean strand: a concern with the phenomenon of disappointment. Bloch has an interest in what happens after hope fails; those moments when the desire for utopia confronts the impossibility of its (...)
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  49. Blameless Moral Criticism – the Case of Moral Disappointment.Julius Schönherr - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26:53-71.
    In discussing the ways in which we hold each other accountable for immoral conduct, philosophers have often focused on blame, aiming to specify adequate responses to wrongdoing. In contrast, theorizing about the ways we can appropriately respond to minor moral mistakes – i.e., criticizable conduct that is bad but not wrong – has largely been neglected. My first goal in this paper is, thus, to draw attention to this blind spot and argue that a separate account of blameless moral criticism (...)
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    The Anatomy of Disappointment: A Naturalistic Test of Appraisal Models of Sadness, Anger, and Hope.Linda J. Levine - 1996 - Cognition and Emotion 10 (4):337-360.
    ignette and autobiographical recall studies have often been used to test models of the appraisals associated with specific emotions. Recently, critiques of both methodologies have called into question the applicability of appraisal theory to naturally-occurring emotional responses. This study examined supporter's responses to Ross Perot's withdrawal from the 1992 presidential race to assess the extent to which appraisal models accurately capture responses to a naturally-occurring event. Supporters in Riverside County, California (N = 227) completed questionnaires concerning their interpretations of the (...)
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