Results for 'Amaury Frankl'

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  1.  11
    Sinn und Leben: Annäherung an Viktor E. Frankl.Michael Gutownig, Angelika Trattnig & Viktor E. Frankl (eds.) - 2017 - Klagenfurt: Mohorjeva Hermagoras.
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    Resenhas v. 4 n. 8.Amauri Carlos Ferreira, Antônio Francisco da Silva, Ivonei Antônio de Oliveira, João Batista Libanio, Lindomar Rocha Mota & Roberlei Panasiewicz - 2006 - Horizonte 4 (8):153-171.
    SENA, Luzia (Org.). Ensino religioso e formação docente . (Religious teaching and teacher qualification) Amauri Carlos Ferreira SANGENIS, Luiz Fernando Conde. Gênese do pensamento único em educação: franciscanismo e jesuitismo na história da educação brasileira. (Genesis of an only thought in education: franciscanism and Jesuitism in the history of Brazilian education) Antônio Francisco da Silva TREVISAN, A. Santo Tomás de Aquino – O Credo: tradução, prefácio, introdução e notas. (Saint Thomas of Aquinas – The Creed: translation, preface, introduction and notes) (...)
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  3. Reductionism and nihilism Viktor E. Frankl.Viktor E. Frankl - 1969 - In Arthur Koestler & John Raymond Smythies, Beyond reductionism: new perspectives in the life sciences. London,: Hutchinson. pp. 396.
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  4. Man's Search for Meaning: An Introductory to Logotherapy.V. E. FRANKL - 1962
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    Modulando o Espaço-Temporal Na Tela: A Noção de Pinturacomo Desdobramentos Do Mundo Visível.Amauri Carboni Bitencourt - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 16 (40):16-32.
    Com este texto objetivamos mostrar que cor, linha e movimento, não são apenas conceitos da linguagem visual, mas elementos que nos permitem perceber, metaforicamente, “ramos do Ser”. Ao contrário de inferir verdades ou essências, como se tivéssemos o controle “absoluto” de nossa vida e, por consequência, de nossas criações, a pintura nos insere na ambiguidade do mundo visível ao qual estamos imersos. Assim, cor, linha e movimento nos dão um meio de adentrarmos no universo ontológico do qual nós, de fato, (...)
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    Path Integrals in a Multiply-Connected Configuration Space.Amaury Mouchet - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (6):1-25.
    The proposal made 50 years ago by Schulman :1558–1569, 1968), Laidlaw and Morette-DeWitt :1375–1378, 1971) and Dowker to decompose the propagator according to the homotopy classes of paths was a major breakthrough: it showed how Feynman functional integrals opened a direct window on quantum properties of topological origin in the configuration space. This paper casts a critical look at the arguments brought by this series of papers and its numerous followers in an attempt to clarify the reason why the emergence (...)
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  7. China: Estado, revolução e desenvolvimentismo.Amaury Porto Oliveira - 2004 - Princípios 75:43-48.
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    Dos lugares: cidade e imaginário religioso.Amauri Carlos Ferreira & Yonne Grossi - 2005 - Horizonte 3 (6):47-58.
    Dois temas atravessam este artigo: cidade e imaginário religioso. Como pressupostos referenciais trabalha-se a problemática do espaço e dos lugares. De sua interação emerge a origem da Igreja, o contexto da formação católica brasileira e sua inscrição no campo do imaginário. Palavras-chave: Cidade; Imaginário religioso; Espaço/lugar; História. ABSTRACT This article comprises two themes: the city and the religious imaginary, approached with basis on the concepts of space and places. From their interaction emerge the origin of the Church, the context of (...)
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    The Development of a Multidimensional Inventory for the Assessment of Mental Pain (FESSTE 30).Karin Flenreiss-Frankl, Jürgen Fuchshuber & Human Friedrich Unterrainer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:656862.
    Background:Although the term “mental pain” is often the subject of expert opinions regarding claims for damages, there is still no standardized questionnaire in the German-speaking area to operationalize this concept. Therefore, the aim of this work is the development and validation of a self-assessment measurement for psychological pain after traumatic events (FESSTE).Methods:A first version of the questionnaire was applied on a sample of the German speaking general population (N=425; 88% female). After performing an item analysis and exploratory factor analysis, the (...)
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  10. Metafísica católica y matemática infinitesimal.(Nicolas de Cues y Blaise Pascal).Victor Frankl - 1952 - Ideas Y Valores 2 (6):445-71.
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    On the Theory and Therapy of Mental Disorders: An Introduction to Logotherapy and Existential Analysis.Viktor Emil Frankl & James M. Dubois - 2004 - Routledge.
    Available for the first time in English, this work explores a range of mental disorders in the context of Frankl's theory of human motivation. Skillfully translated and featuring extensive annotation, this English language edition remains true to the original while updating assessment and treatment protocols to be compatible with 21st century medicine. As the title suggests, On the Theory and Therapy of Mental Disorders applies a theoretical treatise to the practical treatment of variety of disorders. This long-awaited addition to (...)
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  12. Die Existenzanalyse und die Probleme der Zeit.Viktor E. Frankl - 1947 - Wien,: Amandus-Edition.
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  13. The philosophical foundations of logotherapy.Viktor E. Frankl - 1964 - In Erwin W. Straus, Phenomenology: pure and applied. Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University Press. pp. 43.
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  14. Altes Ethos, neues Tabu: Colloquium Köln 1974: [Vorträge u. Aussprachen d. Colloquiums Altes Ethos, Neues Tabu].Viktor E. Frankl, Josef Pieper & Helmut Schoeck (eds.) - 1974 - Köln: Adamas-Verlag.
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    Some Notes on the Yakut Verbal Suffixes -yaƚā-, -iälǟ-, -uoƚā-, -üölǟ- and -aƚā-, äƚǟ-Some Notes on the Yakut Verbal Suffixes -yala-, -iala-, -uola-, -uola- and -ala-, ala-.Eleanor Frankle - 1951 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 71 (1):75.
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  16. Zum Verstandnis von Spinozas Ethik.W. M. Frankl - 1907 - Philosophical Review 16:349.
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    Viver sem Deus e sem Religião: a vida possível no ateísmo (Living without God and religion: the possibility of atheism) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2010v8n18p85. [REVIEW]Amauri Carlos Ferreira - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (18):85-103.
    É possível viver no mundo sem Deus? É possível viver no mundo sem religião? O autor deste texto apresenta uma resposta afirmativa a essas indagações, fundamentando-a com as ideias de Bertrand Russell. Para o autor, quando a noção de viver bem é fundamentada na verdade provisória da ciência e contrária à vida proposta pela religião, os fiéis e os representantes eclesiásticos utilizam argumentos emocionais e falaciosos para postular a verdade da fé. Ele parte do pressuposto de que entre religião e (...)
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    A Turkish-English Dictionary.Eleanor Frankle & H. C. Hony - 1950 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 70 (4):315.
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  19. Determinism and humanism.V. Frankl - 1971 - Humanitas 7 (1):23-36.
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    IV. Dialog: Platon oder Über die ersten Dinge zur Einführung in die Methode des Platonismus.Wilhelm M. Frankl - 1917 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 30 (1-4):78-84.
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    Platonismus.Wilh M. Frankl - 1910 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 23 (1-4):512-517.
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    Das system der kunstwissenschaft.Paul Frankl - 1938 - Brünn und Leipzig,: R. M. Rohrer.
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    VII. Über Anaximanders Hauptphilosophem.Wilhelm M. Frankl - 1911 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 24 (2):195-196.
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  24. What is meant by meaning.Viktor E. Frankl - 1974 - [New York,: J. Norton Publishers. Edited by Jeremiah W. Canning.
  25.  33
    Zum Verständnis von Spinozas „Ethik“. Ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte philosophischer Systeme.Wilh M. Frankl - 1906 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 19 (2):218-224.
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    In defense of the one-factor doxastic account: A phenomenal account of delusions.B. S. Lana Frankle - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 94 (C):103181.
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    II. Arthur Schopenhauers Philosophie.Wilhelm M. Frankl - 1920 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 32 (1):27-47.
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  28. Über Anaximanders Hauptphilosophem.Dr Frankl-mährisch - 1911 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 24:195.
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    III. Alexius Meinong.Wilh M. Frankl - 1922 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 34 (1-2):41-80.
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    Logos und Existenz.Viktor Emil Frankl - 1951 - [Wien]: Amandus-Verlag.
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  31. Thales und der Magnetstein.Frankl - 1923 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 35:151.
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    De Dieu qui vient à l'homme: l'œuvre de Joseph Moingt.Amaury Begasse de Dhaem - 2010 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 132 (1):24-44.
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    Deus summe cognoscibilis: the current theological relevance of Saint Bonaventure: international congress, Rome, November 15-17, 2017.Amaury Begasse de Dhaem, Enzo Galli, Maurizio Malaguti, Rafael Pascual, Salto Solá & Carlos Esteban (eds.) - 2018 - Bristol, CT: Peeters.
    The volume presents the proceedings of the international symposium, fruit of a common research project engaged in by 48 scholars, that took place in Rome to celebrate the 8th centennial of Saint Bonaventure's birth. The theme, "Deus summe cognoscibilis", could sound, in the contemporary agnostic, secular context, like a provocation. The approach, however, of the symposium was to consider "the current theological relevance of Saint Bonaventure", focusing on thinking with our author about a number of themes: theological method (philosophy, theology (...)
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  34. Sri Aurobindo and Human Unity.Amaury de Riencourt - 1974 - In Aurobindo Ghose, Srinivasa Iyengar & R. K., Sri Aurobindo: a centenary tribute. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press.
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    Le Pacifique et la France.Amaury du Chene - 2002 - Hermes 32:495.
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    Dissertações e Teses v.2 n.4.Alexandre da Costa, Amauri Carlos Ferreira, Davidson Sepini Gonçalves, Aurino José Góis & Paulo Antônio Couto Faria - 2004 - Horizonte 2 (4):159-164.
    COSTA, Alexandre da. Fundamentos da bioética: estudo sobre o pensamento de Hugo Tristram Engelhardt Jr. FERREIRA, Amauri Carlos. O imaginário religioso e modos de vida urbana: experiência e memória da Juventude Católica em Belo Horizonte – MG, anos 80. GONÇALVES, Davidson Sepini. O Panóptico de Jeremy Bentham: por uma leitura utilitarista. GÓIS, Aurino José. Parque Municipal de Belo Horizonte: público, apropriações e significados. FARIA, Paulo Antônio Couto. Teologia no limiar da filosofia: a modernidade e o encontro fé e razão na (...)
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    Aprendizagem política e metodologia: grupo espiritualidade e partilha.Stephen Silva Simim & Amauri Carlos Ferreira - 2024 - Horizonte 21 (64):206310-206310.
    O artigo aborda como a aprendizagem política de jovens católicos que participaram do Grupo Espiritualidade e Partilha (GEP), na década de 1990, na periferia norte de Belo Horizonte- Minas Gerais, vivenciaram um modo de ser Igreja mediante uma metodologia própria. Os objetivos são descrever e analisar a significativa aprendizagem política de jovens católicos que participaram nas origens da elaboração da metodologia de formação do grupo de jovens e sua extensão na aprendizagem política; compreender como a metodologia criada ofereceu às juventudes (...)
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    Aprendizagem política e metodologia.Stephen Silva Simim & Amauri Carlos Ferreira - 2023 - Horizonte 20 (63):e206310.
    O artigo aborda como a aprendizagem política de jovens católicos que participaram do Grupo Espiritualidade e Partilha (GEP), na década de 1990, na periferia norte de Belo Horizonte- Minas Gerais, vivenciaram um modo de ser Igreja mediante uma metodologia própria. Os objetivos são descrever e analisar a significativa aprendizagem política de jovens católicos que participaram nas origens da elaboração da metodologia de formação do grupo de jovens e sua extensão na aprendizagem política; compreender como a metodologia criada ofereceu às juventudes (...)
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    Da identidade religiosa: a singularidade judaica em Belo Horizonte em tempos de migração.Júlia Calvo & Amauri Carlos Ferreira - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):226-248.
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    Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Jeffery Aubin, Marie Chantal, Dianne M. Cole, Julio Cesar Dias Chaves, Cathelyne Duchesne, Christel Freu, Steve Johnston, Brice C. Jones, Amaury Levillayer, Stéphanie Machabée, Paul-Hubert Poirier, Philippe Therrien, Jonathan I. von Kodar, Martin Voyer, Jennifer K. Wees & Eric Crégheur - 2013 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 69 (2):327.
    Jeffery Aubin ,Marie Chantal ,Dianne Cole ,Julio Chaves ,Cathelyne Duchesne ,Christel Freu ,Steve Johnston ,Brice Jones ,Amaury Levillayer ,Stéphanie Machabée ,Paul-Hubert Poirier ,Philippe Therrien ,Jonathan von Kodar ,Martin Voyer ,Jennifer Wees ,Eric Crégheur.
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    My Health Too: Investigating the Feasibility and the Acceptability of an Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Program Developed for Healthcare Workers.Raven Bureau, Doha Bemmouna, Clara Gitahy Falcao Faria, Anne-Aline Catteau Goethals, Floriane Douhet, Amaury C. Mengin, Aurélie Fritsch, Anna Zinetti Bertschy, Isabelle Frey & Luisa Weiner - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The COVID-19 crisis has had a considerable mental health impact on healthcare workers. High levels of psychological distress are expected to have a significant impact on healthcare systems, warranting the need for evidence-based psychological interventions targeting stress and fostering resilience in this population. Online cognitive behavioral therapy has proved to be effective in targeting stress and promoting resilience. However, online CBT programs targeting stress in healthcare workers are lacking.Objective: The aim of our study is to evaluate the feasibility and (...)
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    On array models theoretical predictions versus measurements for the growth of cells and dendrites in the transient solidification of binary alloys.José E. Spinelli, Noé Cheung & Amauri Garcia - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (12):1705-1723.
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    The Effects of an Appropriate Behavior Program on Elementary School Children Social Skills Development in Physical Education.Pedro Gil-Madrona, Eva Cristina Gutiérrez-Marín, Marcos Cupani, Amaury Samalot-Rivera, Arturo Díaz-Suárez & Guillermo F. López-Sánchez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Growth of tertiary dendritic arms during the transient directional solidification of hypoeutectic Pb–Sb alloys.Emmanuelle S. Freitas, Daniel M. Rosa, Amauri Garcia & José E. Spinelli - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (35):4474-4485.
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    Book Review Section. [REVIEW]William A. Hunter, Barbara A. Yates, John Harrison, Frederick E. Salzillo, Faustine Childress Jones, Joseph Kirschner, Betty Frankle Kirschner, Christopher J. Lucas, Harvey Neufeldt, Morris L. Bigge, Lois M. R. Louden & Richard W. Saxe - 1976 - Educational Studies 7 (2):201-224.
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  46. Viktor Frankl: sentido y esperanza (un sí a la vida bajo cualquier circunstancia). Algunos problemas del mensaje frankleano en la Shoah.Antonia Tejeda Barros - 2024 - Cuadernos Judaicos 42:51-73.
    RESUMEN: Viktor Frankl es el pensador del sentido y de la esperanza. Superviviente del Holocausto, perdió a sus padres, a su hermano y a su mujer en la Shoah. Frankl jamás se rindió al desaliento y apostó por ser optimista a pesar de la tríada trágica de la vida (el sufrimiento, la culpa y la muerte). Su tesis es un sí a la vida con mayúsculas: el ser humano es un ser en busca de sentido, y la vida (...)
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  47. Viktor Frankl und die gegenwärtige philosophische Sinndiskussion: Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des sinnvollen Lebens in Psychotherapie, Psychiatrie und Philosophie.Roland Kipke - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 5 (2):243-282.
    Das sinnvolle Leben ist nicht nur in der gegenwärtigen Philosophie wieder verstärkt ein Thema, sondern auch in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Bereits seit langer Zeit jedoch spielt es eine zentrale Rolle in der Existenzanalyse und Logotherapie, die der Psychiater Viktor E. Frankl entwickelt hat. Frankls eigenständige Sinntheorie wird in der gegenwärtigen philosophischen Sinndebatte allerdings weitestgehend ignoriert. Das Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, diesen Zustand zu beenden und die heutige philosophische Sinndebatte mit Frankl ins Gespräch zu bringen. Einerseits geht es (...)
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  48. Viktor Frankl on all people’s freedom to find their lives meaningful.Iddo Landau - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (4):379-386.
    According to Viktor Frankl, although people are not always free to choose the conditions in which they find themselves, they are always free to choose their attitude towards these conditions and, thus, are always free to find their lives meaningful. This basic tenet of Frankl’s theory is also often repeated approvingly in the secondary literature. I argue that the claim is wrong; not all people are free to find their lives meaningful. Counterexamples include people who suffer from severe (...)
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    Konchalovsky, Frankl, Freedom: Reconsidering Runaway Train.Morgan Rempel - 2021 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 13 (3):247-257.
    One of several life-affirming themes in Viktor Frankl’s classic Man’s Search for Meaning is the inviolate character of human freedom. Contrasting what he calls “inner freedom” with the dire external restrictions he experienced as a prisoner at Auschwitz and other concentration camps, Frankl insists that no matter how restrictive and dehumanizing one’s situation, the exercise of this internal freedom is always a possibility. Similar sentiments are found in Camus’s The Myth of Sisyphus. Though it contains elements of a (...)
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    Frankls moralischer Imperativ: die ethische Dimension in Viktor Frankls psychotherapeutischem/philosophischem Menschenbild.Theresia Maria Leitner-Schweighofer - 2009 - New York: P. Lang.
    Mündige Personen legen Wert auf ihre Verantwortlichkeit, die sie nicht von der Bürde der Entscheidung entlastet. Eine an universellen Prinzipien orientierte Entscheidungsethik kann einen problemlösungsorientierten Lebensvollzug fördern. Sie orientiert sich an der Erweiterung von Verantwortung und Glück im Umgang und Austausch des Subjekts mit der Außenwelt. Die Erklärung und Begründung dieser Annahme sind das Ziel der Arbeit. Ihre Perspektive richtet sich auf die Verknüpfung einer bedingungsanalytischen Konzeption gelingenden glücklichen Lebens als Grundlage einer auf Achtung und Anerkennung gegründeten Ethik mit einer (...)
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