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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "Érudit"

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  1. Working the Paradox with Dorothy Smith : A Reflective Account.Shauna Butterwick - unknown
    In this reflective account, I revisit my geopolitical location, earlier life and career, and academic journey using the ideas of feminist theorist Dorothy Smith as an interpretive frame. Her theorizing and methodology have been transformative, particularly in relation to gaining insight into a paradox. In order to undertake community-engaged research, poorly recognized by traditional academic expectations of scholarship, I had to find a way to survive within the very institution that devalued this approach. Smith’s conceptual contributions, particularly her regard for (...)
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  2. How Hegelian is Hegelian thought in Simmel?Joachim Wiewiura - unknown
    Simmel never finished his book on Hegel. Simmel rarely mentions Hegel throughout his collected works. But when he does, it is often with praise. However, Simmel explicitly distances himself from Hegel in those places where, as readers, we find Hegelian traits. What should we make of this complex relationship? With the aim of contributing to understanding Simmel’s systematic thought, I assess the extent to which Simmel was and was not influenced by Hegel. I refer to two lesser-known writings, in which (...)
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  3. The Plasticity of Thought in Translation.Carolyn Shread - unknown
    My first translation of French philosopher Catherine Malabou’s work is “An Eye at the Edge of Discourse” (2007), in which she asks “What is it to see a thought? To see a thought coming?” This question prompted me to ask in turn, “What is it to see a thought coming in translation?” I put this question to readers of translations and, in a self-reflexive move, as a translator of her French thought into English. Engaging a seminar on this topic in (...)
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  4. The Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit Health System: A Holistic, Strength-based, and Health-promoting Model from and for Inuit Communities.Gwen Healey Akearok, Ceporah Mearns & Nancy Mike - unknown
    Public health models are important frameworks for guiding public health action. Although numerous public health models are found in the literature, a dearth of models focus on the health paradigms of Indigenous communities, globally, yet no models are derived from Inuit health perspectives and knowledge. Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit is an all-encompassing term that refers to Inuit knowledge and practices across time. Using a mixed-method, narrative analysis approach, the Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit Health System Model has emerged as a holistic, trauma- and resilience-informed, strength-based, (...)
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  5. Identities in Transition from Africa to Canada: Becoming Students.Abigail Amoakoa Okyere, Marian Orhierhor, Andrews Nartey, Judith Nuhu, Anne Ayomiposi Joseph, Atang Koboti, Philip Kimani Karangu & Cynthia Nicol - unknown
    Students studying abroad are faced with challenges that impact their cultural, social, and economic identities, and this varies greatly depending on their home country and study destination. The transition and inter-cultural learning experiences of international tertiary students from African countries are currently under-examined. Afrocentric theory was employed to interpret the data derived from this qualitative study, which drew upon participatory action research and Photovoice methods to explore how African students navigate transitions to studying in Canada and the strategies they use (...)
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  6. Towards Decolonial Praxes in Critical Peace Education for Sustainable Futures.Abdulganiy Sulyman & Kate Ukwumaka - unknown
    This paper examines decolonial praxes in critical peace education using philosophical framework of African Conversational School. In the process, it examines: Conversational School of African Philosophy, critical peace education for sustainable futures, the importance of decolonial praxes, conceptual framework for critical peace education for sustainable future, Nigerian educational system and education policies of Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and African Union (AU). The paper theorizes that decolonial praxes in critical peace education should be (...)
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  7. Laying Down Paths in Talking with a Dutch Canadian Organizational Communication Ethnographer : Interview with Boris H. J. M. Brummans by Marie-Claude Plourde. [REVIEW]Boris H. J. M. Brummans & Marie-Claude Plourde - unknown
    Cette entrevue trace des chemins de Boris Brummans, ethnographe en communication organisationnelle, dans une conversation avec Marie-Claude Plourde.
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  8. Animals and Emotions in Medieval German Literature: The Various Functions of Bestial Imagery in the Staging of Emotions.Sandra Hofert - unknown
    This article, which continues ideas developed in the context of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: Graduiertenkolleg 1876—215342465 (GRK1876), examines how animals are used in medieval texts to (re)present, shape, and develop the literary representation of emotions. On the basis of selected examples, it shows how diverse the literary functions of animal imagery can be and how many different poetic and aesthetic strategies can be found for staging animals, connecting them with human characters and the recipients of the tale. In this way, animals (...)
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  9. Quantitative Criticalism in Education Research.Jason C. Garvey & Jimmy Huynh - unknown
    The purpose of this manuscript is to educate scholars about emerging approaches to critical quantitative research. We begin by providing our positionalities as scholars to situate ourselves within this content. Next, we overview quantitative criticalism and explore tensions inherent within this approach. Following, we discuss quantitative criticalism examples in education research to highlight specific quantitative methods and critical theories and to overview opportunities for using quantitative criticalism. We close by providing implications for our intended audiences, primarily directing our recommendations to (...)
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  10. Interview - Meta-Education: The Attempt to Get Beyond a Politicized Conceptual Framework in Philosophy of Education.Nicholas Burbules & James Scott Johnston - 2023 - Encounters in Theory and History of Education 24.
    This interview on Meta-Education, published in the Theory and History of Education International Research Group’s Open Monograph Series, is conducted by Prof. Nicholas Burbules of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign with the author, James Scott Johnston. The interview is wide-ranging and discusses topics and issues arising from the monograph. Chief among these include the importance of a philosophy of education that resists dominant political ideologies. The nature of ideologies and their role in politics is also discussed. The importance of resistance (...)
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  11. Ptolemy’s Science of the Stars in the Middle Ages edited by David Juste, Benno van Dalen, Dag Nikolaus Hasse, and Charles Burnett.Elizabeth Hamm - unknown
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  12. Understanding the Loss of Public Education : A Critical Ecological Perspective on Systemic Challenges in School and Society.Neil O. Houser - 2023 - Critical Education 14 (2):1-21.
    The decline of public education and the concomitant loss of the commons are increasingly recognized as significant and interwoven issues. Like other prevailing societal problems, such as the tenacity of institutionalized racism, classism, and patriarchy, these conditions are rooted in the ways growing numbers of people have come to think and act – socially, economically, politically, and intellectually. In a word, they are structural problems. As such, they require educators and others concerned with the health of society and well-being of (...)
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  13. Frameworks and Practices in Bioethics.James Dwyer - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (1):84-94.
    Je commence cet essai par une introduction autobiographique pour expliquer pourquoi j’ai étudié la philosophie et comment j’en suis venue à travailler en bioéthique. Je considère ensuite trois cadres et pratiques éthiques que j’ai adoptés dans mon travail en bioéthique. Je commence par le cadre explicité par John Rawls, où le but de la théorie éthique est de définir des buts et des objectifs pour guider nos réponses au monde. Comme cette approche ne fournissait pas l’orientation que je recherchais, j’ai (...)
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  14. Idealism, Pragmatism, And The Birth of Pragmatist Educational Thought in America.James Scott Johnston - unknown
    This article articulates some of the historic as well as the main philosophic contributions to the transitional period in educational thought in America, 1866-1895. This is a period in which the movement away from idealism towards pragmatism as the basis for educational thought began. Contemporaneous with the development of pragmatism was a development in educational thought that stressed naturalism, functionalism, and the organic nature of mind and behaviour. As idealism laid claim to the dominant philosophy in America in the period (...)
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  15. “I do have to represent the faith:” An Account of an Ecclesiological Problem When Teaching Philosophy in Ontario’s Catholic High Schools.Graham P. McDonough, Lauren Bialystok, Trevor Norris & Laura Pinto - 2022 - Encounters in Theory and History of Education 23:147-166.
    The Canadian province of Ontario introduced philosophy as a secondary school subject in 1995 (Pinto, McDonough, & Boyd, 2009). Since publicly-funded Catholic schools teach approximately 32% of all students in Ontario (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2022), the question arises regarding how teachers in those schools coordinate philosophy and Catholic teachings. This study employs a secondary analysis of interviews with six teachers from Ontario’s Catholic schools, and employs two of Avery Dulles’ (2002) conceptions of church (institution and mystical communion) to determine (...)
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  16. Cultural adaptation and assessment of validity evidence for scores obtained using a French version of the Tolerance of Ambiguity in Medical Students and Doctors scale.Baptiste Motte, Grégory Aiguier, Pauline Reumaux, Gérard Forzy, Anthony Piermatteo, Guillaume Ficheux, Dominique Vanpee & Jean-Philippe Cobbaut - unknown
    Preparing students to deal with and tolerate uncertainty or ambiguity is a major issue in medical education. There are many English-language scales to assess tolerance of uncertainty and ambiguity but no French-language scale has ever demonstrated validity evidence for its scores. We selected the Tolerance of Ambiguity in Medical Students And Doctors (TAMSAD) scale. Through a structured process, the original questionnaire was translated, culturally adapted, and assessed after being administered to a sampling of medical students. Test-retest reliability was verified by (...)
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  17. Alessandro Palazzo and Anna Rodolfi, Prophecy and Prophets in the Middle Ages.Laura Ackerman Smoller - unknown
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  18. The Manfred Max-Neef Thinking: A Deep Economy Rooted in the Eco-philosophical Perspective of the Deep Ecology.Clara Olmedo & Iñaki Ceberio de León - unknown
    In this article, we advance preliminary theoretical reflections on Manfred Max Neef’s thoughts related to the human scale development. From an and transdisciplinary perspective, we argue that Max-Neef moves beyond the field of Ecological Economics towards developing a Deep Economic framework, linked to the Deep Ecology framework outlined by the Norwegian philosopher Arne Næss. We elaborate our argument around two dimensions: a) Biocentrism, based on the conviction that ecology is not limited to reflections and actions toward a balanced and healthy (...)
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  19. Locke's Ethics of Virtuous Thinking.Angélique Thébert - 2022 - Locke Studies 22:1-22.
    Locke is generally taken as promoting an ethics of belief. For him, we must apply a doxastic norm so that we properly conduct our understanding. Thus, he forcefully highlights one key epistemic norm, the norm of evidence, that prescribes that we adjust the strength of our assent to the available evidence. I shall argue that Of the Conduct of the Understanding constitutes the framework within which Locke’s remarks in the Essay must be inserted. Far from promoting a mere ethics of (...)
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  20. Intents and Purposes: Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Improvisation by Eric Lewis.Jeff Schwartz - 2022 - Critical Studies in Improvisation / Études Critiques En Improvisation 15 (1):1-5.
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  21. Semantic Encyclopedias and Boolean Dreams.Alexandra Provo - 2022 - KULA 6 (3).
    When metadata becomes knowledge, opportunities for multiplicity and risks of harm and exclusion arise. As GLAM institutions contribute to the Semantic Web, we must pay attention to the implications of participation. While the Semantic Web grew out of the flourishing of web technologies in the 1990s, recognizing its roots in classical/symbolic AI —in particular, expert systems and knowledge representation—encourages critical questions like: which problems from knowledge representation and expert systems does the Semantic Web inherit? Are GOFAI failures really failures, or (...)
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  22. Logoi and Muthoi: Further Essays in Greek Philosophy and Literature edited by William Wians.Alberto Bernabé - 2021 - Aestimatio 2 (1).
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  23. The Arabic, Latin and Hebrew Reception of Avicenna’s Physics and Cosmology edited by Dag Nikolaus Hasse and Amos Bertolacci.Damien T. Janos - 2020 - Aestimatio 1.
  24. The Dependence of Ancient Greek Geometry and Metaphysics on Craft-Culture.Philip Thibodeau - 2020 - Aestimatio 1.
    A discussion of Robert Hahn’s The Metaphysics of the Pythagorean Theorem: Thales, Pythagoras, Engineering, Diagrams, and the Construction of the Cosmos out of Right Triangles.
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  25. Literary Philosophy and the Use of Uselessness.Scott A. Jarvie & Addyson Frattura - unknown
    We build this work from the memory of the time we stumbled into tulips at city hall. As guard sirens fled off into the night, we wondered, “Maybe we can borrow some.” We ripped handfuls from the ground and ran. “Don’t worry,” we said, “they are too busy to catch us stealing tulips.” Likewise, we get away with this useless project because others are busy doing useful work: exigent, coherent, important work. We support much of that busyness, and at the (...)
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  26. WILLIAM F. PINAR. Moving Images of Eternity: George Grant’s Critique of Time, Teaching and Technology. Oxford, Ottawa, Canada: University of Ottawa Press. (2019). 459 pp. $49.95 (paperback). (ISBN 978-0-776627-87-8). [REVIEW]Aron Lee Rosenberg - unknown
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  27. A Review of Literature on the Involvement of Children from Indigenous Communities in Anglo Child Welfare Systems: 1973-2018. [REVIEW]Vandna Sinha, Johanna Caldwell, Leah Paul & Paulo Roberto Fumaneri - unknown
    A series of recent legal and policy developments in Canada have potential to contribute to reconciliation efforts, particularly related to the overrepresentation of Indigenous children in child welfare systems. However, systematic collection, analysis, and synthesis of research knowledge—particularly, research that is locally grounded—on Indigenous child welfare involvement is notably missing from these efforts. With the aim of collating existing research knowledge on this topic, this scoping review of literature includes a broad swath of literature spanning decades (1973-2018) and countries with (...)
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  28. “The Play’s the Thing”: Mathematization as Dramatization.Dan Mellamphy & Nandita Biswas Mellamphy - 2008 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 17 (1):35-44.
    Mobilizing prevalent themes in the fields of mathematics education, literary criticism, and philosophy, this paper contextualizes ‘the mathematical’, ‘mathematical thinking’, and ‘mathematical pedagogy’ with respect to ancient Greek concept of mathesis, modern notions of mathematical agency, the Keatsian concept of negative capability, and the analogy of ‘staging’ a dramatic/mathematical ‘play’. Its central claim is that mathematization is dramatization—that learning mathematics is an activity of setting things up and allowing things to play out. Beginning with Paul Ernest’s identification of the difference (...)
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  29. Relevance of Asian Philosophy to Philosophy of Education Today: An Interview with Roger Ames.Heesoon Bai & Roger T. Ames - 2010 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 19 (1):77-80.
    Professor Roger T. Ames is Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Hawai‘i, Manoa. The following is a short excerpt from an interview with Professor Ames that took place on the eve of 2009 PESA Conference, December 1, 2009. Heesoon Bai, Editor of Paideusis, accompanied by Avraham Cohen, interviewed Professor Ames in his office.
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  30. The Inadequacies of Assigning “My Philosophy of Education” Statements in Teacher Education Courses.Colin Bakker, Kate Dubensky, Lyndze Harvey & Graham P. McDonough - 2019 - Philosophical Inquiry in Education 26 (1).
    In teacher education programs, there is a prevalent belief that having teacher candidates compose personalized ‘my philosophy of education’ statements is a valuable exercise that prepares them for the teaching profession. This paper argues that the prevailing intentions for, and common practice of, assigning these MPE statements to teacher candidates are problematic because they distort both the discipline of philosophy and the purpose of philosophy of education courses. The argument’s first section situates the practice of assigning MPE statements within the (...)
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  31. It’s Only Logical: Faculty Representation on Senates.Anya Goldin & David P. Burns - 2019 - Philosophical Inquiry in Education 26 (1).
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  32. In Community of Inquiry with Ann Margaret Sharp.Nicolas J. Tanchuk - 2019 - Philosophical Inquiry in Education 26 (2).
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  33. Media and Moral Education: A Philosophy of Critical Engagement.Natalie M. Fletcher - 2019 - Philosophical Inquiry in Education 26 (1).
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  34. Mindful Pedagogy: Invocating the Concept of Play Beyond the Confines of Recess.Rob Blom, Chunlei Lu & Joyce Mgombelo - 2015 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 22 (2):38-49.
    Recess is often a topic overlooked in pedagogical theory due to its presumed simplicity. The essence of recess connects with play as a physical counterpart to a well-rounded education. In this article we explore the relationship play has with recess and well-being and explore its pragmatikos (systematic usefulness) as regards schooling in lieu of deep ecological frameworks of systems (wholism) theory and systemic, nonlinear dynamics. We argue that recess in its current conceptualisation—in contradistinction to work or study—is a counterfeit to (...)
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  35. Educating for Cultural Survival in Nunavut: Why Haven’t We Learned from the Past?Barbara McMillan - 2015 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 22 (2):24-37.
    This is a paper about the culture of the Inuit in the Nunavut Territory of the Canadian Arctic, and the role that education should take in preventing its slow dilution, demise, and loss. The measures to be taken are evident. Inuit philosophy (Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit) must be the framework, and Inuit must be in control, not only of policy and curricula, but also of the school system, the schools, and the classrooms. It can take decades for outsiders embedded in a different (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Anglo and Marxist Philosophy of Education: Can the Gulf Be Bridged?Attila Horvath - 2019 - Philosophical Inquiry in Education 26 (2).
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  37. Philosophy in Education: Questioning and Dialogue in Schools.Trevor Norris - 2019 - Philosophical Inquiry in Education 26 (1).
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  38. Knowledge as a Public Good : Comments on Special Issue: What is the Good University?Howard Woodhouse - 2019 - Philosophical Inquiry in Education 26 (2).
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  39. Translation and Adaptation Studies: More Interdisciplinary Reflections on Theories of Definition and Categorization.Patrick Cattrysse - 2020 - Traduction Et Adaptation : Un Mariage de Raison 33 (1):21–53.
    This paper discusses how theories of definition and probabilistic theories of categorization could help distinguish between translation and adaptation, and eventually between translation and adaptation studies. Part I suggests readopting the common parlance definition of “translation” as the accurate rendition of the meaning of a verbal expression in another natural language, and “adaptation” as change that leads to better fit. Readopting these common parlance definitions entails categorical implications. The author discusses three parameters: whereas “translation” represents an invariance-oriented, semiotically invested, cross-lingual (...)
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  40. If It's the Institution That's Causing the Decline, Change the Institution: Comment on Colgan.Harvey Siegel - unknown
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  41. Leadership in Educational Studies: Lessons from Established Leaders.Leonard J. Waks - unknown
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  42. (1 other version)An Engineer Well Lost [Paideusis Vol. 19, No. 2 (2010)].Paul O'Leary - unknown
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  43. In Search of Shifting and Emergent Librarian Identities: A Philosophical Approach to the Librarian Identity Problem.Sara Klein & Bartlomiej Lenart - 2020 - Partnership 15 (1):1-27.
    This paper argues that while the classical, essentialist conception of identity is appealing due to its simplicity, it does not adequately capture the complexity of professional or individual identity. The appeal to essentialism in librarianship contributes to some serious problems for the profession, such as exclusion and homogeneity in the workplace, high attrition rates of minority librarians, exploitation and alienation of an underrepresented workforce, as well as stereotyping. This paper examines the theoretical landscape with regard to the identity question and (...)
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  44. Towards a Political Theory of the University: Public Reason, Democracy and Higher Education.Anya Goldin - unknown
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  45. Big Data's Call to Philosophers of Education.Jane Blanken-Webb - unknown
    This paper investigates the intersection of big data and philosophy of education by considering big data’s potential for addressing learning via a holistic process of coming-to-know. Learning, in this sense, cannot be reduced to the difference between a pre- and post-test, for example, as it is constituted at least as much by qualities of experience as it is the situation, process of inquiry and its consequences. Long a perennial concern of philosophers of education, the author suggests that big data offers (...)
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  46. Nietzsche as precursor of postmodern translation studies.Liming Chen - 2019 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 64 (3).
    Friedrich Nietzsche is generally considered the precursor of postmodern philosophy, the basis of which are: Antichrist and a call for a re-evaluation of all values, a negation of conventional metaphysics, an insistence on perspectivism, a rejection of Enlightenment rationality and the advocation of will to power. Nietzsche’s postmodern philosophy and his thought on translation play a fundamental role in postmodern translation studies, uncrowning the author as God of the text, liberating the translator, and enlarging the space of multi interpretative signifiers. (...)
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  47. Education as the Recapitulation of Sense-Making Techniques.Kieran Egan - 1988 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 2 (1):3-13.
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  48. A Reply to Gaon.Dieter Misgeld - unknown
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  49. The Examination of the Decline of Philosophy of Education with Institutional Theory: A Focus on the Last Three Decades.Andrew D. Colgan - unknown
    Many symposia and special journal issues over the last several decades have been devoted to concerns over the decline of philosophy in teacher education programs. I pursued an answer for my doctoral project and found institutional explanations are rarely invoked in the “decline literature.” I have sketched here the theory, and have shown it to be equally applicable to the last several decades of this literature. I argue that institutional organizational theory shows how teacher education institutions have changed over time (...)
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  50. No Need to Worry: Multiple Profiles of Philosophy of Education in, and in Relation to, the World of Education and the World of Philosophy.Koichiro Misawa - 2016 - Philosophical Inquiry in Education 23 (2).
    How concerned should we be about the state and status of philosophy of education? To this familiar worry, I maintain that there is no need to worry. In this essay, I try to secure this conclusion, not by shoring up the authority and identity of the discipline, but by asking the fundamental question: Who is and should be the audience for philosophers of education, and what does philosophy of education owe to whom? I argue that to be worthy of that (...)
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  51. Education, Experience, and Existence: Engaging Dewey, Peirce, and Heidegger.Doron Yosef-Hassidim - unknown
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  52. Philosophical Questions about Teaching Philosophy: What's at Stake in High School Philosophy Education?Trevor Norris - unknown
    What is at stake in high school philosophy education, and why? Why is it a good idea to teach philosophy at this level? This essay seeks to address some issues that arose in revising the Ontario grade 12 philosophy curriculum documents, significant insights from philosophy teacher education, and some early results of recent research funded by the federal Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in Canada. These three topics include curricular disputes, stories of transformation from philosophy student to philosophy teacher, (...)
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  53. Three Natural Philosophers.Molly K. Sturdevant - 2018 - The Trumpeter 34 (1):157-159.
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  54. The Current State of Transformative Learning Theory: A Metatheory.Chad Hoggan - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (3):18-25.
    This article presents a perspective on the current state of transformative learning theory. It shows how the literature surrounding transformative learning caused it to evolve into a metatheory. This article then offers a definition of transformative learning as a, as well as three criteria that delimit the learning phenomena that the metatheory encompasses. To illustrate how scholars might evaluate epistemological change in terms of its part in an overall transformation, this article explores how and when epistemological change can be considered (...)
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  55. A Model for Defining the Concept and Practice of Translation, from the Perspective of Greimassian Semiotics.Rovena Troqe - unknown
    In this study, a new model of translation as a general theoretic concept and as a social practice is outlined, drawing form Greimassian semiotics. As a theoretic concept, translation is defined by the Semiotic Square of Translation as the emergence of the general category self coming into being in relation to the category non-self, through the semio-logic operations that correlate the immanent concepts, equivalence and difference. As a social practice, translation arises from the contractual interaction between two actants, the Initiator (...)
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  56. The Bipolarity of Modern ‘Man’ in the Anthropocene: Ecomodernist Mania as Case for Unmanning Anthropocene Discourse.Philip Douglas Kupferschmidt - 2016 - The Trumpeter Journal of Ecosophy 32 (3).
    This paper examines Shellenberger and Nordhaus’ “Evolve: The Case for Modernization as the Road to Salvation” from the perspective of psychopathology. ”Evolve” articulates an all too common denial about the severe implications of the Anthropocene. This denial, I suggest, derives from modern humanity’s wish to save itself from the threats of ecocide and apocalypse without having to change its modernist ways. Upon considering this understandable inclination towards denial, the paper unveils the resultant manic-depressive opposition between ecomodernism and deep ecology. Modern (...)
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  57. Tikkun Olam: Collectivity, Responsibility, History. A Qualitative Study of Tikkun Olam Among Jewish Community Workers in Greater Vancouver.Alex Leslie - unknown
    This paper presents findings from qualitative interviews with five Jewish people — two Rabbis and three workers in various community service capacities — about their understandings and practices of the Jewish principle of tikkun olam. Tikkun olam is a Hebrew phrase that means “the repair of the world,” has its roots in Rabbinic law, the Kabbalah and the ‘Aleinu prayer, and became a mainstream term for Jewish social justice work and community contribution in North America following the Shoah. In this (...)
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  58. The Definition of Translation in Davidson’s Philosophy: Semantic Equivalence versus Functional Equivalence.Francesca Ervas - unknown
    This article discusses how, in addition to providing a definition for translation, the concept of equivalence may explain why we can say that sentence S in language L is a translation of sentence S1 in language L1. It analyzes two main kinds of equivalence that are used in analytical philosophy to define translation: semantic equivalence and functional equivalence. This analysis shows that drawing a distinction between semantic and functional equivalence is a way to understand the distinction between different levels or (...)
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  59. Problems in Translating Culture: The Translated Titles of Fusheng Liuji.Charles Kwong - unknown
    Translating culture poses fundamental problems of perception and conception far deeper than matters of linguistic expression. This essay explores some of these problems by examining Fusheng liuji (Six Records of a Floating Life), a Chinese autobiographical text that has been translated into fourteen Asian and European languages. Even without going into the details of the rendered versions, one can notice various forms of intercultural mediation and reshaping in the translated titles and added subtitles. At one end is direct, partly helpless (...)
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  60. Revisiting Walter Benjamin’s “The Task of the Translator” in Light of His Concept of Criticism in German Romanticism.James St André - unknown
    Walter Benjamin’s essay “The Task of the Translator,” the most widely cited twentieth century philosophical statement on translation, is commonly seen as one of the most opaque and misunderstood essays in the field. This paper uses a close reading of Benjamin’s doctoral thesis, “The Concept of Criticism in German Romanticism,” to throw light on his thoughts on translation. I argue that the German Romantics’ definition of art, and art’s relation to criticism, are crucial to understanding why Benjamin conceived of translation (...)
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  61. Betrayal – Vice or Virtue? An Ethical Perspective on Accuracy in Simultaneous Interpreting.Kilian G. Seeber & Christian Zelger - unknown
    Simultaneous conference interpreting represents a highly complex linguistic task and a very delicate process of information transfer. Consequently, the notion of truth – which applied to the field of simultaneous interpreting entails an accurate rendition of the original message – is of pivotal importance. In spite of that, an analysis of experimental transcripts and corpora sometimes seems to suggest that interpreters betray the speaker by deliberately altering the original. While we cannot exclude that such instances do exist, we argue that (...)
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