Results for 'Aura Timen'

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  1.  42
    Ethics of infection control measures for carriers of antimicrobial drug–Resistant organisms.Babette Rump, Aura Timen, Marlies Hulscher & Marcel Verweij - 2018 - Emerging Infectious Diseases 24 (9).
    Many countries have implemented infection control measures directed at carriers of multidrug-resistant organisms. To explore the ethical implications of these measures, we analyzed 227 consultations about multidrug resistance and compared them with the literature on communicable disease in general. We found that control measures aimed at carriers have a range of negative implications. Although moral dilemmas seem similar to those encountered while implementing control measures for other infectious diseases, 4 distinct features stand out for carriage of multidrug-resistant organisms: carriage presents (...)
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    Infection control measures in times of antimicrobial resistance: a matter of solidarity.Marcel Verweij, Marlies Hulscher, Aura Timen & Babette Rump - 2020 - Monash Bioethics Review 38 (Suppl 1):47-55.
    Control measures directed at carriers of multidrug-resistant organisms are traditionally approached as a trade-off between public interests on the one hand and individual autonomy on the other. We propose to reframe the ethical issue and consider control measures directed at carriers an issue of solidarity. Rather than asking “whether it is justified to impose strict measures”, we propose asking “how to best care for a person’s carriership and well-being in ways that do not imply an unacceptable risk for others?”. A (...)
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    We Have Always Been Cyborgs. Digital Data, Gene Technologies, and an Ethics of Transhumanism.Aura Elena Schussler - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (1):7-11.
  4. Construyendo caminos de paz y convivencia desde la primera infancia.Aura Cecilia Lara - 2013 - Revista Aletheia 5 (2/1).
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  5. Etnografía del Rito: Sintaxis e isotopía funeraria del velorio en Maracaibo.Aura M. Montilla & José Enrique Finol - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 7 (2):159-175.
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    The cyberspace myth and political communication, within the limits of netocracy.Aura-Elena Schussler - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (48):65-78.
    Technological augmentation in the field of communication is a new way of controlling and manipulating the interface between current political communications and information. This is because, within the new paradigms of power, political communication is under the influence of netocracy, a new and mythical form of cybertechnological superpanopticism. The general objective of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of cybertechnological globalization where, according to Alexander Bard and Jan Söderqvist, this new form of political and communicative superpanopticism is the result (...)
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    Pornography as a Biopolitical Phenomenon.Aura Elena Schussler - 2016 - Postmodern Openings 7 (2):25-41.
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    The effect of expectation and available processing time on recognition of sequences of naturalistic scenes.Aura Hanna & Geoffrey Loftus - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (3):251-254.
  9. Agency at Marital Breakdown. Redefining Hindu Women's Networks and Positions.Siru Aura - 2006 - In Lina Fruzzetti & Sirpa Tenhunen, Culture, power, and agency: gender in Indian ethnography. Kolkata: STREE. pp. 171--203.
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  10. Povzetki—Abstracts.Sublimno In Aura - forthcoming - Filozofski Vestnik.
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  11.  24
    I, Daniel Blake (2016): Vulnerability, Care and Citizenship in Austerity Politics.Aura Lehtonen & Jacqueline Gibbs - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (1):49-63.
    This article offers a reading of Ken Loach’s 2016 film I, Daniel Blake, a fictionalised account of experiences of the UK welfare system in conditions of austerity. We consider, firstly, the significant challenge the film poses to dominant figurations of welfare recipients under austerity, through a focus on vulnerability to state processes. We follow with a reading of some of the film’s interventions in relation to reciprocity, drawing on the important trajectories of care, community and resistance that the film renders (...)
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  12.  30
    Postmodernism and the Simulacrum of Religion in Universities.Aura Elena Schussler - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (45):76-95.
    The purpose of this paper is to show that in Western postmodernism, both religion and the university are under the sign of simulacra. Friedrich Nietzsche’s “death of God” instigates a discussion of postmodernism and a simulacrum of religion. According to Jean Baudrillard and the theory of the Three Orders of the Simulacra, reality died and “hyperreality” took its place and now governs our existence. If, for Michel Foucault, the religious phenomenon today is outside theological beliefs and traditions, oriented towards the (...)
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  13.  36
    Artificial Intelligence and Mind-reading Machines— Towards a Future Techno-Panoptic Singularity.Aura Elena Schussler - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (4):334-346.
    The present study focuses on the situation in which mind-reading machines will be connected, initially through the incorporation of weak AI, and then in conjunction to strong AI, an aspect that, ongoing, will no longer have a simple medical role, as is the case at present, but one of surveillance and monitoring of individuals—an aspect that is heading us towards a future techno-panoptic singularity. Thus, the general objective of this paper raises the problem of the ontological stability of human nature (...)
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    Pornography in Transhumanism – Towards a Sexuality of Singularity.Aura-Elena Schussler - 2017 - Postmodern Openings 8 (1):41-56.
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    Cambio Organizacional en el Discurso de la Realidad Laboral (Organizational Change in the Discourse of the Labour Situation).Casilda Parra, Aura Graterol & José Luis Abreu - 2012 - Daena 7 (3):139-147.
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  16.  29
    Mujer afrodescendiente: espiritualidad y sanación desde el territorio.Aura Dalia Caicedo Valencia & Diego Agudelo Grajales - 2022 - Franciscanum 64 (178).
    Este artículo tiene como propósito presentar los resultados de la investigación realizada a partir de la sistematización de la experiencia significativa de Ambulua. Su objetivo es reconocer en la espiritualidad de la mujer afrodescendiente aportes significativos que contribuyen a la sanación como construcción de paz en el territorio. La sistematización de la experiencia se realizó a partir de talleres participativos y análisis documental; esta permitió la reconstrucción de «un camino andado» e identificar aprendizajes significativos en la búsqueda de la esencia (...)
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  17.  21
    La cultura corporativa como estrategia para la formación de emprendedores del sector social (Corporate culture as a strategy for the training of entrepreneurs of the social sector).Casilda Parra, Aura Graterol & Fidel Moreno - 2009 - Daena 4 (2):1-15.
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    Sobre o episódio do Mahabharata conhecido como “Baghavad-Gita”, de Wilhelm von Humboldt, G. W. F. Hegel.Nina Auras - 2022 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 5 (1).
    Quando Hegel leciona em Berlim, para onde se muda em 1818, já é uma celebridade na Alemanha: há anos foi publicada a Fenomenologia do Espírito (1806), que lhe concedeu grande destaque, e também já foram legadas ao público suas principais obras. Suas aulas frequentemente lotam e o público é composto por nomes como Rosenkrantz, Bruno Bauer, Feuerbach e Hotho, que em 1835 nos brindaria com as anotações compiladas dos seus Cursos de Estética. Em 1825, Hegel começa a trabalhar numa nova (...)
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    O lugar da diferença: no currículo de educação em direitos humanos.Aura Helena Ramos - 2011 - Rio de Janeiro: Quartet.
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    Gauge theory of fermions onR × S 3 spacetime.Marina -Aura Dariescu, C. Dariescu & I. Gottlieb - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (6):959-963.
    A Lorentz-invariant gauge theory for massive fermions on R × S 3 spacetime is built up. Using the symmetry of S 3,we obtain Dirac-type equation and derive the expression of the fermionic propagator. Finally, starting from the SU(N) gauge-invariant Lagrangian, we obtain the set of Dirac-Yang-Mills equations on R × S 3 spacetime, pointing out major differences from the Minkowskian case.
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    SU(2) ×U(1) Gauge theory of bosonic and fermionic fields inS 3 ×R space-time.Ciprian Dariescu & Marina -Aura Dariescu - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (11):1577-1582.
    The tetradic Lorentz-gauge invariant formulation of the SU(2) × U(1) theory in S3 × R space-time is presented and the general gauge covariant Dirac-Klein-Gordon-Maxwell-Yang-Mills equations are derived. A direct comparison of these equations to those of the SU(2) × U(1) gauge theory on Minkowskian background points out major differences effectively induced by the minimally coupling to S3 × R gravity.
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    Nomadic Subjectivity Configuration.Aura Melissa Hernández Pinzón - 2019 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 31:143-173.
    RESUMEN Este articulo pretende describir el concepto de subjetividad nómade desarrollado por Rosi Braidotti, teniendo en cuenta su estructura con respecto a la diferencia sexual. Este análisis permite comprender cuál es la configuración del sujeto nómade revisando las implicaciones que tiene asociar tal concepto con la búsqueda de aceptación y representación de esa diferencia en el contexto político. La lectura critica de Braidotti remite directamente a examinar los conceptos originales de Deleuze y Guattari referidos al nomadismo, como singularización, devenir y (...)
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  23. Pobreza y florecimiento humano: mundos deseables y mundos posibles.Aura Ponde de León - 2008 - Ludus Vitalis 16 (29):211-222.
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    Psychological and Behavior Changes of Consumer Preferences During COVID-19 Pandemic Times: An Application of GLM Regression Model.Larisa Ivascu, Aura Emanuela Domil, Alin Emanuel Artene, Oana Bogdan, Valentin Burcă & Codruta Pavel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The life we considered normal was disrupted due to measures taken to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. Quarantine, isolation, social distancing, and community containment have influenced consumer behavior and contributed to the rapid development of e-commerce. In pandemic times, even those unfamiliar with the online environment have had to adapt and make acquisitions in this new manner. Hence, we focused our research on measuring the perception of consumers on how the restrictive measures imposed to limit the spread of (...)
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  25.  72
    Quantum Analysis of $$k=-1$$ k = - 1 Robertson–Walker Universe.Ciprian Dariescu & Marina-Aura Dariescu - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (11):1495-1513.
    The \\)-Robertson–Walker spacetime is under investigation. With the derived Hamilton operator, we are solving the Wheeler–De Witt Equation and its Schrödinger-like extension, for physically important forms of the effective potential. The closed form solutions, expressed in terms of Heun’s functions, allow us to comment on the occurrence of Universe from highly probable quantum states.
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  26. Arqueología cognitiva: atisbos de la mente homínida.Aura Ponce de León - 2002 - Ludus Vitalis 10 (18):89-109.
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    Los paisajes de la modernidad en Venezuela (1811-1960).R. Guerrero & C. Aura (eds.) - 2009 - [Venezuela]: Universidad de Los Andes, Consejo de Publicaciones.
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    Gauge theory of fermions onR× S 3 spacetime.Marina-Aura Dariescu, C. Dariescu & I. Gottlieb - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (6):959-963.
  29. SU (2)× U (1) Gauge theory of bosonic and fermionic fields inS 3× R space-time.Ciprian Dariescu & Marina-Aura Dariescu - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (11):1577-1582.
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    Perspectiva pedagógica y filosófica de uniclaretiana desde el concepto de justicia educativa.Aura Smid Durán Téllez - 2018 - Ratio Juris 13 (26):231-254.
    El contexto actual de las desigualdades sociales en Latinoamérica cuestiona y, al mismo tiempo, desafía el escenario de la educación superior en la búsqueda de procesos de transformación social. Estos desafíos se comprenden, en el marco de esta ponencia, desde la justicia educativa, entendida como la posibilidad de acceso con calidad a la enseñanza-aprendizaje como consecuencia de prácticas individuales y acciones colectivas. A partir de este panorama, y desde una reflexión teórica, se intentan identificar los aportes que ofrece la perspectiva (...)
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    Ion Ianoși 80.Ion Ianoși, Aura Christi & Alexandru Ștefănescu (eds.) - 2008 - București: EuroPress Group.
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    Interrupted Labour by Another Name: Resistance.Aura Wharton-Beck - 2022 - Feminist Review 132 (1):10-23.
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    Book Review: Sexual Harassment Online: Shaming and Silencing Women in the Digital Age by Tania G. Levey. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Aura McClintock - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (5):820-822.
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  34. List of Contents: Volume 12, Number 3, June 1999.Jose L. SaÂnchez-GoÂmez, Jesus Unturbe, Ciprian Dariescu, Marina-Aura Dariescu, Rotationally Symmetric, Fabio Cardone, Mauro Francaviglia, Roberto Mignani, Energy-Dependent Phenomenological Metrics & Five-Dimensional Einstein - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (10).
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    El Paradigma de lo Complejo.Evelin Raiza Andrade Y. Cadenas, Luz María Pereira, Aura Torres & Eduardo Pachano - 2002 - Cinta de Moebio 14.
    This essay proposes a review of the conceptual basis of the Complex Paradigm o Complex Thought. It reviews its core assumptions and give examples in the social sciences.
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    El saber filosófico.Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro (eds.) - 2007 - México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México.
    v. 1. Antiguo y moderno - - v. 2. Sociedad y ciencia -- v. 3. Tópicos del saber filosófico.
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    El “aura” benjaminiana y los símbolos del Guernica.Matei Chihaia - 2009 - Arbor 185 (739):1081-1088.
    El “Guernica” de Picasso ganó su estatuto de icono, es decir, de objeto aurático, gracias a una reproducción industrial que, de acuerdo con Walter Benjamin, debería quebrar el aura del arte moderno. En la historia de su recepción un sistema de metáforas religiosas cubre precisamente los traslados mecánicos para conferirles una carga simbólica. Los relatos respectivos acerca del desplazamiento del mural (o hacia el mural) se distinguen claramente de un modelo narrativo basado en el reemplazo, como propone El otro (...)
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    Aura, Armour and the Body.Keith Tester - 1998 - Body and Society 4 (1):17-34.
    This article identifies the emergence of the problematic of the body as a consequence of the forces of technology and bureaucracy which have run through the 20th century. It explores the hypothesis that the problem of the body has emerged out of the wreckage of the aura of the individual. It is proposed that aura was destroyed in the First World War, but it is also shown that for Benjamin anticipations of the destruction can be found in the (...)
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    Aura e libero gioco.Stefano Velotti - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 52:221-233.
    Although with “aura” Benjamin designates more a “family”, or a “constellation” of phenomena, than a univocal concept, the analogical traits of these phenomena are grounded in an aesthetic unity of sense. The aesthetic (as distinguished from the “artistic”) understanding of “aura” is not juxtaposed to the “anthropological, perceptual-mnemonic, and visionary” dimension of it (Bratu Hansen), but it is rather its root. As a transcendental aspect of perception and imagination, though, the aura marks our experience in different ways, (...)
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  40. Aura: The aesthetic of redemption?Yvonne Sherratt - 1998 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 24 (1):25-41.
    Adorno and Benjamin offer us an aesthetic concept, that of aura. The analysis of this has tended to circumnavigate the concept, that is, it has examined the historical dimension to aura, or turned to the texts of Adorno and Benjamin with a view to finding discrepancies between their theses. However, the important conceptual detail has not been explored with suf ficient rigour. My question is a simple one: what is aura? How do we piece together its various (...)
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    Aura, sguardo e intersoggettività.Luca Marchetti - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 52:3-15.
    This essay tries to rethink Benjamin’s notion of “aura” through the consideration of two authors such as G. Didi-Huberman and D. Costello. The aim is not to distinguish between auratic and postauratic (or non-auratic) works of art, but to rethink the problem of aesthetic perception in the age of mechanical reproduction. More specifically, Costello and Didi-Huberman point out the relation between “aura” and “subjectivity”: on the one hand, the intersubjective (and ethical) nature of an “authentic” (i.e., auratic) experience; (...)
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    Aura o Non aura: l’opera d’arte tra choc ed emozioni.Carla Subrizi - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 52:193-203.
    If the aura has been interpreted as a result of the artwork or its enactment, it is possible to think the aura as the work that the artwork produces: the artwork acts, interacts with the Other or identifies it. Can the aura be identified in this relationship between moods and emotions, between the artwork and the viewer? Where to place the path that opens a gap to establish a connection between Self and Other? The aura of (...)
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  43.  17
    Aura & Transvestment1.Pablo Somonte Ruano - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (3):365-381.
    Aura & Transvestment is a transmedia project consisting of a series of generative images, an experimental form of cryptomedia and a video essay. By describing its own powers and contradictions, the work explores notions of value, ownership, authenticity, artificial scarcity and abundance in the digital realm. The project is a critical analysis of non-fungible tokens used as proof of ownership for digital art, taking Walter Benjamin’s concept of aura as a starting point. It argues that, for tokenized art, (...)
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  44.  18
    Aura, vita, morte.Roberto Diodato - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 52:53-67.
    The essay concerns the relationship between the notion of aura and the notion of digital image. The digital image is not simply image-of, not only mimesis of an, identifiable or not, thing or image, and so it does not have a simulacral essence. On the other hand, it is not even an icon or an original image; it is rather a genetic relational form belonging to a multiple rendering system. The digital image is not exactly “image”, but rather body-image, (...)
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    Auras in mysticism and synaesthesia: A comparison.M. A. Rodríguez Artacho, L. C. Delgado-Pastor, A. González-Hernández, M. Hochel, O. Iborra, E. Salazar & E. G. Milán - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):258-268.
    In a variety of synaesthesia, photisms result from affect-laden stimuli as emotional words, or faces of familiar people. For R, who participated in this study, the sight of a familiar person triggers a mental image of "a human silhouette filled with colour". Subjective descriptions of synaesthetic experiences induced by the visual perception of people's figures and faces show similarities with the reports of those who claim to possess the ability to see the aura. It has been proposed that the (...)
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    Omnia Tvta Timens(Virgil, Aeneid 4.298): Allusion and Ambiguity.Paolo Dainotti - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):933-937.
    This paper deals with a case of Virgilian ambiguity, namely the famous hemistich at Aen. 4.298 omnia tuta timens. By highlighting a plausible reading with a causal force (‘fearing everything too calm’, ‘because of the excessive calmness’), it seeks to demonstrate that this hemistich is an ambiguous passage. This view is confirmed through the imitation by Valerius Flaccus, who, in alluding to the Virgilian passage (Argonautica 8.408–12), highlights its ambiguity by including both of the most plausible readings.
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    Aura, Self, and Aesthetic Experience.Marshall Battani - 2011 - Contemporary Aesthetics 9.
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  48. Arcanā aura āloka. Umraokuwar - 1970 - Vyāvara: prāpti sthala, Amaracanda Jī Modī. Edited by Kamala Jaina.
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    «Aura» e «ambiance»: Léon Daudet tra Proust e Benjamin.Barbara Carnevali - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 33 (3):117-141.
    L’aura est un souffle — étymologiquement — une atmosphere, un étatparticulier qui accompagne tous les tournants, toutes les crises, toutes lesmodifications profondes, tous les ébranlements soudains de cette chosefragile qui est la personnalité.Leon Daudet Nel 1928 il medico-scrittore Léon Daudet pubblica a Parigi il saggio Melancholia. Al titolo metonimico, leggermente sviarne, corrisponde un’originale riflessione sul rapporto psichico e fisico che lega l’uomo al suo ambiente. Il vero tema de...
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    El “aura” en la tragedia griega del Nacimiento.Henry Miranda - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 20:108-118.
    Dentro de los lindes de La obra de arte en la época de su reproductibilidad técnica de Walter Benjamin y el Nacimiento de la tragedia de Friedrich Nietzsche, este ensayo investigará la intersección entre el concepto de aura y la tragedia griega ática del imaginario nietzscheano. Encontraremos que el aura no puede dar cuenta de la tragedia griega en cuanto esta última, en vez de experimentarse como una lejanía, se vive y describe como una inmersión que, pese a (...)
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