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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "Queen's University Research Portal"

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  1. Philosophical Advice.David Archard - 2021 - Philosophy 96 (4):603-623.
    Philosophers who publish articles that make practical ethical recommendations are thereby offering advice. I consider what obligations they incur in advising. I analyse the giving of advice as a communicative act whose defining and characteristic aim is to secure acceptance of what is advised. Such advice need not be solicited or taken up. I distinguish advice from incitement and threats and specify the scope of the adviser's responsibility for others acting upon the advice. I explore how advice can be bad (...)
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  2. Review of Peter Baumann, Epistemic Contextualism. [REVIEW]Roger Clarke - forthcoming - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism:1-6.
  3. Transcribing speech: Practicalities, Philosophies and Prophesies.Joan Rahilly - 2011 - Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 25 (11-12):934-939.
    This article outlines the main practical and philosophical developments which have contributed to current approaches to phonetic transcription. Particular contributions from scholars in the field are highlighted as seminal in shaping transcription work. Consideration is also given to the ways in which insights from clinical transcription impact upon the analysis of non-clinical data. Finally, the trends which look set to emerge in future transcription practice and research are speculated upon.
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  4. Enchantment - Disenchantment-Re-Enchantment: Postdigital Relationships between Science, Philosophy, and Religion.Petar Jandric, Alison MacKenzie & Ibrar Bhatt - forthcoming - Postdigital Science and Education.
    This collectively written article explores postdigital relationships between science, philosophy, and religion within the continuum of enchantment, disenchantment, and re-enchantment. Contributions are broadly classified within four sections related to academic fields of philosophy, theology, critical theory, and postdigital studies. The article reveals complex and nuanced relationships between various disciplinary perspectives, religions, and political positions, and points towards lot of commonalities between their views to the enchantment, disenchantment, re-enchantment continuum. Some commonly discussed questions include: Where do the mythical, mystical and spiritual (...)
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  5. The nature of measurement, and the true value of a measured quantity.H. Kirkham, A. Riepnieks, M. Albu & D. Laverty - 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC).
    The words 'true value' assume an existential relationship with the thing being measured. There is assumed to exist some aspect of the thing being measured that is independent of its relationship to the person who is interested in the result of the measurement. Yet measurement is a response to the need of an observer to know something about the real world. There is therefore an epistemological aspect to measurement. Some aspect of measurement has to do with the observer as a (...)
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  6. Uncovering epistemological assumptions underlying research in information studies.Steve Fuller, Birger Hjørland, Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, Lai Ma, Jens Erik Mai, Joseph Tennis & Julian Warner - 2013 - Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 50 (1):1-4.
    There have been several calls from LIS researchers for practical or applied research not to ignore the epistemological assumptions underlying the systems and artifacts they design lest they showcase only the dominant theory at a given time. Others have also deplored the "epistemological promiscuity" or "eclecticism" of the field, its incessant borrowing of theories and models from elsewhere and the fact that the field has largely neglected the contributions that philosophy and epistemology could have made in its research. This problem (...)
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  7. 'From the margins’: Exploring the marginalisation, exclusion and oppression of overlooked groups in philosophy of education.Alison MacKenzie, Judith Suissa & Murray Roberts - 2020 - International Journal of Educational Research 99.
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  8. (1 other version)Review: Ex-Cinema: From a Theory of Experimental film and Video.Aimee Mollaghan - 2019 - Film-Philosophy 19 (1).
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  9. A Consideration of the Absolute in Visual Music Animation.Aimee Mollaghan - 2019 - In Miriam Harris, Lilly Husbands & Paul Taberham (eds.), Experimental Animation: from Analogue to Digital. Routledge. pp. 37-50.
    The idea of the absolute film first emerged in the early part of the twentieth century, reinforcing the philosophical or aesthetic connection between a certain body of non-objective moving image productions and non-programmatic music. Drawing on the notion of absolute music as a music free from extra-musical consideration, the absolute film might sensibly be defined as a moving image presentation that is abstract and non-figurative in nature without overt programme or narrative. This book chapter extends the musical analogy further to (...)
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  10. Ethics and Chronic Illness.Tom Walker - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    Healthcare ethics has to date had very little to say about the treatment of chronic illness. That is problematic. Chronic illness differs from other illnesses in that: 1. in most cases it cannot be cured; 2. patients can live with it for many years; and 3. its day to day management is typically carried out, not by healthcare professionals, but by the patient and/or members of their family. These features problematise key distinctions that underlie much existing work in healthcare ethics (...)
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  11. Just Google it! Digital literacy and the epistemology of ignorance.Ibrar Bhatt & Alison MacKenzie - 2019 - Teaching in Higher Education 24 (3):302-317.
    In this paper we examine digital literacy and explicate how it relates to the philosophical study of ignorance. Using data from a study which explores the knowledge producing work of undergraduate students as they wrote course assignments, we argue that a social practice approach to digital literacy can help explain how epistemologies of ignorance may be sustained. If students are restricted in what they can know because they are unaware of exogenous actors, and how they guide choices and shape experiences (...)
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  12. The Nature of Party Categories in Two-Party and Multiparty Systems.Stephen P. Nicholson, Christopher J. Carman, Chelsea M. Coe, Aidan Feeney, Balázs Fehér, Brett K. Hayes, Christopher Kam, Jeffrey A. Karp, Gergo Vaczi & Evan Heit - 2018 - Political Psychology 39:279-304.
    Categories are one of the primary ways by which people make sense of complex environments. For political environments, parties are especially useful categories. By simplifying political life, party categories enable people to make sense of politics. A fundamental characteristic of party categories is that they minimize perceived differences of members within a party and maximize perceived differences between members of different parties. In two-party systems, politicians in leftist parties will often be perceived as highly differentiated from politicians in right-wing parties. (...)
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  13. Modelling science trustworthiness under publish or perish pressure.David Robert Grimes, Chris T. Bauch & John P. A. Ioannidis - 2018 - Royal Society Open Science 5 (1).
    Scientific publication is immensely important to the scientific endeavour. There is, however, concern that rewarding scientists chiefly on publication creates a perverse incentive, allowing careless and fraudulent conduct to thrive, compounded by the predisposition of top-tier journals towards novel, positive findings rather than investigations confirming null hypothesis. This potentially compounds a reproducibility crisis in several fields, and risks undermining science and public trust in scientific findings. To date, there has been comparatively little modelling on factors that influence science trustworthiness, despite (...)
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  14. Doing Research in 'Punk Indonesia': Notes towards a non-exploitative insider methodology.Donaghey Jim - 2017 - Punk and Post Punk 6 (2):291-314.
    Researching punk from an insider perspective throws up important challenges, and in the context of Indonesia these issues are further complicated and intensified. This article draws on the author’s experience of, and reflections on, the process of researching ‘punk Indonesia’, augmented with reflective contributions from nine other social theorists, ethnographers and anthropologists, to suggest a research methodology that is dialogical and non-exploitative while remaining rigorous, analytical and critical. The academy’s relationship to punk has often been identified as intrusive and exploitative (...)
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  15. Images of behavioral analysis: The shaping game and the behavioral stream.Michael Keenan & Karola Dillenburger - unknown
    This paper points to the lack of scientific images, including moving images, for promoting behavior analysis. Examples of what could be done to rectify this situation are contained in two teaching gambits that address practical and philosophical issues in the analysis of behavior. The first gambit is an elaboration of the shaping game that highlights issues associated with discriminative control and the role of private events in the analysis of behavior. The second gambit uses specially designed graphics, both 2-D and (...)
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  16. Heeding human dignity's call: C Dupré, The Age of Dignity.Natasa Mavronicola - unknown
    Bob Dylan famously searched high and low for it and left us wondering ‘what it’s gonna take’ to find it. These days, the elusive dignity – and her equally, if not more, elusive cousin human dignity – has captured the imagination of not just the poet and philosopher, but also, in light of its increasing prominence in an array of legal contexts, the legal scholar. Catherine Dupré’s The Age of Dignity comes at a high point in dignity scholarship, with the (...)
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  17. Contextualism about Belief Ascriptions.Clarke Roger - 2017 - In Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Contextualism. New York: Routledge. pp. 400-410.
  18. Evidential holism.Joe Morrison - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (6):e12417.
    Evidential holism begins with something like the claim that “it is only jointly as a theory that scientific statements imply their observable consequences.” This is the holistic claim that Elliott Sober tells us is an “unexceptional observation”. But variations on this “unexceptional” claim feature as a premise in a series of controversial arguments for radical conclusions, such as that there is no analytic or synthetic distinction that the meaning of a sentence cannot be understood without understanding the whole language of (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Maximize your Pleasure.Richard Schoch - 2011 - In Felicia A. Huppert & P. Alex Linley (eds.), Happiness and Well-Being. Routledge. pp. 27-47.
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  20. C Dupré, The Age of Dignity.Natasa Mavronicola - unknown
    Bob Dylan famously searched high and low for it and left us wondering ‘what it’s gonna take’ to find it. These days, the elusive dignity – and her equally, if not more, elusive cousin human dignity – has captured the imagination of not just the poet and philosopher, but also, in light of its increasing prominence in an array of legal contexts, the legal scholar. Catherine Dupré’s The Age of Dignity comes at a high point in dignity scholarship, with the (...)
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  21. Together we are Two : The Disjunctive Synthesis in Affirmative Mode.Lisette Josephides - 2015 - In Knowledge and ethics in anthropology: obligations and requirements. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, Plc.
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  22. Together We Are Two::the contexts of knowledge.Lisette Josephides - unknown
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  23. Maximize your Pleasure.Richard Schoch - 2011 - In Felicia A. Huppert & P. Alex Linley (eds.), Happiness and Well-Being. Routledge. pp. 27-47.
    A essay on the epicurean philosophy of happiness and well-being.
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  24. (1 other version)Maximize your Pleasure.Richard Schoch - 2011 - In Felicia A. Huppert & P. Alex Linley (eds.), Happiness and Well-Being. Routledge. pp. 27-47.
    A essay on the epicurean philosophy of happiness and well-being.
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  25. ARTICLE: Anarchy and International Law: The Approaches of Hedley Bull and Noam Chomsky.Jean Allain - unknown
    Are anarchy and the law antithetical? Not so, as for more than 350 years international law has governed a legal order based on anarchy; wherein no central authority exists and law functions not on the basis of coercion but on cooperation whereby States must agree to each specific laws before it is bound by its obligations. This article contemplates two manners in which an anarchist might consider international law interesting: first, as a legal system which governs an anarchical society as (...)
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  26. Human Rights and the Environment.John Barry & Kerri Woods - unknown
  27. Opinion:molecular gestalt and modern pathology.Jason Y. Chan & Manuel Salto-Tellez - unknown
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  28. Social Identity and Youth Aggressive and Delinquent Behaviors in a Context of Political Violence.Christine E. Merrilees, Ed Cairns, Laura K. Taylor, Marcie C. Goeke-Morey, Peter Shirlow & E. Mark Cummings - unknown
    The goal of the current study was to examine the moderating role of in-group social identity on relations between youth exposure to sectarian antisocial behavior in the community and aggressive behaviors. Participants included 770 mother-child dyads living in interfaced neighborhoods of Belfast. Youth answered questions about aggressive and delinquent behaviors as well as the extent to which they targeted their behaviors toward members of the other group. Structural equation modeling results show that youth exposure to sectarian antisocial behavior is linked (...)
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  29. Men, Women, and Religiosity in Northern Ireland: Testing the Theories.Paula Devine - unknown
    Previous research suggests that females are more religious than males. Four theories have been put forward to explain this. This article uses cross-sectional survey data from the 2008 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey to test two of these theories, based on a newly developed scale measuring religiosity. The analysis indicates strong support for the socialisation theory, but not necessarily for structural location. Separate analysis for men and women indicates a similar pattern, although the effect of individual variables is different (...)
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  30. Defending the Faith?:Democracy and Hereditary Right in England.Jackie Abell & Clifford Stevenson - unknown
    The persistence of traditional monarchies in modern societies, which are otherwise characterized by democratic and egalitarian values, remains a paradox in the social sciences. In part this is attributable to the lack of psychological investigation into the relationship between subject and sovereign, and in particular the ways in which the political and social values of the citizenry shape understandings of a hereditary monarch’s right to represent a national community. Adopting the qualitative analysis methods of discursive psychology and grounded theory, the (...)
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  31. Alcohol delays the emergence of the fetal elicited startle response, but only transiently.Peter Hepper, J. C. Dornan, Catherine Lynch & J. F. Maguire - unknown
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  32. Indigenous rights in Chile: National identity and majority group support for multicultural policies.Samuel Pehrson, Roberto Gonzalez & Rupert Brown - unknown
    We examine support for policies affecting indigenous ethnic minorities in Chile. Specifically, we examine the role of national group definitions that include the largest indigenous group—the Mapuche—in different ways. Based on questionnaire data from nonindigenous Chilean students, we empirically distinguish iconic inclusion, whereby the Mapuche are seen as an important part of Chile's history and identity on the one hand, from egalitarian inclusion, which represents the Mapuche as citizens of equal importance to the nonindigenous majority on the other. Both forms (...)
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  33. On Suffering and Sympathy: Jude the Obscure, Evolution and Ethics.Caroline Sumpter - unknown
    This article links Thomas Hardy’s exploration of sympathy in Jude the Obscure to contemporary scientific debates over moral evolution. Tracing the relationship between pessimism, progressivism, and determinism in Hardy’s understanding of sympathy, it also considers Hardy’s conception of the author as enlarger of “social sympathies”--a position, I argue, that was shaped by Leslie Stephen’s advocacy of novel writing as moral art. Considering Hardy’s engagement with writings by Charles Darwin, T. H. Huxley, Herbert Spencer, and others, I explore the novel’s participation (...)
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  34. Towards a Poetics of the Cinematographic Frame. Des O'Rawe - unknown
    In delineating a poetics of the cinematographic frame, this essay presents a typology of framing styles, and demonstrates ways in which filmmakers use the frame as an expressive resource—and ways in which the frame uses them. The examples discussed are modernist in orientation, and each has a particular association with a city—its history, architecture, and cultural character. Although it is common practice to refer to various—especially, modernist—framing situations as instances of deframing, the essay also enquires into the problematic nature of (...)
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  35. Bracketing: practical considerations in Husserlian phenomenological research.Conal Hamill - 2010 - Nurse Researcher 17 (2):16-24.
    Nursing research leans heavily towards naturalism, with phenomenology commonly adopted. The three main schools of phenomenology used are Husserl's descriptive approach, Heidegger's interpretive hermeneutic approach and the Dutch Utrecht School of phenomenology which combines characteristics of both. Husserl's approach--the description of ordinary human experiences as perceived by each individual--involves four main steps: bracketing, intuiting, analysing and describing. Many phenomenological nurse researchers consciously decide to adopt a Heideggerian approach because of the perceived difficulties in achieving bracketing. This paper examines the concept (...)
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  36. Lessons from 'The Wire': Epistemological Reflections on the Practice of Sociological Research.Matthew Wood - unknown
    Recent debates and controversies have highlighted several issues surrounding sociological research, which relate to the general conditions under which it is undertaken and how this is changing. There is a pressing need to respond to these issues as a whole, in particular by examining what they tell us about research practices. This article argues that a consideration of themes raised by the American television drama The Wire is useful for facilitating such a response, since it may be read as a (...)
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  37. Reason and Violence: arguements from force.David Evans - unknown
  38. Manual mapping of drumlins in synthetic landscapes to assess operator effectiveness.John Hillier, Mike J. Smith, R. Armugam, Iestyn David Barr, Claire Boston, Chris D. Clark, Jeremy Ely, Amaury Frankl, Sarah L. Greenwood, L. Gosselin, Clas Hättestrand, Kelly Hogan, Anna L. C. Hughes, Stephen J. Livingstone, Harold Lovell, Maureen McHenry, Yuribia Muñoz, Xavier M. Pellicer, Ramon Pellitero, Ciaran Robb, Sam Roberson, Denise Ruther, Matteo Spagnolo, Matt Standell, Chris Stokes, Rob Storrar, Nicholas Tate & Katie Wooldridge - unknown
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  39. Implications of Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy for Learning and Teaching.Ian Cantley - unknown
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  40. Real bodies, real needs.Samuel Porter - unknown
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  41. Non-separability in intentional predicates: A radical re-conceptualisation of learning and teaching.Ian Cantley - unknown
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  42. The OpenPMU Project: Challenges and perspectives.David Laverty, Luigi Vanfretti, Iyad Al-Khatib, Viktor Applegreen, Robert Best & D. John Morrow - unknown
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  43. From Natural Law to Legal Realism.Bruce Wardhaugh - unknown
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  44. Accelerating code on multi-cores with FastFlow.M. Aldinucci, M. Danelutto, P. Kilpatrick, M. Meneghin & M. Torquati - unknown
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  45. The stress process in palliative cancer care.K. Brazil, D. Bainbridge & C. Rodriguez - unknown
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  46. Confined Site Construction: A qualitative investigation of critical issues affecting management of Health and Safety.John Spillane, Lukumon Oyedele, Jason Von Meding, Ashwini Konanahalli, Babatunde E. Jaiyeoba & Iyabo K. Tijani - unknown
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  47. James Croll, metaphysical geologist.Diarmid A. Finnegan - unknown
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  48. The Sacred and the Obscure: Greek in the Carolingian Reception of Martianus Capella.Sinead O'Sullivan - unknown
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  49. 'Doing it with men': feminist research practice and patriarchal inheritance practices in Welsh family farming.Linda Price - unknown
  50. The postmodernist war on evidence-based practice.Samuel Porter & Peter O'Halloran - unknown
  51. Validity, trustworthiness and rigour:reasserting realism in qualitative research.Samuel Porter - unknown
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  52. Collaborative Planning in an Uncollaborative World.Frank Gaffikin & R. Brand - unknown
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  53. The Growth of US Credit Unions.Donal McKillop, J. Goddard & J. Wilson - unknown
  54. Historians and Their Duties.Jonathan Gorman - 2004 - History and Theory 43 (4):103-117.
    We need to specify what ethical responsibility historians, as historians, owe, and to whom. We should distinguish between natural duties and obligations, and recognize that historians' ethical responsibility is of the latter kind. We can discover this responsibility by using the concept of “accountability”. Historical knowledge is central. Historians' central ethical responsibility is that they ought to tell the objective truth. This is not a duty shared with everybody, for the right to truth varies with the audience. Being a historian (...)
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