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  1.  51
    Digital contact tracing and exposure notification: ethical guidance for trustworthy pandemic management.Robert Ranisch, Niels Nijsingh, Angela Ballantyne, Anne van Bergen, Alena Buyx, Orsolya Friedrich, Tereza Hendl, Georg Marckmann, Christian Munthe & Verina Wild - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):285-294.
    There is growing interest in contact tracing apps for pandemic management. It is crucial to consider ethical requirements before, while, and after implementing such apps. In this paper, we illustrate the complexity and multiplicity of the ethical considerations by presenting an ethical framework for a responsible design and implementation of CT apps. Using this framework as a starting point, we briefly highlight the interconnection of social and political contexts, available measures of pandemic management, and a multi-layer assessment of CT apps. (...)
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  2.  65
    Digital surveillance in a pandemic response: What bioethics ought to learn from Indigenous perspectives.Tereza Hendl & Tiara Roxanne - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (3):305-312.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 3, Page 305-312, March 2022.
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  3.  44
    Pandemic Surveillance and Racialized Subpopulations: Mitigating Vulnerabilities in COVID-19 Apps.Tereza Hendl, Ryoa Chung & Verina Wild - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):829-834.
    Debates about effective responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have emphasized the paramount importance of digital tracing technology in suppressing the disease. So far, discussions about the ethics of this technology have focused on privacy concerns, efficacy, and uptake. However, important issues regarding power imbalances and vulnerability also warrant attention. As demonstrated in other forms of digital surveillance, vulnerable subpopulations pay a higher price for surveillance measures. There is reason to worry that some types of COVID-19 technology might lead to the (...)
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  4.  57
    A Feminist Critique of Justifications for Sex Selection.Tereza Hendl - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (3):427-438.
    This paper examines dominant arguments advocating for the procreative right to undergo sex selection for social reasons, based on gender preference. I present four of the most recognized and common justifications for sex selection: the argument from natural sex selection, the argument from procreative autonomy, the argument from family balancing, and the argument from children’s well-being. Together these represent the various means by which scholars aim to defend access to sex selection for social reasons as a legitimate procreative choice. In (...)
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  5.  40
    The Complexity of Relational Autonomy: A Holistic Approach to Embodiment.Tereza Hendl - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (2):63-65.
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  6.  48
    Queering the Odds: The Case Against "Family Balancing".Tereza Hendl - 2017 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10 (2):4-30.
    The concept of sex selection for “family balancing” is based on the notion that a family is “balanced” when it includes children of “both genders.” Clinics that offer IVF for family balancing present it as an option for couples who “want to experience the joy of raising both a male and female child”. Families with at least one child of each gender are claimed to have gender diversity and to provide more enriching experiences to all family members. Some theorists call (...)
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  7.  30
    Taking a Step Back: The Ethical Significance of DTC Neurotechnology.Verina Wild, Niels Nijsingh & Tereza Hendl - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (4):170-172.
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  8.  24
    Who Counts in Official Statistics? Ethical‐Epistemic Issues in German Migration and the Collection of Racial or Ethnic Data.Daniel James, Morgan Thompson & Tereza Hendl - 2025 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 42 (1):155-174.
    In European countries (excluding the UK and Ireland), official statistics do not use racial or ethnic categories, but instead rely on proxies to collect data about discrimination. In the German microcensus, the proxy category adopted is ‘migration background’ (Migrationshintergrund): an individual has a ‘migration background’ when one or more of their parents does not have German citizenship by birth. We apply a coupled ethical-epistemic analysis to the ‘migration background’ category to illuminate how the epistemic issues contribute to ethical ones. Our (...)
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  9.  21
    Vulnerabilities and the Use of Autologous Stem Cells for Medical Conditions in Australia.Tereza Hendl - 2018 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 61 (1):76-89.
    Recent years have seen the proliferation of a global industry selling stem cell–based interventions. SCBIs are being marketed around the globe in both low- and high-income countries, including Australia, China, India, Japan, Mexico, and the United States. Per capita, Australia has one of the highest prevalence of clinics selling stem cell products per capita, and its drug regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, has excluded autologous stem cells, which are obtained from the patient's own body, from the regulation of biological drug (...)
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  10.  73
    The deadly business of an unregulated global stem cell industry.Tamra Lysaght, Wendy Lipworth, Tereza Hendl, Ian Kerridge, Tsung-Ling Lee, Megan Munsie, Catherine Waldby & Cameron Stewart - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (11):744-746.
    In 2016, the Office of the State Coroner of New South Wales released its report into the death of an Australian woman, Sheila Drysdale, who had died from complications of an autologous stem cell procedure at a Sydney clinic. In this report, we argue that Mrs Drysdale's death was avoidable, and it was the result of a pernicious global problem of an industry exploiting regulatory systems to sell unproven and unjustified interventions with stem cells.
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  11.  25
    Patient‐led innovation and global health justice: Open‐source digital health technology for type 1 diabetes care.Bianca Jansky, Tereza Hendl & Azakhiwe Z. Nocanda - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (6):511-528.
    Health innovation is mainly envisioned in direct connection to medical research institutions or pharmaceutical and technology companies. Yet, these types of innovation often do not meet the needs and expectations of individuals affected by health conditions. With the emergence of digital health technologies and social media, we can observe a shift, which involves people living with illness modifying and improving medical and health devices outside of the formal research and development sector, figuring both as users and innovators. This patient‐led innovation (...)
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  12.  21
    Can digital health democratize health care?Tereza Hendl & Ayush Shukla - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (6):491-502.
    Much has been said about the potential of digital health technologies for democratizing health care. But how exactly is democratization with digital health technologies conceptualized and what does it involve? We investigate debates on the democratization of health care with digital health and identify that democratization is being envisioned as a matter of access to health information, health care, and patient empowerment. However, taking a closer look at the growing pool of empirical data on digital health, we argue that these (...)
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  13.  26
    Correction: Pandemic Surveillance and Racialized Subpopulations: Mitigating Vulnerabilities in COVID-19 Apps.Tereza Hendl, Ryoa Chung & Verina Wild - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (3):535-535.
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  14.  29
    Employing Feminist Theory of Vulnerability to Interrogate the Implications of COVID-19 Apps in Racialized Subpopulations.Tereza Hendl, Ryoa Chung & Verina Wild - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):143-145.
    Our paper was written to highlight the need for mitigating vulnerability in COVID-19 tracing technology. As the pandemic was unravelling in mid 2020 and infection rates were rising steeply across the globe, we were following the news on emerging response measures and their social impact. We were alarmed by media reports regarding racial profiling and criminalization related to the implementation of physical distancing measures. Media reports documenting the fining of predominantly Black and Hispanic people in New York City, the closures (...)
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  15.  40
    Is ‘gender disappointment’ a unique mental illness?Tereza Hendl & Tamara Kayali Browne - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (2):281-294.
    ‘Gender disappointment’ is the feeling of sadness when a parent’s strong desire for a child of a certain sex is not realised. It is frequently mentioned as a reason behind parents’ pursuit of sex selection for social reasons. It also tends to be framed as a mental disorder on a range of platforms including the media, sex selection forums and among parents who have been interviewed about sex selection. Our aim in this paper is to investigate whether ‘gender disappointment’ represents (...)
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  16.  8
    The ethics of mHealth as a global phenomenon.Verina Wild, Tereza Hendl & Bianca Jansky - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (6):479-480.
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