Results for ' Discurse, conversation, enunciation, dialogism'

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  1.  21
    How do poly-callers reconfigure their statements in their (re) participation in the chat of an association that combats suicide?Frédéric Pugnière-Saavedra - 2020 - Corpus 21.
    À partir de conversations sous forme de tchats qui émanent d’une association qui lutte contre le suicide, nous nous intéresserons plus particulièrement aux conversations dont les appelants reviennent sur la plateforme (que nous nommerons poly appelants). Reprennent-ils leurs dires là où la conversation antérieure s’est arrêtée? Quels sont les éléments nouveaux dans le récit des participants? Comment le récit des appelants progresse-t-il au fil des (re)connections? quel(s) versant(s) de l’histoire personnelle est-il, sont-ils mobilisé(s)?
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    The conversational and discursive construction of community psychiatric nursing for chronically confused people and their families.Trevor Adams - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (2):98-107.
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    Dialogism in Corporate Social Responsibility Communications: Conceptualising Verbal Interaction Between Organisations and Their Audiences. [REVIEW]Niamh M. Brennan, Doris M. Merkl-Davies & Annika Beelitz - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (4):665-679.
    We conceptualise CSR communication as a process of reciprocal influence between organisations and their audiences. We use an illustrative case study in the form of a conflict between firms and a powerful stakeholder which is played out in a series of 20 press releases over a 2-month period to develop a framework of analysis based on insights from linguistics. It focuses on three aspects of dialogism, namely (i) turn-taking (co-operating in a conversation by responding to the other party), (ii) (...)
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  4. Paskian Algebra: A Discursive Approach to Conversational Multi-agent Systems.Thomas Manning - 2023 - Cybernetics and Human Knowing 30 (1-2):67-81.
    The purpose of this study is to compile a selection of the various formalisms found in conversation theory to introduce readers to Pask's discursive algebra. In this way, the text demonstrates how concept sharing and concept formation by means of the interaction of two participants may be formalized. The approach taken in this study is to examine the formal notation system used by Pask and demonstrate how such formalisms may be used to represent concept sharing and concept formation through conversation. (...)
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    Modelling, dialogism and the functional cycle.Susan Petrilli & Augusto Ponzio - 2013 - Sign Systems Studies 41 (1):93-113.
    Charles Peirce, Mikhail Bakhtin and Thomas Sebeok all develop original research itineraries around the sign and, despite terminological differences, canbe related with reference to the concept of dialogism and modelling. Jakob von Uexküll’s biosemiosic “functional cycle”, a model for semiosic processes, is alsoimplied in the relation between dialogue and communication.Biological models which describe communication as a self-referential, autopoietic and semiotically closed system (e.g., the models proposed by Maturana,Varela, and Thure von Uexküll) contrast with both the linear (Shannon and Weaver) (...)
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    ‘Answer in any way you want’: Discursive tensions in conversations of a citizen participation process.Maria Sjögren - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (6):778-793.
    This paper contributes to empirical knowledge of citizen participation as a communicative event, by analyzing discursive tensions in interviews between civil servants and citizen-parents, that are part of a participatory process on how to mitigate violence in a suburban area in Sweden. Citizen participation events are increasingly initiated by public institutions in Western societies. Research, however, shows that goals of participatory processes often conflict with formal decision-making structures and institutional boundaries. Yet, how such tensions play out on the level of (...)
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    Conversation and Brain Damage.Charles Goodwin (ed.) - 2003 - Oxford University Press USA.
    How do people with brain damage communicate? How does the partial or total loss of the ability to speak and use language fluently manifest itself in actual conversation? How are people with brain damage able to expand their cognitive ability through interaction with others - and how do these discursive activities in turn influence cognition? This groundbreaking collection of new articles examines the ways in which aphasia and other neurological deficits lead to language impairments that shape the production, reception and (...)
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  8. Discursive Injustice: The Role of Uptake.Claudia Bianchi - 2020 - Topoi 40 (1):181-190.
    In recent times, phenomena of conversational asymmetry have become a lively object of study for linguists, philosophers of language and moral philosophers—under various labels: illocutionary disablement and silencing, discursive injustice :440–457, 2014; Lance and Kukla in Ethics 123:456–478, 2013), illocutionary distortion. The common idea is that members of underprivileged groups sometimes have trouble performing particular speech acts that they are entitled to perform: in certain contexts, their performative potential is somehow undermined, and their capacity to do things with words is (...)
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    Exploring Conversational and Physiological Aspects of Psychotherapy Talk.Evrinomy Avdi & Chris Evans - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study is part of a larger exploration of ‘talk and cure’ that combines the examination of talk-in-interaction, with nonverbal displays, and measurements of the client’s and therapist’s autonomic arousal during therapy sessions. A key assumption of the study is that psychotherapy entails processes of intersubjective meaning-making that occur across different modalities and take place in both verbal/explicit and nonverbal/implicit domains. A single session of a psychodynamic psychotherapy is analysed with a focus on the expression and management of affect, with (...)
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  10. Discursive therapy.Tom Strong & Andy Lock - 2005 - Janus Head 8 (2):585-593.
    We contend that the talk of therapy, like everyday talk, is where and how people construct their understandings and ways of living. This is the fundamental insight of the social constructionist, or discursive, therapies. ‘Meaning’ is not some pre-given ‘thing’ that is communicated more or less successfully from one individual to another. Rather, ‘meanings’ are negotiated or constructed in the process of communication until each party is clear that they have a grasp of what they are ‘talking about’. Similarly, ‘meanings’ (...)
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    The conversation of humanity.Stephen Mulhall - 2007 - Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
    Introduction: discursive conditions -- Language, philosophy, and sophistry -- Contributions to a conversation about the conversation of humanity: Heidegger and Gadamer, Oakeshott and Rorty -- Lectures and letters as conversation: Cavell as educator in Cities of words -- Conclusion: redeeming words.
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  12.  23
    Toward a postmodern ethic of radical freedom: Cornell West and Michael Foucault in discursive dialogue.Darrell J. Wesley - 2023 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Toward a Postmodern Ethic of Radical Freedom is one of the first, if not the first, to bring Cornel West and Michel Foucault together in a meaningful dialogue to formulate "a postmodern ethic of radical freedom." This dialogue begins with the practical posture of West, more specifically his notions of truth and reality and work, then goes back to his more theoretical work to explore the same notions. As a project in constructive ethics, this book examines Cornel West's epistemology (notion (...)
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    The American philosopher: conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and Kuhn.Giovanna Borradori - 1994 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this lively look at current debates in American philosophy, leading philosophers talk candidly about the changing character of their discipline. In the spirit of Emerson's The American Scholar , this book explores the identity of the American philosopher. Through informal conversations, the participants discuss the rise of post-analytic philosophy in America and its relations to European thought and to the American pragmatist tradition. They comment on their own intellectual development as well as each others' work, charting the course of (...)
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  14. In Conversation with Artificial Intelligence: Aligning language Models with Human Values.Atoosa Kasirzadeh - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (2):1-24.
    Large-scale language technologies are increasingly used in various forms of communication with humans across different contexts. One particular use case for these technologies is conversational agents, which output natural language text in response to prompts and queries. This mode of engagement raises a number of social and ethical questions. For example, what does it mean to align conversational agents with human norms or values? Which norms or values should they be aligned with? And how can this be accomplished? In this (...)
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  15.  20
    Mapping conversations about land use: How modern farmers practice individuality.Steen Brock, Andreas Aagaard Christensen, Line Block Hansen, Morten Graversgaard, Henrik Vejre, Tommy Dalgaard, Kristoffer Piil & Peter Stubkjær Andersen - 2021 - Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 12 (1):5-17.
    In this article, drawing on the discursive psychology of Rom Harré, we show how mapping the exchange of words among people might disclose a complex reality; not merely that which farmers explicitly talk ‘about’ but the reality implicitly at stake within the communication. More specifically, we show how discourses involving modern farmers reveal an underlying placing in an abstract space, having sub-spaces defined by the life-orientation, sense of self and according self-positioning of modern people. In this way, we construct a (...)
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    The Conversion of Jews to Christianity in Thirteenth-Century England.Robert C. Stacey - 1992 - Speculum 67 (2):263-283.
    Throughout the Middle Ages the expectation of eventual Jewish conversion lay at the center of traditional Christian justifications for protecting the Jewish populations which lived within their midst. St. Augustine and later Pope Gregory the Great enunciated a rationale for Christian protection of Jews, based loosely on Romans 11.25–29, that stressed the historical importance of the Jews as living witnesses to the Old Testament prophecies that confirmed Jesus' messiahship and that foresaw the Jews' eventual conversion to Christianity as a harbinger (...)
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    The discursive construction of a new reality in Olaf Scholz’s Zeitenwende speech.Mario Bisiada - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    This article applies Bakhtinian dialogism and the idea of centripetal and centrifugal forces in struggle to critical discourse studies to analyse how powerful and marginalised discourses are brought into competition in political language to justify paradigm changes. I analyse German chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Zeitenwende (‘watershed’) speech, which he gave as a response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, announcing a radical armament programme and change in foreign policy, paradigm shifts that had previously been unthinkable in German politics. Based on (...)
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  18.  24
    Conversation and ‘Voices’ in the Narratives of 5- to- 8-Year-Old French-Speaking Children.Edy Veneziano - 2021 - Bakhtiniana 16 (1):134-154.
    RESUMO De acordo com Bakhtin, o dialogismo polifônico, um princípio geral para que haja um avanço de conhecimento, é bem representado no romance literário e mais comumente em narrativas, nas quais diferentes “vozes” podem ser expressas. Assim, neste artigo analisamos narrativas baseadas em imagens e construídas por trinta crianças, entre 5 e 8 anos de idade, falantes de francês, narrativas essas produzidas antes e depois de uma conversa sobre as causas dos eventos. As análises tiveram como foco a habilidade das (...)
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    Is it possible to grow an I–Thou relation with an artificial agent? A dialogistic perspective.Stefan Trausan-Matu - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (1):9-17.
    The paper analyzes if it is possible to grow an I–Thou relation in the sense of Martin Buber with an artificial, conversational agent developed with Natural Language Processing techniques. The requirements for such an agent, the possible approaches for the implementation, and their limitations are discussed. The relation of the achievement of this goal with the Turing test is emphasized. Novel perspectives on the I–Thou and I–It relations are introduced according to the sociocultural paradigm and Mikhail Bakhtin’s dialogism, polyphony (...)
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  20. Conceptual content and discursive practice.Robert Brandom - 2010 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 81 (1):13-35.
    This paper discusses the integrated approach to the semantics and pragmatics of language developed in my Making It Explicit . The core claim is that there are six consequential relations among commitments and entitlements that are sufficient for a practice exhibiting them to qualify as discursive, that is, as a practice of giving and asking for reasons, hence as one conferring genuinely conceptual content on the expressions, performances, and statuses that have scorekeeping significances in those practices. I divide the six (...)
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  21.  6
    Antipodean dialogues: Richard Rorty and the discursive authority of conversational philosophy.Péter Csató - 2013 - [Debrecen]: Debrecen University Press.
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    Concluding Comments and Continuing Conversations.Mohammad Fadel - 2016 - Studies in Christian Ethics 29 (2):221-223.
    These conversations between Muslim and Christian scholars produced a lively and informative introduction to the histories of Islamic and Christian theo-political thought. Much was learned over the course of meetings for this project, but future conversations, in order to better appreciate the breadth of theo-political thought in both traditions, will need to expand to include Muslim and Christian discursive traditions beyond the canonical authors explored thus far. Continued conversations should include contemporary expressions of theo-political thought in the Christian and Muslim (...)
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    The Social and Discursive Spectrum of Peer Talk.Hanna Avni, Deborah Huck-Taglicht & Shoshana Blum-Kulka - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (3):307-328.
    The study aims to lay the groundwork for systematically investigating children’s peer discourse at different age levels with a view to delimiting the role of peer talk for pragmatic development. An interdisciplinary stance to the study of children’s peer talk is argued for, considering it simultaneously as the arena for the co-construction of childhood cultures as well as an arena for development. We propose a four-dimensional model of discursive events, meant to capture both dimensions simultaneously. The model takes into account (...)
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    Cognition and conversation.Jonathan Potter - 2006 - Discourse Studies 8 (1):131-140.
    This article considers the different approaches to cognition in conversation analysis and discursive psychology. Its points are illustrated through a critical but appreciative consideration of an article by Drew in which he uses conversation analysis to identify ‘cognitive moments’ in interaction. Problems are identified with Drew’s analysis and the conclusions he draws. In particular, he a) presupposes a dualistic division between depth and surface; b) makes circular inferences from conventional conversational patterns to underlying cognitive entities; c) presupposes that the underlying (...)
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  25.  18
    Towards a Conversational Ethics of Large Language Models.Hendrik Kempt, Alon Lavie & Saskia K. Nagel - 2024 - American Philosophical Quarterly 61 (4):339-354.
    Large Language Models are one of the most prominent examples of current uses of AI, and one of the most urgently pursued normative tasks is to make them and their interactive user-interfaces—open-domain chatbots—safe. However, in this paper, we elaborate first on why such a limited view on the permissibility and desirability of their utterances falls conceptually flat, is philosophically insufficient, and leads to severe technological limits. We then propose a positive normative concept, appropriateness, that can provide the required orientation for (...)
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  26. Conversational Epistemic Injustice: Extending the Insight from Testimonial Injustice to Speech Acts beyond Assertion.David C. Spewak - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (6):593-607.
    Testimonial injustice occurs when hearers attribute speakers a credibility deficit because of an identity prejudice and consequently dismiss speakers’ testimonial assertions. Various philosophers explain testimonial injustice by appealing to interpersonal norms arising within testimonial exchanges. When conversational participants violate these interpersonal norms, they generate second-personal epistemic harms, harming speakers as epistemic agents. This focus on testimony, however, neglects how systematically misevaluating speakers’ knowledge affects conversational participants more generally. When hearers systematically misevaluate speakers’ conversational competence because of entrenched assumptions about what (...)
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  27. Dissenting Words: A Conversation with Jacques Rancière.Davide Panagia & Jacques Ranciére - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (2):113-126.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.2 (2000) 113-126 [Access article in PDF] Dissenting Words:A Conversation with Jacques Rancière 1 Davide Panagia:In your writings you highlight the political efficacy of words. In The Names of History, for instance, this emphasis is discussed most vividly in terms of what you refer to as an "excess of words" that marks the rise of democratic movements in the seventeenth century. Similarly, in On The Shores of Politics, (...)
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  28.  42
    Conversations, conferences, and the practice of intellectual discussion.Gary Radford - 2000 - Human Studies 23 (3):211-225.
    This paper analyzes a conference panel discussion entitled "Identity in Crisis: The Issue of Agency in Social Constructionism and Postmodernism" in order to identify some limits to intellectual discussion. The panel participants made a deliberate attempt to engage in a self-reflexive language game about the language game of intellectual discussion in the conference format. This attempt revealed the highly sedimented nature of discursive practice in the conference setting, at least, and perhaps more generally. This analysis of the extent to which (...)
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    Conversations with Robert Frost: The Bread Loaf Period.Peter Stanlis - 2010 - Routledge.
    These core conversations between Peter Stanlis and Robert Frost occurred during 1939-1941. They are written in the much larger context of nearly a quarter century of friendship that ended only with the passing of Frost in 1963. These discussions provide a unique window of opportunity to appreciate the sources of Frost's philosophical visions, as well as his poetic interests. The discussions between Stanlis and Frost were held between six consecutive summers, when Stanlis was a student at the Bread Loaf Graduate (...)
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  30. Discursive Intentionality as Embodied Coping: A Pragmatist Critique of Existential Phenomenology.Carl Sachs - 2017 - In Svec Ondrej & Jakub Čapek (eds.), Pragmatic Perspectives in Phenomenology. pp. 87-102.
    I use the distinction between sentience and sapience to reconstruct the debate between Hubert Dreyfus and John McDowell. I argue that Dreyfus's critique of McDowell's conceptualism relies on conflating detached contemplation with conceptual activity as such. I then argue that McDowell's conceptualism can be enriched and brought into deeper conversation with pragmatism and phenomenology if we take reasons to be a special kind of affordance. Contra Dreyfus, reasons need not disrupt affordances but do so only in specific contexts. I conclude (...)
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  31. A Structural Explanation of Injustice in Conversations: It's about Norms.Saray Ayala-López - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (4):726-748.
    In contrast to individualistic explanations of social injustice that appeal to implicit attitudes, structural explanations are unintuitive: they appeal to entities that lack clear ontological status, and the explanatory mechanism is similarly unclear. This makes structural explanations unappealing. The present work proposes a structural explanation of one type of injustice that happens in conversations, discursive injustice. This proposal meets two goals. First, it satisfactorily accounts for the specific features of this particular kind of injustice; and second, it articulates a structural (...)
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  32.  12
    Negotiating identities in casual argumentative conversations.Alejandro Parini & Luisa Granato - 2013 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9 (2):159-174.
    Identity has been addressed from diverse perspectives that range from a conceptualisation of it as a pre-existing and static notion to a view that regards it as dynamically constructed in interaction. In this work, we take the latter as the guiding principle for our investigation into the ways in which identity is co-constructed by Argentinian university students in casual conversations. The analysis is carried out on the premise that there is an unquestionable relationship between discourse, identity and social processes. Given (...)
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    Conversations with otherness: Violence and womanhood in narratives of women imprisoned for violent crimes.Satu Venäläinen - 2017 - European Journal of Women's Studies 24 (4):366-380.
    Widely circulated cultural conceptions about women who have committed violence recurrently place them in positions of otherness in relation to what is considered as being normal, valuable womanhood. This article explores ways in which Finnish women imprisoned for violent crimes grapple with this troubled relation between womanhood and violence in their enactments of gendered identities. The analysis is based on a novel, discursive-affective approach to positioning that can accommodate complexity and context-specific variability in enactments of identities. Four different, recurring modes (...)
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    Discerning the relations between conversation and cognition. [REVIEW]Ben Matthews - 2009 - Human Studies 32 (4):487-502.
    Although hailing from cognate analytical schools, the contributors to Hedwig te Molder and Jonathan Potter’s edited volume Conversation and Cognition hold a remarkable diversity of views on the nature of “mental states” and their import for the purposes of analyzing naturally occurring interaction. I offer a critical analysis of some of the contributors’ discussions of cognition in social interaction in an effort to clarify some obstinate issues with respect to the meanings of words in our cognitive vocabulary (e.g. “thought” and (...)
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  35.  21
    Sexuality education and religion: From dialogue to conversation.Seán Henry & Joshua M. Heyes - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (5):727-738.
    The relationship between sexuality education and religion is often framed antagonistically, especially when it comes to tensions between the teaching of sexuality education and the priorities of some religious communities. In this paper, we argue that this antagonism can be structured as much by the prevalent forms of engagement that display it (dialogue and debate), as it is by the antagonism between contrasting ethical systems. While we acknowledge the importance of debate and dialogue in the public sphere, we contend that (...)
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    ‘OK, well, first of all, let me say …’: Discursive uses of response initiators in US presidential primary debates.Christoph Schubert - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (4):438-457.
    This article examines the discursive uses of frequent response initiators by Republican and Democratic presidential candidates in the genre of televised US primary debates. Ten full transcripts of debates held between February and April 2016 are investigated from the perspectives of political discourse studies and conversation analysis. It is shown that the response initiators well, first of all, look, you know and let me speech act verb fulfill specific discursive functions in competitive media discourse. On the textual level, candidates exert (...)
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    Framing Big Data: The discursive construction of a radio cell query in Germany.Charlotte Fischer & Christian Pentzold - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (2).
    The article examines the construction of “Big Data” in media discourse. Rather than asking what Big Data really is or is not, it deals with the discursive work that goes into making Big Data a socially relevant phenomenon and problem in the first place. It starts from the idea that in modern societies the public understanding of technology is largely driven by a media-based discourse, which is a key arena for circulating collectively shared meanings. This largely ignored dimension invites us (...)
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    Conversational Resistance and the Varieties of Counterspeech.Eduarda Calado Barbosa & M. Fernandes - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (Special Issue: 13th Principia In):401-422.
    Counterspeech is a kind of communicative resistance that tries to oppose, neutralize or remedy harmful speech. It can be defined as a form of non-coercive intervention that is, in some cases, available for any competent speaker. In recent years, some philosophers of language have focused on analyzing and proposing different varieties of in situ counterspeech in the hopes that their insights about communicative mechanisms can contribute to the identification of efficient strategies. This investigation is however still new and in programmatic (...)
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    The American Philosopher: Conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, Macintyre, Kuhn.Rosanna Crocitto (ed.) - 1994 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this lively look at current debates in American philosophy, leading philosophers talk candidly about the changing character of their discipline. In the spirit of Emerson's _The American Scholar_, this book explores the identity of the American philosopher. Through informal conversations, the participants discuss the rise of post-analytic philosophy in America and its relations to European thought and to the American pragmatist tradition. They comment on their own intellectual development as well as each others' work, charting the course of American (...)
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  40. Symptomatic readings: Žižekian theory as a discursive strategy.Chris McMillan - 2008 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 2 (1).
    Lacanian psychoanalysis, embodied in contemporary thought by Slavoj Žižek’s dialectical materialist rehabilitation of universality, enables a form of political analysis based on the possibility of structural change. Many political theorists argue that because psychoanalysis stresses the negative ontological base of the social it is fundamentally conservative and nihilistic. Conversely, the very political value of psychoanalysis lies in its accent on the Real. The main political insight of Lacanian psychoanalysis is not to reveal the contingency of the social, but rather the (...)
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    ‘From there everything changed’: conversion narrative in the biomimicry movement.Fransina Stradling & Valerie Hobbs - 2025 - Critical Discourse Studies 22 (1):1-18.
    An increasingly influential approach to solving human ecological problems is an innovative design practice known as biomimicry. The Biomimicry Institute, a major stakeholder in the Biomimicry Movement, promotes biomimicry as a practice that mimics nature’s genius to solve human challenges and provides hope of sustainable futures. Despite increasing global interest in the practice, so far little is known about the value placed on biomimicry within practitioner communities. Employing a corpus-assisted discourse-analytic approach, this paper explores the ways video narratives shared by (...)
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    (Mis) leading Britain’s conversation: The cultivation of consent on the Nigel Farage radio phone-in show.Jagon P. Chichon - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (1):3-21.
    In this article, I adopt the socio-cognitive approach to critical discourse analysis to interpret the discourse found on the popular UK radio phone-in programme the Nigel Farage Show. Evidence emerged of positive self-presentation and negative other representation through denials of prejudice, discursive de-racialisation and the use of war metaphors and lexis referencing legality, criminality and the collective. However, the control over this forum was its defining feature which appeared to propagate an anti-immigration stance and normalise the aforementioned lexis. This control (...)
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    Ethics, Politics and the Potential of Dialogism.Craig Brandist - 1999 - Historical Materialism 5 (1):231-254.
    When, in the early 1980s the ideas of post-structuralism seemed rampant within academic critical theory, the appearance of the flawed English translation of Mikhail Bakhtin's central essays on the novel seemed to offer a very promising alternative perspective.1 Bakhtin's model of discursive relations promised to guard the specificity of discourse from being obscured by a web of determinations, while allowing the development of an account of the operations of power and resistance in discourse that could avoid the nullity of Derrida's (...)
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  44. Argumentation in Discourse: A Socio-discursive Approach to Arguments.Ruth Amossy - 2009 - Informal Logic 29 (3):252-267.
    Rather than the art of putting forward logically valid arguments leading to Truth, argumentation is here viewed as the use of verbal means ensuring an agreement on what can be considered reasonable by a given group, on a more or less controversial matter. What is acceptable and plausible is always coconstructed by subjects engaging in verbal interaction. It is the dynamism of this exchange, realized not only in natural language, but also in a specific cultural framework, that has to be (...)
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    Strategy as text and discursive practice: a genre-based approach to strategizing in city administration.Virpi Sorsa, Eero Vaara & Pekka Pälli - 2009 - Discourse and Communication 3 (3):303-318.
    Despite the acknowledged importance of strategic planning in business and other organizations, there are few studies focusing on strategy texts and the related processes of their production and consumption. In this article, we attempt to partially fill this research gap by examining the institutionalized aspects of strategy discourse: what strategy is as genre. Combining textual analysis and analysis of conversation, the article focuses on the official strategy of the City of Lahti in Finland. Our analysis shows how specific communicative purposes (...)
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    Blame attributions and mitigated confessions: The discursive construction of guilty admissions in celebrity TV confessionals.Ruth Parry & Wendy Archer - 2019 - Discourse and Communication 13 (6):591-611.
    Drawing on insights from conversation analysis, discursive psychology and social psychology, this article describes some interactional features of two celebrity TV confessionals and the resources used by the TV interviewers and celebrity guests to attribute, accept or deny responsibility for their transgressions. The analytic interest lies in how confessions are locally and interactionally managed, that is, how ‘doing confessing’ is achieved in the television interview context. We show how the host’s opening turn constrains the celebrity guest’s contribution and secures overt (...)
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    “Can I Have a Look?”: The Discursive Management of Victims’ Personal Space During Police First Response Call-Outs to Domestic Abuse Incidents.Kate Steel - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (2):547-572.
    The complexities of domestic abuse as both a lived experience and a crime generate unique communicative challenges at the scene of emergency police call-outs. Space is a prominent and complex feature of these ecounters, entailing a juxtaposition of the institutional and the private, whereby frontline officers seek evidence of abuse from victims in the same space in which the abuse occurred. This paper explores how speakers manage one evidentially salient aspect of these encounters: officers’ advancement into victim’s immediate personal space (...)
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    Improving the agri-food biotechnology conversation: bridging science communication with science and technology studies.Garrett M. Broad - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):929-938.
    At a time when agri-food biotechnologies are receiving a surge of investment, innovation, and public interest in the United States, it is common to hear both supporters and critics call for open and inclusive dialogue on the topic. Social scientists have a potentially important role to play in these discursive engagements, but the legacy of the intractable genetically modified (GM) food debate calls for some reflection regarding the best ways to shape the norms of that conversation. This commentary argues that (...)
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  49. Conversation with Robert Brandom.Pietro Salis - 2018 - Aphex (18):1-27.
    In this broad interview Robert Brandom talks about many themes concerning his work and about his career and education. Brandom reconstructs the main debts that he owes to colleagues and teachers, especially Wilfrid Sellars, Richard Rorty, and David Lewis, and talks about the projects he’s currently working on. He also talks about contemporary and classical pragmatism, and of the importance of classical thinkers like Kant and Hegel for contemporary debates. Other themes go deeper into the principal topics of his theoretical (...)
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  50. Responsibility and the Limits of Conversation.Manuel R. Vargas - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (2):221-240.
    Both legal and moral theorists have offered broadly “communicative” theories of criminal and moral responsibility. According to such accounts, we can understand the nature of responsibility by appealing to the idea that responsibility practices are in some fundamental sense expressive, discursive, or communicative. In this essay, I consider a variety of issues in connections with this family of views, including its relationship to free will, the theory of exemptions, and potential alternatives to the communicative model. Focusing on Michael McKenna’s Conversation (...)
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