Results for ' Ethical Resisters'

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  1. Wittgenstein, mathematics, and ethics: Resisting the attractions of realism.Cora Diamond - 1996 - In Hans D. Sluga & David G. Stern (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 226--260.
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    Disobey!: a guide to ethical resistance.Frédéric Gros - 2020 - New York: Verso Books. Edited by David Fernbach.
    The world is out of joint, so much so that disobeying should be an urgent question for everyone. In this provocative essay, Frédéric Gros explores the roots of political obedience. Social conformity, economic subjection, respect for authorities, constitutional consensus? Examining the various styles of obedience provides tools to study, invent and induce new forms of civic disobedience and lyrical protest. Nothing can be taken for granted: neither supposed certainties nor social conventions, economic injustice or moral conviction. Thinking philosophically requires us (...)
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    Practising Ethically in Unethical Times: Everyday Resistance in Social Work.Merlinda Weinberg & Sarah Banks - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (4):361-376.
    This article considers the challenges faced by social workers struggling to act ethically in what we characterise as the ‘unethical climate’ of neoliberalism. We offer a brief account of the current context, including the increasing managerialism and marketisation of welfare services, exacerbated by cuts in welfare provision following the 2008 financial crisis. We discuss the concepts of ‘ethical resistance’ and ‘ethics work’. We illustrate this with three case examples drawn from accounts given by social workers in Canada and England (...)
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    Ethics and drug resistance.Michael J. Selgelid - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (4):218–229.
    ABSTRACT This paper reviews the dynamics behind, and ethical issues associated with, the phenomenon of drug resistance. Drug resistance is an important ethical issue partly because of the severe consequences likely to result from the increase in drug resistant pathogens if more is not done to control them. Drug resistance is also an ethical issue because, rather than being a mere quirk of nature, the problem is largely a product of drug distribution. Drug resistance results from the (...)
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    From Pastorship of soul to Governing the Population: The significance of Ethical resistance through Michel Foucault’s Genealogy of Governmentality. 도승연 - 2013 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 20 (null):231-270.
    본 논문은 푸코의 통치성 논의의 철학적 의의를 밝힘으로써 그의 후기 논의의 중심테제인 윤리적 저항의 가능성이 결코 정치적 저항과 분리될 수 없다는 점을 다시금 환기시키고자 한다. 이를 위해 근대 국가의 통치성의 역사가 상세히 다루어지는 『안전, 영토, 인구』의 사목 권력(pastoral power) 중심으로 논의를 다듬어 갈 것이다. 이러한 접근은 크게 두 가지 맥락으로부터 기인한다. 첫째, 방법론적인 측면에서 이것은 푸코가 철학자 칸트로부터 받았던 유산이라고 말할 수 있을 것이다. 푸코는 칸트의 비판의 정신을 이어받아 오늘날의 비판은 자신을 구성하는 사건들을 역사적으로 탐구하는 방법으로 실행될 것이라고 단언했기 때문이다. (...)
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    Ethics of Resistance in Organisations: A Conceptual Proposal.Ozan Nadir Alakavuklar & Fahreen Alamgir - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (1):31-43.
    This study suggests a conceptual proposal to analyse the ethics of resistance in organisations, drawing on Foucault’s practising self as a refusal and Schaffer’s ethics of freedom in opposition to the legitimacy of managerial control and the ethics of compliance. We argue that ethics is already part of such politics in the form of ethico-politics on the basis of participation in political action in organisations. Hence, the practising self as resistance in the face of the status quo of managerial power (...)
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  7. (1 other version)How Aristotelianism Can Become Revolutionary: Ethics, Resistance, and Utopia.Alasdair MacIntyre - 2008 - Philosophy of Management 7 (1):3-7.
  8.  42
    Ethics of infection control measures for carriers of antimicrobial drug–Resistant organisms.Babette Rump, Aura Timen, Marlies Hulscher & Marcel Verweij - 2018 - Emerging Infectious Diseases 24 (9).
    Many countries have implemented infection control measures directed at carriers of multidrug-resistant organisms. To explore the ethical implications of these measures, we analyzed 227 consultations about multidrug resistance and compared them with the literature on communicable disease in general. We found that control measures aimed at carriers have a range of negative implications. Although moral dilemmas seem similar to those encountered while implementing control measures for other infectious diseases, 4 distinct features stand out for carriage of multidrug-resistant organisms: carriage (...)
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    (1 other version)Ethical Issues in Field Trials of Genetically Modified Disease-Resistant Mosquitoes.David B. Resnik - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 12 (3):37-46.
    Mosquito-borne diseases take a tremendous toll on human populations, especially in developing nations. In the last decade, scientists have developed mosquitoes that have been genetically modified to prevent transmission of mosquito-borne diseases, and field trials have been conducted. Some mosquitoes have been rendered infertile, some have been equipped with a vaccine they transmit to humans, and some have been designed to resist diseases. This article focuses on ethical issues raised by field trials of disease-resistant, genetically modified mosquitoes. Some of (...)
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    Ethical challenges in care for older patients who resist help.K. Brodtkorb, A. V.-S. Skisland, A. Slettebo & R. Skaar - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (6):631-641.
    Background: Situations where patients resist necessary help can be professionally and ethically challenging for health professionals, and the risk of paternalism, abuse and coercion are present. Research question: The purpose of this study was to examine ethical challenges in situations where the patient resists healthcare. Research design: The method used was clinical application research. Academic staff and clinical co-researchers collaborated in a hermeneutical process to shed light on situations and create a basis for new action. Participants and research context: (...)
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    Antibiotic resistance as a tragedy of the commons: An ethical argument for a tax on antibiotic use in humans.Alberto Giubilini - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (7):776-784.
    To the extent that antibiotic resistance (ABR) is accelerated by antibiotic consumption and that it represents a serious public health emergency, it is imperative to drastically reduce antibiotic consumption, particularly in high‐income countries. I present the problem of ABR as an instance of the collective action problem known as ‘tragedy of the commons’. I propose that there is a strong ethical justification for taxing certain uses of antibiotics, namely when antibiotics are required to treat minor and self‐limiting infections, such (...)
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  12.  72
    The Ethics of (Un)Civil Resistance.William Smith - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (3):363-373.
    Civil disobedience is a conscientious, unlawful, and broadly nonviolent form of protest, which most political philosophers and many non-philosophers are inclined to treat as potentially defensible in democratic societies. In recent years, philosophers have become more receptive to long-standing complaints from activists that civil disobedience is an unduly restrictive framework for considering the ethics of dissent. Candice Delmas and Jason Brennan have written important books that illustrate and strengthen this trend, both defending forms of “uncivil” resistance that go beyond the (...)
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    Ethics for pandemics beyond influenza: Ebola, drug-resistant tuberculosis, and anticipating future ethical challenges in pandemic preparedness and response.Maxwell J. Smith & Diego S. Silva - 2015 - Monash Bioethics Review 33 (2-3):130-147.
    The unprecedented outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa has raised several novel ethical issues for global outbreak preparedness. It has also illustrated that familiar ethical issues in infectious disease management endure despite considerable efforts to understand and mitigate such issues in the wake of past outbreaks. To improve future global outbreak preparedness and response, we must examine these shortcomings and reflect upon the current state of ethical preparedness. To this end, we focus our efforts in (...)
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  14.  29
    Ethics of genomic passports: should the genetically resistant be exempted from lockdowns and quarantines?Christopher Gyngell & Julian Savulescu - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):689-694.
    Lockdowns and quarantines have been implemented widely in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This has been accompanied by a rise in interest in the ethics of ‘passport’ systems that allow low-risk individuals greater freedoms during lockdowns and exemptions to quarantines. Immunity and vaccination passports have been suggested to facilitate the greater movement of those with acquired immunity and who have been vaccinated. Another group of individuals who pose a low risk to others during pandemics are those with genetically mediated resistances (...)
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    Treatment-Resistant Psychiatric Conditions and the Ethics of Psychiatric Physician-Aid-in-Dying.Joseph Jebari, Christopher F. Masciari & Em Walsh - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (1):61-64.
    The recent push to extend physician-aid-in-dying (PAD) to psychiatric conditions has significantly altered the ethical landscape surrounding psychiatric judgments concerning treatment-refractory il...
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    Ethical Veganism as Quiet Resistance.Nancy M. Williams - 2023 - Journal of Animal Ethics 13 (2):184-194.
    In this article, I will argue that ethical veganism can be understood as a form of quietism, as a quiet retreat from a world burdened by human moral failings and animal suffering. I will also show how this retreat, although quiet in nature, is both a legitimate and valuable form of genuine resistance to animal oppression. Positing ethical veganism as a form of sociopolitical resistance to animal exploitation is not new, but thinking of it as a quietist retreat (...)
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    The Ethics of Political Resistance: Althusser, Badiou, Deleuze.Henry Chris - 2019 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    A new ontology that forms the groundwork for ethical practices of resistance What and how should individuals resist in political situations? While these questions recur regularly within Western political philosophy, answers to them have often relied on dogmatically held ideals, such as the distinction between truth and doxa or the privilege of thought over sense. In particular, the strain of idealist political philosophy, inaugurated by Plato and finding contemporary expression in the work of Alain Badiou, employs dualities that reduce (...)
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  18.  62
    Resisting Foucauldian Ethics: Associative Politics and the Limits of the Care of the Self.Ella Myers - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (2):125-146.
    This paper examines one strand of the ‘turn to ethics’ in recent political theory by engaging with Michel Foucault's late work on ‘the care of the self.’ For contemporary thinkers interested in how democratic politics might be guided, informed, or vivified by particular ethical orientations, Foucault's inquiry into ancient ethics has proved intriguing. Might concentrated ‘work on the self’ contribute to efforts to resist and remake present-day power relations? This paper endeavors to raise doubts about the Foucauldian inspired view, (...)
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  19.  26
    Ethics and Affect in Resistance to Democratic Regressions.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2023 - Analyse & Kritik 45 (1):85-109.
    In recent times, it has become increasingly common that elected parties and leaders systematically undermine democracy and the rule of law. This phenomenon is often framed with the term democratic backsliding or democratic regression. This article deals with the relatively little-studied topic of resistance to democratic regressions. Chief amongst the things it discusses is the rather central ethical issue of whether resisters may themselves, in their attempts to prevent a further erosion of democracy, transgress democratic norms. But the (...)
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    Ethical implications of active surveillance cultures and contact precautions for controlling multidrug resistant organisms in the hospital setting.Michael Edmond, Laurie Lyckholm & Daniel Diekema - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (3):235-245.
    Healthcare-associated infections due to multidrug-resistant organisms continue to increase in incidence. To control the transmission of these pathogens, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus , some have advocated active surveillance cultures of all hospitalized patients, followed by institution of contact precautions. While there has been extensive debate about the effectiveness of this approach in reducing infections, little attention has been given to the ethical issues raised by the intervention. Active surveillance for multidrug-resistant organisms is a quality improvement measure and (...) implications arise through the potential to inadvertently cause harm. Unintended adverse effects may include decreased contact with healthcare workers, increased depression and anxiety, and increased rates of noninfectious adverse events among patients placed in contact precautions. The potential risks and benefits are not distributed fairly; patients placed in contact precautions are exposed to the risks, while those not isolated experience the benefit. Ethical challenges involve a conflict between the interests of the individual patient and the patient population not already colonized with the organism. For healthcare systems, active surveillance increases the complexity of bed management, exacerbating problems with patient placement, patient throughput, emergency department overcrowding and ambulance diversion for some hospitals. It also poses ethical dilemmas regarding societal resource allocation. Investing in an unproven or marginally beneficial quality improvement activity such as this must be balanced against other public health priorities competing for scarce resources. CiteULike Connotea What's this? (shrink)
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  21. Resisting Empathy Bias with Pragmatist Ethics.William Kidder - 2019 - Contemporary Pragmatism 16 (1):65-83.
    The paper employs a pragmatist perspective on ethics to address the problem of empathy bias, an empirically documented phenomenon in which one’s ability to empathize with another is diminished simply because of that other’s membership in a perceived out-group. I first argue that the philosophical commitments that I take to be distinctive of pragmatism, specifically fallibilism, anti-absolutism, and democracy, require proactive empathetic engagement as a central component of moral inquiry. While this may initially seem to leave pragmatism vulnerable to concerns (...)
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  22. The ethics of resisting immigration law.Javier Hidalgo - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (12):e12639.
    States heavily restrict immigration, and many people violate these restrictions. For example, unauthorized immigrants cross borders without official permission, and other actors, such as people smugglers, assist them in doing so. How should we evaluate resistance to immigration law from a moral perspective? In this article, I survey recent work on the ethics of resisting immigration law. In particular, I examine three categories of resistance to immigration law as the following: unauthorized immigration, people smuggling, and citizens' resistance to laws that (...)
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  23. The Ethical Significance of Antimicrobial Resistance.Jasper Littmann & A. M. Viens - 2015 - Public Health Ethics 8 (3):209-224.
    In this paper, we provide a state-of-the-art overview of the ethical challenges that arise in the context of antimicrobial resistance, which includes an introduction to the contributions to the symposium in this issue. We begin by discussing why AMR is a distinct ethical issue, and should not be viewed purely as a technical or medical problem. In the second section, we expand on some of these arguments and argue that AMR presents us with a broad range of (...) problems that must be addressed as part of a successful policy response to emerging drug resistance. In the third section, we discuss how some of these ethical challenges should be addressed, and we argue that this requires contributions from citizens, ethicists, policy makers, practitioners and industry. We conclude with an overview of steps that should be taken in moving forward and addressing the ethical problems of AMR. (shrink)
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    Principled Resistance: How Teachers Resolve Ethical Dilemmas.Doris A. Santoro & Lizabeth Cain (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Education Press.
    _Principled Resistance: How Teachers Resolve Ethical Dilemmas_ brings together senior scholars and activist teachers to explore the concept of resistance as a necessary response to mandates that conflict with their understanding of quality teaching. The book provides vivid examples of the pedagogical, professional, and democratic principles undergirding resistance, as well as the distinct perspective of each of its contributors: teachers who reflect on their acts of principled resistance; teacher educators who study teachers and support their professional growth; and historians (...)
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    Resistance and Multiplicity: Insurrectionist Ethics and Afro-Indigenous Acts of Solidarity.Andrea J. Pitts - 2023 - In Jacoby Adeshei Carter & Darryl Scriven (eds.), Insurrectionist Ethics. Radical Perspectives on Social Justice. Palgrave. pp. 107-129.
    Taking its direction from references to Black and Indigenous struggles present in Leonard Harris’ oeuvre, this chapter turns to politicized acts of resistance among Black and Indigenous communities. More specifically, the essay traces the functions of cultural pluralism, value relativism, and representative heuristics within solidarity work that enact logics of resistance to settler colonization and anti-Black racism, among other forms of oppression. Through this analysis, we see that Harris’ views about insurrection and normativity entail that both oppression and resistance are (...)
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    Resisting injustice and the feminist ethics of care in the age of Obama: "suddenly,...all the truth was coming out ".David A. J. Richards - 2013 - Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ;: Routledge.
    David A. J. Richards's Resisting Injustice and The Feminist Ethics of Care in The Age of Obama: Suddenly,...All The Truth Was Coming Out examines the roots of the resistance movements of the 1960s, the political psychology behind contemporary conservatism, and President Obama's present-day appeal as well as the reasons for the reactionary politics against him. This book positions recent American political development in a broad analysis of the role of patriarchy in human oppression throughout history, and argues that a feminist-based (...)
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    Resisting ethics.Scott Schaffer - 2004 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Resisting Ethics is a new contribution to an ongoing debate on how the world can be improved. Starting with the notion that resistance and ethics are theoretically and practically intertwined, Scott Schaffer develops a new socially oriented ethics based on the practical experience of resistance and ethics. Borrowing from and extending the ideas of Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and Bourdieu, and using case studies of the Algerian Revolution and the Zapatista rebellion, Schaffer argues that existentialism can give us new insights into how (...)
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  28. Resisting Moral Conservatism with Difficulties of Reality: a Wittgensteinian-Diamondian Approach to Animal Ethics.Konstantin Deininger, Andreas Aigner & Herwig Grimm - 2024 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (3):495-513.
    In this paper, we tackle the widely held view that practice-oriented approaches to ethics are conservative, preserving the moral status quo, and, in particular, that they do not promote any (fundamental) change in our dealings with animals or formulate clear principles that help us to achieve such change. We shall challenge this view with reference to Wittgensteinian ethics. As a first step, we show that moral thought and action rest on basic moral certainties like: equals are to be treated equally (...)
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    Visualizing Resistance: Foucauldian Ethics and the Female Body Builder.Megan A. Dean - 2011 - PhaenEx 6 (1):64-89.
    Drawing on the relation between disciplinary power and aesthetics, Honi Fern Haber argues that the muscled woman’s “revolting” body undermines patriarchy and empowers women. Consequently, female bodybuilding can be a Foucauldian and feminist practice of resistance. I will argue that Haber’s insistence on the visibility of embodied resistance is flawed. By positing a static goal and failing to sufficiently consider non-visible aspects of normalization, namely pleasure and pain, Haber risks reinscribing the muscled woman into yet another normalizing scheme. In the (...)
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    Rehabilitating Self-Sacrifice: Care Ethics and the Politics of Resistance.Amanda Cawston & Alfred Archer - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (3):456-477.
    How should feminists view acts of self-sacrifice performed by women? According to a long-standing critique of care ethics such acts ought to be viewed with scepticism. Care ethics, it is claimed, celebrates acts of self-sacrifice on the part of carers and in doing so encourages women to choose caring for others over their own self-development. In doing so, care ethics frustrates attempts to liberate women from the oppression of patriarchy. Care ethicists have responded to this critique by noting limits on (...)
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    Resisting Attention Economies: Wallace, Voskuil, and the Ethics of Noise.Inge Van de Ven & Ties Van Gemert - 2023 - Diacritics 51 (3):60-80.
    In this essay, we will argue that acts of resistance within "attention economies" take the form of a wager isomorphic to the one delineated by Blaise Pascal in his Pensées. First, we examine the role of relevance in communication, interpretation, and understanding. Second, we turn to Cécile Malaspina's conception of noise, which allows us to grasp the intricate relation between judgment and uncertainty. Next, we exemplify our claim by analyzing David Foster Wallace's The Pale King and J.J. Voskuil's seven-volume series (...)
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    Resisting the Domination of Nature: Regarding Time as an Ethical Concept.Bryan E. Bannon - 2014 - Environmental Philosophy 11 (2):333-358.
    This essay uses Foucault’s views on time and ethics in order to reconceptualize the domination of nature in terms of the imposition of an inflexible order upon a place rather than in the more conventional sense in environmental studies of reducing nature to a use object for humanity. I then propose a means of resisting that domination by examining how friendship might be employed as an ethical ideal in our relationship to nature.
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    Ethical and environmental considerations in the release of herbicide resistant crops.Jack Dekker & Gary Comstock - 1992 - Agriculture and Human Values 9 (3):31-43.
    Recent advances in molecular genetics, plant physiology, and biochemistry have opened up the new biotechnology of herbicide resistant crops (HRCs). Herbicide resistant crops have been characterized as the solution for many environmental problems associated with modern crop production, being described as powerful tools for farmers that may increase production options. We are concerned that these releases are occurring in the absence of forethought about their impact on agroecosystems, the broader landscape, and the rural and urban economies and cultures. Many of (...)
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    Ethics, science, and antimicrobial resistance.Bernard Rollin - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (1):29-37.
    The issue of regularly feeding low levels of antibiotics to farm animals in order to increase productivity is often portrayed as a dilemma. On the one hand, such antibiotic use is depicted as a necessary condition for producing cheap and plentiful food, such that were such use to stop, food prices would rise significantly and our ability to feed people in developing nations would decrease. On the other hand, such antibiotic use seems to breed antibiotic resistance into pathogens affecting human (...)
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    Ethical Dilemmas in Resistance Art Workshops with Youth.Chloé S. Georas, Jane Bailey & Valerie Steeves - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 15 (3):355-374.
    In 2017 and 2018 [Name of research project] organized two transnational youth resistance art workshops. These workshops addressed online social justice issues and placed emphasis on pushing back against technology-facilitated violence and surveillance in networked spaces. Our engagement with these workshops raised three dilemmas associated with these sorts of resistive social justice art projects. This article explores these dilemmas, which include how to enable the production of digital art in a manner that is attentive to intersectional issues of digital literacy (...)
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    Contact investigation in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: ethical challenges.Hnin Si Oo & Pascal Borry - 2024 - Monash Bioethics Review 42 (1):16-27.
    Contact investigation is an evidence-based intervention of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) to protect public health by interrupting the chain of transmission. In pursuit of contact investigation, patients’ MDR-TB status has to be disclosed to third parties (to the minimum necessary) for tracing the contacts. Nevertheless, disclosure to third parties often unintentionally leads the MDR-TB patients suffered from social discrimination and stigma. For this reason, patients are less inclined to reveal their MDR-TB status and becomes a significant issue in contact investigation. This (...)
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    The international dimensions of antimicrobial resistance: Contextual factors shape distinct ethical challenges in South Africa, Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom.Eva M. Krockow & Carolyn Tarrant - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (7):756-765.
    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) describes the evolution of treatment‐resistant pathogens, with potentially catastrophic consequences for human medicine. AMR is driven by the over‐prescription of antibiotics, and could be reduced through consideration of the ethical dimensions of the dilemma faced by doctors. This dilemma involves balancing apparently opposed interests of current and future patients, and unique contextual factors in different countries, which may modify the core dilemma. We describe three example countries with different economic backgrounds and cultures—South Africa, Sri Lanka and (...)
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    Resisting the Pedagogical Domestication of Cosmopolitanism: From Nussbaum’s Concentric Circles of Humanity to Derrida’s Aporetic Ethics of Hospitality.Zelia Gregoriou - 2003 - Philosophy of Education 59:257-266.
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    (1 other version)On Ethics and the Earthquake Resistant Interior Design of Buildings.Yonca Hurol - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics (1):1-11.
    The most common tectonic quality of modern structures, such as frame systems, is their flexibility; they are open for change. Although this characteristic is a big advantage in comparison to the inflexible masonry structures of the past, it might also create some serious problems, such as e.g. the lack of safety in the event of an earthquake, if the flexibility is not used consciously by architects and interior designers. This article attempts to define and establish some rules for the interior (...)
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    Ethics and Informed Consent of Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) for Patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD).Fabrice Jotterand, Shawn M. McClintock, Archie A. Alexander & Mustafa M. Husain - 2010 - Neuroethics 3 (1):13-22.
    Since the Nuremberg trials (1947–1949), informed consent has become central for ethical practice in patient care and biomedical research. Codes of ethics emanating from the Nuremberg Code (1947) recognize the importance of protecting patients and research subjects from abuses, manipulation and deception. Informed consent empowers individuals to autonomously and voluntarily accept or reject participation in either clinical treatment or research. In some cases, however, the underlying mental or physical condition of the individual may alter his or her cognitive abilities (...)
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    The Ethics of Resistance: Tyranny of the Absolute.Drew M. Dalton - 2018 - London, UK: Bloomsbury.
    Opening a new debate on ethical reasoning after Kant, Drew Dalton addresses the problem of the absolute in ethical and political thought. Attacking the foundation of European philosophical morality, he critiques the idea that in order for ethical judgement to have any real power, it must attempt to discover and affirm some conception of the absolute good. Without rejecting the essential role the absolute plays within ethical reasoning, Dalton interrogates the assumed value of the absolute. -/- (...)
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    (1 other version)Resisting corporate corruption: cases in practical ethics from Enron through the financial crisis.Stephen V. Arbogast - 2013 - Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
    This text's objective is to teach business ethics in a manner very different from the conceptual/legal frameworks which dominate graduate schools. The book offers 25 case studies that cover a full range of business practice, controls and ethics issues. The cases are framed to instruct students in early identification of ethics issues, and how to work such problems effectively within corporate organizations. By pursuing these case studies, students should emerge with a "practical toolkit" that better enables them to follow their (...)
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    Resisting throwaway culture: how a consistent life ethic can unite a fractured people.Charles Christopher Camosy - 2019 - Hyde Park, NY: New City Press.
    This is a book about hope in the midst of a polarized culture. Camosy begins with a hopeful starting point in the midst of a crumbling US political culture: two of every three Americans constitute an exhausted majority who reject right/left polarization and are open to alternative viewpoints. Especially at this time of realignment, we have been given a unique moment to put aside the frothy, angsty political debates and think harder about our deepest values. A Consistent Life Ethic, especially (...)
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  44. The Ethics of Resisting Deportation.Rutger Birnie - 2019 - Proceedings of the 2018 ZiF Workshop “Studying Migration Policies at the Interface Between Empirical Research and Normative Analysis”.
    Can anti-deportation resistance be justified, and if so how and by whom may, or perhaps should, unjust deportations be resisted? In this paper, I seek to provide an answer to these questions. The paper starts by describing the main forms and agents of anti-deportation action in the contemporary context. Subsequently, I examine how different justifications for principled resistance and disobedience may each be invoked in the case of deportation resistance. I then explore how worries about the resister’s motivation for engaging (...)
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    The Ethics of Antibiotic Resistance: Towards an Agenda for Feasible and Justified Global Health Policy.Christian Munthe, Niels Nijsingh, Karl de Fine Licht & D. G. Joakim Larsson - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (7):731-733.
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    Risk and Resistance: The Ethical Education of Psychoanalysis.Nancy Luxon - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (3):0090591713476870.
    Agonistic theories of democratic practice lack an explicit model for ethical cultivation. Even as these theorists advocate sensibilities of “ethical open-ness and receptivity,” so as to engage in the political work of “maintenance, repair, and amendment,” they lack an account of how individuals ought be motivated to this task or how it should unfold. Toward theorizing such a model, I turn to Freud and clinical psychoanalytic practice. I argue that Freud’s “second-education” (Nacherziehung) offers an ethical cultivation framed (...)
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    Theorizing Discursive Resistance to Organizational Ethics of Care Through a Multi-stakeholder Perspective on Disability Inclusion Practices.Eline Jammaers - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (2):333-345.
    This paper examines the support for diversity from a moral perspective. Combining business ethics theory with a lens of critical discourse analysis, it reconstructs the debates on the ethicality of three disability inclusion practices—positive discrimination, job adaptations, and voluntary disclosure—drawn from multi-stakeholder interviews in disability-friendly organizations. Discursive resistance to disability inclusion practices, otherwise known to work, arises out of moral beliefs characteristic of an ethic of justice, whereas support is more often informed by an ethic of care. This study contributes (...)
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    The ethics of resistance to tyranny.Harald Ofstad - 1961 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 4 (1-4):148 – 161.
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    Just Revolution: A Christian Ethic of Political Resistance and Social Transformation by Anna Floerke Scheid.Ramon Luzarraga - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):212-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Just Revolution: A Christian Ethic of Political Resistance and Social Transformation by Anna Floerke ScheidRamon LuzarragaJust Revolution: A Christian Ethic of Political Resistance and Social Transformation Anna Floerke Scheid lanham, md: lexington books, 2015. 208 pp. $84.00Anna Floerke Scheid argues that the Christian just war and just peacemaking ethical traditions lack a comprehensive ethic for revolutionary nonviolent activity and warfare. She proposes to fill this lacuna through (...)
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    (1 other version)The Ethics of Passive Resistance.J. G. James - 1903 - International Journal of Ethics 14 (3):280.
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