Results for ' Pseudo-Archytas'

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  1. Pseudo-Archytas über die Kategorien.Pseudo-Archytas - 1972 - New York: De Gruyter. Edited by Pseudo-Archytas & Thomas Alexander Szlezák.
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    Pseudo-Archytas über die Kategorien: Texte zur griechischen Arsistoteles-Exegese.Thomas Alexander Archytas & Szlezák (eds.) - 1972 - Walter de Gruyter.
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  3. Pseudo-Archytas’ Protreptics? On Wisdom in its Contexts.Phillip Sidney Horky - 2015 - In Debra Nails & Harold Tarrant, Second Sailing: Alternative Perspectives on Plato. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. pp. 21-39.
    In his Exhortation to Philosophy (Protrepticus), the Neoplatonic philosopher Iamblichus famously preserves material culled from lost works of ancient philosophy, including dialogues of Aristotle. He also preserves a work entitled On Wisdom and ascribed to the Pythagorean philosopher Archytas of Tarentum, who was a friend and challenger of Plato. The text On Wisdom is a later Hellenistic production, probably written in the 1st century BCE, but it presents an important piece in the puzzle of reconstructing Pythagoreanism for the Hellenistic (...)
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  4. Pseudo-Archytas on Time’s Existence: Aristotle and Neopythagorean Thought.Sergey Trostyanskiy - 2024 - Aristotelica 5:1.
    This article aims to explain the reception and reassessment of Aristotle’s philosophy of time during the first century BCE by Pseudo-Archytas, a thinker who exercised great influence over and laid the groundwork for Neopythagorean and Neoplatonist philosophies of nature. The article scrutinizes Pseudo-Archytas’ theory by examining his solution to the paradox of time’s existence. Through a comparative analysis of Aristotle’s and Pseudo-Archytas’ discourse, it seeks to demonstrate that their theories, despite apparent similarities (associated with (...)
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  5. Pseudo-Archytas and the categories.Myrto Hatzimichali - 2018 - In Jenny Bryan, Robert Wardy & James Warren, Authors and Authorities in Ancient Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    Archytas 139 (see also pseudo-Archytas) Aristarchus 6, 8, 9, 10.Aemilius Paulus - 2013 - In Malcolm Schofield, Aristotle, Plato and Pythagoreanism in the first century BC: new directions for philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 154--301.
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    Iamblichus’ Response to Aristotle’s and Pseudo-Archytas’ Theories of Time.Sergey Trostyanskiy - 2016 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 21 (2):187-213.
    This article aims to shed light on certain aspects of Iamblichus’ theory of time that have not been sufficiently examined to date in the scholarly literature. As of today, there are a mere handful of scholarly works tackling Iamblichus’ solutions to the paradoxes of time in particular, and his contribution to the developments of the Neoplatonic theory of the subject more generally. This article attempts to redress the lack of literature on this topic by examining Iamblichus’ response to Aristotle’s and (...)
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    Pseudo-Archytas Thomas Alexander Szlezák: Pseudo-Archytos über die Kategorien-Texte zur griechischen Aristotelesexegese. (Peripatoi, 4.). Pp. x+224. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1972. Cloth, DM.72. [REVIEW]Pamela M. Huby - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (01):24-26.
  9. Iamblichus' response to Aristotle's and Pseudo-Archytas' theories of time.Sergey Trostyanskiy - 2018 - In Sotiris Mitralexis & Marcin Podbielski, Christian and Islamic philosophies of time. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
  10. 'Archytas: Author and Authenticator of Pythagoreanism'.Phillip Sidney Horky - 2021 - In Constantinos Macris, Luc Brisson & Tiziano Dorandi, Pythagoras Redivivus: Studies on the Texts Attributed to Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans. Academia – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 141-76.
    This paper critically examines the use of the name 'Pseudo-Archytas' to refer to two aspects of the reception of Archytas of Tarentum in antiquity: the 'author-inflection' and the 'authority-inflection'. In order to make progress on our understanding of authority and authorship within the Pythagorean tradition, it attempts to reconstruct Porphyry's views on the importance of Archytas as guarantor of Pythagorean authenticity in the former's lost work On the History of the Philosophers by considering a fragment preserved (...)
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    Archytas lu par Simplicius. Un art de la conciliation.Marc-Antoine Gavray - 2011 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 5 (1):85-158.
    Intent upon harmonizing doctrines of their predecessors, some Neoplatonic commentators are faced with a problem of resolving doctrinal discrepancies so as to restore the συµφωνία in the history of philosophy. This article considers a particular example of this attempt ats harmonization: how Simplicius reconciles Aristotle's Categories with the Neopythagorean doctrine of the Pseudo-Archytas. The chronological inversion introduced by the counterfeiter produces remarkable effects on the late Platonic doctrine about general terms, to the extent that a commentator such as (...)
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  12. On Law and Justice Attributed to Archytas of Tarentum.Johnson Monte & P. S. Horky - 2020 - In David Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 455-490.
    Archytas of Tarentum, a contemporary and associate of Plato, was a famous Pythagorean, mathematician, and statesman of Tarentum. Although his works are lost and most of the fragments attributed to him were composed in later eras, they nevertheless contain valuable information about his thought. In particular, the fragments of On Law and Justice are likely based on a work by the early Peripatetic biographer Aristoxenus of Tarentum. The fragments touch on key themes of early Greek ethics, including: written and (...)
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    The concept of time in late Neoplatonism: texts with translation, introd. and notes.Samuel Sambursky - 1971 - Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Section of Humanities. Edited by Shlomo Pines.
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    Angela Ulacco, Pseudopythagorica Dorica. I trattati di argomento metafisico, logico ed epistemologico attribuiti ad Archita e a Brotino.Fabienne Jourdan - 2020 - Philosophie Antique 20:271-276.
    En 1965, H. Thesleff offrait le premier recueil des textes pseudopythagoriciens parvenus (The Pythagorean texts of the Hellenistic period, Abo Akademi, Abo). Certains d’entre eux ont depuis fait l’objet d’études spécifiques : le traité Sur la nature du monde et de l’âme du Pseudo-Timée de Locres par M. Baltes (Leiden, 1972), le traité Sur les catégories du Pseudo-Archytas par T. A. Szlezák (Berlin / New York, 1972) et les traités éthiques attribués à Archytas, Métopos, Théagès et (...)
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  15. Hellenistic Pythagorean Epistemology.Phillip Sidney Horky & Giulia De Cesaris - 2018 - Lexicon Philosophicum 6 (Special Issue: 'Hellenistic Theo):221-262.
    The paper offers a running commentary on ps-Archytas’ On Intellect and Sense Perception (composed ca. 80 BCE), with the aim to provide a clear description of Hellenistic/post-Hellenistic Pythagorean epistemology. Through an analysis of the process of knowledge and of the faculties that this involves, ps-Archytas presents an original epistemological theory which, although grounded in Aristotelian and Platonic theories, results in a peculiar Pythagorean criteriology that accounts for the acquisition and production of knowledge, as well as for the specific (...)
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    Indivisibles and the Temporal Continuum: Aristotle and Neopythagorean Thought.Sergey Trostyanskiy - 2024 - Aristotelica 6:47.
    This article aims to shed light on the reception of Aristotle’s theory of the continuum in late antique thought. It starts with a brief introduction to Aristotle’s theory and then moves on to analyze its reassessment in the philosophy of Pseudo-Archytas, a thinker whose significance for the development of Neopythagorean thought was unprecedented but whose theoretical heritage, as far as the theory of the continuum is concerned, has not yet been fully scrutinized. The main thesis of this article (...)
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  17. Simplikios: Über die Zeit. Ein Kommentar zum Corollarium de tempore.Erwin Sonderegger - 1982 - Dissertation, Zürich
    One of the most famous and most important commentaries of the Neoplatonist Simplicius treats the Physics of Aristotle. Several times, having commented the text within the Aristotelian frame, Simplicius treats the same subject again but now under a Neoplatonist perspective. These texts are called corollaries and one of them is about time. Discussing other Neoplatonist views about time (esp. Pseudo-Archytas, Plotinus, Damascius, Jamblichus), he tries to clarify the nature of our physical time arising from and differentiating (diakrisis) a (...)
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  18. Aristotle’s empiricism: experience and mechanics in the 4th century BC.Jean De Groot - 2014 - Parmenides Publishing.
    In _Aristotle’s Empiricism_, Jean De Groot argues that an important part of Aristotle’s natural philosophy has remained largely unexplored and shows that much of Aristotle’s analysis of natural movement is influenced by the logic and concepts of mathematical mechanics that emerged from late Pythagorean thought. De Groot draws upon the pseudo-Aristotelian_ Physical Problems_ XVI to reconstruct the context of mechanics in Aristotle’s time and to trace the development of kinematic thinking from Archytas to the Aristotelian _Mechanics_. She shows (...)
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    Pseudopythagorica Dorica: I Trattati di Argomento Metafisico, Logico Ed Epistemologico Attribuiti Ad Archita E a Brotino. Introduzione, Traduzione, Commento.Angela Ulacco - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This volume presents the first Italian translation with commentary of the Doric Pseudo-Pythagorean texts, which are ascribed to Archytas and Brontinus and deal with metaphysical, logical, and epistemological questions. These texts probably date from the 1st century BCE and are the product of a re-emerging dogmatic interpretation of Plato's dialogues.
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  20. Aristoxenus and the Intervals of Greek Music.R. P. Winnington-Ingram - 1932 - Classical Quarterly 26 (3-4):195-.
    Ancient Greek music was purely or predominantly melodic; and in such music subtleties of intonation count for much. If our sources of information about the intervals used in Greek music are not always easy to interpret, they are at any rate fairly voluminous. On the one hand we have Aristoxenus, by whom musical intervals were regarded spatially and combined and subdivided by the processes of addition and subtraction; for him the octave consisted of six tones, and the tone was exactly (...)
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  21. Pseudo-Johannis Philoponi Expositiones in omnes XIV Aristotelis Libros metaphysicos.Pseudo-Johannes Philoponus - 1583 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Francesco Patrizi & Charles H. Lohr.
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    Definicijos.Pseudo - Platonas - 2016 - Problemos 89:172.
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  23. Traktat kosmologiczny.Pseudo-Dionizy Areopagita - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:145-150.
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  24. Mélanges.L. E. Pseudo-Ignace - 1900 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 1:61.
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  25. O sposobie rządzenia Ateńczyków.Pseudo-Ksenofont - 2007 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:139-140.
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  26. Homiliae VI, 1–16.Pseudo-Klemens - 2011 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 4 (19).
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  27. Religia z postanowienia i z przekonania.Pseudo-Hołówka - 2010 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 76.
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  28. Vizantijska filozofija u srednjevekovnoj Srbiji.Boris Milosavljeviâc, Pseudo-Dionysius, John & Gregory Palamas (eds.) - 2002 - Beograd: "Stubovi kulture".
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  29. Discursos a la academia de Dijon.Jean-Jacques Rousseau, A. Pintor-Ramos, John Locke, L. González Puertas, Cirilo Flórez Miguel & Pseudo-aristóteles - 1980 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 36 (2):217-218.
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    Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher and Mathematician King.Carl Huffman - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Archytas of Tarentum is one of the three most important philosophers in the Pythagorean tradition, a prominent mathematician, who gave the first solution to the famous problem of doubling the cube, an important music theorist, and the leader of a powerful Greek city-state. He is famous for sending a trireme to rescue Plato from the clutches of the tyrant of Syracuse, Dionysius II, in 361 BC. This 2005 study was the first extensive enquiry into Archytas' work in any (...)
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    Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher, and Mathematician-King (review).Patrick Lee Miller - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (1):165-166.
    Patrick L. Miller - Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher, and Mathematician-King - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46:1 Journal of the History of Philosophy 46.1 165-166 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Patrick Lee Miller Duquesne University Carl Huffman, Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher, and Mathematician-King. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Pp. xv + 665. Cloth, $180.00. Archytas of Tarentum has in some ages been considered a major philosopher. He was one of the (...)
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    Pseudo Justino y la recepción de la Física aristotélica en la antigüedad tardía.Marcelo D. Boeri - 1998 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 14 (1):9-30.
    Este artículo se concentra en la discusión crítica que Pseudo Justino dirigió hacia ciertos principios básicos de la filosofía de la naturaleza de Aristóteles. Pseudo Justino dirige su crítica a la doctrina aristotélica de la eternidad del movimiento, del tiempo y del mundo. También argumenta contra Aristóteles para mostrar la no-eternidad del éter, implicando una unificación de los reinos terrestre y celestial.
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    Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher, and Mathematician King (review).Liba Chaia Taub - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (1):133-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 128.1 (2007) 133-137MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Reviewed byLiba Taub University of Cambridge [email protected] A. Huffman. Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher, and Mathematician King. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. xvi + 665 pp. Cloth, $175.Diogenes Laertius described Archytas of Tarentum as "the one who rescued Plato by means of a letter, when he was about to be killed by Dionysius," adding that "he was (...)
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    Archytas and Optics.M. F. Burnyeat - 2005 - Science in Context 18 (1):35-53.
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    Pseudo‐mechanistic Explanations in Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience.Bernhard Hommel - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1294-1305.
    Pseudo‐mechanistic explanations in psychology and cognitive neuroscienceThis paper focuses on the level of systems/cognitive neuroscience. It argues that the great majority of explanations in psychology and cognitive neuroscience is “pseudo‐mechanistic.” On the basis of various case studies, Hommel argues that cognitive neuroscience should move beyond what he calls an “Aristotelian phase” to become a mature “Galilean” science seeking to discover actual mechanisms of cognitive phenomena.
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    Pseudo-Concrete Ideals of a Good Life.Erich Mistrík - 2008 - Human Affairs 18 (2):151-160.
    Pseudo-Concrete Ideals of a Good Life What has happened in the late and concluding stages of postmodern culture is that concrete ideas of a good life have been reduced to pseudo-concrete ideals. With the aid of simulacra, the experience of everyday life is turning into a show, into narcissistic emptiness and single bodily pleasures.
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    Archytas.Carl Huffman - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  38. Pseudo-Transformational Leadership: Towards the Development and Test of a Model.Julian Barling, Amy Christie & Nick Turner - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (4):851-861.
    We develop and test a model of pseudo-transformational leadership. Pseudo-transformational leadership is manifested by a particular combination of transformational leadership behaviors, and is differentiated from both transformational leadership and laissez-faire -leadership. Survey data from senior managers show differential outcomes of transformational, pseudo-transformational, and laissez-faire leadership. Possible extensions of the theoretical model and directions for future research are offered.
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  39. Feyerabend, Pseudo-Dionysius, and the Ineffability of Reality.Ian Kidd - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (2):365-377.
    This paper explores the influence of the fifth-century Christian Neoplatonist Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (Denys) on the twentieth-century philosopher of science Paul Feyerabend. I argue that the later Feyerabend took from Denys a metaphysical claim—the ‘doctrine of ineffability’—intended to support epistemic pluralism. The paper has five parts. Part one introduces Denys and Feyerabend’s common epistemological concern to deny the possibility of human knowledge of ultimate reality. Part two examines Denys’ arguments for the ‘ineffability’ of God as presented in On the (...)
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    A new reading of Archytas’ doubling of the cube and its implications.Ramon Masià - 2016 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 70 (2):175-204.
    The solution attributed to Archytas for the problem of doubling the cube is a landmark of the pre-Euclidean mathematics. This paper offers textual arguments for a new reading of the text of Archytas’ solution for doubling the cube, and an approach to the solution which fits closely with the new reading. The paper also reviews modern attempts to explain the text, which are as complicated as the original, and its connections with some xvi-century mathematical results, without any documented (...)
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    Are pseudo-patient studies justified?M. Bulmer - 1982 - Journal of Medical Ethics 8 (2):65-71.
    Pseudo-patient studies are studies in which a medical sociologist or anthropologist masquerades as a patient. Medical treatment is sought without revealing that the 'patient' is really a covert research worker. When access has thus been gained to a medical setting--typically a hospital ward--social interaction between medical staff and patients is then observed over a period of days or weeks. Important studies have been carried out in this way of psychiatric treatment and of the care of the terminally-ill. Is the (...)
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    Archytas' Logismos and Logistika.Constantin Despotopoulos - 2004 - Philosophical Inquiry 26 (3):1-9.
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    The pseudo-conditioned eye-lid response.D. A. Grant - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 32 (2):139.
  44. Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher, and Mathematician King.Malcolm Schofield - 2009 - Philosophical Review 118 (1):108-112.
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    On Pseudo-Finite Dimensions.Ehud Hrushovski - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (3-4):463-495.
    We attempt to formulate issues around modularity and Zilber’s trichotomy in a setting that intersects additive combinatorics. In particular, we update the open problems on quasi-finite structures from [9].
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    ’n Herlesing van Pseudo-Dionisius se metafisika.Johann Beukes - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3):9.
    This article, by analysing, annotating en interpreting the most recent research in all relevant departments, provides a fresh and updated overview of the Neoplatonic metaphysics of Pseudo-Dionysius (ca. 500). After providing an introduction to Dionysius’ metaphysics in terms of the contributions of Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism, the article explores his broader philosophical system. A number of traits that are uniquely Dionysic-metaphysical, are eventually isolated: the interpretation of transcendence as bound to immanence; the affirmation of God’s transcendence in the world (...)
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    The Authenticity of Archytas fr. 1.Carl A. Huffman - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (02):344-.
    In a long note in his epoch-making book on ancient Pythagoreanism Walter Burkert raised some grave doubts about the authenticity of Archytas Fr. 1 which have recently been challenged in an article by A. C. Bowen. In this paper I have two goals. First, I will evaluate Burkert's doubts and the success of some of Bowen's arguments against them. Second, I will present a further consideration that both clarifies the text of the fragment and also removes the most serious (...)
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    Russian pseudo-conservatism in an international context.Alexey Zhavoronkov - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-7.
    This paper presents a short analysis of the so-called ‘conservative turn’ in contemporary Russia. This ‘turn’ is examined in the context of the previous development of Russian conservatism, particularly its degradation into imitational bureaucratic conservatism in the second half of the nineteenth century. I argue that this ‘new conservatism’ in contemporary Russian politics reflects this degradation and is, in fact, a pseudo-conservatism which has no conservative core but rather an ad hoc (tactical, pseudo-historical, anti-intellectual) character. I also argue (...)
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    Bayesian pseudo-confirmation, use-novelty, and genuine confirmation.Gerhard Schurz - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 45:87-96.
    According to the comparative Bayesian concept of confirmation, rationalized versions of creationism come out as empirically confirmed. From a scientific viewpoint, however, they are pseudo-explanations because with their help all kinds of experiences are explainable in an ex-post fashion, by way of ad-hoc fitting of an empirically empty theoretical framework to the given evidence. An alternative concept of confirmation that attempts to capture this intuition is the use novelty criterion of confirmation. Serious objections have been raised against this criterion. (...)
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    Pseudo-Joscelin.Peter King - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 2 (1).
    This chapter presents a critical edition and translation of so-called Pseudo-Joscelin’s ‘Tractatus de generibus et speciebus’, an anonymous work from the early twelfth century, which offers a sustained treatment of mereological metaphysics unlike any other work we know, as well as providing information about philosophical views of universals held at the time. The presentation includes discussion of the authorship, unity, date, and philosophical significance of the treatise, with special attention given to its defense of atomism and ‘collective realism’.
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