OAI Archive: Academic Commons
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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "Academic Commons"
This set has the following status: partial.
- Cosmopolitan Education and the Creation of Value.Gonzalo Obelleiro - unknowndetails
- Eleven Theses on Sound and Transcendence.Brian Kane - unknowndetails
- Simone Weil on Attention and Education: Can Love Be Taught?Kazuaki Yoda - unknowndetails
- The Teacher as Mathematician: Problem Solving for Today's Social Context.Holly Brewster - unknowndetails
- Reflective Teacher Narratives: The Merging of Practical Wisdom, Narrative, and Teaching.Cara Furman - unknowndetails
- Moral Perception and Education in the World Today.Kyung Hwa Jung - unknowndetails
- Reading For Childhood in Philosophy and Literature: An Ethical Practice for Educators.Stephanie Burdick-Shepherd - unknowndetails
- Historical Perspectives on the Crisis of the University.Michael Schapira - unknowndetails
- Translation of Chiara Cappelletto, "The Puppet's Paradox: An Organic Prosthesis".Steve J. Baker - unknowndetails
- The Distortion of Discussion.David I. Backer - unknowndetails
- The Value of Humanity.L. Nandi Theunissen - 2020 - Oxford University Press.details
- Democratic Equality and Public Education.Marilyn Robb - unknowndetails
- Justifying Beliefs Acquired through Testimony: A Developmental Account.Dorothy Chen - unknowndetails
- Conceptualizing Literature Pedagogy: World, Global, and Cosmopolitan Orientations to Teaching Literature in English.Suzanne Shen Li Choo - unknowndetails
- Nono and Marxist Aesthetics.Joshua Cody - unknowndetails
- An Unknown Exegete: Uncovering the Biblical Theology of Elizabeth Barrett Browning.Anthony J. Elia - unknowndetails
- Anteros: On Friendship Between Rivals and Rivalry Between Friends.Dror Post - unknowndetails
- Descartes' Slight and Metaphysical Doubt.Chloe Layman - unknowndetails
- The Rational Significance of Desire.Avery Archer - 2013 - Dissertation, Columbia Universitydetails
- Citizen-Subjectivity, Experiential Evaluation, and Activist Strategies: Explaining Algerian Violence and Polish Peace under Authoritarian Rule.Sayres Steven Rudy - unknowndetails
- On Schools of Preaching.Matthew Vaughan - unknowndetails
- Review of Paul D. Spears and Steven R. Loomis, Education for Human Flourishing: A Christian Perspective, Christian Worldview Integration Series. [REVIEW]Matthew Vaughan - unknowndetails
- Si' come dice lo Filosofo: Translating Philosophy in the Early Italian Lyric.Akash Kumar - unknowndetails
- Making the Old New Again and Again: Legitimation and Innovation in the Tibetan Buddhist Chöd Tradition.Michelle Janet Sorensen - unknowndetails
- The Muslim Community through the Muslim Individual.Rebecca Lynn Faulkner - unknowndetails
- Approaching the Individual: Survey of Descartes, Locke, Husserl, and Nagel.Rebecca Lynn Faulkner - unknowndetails
- The Puzzling Inventory of Life.Elena Casetta - unknowndetails
- “Ingenuous Investigators”: Antonio Vallisneri's Correspondents and the Making of Natural Knowledge in 18th-century Italy.Ivano Dal Prete - unknowndetails
- John P. Gunnemann, The Moral Meaning of Revolution.Cornel West - unknowndetails
- Review of Louis Dupré, Marx's Social Critique of Culture. [REVIEW]Cornel West - unknowndetails
- Review of Nicholas Rescher, Pascal's Wager: A Study of Practical Reasoning in Philosophical Theology. [REVIEW]Cornel West - unknowndetails
- Three Poems.Sharon Olds - unknowndetails
- Hegel, Hermeneutics, Politics: A Reply to Charles Taylor.Cornel West - unknowndetails
- The Golden Triangle.James Forbes - unknowndetails
- Love Relations of the Heterosexual Couple.Otto Kernberg - unknowndetails
- Do Not Speak about Love. Speak about Compassion.Adin Steinsaltz - unknowndetails
- The Link between Love and Power.Ethel Person - unknowndetails
- Preface.Pollack Robert - 1997 - Acta Biotheoretica 45 (3).details
- Understanding "Us" versus "Them".Jeffrey D. Sachs - unknowndetails
- Nietzsche's Prefiguration of Postmodern American Philosophy.Cornel West - unknowndetails
- Lukàcs: A Reassessment.Cornel West - unknowndetails
- Decentering Europe: The Contemporary Crisis in Culture, A Memorial Lecture for James Snead.Cornel West - unknowndetails
- Frederic Jameson's Marxist Hermeneutics.Cornel West - unknowndetails
- The New Cultural Politics of Difference.Cornel West - unknowndetails
- Introductory Remarks.Robert Pollack, Joan Konner & Robert Lehman - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)A Matter of Life and Death.L. W. Sumner - 2000 - Philosophy Now 30 (2):4-4.details
- Aristotle's Explanation for the Value of the External Goods.Ian Halim - unknowndetails
- Socratic Ethics in the Protagoras, Gorgias, and Republic.Susana Isabel Martinez - unknowndetails
- Review of Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. [REVIEW]Cornel West - unknowndetails
- Schleiermacher's Hermeneutics and the Myth of the Given.Cornel West - unknowndetails
- Politics, law and literature. The dialogue between Machiavelli and Guicciardini.Paolo Carta - unknowndetails
- The Context-Sensitivity of Rationality and Knowledge.Brian Hyun Kim - unknowndetails
- The Hidden Mechanisms of Prejudice: Implicit Bias and Interpersonal Fluency.Alexander Maron Madva - 2012 - Dissertation, Columbia Universitydetails
- Authenticity and Death in Being and Time.Beau Carmel Shaw - unknowndetails
- Causation and Explanation in Molecular Developmental Biology.Marco J. Nathan - unknowndetails
- The Disposable Blog: Using the Weblog to Facilitate Classroom Learning and Communications.Stephen Pimpare & Jonathan Fast - unknowndetails
- A Note on the Shadow Text (or Parerga).Neni Panourgia - unknowndetails
- The Philosophically Educated Teacher as a Traveler.Cristina Cammarano - unknowndetails
- On the Shores of Education: Urban Bodies, Architectural Repetitions, and the Mythic Space of End Times.Christopher Moffett - unknowndetails
- Recovering Leisure: Otium as the Basis of Education.Givanni Ildefonso - unknowndetails
- Symmetry and Probability.Anubav Vasudevan - unknowndetails
- The Unhabitual Ideal: William James' Quest for Moral Strenuousness, 1891-1910.Samuel Stearns Klug - unknowndetails
- Literature and Education: Recalling Matthew Arnold.Martha Moore Crowley - unknowndetails
- Cosmopolitan Education and Moral Education: Forging Moral Beings Under Conditions of Global Uncertainty.Matthew J. Hayden - 2012 - Dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia Universitydetails
- Subjectivity and Selfhood in Kant, Fichte and Heidegger.Michael Stevenson - unknowndetails
- Origins and Departures: Childhood in the Liberal Order.Andrew Hall - 2011 - Dissertation, Proquestdetails
- The Antigone Discourse: Zines and Blogs as Articulations of Young Women's Subjectivites.Jessica Lee Hochman - 2011 - Dissertation, Proquestdetails
- The Teleological Theory of Representation.Stephen Anthony Campitelli - unknowndetails
- Visual Noise Due to Quantum Indeterminacies.John Ross Morrison & David Anderson - unknowndetails
- Hadrian's stylus.Noga Arikha - unknowndetails
- Reason and emotion in the early Enlightenment.Noga Arikha - unknowndetails
- Universal duty and global justice.Sebastiano Maffettone - unknowndetails
- What does it mean to trust in epistemic authority?Gloria Origgi - unknowndetails
- Practical sense and the limits of deliberation.Tito Magri - unknowndetails
- The diplomat's dog : the natural world of Papal Nuncio Girolamo Rorario and how his Quod animalia (1544) framed Enlightenment-era debates on animal rationality.Megan K. Williams - unknowndetails
- The few and the many : Machiavelli, Tocqueville and Nietzsche on authority and equality.Mikael Hornqvist - unknowndetails
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